March 20, 2013

"President Obama’s armored Cadillac limo, which was supposed to schlep him around the Holy Land, broke down."

NY Post headline.
According to Israeli’s Channel 2... "The Americans filled it up with diesel, rather than [gasoline]"...

It was a stroke of bad luck for the carefully choreographed arrival here, which featured a walk down a red carpet and warm words from both sides. The car was photographed on a flat-bed tow truck.
It's all photo-ops and the symbolism.


Scott M said...

If you don't give a shit about the United States position as a superpower, it's mistakes like these that will hurry the process along.

Russia thinks we have a conspiracy to appear stupid through two administrations in order to fake them into something.

Expat(ish) said...

On the upside, it is much easier to clean diesel out of a gas motor than vice versa.

As a taxpayer I am thankful for the small savings.


chickelit said...

"The Americans filled it up with diesel, rather than [gasoline]"...

Tell me they couldn't smell that one coming.

Chip S. said...

I blame the sequester.

With those budget cuts the driver couldn't afford diesel.

rcommal said...

Huh. How does something like that happen?

George M. Spencer said...

And it got stuck on a sleeping policeman a year ago.

Nonapod said...

Did the fueling actually occur in Israel? Maybe they didn't know the Hebrew words for Gasoline and Diesel?

YoungHegelian said...

Wait, don't diesel pumps have different size nozzles from gasoline pumps so that this doesn't happen? Maybe not in Israel.......?

I'm going to get some gas now, so I'll report back in an hour or so.

Anonymous said...

If Bush was in office, this would be an example of how dumb he is.

No, wait, it would be how Big Oil "owns" him and was making a point at how valuable they are.

No, both at the same time!

Meanwhile, this in no way will reflect on President Stepin Fetchit. No late night comedian will blame him or make fun of his affirmative action intelligence about it. All is well, stop looking at the man behind the curtain.

Enjoy the decline, assholes!

KCFleming said...

Should have used his golf cart the rest of the way.

FleetUSA said...

Obviously, the administration is really filled with overly elite without practical sense.

edutcher said...

It is The Holy Land of god's chosen People.

If The Messiah had a brain in his head, he'd take note of these little fox paws.

Gahrie said...

We have to fill the gas tank in order to know what to put in it....

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm surprised Obama can't turn diesel into gas.

Chip S. said...

I'm guessing that the limo driver is a J-school grad.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I would not be surprised if it was secret service policy to take a large supply of gasoline along on every trip.

lemondog said...

Why isn't he schlepping in an electric car?

Anonymous said...

This is a reason to impose sequester cuts on someone.

chickelit said...

"The Americans filled it up with diesel, rather than [gasoline]"...

Refinement is the mother of confusion

Anonymous said...

The secret service does test and secure fuel in advance for the president's visits. At least they are supposed to.

Scott M said...

All very funny, but take a second to think of the poor guy or gal that was literally hands-on responsible for this happening. The split-second you hear what's happened...that rush of blood away from your face, that cold clamminess, mouth goes dry, heartbeat increases...


Amartel said...

Embarrassing american FOX paw.
Brace for highlarious metter4s.
Oh, wait, nevermind.
Cancel that.
Not funny.
Serious security breach.
No laughing matter.
Republican shenanigans to blame.
Also RAAAAacism.
Dignified transportation of Brownish-American Cult Leader Disrupted by Diabolically Confusing Fuel Options. Had to walk 10 feet to alternate mode.

Unknown said...

He's the messiah. Cant he just turn the diesel into gasoline?

Beorn said...


Michael K said...

What's the difference ? It's all "fossil fuel."

Cinderellastory said...

He who lives by the photo op, dies by the photo op!

Mitch H. said...

Russia thinks we have a conspiracy to appear stupid through two administrations in order to fake them into something.

This is not a new reaction to American amateurism. Reading the Fifty-Year Wound this morning, I encountered a quote from the late despot of Egypt, Nasser - "The trouble with you Americans is that you never make any clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves that leave the rest of us scratching our heads and wondering if we may have missed something."

Sam L. said...

Did Joe Biden fill it up?

Sam L. said...

Or maybe it was one of those Palis from Hamas.

Almost Ali said...

Sounds like nonsense (gas vs. diesel) to me. More like the Secret Service sticking it into the devil's eye.

Baron Zemo said...

The secret service can't get it right when they pick sperm receptacles so why would they get this right? Just sayn'

Baron Zemo said...
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Hagar said...

Kevin Harmon wins the thread!

Baron Zemo said...

This is just the first of many mistakes he is going to make on this trip.

