This is actually an easy question to answer.
1. Mainstream video productions are not going to cast a black man as Satan. Everyone knows better than to do that. If you want to have an actor in the role of God, that's a great time to cast a black actor, e.g. Morgan Freeman. That's something that makes Americans feel good about racial progress. That's what we do here.
2. Needing an actor to play the role of Satan, the casting people working on the History Channel's "The Bible" picked Mehdi Ouzaani, a Moroccan actor. He was chosen because he's a fine actor and he looks like a person who would have lived in the region during Biblical times. Of course, he's not black. They wouldn't cast a black man as Satan!
3. Since Ouzaani isn't black, they didn't think about his resemblance to President Obama. People tend not to see cross-racial resemblance. If you were putting together a "Separated at Birth"-type book, can you think offhand of any black and white celebrities you'd pair?
4. They didn't notice, but when the film went up on television, with millions of viewers, and with particular shots showing Ouzaani's face in the shadows, some of them said "Hey, Satan looks like Obama!" That seemed funny/outrageous. It got tweeted. Soon everyone's talking about casting an Obama lookalike as Satan.
5. And that's how it happened. Or... maybe the Devil made them do it.
I think he looks like one of the star wars bad guys more than anything.
Maybe they did because Obama is actually Satan? Seems fair.
If you were putting together a "Separated at Birth"-type book, can you think offhand of any black and white celebrities you'd pair?
No, but I've seen a Japanese fellow who looked like Prince Charles. And Takanori Jinnai looks kind of like a Japanese version of Al Gore to me. At least, that's the resemblance that jumps to mind.
That said, it's true that people generally aren't good at seeing cross-racial resemblances. When I visited Constantinople with my (white) father, the locals evidently saw no resemblance between us at all. They seem to have thought I was a young Turkish man guiding my father around (at least, they called out to me in what I assume was Turkish, then finally in English: "Brother, why are you so cold?").
If I had a father, he'd look like Satan.
LOL, Meade.
George W. Bush's face wouldn't be convincing as Satan.
I thought Barack Obama looked like Santa but only children can it.
We don't get a vote on this one?
The only black guy major character in Jesus Christ Superstar was Judas. Even as a 14 year old, I thought that was pretty bad. Judas' part rocks in that movie, btw.
If the hoof fits . . .
That is what Obama will look like in his seventies when he sees his granddaughter dating a white boy.
If you were putting together a "Separated at Birth"-type book, can you think offhand of any black and white celebrities you'd pair?
Derek Jeter looks a lot like Derek Jeter.
I have a chunk of Tubular Bells as the ringtone on my phone. Often, when it goes off I'll say, "I gotta get this, It's Obama". Conservatives laugh because they get how over-the-top it is. Liberals laugh because it confirms every smug, ignorant stereotype they hold regarding conservatives.
As seen on Buzzfeed: "If anyone has a right to be upset about this it is Satan. He already has a bad enough reputation as it is."
Damn! That Karl Rove is good! He's just got his hands into everything!
As the Church Lady says, "Could it be....SATAN?!"
He makes tasty eggs.
Wait. Wasn't Satan (at least in Paradise Lost) the "most beautiful" of the angels? Is Satan supposed to have AGED? Or did he lose his good looks through some kind of PTSD after the rebellion against God?
Satan should be played by, for instance, Brad Pitt (10 years ago), or Ryan Reynolds, or Richard Dean Anderson. Make the scriptwriters WORK to make the character.
"If you want to have an actor in the role of God, that's a great time to cast a black actor, e.g. Morgan Freeman. That's something that makes Americans feel good about racial progress. That's what we do here."
Everyone remembers Valerie Perrine showing off her ninny-buttons but nobody remembers José Pérez, at all.
* sads *
Obama isn't bright enough to be Wormwood.
Brinks will have a black actor in a TV ad before there's another big-budget black Satan.
Maybe that's what the devil looks like, and Obama looks like the devil.
This all puts the birth certificate controversy in a new light. The proper question isn't where Obama was born, it's whether.
A much better Satan.
"If Satan had a son he would look like Obama."
Rush Limbaugh
My vote for Satanic presidents goes to Andrew Johnson.
I mean, look at the guy's face.
Obama is a man. But his wisdom is Satan-like in his skill at the art of deception.
There is a simple answer.
Obama is Satan.
Where else can you go after you finish your lifeterm as President of the New World Order?
I'm thinking Roma Downey and her husband, Mark Burnett, the producer, knew exactly what they were doing when they cast that guy as Satan.
Here's Burnett talking in a national conference call with religious leaders including Jim Daly and Rick Warren:
“… the secular [press] can make all the fun of me they want, the hand of God is with us, prayer works, and that's what's important,’ professed Burnett. 'God is at work'."
Could he maybe have voted for Romney?
