April 16, 2013

"In one particularly graphic photograph, Arredondo can be seen seemingly pinching shut the end of an artery..."

"... on the part-severed leg of a man being carried away in a wheelchair."
"I kept talking to him. I kept saying: 'Stay with me, stay with me,'" Arredondo told the newspaper Maine Today.
More here.


Anonymous said...

It is a gruesome photo, cropped to NOT show that the "injured man" has no leg below the mid calf shown. Just his femur.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

There's never a paper clip around when you need one.

edutcher said...

Funny they don't show the photos and videos of the people jumping out of the WTC and hitting the pavement.

kjbe said...

Saw an intense YouTube video of him, this morning - he was visibly shaking from shock - I wanted give the man a hug.

I hope he is ok after all this.

khesanh0802 said...

Real courage from a guy you might dismiss as a crank. You never know who is going to rise in a moment of crisis - and who fade.

Roger J. said...

I suppose this photo with the victim's ligaments and arteries dangling from his severed legs--but I have serious misgivings why the photograph was necessary in the first place--seems to me there are times when discretion on the part of the photographer might have been appropriate.

bookaddict said...

I stumbled across the full photograph of this victim yesterday evening.

Unspeakably horrific.

That which is seen can never be unseen.

traditionalguy said...

Courage is a big word and it includes presence of mind and acting focused when others are in a panic mode...maybe a touch of Asbergers helps.

Colonel Angus said...

Real courage from a guy you might dismiss as a crank.

I wouldn't. He lost his son in Iraq and I think that would inspire one to be a peace activist. Obviously he didn't rise to the level of fame as did Cindy Sheehan but I suppose his modesty was commensurate with the sincerity of his cause and he chose not to make a spectacle of his loss.

Nomennovum said...

It almost restores my faith in humanity.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Pardon my interruption... but, what is Carlos Arredondo doing with a flag that obviously doesn't belong to him?

Kelly said...

Yesterday ABC broke in with live feed, my teenager was watching Ellen and called for me saying there was something going on.

I went into the living room and looked at the TV, not really hearing what that weazle, George Stephanopoulos, was saying. Just seeing the live video of someone being pushed in a wheel chair with no legs. No legs? Bloody and no legs. We saw and still couldn't comprehend. I was thinking, well he's in a wheel chair, maybe he had no legs to begin with. Weird, but I imagined handicapped people run the race in wheelchairs. I can't imagine being there and processing all of that and running toward the carnage to help. I wonder how your average person can keep their wits about them when every nerve in their body is telling them to flee?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

In one particularly graphic photograph...

Aren't all photos particularly graphic?

Roger J. said...

Ignorance is bliss: of course all photos are graphic--but the question, it seems to me, is it necessary to publish them?

Roger J. said...

And as noted above, the media chose not to publish photos of the victims of 9-11 jumping to their deaths from the WTC--clearly there seems to be no standard for horror made public.

Indigo Red said...

Whether "particularly graphic," gruesome, or ghastly these photos should be seen.
Warning is offered.

Clyde said...

I hope that Mr. Arredondo can find peace. Sadly, there's little of it in this world. As Trotsky said, "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you." In such a world, being strong and prepared is the only option. One more quote, this time from Heinlein: "Maybe Jesus was right when he said that the meek shall inherit the earth -- but they get very small plots, about six by three."

Roger J. said...

Indigo Red: why should those photos be seen? To prove there is evil and horror in the world? I fail to see the reason (and as a combat veteran, I assure you have seen horrific violence)

edutcher said...

Not to go too OT, but Drudge reminds us, we have been warned.

Darcy said...

I can't look. I won't look. I don't need the photos to understand the horrific carnage and feel sadness over it.

I am sad. Almost daily if I read the news. Local, global...it doesn't matter which. But amongst the hate and carnage, inspiration can still be found. May God bless this man and the victims and victims' families.

AllenS said...

Roger, I think that the media will show you these pictures because they are still holding out hope that it's a right-wing bombing. This is no conspiracy theory, either. They quit showing people jumping to their deaths on 9/11 because right away they had an idea who did it

AllenS said...

I also didn't look at the pictures.

Roger J. said...

AllenS--sadly, the cynic in me comes to the fore and suggests you are right.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, there's little of it in this world. As Trotsky said, "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you." In such a world, being strong and prepared is the only option. One more quote, this time from Heinlein: "Maybe Jesus was right when he said that the meek shall inherit the earth -- but they get very small plots, about six by three."

