April 16, 2013

At the Spring Ice Café...


... you don't need to make sense.


traditionalguy said...

OK, I'll have one without salt on the rim but using the very best Tequila.

Now where are those drunken students hiding out?

chickelit said...

California and the West are sending the Midwest some more cold weather and possibly some precipitation. It should last all weekend for you. The good news is that the pattern broke today so it should show up on your radar after the usual lag time.

Meade said...

It's always the traditional guys who ruin it for the rest of us.

traditionalguy said...

The pics of the Boston Marathon bomb showed it to be a pretty good substitute for a Claymore Mine rigged to obliterate a wide range of people in one direction.

A Claymore is an anti-personnel killing zone device used in ambushes. Rigging it to face the wrong way was considered the worst thing a dummy could ever do.

rcommal said...


traditionalguy said...

Talk about ruining it for the rest of us, did you guys happen to notice that the Brewers are 3 and 8 while the Braves are 11 and 1. (We had some bad luck in one game.)

Retired pitcher Tom Glavine was on tonight's broadcast. Being from Boston they asked him about the bombing and he remembered mostly the emotions everyone felt in the first game played in NYC after the Twin Towers went down. Tom said the Braves were glad to lose that one.

Bob Ellison said...

I'm struck. Why live in high-density, large cities anymore? Why go to large festivals of any sort? Why fly?

Icepick said...

Bob, you forgot "Why get mail delivered?" Also, the sharks are biting again off the coast.

As for flying, the next time I fly it will be because California is just too damned far away from Florida otherwise. We'd waste the whole vacation getting there and back.

Gene said...

Althouse: you don't need to make sense.

Thank god. That's never been my strong point anyway.

edutcher said...

Something off the sidebar Ann may want to tackle on the morrow:

Will someone explain why this Administration has cut its bomb prevention budget 45% and why we have to read about it in a British paper?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Tom said the Braves were glad to lose that one.

That was nice...

Look at what they put up at Yankee Stadium.

They also played Sweet Caroline over the loud speaker in the middle of the 4th... and even thought some of the fans didn't seem to get it or appreciate it... it showed class on the part of the Yankee organization.

rcommal said...

tackle on the morrow

LOL. Identifying linguistically elsewhere, at the moment, are we?

C'est parfait, padre--you primo dude, you.

Limited Blogger said...

Try to fill in this blank:

What Margaret Carlson had to say -- that made sense -- about comparisons of Hillary to Thatcher: _________.


rcommal said...

You are owed at least one "sirrah" for all the madams and madames you've deployed over time. Perhaps that is something on which a bridge could be built.

Eh, probably not.

rcommal said...
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rcommal said...

I read edutcher--and I hear haw-haw.

rcommal said...

Perhaps that is scurrilous! No doubt rains of pains will storm upon my furrows and burrows. Yea, what shall be, will be.

Still, the lordship that edutcher brings to mind is Haw Haw.

chickelit said...

California and the West are sending the Midwest some more cold weather and possibly some precipitation. It should last all weekend for you. The good news is that the pattern broke today so it should show up on your radar after the usual lag time.

You may find yourselves somewhat soaked in nature's fecund blessings until the week-end next.

Unknown said...

If Hillary had any leadership qualities she wouldn't have to smile and listen and pretend to be something she's not. NTTAWWT

And then there's the small difference between their politics.



Conservatives like strong women.

The rule of Lemnity said...

There was some heavy duty clickage going on out there today.

My 'happy accident', phone in pocket art? link got 89 views.

Was it my choice of words to describe what happened?

Where they taken as double-intenders?

chickelit said...

I am 53 now, and hope to write a novel as good as "Persuasion," but in a modern setting.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oh my...

I never thought of it that way.


The rule of Lemnity said...
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The rule of Lemnity said...

...a novel as good as "Persuasion," but in a modern setting.

In The Last American Virgin (1982), the Persuasion female leading role was played by the kid... the male leading role.

It was more poignant... I'm realizing that maybe it felt that way because I identified more with that character too.

(I delete it this comment and then I remembered what Althouse said on this very tread... Very wise ;)

The rule of Lemnity said...

I identified more with the leading role of the kid in The Last American Virgin (1982)

Not making sense is not easy.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Instapundit links to


about a senior army NCO hassled and arrested by a Temple, TX police officer for, it is reported, lawfully carrying a rifle in public.

Googling on the name, C.J. Grisham, yielded up an Army Times article


and Grisham's blog


The story interests me for several reasons, as a Texan, Air Force Academy graduate and 20 year veteran, and card-carrying Libertarian.

Grisham seems like an energetic, thoughtful, creative fellow, respectful of lawful authority, but ready to speak truth to power - someone who enjoys pushing the limits a bit.

Pushing the limits is done a lot - by rap 'singers', piss-Christ 'artists', sex-and-violence move and TV producers, those who push the envelope of 'marriage' - and folks like Rosa Parks.

test said...

Many people including me have presumed the timing of the blast to be the sign of an amateur. A couple of hours earlier and the effect would have been much worse. Maybe this is true and the killer was late because of the congestion or whatever.

But maybe not. It seems such a mistake it made me wonder if it wasn’t, which made me think about why else someone would wait. It seems a mistake because we presume the goal, to kill as many people as possible. Maybe the goal wasn’t to kill as many people as possible, but to kill one specific person who was not yet in the kill zone. Maybe this is someone trying to kill [for example] his ex wife in a way he thought would prevent suspicion.

Anyway, a thought.

Joe Schmoe said...

Deval Patrick: could be Obama 2.0 in 2016.

The rule of Lemnity said...

What is this about the Boston Marathon "pressure cooker" bomb idea borrowed from an American Dad episode?

I've only seen a few episodes of that.

Rusty said...

If we can gt some above freezing night time temps and some sunny days we should be seeing Morrels in a week or two.