Obama is the Herman Long of American Politics.

Rabel said...

The limo is a diesel. Someone got mixed up when they made up the story.

Baron Zemo said...

I just thank the Good Lord that he had time to fill out his NCAA brackets before he started wasting his time in the Middle East.

Priorities baby.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I hope someone at least got the President a Slurpee to keep him busy while he waited for them to sort this out.

chickelit said...

Rabel said...
The limo is a diesel. Someone got mixed up when they made up the story.

This further supports Chip S' J-school grad theory at 12:45.

Question for the gear heads: is it worse to put gasoline in a diesel motor or the other way around. In this country you can't fit a gasoline nozzle into a diesel orifice.

traditionalguy said...

The pressure to surrender Jerusalem to the Muslims best friend Obama and his UN advisors is ramping up this week.

Obama is making a big pretence that he will strike Iran's nuclear and missile sites, but that first Israel must get rid of a Government that intends to fight for Israel's survival...silly rabbits.

Anonymous said...

After four years of trying to fill all our gas tanks with sunshine, I'd say this is a step in the right direction.

Icepick said...

Somebody told me in 2008 that obama was going to usher in The Age of Competence. Yeah, that person is a fucking idiot.

Howard said...

YH is in the states, the gas nozzle and filler neck are small and the diesel nozzle is Johnny Holmes sized, so it won't fit, even with astro-glide. Perhaps they have not idiot-proofed these in Israel.

edutcher said...
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Unknown said...

"Russia thinks we have a conspiracy to appear stupid through two administrations in order to fake them into something. "

After the Soviet Union came apart, the US sent some economists from Harvard to Russia to help them rebuild their economy. The advice the Harvard economists offered was disasterous but the Russians didn't know any better and followed the bad advice. Many Russians today are convinced that sending those academics was a deliberate conspiracy to ensure that Russia would remain economically crippled.

edutcher said...

s/b God's Chosen People.

When dealing with the old Testament, details can be important.

Icepick said...

Somebody told me in 2008 that obama was going to usher in The Age of Competence. Yeah, that person is a fucking idiot.

As well.

Chip S. said...

@Howard, Is there anything about that configuration that prevents putting gasoline into a diesel tank?

B/c, as pointed out by Rabel, that's what actually happened.

Chuck66 said...

Follow up notes on the other day's post about Hillary flip flopping on gay marriage. We assumed it was for votes in the Democrat presidential primaries.

Yes, but it's more than that. National Review noted the incredibly amount of money wealthy Gay-Americans give to Democrats. Or more precisely, how much Gay-Americans bundled. The dollar amounts are staggering. So Hillary needed to flip flop in order to keep the cash flowing in.

Hucbald said...

Oh, the idiocy.

Chip S. said...

A partial answer to chickelit's question is offered by CNN:

Using gas instead of diesel could cause major damage to the pistons, wrist pins and connecting rods, which would be destroyed if the fuel is ignited at the wrong time.

This seems pretty bad, but I dunno how it compares to the consequences are of putting diesel into a gasoline engine. Expatish @12:21 seems to suggest that they're much less significant.

Rusty said...

Chip S. said...
@Howard, Is there anything about that configuration that prevents putting gasoline into a diesel tank?

B/c, as pointed out by Rabel, that's what actually happened.

Nothing except to pay fucking attention to what your doing.

Joe Schmoe said...

The American automobile industry shows its mettle once again. Good thing Obama guaranteed the auto union workers at GM all those goodies instead of paying their creditors.

Chip S. said...

At first I thought Chuck66's comment was OT, but then I realized that he's also talking about nozzles and the different tanks they're put in.

Joe Schmoe said...

So did Obama get out and push the car?

Anonymous said...

Where was the president's taste tester?

DADvocate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip S. said...

So did Obama get out and push the car?

More likely his team is preparing a speech blaming Big Oil.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Hagar said...

Kevin Harmon wins the thread!

3/20/13, 1:08 PM

I concur.

DADvocate said...

"The Americans filled it up with diesel, rather than [gasoline]"... (or vice versa)

If that's the case, what complete and utter incompetence. I don't like Obama, but I don't want to see him assassinated or blown up by the PLA. If the Secret Service can't do any better than that, they need to fire the whole lot and start over.

Sunslut7 said...

The "PUTZ" factor of this administration is off the scale.

Maybe this is why his college transcripts are treated as state secrets.

Maybe he was dropped on his head too many times as a toddler.

A state visit and they screwup fueling hte vehicle. UNBELIEVaBLE!

Is Emily Littilla's eldest child incharge of the Secret Service now?

