April 17, 2013

"Investigators believe they have identified a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings..."

"The breakthrough came from analysis of video from a department store near the site of the second explosion. Video from a Boston television station also contributed to the progress, said the source, who declined to be more specific but called it a significant development."

AND: "An official briefed on the Boston Marathon bombing investigation said today that authorities have an image of a suspect carrying, and perhaps dropping, a black bag at the second bombing scene on Boylston Street, outside of the Forum restaurant." 

OR: Not.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 389 of 389
Michael said...

"You think I'm Shiloh? Bwahahahahahaha! I'm sorry but I have lady parts."

So does Shiloh.

Darrell said...

When you're Inga--you might.
But you still are most likely a sponge living in a plastic pineapple under the sink.

Rocketeer said...

You think I'm Shiloh? Bwahahahahahaha! I'm sorry but I have lady parts.

Well, yeah. Now.

Anonymous said...

Shiloh has never been in my panties.

X said...

Inga's Law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of Inga mentioning her panties or ladyparts approaches 1.

Anonymous said...

Shiloh had pictures of naked women on is website I believe. I am not gay, NTTAWWT.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

For fuck's sake, can we get back to what is going on in Boston and not the panties of some pathetic old hag who has to make every single fucking thread about her?

I think they gave the all clear at the courthouse, but are only letting employees back in. Information is still very spotty here.

sakredkow said...

Actually I think Shiloh has lady parts Inga.

rcommal said...

Seeing/hearing reports that 5 p.m. news briefing by officials has been postponed due to bomb scare that was called into Federal Courthouse. No info as to a rescheduled time, or even whether it will be tonight or later tomorrow.

Darrell said...

Change your profile to shiloh now, Inga, and tell me I'm full of crap. That'll convince everyone. It doesn't matter that shiloh has been missing in action since AA made you quit, a couple/three months ago. People don't pat attention.

rcommal said...

"Bomb scare that was called into" is a quote.

Original Mike said...

"And since you used to post as shiloh as well ..."

Who posted as Shiloh?

Known Unknown said...

Seeing/hearing reports that 5 p.m. news briefing by officials has been postponed due to bomb scare that was called into Federal Courthouse.


Original Mike said...

Darn. I hate it when the thread jumps the page.

Anonymous said...

X, when Darrell impugns my femininity by saying I'm a male, well then I have no choice but to mention my unmentionables. What would YOU do?

Now shut up and watch the damn news.

Robert Cook said...

"The dominate mainstream liberal/leftwing prog pro-democrat media is just that - Dominate."

The word you want is dominant.

And there is hardly a "liberal/leftwing prog" media at all--and such as there is it gets no notice in the mainstream--much less are they "dominant."

Michael said...

Darrell: Well, you have the cops cold on that one. There are actual pictures of cops taking things out of A building. Are you sure it is The building? Are you sure it is His stuff and not his roommates?

The Pentagon actually was hit with an airplane. Metal does melt under high temperatures.

PS: rumored that the cops are giving back the stuff. Whoever's stuff it was.

Lying cops aside you are really pretty funny logic-wise.

Darrell said...

Now AprilApple never needed my help. I'll stipulate that.

rcommal said...

EMD: Or, it could just be there's been a diversion of/strain on resources as a result, in addition to whatever else is going on with the investigation, etc. And, no doubt preparations are also being made for the Obamas' visit tomorrow. Who knows? Lots going on, lot of possible explanations.

Revenant said...

Who gives a shit if "Inga" and "shiloh" are the same person? One self-involved leftie douchebag or two; what's the difference? Let's move on.

Anonymous said...

Yes, STFU and watch the news.

bagoh20 said...

" I have lady parts."

Me too; I keep them in the freezer. You wanna stop by for tea?

Darrell said...

Are you arguing your point to the death because the stakes are so low, Michael? Believe or don't believe. And if you Google image a picture don't believe your lying eyes. They said they didn't know nothing about nothing hwen it came to the Saudi national, but there he was being questioned--and kept in a burn unit to restrict him from the Press even though he had no burns and it might have been taking up a bed for someone who did.

bagoh20 said...

Wait, I thought Inga was my sock puppet. White tube sock with pink stripes - left hand.

X said...

it's not as though Inga or shiloh's IQ excludes one from being the other.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Cook - yes Dominant.

Though they do dominate.

Darrell said...

Well, since each is an "expert" on so many unique subjects, it might point out that both are full of crap on all.

rcommal said...

People are back in the courthouse, or being let back in there, however, it is being reported.

Tarzan said...

"They said they didn't find or take anything, but phtogs had pictures of Feds loading black garbage bags filled to capacity into SUVs."

I think it's sop to take ALL the garbage you can find, from inside the apartment as well as outside, to sift it for clues off site. Just my guess of course.

Original Mike said...

"Who gives a shit if "Inga" and "shiloh" are the same person?"

It speaks to her honesty.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Now I'm embarrassed and I have to yet again fix a comment. That's ok -I'll fix it up good.

