২২ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Rush smells a Rose.

I was just listening to the podcast of Monday's Rush Limbaugh show. A long segment called "The Mommy Wars" ends like this:
RUSH:  Here's Charlie Rose.  And listen to Charlie.  He had to wrap up the interview with the women on his show today with Gayle King, and they were talking about the new feminism.  Here's what Charlie Rose said that men have to do.

ROSE:  It is incumbent on men to appreciate more and to do more and have the same responsibilities that women do.

RUSH:  I just sit here, my mouth just falls open.  Will you play that again?  It is up to men to understand more, to do more, to explain more, to say more, to feel more, to touch more, to be more, to be fully respected and understood so that women will go to bed with us, is what he means.

ROSE:  It is incumbent on men to appreciate more and to do more and have the same responsibilities that women do.

RUSH: Appreciate more and to do more and understand the absolute hell women's lives are, because if we don't, we'll never get 'em in the sack.  Yes, dear, yes dear, yes dear, yes dear, can we go to bed now?

৫৬টি মন্তব্য:

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Why can't a man be more like a woman?

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

I was an 80's kind of guy way before it became popular but I fully suspect I'm now behind the times.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

There's a lot of truth to the notion that feminism is the beta male's strategy for getting some.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Why would a grown-ass woman be listening to Rush Limbaugh?

Methadras বলেছেন...

So basically men must be subservient door mats to the new feminism in order to get a chance at being able to copulate with one. No thanks.

Methadras বলেছেন...

phx said...

Why would a grown-ass woman be listening to Rush Limbaugh?

Why aren't you listening to him?

Nonapod বলেছেন...

ROSE: It is incumbent on men to appreciate more and to do more and have the same responsibilities that women do.

OK, I'll bite: What responsibilities do woman have that men typically don't (but can have)?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Rush doesn't have a romantic bone in his body. All he seems to have is a superior mind and an optimistic personality that out thinks everyone is all he has to do.

Would it were so. If he didn't have money, he would be a lonely man. Let's hope ElRushbo negotiated a good prenuptial agreement.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Rush is an "extremist"! Cover your ears! How dare he speak. Somebody silence him! Quick - the fairness doctrine will do it!

SomeoneHasToSayIt বলেছেন...

Here's the deal.

Modern Western women should be extremely grateful for what they have.

Even a cursory review of human history shows that economic and sexual slavery of women has, in many times and places, been easily institutionalized by men.

We are all simply agreeing to not do what we could easily otherwise do.

And yes, the veneer of civilization is very thin and very fragile and very arbitrary.

Count your blessings, ladies.

Mankind makes its own rules. Always has. This is what is called an uncomfortable truth.

Chef Mojo বলেছেন...

As the pussyfication of America continues apace...

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

As usual, Rush nailed the point squarely. With one exception, there is only one incentive for the effort of any man to please a woman, and that incentive is to get laid.

The exception would be a man's relationship with his beloved daughter which, other than in the case of freaks, is the only true unselfish man-woman relationship that is not motivated by sexual strategies.

I don't include gays since I can't feature what it's like to carry functioning twigs and berries and not be completely enthralled with the prospect of bras and panties on the floor.

roesch/voltaire বলেছেন...

I think that is why Rush has his latest wife living in a separate condo--he doesn't have to worry about too much touching etc.

cold pizza বলেছেন...

Sensitive New Age Guys. -CP

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

So, you subscribe to the Rose theory of supplication to the feminine goddess, RV?

CommonHandle বলেছেন...

Doesn't this imply that, instead of women eschewing typical gender roles, that men should instead take the responsibility to bring themselves to a woman's place?

That doesn't seem beta to me. It seems patronizing.

jimbino বলেছেন...

I generally agree with Rush. In my household, my truelove goes off to work and brings home the bacon. I stay home, buy groceries, cook, grill, clean, organize, wash laundry and generally maintain the house.

Apart from this, I renovate kitchen, baths, maintain the yard and garden and build decks and verandas. None of my labor is subject to tax, at least until the house is sold, for which there is a $250,000 exclusion of capital gains income from taxation..

I could return to my professions of designing WMDs, teaching physics and math, or law. Why would I?