How many tours in Iraq/Afghanistan did you do? It is easy to act tough if someone else is fighting your battles for you.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've never understood this "some things should not be seen" outlook. I've always wanted to see everything that can be seen. My reasons for this range from curiosity, to a desire to know truth and reality.

I was right there when the WTC was attacked, too. I saw some pretty awful things, but I have not been turned into a neurotic or a madman as a result. I think I became wiser.

I've been told throughout my life that certain things should not be seen, generally violence and sexuality. I'm not sure who is supposed to be damaged by the seeing... the viewer or the subject. I set out some years ago to see everything that I could see. Not all of it was pretty. Some of it was damned ugly.

And, I'm happy I did.

Michael K said...

"Roger J. said...
And as noted above, the media chose not to publish photos of the victims of 9-11 jumping to their deaths from the WTC--clearly there seems to be no standard for horror made public."

There were two French documentary makers there that day for other reasons and their film is really powerful. As they stood near the entrance of one tower, there were crashes every minute or two from bodies hitting the cover over the entry.

In counter terror training, we were told that in a shooting incident, it is good to lie flat on the floor as bullets ricochet up but in a grenade or bomb attack, you should crouch and not lie flat as shrapnel tends to fly level to the ground. That certainly seems to be the case here. Lots of legs amputated.

Roger J. said...

Freder--please explain why you think the poster Clyde was "acting tough?" He simply quoted Tolstoy and Heinlein. He made no personal commentary.

AllenS said...

Freder, don't take this personally, but I'd like to waterboard the absolute fuck out of you.

Shanna said...

I'm with Darcy. I'm not opposed to things being available to be seen but I don't want to see them. I think we see enough bad things in life that we don't always have to see them out.

Roger J. said...

As with Shanna and Darcy--I have seen enough real life to understand horror--at this point, photos are not something I need to see to remind me (although I did see the photo of the victim with his legs traumatically amputated) I should have been more careful.

CatherineM said...

Today the photo is cropped. Last night it was the man's face that was blurred, but you saw the shattered legs - one missing one just the bone.

I am glad they covered it. Just the description is enough.

Smilin' Jack said...

Yeah, too bad about Boston and all that, but at least we can take some comfort in the fact that our tax dollars (you did pay up yesterday, didn't you?) are giving highest priority to the more important things, like corrupt skating competitions and internet gambling:

Federal agents raided an art gallery at one of New York City’s most exclusive hotels on the Upper East Side on Tuesday morning as part of an investigation in a gambling operation that focused on a Russian organized crime group that ran high-stakes poker games involving Wall Street financiers, Hollywood celebrities and professional athletes, according to an indictment unsealed in the case.
The investigation, which led to charges against more than 30 people, including a Russian man who was previously wanted in connection for his role in a bid to rig Winter Olympic skating competitions, was largely focused on Internet gambling and money laundering, according to the indictment and people briefed on the matter.

Anonymous said...

Freder, don't take this personally, but I'd like to waterboard the absolute fuck out of you.

I don't take it personally.

You are a depraved, immoral bastard. You can't help it. I personally just find you pathetic.

Scott M said...

In December 2011, Alexander's younger brother Brian, then 24, who had become depressed after the first family tragedy and begun using drugs, killed himself.

It's not a personal failing or character flaw...it's the United States' fault because fuck logic.

bagoh20 said...

" It is easy to act tough if someone else is fighting your battles for you."

Just like it's easy to pretend those fighting are not necessary for your freedom to denounce their accomplishments.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ok I'll speak up.. this guy with the bloodied flag Arredondo... did he take a break from his heroic rescue efforts to pose for this picture or did he wait until all the injured were carted off the scene of devastation?

I'm asking these questions because when the paper chose to put Arredondo's activism, "peace campaigner and bereaved father" front and center it left me wondering... Is this guy using this tragedy to up his profile as activist for these other causes that have nothing to do (as far as we know) with what happened in Boston?

I mean, people have done this before, I'm sure he is not the first... but on the same day? before the sun even started to go down?

Anonymous said...

Just like it's easy to pretend those fighting are not necessary for your freedom to denounce their accomplishments.

I challenge you to find a post where I have ever done what you are accusing me of.

Michael said...

Lem: You are twisted, dude and your "gallows humor" is not humorous and your cynicism is not cool or edgy.

Clyde said...

Freder Frederson opined:

"How many tours in Iraq/Afghanistan did you do? It is easy to act tough if someone else is fighting your battles for you."

I served two enlistments during the Cold War, son, including almost six years in Germany. I was on the front lines, but was fortunate that the war didn't go from cold to hot.

