April 21, 2013

"I sort of panicked. I thought I was going through an anxiety thing because so many people were coming after me."

Said Ian Bay, a skateboarder and wearer of headphones at the 4/20 marijuana celebration in Denver, who suddenly saw hundreds of people running toward him.


ndspinelli said...

I know the feeling...dude!

Unknown said...

You could get high from looking at the picture.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Thankfully he had something on hand to help deal with these feelings :|

edutcher said...

I thought all those tokers didn't do that sort of thing.

Paco Wové said...

Yeah, pot'll do that to you. Hopefully he had some snack foods close at hand to distract him.

Oso Negro said...

I thought it was like, a bum stone, man. But seriously, contempo potheads typically claim that the nuevo el ropo doesn't induce anxiety. That's why I quit - no fun to get your smoke on and end up brushing your teeth for half an hour.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Ethnicity of the shooters in three ... two ... one . . .

Why real, actual, effective gun (illegal guns) control will never happen in America: disparate impact.

AllenS said...

It's like a real bummer, man.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm so glad no one was seriously injured or killed.

Local news captured aerial footage of the crowd scattering. It was a surreal scene.

On TV station interviewed one of the stoned attendees. He sounded like a stereo-typical pot head, with his low and slow "duh" speech. (I'm sorry, but I laughed at that)

AllenS said...

"It blew my high, man."

chickelit said...

Were these just random pot shots in the crowd or was there some motive?

Aridog said...

chickelit said...

Were these just random pot shots in the crowd or was there some motive?

Yo ... some tool prolly got capped for trying to pay the bag man with a dime for a "dime bag", yo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chickelit -
I cannot find much information on why or who did the shooting.

You may be able to glean some information from this.

Highly intelligent strangers gathered to remind us of the decline.

Looking for suspects...

furious_a said...

This is what happens when you don't vote sober.

ndspinelli said...

Oso, Your contempos are correct. This guy probably forgot to take his klonopin.

Anonymous said...

Dude, that reminds me of this time that me and Scruffy Pete ran out of Doritos...

Anonymous said...

Attendees recorded a 'purple haze' at one point filling the sky, and a heated exchange in the hemp booth between Scruffy Pete and this guy's girlfriend who came with 'some other dude' and was said to have some 'wicked shit.'

But none of that was true, they didn't have anything.

Then shots rang out and the 'mellow vibe' was gone and people just woke up later somewhere else.

SteveR said...

Wow, dude what's up?

Aridog said...

Whoa...gunfire at an event where Lil Flip is on stage at the time of the shooting? Oh, wait ...

el polacko said...

the shooting occurred during a rap concert...funny, there have never been shootings at rap concerts before, have there ? why you'd have to be a racist to make any kind of connection between a rap concert and gunfire, right? easier and neater to just pin it on those damned dope-smokin' hippies who scattered like pot leaves in the wind.

shirley elizabeth said...

Lots of the comments at the link are telling people not to blame the shooting on marijuana.

Diamondhead said...

I'm baffled. Why would the tea party shoot up a stoner party?

Diamondhead said...

I'm baffled. Why would the tea party shoot up a stoner party?

Bruce Hayden said...

The gunfire scattered thousands attending Saturday’s 4/20 counterculture holiday, the first since Colorado legalized marijuana and greatly increased gun regulations.

Bet the gun had an illegal sized magazine. Anyone else here betting?

Aridog said...

It will never cease to amaze me how some many people think weed is all about peace, love and happiness....flowers in the hair, dancing with unicorns, and so forth.

Try being in the business of providing for the end users sometime and take note of all the firearms around you at all times...and how many folks wind up dead. Cable TV even shows us the benign new age growers who wouldn't harm a fly...cue big grin here.

Try dealing with 100+ lbs at a time and see how much love you feel. See if you're comfy going unarmed?

But this universal advocacy, not just for bona fide medical use, is a great hoax to enable more of the same.