I appreciate the tiny small miniscule conservative voice he brings to airwaves. The dominant mainstream liberal/leftwing prog pro-democrat media is just that - DOMINANT and they dominate. [damn it] The left are worried there might be a voice out there that doesn't fall in line.
I'm glad Rush exists and it brings me great pleasure to know Rush pisses off the left to the point where they actually want to silence him and have attempted numerous times over the years to do so with the deceptively named Orwellian "fairness doctrine". When that didn't work, Sandra Fluke. Though -Rush walked right into that one.

Anonymous said...

Baggy, can you please tell them I'm a woman, you know you can reference those pictures I sent you, of me in my unmentionables.

Then for the love of GOD, shut up about me being Shiloh Darrell.

Michael said...

Darrell, you dumb fuck, I am playing around. Yes the cops came out of the guy's apartment. Yes that visual would conflict with the statement that they took nothing from him. Took could mean kept. You really are not a very serious or smart person or you have under medicated. Relax, dude, you are focusing on the piece of fly shit in the ten pounds of pepper.

Darrell said...

I came across this and I never heard about it before. Jan. 3, 1961at National Reactor Testing Station, ID.

The SL-1 reactor was a prototype of a reactor intended for easy assembly at remote facilities such as DEW line stations in the Arctic. It used 15 kg of uranium fuel (enriched to 91% U-235), was water moderated, and had a thermal power capacity of 3 MWt. Five aluminum-clad cadmium control rods provided reactor control. The SL-1 had operated 2 years, with an 11-day shutdown for maintenance being completed at the time of the incident. Three workers were reassembling the control rod drives on 3 January in preparation for startup the following day. At about 9:01 PM the three workers were on top of the reactor when one manually removed the center control rod as rapidly as possible, over a 0.5-second period. The reactor became supercritical, with a total energy release of 1.3 x 108 joules (comparable to 30 kg of TNT), producing a steam explosion. The worker who extracted the rod was killed instantly, impaled on the building's ceiling by a control rod. The other two men were burned and thrown by the steam explosion, one dying instantly from impact with a shielding block and the other sustaining head injuries of which he died 2 hours later (maximum dose sustained was possibly 350 rad). The release of radioactive material was largely contained to the building. Emergency responders were alerted by an automated alarm and arrived at the site at 9:10 PM. High radiation readings were measured in the reactor building, delaying entry. At 10:50 PM several responders and contractor personnel removed one man alive, who died shortly afterwards. One body was removed from the reactor building on 4 January and the other on 9 January. Of personnel/responders involved, 22 received doses of 3-27 rads from entering the building and/or handling the casualties.

I was looking at "terrorist attacks" in the US.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

For fucks sake Inga, will you either shut the fuck.

This thread isn't about you, whether people think you are a woman or if they think you are another poster.

Start your own fucking blog. You must have 30 posts on this thread already.

Michael said...

Inga is definitely not Shiloh. She is much smarter. Ritmo could be/have been Shiloh. Inga is much smarter than Ritmo too. Inga, alas, is Inga.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Thank you Darrell - btw.
back at cha.

Patrick said...

Actually I think Shiloh has lady parts Inga.

Totally thought Shiloh was a dude. First Rabel is a guy, now this.

I will admit that when Inga first started posting in her previous name, I thought she was an alter-ego of another commenter. Never said anything, because it really wouldn't have mattered much. Now, I'm pretty convinced that she is what she says she is (except when she says she is right and I am not).

test said...

bagoh20 said...
" I have lady parts."

Me too; I keep them in the freezer. You wanna stop by for tea?

The rest of us appreciate your sacrifice.

Darrell said...

Michael, you always struck me as ten pounds of shit in a five-pound sack so ther is no way of knowing whether you are "funin'" me or not. I don't know you, or care to knpw you, and I can only go by your snarky words.

Anonymous said...

Michael, I must again agree with you Darrell is a dumb fuck.

Original Mike said...

I gotta read more threads, so I can keep up with who's what.

Anonymous said...


Darrell said...

Now Inga is using "Michael?"

Tell us again how great Inga is, "Michael." 10 lbs of shit. 5 lb bag.

rcommal said...

I'm a little surprised there hasn't been a rescheduling--not just because there's so much media disinformation that's getting out of hand, but because there were ALSO so many ordinary people who have been gathering in response to the chatter out there. It seems to me that keeping things calm and under control carries some importance.

It's also possible there have been other developments that need to addressed.

Recall that there was originally a briefing scheduled at 1 p.m., then moved to the 5 p.m. time slot. Then all sorts of info (good and bad, but mostly confused) flew about and then there was that bomb scare. I think things are going to get more confused, not less, without some sort of briefing--even if it's just to say there's not much that can be said, yet--or at east some sort of schedule for one. JMO. Interesting, in any case.

Original Mike said...

@Darrell: We studied that incident in class. Moral of the story: do not pull out quickly.

Anonymous said...

PMJ, why don't you tell Darrell to shut up?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Inga is not Shiloh. Even though Inga watches MSNBC and likes it, and that makes us question her judgment, I do believe her in this instance.

Dominant. Dominatrix.

Just practicing some basic spelling.

X said...

not saying this is conclusive but the german word for shiloh is shiloh.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I think anyone who is not posting things relevant to what is happening in Boston should do so in another thread.

