March 1, 2013

"Watching Woodward last 2 days is like imagining my idol Mike Schmidt facing live pitching again."

"Perfection gained once is rarely repeated."

Plouffe takes his shot.


Tim said...

Plouffe is a pussy.

Also a stupid one.

Woodward will have the last word, and Plouffe will regret staking out that claim.

Shouting Thomas said...

Only on the internet does this seem like more than a PR kerfluffle...

dreams said...

I said Woodward would wind up apologizing and he is already walking back his comments. I'm not and have never been a fan of the Watergate boys.

Jourtegrity said...

God how I hope this gets expanded to "real story" level at the MSM.... DOINK - ouch...what was I thinking?

Calypso Facto said...

Plouff and his ilk have just become soooo lazy. They don't even try to make a cogent argument any more -- just go straight to attacking the messenger.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am ashamed of the fact that Plouffe is from Philly and is a Phillies fan. Like Tim said, even Plouffe's name says he is a pussy.

gerry said...

Imagine a Republican administration spokesperson had threatened Woodward. Egad.

Woodward has explicitly identified Obama's sequester lies. I wonder how much longer Obama will reign before he can order such irritations eliminated permanently, with the press ignoring matters?

Anonymous said...

How would Plouffe know perfection?

Original Mike said...

When they were expressing surprise last night on Bret Baier's program that Plouffe would say such a nasty thing, Juan Williams commented that knowing Plouffe as he does, he wasn't surprised.

Chip S. said...

"Perfection gained once is rarely repeated."

Then there's the Obama administration, which can't even manage minimal competence once.

Calypso Facto said...

Which is kind of what Walker was saying in the earlier thread too, right?

Speaking of Walker (O/T warning):
John Doe probe of Scott Walker office closed with no new charges
Garage laments.

Ipso Fatso said...

"Perfection gained once is rarely repeated."

When it is directed at Republicans, when it is directed at us, not so much.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's hard to believe, but in Philly there's acually a sandwich called "The Schmitter."


Mr. Plouffe is full of Schmidt.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama lied.

And Let's Not Forget the Primary Lie That Prompted the Secondary Threat: Woodward's sin was exposing "big whoppers" the Administration told on the sequester.

There are several lies Woodward has exposed:

1. Obama, despite the media blitz to blame the GOP, actually conceived of and proposed the sequester.

2. Obama, despite now claiming that tax increases must be part of the deal to avoid the sequester, agreed last year that only spending cuts would constitute the plan to avoid the sequester. Thus, he's "moved goalposts" yet again.

3. Obama does not in fact have to release illegal aliens or cancel ship deployments due to the sequester -- he's doing these things by choice, for political purposes.

Just like Benghazi, it wasn't what happened, it was how they handled it. Lies.

dreams said...

When news people talk about the sequester, it is always frame with equal blame for all parties or more blame for the Republicans. Republicans will suffer the consequences because the liberal media control the narrative, never mind Woodward.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Thugocracy will force Woodward to recant.

Or - The Thugacoracy will continue to belittle Woodward.

This is how The Thugocracy rolls. Let Obama lie, or else you will regret it.

dreams said...

"Just like Benghazi, it wasn't what happened, it was how they handled it. Lies."

That is true but most voters remain unaware of those facts because they get their little bit of news from liberal media.

Michael K said...

The sequester affair is already unraveling for Obama. Yesterday he began to walk back his predictions of severe consequences.

The Democrats are now worried that they may lose on this.

Woodward will be fine.

By the way, I still think Watergate was a coup d etat by Mark Felt. Woodward has done better work since.

David said...

"One of the ironies of this little flap is that Woodward — long savaged by the right for his reporting on Republicans, starting with Richard Nixon . . . "

Woodward has long been savaged by "the right?"Somehow I missed that. Early on "the right" said put up or shut up. Woodward put up, and "the right" shut up.

Plouffe is an asshole.

southcentralpa said...

Soooo, if Woodward's too old to be a journalist anymore now, does that mean that Clinton will be too old to be president by 2016?

Desperation is a stinky cologne ...

DADvocate said...

To use Plouffe's false analogy, Plouffe is over the hill.

The left doesn't hesitate to eat their own. Soon the Democrats will be known as the Donner Party.

edutcher said...

The problem is, everybody has heard of Mortuary Bob and knows he called Barry a fool.

Uncle Saul's dictum of "throw as many lies out there and something will stick" works several ways.

