April 23, 2013

"French lawmakers have legalized same-sex marriage after months of bruising debate and street protests that brought hundreds of thousands to Paris."

"Tuesday’s 331-225 vote came in the Socialist majority National Assembly...."


Methadras said...

It's France. No one cares...

Gene said...

Here in Los Angeles, it's illegal for porn stars to perform sex scenes without wearing condoms. Why don't they just allow same sex marriage in France but outlaw unprotected sodomy, which has brought so much grief and death to gays in America, not to mention expense for the rest of us and diversion of funds from non-preventable diseases like most cancers.

edutcher said...

It will go away with the rest of the socialist agenda when the country crashes, but, meantime, it's going to be interesting to see how the yoots take this one.

Geoff Matthews said...

I'm sure that the marginalized, muslim minority will be further integrated into French society because of this.
I expect to see further internal conflicts in France.

Nonapod said...

How does the Muslim population in France feel about this?

cubanbob said...

Gene I read that since the condom ordinance has pased porn producers are moving production out of the area. More unemployment thanks to the well meaning democrats.

mccullough said...

I'm sure this will change the minds of those who oppose SSM here.

They still banning schoolgirls from wearing hijabs there?

Anonymous said...

It's France.

Anonymous said...

It's France.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

This comes as welcome news but it'll take more than same-sex marriage to revive haute couture.

Real American said...

if the Socialists are for it, it must be a great idea with ZERO unintended consequences!

Lezer said...

Good for the Frogs.

Will America join the club before or after Zimbabwe and North Korea, I wonder.

Anonymous said...

Nonapod: How does the Muslim population in France feel about this?

"How does the French population in France feel about this?" is the more interesting question.

A lot more interesting than what the knee-jerk frog-bashers around here seem to think.

ricpic said...

Vive les pedes.

ricpic said...

La France Profonde et Catholique is not happy; which makes La France Egalite ecstatic.

pdug said...

viva l'identité?

Anonymous said...

Well so much for "vive la différence".

Lyssa said...

I guess I'm surprised that they didn't have it already. Seems like the French would have done this five years ago.

Anonymous said...

First France then the US.

ndspinelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Quelle est la particularité de deux?

mccullough said...

This is why our fathers and grandfathers liberated them twice.

n.n said...

And yet they continue to arbitrarily discriminate against other unions. Perhaps the next wave of activism will address this progressive discrepancy.

n.n said...


Exactly. Why do they practice this unique form of bigotry. There is reason to favor the procreative union of a man and woman, but homosexual relationships have no redeeming value to either society or humanity. Once they normalize one dysfunctional behavior, then to maintain any semblance of integrity, they must normalize all dysfunctional behaviors, including elective abortions from conception to grave.

The issue is not homosexual marriage. It is supposedly equal protection and rights.

edutcher said...

Lezer said...

Good for the Frogs.

Will America join the club before or after Zimbabwe and North Korea, I wonder.

Because, if the Norks and Bongo Bobby Mugabe think it's a swell idea, we have to jump on the bandwagon.

Inga said...

First France then the US.

That's what Der Fuhrer said.

furious_a said...


The French, they are
the most Curious of Races,
They Fight with their Feet,
and they F*ck with their Faces.

Anonymous said...

EdBUTCHER, you seem to know the mind of "Der Furher" quite well, you quote him so often, you must really revere him.

furious_a said...

I'm sure that the marginalized, muslim minority will be further integrated into French society ...

Actually, things should soon start looking up for legalized polygamy in the banlieus.

The rule of Lemnity said...

... bruising debate.

I read that as an attempt to get people thinking about gay sex.

Anonymous said...

ricpic: La France Profonde et Catholique is not happy; which makes La France Egalite ecstatic.

The NYT and the WaPo would like you to think it's a secular/traditional Catholic split, and that one can just slap American political categories on France et voila! You know better than to fall for that, ricpic.

B said...

viva frogs on hogs

Baron Zemo said...

Woody Allen, Jerry Lewis and SSM.

Things french people like.

There you go.

traditionalguy said...

Why not, I suppose. Sodomy seems so unnecessary, but what do I know.

chickelit said...

331-225 shows 60% support in favor. I'm sure that sometime in the future, that will be called 90% support.

PB said...

n.n.: Maintenant, nous sommes perdus, je le crains.

Renee said...

"Why do they practice this unique form of bigotry. There is reason to favor the procreative union of a man and woman, but homosexual relationships have no redeeming value to either society or humanity."

Actually homosexual relationships do have a redeeming value, it's just not marriage. I tend to fall on the side, if we were to truly accept homosexual relationships our culture would create its own unique term to express that acceptance.

Otherwise, I could pour over hundreds of articles on the importance of fathers, to be fully engaged with the mother, i.e. residing with one another in a mutually monogamous relationship but whatever I do, I can't call it marriage.

I was having a recent discussion, about Delaware and their public policy. Dupont, who hasn't paid federal taxes in years, and lobbies millions of dollars for their self-interests is support same-sex marriage in Delaware.

Meanwhile, Delaware has one the nation's highest infant mortality rates. Infant mortality is directly related to maternal stressors, i.e. poor relationship with the father.

Father absence is sadly mostly in minority homes, with higher rates in African American infants in Delaware.

What about an equality, fairness, and justice for them?

Let black kids suffer without their basic need for their father and mother, why?

It not about what people care about, it scares me how people no longer care about the well-being of children.


The government is tell it's people that having a mother and father doesn't matter OR the people are stating we don't care if children have a mother and father.

Jason (the commenter) said...

gutless: It's France.

Following in the steps of New Zealand!

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...


Homosexual behavior has no redeeming value to either society or humanity. The union of men or women in some combination other than as a couple does have a redeeming value, perhaps as a cooperative of guardians, but that value is not derived from their sexual behavior.

n.n said...


It wouldn't be the first time. The natural course of progress leads to a dysfunctional convergence (i.e. civilization paradox). The natural course can be averted through conscious intervention; but, I am not aware of any civilization which has escaped a terminal conclusion. All civilizations suffer the same fate, either through corruption from within and/or invasion from without.

kentuckyliz said...

France considers itself so enlightened and advanced...and there were that many Non! votes?!

Anonymous said...


onwudinjo,uzorchi said...

the issue is that same sex marriage is becoming a treat religiously,socially and otherwise of which it has to be tackled by all and sundry to avoid further challenges.please visithttp://www.unn.edu.ng/department/religion

Oso Negro said...

Say what you will about France, but the French citizens had the guts to get out in the streets and tell the homos to go fuck themselves without the sanctity of marriage. For all the good it did them, of course.....

Renee said...


For me there is a big difference between homosexual relationships and homosexual behavior. But better stated, I rather plainly talk about a behavior detached from it being homosexual or heterosexual. It doesn't matter if oral or anal sex and masturbation is heterosexual or homosexual. Both have no redeeming value or state interest.

But for the sake of adult relationship, that are not marital, they deserve proper placing and respect. This goes not just for gay couples, but for anyone single no matter their orientation.

There seems to be a paradox, I fully can put my finger on it. We're obsessed with 'coupling' unrelated to the procreation. Even if you were single, if you came from a decent size family, you would never be alone.

ed said...

@ Inga

"EdBUTCHER, you seem to know the mind of "Der Furher" quite well, you quote him so often, you must really revere him."

Frankly at the best of times you are rather tedious. But this intentional juvenile mangling of names just takes that to a whole new level.