২১ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

"I can't believe he had the balls to come back and act like nothing happened."

"I thought as it was just regular old Jahar. We had a typical conversation, he was not startled, he was not scared, he was not anything. He was just the same old Jahar."

৯২টি মন্তব্য:

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

I can believe it.

When you grow up being told a baby is a "fetus" and abortion is health care, why would you care about blowing up an 8 year old?

Sorun বলেছেন...

He's a Muslim terrorist and a 9/11 denier at the same time? That is weird.

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

The silver linings from this tragedy are that there will be more of a spotlight on:

1. Radical Islam
2. The Obama Administration's absurd criminal approach to dealing with terrorism - The FBI Counter-terrorism lexicon skips all references to 'al qaeda'
3. Immigration and student visas. We need more student visas like we need another 16 trillion in debt.

Michael K বলেছেন...

George Stephanopolis got through "This Week" without the word Muslim being uttered.

You're kidding yourself. The coverup is moving along. "What difference does it make now ?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The cold-hearted bastard got all that pent up anger out of his system.

I like how the news media had no problem speculating on how it might be a tax payer/white/tea party act of home grown terrorism.
Now that it's clear who the perpetrators are, the same media are careful and oh so curious. The AP says "We must find out why they did this."
Yes we must - but it's really hard to speculate why, isn't it?
Could it be possible innocents were blown to bits on behalf of the same radical Islamist fundamental ideology that has caused so much mayhem before?

The AP is shocked.

Mark D. বলেছেন...

His behavior makes sense if he is part of a sleeper cell. Drudge had a story posted this morning that the FBI is assuming that he and his brother were sleepers...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Michael K - gross but not the least bit surprising.

George Stephanopolitics is a pip-squeak mouthpiece for the democrat party.
The democrat party doesn't believe in radical Islam. Doesn't fit the narrative.

The democrat party believes in pushing an agenda at all times.

edutcher বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
edutcher বলেছেন...

If he had the cran to blow up the Baaston Marathon, he'd have enough left over to go back to school.

If he had any brains, however, he'd have hopped in a car and gotten the Hell out of the country.

MayBee বলেছেন...

April Apple- I was just saying the same thing on another thread. The administration and its political friendliest are the same way. Axelrod can hint it might have been a tax protest (conservative), but they won't even admit FtWorth was islam or terrorist related.

And there has to be a reason Obama wouldn't use the word terrorism at his first press conference. Who does he think that reticence appeals to?

MayBee বলেছেন...

As for going to the party, people who are not sociopaths have a really hard time relating to sociopaths. They want them to behave the way people with empathy behave.

Steve Koch বলেছেন...

Amazing that the teenage terrorist would be so cool. He offered this same guy a ride, wonder if it was an innocent offer or a calculated attempt to elude police?

Police said the older brother was not killed by police bullets but, while being hand cuffed by the police, was killed when he was run over and dragged under the car his younger brother was driving to get away from the police. Most likely he realized that he ran over his own brother and dragged him under the car while it was happening.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

I'd give him credit if he showed up at a potluck dinner with a pressure cooker.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

It's as if the Democrat party wants to shield and protect radical Islam.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The media are not at all curious as to why these two men were transfixed by radical Islam to commit mass-murder.

If the media could continue to push that this was related to:
an angry tax payer, or white guy, or the tea party, they would.

The media have no problem lying for their masters in the democrat party. That's why journalism is dead in America.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

You people should be catching Mellisa Harris-Perry on her MSNBC show today ranting: "Blood on the hands of every single person who voted no on background checks" (Current anti-gun rant) and 1st hr taken up on panel discussion of "don't racistly concentrate on poor Muslims" etc. Unfortunately another sickening two-hour TEXTBOOK example of the left's penchant for blaming America first for the social ills of the world..

dreams বলেছেন...

I read that due to his injury he will never be able to talk again so he will at least be punished in that way.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Because of trends in our society going on for a while, exacerbated under our current progressive President, we're seeing the same glossing over of the radical Islamist nature of the event.

It's tough to look at close up, but they will want to build the same papier mache multiculturalism and spread it over everything.

If we're not careful, we end up with an entrenched class of rather Left academics, journalists, critics etc who rarely encounter reality.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Perhaps we do need background checks on all slow cooker purchases?
Come on LSDMSDNC - lead the way.

Christopher বলেছেন...