I think you should kill yourself and rid the world of a stupid worthless old woman who thinks the entire world revolves around her.

I think earlier there was some insightful commentary and breaking news in this thread, but now I am going to have to seek it elsewhere, which is a pity.

Anonymous said...

Thank you April.

Known Unknown said...

I am going to start posting as The Walrus.

Anonymous said...

PMJ, go fuck yourself, somewhere other than this thread.

Patrick said...

Just practicing some basic spelling.

This is the internet. Why bother?!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

PMJ - while the "media" is getting its shit together - we are off on a tangent to stay sane.

Now - go watch the news!

rcommal said...

I think my time might be better spent spreading grass seed on our poor neglected yard. I can always stream radio through the old iPhone.

Anonymous said...

I agree April, if there is no news, no harm in chatting.

bagoh20 said...

"I gotta read more threads, so I can keep up with who's what."

I'm the idiot savant.

Cody Jarrett said...

Inga said...

Oooooo Darrell, what ya gonna do? I'll call CEO to come and kick your ass, be careful.

wait...I like Darrell...

edutcher said...

Just so you'll feel safe, you'll be happy to know the Messiah ('scuse me, Prophet) recently reduced restrictions on Saudi student visas.

How does that affect anything, you ask?

Remember the "person of interest" at the bombings?

Turns out he has Al Qaeda connections.

Inga said...

You think I'm Shiloh? Bwahahahahahaha! I'm sorry but I have lady parts.

Hate to say it, but the She Devil of the SS would need an intelligence upgrade to be mistaken for the Disrespectful Jerk.

And she may have female parts, but no lady parts.

PS The She Devil's passive aggressive act doesn't have the same ring as most of the trolls. some phony folksy, Ritmo, the mindless automaton, etc., all sound pretty much alike and get their style from Uncle Saul and their talking points from Kos.

As I've said, it wouldn't surprise me to find out it's just a couple of guys flipping multiple accounts.

Somebody like Cook, however, is an original.

AllenS said...

Let's remember this... two bombs went off, which means, probably two different backpacks that the pressure cooker bombs were in. Right? Now, wouldn't that kinda point to two different people carrying out this bombing? One darkey and one whitey.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

No harm chatting, indeed.

btw- does anyone have any new news to report?
I've had the instinct that this investigation might take a while...

edutcher said...

As always, AllenS makes very good sense.

AllenS said...

Here's the good news: AllenS is on call for jury duty for the month of May.

Justice will be served.

Cody Jarrett said...

Doesn't seem that there's been any new news, April.

Although there was some kind of incident at Brigham and Women's hospital earlier. DOn't know what sort of incident.

AllenS said...

Thank you, edutcher. Rest assured, I have this ability to look at people as they file into the courtroom, and I'm able to tell their guilt or innocence just by looking at them.

MayBee said...

Yeah, Allen S. I'd think two back backs, each with a pressure cooker in it, would be very bulky to carry. Seems like 2 people.

Darrell said...

Yeah. Don't go to this link and see for yourself, though. That would be too easy.


Darrell said...

This is interesting, too.

Of course it comes from London.


Calypso Facto said...

I'm able to tell their guilt or innocence just by looking at them.

Put that on the juror questionnaire and you'll have to be content with serving justice from the comfort of your living room.

AllenS said...

I always make the cut, Calypso Facto. Besides, I've filled out the questionare before, and that question was never there. Don't worry, innocent people won't be doing time. I guarantee it.

AllenS said...

One more thing. I'm not sure how many times anyone here has been on jury duty, but as a juror you can control the flow of a trial. Lawyers oftentimes look at the juors to make a point, and it's very easy to convey your agreement or disagreement with what they just said. I don't have to jump up and say: "Your full of fucking shit" to get my point across.

chickelit said...

It looks to me like whoever did the bombing is watching the events as the media covers them and is seeking to disrupt them. Hence the hesitance to broadcast anything that will swarm the media.

Robert Cook said...

"Remember the 'person of interest' at the bombings?

"Turns out he has Al Qaeda connections."

And so...because it is alleged that "some in his clan" are affiliated with Al Qaeda, one can assert that he, also, "has Al Qaeda connections."

Now, I don't know anything about this man at all, and he may be a reincarnation of the Boston Strangler (or bin Laden) for all I know, but this is a pretty slim basis at this point on which to insinuate that he has terrorist connections and ergo, may be complicit in the Boston bombings.

It remains prudent to await further developments and details as they are available before assuming anything about the perpetrators of this crime.

chickelit said...

@Allen S: Jury duty is an awesome experience. I sat for one week-long civil trial.

Calypso Facto said...

Good on you, AllenS. Enjoy your jury time. Plus, a couple extra bucks!

ampersand said...

OOOps.How did this slip by? Suspect in Texas Prosecutor Killings Has Nothing to Do With the Aryan Brotherhood

Baron Zemo said...

Glad I missed this today.

Anonymous said...

Looking at those photos on the web and knowing authorities have much more evidence and resources, as well as the keenest motivation, I'll bet they have at least one of these guys -- whatever games officials may be playing with words like "custody" and "arrest."

