April 20, 2013

"I came back here after the slaughter and I feel that the Lord has anointed me and appointed me to be the leader."

"I don't claim to be a prophet. I'm a teacher of righteousness, that's the only thing I claim.... The United States has to fall in order for the One World Order to be set up... Especially if there's war in the Middle East, that's when they're going to see Branch Davidians start scrambling to find out what the truth is, and where they need to be."

NPR reports on the remnants of Branch Davidians this morning. Why them? Why now? There was just a big explosion in Waco, and perhaps that naturally makes us think back to the assault on the Branch Davidians 20 years ago. I hope it's just that and not some burning need to make listeners refocus on the dangerous white male Christians of America instead of the darker-skinned Muslim Chechans accused of the bombings in Boston.


Patrick Henry was right! said...

The Davidians were anything but dangerous.

mccullough said...

20th anniversary of the siege on their compound.

Freeman Hunt said...

You'd think reminding people of the Branch Davidians would make people afraid of the government.

madAsHell said...

Cuz we must have some ugly Christian news to balance the Boston bombers.

Even if the news is 20 years old.

Freeman Hunt said...

"Don't go living in a nutty commune; the government might set you on fire."

Rick67 said...

"I hope it's just that and not some burning need to make listeners refocus on the dangerous white male Christians of America instead of the darker-skinned Muslim Chechans accused of the bombings in Boston."

One can hope. Could be both.

Saint Croix said...

the darker-skinned Muslim Chechans

They are not dark-skinned. It's perfectly acceptable to call them white. Call them white! In fact I think it would be healthy for us to identify them as white Muslims. Let's blow up this stupid race-obsession once and for all. Race had shit-all to do with this terrorist act. Mock the liberals who obsess on race and point out, over and over, that these Muslims are white.

Tim said...

"I hope it's just that and not some burning need to make listeners refocus on the dangerous white male Christians of America instead of the darker-skinned Muslim Chechans accused of the bombings in Boston."

EVERYTHING NPR does has an agenda.

It's government radio, after all.

And, in case you didn't know, EVERYTHING the government does has an agenda.

bleh said...

Well yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the burning of the compound.

Last night, during the breaking news of the Boston bomber being apprehended, I noticed the regularly schedule programming on MSNBC was "The McVeigh Tapes." Probably the same reason, because of the significance of April 19. But the thought crossed my mind that the MSM wants us to remember that some white rednecks are crazy, too.

Bob Boyd said...

I'd be willing to bet the individual who called the cops on the kids playing Zombies vs. Humans is a regular NPR listener.

Unknown said...

msnbc ran something called the McVeigh Interviews last evening. Pretty obvious.

chickelit said...

NPR is just revisiting an old trope, viz., Waco, to test the meaning of that word. They may find its meaning has changed and their listeners will chagrin from ear to ear.

Unknown said...

Ok, it was the anniversary. They've got that going for them.

jd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

If Cook wants to bitch about war criminals, Willie's the one, but we don't hear about that.

And nobody trashed the Constitution like Willie.

Paco Wové said...

"The Davidians were anything but dangerous."

I can think of four ATF agents who might have disagreed.

Bender said...

About those dangerous white male Christians of America in Waco.

Just exactly what acts of violence were the Branch Davidians involved in? What bombs did they set, what shootings were they involved in?

They were basically just minding their own business with their nut-case ideas.

It was the GOVERNMENT, led by Democrat extremists, which started shooting and lobbing gas bombs into their compound, resulting in the mass slaughter of many innocents.

Bryan C said...

Perhaps it was put on the schedule a few days ago, when the left were engaged in thoughtful speculation about those Tea Party tax terrorists and Patriot's Day.

Michael said...

HAHAHAHA. God, I love lawyer talk. The men are "accused" of the bombing. I think "alleged" is wormier and more squishy. Who knows, right? Maybe they were framed. Maybe it wasnt them. Maybe they had these weapons and bombs because they were going to sell them to white supremicists and used them in self defense against the cops. Nothing to do with the marathon which , as sportsment themselves, they watched along with thousands of others. Accused. Alleged. Alleged. Accused.