Instapundit has a link suggesting that some high ranking law enforcement official(s) may have been engaging in a disinformation campaign by leaking incorrect info.

If that is what occurred I imagine that this was its intended result. You know, keep them relaxed and thinking that they weren't suspects.

It would also explain the bizarre contradictory information that news organizations were publishing.

And yes, I know initial info is often incorrect but the assuredness that the news orgs had in their sources suggested that they were trusted and well connected (although probably not so much anymore).

Lyle বলেছেন...

Our media and the Democrat Party is so freaking immoral. They can't dare act like these guys were radicalized Muslims and that Islam has a radical problem.


HT বলেছেন...

"If we're not careful, we end up with an entrenched class of rather Left academics, journalists, critics etc who rarely encounter reality."

Are you serious? NYC? Cambridge?

Unknown বলেছেন...

Never be able to talk again?
How convenient.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The older brother was a wife beater, another reason he should have been on a list for deportation. Let's see if any of the lefties mention that, especially the feminist bunch.

The alliance between the left and radical Islam is based on one common belief. The west is bad and deserves to be punished.

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

Interviewers should get him to write an apology letter to the Boston families to show cooperation with the police and reduce his prison sentence.

It would be admissible in court as a confession.

Larry J বলেছেন...

If the Fort Hood attack gets called "Workplace Violence" by the Obama administration, then what was the Boston Marathon attack, "recreational violence"?

jr565 বলেছেন...

He's a Muslim terrorist and a 9/11 denier at the same time? That is weird.

Not so weird. He believes that 9/11 was an inside job (like the Truthers). meaning, that Bush and the govt were really the ones responsible.
They either worked with OBL to try to scare people into hating muslims, or they outright did it themselves and pinned it on muslims.
How many lefties believe this very same thing? Or uttered some such tripe when Bush was in office?
If you are faced with the most evil regime that is targeting Muslims, then isn't it your duty to take arms against it?

This was the lefty's playbook all through Bush's presidency.
And this guy bought the rhetoric hook line and sinker. NOt to mention whatever islamic extremist lies his oversees pumped into his head. The two can often exist on the same plane.

Look at the mother. She is sure that he was framed and working with the CIA. Straight out of lefty fantasy land.

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

Office pool: taking bets for when the libtard MSM start asserting that the boxer brother was suffering from roid rage.

They dare not say the M word.

Joker interacted just like normal, because he's been doing that for years. He was relaxed because he was experiencing the joy and relief of dissipated anxiety and anger. He probably thought he got away with it.

Entirely unburdened by a conscience.

That is one cold hearted motherfucker. Not some sweet younger brother of a dominant older brother, not some angel.

A cold hearted mother fucking terrorist Islamofascist bombing murderer.

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

He's hot though, especially his eyes and lips...I bet he gets lots of prison letters from dysfunctional American sluts offering themselves.

William বলেছেন...

If he had been taken into custody one day before the bombing, his friends and community would have rallied behind him. The case would have been presented as an example of anti Muslim bias. If you see something, say something but be very careful not to be too suspicious of Muslims because there is no crime greater than intolerance.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Not to mention the left keeps arguing how they hate us for our policies. (i don't hear them utterning this one as much under Obama though). Because the left too is Anti American at its core.
Of course they are justified, since our policies are evil. Who wouldn't hate us for our policies.

Sympatico with those that hate America.

Cut to this bombing. WHy did this sweet kid do this? How could he be so radicalized? Maybe he has that same anti american sentiment going through his head that has been pushed by the libs, and so OF COURSE he hates America. Why wouldn't he?

Or maybe he hates us because of Obama's mid east policies. The ones that go uncommented on when those elected by liberals are in charge.
They can occupy countries, keep guantanamo open, increase drone strikes, but noone wonders why they hate us and would want to kill us.
To use lefty logic - he and his brother hated us because we are evil.

HT বলেছেন...

Have you not heard about the numerous FBI stings involving Muslims wanting to terrorize? "The case would have been presented as an example of anti Muslim bias." Strangely, these stings did nothing of the sort.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

I would like to see the evidence that connects the bomber to the pressure cooker and the shrapnel within. I hope that's forthcoming.

Or did they pay cash for them? That would require some intelligence.

That he didn't leave the country after the bombing shows a lot of dimbulbiness. They must have known they were bombing one of the most photographed blocks in America that day.

William বলেছেন...