AllenS said...

I don't need the money. Most of the money will be in the form of mileage payment. 21 miles one way. I've watched some of the most inept lawyers my first time as a juror. I always wanted to say to them: "Hey, did you think about this?", but couldn't do it. Most approach the subject with nothing but presenting their pre-thought-out talking points. I've come to the conclusion, that lawyers, like most people, don't have a lot of experience in life, other than the law school bullshit.

I've said this before, and it bears repeating... back in the 1970's I took a lawyer in front of the bar association, and beat him. His problem was one of arrogance, and he didn't realize that a common man had more of a grasp of life.

I stand by my original statement.

Anonymous said...

I was on a two week trail of a rape case in Milwaukee.
Amazing, yet tedious experience.

Anonymous said...

The jury foreman was an attorney seated next to me, it was my job to poke him awake.

ken in tx said...

This morning NPR said that a pressure was used to cook rice. I have never known anyone to use a pressure cooker to cook rice. I think it would turn it into mush, like mashed potatoes. A rice cooker and a pressure cooker may look similar on the shelf, but they are not the same. Is it too much to ask reporters to know what they are talking about?

Cody Jarrett said...

Ken, yes. Yes it is.

And the FBI has met with the distributor of Fagor pressure cookers in NJ, so perhaps global cooker registration is soon going to be a reality.

AllenS said...

Inga, it's been my experience that all lawyers are excused from jury duty. Same with psychologist, phy... this or that.

All of them show up with huge bundles of important papers and this case load of bullshit that makes them unable to perform jury duty. All have been granted dismissal.

Not a problem. I'm still there waiting to serve.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. All lawyers are not excused from jury duty. This was a rape case, he was a real estate attorney. I as a nurse was given a harder time in the pre trial questioning than he was, because the victim had some medical procedures, done after the rape.

AllenS said...

No fucking shit? A real estate attorney?

Michael said...

It has been my experience that the more you know about a particular subject pertinent to a trial the less likely you are to be selected to serve on the jury.

Michael said...

It has been my experience that the more you know about a particular subject pertinent to a trial the less likely you are to be selected to serve on the jury.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the current situation:

1. There is a suspect, or two suspects, identified by video footage, at least some of which is from Lord & Taylor security camera footage.

2. This has been the case all day, but they have not releasd the description of the suspect or any of the pictures or video.

3. They have not said why they are keeping this information from the public.

4. They have twice canceled scheduled press conferences.

Am I incorrect in any of these facts?

Anonymous said...

Yes, a real estate attorney who couldn't stay awake for more than a half hour at a time and needed constant nudging.

Anonymous said...

This morning NPR said that a pressure was used to cook rice. I have never known anyone to use a pressure cooker to cook rice.

ken: Me neither, but the web says it can be done in 5-7 minutes, so I suppose so. I'm sure you have to be careful of the cooking time.

I use pressure cookers for beans. I got a new pressure cooker a few years ago (get 'em while you still can!) and was astonished at how quickly it cooked. My first several batches of beans were turned to mush.

Now I turn off the heat as soon as the cooker reaches the pressure where the valve stopper spins, and the beans are perfect.

Anonymous said...

Am I incorrect in any of these facts?

PMJ: That's my impression too. There's something fishy going on here.

My bet is that this is a radical Muslim bombing and it is therefore problematic for the Obama administration, so there's a lot of behind-the-scenes maneuvering.

I could be wrong.

bagoh20 said...

" I took a lawyer in front of the bar association, and beat him."

I went against a lawyer once too, representing myself as the defendant in a personal injury suit. I was told that was really stupid, but I was so broke at the time, I was going bankrupt if I paid a lawyer or lost, so what the hell.

I won the case against a major insurance company's lawyer and owed nothing. It was very dramatic when after most of the evidence was in, I simply asked the witness if she could identify me positively as the person who harmed her. She could not, because it wasn't me. It was the guy who stole my car and broadsided her. I want my attorney's fees.

bagoh20 said...

I also made the witness try on a glove, just for show. If it doesn't fit, you must acquit!, I screamed.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

If they have a photo of the suspect, and he is NOT in custody or arrested, or whatever they want to call it, I cannot think of one good reason why the photo and description would not be available.

If they DO have someone in custody, but think there might be other people involved, I could potentially see reasons why they might not yet be sharing that information with the public. But the total information blackout is really concerning.

Methadras said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Although I've done jury duty a few times, I usually get out of it by telling them my brother was murdered, and consequently I'm very tough on criminals. They ask if that would prevent me from being fair, and I say "no." All completely true, but it gets me kicked off almost every time.

bagoh20 said...

I really hate when people drag the conversation away from Inga's panties, and all things Inga, although I would rather talk about me.

Anonymous said...

Bagoh, I sent you a pair of my panties, now shut up and watch the news.

edutcher said...

Robert Cook said...

Remember the 'person of interest' at the bombings?

Turns out he has Al Qaeda connections.

And so...because it is alleged that "some in his clan" are affiliated with Al Qaeda, one can assert that he, also, "has Al Qaeda connections."

