If given a choice between stopping all the "Dr." Gosnells, or stopping a pipeline using technology that never hurt anyone, is there any doubt which would be chosen by the "smart, compassionate" people.
Not a single Dem voted for Clinton's impeachment and not a single Dem voted against Obamacare. The liberal Dems play hardball not allowing any dissent and also taking advantage of the occasional innocent principled Republican who comes to Washington to solve problems.
These people are utterly lacking in, among other things, self-awareness:
CREDO Action, the activist arm of cell phone company CREDO Mobile, is hoping to hit Zuckerberg where it hurts — on Facebook. The group is planning a Facebook advertising campaign that takes aim at the FWD.us ads.
“We want to start using Facebook as a way to make the connection about how political Mark Zuckerberg has become,” CREDO’s political director Becky Bond said, noting that the group protested outside Zuckerberg’s California home in February when he hosted a fundraiser for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
A CREDO Action member has also launched a petition calling on Zuckerberg to end the ads...
The left also hate him for his stance on education..vouchers, merit pay, magnet schools, etc. The guy is smart and probably not an idealogue. They just assume he should be.
"Having lived here in SoCal for almost thirty years I can say unequivocally that "immigrants" don't give a crap about the environment."
I have more Hispanic friends than Whites, and this is a problem with immigrants, but it's true of a lot of people especially the young of all stripes, except maybe Asians. It just the opposite of when I grew up, and adults were the pigs.
People I grew up with in the 70's have a real aversion to things like throwing trash around, but most people just don't have that background, especially immigrants. I'm constantly trying to reeducate my friends to simply pick up after themselves.
If you hike in the SoCAl mountains anywhere within easy reach of the city, it's like a dump everywhere. I carry a backpack full of trash out every time I go in deeper, but most people who are not into the outdoors think that's just crazy. I have Hispanic friends that love the mountains, but they still just don't think twice about leaving trash. It's a cultural thing, which means it can be fixed. It's really mostly a problem with young people of all kinds. You don't have to stay off my lawn, but don't leave your damned beer bottles there.
The left also hate him for his stance on education..vouchers, merit pay, magnet schools, etc.
Correct. His stance, like the Waltons and Amway scam artists are wrong and have proven to be failures. That's why we'll see more of it along with Keystone.
You have to be 100% left if you are going to be on the left. That's what is such a pain. It works for people who basically don't want to have any opinion, just to get by socially. If you actually care about thinking about the various issues, it's ridiculous. You don't get credit for the liberal opinions you do have, only abuse for the ones you don't go along with.
That's been my experience. All these people who see me as a right-winger, even though I support gay rights, abortion rights, etc. I failed to hate Bush, oppose the war on terror, etc.
What Ann fails to voice is that the ideology of "the left" is absolutely totalitarian in nature--hence the effort to make everyone toe the line on everything.
PS: Yep, you're right, DADvocate--forgot the hobnail boots part...of which we'll be seeing a lot more once Obamacare gets up and running under a full head of steam..
"When you're on the left, you need to be left all the way, from your first bite of tofu 'til your last dying day."
“It seems surpassingly strange that our highest tech gurus would be enamored of our oldest, dirtiest, crudest energy sources." Tar sands? I thought COAL was supposed to be the dirtiest.
Not overly surprising--the left is a collection of special interests. See windfarms amongst the wealthy greens, and how they do holler! (Ted, I'm talkin' 'bout you!)
Dear kindly Mr. Zuckerberg, You gotta understand, It's just our bringin' up-ke That gets us out of hand. Our mothers all are junkies, Our fathers all are drunks. Golly Moses, natcherly we're punks!
That's been my experience. All these people who see me as a right-winger, even though I support gay rights, abortion rights, etc. I failed to hate Bush, oppose the war on terror, etc.
Back in the real world if you're a Republican and vote only 98% of the time with your party, you get a primary. Ask Dale Schultz. Not sure if you've noticed, but the WisGOP is a cult, not a political party.
garage mahal said... That's been my experience. All these people who see me as a right-winger, even though I support gay rights, abortion rights, etc. I failed to hate Bush, oppose the war on terror, etc.
Back in the real world if you're a Republican and vote only 98% of the time with your party, you get a primary. Ask Dale Schultz. Not sure if you've noticed, but the WisGOP is a cult, not a political party.
Note garage believes the interactions of a political party are "the real world", while the interpersonal interactions of everyday people are not. You have to be a fantasist to support leftism, but this one takes the cake.
"Name 5 "cultural things" that have been fixed out of the hundreds that have been tried."
It happens at the personal level. I've succeeded in changing people and families near me by example, and friendly persuasion. I've convinced people of the goodness of cleaning up, doing a job right and with pride, of respecting free enterprise, their employer, and their fellow workers. I've taught people the value of cooperation and teamwork. I've shown them that white people are not all greedy and some can be trusted. I see the results everyday in people who have changed.
Obama and many Democrats agree with Zuckerberg on things like ed policy and Keystone. Hell, many Democrats support slashing Social Security and Medicare.
I can't remember the last time I heard a conservative say they support public schools or want to preserve SS or Medicare.
I can't remember the last time I heard a conservative say they support public schools or want to preserve SS or Medicare.