Its killing me......

DADvocate said...

I suppose the SS agent was checking out hookers when filling the tank and accidentally used the wrong spout.

JAL said...

Yup. There sure is some "symbolism" here.

Chip S. said...

Do we know for sure that it was a self-service pump?

madAsHell said...

The diesel should run, but it won't run very well with gasoline. I believe the gas will ignite before the piston reaches the top of the cylinder. This is due to the higher compression ratios found in diesel engines.

If this is diesel oil in a gas engine, then you are SOL. The diesel oil will never ignite.

Brew Master said...

Gasoline in a diesel motor will do much more damage than diesel in a gas motor.

The combustion in a Diesel motor is based off of compression. As the fuel/air mixture is compressed into a smaller volume it is heated up and is designed to combust once the temperature threshold for the diesel fuel is passed.

The gasoline in a diesel motor will detonate prior to full combustion, while the piston is still travelling upwards. This can cause metal fatigue in the drivetrain, damaging pistons, wrist pins, rods, etc....
It will also cause a loss of power as the fuel is not detonating at the proper time.

Diesel in a gas motor will probably not mix well enough with the air to make a combustable mixture for a gasoline spark plug to cause detonation of the fuel, depending on the ratio of diesel/gas.

In short, gasoline in a diesel motor (over long periods of time) will do major damage to the engine.
Diesel in a gas motor will probably not damage the motor at all, it just wouldn't run.

chickelit said...

In short, gasoline in a diesel motor (over long periods of time) will do major damage to the engine.

Sounds analogous to eating an exclusively high sugar diet.

Diesel in a gas motor will probably not damage the motor at all, it just wouldn't run.

Sounds being forced to exclusively eat low cal health food.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is why some Jew let it happen :)

OK, They fly the limo in and park it, with its own guards on some Israeli airbase. Israel is a small country, even if your tank is getting gallons per mile, it can't be far. So most if not all of the time, you are going to be fueled from a "secure" military store. I don't know about the Israeli Army, but my interactions with them, I didn't see any idiots. In the US Army, we fixed the fuel idiot problem 50 years ago. Gas has a slight pink tinge to it and smells, like, well gas. Mil Diesel is tinted yellow, and smells like crap :)

maybe the SS was out picking up hookers in the pimpmobile?

virgil xenophon said...

I wonder if the limo-on-the-tow-truck photo is going to have the jump-the-shark equivalent effect of the Dukakis-in-a-tank photo..

madAsHell said...

I'll never be
your Beast of Burden
I walk for miles
My feet are hurtin'

I dunno. Just seemed appropriate!!

Chip S. said...

I wonder if the limo-on-the-tow-truck photo is going to have the jump-the-shark equivalent effect of the Dukakis-in-a-tank photo.

If this pic didn't do that, I don't think the limo one will.

Too many other people to blame--w/ the added bonus of a possible Israeli conspiracy to mislabel the pumps.

virgil xenophon said...

Is Emily Littilla's eldest child in charge of the secret service now?

Sunslut7 has a thread-winnah!

virgil xenophon said...



Sorun said...

It's the new guy who always got sent to "gas up" the limo. From now on, there will be written procedures.

YoungHegelian said...

Would the limo be there to "schlep" Obama around if they were anywhere but in Israel?

(Okay, maybe in NYC, too.)

Original Mike said...

Has he got us stuck in that ditch, again?

Bob said...

Karma. It gets you

exhelodrvr1 said...

Just jump start it.

Like the economy.

Matt said...

Hey Reagan never even went to Israel so plus one for Obama for actually making the effort.

Bruce said...

"It was a stroke of bad luck for the carefully choreographed arrival here..."

Using the wrong fuel is not "bad luck", it's a mistake. Is no one anywhere responsible for what they do? Or do things just "happen"?

KCFleming said...

It's bad luck of the Heinleinian sort.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A push to curb gasoline use.

Original Mike said...

"Hey Reagan never even went to Israel... "

Wasn't necessary. Israel knew he had their back.

madAsHell said...

I'm just sittin' here suckin' on a Slurpee while Obama is trying to push the car out of the ditch.

alan markus said...

Oy vey, now the Magnolia tree has to be dug up!

Tree Obama gifted to Israel 'dug up' by order of agriculture ministry

Baron Zemo said...

I heard that he ordered a ham and cheese sandwich when he met with the Grand Rebbe.

They really thought this trip out.

Humperdink said...

I am guessing the Bamster was goin' green .... utilizing Mickey's D's french fry grease.

garage mahal said...

Gasoline in a diesel motor will do much more damage than diesel in a gas motor.

