২১ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

A story told by the YouTube account of Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

WaPo perceives.
After returning from Dagestan, Tsarnaev appeared to be constructing his own religion-based ideology, moving between often contradictory ideas as he explored different Web sites....
His own...
Young Muslims from the former Soviet Union often have only the haziest notion of their religious and cultural heritage after 70 years of communism.
In the company of 1.6 billion, he was — in this story — a loner.
Among Tsarnaev’s earliest YouTube postings, which include a selection of secular dance mixes, is a video of Timur Mutsuraev, the bard of Chechen separatism....

Starting a playlist as soon as he returned to Boston, with an independence song by Mutsuraev, suggests that Tsarnaev could have been thinking about his ethnic roots and perhaps a recently stoked antagonism toward Russia...

But as the playlist developed, videos of the puritanical Sheikh Feiz Muhammad, an Australian, appeared....

৬১টি মন্তব্য:

edutcher বলেছেন...

The Religion of Peace.

I'll bet the morons that came up with this one all have COEXIST bumper stickers on their Beemers.

ricpic বলেছেন...

All the best all the best people agree
The rule of rules in the land of the free
Is to spit on to spit on the liberty tree
To never let go ancient hostility

pm317 বলেছেন...

WAPO says:

He was not that Muslim.

David Davenport বলেছেন...

Young Muslims from the former Soviet Union often have only the haziest notion of their religious and cultural heritage after 70 years of communism.


Young immigrants in the former United States often have only the haziest notion of America's religious and cultural heritage after 70 years of Gramscian, Frankfurt School infestation of American schools and colleges.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

Has the photo of the coexist bumpersticker on the carjacked car gone viral yet?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Neil Diamond waits quietly in the recesses of Diamond Manor, sitting on a red velvet chair by the Diamond Phone. Was he on the YouTube Playlist? What Song would it be? Would it Matter? Everyone has the Spirit of Jonathan Livingston Seagull in them, whether they know it or not. That is what Matters.

The Diamond Phone WILL ring, and He will be waiting, waiting with answers...

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

This story is very interesting to me. My MIL was born in Chechnya. Her family was moved from Ukraine to Chechnya under Stalin. Stalin had removed many ethnic Chechyans to parts east after the war. The reason was they were sympathetic and cooperated with the Nazis.

Stalin then moved ethnic Russians into the abandoned homes. My MIL's father was "some kind of policeman". He was killed by Chechyan rebels and babushka moved back to her town in Ukraine.

History is so interesting.

Don't forget the winter Olympics will be held in this area.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

If ever there was a cultural marker delineating "fly-over country" from the West Coast and the Northeastern Seaboard, it's the "COEXIST" sticker. We have a home in N.O and one in Marina del Rey and, TRUST ME, such stickers are practically non-existent in Louisiana, even in the "silk-stocking" lib-lefty parts of uptown New Orleans. SoCal? HA, if one were born and raised in SoCal one would be forgiven if one thought that every Prius came with a COEXIST sticker factory-installed, lol.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I tell Americans to read the Koran.

If you believe the angry, ranting voice in that book which constantly calls for the punishment of infidels is God, Islamic terrorism makes perfect sense.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...


Is the voice in the old testiment the voice of God?

Christianity and Judiasm have had reformations. It is past time for Islam to adjust their teachings to modern times.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Young Muslims from the former Soviet Union often have only the haziest notion of their religious and cultural heritage after 70 years of communism.

How condecending!

Also, how weird. America is full of media encouraging people to not care about their own religion, to to be free of moral pressure, to create a new, open culture not based on our puritanical heritage.

If you are 20, your life needn't be based on the cututre of your ancestors. Why are Americans so often in love with the idea of other people's cultures being really, really important?

HA বলেছেন...

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was investigated by the FBI and judged not to be a threat in spite of exhibiting every well known characteristic of an aspiring Islamic terrorist. Now that the corpses, body parts and blood have been scrubbed from Boston's streets and building facades, apologists with the same world view as the FBI investigators are venturing out to assure us knuckle-draggers that there are no broader lessens we can learn from this atrocity.

With a nod to David Sirota, this is what I would call Islamic Privilege.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

The Mirror (from Drudge) has an interesting story saying they FBI is looking at a terror cell and they were specially trained for this attack.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

Young [Americans] often have only the haziest notion of their religious and cultural heritage after [12] years of [the modern American educational system].

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...


How tge hell did the FBI not able to ID these two after the bombings? These two were on their radar. They must have had photos from surveillance.

The first thing the FBI should have done is check their own friggin data base!

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

@Bill, Republic of Texas/

"HA" has already provided the ans: "Islamic Privilege." This is Obama'a PC multi-culti "diverse" world--we're just unfortunately fated to live in it.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...


