April 3, 2013

"Congratulations, Mr. Starr!"

"As a result of your callous disregard for cherished constitutional rights, you may have succeeded in unmasking a sexual relationship between two consenting adults."


President-Mom-Jeans said...

May Gloria Alred follow suit swiftly.

The less incompetent grandstanding shitty old lawyers the better.

Rob said...

And this publicity-hound is memorialized by the immortal phrase "the Full Ginsburg."

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Seldom does a MedMal defense guy get to concede anything so it must have felt good to let it out.

James said...

Monica Lewinsky has signed on to appear on "The Swan" makeover reality show.

traditionalguy said...

Memory Allowed: perjury under oath is a noble thing whenever, "it is all about employer/employee sex." Everyone does that!

That is all you are allowed to remember!

Kirby Olson said...


edutcher said...

Yes, the Serial Rapist in Chief's right to lie to everyone must not be infringed.

jr565 said...

“As a result of your callous disregard for cherished constitutional rights, you may have succeeded in unmasking a sexual relationship between two consenting adults.”

What right is that? For the boss to shctup his secretary or underling?
Didn't this particular boss pass rules against sexual harrasment that would make it harrasment even if consensual (because of the power difference).

And lets also not forget that but for the info coming out Clinton was all set to destroy Monica Lewinsky and peg her as a crazy woman.

SteveR said...

Lying to a Grand Jury is a constitutional right?

Sam L. said...

Yes. How Dare He? When da foist black prez does something (or somebody), it's totally, like, OK!

ricpic said...

How these jokers look in the mirror is beyond me.

Kensington said...

Oh, what rubbish! Clinton and Lewinsky were conspiring to obstruct justice. You don't get a free pass to break the law just because there's nookie involved.

The fact that Clinton supporters keep pretending otherwise is loathsome.

hombre said...

“Congratulations, Mr. Starr!” Ginsburg wrote in an open letter published in California Lawyer magazine. “As a result of your callous disregard for cherished constitutional rights, you may have succeeded in unmasking a sexual relationship between two consenting adults.”

A: Sexually harassing a WH intern is a "cherished constitutional right?" B. Monica herself, via Linda Whatzername, did the unmasking. Ginsburg's comment was dishonest and silly then and now.

Otherwise: Secular Jewish lawyer from California covers for miscreant Democrat President at the expense of his client. Big surprise.

Anonymous said...

How about exposing a sexual predator? How about abusing the power of his office?

Henry said...

Someday they'll all be gone.

tiger said...

As a public person and what he did and said: he was a dolt and a farking embarrassment.

As for his death? RIP.

n.n said...

Sometimes it is harassment. Sometimes it is superior exploitation. Sometimes it is consensual. All of the time it is selective for political, economic, and social convenience.

garage mahal said...

It doesn't matter what Clinton did, it only matters what Lewinsky did.


AllenS said...

Two posts in a row about politicians involved in sexual relationships outside of their marriage. One is a hero and the other scum?

tim maguire said...

Sounds like a great PR statement in support of his client. Nothing wrong with that.

It was not Ginsburg, but the United States Senate whose members violated their oaths of office, chose party over country, ignored Clinton's guilt, and declared that we are, in fact, not a nation of laws, but of men.

bagoh20 said...

The President is an employee. We have every right to know if he's having sex with his secretary in his office. I'd be fine if it was private and none of our business, but we have laws against that now, and Democrats have convinced us that these laws are very important, and involve serious civil rights. Did they lie about that? Is it Fen's law yet again?

gerry said...

Please remembeer that Billy was disbarred in Arkansas for perjury.

Aridog said...

Come on AllenS....which lady involved is more likely to possess "dat gap?" Focus is important!

bagoh20 said...

" One is a hero and the other scum?"

I wonder what could be the difference?, And, Althouse should note that Bill Clinton still hasn't married that woman, Ms. Lewinsky. He may never "get back in the public graces" if he doesn't.

Rusty said...

bpm4532 said...
How about exposing a sexual predator? How about abusing the power of his office?

How about just bad taste.

bagoh20 said...

"It doesn't matter what Clinton did, it only matters what Lewinsky did."

He was just sitting there doing his job, and she was doing hers. The cigar is the one that took liberties with that poor woman.

AllenS said...