Mortuary Bob has been deified for 40 years and now you have a War of the Gods.

No matter what happens, people are going to remember how this started.

Calypso Facto said...

Plouff and his ilk have just become soooo lazy. They don't even try to make a cogent argument any more -- just go straight to attacking the messenger.

They learned well from the Ozarks back in the 90s.

bpm4532 said...

How would Plouffe know perfection?

He's seen The Won naked.

George M. Spencer said...

I'd love to hear remarks on this matter (and the Obama White House, in general) from the following people:

John Dean
Howard Baker
Lowell Weicker
Fred Thompson
Jeb Magruder
Gordon Liddy

You've got to know that somewhere inside Obama's White House lurks his very own John Dean....

dreams said...

"Soooo, if Woodward's too old to be a journalist anymore now, does that mean that Clinton will be too old to be president by 2016?"

Not for the hypocrite nuance party.

Henry said...

Wow. It only took reporter Paul Farhi three sentences to throw himself under his own "Only in Washington" bus:

And only in Washington does a sideshow to a looming economic calamity become the show itself.

Looming economic calamity? If you want to understand media bias, this is a perfect example. It's the casual repeating of nonsense as common wisdom. The media drinks its own urine.

dreams said...

"You've got to know that somewhere inside Obama's White House lurks his very own John Dean...."

To be a whistle blower, it seems your info needs to be the kind approved by the liberal media. Deep Throat was a whistle blower, Linda Tripp was a sorry ugly creep as portrayed by the liberal media.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Anyone in the media want to talk about hte big Arne Duncan Obama administration lie?


Hagar said...

Whatever passed between Woodward and Gene Sperling - they apparently know each other quite well - he has served notice on the White House not to try that on him, and he has called attention to the practice and, one may hope, encouraged smaller fry to also tell the White House to stick a sock in it.

JHapp said...

This is mostly about Woodward. He will have to decide which way is up.

garage mahal said...

John Doe probe of Scott Walker office closed with no new charges

Yay, our gov spent 500k to avoid prosecution. Winning!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Noonan has a must read. All of it is spot on.

"Everyone has been wondering how the public will react when the sequester kicks in. The American people are in the position of hostages who'll have to decide who the hostage-taker is. People will get mad at either the president or the Republicans in Congress. That anger will force one side to rethink or back down. Or maybe the public will get mad at both.

The White House is, as always, confident of its strategy: Scare people as much as possible and let the media take care of the rest.

...the sequester's impact may be bad. Rep. Maxine Waters of California, a 22-year House veteran and ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee, this week warned of "over 170 million jobs that could be lost." That's actually more jobs than America has, and it's little comfort to say, "But she's a famous idiot," because Washington is actually full of famous idiots ..."


Anonymous said...

lol. This so seems like what happens dictators come in.

The opposition gets silenced.

The governmental checks and balances are destroyed.

Then, slowly, but surely, former supporters start questioning the regime. Then they get silenced.

Woodward is an expert at blowing up small things to seem huge. Watergate was minor league stuff, nothing every president before hadn't done (or worse) and the press had winked at, but Nixon was an Enemy, and enemies had to be destroyed. B.A.M.N.

Often times, in politics, it is the minor things that peel off the most supporters. Obama's palling around with murderers and terrorists and criminals and people who cheer for the Sept. 11 attacks are too large to fathom for many.

But small-time intimidation charges can build to much larger things.

Too bad Obama is a certified Glorious Leader to the press rather than an Enemy, as Nixon was. Otherwise, Woodward would be onto something. However, since Obama is a glorious leader, instead of Jon Stewart nodding seriously when he interviews him about the "horrible" intimidation the Republican pres is doing to the press, Stewart will mock him in a few segments because he's pointing fingers at a leftist.

Eh, well, so much for the republic. Enjoy the decline, fascists!

Henry said...

Liberal common wisdom:

1) The stimulus should have been bigger, way bigger, wildly bigger. That's the only way it could have really affected the economy. The economy is huge, you know, and it takes huge spending to affect it.

2) Small cuts in the Federal budget (mostly in Defense, which the Obama administration wants to cut anyway), will destroy the economy. The economy is a shivering butterfly on a calving iceberg.

SteveR said...

Yay, our gov spent 500k to avoid prosecution. Winning!

Damn Consitution

SteveR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Garbage pail the liar is back!

Tell us all, liar, how being a communist in no way entails wanting to overthrow the government.

We're waiting, liar.....

Original Mike said...