Are you deaf? Do you stick your fingers in your ears and go "lalalalala" everytime you hear a conservative speaking? Conservatives say it all the time. Here's Paul Ryan on social security:
As Chairman House Budget Committee, one of my top priorities is to preserve the Social Security safety net and make sure the program remains solvent for future generations.
We have to save Medicare to avoid disruptions in benefits for current seniors and to strengthen the program for future generations.
Now you may object that in fact, they want to reform social security and medicare -- hence the concern about "solvent" or about avoiding "disruptions." But that's just because they're not complete idiots -- they know you can't preserve the programs indefinitely as they're currently structured because none of the trend lines are moving in the right direction.
I bet if I spent another minute or two googling I could find something similar with public schools, although hostility to the record of comprehensive failure that is the elementary and secondary public schooling system in the US is pretty widespread among conservatives.
Socialized medicine and socialized education work at about 20% efficiency.
Medical care run by MDs (who will be gone soon thanks to Medicare for all ObamaCare plot), and education run by Charter School administrators both work very well at 80% efficiency.
So why do you socialists want to destroy what works and put all into a Gulag that does not work? Is sabotage by an enemy 5th column what you are really about.
And don't pull the Hank Johnson trick feigning stupidity as an excuse to get corrupt deals.
traditionalguy: "Socialized medicine and socialized education work at about 20% efficiency."
ObamaCare is not socialized medicine.
The closest thing we have to true socialized medicine in America is the network of Veterans' Administration hospitals. The Veterans Health Administration resembles the British NHS.
Anyone up for phasing it out, and moving veterans into private rehab hospitals paid for with private health insurance?
The leaders of the Left are totalitarian. The liberals adhere to a selective ideology. The progressives adhere to an unqualified monotonic change ideology, which is useful for overcoming latent resistance.
Zuckerberg should know that his value to the Left is transitory.
What, exactly, do they teach in American schools? It seems that there is a judicious effort to selectively teach the lessons of history.
I bet if I spent another minute or two googling I could find something similar with public schools, although hostility to the record of comprehensivefailure that is the elementary and secondary public schooling system in the US is pretty widespread among conservatives.
The state of public schools varies largely on demography. The ones in my community tend to be excellent, largely I think because its upper middle class with parents that give a shit. Typically if the parents give a shit, the kids will too. When you find a failing school its probably because neither the parent or kid gives a shit and ultimately neither do the teachers.
Exactly. Physical and emotional proximity lend themselves to accountability.
The government, and its agents, are precisely the wrong actors to relay moral and ethical values. Too often, they are like celebrities, who commit a violation, then manufacture a positive perception through an unrelated good work. The government is the worst offender of the "have their cake and eat it too" doctrine.
If people want positive change, and positive progress, then the reform must begin with the first level of social organization: the family.
In order for this positive change and positive progress to be realized, they must reject the fraudulent dreams of material, physical, and ego instant (or immediate) gratification. They must reject the women, and men, who promise fulfillment of these dreams without perceived consequences.
Although I like the way "yard ape" rolls as an insult, I think it's racist. Try "lawn lawyer" instead. That's probably safe, and it's doubly insulting.
Balfegor, Now you may object that in fact, they want to reform social security and medicare -- hence the concern about "solvent" or about avoiding "disruptions." But that's just because they're not complete idiots -- they know you can't preserve the programs indefinitely as they're currently structured because none of the trend lines are moving in the right direction.
I bet if I spent another minute or two googling I could find something similar with public schools, although hostility to the record of comprehensive failure that is the elementary and secondary public schooling system in the US is pretty widespread among conservatives.
I hate break this to you.
About that warm liquid hitting your face: it's not rain.
"The closest thing we have to true socialized medicine in America is the network of Veterans' Administration hospitals. The Veterans Health Administration resembles the British NHS."
And it has problems due to that structure. Lines and waiting are often horrible. And it all depends on a person's ability to work the system. (And you hope you're not too ill or disabled to work the system.)
"Anyone up for phasing it out, and moving veterans into private rehab hospitals paid for with private health insurance?"
Yeah... I had a question about the "private" health insurance for my dependents when I was active duty and it was so screwed up and I explained that it was screwed up and why couldn't they have a better system and was told that "It's because it's free." Oh BS it was free! It was part of my compensation that I worked for. Nothing "free" about it.
The same thing is going to happen with the stupid "insurance exchange." To what ever extent that the private insurance was unresponsive, it's going to be that much worse, particularly if you end up with one of the "free" options.
You'll get better care if you know how to work the system because "the customer is always right" doesn't apply to anything that involves government.
That's because it's an ideology, which satisfies deeper longings for membership, belief, and group meaning. The real Left doesn't care about you at all. The ideals can't be realized of course, and 'true believers' are always policing their own.
Doubters, skeptics, halfway Leftists and free thinkers hit Leftists where it hurts, in their own unexamined beliefs.
That's one reason many there are so rigid, intolerant, and frankly totalitarian and dangerous.
Americans, take a good long look at this progressive fish as it hangs beside the boat. It would eat the boat if it could. Observe it close up,
Tell your grand kids about it.
This is just one threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, there are others.