How tge hell did the FBI not able to ID these two after the bombings? These two were on their radar. They must have had photos from surveillance.

That's the problem, they weren't on anybody's radar because Choom won the War on Terror all by himself when he personally offed bin Laden.

As somebody somewhere noted, how do you not notice a couple of guys carrying pressure cookers through a crowd?

Then again, Baaston and its environs designated itself conflict-free during the Reagan years.


Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

Virgil and HA, I really hope you are wrong but it is a possibility. Let the ass covering begin!

Chef Mojo বলেছেন...

The MSM and the Left are screamingly desperate to divert attention away from the fact that these guys were highly motivated by their religion. They trained themselves, or were trained, to do what thousands upon thousands of like-minded young men have done before them in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere; the building and planting of simple, unsophisticated and very deadly and destructive IEDs. Like I mentioned in another thread, this isn't rocket science.

They are Chechen, certainly, but they are Muslims first and foremost. That is what motivates them. The Chechen war against Russia has always been a declared Holy War, and always will be.

And don't ever refer to a Chechen as a Russian to a Russian. The Russian will knock you on your ass. Russians roundly despise Chechens. Western Nazi Skinheads have far more sympathy towards Jews and Blacks than a Russian has towards a Chechen. I know a Russian who referred to Chechens as, "A bandit race, an offense to our Russian Church and not fit to share the same ground with us. If Putin decided to wipe the earth of those Muslim animals, I wouldn't blink an eye."

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...


Remember, the Obama Admin had just gotten thru eliminating ALL references to Islam, Jihadism, "Islamist extremists" Islamism, Muslim terrorists etc, from FBI terrorism tng manuals/courses.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

Chief, in fairness to the Russians, they aren't racist against Chechnyans. They hate everyone equally!

Christy বলেছেন...

Young Muslims from the former Soviet Union often have only the haziest notion of their religious and cultural heritage after 70 years of communism.

Years ago when the Soviet union dissolved, Baltimore welcomed a lot of Russian Jews. I was told that Young Jews from the former Soviet Union often had only the haziest notion of their religious and cultural heritage after years of communism. The gossip was that the wife of one local rabbi met arriving flights and told young men the had to be circumcised asap.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

Chef Mojo is dead on. It's a war between Muslims and ALL non-believers (i.e., infidels) that knows no political/national boundaries save the cultural/religious divide..

MayBee বলেছেন...

It seems the Obama administration's security professionals are trained to assume something is not Islamic Terrorism, and people are not Islamic terrorists, until every other option has been exhausted.

Just as Ft Hood had been labeled "work place violence" (which is interesting considering we drone killed the guy who inspired Hussein). Their bias is to assume it just couldn't be jihad this time.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

I used to have faith in our system. Years ago I would have said that the truth will come out. But now I don't know.

I would hope that the investigators on the ground will expose the truth. They should be willing to lay it out and let the consequences be damned.

But after Fast and Furious and Benghazi, I have my doubts.

MayBee বলেছেন...

The administration is so afraid Americans are just terrible people who will get the wrong idea about Muslims if they dare to admit there have been some Muslims lately who are training to bomb and kill their fellow Americans

Like there are Americans who might slander the prophet of Islam if anyone in the administration connects the dots about recent terroristic events.

Yet every time the admin tries to keep Americans from connecting the dots, he (and other pols) point the fingers at other groups of Americans.

Don't draw conclusions, it might be a tax protest!
Don't draw conclusions, it might be against Obamacare!
Don't draw conclusions! It might be because of unfair mortgage practices by those bankers!
Don't draw conclusions! It might be because he had to hear about the war from the soldiers Bush sent to war!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Is the voice in the old testiment the voice of God?

Christianity and Judiasm have had reformations. It is past time for Islam to adjust their teachings to modern times.

The Old Testament contains the voice of God as reported by the various authors of those books, but the actual words of God are only a small fraction of the OT. It's mostly stories with some teachings and poetry.

The Koran on the other hand is 100% God speaking directly and perfectly to humanity, as Muslims believe.

You can find a vengeful God in the OT, but although such passages are famous, they are infrequent. The Koran is mostly the voice of a vengeful God.

Don't take my word for this. Find a translation of the Koran, open it randomly and see how long you have to read before you find God ranting about unbelievers.

Here's a good web translation which has Saudi blessings.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Bill: As to the reformation of Islam, once you read the Koran and the life of Muhammad, it's hard to see how Muslims can reform Islam without dismantling it.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

Virgil, I found those articles about the admin scrubbing islam from the training manuels. Then they lied about it. That is all very disturbing.

I guess it goes to show that if you want an accountable government you have to vote for the repubs because the press sure doesn't do their job with dems in office.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I used to have faith in our system. Years ago I would have said that the truth will come out. But now I don't know.