Guess they never found those secret routers. Never play hidenseek with Scott Walker.

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
John Doe probe of Scott Walker office closed with no new charges

Yay, our gov spent 500k to avoid prosecution. Winning!

Too much to prove you're innocent? Or too much to defend yourself if your guilty? You might want to rethink your statement.
The charges were dropped. No crime was committed.

dreams said...

All morning on CNBC they have been showing their concern about how cutting spending will cost jobs while the counter argument that the money saved from government spending would be better and more efficiently spent in the private sector falls on deft ears. So that is the way the media will blame the Republicans, all the jobs lost because of the Republicans.

And they call themselves the nuance party

Writ Small said...

How could Woodward interpret "I think you will regret staking out that claim” as any kind of threat? It's not as if the administration would launch a coordinated effort to trash his reputation and cut off journalistic access. It's just sad to see a formerly great man go all delusional.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Pro-Obama hack media have jumped the shark. We no longer have objective media at all. And when someone attemps to speak truth to power, even an old liberal icon is tarred and feathered.

garage mahal said...

No crime was committed.

Neither the D.A., or Walker himself has ever said that.

Anonymous said...

Neither the D.A., or Walker himself has ever said that.

--So says the liar Garbage pail.

Which means it isn't true.

ricpic said...

Woodward was never remotely perfect. The alleged perfection of Woodward & Bernstein was based primarily on the relay of the inside scoop they got from deep throat, an unnamed source, Mark Felt, who had his own get Nixon agenda and whose name was only revealed 31 years after Watergate. Some perfection. What made them perfect was the hunger for their story on the part of the rest of the pack baying for Nixon's throat.

Calypso Facto said...

Neither the D.A., or Walker himself has ever said that.

"Walker maintained he has done nothing wrong, and has no knowledge of illegal campaign activities that may have occurred on the taxpayers' dime during his tenure as Milwaukee County executive."

Yay, our gov spent 500k to avoid prosecution. Winning!

$500 grand that could have gone to schools or roads or Badgercare diverted to defending against frivolous charges. Truly a proud moment for Dems.

edutcher said...

Not entirely OT, but this, off Drudge, deserves a post with the Obama is like Nixon tag:

Obama: 'I Am Not a Dictator. I'm the President.'

Michael said...

Garage: Holy Shit!! The double secret grand jury did not indict Scott Walker? How can that be? Grand juries are known to indict ham sandwiches. Holy Shit!!

And they spent one half of one million dollars not indicting someone!!

On Wisconsin.

Seeing Red said...

So many yucks/LMAO items on Drudge today.

Nanny Bloomberg says:

...“We are spending money we don’t have,” Mr. Bloomberg explained. “It’s not like your household. In your household, people are saying, ‘Oh, you can’t spend money you don’t have.’ That is true for your household because nobody is going to lend you an infinite amount of money. When it comes to the United States federal government, people do seem willing to lend us an infinite amount of money. … Our debt is so big and so many people own it that it’s preposterous to think that they would stop selling us more. It’s the old story: If you owe the bank $50,000, you got a problem. If you owe the bank $50 million, they got a problem. And that’s a problem for the lenders. They can’t stop lending us more money.”

Nevertheless, Mr. Bloomberg said it wouldn’t be easy to find the spending cuts that do emerge. Accordingly, when Mr. Gambling suggested cutting “waste” could solve a significant portion of the deficit, Mr. Bloomberg flat-out disagreed.

“Listen, I’ve worked now in government for 11 years,” he said. “One of the problems is the definition of ‘waste.’ You think the programs that I want are waste. And I think the problems that you want are waste. It’s not like somebody is taking wheelbarrows full of dollar bills and throwing them out the window. It’s a question of definition, what is ‘waste’ and what is not. Everything we have was put in by Congress, signed by the president. There was a reason for it, or a constituency for it. Most of the tax breaks are designed to encourage or discourage economic activity. There’s a reason for it....”

IBD says:

There are no details, for example, about the $200 billion in cuts to defense and domestic discretionary programs, other than that Obama wants them split evenly.

And while he offers $400 billion in "health savings," 30% are lumped in a bucket labeled "other."

Worse, Obama's "balanced" plan actually counts hundreds of billions of new revenues from taxes, fees and rebates as "spending reductions." Examples:

• His plan to "strengthen" unemployment insurance is labeled as a cut, but it's really a $50 billion tax hike.

• The $35 billion from the federal worker retirement programs involves boosting worker contributions.