Anonymous said...

NPR's like an experiment. Under the little domes of equality and positive justice are excessive egalitarians like equity feminists and the social justice crowd.

Give it time and see what grows.

For now, it's still a mix of white surburban upper middle-brow liberal establishment thinking and 60's dogma (Hilary worship, green policies and Ken Burnsy yellow-dog democrat types).

Like the Democrat party, they are under Obama's spell, and even if he declared martial law they'd go along up to a point.

They're ideas point right at him.

Thank you 1960's and the boomers.

Anonymous said...


It's easier to make such mistakes when you're ranting somewhat coherently.

JAL said...

I met one of the survivors of the Waco fiasco / tragedy last week.

The leader was evil.

The feds' strategy terrible. Absolutely terrible.

Koresh probably would have killed those people all by himself given some more time and the feds and Janet Reno (remember her??) would have had clean hands.

On the flip side I am thankful that in spite of the 20 - 30 rounds fired at the boat house last night, that the BPD and the ATF didn't riddle the boat into smitherines (as the LAPD would have been wont to do, unfortunately.)

And FWIW, David Koresh represented a significant evil aberration -- c-u-l-t -- of Christianity. He wasn't Christian in his core beliefs, he was a heretic from orthodoxy. (And in fact he was an aberration of the Seventh Day Adventists).

But why McVeigh? Why not honor the memory of the people killed in Oklahoma City instead of highlighting McVeigh?

Because McVeigh was white?

Makes me feel inklings of hate towards the racist left.

Hunger Games politics.

ed said...

Look squirrel!!

traditionalguy said...

The quick reaction of the Journolist is obvious: Run play 3, which is equivalence everywhere we make you look... Why all Americans are suicidal bombers...so the White Muslim immigrants setting off anti-personnel bombs in a holiday crowd in Boston are not different at all. Nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

NPR also interviewed some MTI professors and students about the bombers. The consensus seems to be that we need to be nicer to immigrants.

Stupidity like that doesn't come cheap. That's a special brand of Ivy League imbecility that you have to pay top dollar for.

Anonymous said...

Opps, MIT, of course.

Anonymous said...

In the hidden chamber of Diamond Manor the pensive Neil Diamond waits silently by the Diamond Phone. It is That Time, when talk turns to the Branch Davidians. It is his Fate, and He is Ready: why, yes, he can explain in detail the Significance of "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show".

Neil Diamond nods his head gently in the direction of the Diamond Phone. "Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies, And everyone goes, 'cause everyone knows..."

Unknown said...

There are a lot of strange terrorist/nutcase anniversaries in April. Enough to fuel any conspiracy theory you can think up. It's a gift to any narrative you want to embrace.

Maybe we'll just have lockdown month in April.
See how easy it is?

Mountain Maven said...

That's why I stopped listening to NPR after 9/11

MisterBuddwing said...

HAHAHAHA. God, I love lawyer talk. The men are "accused" of the bombing.

We have a legal process in this country. Let's at least pretend to believe in it.

ed said...

Frankly considering that Koresh supposedly went into town to drink at a local bar on a regular basis I don't see why they didn't just wait for him to show up and then arrest him.

Just like I don't know why the cops don't routinely walk through drug dealer infested neighborhoods knocking on doors. If the dealers flush the drugs down the toilet then everybody wins. If the dealers don't flush the drugs, arrest them.

SteveR said...

Here's the one sign that someone is full of B.S. If they claim some insight into the God's plan for the world, especially if its soon. Not just Christians.

ndspinelli said...

April 19th is the anniversary of the FBI assault.

Bob Boyd said...

You are f**king hilarious.

Ann Althouse said...

"They are not dark-skinned."

I didn't say they were. I said "darker-skinned" than the "white male Christians of America" than NPR would perhaps like us to refocus on.

Ann Althouse said...