This is crooks covering crooks and the "system" is slowly, but surely, going down. And the truth is out - on F&F, Benghazi, name it.

The "low info" (read low energy, low intel) voters who can barely be stirred to keep up the the Kardashians' latest fox paws may not know about it, but everybody else does. Why else do trolls like Ritmo and some phony folksy wear out keyboards telling us War Is Peace, Hate Is Love, Ignorance Is Strength?

A long, hot summer of bombings will only hasten it.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

Creeley, I have no idea how they can reform. That is up to them. There is a huge struggle within Islam and they fundies seem to be winning.

Fifty years ago, Egypt, Iran, Turkey etc were on track to be secular western style governments. Now look at them. I blame Saudis.

I hope that the pendulum is almost at the height of the arc. But if it turns into a clash if civilizations then we are playing the part of the Romans.

I don't want mankind to lose another 1,000 years of advancement to religious forces.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

I'm sorry edutcher but that is wrong. Only a small handful of people know or care about Benghazi and even fewer know anything about F&F. The LIVs don't care and the libs don't want to know and the soft center right is unwilling to risk social scorn so they advert their eyes.

We do not have a functioning press in this country. We have cheerleaders for one side.

edutcher বলেছেন...

No, it's more than you think, I believe, given even the narrow margin of the popular vote we're expected to believe King Putt "won" by, but you're right insofar as the "low info" voters.

If it's name doesn't end in Kardashian, they never heard of it.

HA বলেছেন...

virgil xenophon,

Islamic Privilege gave the Brothers Tsarnaev the opportunity to kill. Now, if he plays his cards right, young Dzhokhar can exploit Marxist Privilege - assuming he survives and gets convicted - to advance his promising prison career.

The first thing young Dzhokhar should claim is that he idolized his older brother and was unduly influenced by him. Then he should claim he was driven mad by all the alleged injustices of America's capitalist system. The racism, the poverty, the distributive injustice, the environmental exploitation, yada, yada, yada.

His denunciations of America will make him a hero to the left. Hollywood actors and college professors will lead a "Free Dzhokhar" movement. College students will wear shirts bearing his likeness. Van Jones will quote his prison manifesto. Bill Ayers and Katherine Boudin will send future educators to interview him. Young Dzhokhar has a glorious future within his grasp thanks to Marxist Privilege that will justify his atrocity.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

It's a war of believers and non-believers for certain people, the Islamists, the radicals and political Islam.

The Salafis and Wahabbis plus a lot of Saudi money spread this message far and wide, enough for many Westernized ears to hear it.

So, there's actually Al Qaeda, like a franchise, materializing all over the place, often at the front lines, and then there's this sharpened edge of the Islamic resurgence, which is anti-Western, anti-modern, anti-colonial, and which is political Islam and Islamism.

This will likely be a serious challenge going forward, on many fronts.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Of course, this is coming just as trends in our society are leading us toward the same multicultural, relativist, further Left, semi-nihilistic European approach.

Not good timing.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

See, HA, unfortunately the average citizen, were he to read your prediction/analysis, above, would think it but wild speculation.

Little do they know..

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

PS to HA: Look, the movement you just described was ALREADY in evidence on display on the Mellisa Harris-Perry show this am on MSNBC!!

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

'I can't believe he had the balls to come back and act like nothing happened,'

In my list of the big four, the final four; who, when, where and how, "why" is not in the picture.

I'm finding that it takes a conscious effort, because that trail leads off somewhere where we might not want to go.

To focus on "why", with much the same interest as with who, when, where and how, could lead to an embracing, if only scant, of the action that led to the events and the judgments that subsequently unfolded.

While talking with people about this event, I saw one guy trying to "go there" and other guys consciously steer the conversation away from where that guy wanted to go. It annoyed me at first but after thinking about it, I think its good not to focus too much on the "why". Regardless of the political "see I told you so" desire we might have in saying "see I told you so".
The benefits of restraint far outweigh the temporary feeling of vindication we might feel at the thought of having (contundente) forcefull, convincing evidence that what we have been saying is true.

For one, the left is not interested.
For two, I'll frame it in the form of a question... isn't it better to have people come to their own understanding and conclusions (if they so choose) as of the "why" based on the facts alone?... who, where, what and how? Alone?

Now, that is NOT to say that the people who's job is it to protect us and the country should not focus on the "why" either. No. That would be foolish. And from some scant reading, I think educher put up last night, this appears to be the case... dot connections are... I don't know... slow?