Yes garage, announce your allegiance to a few causes, but not others, and it's kind of like leaving a church. You've deeply upset some people's faith and whatever you've got isn't enough for them.
The worst of them, the true believers, actually believe in ideas that lead to actual totalitarian states
Not like your blessed unions, of course, which tend to free ride on the public good, pursuing their own aims, and in some cases abusing their members or extorting them. But you think the ideas are sound, so it's all good, right? The good outweighs any bad.
Even if the public is broke, they can always afford your union buddies.
And I've worked for ethically questionable business types (always have some money saved to jump ship) and bands of self-serving middle managers.
Sometimes a union guy can be the one who knows the most, and gives a shit, but they can also be the laziest, meanest bastards collecting a paycheck and slowing everything down.
Yes garage, announce your allegiance to a few causes, but not others, and it's kind of like leaving a church. You've deeply upset some people's faith and whatever you've got isn't enough for them.
Actually, telling people that they must support someone and must not disagree with anything they stand for is totalitarian in nature. I bet you never thought of that way though.
Like I explained to Jay, voting 98.7% of the time with your party leadership will get you a primary, if you're a Republican in Wisconsin.
Dale Schultz is a principled Republican, and if he ran for governor I'd need a damn good reason to vote against him.
I was talking about Zuckerberg and other liberalish free enterprise types who will hear no end to the bitching and moaning of some Lefties once you throw them a bone, and some reasons why.
I can't speak to your local race. Straight ticket voters always struck me as idiots.
As a matter of fact, the GOP asked me for money. I gave them 15$ (high roller, I know) and they naturally won't leave me alone.
FAke friendly emails and calls and solicitations. Meh, I'm not part of your club. Make some sense on foreign policy, main street and Jeffersonian individuals and I won't think some of you are the idiots you appear to be. There are reasons your approval rating is in the toilet, and as a citizen, I bear some responsibility, but other than that, fuck off.
Trade the horses and don't let Obama starve some and give away the others.
"It works for people who basically don't want to have any opinion, just to get by socially.
Heh! That's a perfect description of both Hollywood and many college campuses. It's as if the things leftists don't put too much thought into are simply correct and any attempt to put real thought behind those mindsets/stances - and thus critiquing them - are really attempts to undermine those ideals.
It's silly, but yes, you've seen it in full action. It's stupid. Leftists have driven away perfectly rational people due to this need for ideological purity. And then they call conservatives the idiots.
Stupid. But in character. What I saw back in my college days still holds true, it's just now seen in the political commetariat, the news, and unfortunately in government. Totally stupid.
"If you actually care about thinking about the various issues, it's ridiculous. You don't get credit for the liberal opinions you do have, only abuse for the ones you don't go along with."
Worse than that. Your stances are not treated as intellectual conclusions with logical merit. They're seen as wrongs to correct. I've suffered this myself, and the folks subjecting it to me are too benighted to see the irony in being patronizing when they themselves react vehemently to patronization.
"That's been my experience. All these people who see me as a right-winger, even though I support gay rights, abortion rights, etc. I failed to hate Bush, oppose the war on terror, etc."
Again, leftists choose to define conveniently, so as to characterize dissent as being politically rather than intellectually motivated. It's stuff like that that's driven Roger L. Simon away from characterizing himself as liberal, and for good reason too. And blogger Neoneocon as well.
The same thing is going to happen with the stupid "insurance exchange." To what ever extent that the private insurance was unresponsive, it's going to be that much worse, particularly if you end up with one of the "free" options."
That's exactly what my concern is. I'm simply flabbergasted that the faults of current healthcare system is being laid on the principles of business rather than at the feet of bureaucracy. But doing so allows people to claim that government will be a solution instead of an exacerbation. Nothing is as bureacratic as government. Nor as unresponsive.
The biggest problems already existent in healthcare - such as denial of treatments, etc. - will be as much if not more of a feature in a government designed system. And in return, there will be no outside entity to appeal to. But the cynical part of me feels advocates view that as a desireable feature rather than a problematic bug.
What drives me nuts is that I've been subjected to the argument that having a governmentally centralized healthcare system is a necessary feature of being civilized. When the Obama bill passed, I was literally treated to "welcome to the modern world" statements. I didn't know making problems larger and intractable was a feature of modern civilization, but apparently I'm not thinking of it correctly...
And you're like a big truth teller on the matter. Because when garagie takes to the Internet to say two somewhat related events demonstration causation, why he's totally telling the truth!
And when a silly liar like garagie says someone is principled you better damn well believe him, cause he's a big truth teller, dammit!
And when a silly liar like garagie says someone is principled you better damn well believe him, cause he's a big truth teller, dammit!
Look, Schultz voted against two bills: Act 10 and the mining bill. That's like kicking the Baby Jesus. Other than that he's been a reliable Republican vote for decades. That's why he is getting primaried. He's not a member of the Cult, otherwise known as the Wisconsin Republican party of today.
Why isn't a possibility for you to ever engage one topic honestly? Just fucking once would be a breath of fresh air.
How do you reconcile the troubling tendency of Leftists who gather around ideals like redistribution of wealth with a kind of belief, and difficult relation with dissenters and skeptics or even other liberals?