"HAHAHAHA. God, I love lawyer talk. The men are "accused" of the bombing. I think "alleged" is wormier and more squishy. Who knows, right? Maybe they were framed. Maybe it wasnt them. Maybe they had these weapons and bombs because they were going to sell them to white supremicists and used them in self defense against the cops."

I'm careful not to assert things I don't know.

Remember Richard Jewell.

The authorities have reason to want to say they've caught the culprit.

William said...

How many people know that the Rev. Jones was an activist for left wing causes. Ditto with that Rolls Royce Mahatma out in Oregon. The left shows considerable reluctance to publicize the leftward leanings of its own religious nuts......Also, Obama has spoken out against Caucasians many times. Isn't it time he put his words into policy and restrict immigration from Chechnya.

Phil 314 said...

Why them? Why now?

I think the word is "anniversary"

MisterBuddwing said...

Remember Richard Jewell.

Not to mention the Duke lacrosse "rapists."

Phil 314 said...

There are a lot of strange terrorist/nutcase anniversaries in April

April is the cruellest month.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NPR and Hollywood are obsessed with making sure we all understand that Christians are dangerous and crazy.

Bob Boyd said...

NPR - New Puritan Radio
The New Puritans took regular purtanism with all its appeal to the vanity of its practitioners and removed that troublesome and limiting God part.
Unfortunately, moral authority came out with it and moral authority was the keystone of the puritanical arch.
So they looked frantically around for something to replace the keystone with, but all anybody had was their credentials. They called on the congregation to make quick and everybody stuff their credentials into the gap before the whole thing fell apart.
The NP Arch has been pretty shaky ever since, but the New Puritans have an unshakable faith their credentials will hold.

Rusty said...

The feds' strategy terrible. Absolutely terrible.

No. It was criminal. Absolutely criminal.
The FBI lost control of the situation and then went in with guns blazing to cover up their ineptitude.

Anonymous said...

They would rather slaughter "the white male Christians" than to interfere with "the darker-skinned Muslim Chechans".

They would rather a hapless unemployed "film maker" rot in jail than to catch the murderers of Benghazi.

The would rather disarm law abiding citizens than to face the criminals.

Paco Wové said...

"making sure we all understand that Christians are dangerous and crazy."

If only we were nicer to them, and more understanding...

YoungHegelian said...

NPR has to head out to the heartland to find these people, because. Lord knows, there aren't any nut jobs closer to home**.

** Link NSFW because if your employer has a content filter this site is almost certainly blocked as a "hate" site, and your visit will end up in the firewall's report of "who went where".

TMink said...

Actually, I think the Chechans are actual, bona fide Caucasions. Are they not?


MisterBuddwing said...

Actually, I think the Chechans are actual, bona fide Caucasions. Are they not?

Seems to me a certain law prof blogger made that very same point...

Michael said...

Lawyer talk versus your own eyes. The guy who shot McKinley was caught moments later. He was tried, convicted and was executed forty five (45!!!) days after the crime.

The allegation that he shot McKinley was confirmed by the many eye witnesses.

But lawyerwise we do not KNOW that these boys did the crime because they inconveniently were not attached to the weapon at the time of the crime and thus we can collect all the evidence in the world against them and will never KNOW they did it unless there are fingerprints on the exploded devices.

Jewell was nice enough not to shoot at the police when they came to arrest him.

Anonymous said...

The real danger with NPR is that they become entrenched like the BBC or even the CBC in Canada.

A group of self-selecting people purporting to wash the masses and curate what's in the public good according to their ideals.

Of course, they would decide what's in the public good for everyone on the taxpayer dime.

They're not biased, of course not!

m stone said...

Branch Davidians are anything but Christian. The story only suggests that and it is erroneous.

Bad tag.

Jerub-Baal said...

Heh! Paco Wové !

Jerub-Baal said...

Heh! Paco Wové !

Sydney said...