But among ourselves, I believe, It should not have the... it should not hold a box seat, an orchestra seat? in the theater of our imagination... the imagination we use to make sense of the senseless. (imho)

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

BTW, FWIW, just want to say that, although I'm a firm believer in "know your your enemy"
(which is why I monitor places like MSNBC--although overcoming the gag reflex takes training) I'm FIRMLY in the camp of all who have EVER commented here worrying about breaking their mute button on the remote due to reflexive Obama sound avoidance..

furious_a বলেছেন...

This is not The Onion:

Islam might have had secondary role in Boston attacks

To equivocate is to excuse, and to explain is to explain away.

In other news..."Torpedo May Have Had Secondary Role in Sinking of Lusitania"

furious_a বলেছেন...

Is the voice in the old testiment the voice of God?

It's the voice of the God of the Law.

The voice in the New Testament is the God of Love.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

Sorry, Lem, I take your point and it has plausible merit, but I don't think it carries the day. Yours is, imo, an overly "nuanced" approach. The average citizen would FAR rather whistle past the grave-yard because the implications of the effort it would take for society as a whole to gird its loins is, to them, too horrible to complicate. It is our job to rub their noses in it so as not permit them that luxury. If this sounds like a self-defeating ham-fisted and overly repetitive "hard-sell" approach, go talk to an ad executive..

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

***CONTEMPLATE vis "complicate."

Reminder to self: Either double-up or half the rum ration; present consumption levels inadequate to the task..

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...


Is it anatomically possible to simultaneously whistle past the grave-yard while burying one's head in the sand? 'Cause I think the left has just managed the feat..

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

My approach is one of lets stick to what helps rather than what might complicate things further.

They, lets call them the "radical islamist" for this purpose, are convinced we are no good, or whatever... that freedom as we seek it, is no good or whatever.

We don't have the option of unconvincing them of that erroneous notion via the means of separation... or wiping them out or whatever... so the question in my mind is how do we... while staying safe... combat this nihilistic, fatalistic garbage?

We don't give in to it... we resist it by being more free and prosperous and tolerant by being more of the things they hate.

That is, if we are convinced that the things they hate about us are the things that are good about us.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

It is our job to rub their noses in it so as not permit them that luxury.

I want to rub their noses by showing them that we can choose to change our nose if we aren't happy with the one we have.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

IOW, Lem, we are expected to "tolerate their intolerance?" I think not. That way leads only to societal misery, death and ultimate subjugation at worst and dhimmitude at best. Islam has historically NEVER been resisted save by cold steel..

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

PS: ANYWHERE in the world..

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Nobody does freedom better than we do... I mean, I don't mean to sound like I'm preaching or wrapping myself on the flag.
But, I believe that that is what they hate about us... and it just so happens that the thing they hate is... imo, the best antidote for that illness?

David Davenport বলেছেন...

Blah blah blah ... But among ourselves, I believe, It should not have the... it should not hold a box seat, an orchestra seat? in the theater of our imagination... the imagination we use to make sense of the senseless. (imho)

So, Lem, you want us to ignore the Muslim angle. (imho)

furious_a বলেছেন...

Is it anatomically possible to simultaneously whistle past the grave-yard while burying one's head in the sand?

Yes, otherwise known as 'Sacramento'.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

So, Lem, you want us to ignore the Muslim angle.

I don't think we can "ignore" something that's in front of us.

I want us to deflate the "Muslim angle" by not focusing on it... among ourselves. yes.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Again, I'm talking about us, not the people who's job it is to protect the country.

I believe we can separate the two... compartmentalize?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

We compartmentalize church and state. don't we?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

That's part of the problem with the radical Islamist... they don't seem to separate anything.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I'm thinking fear diet... what is a fear diet?

They want to make us afraid by feeding us fear.

Lets not help them by consuming any of it.

Their fear is irrational.

furious_a বলেছেন...

Egypt, Iran, Turkey etc were on track to be secular western style governments. Now look at them. I blame Saudis.

The Muslim Brotherhood pre-dated Saudi money. The Phaorohnic (Egypt, Syria, Iran) and Revolutionary (Libya, Algeria, Yemen) models failed, and the Muslim Brotherhood, its offshoots and the Qom School were the strongest organized alternatives.

We wrecked Iraq, Syria wrecked Lebanon (the one once-decent country in the reqion), and Turkey had it with serial rejections by the EU.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Ausstralian Tiffany Eckhardt is on my playlist.

She has no songs on youtube except this posted by a horse person.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

That's part of the problem with the radical Islamist... they don't seem to separate anything.

Lem: No, that's the problem with being Muslim and it goes all the way back to Muhammad, who was a religious leader, a warlord, and a despot. He is also considered the Perfect Man and a model for all Muslims.

I don't see how we can deal effectively with Islam unless we see it clearly that we may discuss it sensibly.

I regard Islam as a supremacist ideology much like the KKK and one which requires a similar resolute opposition. The difference is that there are far more Muslims than Klansmen.