No allegation, he has them and, since family is pretty tight over there, it means he may well have sympathies in that direction.

This is why he was detained.

Good ol' Cook, always sticking up for America's enemies.

Anonymous said...

Oh here is news, someone supposedly has been arrested in the Ricin mailings. Someone from MIssissippi.

Anonymous said...

A Kenneth Curtis from Tupelo, MS.

traditionalguy said...

The rules for a jury pool do not exempt lawyers from service.

Of course we are never selected, but we are struck by the defendant's attorney and that uses up a strike so long as we have just said we will be fair.

The unwritten rule is that an expert at anything such as law, engineering, banking, medicine is always struck so they will not poke holes in the arguments of both lawyers in the deliberations.

But a submissive old timer may stay on if the strikes are needed elsewhere.

For the older lawyer an embarrassing part can be standard qualification questions from the judge to all three jury panels in the room whether any of them knows the lawyers, and half of them say yes. Then the judge asks each one if they could still be fair. You have to hold your breath and hope they liked you and did not beat a family member.

AllenS said...

bagoh20, don't let anyone push you around my friend.

Michael K said...

Thank god the thread finally got back on topic. I wasted 5 minutes a while ago and left.

"Is it too much to ask reporters to know what they are talking about?"

Why would we do that when Senators don't know what they are talking about ?

bagoh20 said...

Inga, those were panties? Really? I honestly had no idea. I bought a terrarium and they seem to be very happy in there. I feed them live mice. Anyway, thanks.

bagoh20 said...

"Thank god the thread finally got back on topic."

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh, Baggy whatever creature you got in the mail must've eaten my panties, I like wild things but I usually don't wear them.

Robert Cook said...

"Good ol' Cook, always sticking up for America's enemies."

Good ol'edutcher...showing once again that he is willfully illiterate.

Anonymous said...

Cookie, he only says that because he really likes you.

Cody Jarrett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

I was all fired up today after seeing those photos. I mean, it has to be one or more of those suspicious looking guys. So I figured they had them, but nothing since that? Somebody knows those guys, where they lived, where they worked, etc. They need to get those photos out in the media big time.

Roux said...

My guess. They have someone but just don't want to say anything until they have arrested all of the suspects.

Methadras said...

Ah yes, once again, Inga, the bug-eyed drunken sot strikes again with her inane rendition of conspiracy, paranoia, victimhood, and her attempt at reverse psychology retardation that any blog would be proud to have.

Hey Inga, is your house littered with used picture of your bug-eyed fuck face with the caption that says Attention Whore at the bottom?

Anonymous said...

bagoh20: Likewise. When I first saw the photos I thought it was official stuff that had been released to the media, but no, the photos were cobbled together by civilians from web sources.

I've got to assume the authorities are much farther along and were close to going public today but backed off at the last minute.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ah yes, Meth always skips in happily at the end of every thread, foaming at the mouth and smelling of poo. Cute.

rcommal said...

Oh, please no. Batting away a thought of a notion that I think would be a very bad idea indeed. Still, nothing to do but wait and see.

bagoh20 said...

There were half a dozen guys in those photos that could have been the ones. Get those photos on TV. You won't send them anymore underground than they already are, and we need to find people who know them quick to catch or eliminate them from suspicion. Time is wasting and they are getting away.

Anonymous said...

Those two guys that were dressed alike and had on the boots that looked like desert boots and wired earpieces looked like federal agents to me. I doesn't seem plausible that the bombers would dress in identical garb.

edutcher said...

Robert Cook said...
Good ol' Cook, always sticking up for America's enemies.

Good ol'edutcher...showing once again that he is willfully illiterate.

In what way?

All I did was point out what you said was nonsense and factually inaccurate.

Oh, I get it, that qualifies as illiterate in CookWorld.

Inga said...

Cookie, he only says that because he really likes you.

Methedras is right. The She Devil of the SS is really hammered tonight.

Must be the shot Choom took when the gun control bill died in the Senate.

Or maybe it's the fact some new whistleblowers are talking about Benghazi.

Or maybe, on the heels of the admission by one of ObamaTax's architects that it's going to be a disaster, we have the first union lobbying for its repeal.

Or could it be that unscheduled meeting with the Saudi foreign minister? Could it be they talked about more than Syria?

Yeah, I can see where the She Devil would want to plotz herself out on peppermint schnapps.

Cedarford said...

Pity - earlier this afternoon, Bob Boyd posted a link to all the pictures of persons of interest. Presently, the focus has narrowed to two young men, whose faces are clearly shown.

Yet for the last 200 posts, the bulk of the comments have been about "Inga" and verious stupid challenges and comebacks in comments by twits like Darrell, baghoh20, and Inga itself.

Which shows, I guess, that several people could care less about the Marathon bombings and are all into doing vacuous snark on a social chat board.

I doubt any of the three idiots mentioned even bothered to look at the photos of the two bomb suspects now winnowed from all the other photos.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cedarford said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
For fuck's sake, can we get back to what is going on in Boston and not the panties of some pathetic old hag who has to make every single fucking thread about her?

Agree, but a correction, Inga does not make the thread all about her.