I watched the show and the thought never crossed my mind.
Well, Obama is in need of some restraint.
What's puzzling me is the nature of his game.
According to the New York Times, the program "ends on Easter Sunday night with a show that will portray the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ." Satan isn't forgotten, however; he's depicted as winning the Nobel Peace Prize as consolation.
Threadjack, but if you ever wondered what baseball sized hail was like, it's like a large man, or the Devil, or Obama break dancing on your roof. Cause that's what's happening at my house right now.
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. .... there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:44
Also, in "The Last Temptation of Christ", the devil took the form of a beautiful child, if I remember correctly.
Didn't Bill Cosby play Satan once?
Occam's Razor suggests a simpler explanation.
I would have cast a somewhat attractive young man, that every smile and every glint betrays a sinister soul at its core, say, a dancer like young Rahm Emanuel, then have makeup do what they can to make him more symmetrically disarmingly universally attractive. Just flat not a nice person.
But the photo that's shown of this Ouzaani guy (so named for an anise flavored liquor <-- contains at least 2% of fact ) shows him much darker than his regular self, and they did that for, well, darkening porpoises.
We're watching and never noticed. I was more caught up with the imagery of the snake/devil coming out of Jesus and wishing if it were that simple evil would leave you.
I think he looks like one of the star wars bad guys more than anything.
That is hilarious because that was my reaction.
Step one: Obama and Palpatine
Step two: Jedi Knight sucks the force right out of you
Step three: Satan and Satan
I don't see the issue. Call me when they make a film of his assasination and I'll complain.
Art imitates life.
Well, he's certainly trying to turn this country into a living Hell.
YoungHegelian said...
Damn! That Karl Rove is good! He's just got his hands into everything!
Rove, you magnificent bastard!
(had to...)
He doesn't look like Obama.
Obama looks like Alfred E Newman.
PS At least, when everybody gets on Ann about her vote for Choomie, now she can say, "The Devil made me do it".
Can't be Obama. The mole is in the wrong place.
I wonder if he's sensitive about that?
Of course, he's not black. They wouldn't cast a black man as Satan!
Isn't that part of the soft bigotry of low expectations, then, Althouse?
I mean it sort of presumes that blacks lack the necessities to be Satan or head a large "Evil Enterprise".
The necessities of intelligence, ambition, having the cunning and the savoire faire to tempt and deceive others.
Every other race and ethnicity can be cast as Satan, or head of a sinister vast criminal enterprise. But not blacks? (Or Jews, but for different reasons in the US and parts of Europe, though they have all the necessities)
Christian Whites are the traditional "CEOs of evil" in liberal and Jewish dominated Hollywood casting, but allowances are made for Muslims cleverly running terror groups, hispanics running sophisticated multibillion dollar drug cartels, Dr Fu Manchu type commie evildoers/Asian evil empire builders.
But casting seems to hold blacks are implausible- their evil and greed being - I guess - limited to immediate animal gratification.
Incapable of long range thinking.
Mo' Obamaphones and mo' free stuff, now. You takes a gun and you gets what you want with, make the bitch give up the pussy, stuff in other peeps houses you can take and sell, gun gives you respect from other thugs and all the prey..
So how Hollywood imagines blacks sort of precludes them as executives running big evil things.....but somehow Hollywood is determined to cast the smartest and bravest person in the room in good guy black.
(or female, or flaming gay...)
The fact that people are seeing this 'resemblance' of Urkel to this actor who is playing Satan says what about what they really think of Urkel? That is more telling.
There are too many anatomical differences to equate the two men. The resemblance is wholly superficial.
For example, the proportions of the Devil's face exhibit a greater bias to the vertical axis. His supraorbital ridge is also more prominent. As for his darkened, leathery facial complexion, he has clearly been overexposed to the elements, especially the sun and wind.
The Devil is unlikely to have ever visited let alone been a resident of Hawaii.
Yet another part completely closed to black actors. It's so unfair.
in "The Last Temptation of Christ", the devil took the form of a beautiful child, if I remember correctly
Actually, in the original book, the devil was a black man. But Scorcese changed it in the movie to a British white girl.
It was OK to insult Christians with a sniveling Jesus who runs away from the Cross, as well as Judas playing the hero, but to allow any racism of Kazantzakis (the author) to show was a no-no.
I'm just surprised that The History Channel has a show that isn't about aliens and other non-history subjects.
@Mary Beth,
I'm just surprised that The History Channel has a show that isn't about aliens and other non-history subjects.
I see you missed The History Channel's announcement of their newest series, Ice Road Apostles.
My brother is the white version of Neil deGrasse Tyson.
We watch lots and lots of Hong Kong movies at our house. A favorite past time with friends is to point out the lookalikes onscreen of the people in the room. But then, we do that with American films too. Ideally the lookalike is in a role that is unflattering in some way for maximum humor.
