March 7, 2013

"Since the United States is about to ignite a nuclear war, we will be exercising our right to pre-emptive nuclear attack..."

"... against the headquarters of the aggressor in order to protect our supreme interest."

Said a North Korean foreign ministry spokesman.

And here's a little propaganda movie uploaded to the North Korean state website last month, appropriating the bad-enough-already tune "We Are the World" to go with images of nuking American cities:


Seeing Red said...

What does Barry want to do with our umbrella again?

Cut it?

Sux to be within striking range, even a clock is right 2x a day.

rhhardin said...

A threat to nuke Washington isn't going to frighten most of the US.

Mary Beth said...

There comes a time when we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And its time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

Music to nuke by.

Ann Althouse said...

It's funny until it's not funny.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

At some point, communism will be done right.

Anonymous said...

Washington is likely safe. I don't think they can get FOB to work.

a nuke in a container on a ship pulling in to Seattle or Long Beach / LA? very doable.

a the Dems laughed at Boosh's 'Axis of Evil'

We ought to cut off our food aid. Allowing this regime to get better at nukes is counter productive to our survival.

PS: They may be testing Iranian nuke designs. Isn't that a cheery thought :(

Seeing Red said...

Read an article a few years after 9/11 about Americans' risk/reward ratio of nuclear war.

We're so big so we're not as worried, we think the other states will get hit before we do.

It's like the Iranians putting the missiles in Venezuela, they can reach Florida, I think, so we lose FLA. But how does that affect the Northeast or CA?

Seeing Red said...

As long as the vaginas are happy, no one cares about our dismantling.


DADvocate said...

No worries. We have a Nobel Peace prize winner for president who has the authority to use drones to kill anyone, any where, any time.

Anonymous said...

I could think of a NORK or two that deserve a drone visit. And Dr Khan as well.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Heck of a job Rodman!

Rusty said...

This is where a foreign policy by magic 8 ball will get you.

FleetUSA said...

The inherited title Pres of NK would never had said that if Bush was President.

Crimso said...

"When a man says he is going to kill you, it is best to take him at his word."

Can't recall who said this.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

My decision not to save for a comfortable retirement is looking smarter and smarter every day.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Crimso- that sounds like a line Clint Eastwood would have said in one of his cowboy roles.

gk1 said...

Reacting to the NORKOS is like paying attention to that old, wobbly, toothless, homeless guy with the napkins tied around his feet, challenging me to a fight. Best to keep walking.

CWJ said...

LOL. Ironically, my tablet/browser/blogger whatever embedded the How to Make a Snow Shelter video into this post instead of the propaganda. Apt to say the least. Ann, take a bow, even if it was unintentional.

Robert Cook said...

"No worries. We have a Nobel Peace prize winner for president who has the authority to use drones to kill anyone, any where, any time."

Actually, the president doesn't "have" any such authority; Obama has simply claimed it for himself as commander in chief. To the degree he is not gainsaid by Congress, his unilaterally asserted authority will then become, de facto, part of the authority of that office, (just as torture is now, de facto, part of America's feature set).

The pot containing we American frogs is getting closer to the boil....

rhhardin said...

It's funny until somebody gets their eye poked out.

Then it's still funny, just not around that person.

Old usenet quote.

Seeing Red said...

It came from the Holocaust.

I can't remember who said it, but he was being interviewed in 1947?

What was the lesson?

When someone tells you he intends to kill you, believe him.

rhhardin said...

As long as we'll be redoing the Constitution anyway, let's not have women allowed to vote in the new one.

Lesson learned.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Take the commie douchebags at their word.

A couple strategically placed tactical nukes would solve the problem.

Seeing Red said...

FYI, sequester stuff via Drudge:

White House Visitors Office director received $30,000 raise in 4 years

Andrew X said...

RE: Reacting to the NORKOS is like paying attention to that old, wobbly, toothless, homeless guy with the napkins tied around his feet, challenging me to a fight. Best to keep walking.

And, um, what exactly do you do when you look back over your shoulder, and you note that the old, wobbly, toothless, homeless guy with the napkins tied around his feet who has been challenging you to a fight has just cracked open a double-barreled shotgun, and is busily loading two shells into it while staring you down and still challenging you to that fight.

I would really like to know, please.

test said...

We need Cook to explain why this is America's fault.

edutcher said...

So they'll take out the West Coast and Hawaii.

That's a problem?

Darrell said...

If they are serious, they will sneak the bomb in on a South Korean container ship. The missiles are for show, not go.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that China our trading partner and debt holder is still Communist.

edutcher said...

I never did.

When did the She Devil of the SS?