It is the usual cast of shallow notwits that chat back and forth with the Ingas and Downtownlads that make the thread all about a person on the thread, and not the subject.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

EdBUTCHER, I DO NOT DRINK EVER. You can believe that or not I seriously do not care.

What is your excuse for your nasty ill mannered behavior, day after day? Are you a sociopath like Meth or do you have early onset Alzheimer's?

Don't want the thread to derail, don't YOU derail it.

chickelit said...

Inga injects: Those two guys that were dressed alike and had on the boots that looked like desert boots and wired earpieces looked like federal agents to me. I doesn't seem plausible that the bombers would dress in identical garb.

If they are Feds, it doesn't bode well for our future in that even under close surveillance these things will occur.

chickelit said...

Inga said...

Yet another reason not to trust her...

chickelit said...

@Cedarford: Is it possible to pressure cook Progresso Stews?

chickelit said...

So was there or was there not a bomb threat today? It seems like everything has been retracted.

bagoh20 said...

"...Which shows, I guess, that several people could care less about the Marathon bombings and are all into doing vacuous snark on a social chat board.

I doubt any of the three idiots mentioned even bothered to look at the photos of the two bomb suspects now winnowed from all the other photos."

Hey dipshit, I looked at all the photos probably long before you did, and made a number of observations about them, as well as other subjects, and I didn't need to resort some lame worn out equivalency about warriors and terrorists from 10 grade, or attack "heroes" for the 2000th time, but do the math asshole, half you your comments are about Inga, not half of mine, bitch.

So now it's about you, good job.

edutcher said...

Methinks she doth protest waaayyyy too much.

bagoh20 said...

You had a chance to add something, and you chose to talk about Inga, and a little bit of nothing. Welcome to the club.

Cedarford said...

baghoh20 - Sure you looked at the photos! I could see how it was FAR more important than Inga, with you and chatboard fucktwits like chickelit.

Now you can go back to derailing the thread topic.
Have you really exhausted the Inga panties matter, or will you anticipate more 'clever' repartee with her?

PS - read your comments, saw nothing about the two men of N African appearance now flagged.. Far less interesting than Inga or Downtown lad, I suppose...and what you consider your "witty" snark.

Anonymous said...

I looked at the photos when rhhardin first linked to them this morning. And once and for fucking all, DO NOT ADDRESS me or insult me if you do not want a response from me. In other words STFU. IGNORE me.

bagoh20 said...

So there you go C4, still stuck on her. You gonna add something important and worthy of your refined intellect or continue with the panties meme, because I got that covered. Get your own material.

bagoh20 said...

Sorry I missed an opportunity to stroke your racist needs.

chickelit said...

So I'm thinking I could "voice" Cedarford's comments in my Richard Nixon voice or maybe just with a straight-up German accent. What do others think?

bagoh20 said...

Cedarford got a boner when he saw the brown guys. If they could only be financed by Jews, and be free trade proponents we could have a fucking firing squad at dawn.

Cedarford said...

The two suspects, not as interesting to talk about as "Inga", to some.


Watch....they might get one comment, then it's back to Inga or Obama...And Inga writing about Inga.
Not since the same fucktards had Downtownlad taking over each thread with a flood of off-topic snarks at him - has there been such enabling.
People with nothing to really say making it all chatboard snark about this or that poster...

Anonymous said...

You know what I'M SICK OF THE ATTENTION. You fools think I LIKE it? I don't want the damn attention, I want to be able to comment here like any other commenter without some ASSHOLE jumping down my throat. I could say the sky is blue and some fool would make an issue out of it. STOP ADDRESSING ME. IGNORE ME. How much clearer can I make myself?

edutcher said...

Then quit the grandstanding and the shilling.

bagoh20 said...

If you don't want to talk about her then shut up about her like you have been unable to for every single one of your comments save one. I don't think she even has that high a percentage. You are near 90%. Obsessed much?

rcommal said...


So was there or was there not a bomb threat today? It seems like everything has been retracted.

Yes, there was.

No, everything has not been.

bagoh20 said...

You got something Cedarford, or was that all just an excuse to horn in on the useless social networking. Don't be shy. Maybe she'll talk to you. Otherwise give us that deep insight we're missing.

chickelit said...

@Cedarford: Also, my second comment in this thread was to Bob Boyd about the photos:
Those photos are amazing, Bob. This thing is cracking open.

But you know what? Somebody out there is discounting them. Reports of persons of interest didn't match those two. Reports clearly said "a white hat on backwards." Also, John and Ken on KFI were mocking that website. Not that I trust them. They're twits themselves. That's why I asked in all seriousness whether the bomb scare today was a hoax. There seems to be some fog going around.

bagoh20 said...

I'm watching TV, and I'm not seeing the collage of photos at all, and they were very compelling. It's as if someone is withholding them, but nobody can do that, so why are they not everywhere. I was blown away when I saw them. If I ran FOX or CNN, I'd be talking about nothing else.

P.S. Inga

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Plus, Cedarford, after the news black out I got distracted seeing Obama lose his precious bill which he said 90% of Americans and 80% of Republicans wanted. You can't make stuff like that up. It's just astounding. And the petulant antics to boot.

edutcher said...