I think it stupid for both persons in a couple to "work." We are getting rich by improving houses and selling them, all the while TAXFREE!

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Bring on the Sex-Bots!

Nomennovum বলেছেন...


Watch and puke.

Except you, RV. Which guy are you in that video?

edutcher বলেছেন...

Sounds like the old whiny, crab-up-her-ass feminism of the 60s.

jimbino said...

I generally agree with Rush. In my household, my truelove goes off to work and brings home the bacon. I stay home, buy groceries, cook, grill, clean, organize, wash laundry and generally maintain the house.

Apart from this, I renovate kitchen, baths, maintain the yard and garden and build decks and verandas. None of my labor is subject to tax, at least until the house is sold, for which there is a $250,000 exclusion of capital gains income from taxation..

I could return to my professions of designing WMDs, teaching physics and math, or law. Why would I?

I think it stupid for both persons in a couple to "work." We are getting rich by improving houses and selling them, all the while TAXFREE!

Why do I have trouble believing anything jimbino says after the second sentence?

Why do I believe anything he says at all?

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

This is really getting interesting, we have Cookie & PBS in the other thread talking about "the greater good" & "intertwined communities" yet we're going in the opposite direction by breaking the bonds.

Man can't serve 2 masters. Big government can't replace it well, yup, progressivism really screws up humanity.

Baron Zemo বলেছেন...

Rush is a traditionalist.

He believes you should just pay for it.

Either by getting married and paying alimony.

Or on a case by case basis.

bbkingfish বলেছেন...

"Why would a grown-ass woman be listening to Rush Limbaugh?"

To gather chum with which to delight her little fishies.

Icepick বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Icepick বলেছেন...

I'm reminded of a cartoon I saw in a Playboy (or perhaps Hustler) back in the 1980s or so. A man and woman are lying in bed having sex in a somewhat improbable position. She's staring at the ceiling looking bored and the man, looking angry, says "I know the therapist said we should talk more, but do we have to talk about your goddamned day now?" Buddy, forget talking about it, you should have already imagined how awful it was without prompting!

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

I feel bad for these beta liberal pussies.

All that work, and then their feminist shrew of a wife can go fuck some real man, divorce, and still take half his shit.

Sorun বলেছেন...

RV doesn't know much, but he seems to know a lot about Rush Limbaugh's personal life. Creepy.

Astro বলেছেন...

"Lost in Transcription"
What is missing in the transcript is the wimpy-snivelly emphasis that Charlie Rose puts on some of the words. This emphasis makes it sound like his gonads have shrunk to the size of raisins.

"ROSE: It is incumbent on men to appreciate mooore and to do mooore and have the same responsibilities that women dooo."

As though men are supposed to be mama's boys.

Alex বলেছেন...

Red meat, *GULP*!!!!

I a little Althouse fishy!!!!

sakredkow বলেছেন...

All that work, and then their feminist shrew of a wife can go fuck some real man, divorce, and still take half his shit.

You're not getting any, are you?

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Rose is describing A Very Special Episode of Girls, on HBO.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Beyonce sez Bow Down, bitches.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

President-Mom-jeans & Astro
get to the essence of it all..

BTW, Astro, are you named for the Jetsons dog or Astro-the-engine-room guy in Tom Corbet and the Space Cadets? (Whom I think the Jetson cartoonists were ironically alluding to when they named the dog "Astro" as Tom Corbetts Astro was depicted as definitely the "less smart" of the three--sarcastic Roger Manning the Nav and goodie two-shoes Tom the pilot being the other two. )

Kensington বলেছেন...

Okay, so what's the source for the "Rush doesn't live in the same building with his wife" smear? I tried a Google search but came up with nothing.

Howard বলেছেন...

What I don't understand about women is they are disgusted by household trash, yet seem to enjoy cleaning toilets.

Bruce বলেছেন...

I don't even understand what Rose is saying. What is his factual message?

"It is incumbent on men to appreciate more and to do more and have the same responsibilities that women do".

It is incumbent on men to appreciate what more?

It is incumbent on men to do more of what?

It is incumbent on men to have the same responsibilities that women do. What responsibilities, specifically, is he referring to?

Baron Zemo বলেছেন...

Roachy likes to look in Rush's windows every now and then.