In a pinch, I know older diesels will run on most anything. Used motor oil, used vegetable oil, hydraulic fluid, tranny fluid, bio diesel. Anything with the word oil in it.

Baron Zemo said...

Tranny fluid?

Let's get RuPaul on the case.

Baron Zemo said...

Or maybe Mooschelle.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

After doing his best to influence another country's election, Netanyahu is now forced to suck up to Obama on the world stage.

Probably the main reason Obama went there. He should visit every year from now until Bibi is finally removed from office.

Gennady said...

Eleventh plague? ;-)

Unknown said...

Are you sure he wasn't trying to pump some $27/gallon biofuel into it?

lincolntf said...

Obama team unable to feed the Beast?

Remsen said...

I'm not going to make any apologies for the secret service on this, but I did the same thing many years ago. I was living in Israel but didn't have a car so I didn't know anything about the fueling stations or the words for different types of fuel.

A few friends and I rented a van and drove out into the desert and stopped at a fuel station that was about half way between Masada and Eilat. I.e., middle of nowhere.

I looked at the several pumps they had and to be honest I wasn't looking for anything that said "diesel"...the van ran on gas and I was just reading the pumps to see if I could tell what I was pumping. I picked the pump that transliterated to the English word "solar" and figured it was just a brand name of gas, so I filled the tank.

We got about three feet from the station when the engine started to blow a lot of smoke.

Turns out that in Hebrew, the word for diesel sounds like the English word "solar".

Hertz was not amused. Nor was I.

Amartel said...

Well, as long as he checked the tires.* Wouldn't want to WASTE PRECIOUS FOSSIL FUEL or POLLUTE.

* A timeless classic.

Aridog said...

Rabel said...

The limo is a diesel. Someone got mixed up when they made up the story. 3/20/13, 1:12 PM

WTF folks...Rabel is correct, the "Beast" is diesel, not gasoline.

Who fact-checks these stories for publication? Anyone? Ever? Is the story "made up" because they just don't know why the Limo failed?

edutcher said...

Matt said...

Hey Reagan never even went to Israel so plus one for Obama for actually making the effort.

No, Choomie's just going to sell the Jews out.

-1,000,000 and straight to Hell.

edutcher said...

AnUnreasonableTroll said...

After doing his best to influence another country's election, Netanyahu is now forced to suck up to Obama on the world stage.

Yes, Choom is such a commanding figure on the world stage now that he stole, rather than won, the election the Russkies are publicly wondering if he's being stupid on purpose or it's just natural ability.

Probably the main reason Obama went there.

Yeah, selling out the Jews had nothing to do with it.

He should visit every year from now until Bibi is finally removed from office.

Unless he goes first.

DADvocate said...

The presidential limo bottomed out and go stuck in Ireland in May, 2011.

Regular Keystone Cops show, the SS.

Unknown said...

Well he can always ride around Israel on his unicorn sippin' a slurpee.

Known Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul said...

"The Americans filled it up with diesel, rather than [gasoline]"...

Whoa.... Don't they use different size nozzles to you can't fill the wrong stuff in the tank? And isn't Diesel pumps colored GREEN or something so to denote it is diesel?

Is the White House staff that dense?

Makes you wonder someone did it to make a window of opportunity to get Obama! ... Nah, right now Obama is so much like Col. Klink our enemies WANT him in power.

Known Unknown said...

“The Americans filled it up with diesel, rather than [gasoline],” the channe quoted a source, which recently scored an interview with Obama, reported – in case there was any doubt that the host government wasn’t to blame.

Channe? Inverting diesel and gasoline? That Post story is all sorts of hot mess.

ricpic said...

Has Barry declared Jerusalem an "International Sanctuary City" yet? That's the whole point of the trip: to deny that Jerusalem is the capitol of the Jewish State and to encourage his fellow fellaheens to converge on Jerusalem and wash their hands in Jewish blood. But don't believe me, believe the Althousian "Obama's a likable guy" crap.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Top 10 Obama Limo Breakdown.

Tell me they couldn't smell that one coming.

I blame the sequester.

Should have used his golf cart the rest of the way.

We have to fill the gas tank in order to know what to put in it....

I'm surprised Obama can't turn diesel into gas.

What's the difference ? It's all "fossil fuel."

He who lives by the photo op, dies by the photo op!

Did Joe Biden fill it up?

Eleventh plague? ;-)

In a push to curb gasoline use...

Honorable mentions...

Where was the president's taste tester?

It's bad luck of the Heinleinian sort.

Chip Ahoy said...