...in the spcific case of Mark Zuckerberg.
How do you reconcile individual liberty and freedoms with this collectivism, utopianism and idealism?
Although I like the way "yard ape" rolls as an insult, I think it's racist. Try "lawn lawyer" instead. That's probably safe, and it's doubly insulting.
Ha. I'm still trying to imagine what a yard ape is or does. Actually it could be a great brand name for something that violently pulls weeds with little to no exertion on the user's part. But you're right, it would probably get labeled as 'racist' like that horrible n-word --- niggardly.
I'm charmed by 'lawn lawyer' although I may turn to the slight alternative "lawnchair lawyer" which has a nice rhythm to it.
"Yard ape"? This is a bad word now? Sigh. When I was a kid, "yard apes" were me and my neighborhood friends, out in the "yard", doing things like climbing trees and digging holes.
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It's all our money, and success, Mark.
If given a choice between stopping all the "Dr." Gosnells, or stopping a pipeline using technology that never hurt anyone, is there any doubt which would be chosen by the "smart, compassionate" people.
Is Zuckerburg a left? I honestly don't know. Or care for that matter.
>>Is Zuckerburg a left? I honestly don't know. Or care for that matter.<<
Never mind that he turned over Facebook resources to the Obama campaign for data mining.
Is Zuckerburg a left? I honestly don't know. Or care for that matter.
He straddles. Being an actual businessman hurts "the cause."
When you look at Zuckerberg you can just tell he's a douchebag.
Not a single Dem voted for Clinton's impeachment and not a single Dem voted against Obamacare. The liberal Dems play hardball not allowing any dissent and also taking advantage of the occasional innocent principled Republican who comes to Washington to solve problems.
It's all our money, and success, Mark.
You didn't build that...Somebody else made that happen, Mark Zuckerberg.
Having lived here in SoCal for almost thirty years I can say unequivocally that "immigrants" don't give a crap about the environment.
"When you look at Zuckerberg you can just tell he's a douchebag."
Why do you have your dog as your avatar?
Ann's a traitor for supporting Walker and fiscal responsibility and for wanting to get to the bottom of Benghazi.
Zuck is a capitalist and hasn't given all his money to Lefty causes yet, so he's a traitor, too.
Id feel bad for him...but its not like he didnt know who he was in bed with. Slight deviations from orders on high are frowned upon.
But fortunately, us on the left,
Are the top cats in town,
We've the gold medal kid
With the heavyweight crown!
(For now!)
But fortunately, us on the left,
Are the top cats in town,
We've the gold medal kid
With the heavyweight crown!
(For now!)
Why do you have your dog as your avatar?
Why do you have a dog that looks like it's giving you noggin as your avatar?
"...how political Mark Zuckerberg has become..."
These people are utterly lacking in, among other things, self-awareness:
CREDO Action, the activist arm of cell phone company CREDO Mobile, is hoping to hit Zuckerberg where it hurts — on Facebook. The group is planning a Facebook advertising campaign that takes aim at the FWD.us ads.
“We want to start using Facebook as a way to make the connection about how political Mark Zuckerberg has become,” CREDO’s political director Becky Bond said, noting that the group protested outside Zuckerberg’s California home in February when he hosted a fundraiser for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
A CREDO Action member has also launched a petition calling on Zuckerberg to end the ads...
When you look at Zuckerberg you can just tell he's a douchebag.
A douchebag who's accomplished more than you ever have, or will.
That's irrelevant.
He's still a jerk.
The left also hate him for his stance on education..vouchers, merit pay, magnet schools, etc. The guy is smart and probably not an idealogue. They just assume he should be.
Yes, he is a jerk, "Big Time!"
"Having lived here in SoCal for almost thirty years I can say unequivocally that "immigrants" don't give a crap about the environment."
I have more Hispanic friends than Whites, and this is a problem with immigrants, but it's true of a lot of people especially the young of all stripes, except maybe Asians. It just the opposite of when I grew up, and adults were the pigs.
People I grew up with in the 70's have a real aversion to things like throwing trash around, but most people just don't have that background, especially immigrants. I'm constantly trying to reeducate my friends to simply pick up after themselves.
If you hike in the SoCAl mountains anywhere within easy reach of the city, it's like a dump everywhere. I carry a backpack full of trash out every time I go in deeper, but most people who are not into the outdoors think that's just crazy. I have Hispanic friends that love the mountains, but they still just don't think twice about leaving trash. It's a cultural thing, which means it can be fixed. It's really mostly a problem with young people of all kinds. You don't have to stay off my lawn, but don't leave your damned beer bottles there.
"Why do you have a dog that looks like it's giving you noggin as your avatar?"
What do you mean "looks like". I love my dogs, and they love me. Besides I'm single, nobody gets hurt. Don't judge me. We all deserve equal rights.
The left also hate him for his stance on education..vouchers, merit pay, magnet schools, etc.
Correct. His stance, like the Waltons and Amway scam artists are wrong and have proven to be failures. That's why we'll see more of it along with Keystone.
I agree with everything you said. My main point was that using the environmental excuse to attack the Zuckerberg group is extremely naive.
garage mahal said...