That's the source.

He's a peeper.

Wouldna ya like to be a peeper too!

Guimo বলেছেন...

Women control the world. Do you want to know why? They own half the money and all the pussy.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

I'm still waiting for women to have the same responsibilities as men and for them to recognize and repudiate the female privilege granted to them by sexist patriarchy.

Kensington বলেছেন...

That's really weird, SGT Ted. For some reason, the radical feminists on my Facebook timeline only see a downside to the patriarchy. There doesn't appear to be any benefit for them whatsoever, based on their never-ending caterwauling.

Astro বলেছেন...

BTW, Astro, are you named for the Jetsons dog or Astro-the-engine-room guy in Tom Corbet and the Space Cadets?

Heh - that's a bit like asking someone named Washington if they were named after the state or the District of Columbia.
-- It comes from Astronomy, which is what my degrees are in and which allowed me to have a odd but satisfying career in engineering. Thanks for asking. And sadly, I was a bit too young for Tom Corbett on TV.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Rush is a self-made man. He's a multi-millionaire because he launched himself with his own boot launchers. People love to listen to him and he has 20 million or so listeners. He’s wildly successful. He’s wildly wealthy. He also lives in a bubble. Which is no problem, other than his bubble dwelling insulates him from the goings on in the real world.
I doubt Rush knows any dead-beat dads or dead-beat men. Dead-beat men who sit around and watch TV all day, or smoke pot all day, or drink, or lie about where they go all day, or ramble on obsessively about the glory days of their pot filled/drug filled youth. Meanwhile, the wife is tending to the kids, working, grocery shopping, and cleaning up the house and finishing the laundry.

I know men like this. These men exist. Rush cannot relate to what Rose is saying because both Rush and his wife do not have to worry about relationships with dead-beats and low-lives. (At least that is what I gather and assume) Rush cannot relate.
btw - the person I described above is my own dead-beat brother. My brother is also a die-hard democrat.

Titus বলেছেন...

Fatbaugh's average listener's age is 72.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

"btw-the person I described, above, is by own dead-beat brother. My brother is also a die-hard democrat."

Quelle surprise, eh?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Virgil - I thought you would all be shocked.

Alex বলেছেন...

Look Rush is physically disgusting, so of course his wife lives in a separate condo. I'm waiting for the multi-million divorce settlement.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Althouse commenting denizens are almost all men. I think she rather enjoys that.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'd be happy if Rush Limbaugh would just never talk about sex again ever under any conditions. Yeech.

Some of us are having lunch over here. That guy is the most unfuckable guy in the history of the world and his wife is earning every. single. penny.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

his wife is earning every. single. penny.

Remindss me of this story (attributed to George Bernard Shaw and Winston Churchill amongst others)

GBS: Madam, would you sleep with me for a million pounds?
Actress: My goodness, Well, I’d certainly think about it.
GBS: Would you sleep with me for a pound?
Actress: Certainly not! What kind of woman do you think I am?!
GBS: Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.

Is it true all women are prostitutes?

Tom বলেছেন...

A two-way street, this is not.

-Master Yoda

Tom বলেছেন...

A two-way street, this is not.

-Master Yoda

DADvocate বলেছেন...

I'm still waiting for women to have the same responsibilities as men and for them to recognize and repudiate the female privilege granted to them by sexist patriarchy.

You guys are bringing out some of my favorite quotes.

Receptionist: How do you write women so well?

Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

Alex বলেছেন...

SOJO - Michael Moore? Joy Behar? Whoopi Goldberg?

Alex বলেছেন...

Let me know when women can do coal mining, oil rigging and other brutal jobs.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

OK, I'll bite: What responsibilities do woman have that men typically don't (but can have)? -- Nonapod

Before marriage: Chastity and pleasantness.
After marriage: At least thrice weekly blow-jobs, a pleasing physique, and pleasantness.

These are the secrets to a lasting marriage. Men, don't marry sluts. Women, keep your men happy and they won't stray. The happy part is easy, because "happy" simply means "drained of cum."

Unknown বলেছেন...

Well, it seems well established that this blog commentariat is not populated with sensitive new age guys.
The new feminism, If Charlie Rose can be trusted, is the old feminism grafted onto men.