• Most of the $35 billion in Medicare savings comes from charging wealthy seniors more.

• The $140 billion in "reduced payments to drug companies" are in fact rebates Obama wants drugmakers to pay Uncle Sam for selling drugs to poor seniors.

• Then there's the $45 billion in spectrum fees and asset sales that Obama lists as spending reductions.

Viewed correctly, it turns out that more than $300 billion — about a third — of Obama's proposed "spending cuts" are actually revenue increases.

As a result, instead of $1.2 trillion in spending cuts called for by the sequester over the next decade, Obama would add more than $1 trillion in revenues, while cutting outlays only about $600 billion. And much of those aren't real cuts, but tiny reductions in projected spending growth over the next decade.

Read More At IBD: Obama's Sequester Math: $300 Billion In New Revenues Called 'Spending Cuts' -
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Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DADvocate said...

Eh, well, so much for the republic. Enjoy the decline, fascists!

Dead on comment. I was reading the comments from bottom to top. First, I thought at least you're entertaining. Then I read that comment and gave a mental "Right on!"

Suck it, garage and lefties.

garage mahal said...

$500 grand that could have gone to schools or roads or Badgercare diverted to defending against frivolous charges. Truly a proud moment for Dems.

*Walker* spent 500k on mob lawyers to defend himself. Almost his entire staff was indicted. You're proud of that?

Tom from Virginia said...

What Woodward did fits a familiar pattern. With the election over, it's okay to rogue for a brief season. Woodward the loyal apparatchik will return when it matters

Tom from Virginia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom from Virginia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mark said...

garage mahal said...
No crime was committed.

Neither the D.A., or Walker himself has ever said that.

This whole "They are guilty because I say so" liberal viewpoint is rather odd. "Walker committed a crime ... IN MY MIND! He only got off because of mob lawyers!" The facts don't back up your case. Why do you hate facts?

Is your real identity the Omniscient Liberal, understanding of all that is hidden, and able to split atoms with your mind?

Michael said...

Garage: He defended himself? WTF! Rude of him. And spent money on lawyers? Mob lawyers? In the mob kind of lawyers or lawyers who defend mobsters?

I know this is a huge defeat for you but keep the faith. You know, at least, that he is a crook and that is all that matters, right?

B said...

Almost his entire staff was indicted.

I've read garage for a couple of years now and even enjoyed some conversations with him here. But I've also observed how he characteristically plays fast and loose with the truth when its a matter of conservative versus progressive principle or fact.

I do not have to research his "Almost his entire staff was indicted" statement to know it is false.

B said...


"when its a matter of conservative versus progressive principle or fact."

should have read:

when its a matter of progressive narrative versus conservative principle or fact.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Awwww, poor Manboobs is all saddies today.

The partisan witchhunt failed, you have been demonstrated to be a clueless idiot yet again.

It must be sad to be you. Wife left you, no education, overweight. All you could do to console yourself was to rant on the internet about secret routers and lie about how much money you make.

Now you don't even have that. You are reduced to bleating that Walker dared to defend himself (with lawyers!) and somehow is really guilty, becaue you and some other union cocksuckers say so.

I would pity you, if you were not so pigheadedly obnoxious.

Can't even bring yourself to admit that you were wrong eh lardass?

Anonymous said...


Wait, you just figured out that Garbage Pail is a liar?


Rusty said...

No charges were filed. No crime had been committed.
The investigation could find no compelling reason to indict Walker. Which means he committed no crime.

AllenS said...

Mob lawyers?

furious_a said...

Garage: *Walker* spent 500k on mob lawyers to defend himself.

You and the other public sector union lifers can always try another recall after walker gets re-re-elected.

garage mahal said...

You and the other public sector union lifers can always try another recall after walker gets re-re-elected.

I don't work for the government. Ironically, Walker is a career government worker. I in part pay for his salary, his insurance, and his housing. And the public paid for him and his staff fucking around on county time breaking laws for his run for governorship.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wow. The left are really going nuts over Woodword. They now hope he dies soon.

Don't you dare question Obama's sacred lies.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Ah, so now Manboobs is responsible for Walkers salary as well as everyone's health insurance. How magnanimous of you!

I'm sure you have the same level of outrage for liberal government employees. But no matter, today is a good day, as I drink deeply of your impotent rage and sadness that you will not get to have your fantasy frog mraching of Walker.