Anonymous said...

If a man does not strike first, he will be the first struck - Athenagoras of Syracuse

Stephen A. Meigs said...

If I were president, I'd immediately contact the leader of North Korea to see whether he will fire the official who said that and agree such opinion is not his. If not, I'd back away, make all ships leave our ports, put all our missile defenses in most propitious position. Send vast majority of our military to South Korea or otherwise where they could quickly reach North Korea, secretly call Congress to declare war and then launch every conventional weapon we have to kill North Korean government and destroy military. If we do less than this and let it slide, he'll totally think he has as our ass and there will be no end to the villainy he will try to avail himself of. Just my opinions after thinking about it for 20 minutes.

Anonymous said...

I'm not speaking to you personally Edutcher, you do realize you aren't the only commenter on this thread, don't you?

Robert Cook said...

"'When a man says he is going to kill you, it is best to take him at his word.'"

I'd say that depends on who the man is, where he is, and how feasible his threat, given all known factors.

In this case...pffft!

Robert Cook said...

"Don't forget that China our trading partner and debt holder is still Communist."

I'd say they're no more "communist" that we are a functioning democracy.

Anonymous said...

Guess what happened to the Chinese manufacturer that made tainted baby food, or was it medicine? He was executed. My son in law goes to China several times a year on business, he had mentioned the fate of that Chinese manufacturer.

BigFire said...

Jerry Pournelle have this to say about North Korea's latest threat:

I don't see the LightBringer(tm) as Matt Dillion, but perhaps the next president won't be as nuanced.

Anonymous said...

Why were the employees of the Apple products flinging themselves off the roof of the high rise factory? I wonder if working conditions are better now?

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"'When a man says he is going to kill you, it is best to take him at his word.'"

I'd say that depends on who the man is, where he is, and how feasible his threat, given all known factors.

In this case...pffft!

Remember when I told you weakness emboldens tyrants?
They have rockets. They have nuclear weapons.
LilKim thinks he has the upper hand.
Wanna call his bluff?

Jane the Actuary said...

So who knows Korean? Is that one of those languages where the future tense has some ambiguity or not? How did the sentence get translated "we will be exercising our right. . ." vs. "we will exercise our right"? I'm not particularly worried about a missile attack, but it seems entirely possible that they could send over a boat. And, in the entire history of crackpots, I don't believe I've heard any other crackpot dictator say, "we will nuke you."

Rusty said...

Jane. I have no doubt they can lob one over and maybe even hit land. And maybe even get the thing to explode. But that's the issue. Lilkim feels confident enough to rattle his sabre. This might not even be meant for us, but for SKorea and/or Japan.
Little difference, but are we just going to stand there and wait until he starts to belive his own press and really lob one over?
I think we need to slap him around a little.

Jane the Actuary said...

But Rusty, it's a given that Obama will not do any sabre-rattling. He just won't. He's too preoccupied with attempting to make the sequester as painful as possible while grandstanding and claiming bipartisanship. And even if he weren't, he doesn't care.

edutcher said...

Inga said...

I'm not speaking to you personally Edutcher, you do realize you aren't the only commenter on this thread, don't you?

The She Devil always swings for the fences, doesn't she?

Isolate, personalize, demonize, right?

Especially when somebody has your number.

Andrew X said...

I heard the quote as "When a man tells you he intends to kill you, believe him!" And, while I cannot tell you a name, as I understand it was said by a Holocaust survivor who was asked by an interviewer, "What lesson can we learn from these horrific events?"

Oh, yeah, and those European Jews, massacred by the millions? They all thought the Nazis were a big joke, a bunch of blustering wannabes in boy scout uniforms, let by a Chaplin-esque joke of an agitator. "Can ya believe these bozos, what a bunch of doofuses! Good thing they are too dumb to cause any real harm."

Who was it who said, "They have learned nothing, they remember nothing"?

Robert Cook said...

"Oh, yeah, and those European Jews, massacred by the millions? They all thought the Nazis were a big joke, a bunch of blustering wannabes in boy scout uniforms, let by a Chaplin-esque joke of an agitator. 'Can ya believe these bozos, what a bunch of doofuses! Good thing they are too dumb to cause any real harm.'"

No, they didn't. They took the Nazis very seriously. Many fled while they could, emigrated elsewhere. But many did not. Either they hadn't the means to leave, or they just couldn't believe how bad it would get or what could happen to them.

This is part of human nature: most of us won't accept what the worst might be or that it can happen.

Crimso said...

"Oh, yeah, and those European Jews, massacred by the millions? They all thought the Nazis were a big joke, a bunch of blustering wannabes in boy scout uniforms, let by a Chaplin-esque joke of an agitator."