I still don't understand the dynamics of how someone with a Chechen background comes to demonize the USA as the source of his unhappiness. There are many levels of irrationality and malice to this crime. Isn't there something in the Koran that prohibits devout Muslims from murdering people who offer them refuge and shelter.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

Tim Blair has a video of Bill Maher saying islam is dangerous. Good video take a look. Maher even gets called an islamaphobe!

dreams বলেছেন...

"He's hot though, especially his eyes and lips...I bet he gets lots of prison letters from dysfunctional American sluts offering themselves."

Maybe he will be allowed to get married and have conjugal visits, we don't want to be islamophobes.

rcommal বলেছেন...

Perhaps Maher's "indiscretion" will usher in another acronym: PINO (Progressive in Name Only). LOL.

Yes, truly a priceless video, definitely worth watching, and more than once.

Michael K বলেছেন...

" If you see something, say something but be very careful not to be too suspicious of Muslims because there is no crime greater than intolerance."

How about the passengers on that plane wit the radical imams who were simulating another attack ? They took seats apart from each other and jabbered in Arabic. When passengers complained the passengers were sued.


Watch but don't say anything about Muslims.

"On July 24, 2009, U.S. District Judge Ann Montgomery allowed a discrimination lawsuit filed by the imams to proceed, saying, "The right not to be arrested in the absence of probable cause is clearly established and, based on the allegations ... no reasonable officer could have believed that the arrest of the Plaintiffs was proper."[4]

After the out-of-court settlement was announced in 2009, a USA Today editorial called the imams' lawsuit "troubling", and stated that the lawsuit's conclusion could lead "others to act out in hopes of cashing in", and might prevent "passengers from speaking up, or airline crews from acting, when they have reasonable suspicions."[38]

Too bad. A boycott by Muslims would be a good selling point for tickets on that airline.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...


Maybe he can have multiple wives.

Renee বলেছেন...

"He's hot though, especially his eyes and lips...I bet he gets lots of prison letters from dysfunctional American sluts offering themselves."

He looks like he belongs in one of those 'boy bands' that are marketed to tween girls.

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

Michael K said...
The older brother was a wife beater, another reason he should have been on a list for deportation.

I saw on TV this morning that the Boston Mosque had helpful instructions on how to beat your wife on their Web site until one of those evil Christian groups complained and it was taken down.

Isn't that nice?

ErnieG বলেছেন...

I saw a comment at another site that "The M-Word" and "The I-Word" have replaced "The N-Word" as something that one can't say in public discourse. These terms have been purged from style books and law enforcement manuals. In the name of political correctness we can't come to grips with things we can't talk about or even name.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"These terms have been purged from style books and law enforcement manuals. In the name of political correctness we can't come to grips with things we can't talk about or even name."

Why not call them "Zebras?" Of course, black politician would cry racism.

My sister in Chicago calls the gangbangers "brothers."

bleh বলেছেন...

The impression I get is that Tamerlan was the ideologue and leader, and Jahar was an impressionable follower, a psychopath, a nihilist.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

AprilApple said...
It's as if the Democrat party wants to shield and protect radical Islam.

An alternative interpretation is that they are anxious not to create an atmosphere that leads to a foolish over-reaction, such as the Iraq war.

The US has some real economic and military rivals in China, Russia, India and Europe. All of these countries/alliances have significant Muslim presences at their borders. At our border we have Canadians, Mexicans and fish.

There are a total of 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. We cannot militarily 'defeat' Muslims without taking extraordinary measures that would create their own set of problems.

The most spectacular failure of US foreign policy over the last few decades is that we have come to be viewed so unfavorably in the Muslim world, when we could have been viewed as allies against their more immediate rivals. This foreign policy failure is criminal in its stupidity and idiotic contributions have come from both parties. Ron Paul is largely correct in his assessment of the wisdom of our foreign policy towards Muslim countries.

A sane foreign policy would have placed us in a situation where we were largely above all the conflict generated by Muslim/other culture conflicts. It is literally incredible that the clowns we elect to Washington have not been able to achieve this goal.

Chef Mojo বলেছেন...


That is the most amazing piece of drivel I've seen in a week oozing with self-serving leftist drivel.

You have absolutely no sense of history when it comes to relations between the United States and the Islamic world. Ever since our inception, we've been at odds with Islamics. It's the reason we have a United States Navy.

