April 30, 2013

Madison Mayor Paul Soglin uses city money to try to get students not to have a party.

The Mifflin Street block party is a big spring festivity, an annual event going back to 1969, when Soglin was himself a student, partying. The heavy drinking entails law enforcement problems. ("[T]he 2011 party was marred by two stabbings and three sexual assaults.")
Soglin said he wants to put any unused portion of the $190,000 designated for policing the unauthorized block party toward funding summer day camp or employment programs for youths. The budget amendment would require City Council approval.

“Is he trying to make us feel bad?” asked Lauren Cochlin, 23, who lives in the 500 block of Mifflin Street....
Soglin called it a “real-world decision” for attendees who in recent years have gone beyond “the right to party and the tradition” associated with the event with “some very serious situations that have been life-threatening.”
What if back during the Wisconsin protests, Governor Walker had pointed at the extra money that the state would be paying for law enforcement and said that he'd put that money into some program for children if the protesters would knock it off?

A government official should not use public money (or sentimentality about the children!) to pressure citizens out of exercising their freedom. The fact that some people cross the line into committing crimes is not a reason to go after everyone. Government should target its law enforcement on criminals. It's obviously easier to manipulate the good people into giving up their liberties. Imagine feeling guilty, when you're having a beer at a block party, that you're causing some child to miss out on day camp! Ironically, it's the very people who would be sensitive to that guilt trip who'd be most likely to bring good behavior to the party, diluting the proportion of louts who don't care about anything — not the laws, not common decency, not the mayor's creepy bribes, and not the damned kids playing games in the park in July.


MadisonMan said...

Oh, is Soglin back from some out-of-state junket?

He has become a joke and he should resign. This is a terrible idea. You either budget for Children going to camp, or you don't. I'm sorry I'll be out of town for Mifflin. Otherwise I'd take a videocam down and film stuff. Entertainment!

ndspinelli said...

Here's something you'll not read in the news. Paul Soglin loves to play the horses, as do I. Soglin is often @ Ho-Chunk for big races. I've seen him there for Triple Crown races, Breeder's Cup, etc. I don't begrudge him this activity @ all. He actually is happy there, noteworthy for a curmudgeon. Most people don't know who he is, and the banter is horse related, not politics. Well, the Derby is on the Mifflen St. Day! The man just doesn't want any calls on Saturday @ Ho-Chunk. Again, I abide this.

traditionalguy said...

Most townees agree that everyone hates the temporary residents, whether students or vacationers. So the liberal Mayor is feeding their bad attitude so he gets votes from the get off my lawn crowd.

bagoh20 said...

Imagine how much could be saved if everyone just promised to stay in the house. If Boston can do it for a day, we can do it 24/7. Fiscal problems solved.

chuck said...

If I were a 'children', I'd want firecrackers, cherry bombs, M80's, and real chemistry sets. I don't see Democrats rushing to fill that need.

MadisonMan said...

Why isn't Mayor Soglin donating his salary so children can go to camp?

That's what I want to know.

SteveR said...

“Is he trying to make us feel bad?” asked Lauren Cochlin, 23

Lauren start with CareerBuilder or Monster.com your future awaits. Dad wants to save up for retirement, he's not a public sector employee.

YoungHegelian said...

What sort of government entity talks about finding funding for a project weeks before the project's supposed to start?

None is the correct answer.

Governmental budgeting is done a year in advance, minimum.

Soglin is just trying to guilt trip the students. If I was among the students, I'd call him out on his BS.

Seeing Red said...

I love it, "It's for the children!" is being used on....children.

edutcher said...

Trying to buy them off?

How dast he?

Unknown said...

"The fact that some people cross the line into committing crimes is not a reason to go after everyone. Government should target its law enforcement on criminals. It's obviously easier to manipulate the good people into giving up their liberties."
Great argument for 2nd Amendment.

Ann Althouse said...

"Great argument for 2nd Amendment."

Yeah, I'm thinking about the 2d Amendment this morning, rereading Heller for the last class of the semester in conlaw.

Doc Holliday's Hat said...

How much money does the University of Wisconsin bring in to the area? I feel like it's a bit more than $190,000...

Shanna said...

Imagine feeling guilty, when you're having a beer at a block party, that you're causing some child to miss out on day camp!

If they feel guilty they should just have another beer. That will probably take care of it.

PWS said...

Aren't protesting the government and partying different enough that they should/can be treated differently?

Anonymous said...

Why spend a nickel on law enforcement? Just let the people alone. I do my job every day without some damn cop watching me. Screw them.

n.n said...

Soglin has an unearned slush fund. Everyone should have an earned slush fund. Viva la Market!

Smilin' Jack said...

Imagine feeling guilty, when you're having a beer at a block party, that you're causing some child to miss out on day camp!

If they feel guilty they should just have another beer. That will probably take care of it.

Totally. Kid probably would've been raped by a counselor anyway. Hand me another Bud!

kentuckyliz said...

Fuck the children!

Most college students don't give a shit about children. That age group is most likely to abort them. They see the children as failed abortions.

You gotta fight
For your right
To paaaaarrrrrrrttyyyyyy

The Beastie Boys should headline the party and wire a verse of lyrics for the mayor.

kentuckyliz said...


mikee said...

"The fact that some people cross the line into committing crimes is not a reason to go after everyone."

I am so glad to know you will argue against further gun control at the next opportunity.

mikee said...

"The fact that some people cross the line into committing crimes is not a reason to go after everyone."

I am so glad to know you will argue against further gun control at the next opportunity.