Correct. His stance, like the Waltons and Amway scam artists are wrong and have proven to be failures.
The American public school system is one big, grand failure.
You support more of the same.
Don't worry, you can't see how hypocritical and silly you look.
> It's a cultural thing, which means it can be fixed.
Name 5 "cultural things" that have been fixed out of the hundreds that have been tried.
Smoking is one. Drunk driving might be a second.
Name 5 "cultural things" that have been fixed out of the hundreds that have been tried.
Well, at the end of the day they gave Alex DeLarge an aversion to the ol' ultraviolence, right? So there's one.
You have to be 100% left if you are going to be on the left. That's what is such a pain. It works for people who basically don't want to have any opinion, just to get by socially. If you actually care about thinking about the various issues, it's ridiculous. You don't get credit for the liberal opinions you do have, only abuse for the ones you don't go along with.
That's been my experience. All these people who see me as a right-winger, even though I support gay rights, abortion rights, etc. I failed to hate Bush, oppose the war on terror, etc.
ou need to be left all the way, from your first bite of tofu 'til your last dying day.
Yup. Lock step in your hobnail boots.
What Ann fails to voice is that the ideology of "the left" is absolutely totalitarian in nature--hence the effort to make everyone toe the line on everything.
PS: Yep, you're right, DADvocate--forgot the hobnail boots part...of which we'll be seeing a lot more once Obamacare gets up and running under a full head of steam..
Zuckerburg also let Bush come into the bowels at Facebook and do a book-plugging interview that was softball-city.
The traitor!
"When you're on the left, you need to be left all the way, from your first bite of tofu 'til your last dying day."
“It seems surpassingly strange that our highest tech gurus would be enamored of our oldest, dirtiest, crudest energy sources." Tar sands? I thought COAL was supposed to be the dirtiest.
Not overly surprising--the left is a collection of special interests. See windfarms amongst the wealthy greens, and how they do holler! (Ted, I'm talkin' 'bout you!)
Dear kindly Mr. Zuckerberg,
You gotta understand,
It's just our bringin' up-ke
That gets us out of hand.
Our mothers all are junkies,
Our fathers all are drunks.
Golly Moses, natcherly we're punks!
That's been my experience. All these people who see me as a right-winger, even though I support gay rights, abortion rights, etc. I failed to hate Bush, oppose the war on terror, etc.
Back in the real world if you're a Republican and vote only 98% of the time with your party, you get a primary. Ask Dale Schultz. Not sure if you've noticed, but the WisGOP is a cult, not a political party.
Since when have hobnailed boots, as opposed to jackboots, been the metonym for oppression?
garage mahal said...
That's been my experience. All these people who see me as a right-winger, even though I support gay rights, abortion rights, etc. I failed to hate Bush, oppose the war on terror, etc.
Back in the real world if you're a Republican and vote only 98% of the time with your party, you get a primary. Ask Dale Schultz. Not sure if you've noticed, but the WisGOP is a cult, not a political party.
Note garage believes the interactions of a political party are "the real world", while the interpersonal interactions of everyday people are not. You have to be a fantasist to support leftism, but this one takes the cake.
"Name 5 "cultural things" that have been fixed out of the hundreds that have been tried."
It happens at the personal level. I've succeeded in changing people and families near me by example, and friendly persuasion. I've convinced people of the goodness of cleaning up, doing a job right and with pride, of respecting free enterprise, their employer, and their fellow workers. I've taught people the value of cooperation and teamwork. I've shown them that white people are not all greedy and some can be trusted. I see the results everyday in people who have changed.
Your circle is your job.
Obama and many Democrats agree with Zuckerberg on things like ed policy and Keystone. Hell, many Democrats support slashing Social Security and Medicare.
I can't remember the last time I heard a conservative say they support public schools or want to preserve SS or Medicare.
The right looks for converts.
The left looks for heretics.
Re: garage mahal:
I can't remember the last time I heard a conservative say they support public schools or want to preserve SS or Medicare.
Are you deaf? Do you stick your fingers in your ears and go "lalalalala" everytime you hear a conservative speaking? Conservatives say it all the time. Here's Paul Ryan on social security:
As Chairman House Budget Committee, one of my top priorities is to preserve the Social Security safety net and make sure the program remains solvent for future generations.
And Medicare:
We have to save Medicare to avoid disruptions in benefits for current seniors and to strengthen the program for future generations.
Now you may object that in fact, they want to reform social security and medicare -- hence the concern about "solvent" or about avoiding "disruptions." But that's just because they're not complete idiots -- they know you can't preserve the programs indefinitely as they're currently structured because none of the trend lines are moving in the right direction.
I bet if I spent another minute or two googling I could find something similar with public schools, although hostility to the record of comprehensive failure that is the elementary and secondary public schooling system in the US is pretty widespread among conservatives.
"When you're on the left, you need to be left all the way, from your first bite of tofu 'til your last dying day."
Nice. Sondheim/Bernstein could hardly have put it better. And it bears noting that West Side Story took place on the far left side of Manhattan.
garage mahal said...
Back in the real world if you're a Republican and vote only 98% of the time with your party, you get a primary. Ask Dale Schultz.
Which is a totally accurate assessment. No lie there at all.