The rest of your comment is the usual blame-America-first-hate-America-first bullshit that all the oh-so-REASONABLE people seem to always come up with in these circumstances.

Your pathetic excuse of "an alternative explanation" reeks of desperation to divert from the truth of the matter, which is their religion and culture is not compatible with Western concepts and practices of liberty. And you know it.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The Chechen people are wolves who viscously go after outsiders to murder them. That's how they role.

Adding The War Lord Mohammed's written words from killer god alah justifies doing what they liked doing.

IMO these two wolf cubs coming of age here awoke to wanting to go back home as Chechen killer heroes.

The young one stayed in his wrestler mode and never thought about losing.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

You are only as good as your last performance. Hence, few people will leave their kids alone with a Catholic priest or feel safe on the street at night with young black youths or hold a Muslim's backpack in a crowd while he goes to runs an errand. If this is ethnic profiling, so be it.

dc বলেছেন...

Look on the bright side. If in the future,Jahar discovers that he is actually a muslimette trapped in his little weasel body, the taxpayers of that state will be forced to pay for the operation.

Illuninati বলেছেন...

Areasonable man said:
"The most spectacular failure of US foreign policy over the last few decades is that we have come to be viewed so unfavorably in the Muslim world, when we could have been viewed as allies against their more immediate rivals."

Perhaps you are referring to Israel? If we would help them exterminate the Jews, then would they like us?

Other than Israel, I'm not sure what you are claiming. We helped them in their jihad against the Serbs. We helped them in their jihad against the Russians in Afghanistan. What else could we have done to help the Ummah?

"There are a total of 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. We cannot militarily 'defeat' Muslims without taking extraordinary measures that would create their own set of problems."

That's almost word for word what George Bush said when he was defending his war on terror. Islam is not the problem, it is just a few hot heads who have hijacked the religion.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The banality of evil.

David বলেছেন...

Not so surprising.

He had already learned how to keep a secret.

Humans can compartmentalize. Evil humans and non evil ones alike.

Sorun বলেছেন...

"A sane foreign policy...

Whoa! Don't get so deep into specifics. We're not all geniuses like you.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Chef Mojo said...
Ever since our inception, we've been at odds with Islamics.

Was unaware that Britain was an Islamic country.

Chef Mojo said... their religion and culture is not compatible with Western concepts and practices of liberty.

Maybe, but there is no logical reason why this should be our problem.

Chef Mojo বলেছেন...


Was unaware that Britain was an Islamic country.

What the hell does that even mean? Ah. Yes. More historical ignorance as to the reason we have a standing Navy. That's ok, ARM. Go look up "Barbary Wars." It's a real education in our failed foreign policy concerning committed Islamists.

Maybe, but there is no logical reason why this should be our problem.

Well, since they insist on making it our problem, it is our problem. They leave us alone, then no problem, right? Since they don't feel so inclined, then I'm all for making it our problem and theirs, for as long as it takes to not make it our problem. See? Real simple.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

I'm surprised these two bastards didn't try to go to Pockistan and from there to Astan to join their buds-in-arms.

The US does have the military resources to fully blockade the Muslim world. Maybe we should become unreasonable men and bring to the point of starvation. That trick did work on the Krauts durring WW1. Enough so to get them to sign the armistice. And if it doesn't well look on the bright side: all that carbon sequestration.

David বলেছেন...

jr565 said...
He's a Muslim terrorist and a 9/11 denier at the same time? That is weird.

I don't see how it's weird at all. Seems consistent.

He lived in a place (Cambridge) where people can say some of the stupidest crap imaginable and get an adoring audience. Muslims are not the oppressed, according to the advanced but uncritical thinking in places like Cambridge. The Joos are the enemy. Amerika is oppressive. The amazing benefits of America, which were wide open to this screwy guy, are dismissed.

I'm not saying that these attitudes were the cause of what he did. Who knows what the cause was. But he was in an environment where there was no consistent appreciation of the positive values of this country, and certainly no celebration of it.

If you are told by the supposedly smartest people in America that your religion is badly oppressed by the United States and our evil Jewish friends, it's much easier to validate the cause that is starting to attract your youthful, badly educated mind.

Luckily this negative indoctrination does not move very many people to murder, but it's pernicious nevertheless. It is now fashionable, even among lifelong Americans, to believe that our country is in the hands of radical evil cabals.

So in my view he was assimilating by carrying out these actions. He just took the bullshit much more seriously than most.