It's that double standard that bothers me the most, and it happens all of the time. I'm surprised that someone else didn't see what Althouse did to bring that to our attention. Or, at least that's what I think she did.

bagoh20 said...

"How about just bad taste."

You'd have to ask Monica about that, but I'm betting yea, probably taste like Cheetos and bacon. Wait, maybe that's a good taste, but the presentation had to be a let down.

Amartel said...

Former gov Sanford and former president Clinton share a sense that they are entitled to a political office, other people, party, and principles be damned. (See also, Todd Akin, Barack Obama.)

Ginsburg was doing his job, defending his client who was in real trouble for a while there. RIP.

Rusty said...

just a helpful hint to the kids in the audience;
Never fool around with anybody that has less to lose than you do.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Just one of my final stepping stones on the path to consevatism. Clarence Thomas is a monster but Bill Clinton is a hero? My contempt for the Left runneth over then and is complete now.

Amartel said...

Cigar control, that's what we need to decrease sex harassment.

garage mahal said...

He was just sitting there doing his job, and she was doing hers.

Yep. Clinton was just defending himself. Poor guy.

damikesc said...

No concern about the rather blatant violations of Linda Tripp's privacy? Her records were leaked to the press by somebody in the Clinton administration.

It was not Ginsburg, but the United States Senate whose members violated their oaths of office, chose party over country, ignored Clinton's guilt, and declared that we are, in fact, not a nation of laws, but of men.

It showed that Democrats will never vote to remove a Democrat President, no matter the crime.

Obama can happily ignore the Constitution because the Democrats wouldn't impeach if he was found guilty of murder.

dreams said...

He's had his fifteen minutes of fame and I say good riddance.

damikesc said...

Ginsburg was doing his job, defending his client who was in real trouble for a while there.

Unless she committed perjury --- which she tried to do --- what trouble would she have been in because of Starr?

Drago said...

garage: "Yep. Clinton was just defending himself. Poor guy. "

Your Honor, there I wuz, jes mindin' my own bidness, when suddenly, shazaam!! I wuz a victim of coicumstance......Yeah, that's the ticket.....

Drago said...

BTW, it was not that long before this incident that Billy boy signed into law a specific law which basically stated that if a subordinate has sex with her boss that, by definition, it was harassment due to the relative power relationship of the boss/employee.

Now would be a good time to mention Fen's Law.

dreams said...

Being a crooked Democrat means never having to say you're sorry. Long live Blow Job Clinton, all the unrepentant terrorists like Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers and the Communist In Chief.

"The farther shores of leftism are amply populated as well. Among the renowned career successes of the modern law school is that of the former Weather Underground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn at Chicago’s Northwestern."


President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Ginsburg was doing his job, defending his client who was in real trouble for a while there. RIP."

Except that his grandstanding against Starr and the Republicans and counsel for Lewinsky not to take the immunity deal was not in the interest of his client, it was in his political and personal interests. Fuck him.

I see that Bitchtits the Uneducated has fled from the spanking Althouse gave him in the Roggensack thread to continue spreading his lefty cheerleading here.

Ann Althouse says:
"Enjoy the quagmire of your incoherent, inconsistent lefty bullshit."

damikesc said...

Now would be a good time to mention Fen's Law.

No joke. Clinton proved it and killed feminism DEAD in the eyes of most younger women.

When feminists are basically giving Clinton a "One Free Grope" rule, then their whining about harassment is, evidently, utter bullshitr.

Scott M said...

What right is that? For the boss to shctup his secretary or underling?

It's spelled "Von Shtupp".

Amartel said...

"Unless she committed perjury --- which she tried to do ..."

No, she actually DID commit perjury, in an affidavit in the Paula Jones case.

Basta! said...

"You'd have to ask Monica about that, but I'm betting yea, probably taste like Cheetos and bacon. Wait, maybe that's a good taste, but the presentation had to be a let down."

Bagoh20, I'm still laughing, half an hour later.

You devil you.

Dante said...

I don't think Clinton perjured himself. In the AZ case, he specifically removed blow jobs from the definition of sex, for the purpose of the trial.

Of course, Hillary making Lewinsky out to be a stalker to protect her husband was pretty cloak and dagger stuff, but hey, she would make a great president.

On the other hand, I recall Bush Sr. stating Clinton had low character during the initial election. He was right. I don't see how feminists can support this groper, alleged rapist, etc. Though Clinton will probably get a footnote for changing Freud's meaning of cigar back to something other than cigar.