Along that same line of thinking, it was Shirer (IIRC) who noted that Germans couldn't possibly claim after the war that they didn't know what was happening, as Hitler had indicated in "Mein Kampf" exactly what he was planning to do. They should have taken him at his word, no matter how unlikely his ability to follow through.

Crimso said...

"or they just couldn't believe how bad it would get or what could happen to them."

So they made the fatal mistake of not taking Hitler at his word.

edutcher said...

Crimso said...

Oh, yeah, and those European Jews, massacred by the millions? They all thought the Nazis were a big joke, a bunch of blustering wannabes in boy scout uniforms, let by a Chaplin-esque joke of an agitator.

Along that same line of thinking, it was Shirer (IIRC) who noted that Germans couldn't possibly claim after the war that they didn't know what was happening, as Hitler had indicated in "Mein Kampf" exactly what he was planning to do. They should have taken him at his word, no matter how unlikely his ability to follow through.

A lot of people thought that was stuff to get people to listen, the way Barry talked about redistributing and fundamentally transforming and bitter clingers.

Nobody thought he was really serious about it.

And, one must remember, the Nazis didn't make a lot of that stuff public. In fact, there was an incident where Martin Bormann was talking over the phone to one of the other Nazi bigs, who let something slip about the camps, and Bormann snapped something like, "Shut up, you fool. Anybody could be listening".

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cookie again. I'm also struck by something that a Jew who fled the country said. It went something like:

"If every Jewish father had met the politzei at the door with a knife or a gun, the holocaust would not have happened. The uproar would have been too much. The Police and the Army would have bauked. But they went quitely, as good Germans, not believing it could really be happening. that they would survive..."

Anonymous said...

Great. A psychotic fat kid with his own nuclear weapons.

Stephen A. Meigs said...

It seems to me the question about someone like Kim Jong Un is whether his reckless irrational behavior is that of a nasty, naturally violent rapist bully, or whether it is that of a crazy paranoid hard ass. My intuition is that he's the former, but even if I am correct, I am not confident that our elitest leaders would agree with me, or see that they are opposite characters, and so may wrongly try to reduce fear by responding weakly, which only would make a rapist type feel on some level that he has us by the ass, further inflaming his violent torturing tendencies.

Your naturally sodomizing rapist type of person may well be rather normal in lots of ways, enjoying mainstream entertainment, basketball, etc. In fact, it is one of my theories that rapists, relying on fear rather than (artificial) lust, should be more normal in most ways than your often weirdo sodomizer more relying on seduction. But there is one particular area which naturally rapacious sodomizers have to be weird about--they have to have uncommon faith in the type of violence they naturally want to commit. Societies from time immemorial tend more-or-less (now more) to underestimate the addictive power of sodomy, and thus the potential power and benefit to the rapist of his forcible sodomy and rape. Sodomizers can't have merely conformist opinions about how much power they can exert with their rapacious sodomy, because the conformist opinion underestimates it (compared to his other options).

But forcible sodomizers tend to be pretty stupid, and particularly pretty stupid at understanding their own feelings. They may well try to get together with other males with similarly violent nasty tastes to try to understand their violent nasty nature better (probably why people fear and see conspiracies easily), or they may just be somewhat randomly excessively violent for totally stupid evil reasons. If they fail to get control, well, they probably won't believe it. Sometimes they torture their first victims too much, leading to death. If so, they'll especially think they are meant to kill people, e.g., because their dead victims will be their sex slaves in heaven (BTK killer) or (Dahmer) that if their bodies are eaten or kept in the apartment to give spiritual influences, etc., or maybe the right chemical poured into the drill holes made in brain before death, that will make the sodomy victim's soul a servant, and so you will get the serial killer. Anyway, getting control of the world by violence and terror is just the sort of thing a naturally nasty rapist type of person would try to do (control through violence) even in face of obvious evidence it wouldn't work, as is the case with North Korea flaunting almost the whole world. Kim Jong Un won't gain control of the world, but he may be idiot rapist enough to kill many trying. Just my opinion.

Known Unknown said...

inga is in the SQUIRREL! business, too.

gk1 said...

Does anyone really believe they can even launch a rocket far enough to reach hawaii much less Washington? Does anyone think they can build a nuke warhead smaller than a freight train? A show of hands anyone? We should do with the norkos what we should have done with the Branch Davidians. Wall them off and let them wither away. S.Korea has no interest in reunifying with them, what does that tell you?

Known Unknown said...

I still think China has to solve the North Korea problem.

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