Illuninati বলেছেন...

It would be easy to get the Muslims' attention if we tried. destroy Islam. Threaten to behead the snake. If we bombed Mecca first with a standard bomb and then with a dirty bomb they wouldn't be able to to their hajj which is an obligation for all Muslims.

David বলেছেন...

The explanation is that these were two rootless, average, ill educated and amoral guys who had been propagandized everywhere they went that there was something seriously wrong with the United States. Propgandized in Asia, and in Boston and Cambridge, two citadels of the wealth, power and privilege that America can produce.

Maybe the people of Cambridge treated them like shit because they were foreigners and did not have really high SAT scores. People like these guys are invisible to the elites, and some resent it with a murderous passion.

Lee Oswald comes to mind. So does McVeigh. Peas in a pod.

David বলেছেন...

Yeah, bomb the holiest site for over a billion people.

Then when Rome is destroyed, go after the Muslims.

That should bring peace to the earth.

Dumb fuck.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

David it would not surprise in the least if it turns out these two were registered democrats who held an almagmated worldview comprised of jihadi and progressive ideologies.
Wanna bet the progressives and CAIR are gonna spin this as the fault of the evil rethuglicans and the Joos?

An aside, the immigration bill is now dead in part because of this.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

David Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist who hated JFK because Kennedy was an ant-communist democrat. Believe it or not such democrats existed back then. Incidentally Oswald's uncle was bad ties to the Mob. Old Joe Kennedy the family patriarch who made the family fortune not only was he a war profiteer but also had mob ties. Bobby as AG really pissed off the mob, not so much for his prosecutions but for his schocking ( to them) ingratitude. And Jack Ruby also had mob ties.

McVeigh was pissed off by Waco, Ruby Ridge and the slaughter of Arabs durring Desert Storm. And his partners in crime the Nichols may have had ties to certain Jihadi types. Somehow the Clinton admin never did follow up on that.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

cubanbob said...
David it would not surprise in the least if it turns out these two were registered democrats who held an almagmated worldview comprised of jihadi and progressive ideologies.

Well it would be a little surprising given that the older brother had expressed a disdain for 'progressive' culture, was a teetotaller, saw sin all around him in the liberal north-east and said "There are no values any more," and "People can't control themselves."

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "A sane foreign policy would have placed us in a situation where we were largely above all the conflict generated by Muslim/other culture conflicts."


WE have a cultural conflict with islam, as does ANY culture which does not submit to islam.

Leftism is a mental illness.

Gee, in all these conflicts around the world which pit muslims against EVERYONE else (Hindu's/Buddhists/Christians/Atheists_Communists/ etc) I wonder....



What could possibly the most salient factor?

Gee, it's just too difficult to discern that a political ideology and governance structure presented as theology which calls for the faithful to force the submission or killing of all infidels is possibly a factor in all this.


Must be that American foreign policy.


Those stupid Americans.

Which explains why the muslims are so up in arms everywhere....

jr565 বলেছেন...

David wrote:
"I don't see how it's weird at all. Seems consistent.

He lived in a place (Cambridge) where people can say some of the stupidest crap imaginable and get an adoring audience. Muslims are not the oppressed, according to the advanced but uncritical thinking in places like Cambridge. The Joos are the enemy. Amerika is oppressive. The amazing benefits of America, which were wide open to this screwy guy, are dismissed."

Actually, I was totally agreeing with you. The top sentence was what I was responding to, which was actually written by someone else (I should have put it in quote marks to differentiate it from my own thought.

If these two kids attended a liberal college they were propagandized on the evils of Amerikka. If they hung out with lefties that's probably what they got day and night. And then people wonder how they became radicalized? "How could this happen to such nice people?!" we hear the media ask with wonderment. But we know that many college age kids are radicalized to lefty though and that lefty thought is Anti American. So, surprise surprise, these two share the same ethos as your average boston libtard. The only difference is this group then went to Russia and became further radicalized by muslim extremists who hold similar anti american views, but also pro jihadi views.

The left is not pro jihadi, but htey are anti America. So there is an overlap there.

Drago বলেছেন...

illuminati: "It would be easy to get the Muslims' attention if we tried. destroy Islam. Threaten to behead the snake. If we bombed Mecca first with a standard bomb and then with a dirty bomb they wouldn't be able to to their hajj which is an obligation for all Muslims."