Also, note how the silly shit hates Democracy.
You good little facist, you.
"I can't remember the last time I heard a conservative say they support public schools or want to preserve SS or Medicare."
Which is a totally accurate assessment. No lie there at all.
Correct. I just gave you an example, which, again you can't refute. So out comes your yard ape routine of hurling insults.
Zuckerberg is an analytic thinker gone wild.
He sees the need to open the North American borders from both the poor south and the suddenly rich north.
That is a great plan. It will succeed.
The Enviro-nazis will not allow any plan that has any chance of being workable. So Zuckerberg became their enemy.
Socialized medicine and socialized education work at about 20% efficiency.
Medical care run by MDs (who will be gone soon thanks to Medicare for all ObamaCare plot), and education run by Charter School administrators both work very well at 80% efficiency.
So why do you socialists want to destroy what works and put all into a Gulag that does not work? Is sabotage by an enemy 5th column what you are really about.
And don't pull the Hank Johnson trick feigning stupidity as an excuse to get corrupt deals.
Zuckerberg shouldn't even have bothered.
The GOP base over on Redstate.com have already rejected his ads. Because he was--is--an Obama supporter, and so they don't trust anything he funds.
And they regard the Republicans featured in those ads (like Haley Barbour) as traitors for supporting immigration reform.
Evidently Zuckerberg has never actually talked with any GOP base conservatives. He does not know what motivates them.
Well, at the end of the day they gave Alex DeLarge an aversion to the ol' ultraviolence, right? So there's one.
And they taught Winston Smith to love Big Brother.
traditionalguy: "Socialized medicine and socialized education work at about 20% efficiency."
ObamaCare is not socialized medicine.
The closest thing we have to true socialized medicine in America is the network of Veterans' Administration hospitals. The Veterans Health Administration resembles the British NHS.
Anyone up for phasing it out, and moving veterans into private rehab hospitals paid for with private health insurance?
The leaders of the Left are totalitarian. The liberals adhere to a selective ideology. The progressives adhere to an unqualified monotonic change ideology, which is useful for overcoming latent resistance.
Zuckerberg should know that his value to the Left is transitory.
What, exactly, do they teach in American schools? It seems that there is a judicious effort to selectively teach the lessons of history.
I bet if I spent another minute or two googling I could find something similar with public schools, although hostility to the record of comprehensivefailure that is the elementary and secondary public schooling system in the US is pretty widespread among conservatives.
The state of public schools varies largely on demography. The ones in my community tend to be excellent, largely I think because its upper middle class with parents that give a shit. Typically if the parents give a shit, the kids will too. When you find a failing school its probably because neither the parent or kid gives a shit and ultimately neither do the teachers.
No amount of funding cures apathy.
Colonel Angus:
Exactly. Physical and emotional proximity lend themselves to accountability.
The government, and its agents, are precisely the wrong actors to relay moral and ethical values. Too often, they are like celebrities, who commit a violation, then manufacture a positive perception through an unrelated good work. The government is the worst offender of the "have their cake and eat it too" doctrine.
If people want positive change, and positive progress, then the reform must begin with the first level of social organization: the family.
In order for this positive change and positive progress to be realized, they must reject the fraudulent dreams of material, physical, and ego instant (or immediate) gratification. They must reject the women, and men, who promise fulfillment of these dreams without perceived consequences.
I hate to break this to you, but about that warm liquid hitting you in the face: it's not rain.
garage spewed...
When you look at Zuckerberg you can just tell he's a douchebag.
Who became a billionaire at 26. He has accomplished in his short life what a million union parasites never will in a million lifetimes.
Amazing nobody mentioned he's a Jew.
Correct. I just gave you an example, which, again you can't refute. So out comes your yard ape routine of hurling insults.
Oh that's rich garage, coming from you.
Although I like the way "yard ape" rolls as an insult, I think it's racist. Try "lawn lawyer" instead. That's probably safe, and it's doubly insulting.
The Left, by its very nature, is obviously totalitarian.
It's whole emphasis is to socialize everything; everything is thought of expressly in the context of society, community, groups.
Individuals do not matter as individuals, only as parts of a larger society, community, interest group.
Right to work?
No. You have to join a union.
Keep the fruit of your labors?
No. You have to pay your taxes first; and the more you make, the greater the public's claim on your earnings.
Send your kid to a private school with a voucher because the public school is awful?
No. The teachers' union demands your child remain hostage to lousy schools.
It's the reason why deviation from the party line is dealt with so venomously.
garage mahal said...
Correct. I just gave you an example, which, again you can't refute.
Uh, no you didn't.
You posted an allegation based on a lie.
For you that is an "example"
In reality, it is a lie.
YYou posted an allegation based on a lie.
For you that is an "example"
In reality, it is a lie.
So, what's the lie? Dale Schultz isn't getting primaried? (he is). That he votes with Republicans 98% of the time? (he does)
Schultz points to his voting record, which he says matches Sen. Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald’s 98% of the time Link
Now you may object that in fact, they want to reform social security and medicare -- hence the concern about "solvent" or about avoiding "disruptions." But that's just because they're not complete idiots -- they know you can't preserve the programs indefinitely as they're currently structured because none of the trend lines are moving in the right direction.
