April 20, 2013

At the Black Dog Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want. Seriously. We're not judging you. Really.


John said...

Love that mug.

pm317 said...

In other news,
I told you so!

and how about THIS..

Suckers, they all are. And how lucky can Obama get -- nobody is talking about his gun control fiasco in the aftermath of Boston!

Nena's 99 Luftballons Song said...

Time to travel with the Pup.

Alex said...

So I keep hearing Wisconsin is 44th in private sector job creation. Now I know Scott Walker has been devastating to government jobs, but can anyone name me a single thing he's done that's anti-business? So why are businesses fleeing Wisconsin? Maybe it's because the bigger picture is that Walker can't save a sinking ship.

Rabel said...

I got that exact same look the other day when I had a long talk with my bitch about her behavior.

I tried a carrot and stick approach with the promise of rewards for good conduct and punishment for bad.

I thought we had an understanding. But I know now that the sad eyes were just a ruse. She was playing me.

Because two days later, sure enough, there was poop on the living room floor. Again.

ricpic said...

Everything depends on
A blue-black dog in a yellow room
Was WCW's fallback position
If his editor had a chicken phobia.

chickelit said...

Sometimes the answer is just staring us in the face.

Michael K said...

My basset is so house trained that he won't poop in the back yard of the Tucson house. At home, we just have a patio now and he has to be walked. Here he has to be walked as well although I wouldn't mind if he would help himself.

Talk about sad eyes !

My daughter has a chihuahua puppy that steals food from his plate when he is eating. He just looks sadder.

garage mahal said...

My lab has some kind of allergies going on. Itching like crazy, and a one eye swelled almost shut a few days ago. Before I take him to the vet next week I'm going to grind up some venison and just feed him that this weekend to see if it gets better.

Palladian said...

My lab has some kind of allergies going on. Itching like crazy, and a one eye swelled almost shut a few days ago.

Sounds almost like my allergies.

My mother's Boston Terrier, Maggie, has this trouble every spring. We've partially concluded that she may have a slight allergy to grasses.

traditionalguy said...

Zeus' look is plain. He can smell me. He knows I have petted other dogs, but he is willing to oversmell it this time.

Unknown said...

As I was walking to my car to go home from work yesterday I witnessed a tiny little woman beat on her dog with her fists, a big golden lab I think.
It was horrifying. He just kept trying to cringe away and didn't make a sound. She had two other big dogs as well. I can't turn her in because around here that is not at all unusual.
Is that a successful way to train a dog? She probably didn't hurt him because she's so small, but it looked brutal and brought tears to my eyes.

Palladian said...

wyo sis, I couldn't have restrained myself from at least saying something to the bitch (the human one, in this case).

garage mahal said...

A few months ago the same thing happened. The vet gave us steroids which helped, the eye got better within hours. I put him on a premium bison formula which apparently hasn't worked as hoped.

Palladian said...

garage, Maggie got better on steroids as well, but I have concerns about their continual use. I also had my mother try feeding her a premium grain-free dog food, but it didn't really seem to make a difference.

Anonymous said...

No canine connection, but coming across this yesterday it struck me as Althouse café material:

5 perfume ads that should never have happened.

("Good Fighting. Good Hunting. Good Loving."

"Half-man, half-beast, all-male. Are you ready for Centaur?"

Among other great stuff.)

rhhardin said...

It's been a bad news week for Boston terriers.

Freeman Hunt said...

Ron Paul has his own name branded homeschool curriculum now. Celebrity branded homeschool curriculums--could be an interesting phenomenon.

lemondog said...

My lab has some kind of allergies going on. Itching like crazy, and a one eye swelled almost shut a few days ago. Before I take him to the vet next week I'm going to grind up some venison and just feed him that this weekend to see if it gets better.

Neighbors dog has food allergies and for many years has been on a strict fish and potato diet.

Loooooooooooves dried sweet potatoes.

Is it a confirmed food allergy, rather than some sort of environmental toxin?

chickelit said...

Ron Paul has his own name branded homeschool curriculum now. Celebrity branded homeschool curriculums--could be an interesting phenomenon.

Th lefty version will be branded under "Ron Saul"

lemondog said...

Can a US citizen be held as an enemy combatant

coketown said...

My lab has some kind of allergies going on. Itching like crazy, and a one eye swelled almost shut a few days ago. Before I take him to the vet next week I'm going to grind up some venison and just feed him that this weekend to see if it gets better.

If it's a dietary thing, Natural Balance has a range of dog foods whose ingredients are non-overlapping. So one food has, say, lamb and rice and barley, and another has venison and sweet potato and another has trout and whatever else. The point being you can feed your dog one variety for six weeks, then another, then another, to see if you can isolate the specific allergen--or at least find a variety he doesn't react to. And it's high-quality food, too.