Wonder how sentiment on that highly popular immigration bill is running these days.

bagoh20 said...

On Fox they are talking about photos, and how you use them and all kinds of bullshit, but NOT SHOWING THE PHOTOS!


rcommal said...

Also, despite no one asking for my opinion and also acknowledging what I'll be in for on account of posting this:

Of course Inga is not sick of the attention, and of course she likes it.

chickelit said...

rcommal said: No, everything has not been [retracted].

You remain a beacon.

rcommal said...

A feature of Inga always has been that it's ever so.

Anonymous said...

Bagoh, one of the two suspicious looking guys looked pretty pale to me.

bagoh20 said...

" looked pretty pale to me."

He was faking it.

Anonymous said...

The guy in the blue loose fitting jacket, with the blue bag he had over his shoulder looked caucasion. Did they say they found remnants of two black bags or just one?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

They found at least two other bombs that did not explode, correct?

Why haven't we heard anything about those? Did that turn out to be incorrectly reported as well?

This whole thing stinks to high heaven, and if they have reason to believe that there are suspects out there that they have pictures or descriptions of, they better have a fucking good reason why the public is not given this information.

If they don't have them in custody, wouldn't they want everyone to see the photos so they could spot them and report them to the authorities?

Known Unknown said...

Yes, a real estate attorney who couldn't stay awake for more than a half hour at a time and needed constant nudging.

Maybe he suffered from narcolepsy.

And you, a nurse!

furious_a said...

"Investigators believe they have identified a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings..."

They'd better be white and Tea Party or else Chris Matthews will have nothing to talk about.

bagoh20 said...

BTW, I agree this thread took a crap early and hard, and I helped once it was well in the crapper. I hate these long threads; they're always full of that, and yes Inga is often, but not always the focus, but I'm not the one going back and forth fighting like a child with her. That's others. I'm a different kind of child.

Cedarford, I only go back at you because you did exactly what you are complaining about. You could have just offered something new. That's what was needed.

This thread deteriorated because there was nothing to talk about. We were all just killing time waiting for something to happen, which never did.

I really don't understand what happened with these photos. It's like a damned smoking gun that somebody hid.

bagoh20 said...

The cops better have a good reason, for not getting the public involved in the search, or this is gonna look like a clusterfuck if they don't already have their claws in them.

Patrick said...

This thread deteriorated because there was nothing to talk about. We were all just killing time waiting for something to happen, which never did.

I think in the history of the internet, and probably in the history of conversations, "nothing to talk about" has never once caused someone not to talk. Me included of course.

Cedarford said...

The "Heroes of Law Enforcement" might be shitting bricks about the possibility of the N Africans just boarding a flight out of Logan onto Cairo, Tangiers, or Pakistan within hours of the bombings.
All thanks to PC and lawyers that raised hell about Muslims in the US suddenly trying to leave the country being pulled off flights and detained until the dust settled for a few days after 9/11.

rcommal said...

There's no accounting for when, at last, folks discover an aversion for...whatever/stuff.


furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Dennis Miller just made a good point on FOX that nobody overseas is claiming credit for this because drones are a real irritant when someone is looking to pay you back. Hey, Obama is good at killing if nothing else. You got to give him that.

furious_a said...

The "Heroes of Law Enforcement" might be shitting bricks about the possibility of the N Africans just boarding a flight out of Logan onto Cairo, Tangiers, or Pakistan within hours of the bombings.

Then there should be CCTV from Logan's departure gates that they could compare to footage from the race.

Like the footage of Mohammed Attah and Abdul Omari boarding their connecting flight to Logan for their rendezvous with AA Flight 11 and the North Tower.

bagoh20 said...

Unless the timers were very long, Logan was not an exit. I doubt they would expect to get out that way. You still have to land hours later somewhere, and where that is will be known. You are not effectively running or hiding while on a plane for long periods of time.

bagoh20 said...

Major fertilizer plant explosion near Waco Texas. Many injured.

Ancient curse:
May you live through many Aprils.

chickelit said...

Major fertilizer plant explosion near Waco Texas. Many injured.

FYI: Ammonium nitrate doesn't chemically react with water. It may have been heat from the fire or some weird sudden heat of hydration phenomenon. Water actually quenches ammonium nitrate.

chickelit said...

"Keep your powder dry" refers (a) to gunpowder, which is chemically related to nitrate fertilizers, and (b) to the notion of it getting wet and going bad, not exploding violently.

Calcium carbide (which built Union Carbide) is a different story: it reacts with water to make an explosive gas.

I could talk chemistry all night.

chickelit said...

It was a small fire and then water got sprayed on the ammonia nitrate, and it exploded just like the Oklahoma City bomb

MayBee said...

Rcommal- are you afraid they have someone but aren't bringing him to court because they need to get info about other plots out of him?

Gary Rosen said...

" the Ingas and Downtownlads that make the thread all about a person on the thread"

Did DTL comment on this thread? In fact has he commented at all recently? 'smatter, Fudd, did he jilt you?

Gary Rosen said...