Attacking mecca would satisfy no strategic or tactical objective in a wider conflict with muslims at large.

It simply holds no military value and an attack would serve no positive propaganda or related purpose.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Drago said...
Gee, in all these conflicts around the world which pit muslims against EVERYONE else (Hindu's/Buddhists/Christians/Atheists_Communists/ etc) I wonder....

These are all largely territorial conflicts. They may be framed as religious wars in some cases but they are largely about control of territory. This is quite obviously not our problem.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

AReasonableMan said...
Drago said...
Gee, in all these conflicts around the world which pit muslims against EVERYONE else (Hindu's/Buddhists/Christians/Atheists_Communists/ etc) I wonder....

These are all largely territorial conflicts. They may be framed as religious wars in some cases but they are largely about control of territory. This is quite obviously not our problem.

4/21/13, 1:50 PM

Yes. Whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine.

William বলেছেন...

Thank you Reasonable Man. There two things we should not lose sight of: it is unfair to stereotype Muslims by the actions of a few misguided souls but more importantly we should remember that NRA members wish to murder schoolchildren. If we take to heart these lessons, America will be a better country. .

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Well it would be a little surprising given that the older brother had expressed a disdain for 'progressive' culture, was a teetotaller, saw sin all around him in the liberal north-east and said "There are no values any more," and "People can't control themselves."

ARM it's still early to tell just what the older brother believed but your silence about the younger brother is interesting.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

President Obama said today that that in the premature lifting of the stay-at-home order, "the police acted stupidly".

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Areasonableman unreasonably wrote:
"An alternative interpretation is that they are anxious not to create an atmosphere that leads to a foolish over-reaction, such as the Iraq war."

The vote to go to war in Iraq was bipartisan.
A majority of Dems in the senate voted for the Iraq War. Clinton and Kerry both voted for the Iraq War and went on to become Secretary of State, appointed by Obama.
Why do you call yourself "areasonableman"? Is it supposed to be some irony thing?

Illuninati বলেছেন...

Dave said:

"Yeah, bomb the holiest site for over a billion people.

Then when Rome is destroyed, go after the Muslims.

That should bring peace to the earth.

Dumb fuck."

The jihadis already have their sights on Rome, whether we fight back or not. There is nothing we can do to change that. A jihadi has already tried to assassinate the pope, nad seriously injured him, without negative consequences to them. That is why the pope has to ride in the popemobile.

To Hagia was once the Cathedral for the Eastern branch of the Christian world, the Muslims kept fighting to capture it for 500 years and eventually they succeeded in invading Constantinople. Ta Hagia is now a mosque. Once again, there were no negative reprecussions to the Muslims for desecrating one of the greatest churches in history. Perhaps, if the Byzatines had taken the fight to the Muslims, to their most holy site, the Muslims would have backed off. The Byzatines didn't have the killer instinct that the jihadis had, so they lost.

We are in a war to the death, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. In a battle, if you really want to win, you have to put something the other side really cares about in jeapordy. If not, they will win.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Ta Hagia is now a mosque.

It's also Jabba the Hutt's Lego palace, which Lego has stopped selling because ... some muslims complained.

What's that word again? Oh, yeah, submission.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Terry said...
The vote to go to war in Iraq was bipartisan.
A majority of Dems in the senate voted for the Iraq War. Clinton and Kerry both voted for the Iraq War and went on to become Secretary of State, appointed by Obama.

Curious reasoning here. If some Democrats vote for a thing then it must be an inherently sensible thing to do.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Curious reasoning here. If some Democrats vote for a thing then it must be an inherently sensible thing to do.

Democrats vote for some sensible things, and some completely idiotic things. Likewise with Republicans.


cubanbob বলেছেন...

Curious reasoning here. If some Democrats vote for a thing then it must be an inherently sensible thing to do.

Wholly accidental and purely unintentional. Or in other words like a broken clock right twice a day but unintentionally so.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

I have no idea what "Ta Hagia" is, but the Hagia Sophia is a museum, not a mosque.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Areasonableman unreasonably wrote:
Curious reasoning here. If some Democrats vote for a thing then it must be an inherently sensible thing to do.
I didn't say that it was an inherently sensible thing to do. You called the Iraq War 'a foolish thing to do'and then opined that the Democrats are trying to prevent such foolishness in the future. Which Democrat do you think will take the lead on this? Clinton? Kerry?