Rob said...

I admire Monica Lewinsky. She put her honey where her mouth was. And not for nothing, she didn't just go plain vanilla. See fn 209 of the Starr Report.

Chuck66 said...

Dante.....feminist say its okay to be a rapist (Juanita Broaddrick) and sexual harrasser as long as you are pro-abortion.

G Joubert said...

Yeah, and if it was Bush who had been caught diddling the interns in the Oval Office I'm sure he'd have said exactly the same thing.

Chuck66 said...

How does this work out in the real world? The CEO of Best Buy was fired (with a very generous severience payment) because he had a non-sexual but otherwise close relationship with his admin gal.

A tip to be learned....if you are going to make hundreds of personal phone calls to your administrative lady, do it with your own phone. Don't use your company phone.

Drago said...

Dante: "I don't see how feminists can support this groper, alleged rapist, etc."

What do you get when you cross a feminist with a leftist?

A leftist.

What do you get when you cross an environmentalist with a leftist?

A leftist.

What do you get when you cross a minority activist with a leftist?

A leftist.

What do you get when you cross an anti-war activist with a leftist?

A leftist.

Fen's Law.

Every activist on the left is simply co-opting some "ism" somewhere to advance the cause of leftism.

Which is why they are so readily willing and able to pull a 180 whenever they need to advance a particular cause on one day and then revert back to their "principled" position the next.

For them, history starts anew each day and allows them to conjure up whatever argument they believe will work today regardless of whatever they did or said mere hours/days before.

Drago said...

Evan Sayet described the leftist mind perfectly well in 2007:


Sums it all up in about 45 minutes.

Chuck66 said...

Drago...same with unions. What do you get when you cross an United Steel Workers union member who works in a iron mine, with a left wing enviromentalist? An unemployed leftist miner.

Sooo northern Minnesota miners. How's that "blue-green alliance" working out for you?

n.n said...


Their greed and lack of integrity unites them in common cause.

Rusty said...

The funny thing is that no matter what the ex president does from now til doomsday Monicas shadow will be right there beside him.

AllenS said...

Chuck66 said...
Drago...same with unions. What do you get when you cross an United Steel Workers union member who works in a iron mine, with a left wing enviromentalist? An unemployed leftist miner.

Sooo northern Minnesota miners

Ain't that the truth. Go up to Virginia, MN, and it's like you died and went to Al Franken heaven.

FullMoon said...

I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky

...and neither did Bill Clinton

dreams said...

"I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky

...and neither did Bill Clinton"

She caused him to have a sexual climax
by sucking him off so what do you think he had with her?

Darcy said...

And Ken Starr was just doing his job. What a crap job he was given. No win.

William said...

Ken Starr, Monica Lewinsky and even, albeit to a lesser extent, Ginsburg suffered damage to their careers and reputations. Clinton suffered no such damage. It was perhaps a little embarassing, but ultimately the scandal just proved what a virile stud our rogueish President was and how prissy and puritanical were his critics......The term "teflon President" was applied to Reagan by Democrats. Clinton had teflon with a heat shield. Democrats really do get away with a lot more crap than Republicans.

kentuckyliz said...

Don't you wish this saying was around at that time for Slick Willie to grin and drawl:

Don't hate the playah
Hate the game

kentuckyliz said...

I once witnessed an esteemed colleague forced to resign for not having an adulterous and sexually harassing relationship with an employee and for not committing financial fraud, by a man who had done both (in other instances) and got away with it. WTF

Molly said...

Just a reminder: It wasn't consensual sex. When a power disparity exists between two individuals, the less powerful person cannot be said to consent.

Oh wait. That's what we used to say back when we took sexual harassment seriously. (At least some of us did.)

Unclebiffy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unclebiffy said...

Hey, let's make sure to give credit where credit is due. The Democrats and Bill Clinton would have never been able to get away with any of this if it were not for the MSM. When this story first came out Clinton was in huge trouble. If the story had been reported honestly by the press he would have been impeached. He was only saved by month after month after month of the 24/7/365 rationalizations about consensual sex and how this was a private matter, the refusal to point out that the trial was about perjury and not about sex and the out right demonization of anyone who was trying to follow the law. Without this herculean effort by the press Bill Clinton was toast.

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