Broomhandle said: I have a chunk of Tubular Bells as the ringtone on my phone. Often, when it goes off I'll say, "I gotta get this, It's Obama". Conservatives laugh because they get how over-the-top it is. Liberals laugh because it confirms every smug, ignorant stereotype they hold regarding conservatives.
And I'd laugh because you used the section near the end of Part 1 where he's naming instruments.
I mean, if the President called me, I'd love my phone to say "Plus... TUBULAR BELLS!"
the casting people working on the History Channel's "The Bible" picked Mehdi Ouzaani, a Moroccan actor. He was chosen because he's a fine actor and he looks like a person who would have lived in the region during Biblical times.
Morocco is a very long distance away from the Holy Land.
"Obama looks like Alfred E Newman."
My thoughts exactly.
Mary Beth said...
I'm just surprised that The History Channel has a show that isn't about aliens and other non-history subjects.
All the Hitler ones are on the Military Channel and they're afraid to show anything about Joe, Mao, Fidel, Ho, Hugo, or Bobby.
And don't even ask about Hideki.
I don't think they resemble each other at all. I am forced to conclude most liberals think all black people look alike.
We all know if he looked like BUSH!!!!1111!!, well, that's been done to death.
For whatever reason when I first went to Africa lots and lots of people reminded me of people I knew from back home, even though none of them had race in common. That's one of the interesting things I discovered.
It was also a fact that our language trainer was the spitting image of Yoda. With the same laugh.
Why does the devil in 'The Bible' look exactly like President Obama?
Bender, thanks - interesting; I admit I have not read the book but obviously did see the film.
"1. If you want to have an actor in the role of God, that's a great time to cast a black actor, e.g. Morgan Freeman. That's something that makes Americans feel good about racial progress. That's what we do here."
Yes, check that box. How very, very pandery. That's what we do here. The Democrats have made an art of it. Forget solutions that work, let's just pander for fun and profit.
And as far as casting Morgan Freeman as God, well that's just a cliche at this point. It doesn't prove anything today except that, as a producer, you have checked your imagination at the door.
That's something that makes Americans feel good about racial progress. That's what we do here.
Honestly, are we really that shallow? And should we be proud of it?
The devil is clean and articulate too.
3. Barack Obama and Nikolai Yezhov
So just a minor devil.
Illuminati Satanists believe that a carefully planned event must be carried out according to the correct numbers, or it may not be successful. They go to great lengths to make an event occur according to the correct numbers.
Occultists place much faith in the inherent power of number, they can discretely incorporate their secretive numbers in dates and company logos. The Pop music culture is saturated with Illuminati satanism. The Google Chrome Logo also contains three sixes in circular formation. This is how these guys operate to push their satanic agenda
Obama is 44th president of the United States of America and the word "Beast" is mentioned in its singular form 44 times in the book of Revelations. The word tribulations is used 44 times in the Bible and 11 times in the OT and 33 times in the NT.
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six". Revelation 13:16-18
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M= 13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26.
Barack: 2+1+18+1+3+11=36
Hussein: 8+21+19+19+5+9+14=95
Obama: 15+2+1+13+1=32
Add these: 36+95+32=163.
Multiply by the Beast: 163 x 666 = 108,558.
Split and Add: 108 + 558 = 666.
Barack Obama Born 4 August 1961 the 216th day of the year. 216= 6x6x6.
Take note of the SEVERE occult numerology preprogrammed by Illuminati satanists into Barack Obama's forthcoming Jerusalem visit. Just like the recent Papal Conclave it centers around the occult number "13".
Barack Obama will be present in Jerusalem on Friday 22 March 2013 = 3.22/13 (US Format) = 3.22/2013 = 3+2+2+2+0+1+3 = 13. 3.22/13 "Skull & Bones" + 13. "Skull & Bones" = 666 13 = Death.
3.22/13 is exactly 33 years from the day since the official inauguration of the Georgia Guidestones often referred to as the Devils 10 Commandment's or bench mark for the "New World Order" They are inscribed in 8 languages including English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. Swahili is Obama's home town Kenyan Language.. 1st Commandment of this Occult monument speaks of a global cull "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature".
Jesus was also crucified at 33 years. Could we see possibly see a mimic in Jerusalem on the Death and resurrection of Christ?
"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast". Revelation 13.3
The date set for the Papal conclave also centered entirely around the occult number "13". 3.13/13 = 03/13/2013 = 0+3+1+3+2+0+1+3 = 13. The exact time was 7:06 pm (local Roman time), which is 7+6 =13 and adds up to another 13. The new pope was chosen exactly 13 days after Benedict resigned
Pleased to meet you.
The Obama resemblance didn't occur to me at all. I guess it was because in The Bible, Satan isn't using a teleprompter.