Was unaware that Britain was an Islamic country.
First Barbary War. You really shouldn't comment if are you ignorant as well as lacking in common sense.

Illuninati বলেছেন...

Paco Wové said...
"I have no idea what "Ta Hagia" is, but the Hagia Sophia is a museum, not a mosque."

This is from the Turkish government about ta hagia sophia:
"It was used as a church for 916 years but, following the conquest of Istanbul by Fatih Sultan Mehmed, the Hagia Sophia was converted into mosque. Afterwards, it was used as a mosque for 482 years. Under the order of Atatürk and the decision of the Council of Ministers, Hagia Sophia was converted into a museum in 1935."

The Islamists have every intention to do the same to the Vatican. By attacking the pope, they made their intentions clear.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

The Hagia Sophia is a museum. It is not a mosque. Trust me on this. I've been there.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

Do you have any references re: turning St. Peter's into a mosque?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Terry said...
Was unaware that Britain was an Islamic country.
First Barbary War. You really shouldn't comment if are you ignorant as well as lacking in common sense.

I am fully aware of the Barbary war but the first navy was the Continental Navy set up to deal with the British. The broader point being that we are not at perma-war with any country or ideology. Shrewd diplomacy rather than ideological and fear driven military responses should be our goal. It is notable that China largely avoids these kinds of conflicts except when they are to its commercial advantage. We don't have the money to do any differently anymore, if we ever did.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

True, the Hagia is not a museum in the common sense of the word - it does not display artifacts. It itself is the artifact on display, and as such includes elements from its entire history (Byzantine and Ottoman). Still, it is not a mosque. Perhaps you are confusing it with the Blue Mosque next door.

Illuninati বলেছেন...

Paco Wové said...
"True, the Hagia is not a museum in the common sense of the word - it does not display artifacts. It itself is the artifact on display, and as such includes elements from its entire history (Byzantine and Ottoman)."

Let me give another link.

It was converted into a mosque.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Illoonninati: It was converted into a mosque.

Was. Was a mosque.

It is now a museum. Paco knows it was a mosque. I know it was a mosque. Everyone in the Turkish government knows it was a mosque. The entire world, with the exception of illooninati, knows it was once a mosque, but is now a museum.

What, exactly, are you quibbling about here? It's not like whatever point you're trying to make hinges on the current status of the Hagia Sophia.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

areasonableman unreasonably wrote:
Chef Mojo said...
Ever since our inception, we've been at odds with Islamics.

Was unaware that Britain was an Islamic country.

And followed that with:

I am fully aware of the Barbary war but the first navy was the Continental Navy set up to deal with the British.

Who said anything about the Continental Navy? What point were you trying to make? Was it this?

The broader point being that we are not at perma-war with any country or ideology.

Who said that we were?

Shrewd diplomacy rather than ideological and fear driven military responses should be our goal.

Who said that they shouldn't be? What the Hell are you even talking about, areasonableman?

AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Chef Mojo said...
Ever since our inception, we've been at odds with Islamics.

AReasonableMan: The broader point being that we are not at perma-war with any country or ideology.

TTerry said.. Who said that we were?

This is a useless post. Your own post contains the answer to your question.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Areasonableman unreasonably wrote:
This is a useless post. Your own post contains the answer to your question.
You used the term "perma-war".
You should be made aware that 'at odds with' does not mean the same thing as war.
My God, areasonableman, I don't think that you even know that the congress formed a navy specifically to deal with the Barbary pirates (naval act of 1794).

Illuninati বলেছেন...

Anglelyne said...

"What, exactly, are you quibbling about here? It's not like whatever point you're trying to make hinges on the current status of the Hagia Sophia."

Perhaps I misunderstood Paco. I thought he was denying that the Muslims converted ta hagia sophia into a mosque.

MayBee বলেছেন...

An alternative interpretation is that they are anxious not to create an atmosphere that leads to a foolish over-reaction, such as the Iraq war.

Is the administration afraid if they admit there are people killing (or trying to kill) Americans on American soil because we just aren't Muslim enough, they won't be able to control themselves and will march into a war in the Middle East somewhere?

Or do they think so little of the American people that they believe we will just start killing Muslims if someone in the administration admits there is an element who wants us dead?

Or do they think we are so stupid we won't catch in to what's happening if the administration keeps pretending it isn't happening? But of we notice, we will demand a war?

Can't they be honest and not "create" an atmosphere at the same time? I think so.