"People with nothing to really say making it all chatboard snark"

Bwahaha. How many times has the Flophouse Masturbator gone OT with a jooooo-rant?

Rusty said...

chickelit said...
"Keep your powder dry" refers (a) to gunpowder, which is chemically related to nitrate fertilizers, and (b) to the notion of it getting wet and going bad, not exploding violently.

It refers to black powder which is hygroscopic. It has the ability to absorb moisture from the air.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

Dennis Miller just made a good point on FOX that nobody overseas is claiming credit for this because drones are a real irritant when someone is looking to pay you back. Hey, Obama is good at killing if nothing else. You got to give him that.

If he was good at it, we wouldn't be talking about this.

Robert Cook said...

"Dennis Miller just made a good point on FOX that nobody overseas is claiming credit for this because drones are a real irritant when someone is looking to pay you back."

Has Dennis Miller ever made a good point? Given that we're killing people indiscriminately all the time overseas by drone, I doubt that those responsible for the Boston bombings, if they are overseas, would refrain from claiming credit simply to avoid drawing drone fire.

"Hey, Obama is good at killing if nothing else. You got to give him that."

Yep, he's a mass murderer just like his predecessor. They would be lifetime cellies in a just world.

Rusty said...

But then again so is ammonium nitrate. It has to be dried out and then mixed with an accelerent.

AllenS said...

How do you feel about our men and women who serve in the military, Mr. Cook?

Tank said...


I can't speak for Cook, but many of us appreciate, and are grateful for, our men and women (well, really the men) in the services. It's the policy decisions made by politicians and politically motivated high level armed force personnel we disagree with.

There's a big difference there. I still keep my Dad's purple heart and discharge papers, but that does not mean I have to agree with invading Iraq, or nation building in other countries, or having 120 thousand troops stationed abroad permanently.

test said...

Inga said...
I want to be able to comment here like any other commenter without some ASSHOLE jumping down my throat.

Apparently its never occurred to Inga to stop being an asshole to others.

B said...

It has to be dried out and then mixed with an accelerent.

Essentially true using dry accelerants. A slurry mixture with fuel oil acting as the accelerant was used at least as part of the Oklahoma City bomb if I recall correctly.

Robert Cook said...

"How do you feel about our men and women who serve in the military, Mr. Cook?"

It always come down to this childish question about "the troops," doesn't it? As if condemning Hitler's war of conquest in Europe and his plans for a "Final Solution' is to hold each and every low level German infantryman responsible for Hitler's crimes.

But, to answer your question, that depends on each soldier's behavior.

Most are in service because it's the best job they could get or because they want to serve their country. Most try to do their jobs well and honorably. Ultimately, as with any employee of any organization, they are merely there to serve the policies and follow the orders of their bosses in Washington. For those who serve in combat, they are basically just the guns and those in Washington who make the war plans are the fingers who pull the triggers, so it is the war planners in Washington who bear greatest responsibility for war crimes. However, troops or individual soldiers who commit atrocities in war, either because they have lost all restraint or because they are following unlawful orders, should be condemned for committing criminal acts.

Is any of this really so hard to understand, or is the perennial question about those who serve merely a rhetorical sham, a "gotcha!" meant to somehow embarrass the critic of wartime crimes?

edutcher said...

Robert Cook said...

Dennis Miller just made a good point on FOX that nobody overseas is claiming credit for this because drones are a real irritant when someone is looking to pay you back.

Has Dennis Miller ever made a good point? Given that we're killing people indiscriminately all the time overseas by drone, I doubt that those responsible for the Boston bombings, if they are overseas, would refrain from claiming credit simply to avoid drawing drone fire.

Cook, as always, get it wrong.

Say what you will about the wisdom of the policy, those hits are very discriminating. Any explosive risks some collateral casualties, but we're lightyears away from the 1000 palne raids of WWII.

It always come down to this childish question about "the troops," doesn't it? As if condemning Hitler's war of conquest in Europe and his plans for a "Final Solution' is to hold each and every low level German infantryman responsible for Hitler's crimes.

But, to answer your question, that depends on each soldier's behavior.

Most are in service because it's the best job they could get or because they want to serve their country.

Uh, no, that's wrong and it's been wrong for a long time.

The ones who would be there because "it's the best job they could get" aren't there. The military is very picky these days and has been since Reagan's time. Of course, anyone wanting to serve his country is suspect in Cook's eyes.

chickelit said...

Rusty said...It refers to black powder which is hygroscopic. It has the ability to absorb moisture from the air.

Yes, but that doesn't render it more explosive. Which is why the fireman's statement "It was a small fire and then water got sprayed on the ammonia[sic] nitrate, and it exploded just like the Oklahoma City bomb" is so strange.

Rusty said...

Yes, but that doesn't render it more explosive. Which is why the fireman's statement "It was a small fire and then water got sprayed on the ammonia[sic] nitrate, and it exploded just like the Oklahoma City bomb" is so strange.

Yes it is strange. I wonder if some of it got saturated by propane or some other hydocarbon and then a propane tank exploded. An exploding tank of propane would make a good initiator.
I'm loath to cry terrorism when it might just as well be negligence.

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