I bet if I spent another minute or two googling I could find something similar with public schools, although hostility to the record of comprehensive failure that is the elementary and secondary public schooling system in the US is pretty widespread among conservatives.
I hate break this to you.
About that warm liquid hitting your face: it's not rain.
garage mahal said...
So, what's the lie? Dale Schultz isn't getting primaried? (he is). That he votes with Republicans 98% of the time? (he does)
I think you should go about pretending that the lie isn't obvious here.
It is also comical to watch you take what Republicans say at face value when it suits your purposes.
That's rich.
I think you should go about pretending that the lie isn't obvious here
What is the lie?
I said:
"Back in the real world if you're a Republican and vote only 98% of the time with your party, you get a primary. Ask Dale Schultz."
1. Dale Schultz IS getting a primary opponent.
2. Schultz DID vote with party leadership 98% of the time.
"The closest thing we have to true socialized medicine in America is the network of Veterans' Administration hospitals. The Veterans Health Administration resembles the British NHS."
And it has problems due to that structure. Lines and waiting are often horrible. And it all depends on a person's ability to work the system. (And you hope you're not too ill or disabled to work the system.)
"Anyone up for phasing it out, and moving veterans into private rehab hospitals paid for with private health insurance?"
Yeah... I had a question about the "private" health insurance for my dependents when I was active duty and it was so screwed up and I explained that it was screwed up and why couldn't they have a better system and was told that "It's because it's free." Oh BS it was free! It was part of my compensation that I worked for. Nothing "free" about it.
The same thing is going to happen with the stupid "insurance exchange." To what ever extent that the private insurance was unresponsive, it's going to be that much worse, particularly if you end up with one of the "free" options.
You'll get better care if you know how to work the system because "the customer is always right" doesn't apply to anything that involves government.
That's because it's an ideology, which satisfies deeper longings for membership, belief, and group meaning. The real Left doesn't care about you at all. The ideals can't be realized of course, and 'true believers' are always policing their own.
Doubters, skeptics, halfway Leftists and free thinkers hit Leftists where it hurts, in their own unexamined beliefs.
That's one reason many there are so rigid, intolerant, and frankly totalitarian and dangerous.
Americans, take a good long look at this progressive fish as it hangs beside the boat. It would eat the boat if it could. Observe it close up,
Tell your grand kids about it.
This is just one threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, there are others.
Lefty not down with the owner of Facebook?
It's because they're "totalitarian and dangerous!"
LOL. Good stuff.
garage mahal said...
1. Dale Schultz IS getting a primary opponent.
2. Schultz DID vote with party leadership 98% of the time.
I think its cute you think you're talking to someone who is as stupid as you.
garagie, is pretty fucking dumb.
garage mahal said...
What is the lie?
Garagie doesn't do critical thinking.
Jay: It's all a lie!
garage mahal said...
Please point us to a statement by someone in the State Republican party or legislative leadership confirming what you're saying.
I can't wait to read all about it.
Yes garage, announce your allegiance to a few causes, but not others, and it's kind of like leaving a church. You've deeply upset some people's faith and whatever you've got isn't enough for them.
The worst of them, the true believers, actually believe in ideas that lead to actual totalitarian states
Not like your blessed unions, of course, which tend to free ride on the public good, pursuing their own aims, and in some cases abusing their members or extorting them. But you think the ideas are sound, so it's all good, right? The good outweighs any bad.
Even if the public is broke, they can always afford your union buddies.
And I've worked for ethically questionable business types (always have some money saved to jump ship) and bands of self-serving middle managers.
Sometimes a union guy can be the one who knows the most, and gives a shit, but they can also be the laziest, meanest bastards collecting a paycheck and slowing everything down.
It's built in the incentive structure.
Yes garage, announce your allegiance to a few causes, but not others, and it's kind of like leaving a church. You've deeply upset some people's faith and whatever you've got isn't enough for them.
Actually, telling people that they must support someone and must not disagree with anything they stand for is totalitarian in nature. I bet you never thought of that way though.
Like I explained to Jay, voting 98.7% of the time with your party leadership will get you a primary, if you're a Republican in Wisconsin.
Dale Schultz is a principled Republican, and if he ran for governor I'd need a damn good reason to vote against him.
I was talking about Zuckerberg and other liberalish free enterprise types who will hear no end to the bitching and moaning of some Lefties once you throw them a bone, and some reasons why.
I can't speak to your local race. Straight ticket voters always struck me as idiots.
As a matter of fact, the GOP asked me for money. I gave them 15$ (high roller, I know) and they naturally won't leave me alone.
FAke friendly emails and calls and solicitations. Meh, I'm not part of your club. Make some sense on foreign policy, main street and Jeffersonian individuals and I won't think some of you are the idiots you appear to be. There are reasons your approval rating is in the toilet, and as a citizen, I bear some responsibility, but other than that, fuck off.
Trade the horses and don't let Obama starve some and give away the others.
"It works for people who basically don't want to have any opinion, just to get by socially.
Heh! That's a perfect description of both Hollywood and many college campuses. It's as if the things leftists don't put too much thought into are simply correct and any attempt to put real thought behind those mindsets/stances - and thus critiquing them - are really attempts to undermine those ideals.