I would say the accusation against NPR as a tool of left is a little much except that I listened to NPR yesterday morning for the first time in several years. I was struck by their nauseating tone regarding Deval Patrick. Now, I don't have a bone to pick with Deval Patrick having never lived within the reach of his politics, but the reporters were over the top in their chatter as they waited for him to come to the microphone for a press conference. It started out with a comment by one that (I paraphrase) "And isn't it amazing the way he has assumed these two very different roles - as leader of a hunt for terrorists and as comforter of his traumatized citizens." And then a little later they noted with giddy adoration that the policemen were standing at attention as the governor walked by. It was some performance, let me tell you. Moreso in that it came from the tips of their tongues and tops of their heads without scripting.

They've definitely gone off the deep end of bias since I was a regular listener 10 or 12 years ago.

Dante said...

Not to mention the Duke lacrosse "rapists."

The left really pilloried those guys, didn't they. What were the consequences of going after white guys of "privilege" when there was so much evidence they were being railroaded and it was a hoax.

Yes, some people paid some money, Nifong got his just deserts, but really, what about Nancy Grace and the other leftists. What about all those idiotic Duke professors signing those absurd forms (oddly, as I recall, almost all were humanities professors).

Aren't these people guilty of the same stereotyping they are claiming to protect against?

I say these people have no leg to stand on. The multi-culturalist/PC religious dogma has nothing to stand on.

It's time to define America, and hopefully not more of this stupid "Oh, let's have gay marriage" crap.

Even though I'm an atheist, I could live with God, Country, and Family.

Drago said...

Dante: "Aren't these people guilty of the same stereotyping they are claiming to protect against?"

Fen's Law.

The actions and contradictory messaging from the left is so much easier to comprehend once you fully understand and internalize the single most salient fact of left-wing political "thought": The lefties simply don't actually believe a single thing that they lecture the rest of us about.

It's all about using whatever tool is handy at that precise moment to garner greater political power regardless of what was said or done or presented as "principles" the moment before, the day before, the week/month/year/decade etc before.

This is why it is often noted that for the left, history starts anew each morning and why the real "positive" promise of the left is always "just around the corner" and never to be found by examining the historical record of leftist experiments.

Paco Wové said...

Michael - All that 'due process' crap sure does suck, doesn't it.

'Dejan' - you have a creepy immigrant-sounding name. Like I'm going to click your link. It will probably explode my computer.

Moneyrunner said...

Diana Temple-Raston provides insight into the Boston investigation.

Well officials have told us that they have some promising leads though no actual smoking gun. They expect this case will take weeks, not months to solve. This thinking as we’re reporting is that this is a domestic extremist attack. And officials are leaning that way largely because of the timing of the attack. April is a big month for anti-government and right wing individuals. There’s the Columbine anniversary. There’s Hitler’s birthday. There’s the Oklahoma City bombing. The assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.

So according to NPR we Right Wingers were having a party celebrating Hitler’s birthday, feeling bad about Columbine, sorry that Tim McVeigh was executed, crying in our beer about the death of David Koresh, so we decide to blow up Boston.

You really can’t parody these people because their fantasies burst though the outer limits of our imagination. Do they actually believe that the people who read National Review or listen to Rush Limbaugh celebrate Hitler’s birthday – hell who knew the date of Hitler’s birthday other than NPR?

And what the hell is right-wing about a couple of nut-job Goths in Columbine who decided to take out their rage about being rejected by the “cool kids?”

If committing acts of terror to try to bring down the government you hate is the mark of being a right-winger, that must make old Joe Stalin a right winger for this part in 1907 Tiflis bank robbery. Proving that NPR is not just delusional but ignorant.

Michael said...

Paco. No, it does not suck. What sucks is pretending that "fairness" is ignoring the obvious and believing that a trial should give everyone a fifty fifty chance of getting off. That using words like "alleged" do not pertain in all criminal proceedings should be obvious even to a lawyer.

Nichevo said...

Chechens not Chechans.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

MSNBC decided to run some interview/re-creation about Tim McVeigh. I'm sure it was scheduled long ago, because of the date, but still.

Oso Negro said...

Has NPR ever informed its listeners that Hitler was a socialist?

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