The pale makeup and the hooded cloak made me think it's a stylistic knockoff of Mel Gibson's Satan in the Passion of the Christ, but less of a gender bender being played here. Mel's is a she-man. (His old baby minions hounding Judas are creepy too.)
Lest anyone freak, Samson (a hero) was a big beautiful black man. There are black people among the people Israel (which was likely). So it is a racially integrated casting approach and I think it's a jolly good show.
I like the badass ninja angels, who are dressed like representations of the angels in iconography and art in East and West, with capes and armor and shields. I like how they totally ninjaed out on the Sodomites.
The Bible's Satan isn't in blackface--quite the contrary, the makeup is pale.
Trying to pass as white, I guess.
OK now I see the Obama resemblance.
What I'm learning about foreign relations and the morality of warfare from the show is that if you yell, "For Izz-Rah-Ell!" first, it is morally justified and God's will.
I don't care what Obama looks like. It's his policys that are develish, and will cause hell in America.
Honestly it is difficult to see any difference between the two. But then again, all devils look alike to me.
Honestly it is difficult to see any difference between the two. But then again, all devils look alike to me.
Funny how a political tale thousands of years old gets interrupted by those who rather we pay attention to the current politics. I think the Sunday morning talk shows are jealous or something.
Never thought of POTUS when the Devil came on screen.
But, come on - from the you know you wanted it too department - couldn't the grizzled angel (Gabriel?) of the Annunciation have opened up full sized magnificent wings at the end of his scene? White or birdish brown or dirty and grizzled like him, any would have been wonderful! :(
I'm watching it right now and it's difficult to see any resemblance in the part I'm watching.
kentuckyliz said...
What I'm learning about foreign relations and the morality of warfare from the show is that if you yell, "For Izz-Rah-Ell!" first, it is morally justified and God's will.
Consider the score.
2 things you don't mess with - God's Chosen People and the One True Church.
people just need to get a life. I'm not a fan of O, but I found the comparison funny.
It's all about race and ego. I hate to say it, but many people revere Obama only because he is black and somehow blindly admiring him makes *them* less prejudiced. Any assumed negativity on Obama reflects on them not the pres and it hurts their ego. I see this on gossip sites all the time. When I saw this coming up, people who would've laughed if it was W suddenly wanted to "respect the presidency". Bull.
but for people who live in the real world (like my momma) they weren't and aren't caring. In fact, she's waiting for Jesus to show up.
Obama can look like Gandhi and FDR on occasion. When he wants to I guess.
Satan has the same ability.
It is not skin color. It is more as if Ouzanni and Obama shared the eyes and the facial bones from images of Egyptians Pharoahs found in the Valley of the Kings burial tombs.
Not that there is anything wrong with resembling 4,000 year old Sun god magicians that controlled the timing of and the level of the Nile River floods. One never knows when one will needs weather control over the powers of the air.
The powers of the air are also the Drones.
It is not skin color. It is more as if Ouzanni and Obama shared the eyes and the facial bones from images of Egyptians Pharoahs found in the Valley of the Kings burial tombs.
Not that there is anything wrong with resembling 4,000 year old Sun god magicians that controlled the timing of and the level of the Nile River floods. One never knows when one will needs weather control over the powers of the air.
The powers of the air are also the Drones.
Mary Beth said...
I'm just surprised that The History Channel has a show that isn't about aliens and other non-history subjects.
Or Nazi. Man do they love Nazi's. Should have just been called the Nazi Channel.
I don't think he looks much like Obama. The eyebrows and nose, somewhat.
The best Satan I've seen was Viggo Mortensen in "The Prophecy".
DeNiro in "Angel Heart" (oops, spoilers) was a good one, too.
Sometimes Satan, comes as a man of peace.
When I watched it I did not notice any resemblance.
When I watched it I did not notice any resemblance.
Well, I did notice that the preincarnate Christ who appeared to Joshua looked a lot like Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) even though He was played by Terence Maynard.
"Of course, he's not black."
Neither is Obama.
As I said to my Facebook friends; it isn't so much that the actor looks like Satan as it is that most of us already thought Obama was Satan.
Quick! Get Feinstein to sponsor a bill requiring TV and movie companies to use minority focus groups to pre-screen cast members for unintended resemblances that may impute negative connotations to unwary mindless viewers! Especially the white ones!
(how's that for a prepositional runon, you're welcome)
The deleted Satan scenes in the DVD edition of the series are even more interesting:
"You didn't build that manger, Jesus!"
"Submit to me, Jesus, and I will make you lord of all 57 tribes of Israel!"
"You think I'm scary looking? Wait 'till you see Mrs. Satan!"
#ObamaIsNotSatan on Twitter:
Favorite: Satan never ate a dog!
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