It's silly, but yes, you've seen it in full action. It's stupid. Leftists have driven away perfectly rational people due to this need for ideological purity. And then they call conservatives the idiots.
Stupid. But in character. What I saw back in my college days still holds true, it's just now seen in the political commetariat, the news, and unfortunately in government. Totally stupid.
"If you actually care about thinking about the various issues, it's ridiculous. You don't get credit for the liberal opinions you do have, only abuse for the ones you don't go along with."
Worse than that. Your stances are not treated as intellectual conclusions with logical merit. They're seen as wrongs to correct. I've suffered this myself, and the folks subjecting it to me are too benighted to see the irony in being patronizing when they themselves react vehemently to patronization.
"That's been my experience. All these people who see me as a right-winger, even though I support gay rights, abortion rights, etc. I failed to hate Bush, oppose the war on terror, etc."
Again, leftists choose to define conveniently, so as to characterize dissent as being politically rather than intellectually motivated. It's stuff like that that's driven Roger L. Simon away from characterizing himself as liberal, and for good reason too. And blogger Neoneocon as well.
garage mahal said...
Like I explained to Jay, voting 98.7% of the time with your party leadership will get you a primary, if you're a Republican in Wisconsin.
Um, you seem to think you've provided some evidence that if you don't vote 100% Republican, you'll get primaried.
You haven't.
You continue to show what an idiot you are.
Bow to the Facebook billionaire who is not aligned with interests that are dear to you. Bow. NOW!
"Synova said...
The same thing is going to happen with the stupid "insurance exchange." To what ever extent that the private insurance was unresponsive, it's going to be that much worse, particularly if you end up with one of the "free" options."
That's exactly what my concern is. I'm simply flabbergasted that the faults of current healthcare system is being laid on the principles of business rather than at the feet of bureaucracy. But doing so allows people to claim that government will be a solution instead of an exacerbation. Nothing is as bureacratic as government. Nor as unresponsive.
The biggest problems already existent in healthcare - such as denial of treatments, etc. - will be as much if not more of a feature in a government designed system. And in return, there will be no outside entity to appeal to. But the cynical part of me feels advocates view that as a desireable feature rather than a problematic bug.
What drives me nuts is that I've been subjected to the argument that having a governmentally centralized healthcare system is a necessary feature of being civilized. When the Obama bill passed, I was literally treated to "welcome to the modern world" statements. I didn't know making problems larger and intractable was a feature of modern civilization, but apparently I'm not thinking of it correctly...
garage mahal said...
Dale Schultz is a principled Republican,
I bet!
And you're like a big truth teller on the matter. Because when garagie takes to the Internet to say two somewhat related events demonstration causation, why he's totally telling the truth!
And when a silly liar like garagie says someone is principled you better damn well believe him, cause he's a big truth teller, dammit!
And when a silly liar like garagie says someone is principled you better damn well believe him, cause he's a big truth teller, dammit!
Look, Schultz voted against two bills: Act 10 and the mining bill. That's like kicking the Baby Jesus. Other than that he's been a reliable Republican vote for decades. That's why he is getting primaried. He's not a member of the Cult, otherwise known as the Wisconsin Republican party of today.
Why isn't a possibility for you to ever engage one topic honestly? Just fucking once would be a breath of fresh air.
You don't strike me as making intellectually honest nor logically consistent arguments, garage.
I'm listening, persuade me.
You're kind of like the Althouse village idiot.
As to Zuckerberg and the charges made against Leftist ideologies. One example of groupthink amongst GOP party politics is hardly a response.
Now's your time to shine, champ.
He's not a member of the Cult, otherwise known as the Wisconsin Republican party of today.
Can I get a quote from the WI Republican party on that one?
You're kind of like the Althouse village idiot.
Why though? Because I post things outside the safety of your little fluffed wingnut nest that you can safely fly back into in bad weather?
One more time:
How do you reconcile the troubling tendency of Leftists who gather around ideals like redistribution of wealth with a kind of belief, and difficult relation with dissenters and skeptics or even other liberals?
...in the spcific case of Mark Zuckerberg.
How do you reconcile individual liberty and freedoms with this collectivism, utopianism and idealism?
You don't strike me as making intellectually honest nor logically consistent arguments, garage.
I'm listening, persuade me.
You're kind of like the Althouse village idiot.
Please see my observation to Balfegor.
Don't worry, I live in Seattle. I have a raincoat.
Although I like the way "yard ape" rolls as an insult, I think it's racist. Try "lawn lawyer" instead. That's probably safe, and it's doubly insulting.
Ha. I'm still trying to imagine what a yard ape is or does. Actually it could be a great brand name for something that violently pulls weeds with little to no exertion on the user's part. But you're right, it would probably get labeled as 'racist' like that horrible n-word --- niggardly.
I'm charmed by 'lawn lawyer' although I may turn to the slight alternative "lawnchair lawyer" which has a nice rhythm to it.
"Yard ape"? This is a bad word now?
Sigh. When I was a kid, "yard apes" were me and my neighborhood friends, out in the "yard", doing things like climbing trees and digging holes.
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