Today you lose Manboobs, but not so different from every other day. No one believes that you have a high income, I now am guessing you make less than 60k. You are a loser in every sense, a failure a husband, probably as a father (do you even have custody fatboy?), a failure in physical fitness, and a failure in the world of Althouse internet commenting.

You are a clown, you exist to give Althouse readers an easy punching bag. A big fat punching bag.

Enjoy stewing on that over the weekend tubby, and take some heart in the knowledge that your physical, educational, economic, and intellectual betters (aka Me) will be out partying this weekend, and at some point will raise a glass to Scott Walker's continued excellent stewardship of Wisconsin.

Original Mike said...

Mob lawyers?

Yeah. "Mob lawyers" and "Almost his entire staff was indicted."

Joe Schmoe said...

Woodward's getting the full Alinsky right now. Isolate the target, marginalize the target, and mock the shit out of the target until it becomes conventional wisdom. Note we're not talking about what Woodward was reporting on, that Obama rubber-stamped Jack Lew's idea to concoct cuts so monstrous and onerous that no one in their right mind would ever let them happen.

Well, now we know how wrong they were. If the cuts really were that bad, they'd have figured something out by now. So either the WH knew they were of little consequence and they just wanted to demagogue them, or they just aren't very good at their jobs and they have no clue about the economy. A little from Column A, a little from Column B in my opinion.

Joe Schmoe said...

Garage, $500K is a drop in the bucket compared to what was spent on the recall election.

Joe Schmoe said...

And that's without considering the opportunity cost of everybody actually doing their jobs rather than running non-stop campaigns.

geokstr said...

Michael K said...
The sequester affair is already unraveling for Obama. Yesterday he began to walk back his predictions of severe consequences.

The Democrats are now worried that they may lose on this.

This is actually perfect for them.

Obama today said that this is not a cliff, but instead that the real effects will be felt slowly over the next six months, and that any bad economic news will be the fault of the Republicans and their refusal to raise taxes in a balanced approach to avoid the sequester.

So they get to continue their disastrous economic policies, add new ones, and all the predictable results can be blamed on the R's, with the active complicity of his Lewinskyite media.

On a side note, garage has accomplished his goal, to deflect the conversation in a direction that is not about Obama's thuggishness and lies, but to make everyone defend Walker. This is typical Alinsky tactics. I suggest that instead of taking the bait, we ignore him completely. Then we can watch him become totally unhinged, since he comes here with his absurd propaganda to be the center of attention as well as shill for his demigod.

garage mahal said...

Yeah. "Mob lawyers" and "Almost his entire staff was indicted."

Both true. Not that you care of course.

Comanche Voter said...

Like Dreams said, I've never been a big fan of Woodward and his pard---but the Bamster and his gang of thugs are going to regret all this. They don't look good.

Alex said...

Indicted != convicted. This is a massive witchhunt against WI Republicans. On par with the Salem witch trials.

Emil Blatz said...

Gotta love sitting back and watching this happen. I'm not a big fan of Woodward, but think of all the envious folks in journalism (or who used to be in journalism) who want to stab him in the back. He has "fuck you money", he gets easy coverage, and there are a lot of folks in media and out inside the beltline who want to stick it to him. Pass the popcorn. You can't lose with this kind of entertainment.

Seeing Red said...

why is the "balanced approach" always raise taxes?

We've just been thru the P/R tax, the effect of gas prices raised which is a tax, health insurance premiums raising, so Barry wants to add more so we don't have to cut Moroccan pottery classes?

Blue@9 said...

The concerted effort by the gov't and media establishment to trash Woodward should terrify any decent American.

The guy has been held up as the standard for Washington political reporting for four decades, but it only took one instance of lese-majeste for them to turn on him.

What is it now, he's washed up, he's senile, he's sold out (and coming soon, he's a racist)-- goes to show you that apostasy is the worst crime to the true believers.

This episode also exposes the true believers and the gov't-media mindmeld. It's frightening.

Joe Schmoe said...

So Plouffe and Axelrod, a fresh month off of being on Obama's payroll, are now setting the news narrative for the War on Woodward.

This is what passes for journalism today.

NBC can't lose enough money to make me happy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lets get this straight. obama and his corrupt and economically retarded administration wasted billions upon billions on bogus green projects like Solyndra and Abound Solar (to name a few) but the dems are whining about not being about to pay firefighters and teachers.

got it.

Anonymous said...

Woodward is 69, the age Hillary will be in 2016. So if he's past it now, she'll be past it then.

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