Did YOU serve, Freder?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I guess if the sun had gone down he wouldn't have been able to pose for pictures and cut the video.

It wouldn't have made it into todays papers?

Ok... just don't put that "peace campaigner and bereaved father" front and center like that, because it smacks of rank opportunism of the seedy kind.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

... your cynicism is not cool or edgy.

Its not cool to exploit tragedy either.

Michael said...

Lem: Trouble yourself to read about Arredondo and to see his interview. Do.

Widmerpool said...

The injured man:

Jeff Bauman

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I read it... that's why I'm a little bit suspicious.

His son died in Iraq and another son committed suicide.

What does that have to do with the terror yesterday?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is Arredondo not in front of the White House because, unlike Cindy Sheehan, Bush is no longer the president responsible for everything wrong in the world?

Oh but look it here, all these cameras looking for a face, what better opportunity to showcase myself.

I could be wrong... I'll grant that... but, putting that "peace campaigner and bereaved father" in the lead like that, it invites the speculation I'm talking about.

bagoh20 said...

"I challenge you to find a post where I have ever done what you are accusing me of."

Welcome fellow neocon.

Anonymous said...

I've been trolling all the sites (got the flu), and on the Lefty sites they love him because it vindicates the you can be anti-war and patriotic theme, aside from what he actually did, which was run up to Jeff Bauman before nearly everyone else, use his Red Cross training, and possibly save his life.

That's worthy of note despite any political hustling, or any political bullshit. Thank you Carlos.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers to Bauman and everyone affected by this. Stay strong, Boston, and we're with you. You're not alone.

RIP Martin Richard and Krystle Campbell. My condolences to family and friends. They'll need time and privacy to even begin to deal with this.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

To get a call from GMA or the Today show, it helps to show up in a local market first.

Look I'm not blaming the guy, he has gone thru a lot and he probably sees how others have made something out personal tragedy... Its a cottage? industry, Dr. Phil, Oprah. He figures here is my chance?

Good luck to him. But, as to the "news" paper - I'm not falling for it.

Anonymous said...

"Lem: You are twisted, dude and your "gallows humor" is not humorous and your cynicism is not cool or edgy."

4/16/13, 1:39 PM
Wow, I agree with Michael.

Palladian said...

Did YOU serve, Freder?

He's probably served a lot of fries.

Harsh Pencil said...

I was there, two blocks beyond finish line, having just finished picking up medal, getting my checked bag, and changing into warm clothes (in the middle of Boyleston street) when I heard the sound, looked and saw the cloud, and then heard the other bomb. I knew then it was at the finish line.

I have not looked, and won't look at any of the photos. At the time, I was guessing at the carnage two blocks up street.

Icepick said...

I don't get the problem with him holding up the bloody flag. He probably saw the flag (or already had it) saw someone taking or about to take his picture and held it up. It's a pretty straightforward gesture: "Bloodied, but still standing!" Or as we would say in my neighborhood, "To those who did this: Fuck you, bitches, we're still here."

Given that it was done by someone who had just been holding someone's femoral artery shut with his bare fingers on a sidewalk, it seems really, REALLY straightforward to me.

Anonymous said...

Did YOU serve, Freder?

No I didn't. But then again, I am not continually agitating to send more young men and women to their deaths in pointless wars as so many on this site (our gracious host included) are wont to do.

I too, spent some time--post cold war--working for the military in Germany and England. Don't try and convince me you didn't thoroughly enjoy your time there.

ndspinelli said...

I think this was motivated by the Mohammed video last year.

Roger J. said...

The chicken hawk slur is so passé. Up your game there, Freder

Kelly said...

Freder, as a dependant I loved my time in Germany. My husband not so much with Somalia and the Croation war.

Colonel Angus said...

No I didn't. But then again, I am not continually agitating to send more young men and women to their deaths in pointless wars as so many on this site (our gracious host included) are wont to do.

Strawman much? Clyde didn't either with his comment.

I too, spent some time--post cold war--working for the military in Germany and England. Don't try and convince me you didn't thoroughly enjoy your time there.

What a asinine comment to make. I'm sure many troops stationed at Pearl Harbor thoroughly enjoyed their time too up till 12/7/41. Rather than accept the fact Clyde served and commend him for it, you doubled down on proving you are a bigger jackass than we thought.

Anonymous said...

Blogger AllenS said...

Freder, don't take this personally, but I'd like to waterboard the absolute fuck out of you.

4/16/13, 11:54 AM

Can I watch?

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