The absolute best labrador food available is Eukanuba's labrador retriever blend. It's expensive, but every person I've recommended it to says the results are astonishing. It's formulated to exclude the proteins that most commonly cause labs' allergies to react.

These approaches are far, far cheaper than doing a full allergy panel for your dog.

edutcher said...

The Yorks always refuse to look at you when they've done something bad.

lemondog said...

Who made this mess

Paul Brinkley said...

This has been making the rounds: Bill Maher lays into Bruce Levin about which religion is more dangerous.


Fred Drinkwater said...

I feel an intense need to look through Rachel Lucas's doggy photos archives. Right now.
Also, what kind of monster hits a Golden Lab with fists?

gemma said...

Why the long face Zeus?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Go ahead and laugh...

I'm not judging you. Really.

Deb said...

I can never resist sharing pictures of Zoe and Brit

Chip Ahoy said...

I just now looked up words I never see in sign and they are nowhere to be found in English-based ASL dictionaries. I did find one word for "Muslim" in one dictionary and it is so unP.C. that it cannot possibly be right. It uses the same hand configuration for four movements to depict a turban, then a beard and it goes: turban, beard, turban, longer beard, so four movements for one word and that is just flat not even reasonable. So just forget it!

That was "islam" and "muslim" in five dictionaries with only one hit and that is ridiculously unusable.

An additional online dictionary invites you to come over and look up the word and then tells you, sorry, no sign, fingerspell both of them. So you get this: Fingerspell it! And then, Fingerspell it!

This whole time I've been living in a fog.

So I found a video not intended for myself and now I learned eight new things all at once and they're all reasonable.

Islam (spark pushing forward, admitting it's a pushy religion)

Muslim (their way of hand-holding praying)

Allah (the one, duh)

Muhammed, piece bees a pond hymn (this one is multiple movements and kind of confusing, forget it)

Qur'aan ) (O with a hook, two-handed Q + book)

Hadith (whatever that is, clean + quotes that go downward like English "test""

All praise/ thank is for Allah (rolling rabble with thumbs up, then you (generally), up to one, THE one)

if Allah wills (THE one, thought, whap that thought smacked on the palm [configuration for rules])

It is an altogether lovely video (skip first 15 seconds) and I suppose this is all one needs to know about that.

Unknown said...

In this case Fred, the monster is an attractive 30 something lady who looks like she would strain herself lifting a tea cup. But she packed quite a punch.

Phil 314 said...

Rock the cafe.

Phil 314 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The rule of Lemnity said...

For some unfathomable reason the word 'welcome' sounds like the opposite of its meaning when told to me by a stranger... and thinking back, I only remember strangers saying "welcome" to me.

And when I hear a group of people say it, saying it to other strangers, I cringe every time.

They say WELcome... like a bark.

Now, when I read it, like on road signs, 'Welcome to New Jersey', is still annoying, but its not as annoying.

And its not the word per-say, because Welcome in Spanish - Bienvenido - is just as annoying to me... it has been for as long as I can remember.

pm317 said...

I saw the headline yesterday on Drudge and it is still there. Do we know why Obama is thanking Putin?

ken in tx said...

This just reminds me of our missing dog. He wandered down towards the road, and I think someone stopped and picked him up. He was on medication for seizures and didn't know where he was most of the time. He is a loving dog who would have gone with anyone who opened a car door for him. We miss him. He is a Boston Terrier.

Deb said...

I hope you find him, Ken.

Rabel said...

I have temporarily replaced my crazy lady avatar with the Pooper mentioned above.

Please note that many manly men like me have pocket pooches. I think John Wayne had a Pomeranian.

garage mahal said...

If it's a dietary thing, Natural Balance has a range of dog foods whose ingredients are non-overlapping. So one food has, say, lamb and rice and barley, and another has venison and sweet potato and another has trout and whatever else. The point being you can feed your dog one variety for six weeks, then another, then another, to see if you can isolate the specific allergen--or at least find a variety he doesn't react to. And it's high-quality food, too.

Yea I switched from Royal Canin after the allergies started to Taste of the Wild bison [grain-free formula]. The itching and swollen eye returned again, so we'll have to start trying to narrow it down as to what is causing it. On day one of strict venison diet [mixed with some veggies] and so far no itching, so hopefully something that he was eating in the dry food was triggering the allergies
. No shortage of venison in this extended family, we can grind venison year round if that's what it takes.

JAL said...

lemondog said...
Can a US citizen be held as an enemy combatant

which linked to this:

Graham, McCain: Hold Boston suspect as enemy combatant

Too late for Obama's and Holder's drone, I guess.

kentuckyliz said...

Tree pollen? I have lived here in a very treed environment long enough to have developed allergies to tree pollen. Where I grew up didn't have near as many trees as these sylvan hills.

Amartel said...

Hi Ken,
Let us know how the search is going. Check in on the doggy café posts. Good luck to you and your terrier.