Ex ques me, pardon for interrupting, but do you possibly have an extra bulletproof limousine around we we could borrow or might possibly perchance lease?

Yes, about that, we do, yes, but due to high seasonal demand, our rates are triple the usual for Passover. In this instance, you do want to be passed over.

Ha ha ha




Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Where have you been Barack?

You went to get milk and cookies 6 hours ago...

You are not going to believe what happened honey.

Cincinnatus said...

I was under the impression that they shipped in their own fuel rather than use local supplies.

Obama is spreading his incompetence to everything he touches.

Akiva said...

AH, Paul spotted the problem...

"Whoa.... Don't they use different size nozzles to you can't fill the wrong stuff in the tank? And isn't Diesel pumps colored GREEN or something so to denote it is diesel?"

NO, Gasoline pumps are GREEN in Israel, and BLUE is Diesel. And the nozzle sizes are the same, and all gas is clear (no pink tint for gas and yellow for diesel).

So it seems they went for the Green pump - which is 95 octane gas (yes we run our cars on near-jet-fuel in Israel). Of course, if they couldn't read the pump, they could have ASKED.

Baron Zemo said...

Ricpic is right on the money.

This visit will be an even bigger fiasco as it continues.

I hear they are arresting Andy Granatelli because he made a commercial about how to fill up your tank with STP.

The misheard it and thought he said it gave you "The Racist Edge."

Baron Zemo said...

You know you have to arrest someone with a video on Youtube whenever Obama fucks it up in the middle east.

It's like a rule dude.

ricpic said...

Hey Baron Zemo, I'm back from my fabulous trip that went to smithereens but I survived the ordeal and I will not become a kinder gentler hooman bean for the experience, rather a more cantankerous and indeed vicious old meany-fart. Cela.

Darrell said...

Obama promptly got out his tire gauge, just to show he knew what he was doing.

Baron Zemo said...


Next year in Jerusalem.

Just without the schmendrick.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Wow the bitterness here is really thick, especially when you consider that Obama is taking a victory tour to view the ashes of Bibi's career in attempting to influence US elections. There can't be a much sweeter form of revenge for Obama than getting to watch Bibi repeatedly choke over the words 'two state solution'.

Baron Zemo said...

Wait a minute A Reasonable Troll.

That's not your normal comment.

Here let me reprise it for you:


Original Mike said...

Bitterness? I see amusement.

Darrell said...

If this had happened 2000 years ago, Jesus would have turned the gasoline into diesel, if Mary had asked him to do it.

Darrell said...

Mary took pity on the embarrassment of others.

ampersand said...

Obama and the democrats found a car in the ditch, so they stripped it and sold the parts for candy.

BTW the NY Post is no fun to read now that rhey eliminated reader comments.

edutcher said...

AnUnreasonableTroll said...

Wow the bitterness here is really thick, especially when you consider that Obama is taking a victory tour to view the ashes of Bibi's career in attempting to influence US elections. There can't be a much sweeter form of revenge for Obama than getting to watch Bibi repeatedly choke over the words 'two state solution'.

Yeah, Choom's doing just swell.

We did a recap of how his poll numbers are back where they were before the Miracle of Sandy.

The sequester's blowing up in his face, as is his gun control efforts.

He can't any Democrats to vote for his own budget.

Benghazi just won't go away.

And we have another of his legendary Keystone Kops moments.

After Israel, Choomie will be joined in Egypt by Troll where they'll both take a swim in De Nile.

Ray said...

Interesting. I would think the President's car would be diesel powered instead of gasoline.

One of the reasons Armor (military) is diesel powered is because it is difficult to ignite. Some tank designs actually incorporate fuel tanks into their armor protection scheme.

Gasoline tanks on a vehicle that can come under attack seems shortsighted.

poppa india said...

C4 and AReasonableMan....Have we ever seen them together?

poppa india said...

C4 and AReasonableMan....Have we ever seen them together?

edutcher said...

Ray said...

Interesting. I would think the President's car would be diesel powered instead of gasoline.

One of the reasons Armor (military) is diesel powered is because it is difficult to ignite. Some tank designs actually incorporate fuel tanks into their armor protection scheme.

Gasoline tanks on a vehicle that can come under attack seems shortsighted.

White people learned that the hard way at Kasserine Pass.

Too bad Commandante Zero never knew anybody in the Tank Corpse.

Darrell said...

It is diesel. Did you fall asleep?

Chip S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nate Whilk said...

Unknown 3/20/13, 1:27 PM wrote, After the Soviet Union came apart, the US sent some economists from Harvard to Russia to help them rebuild their economy. The advice the Harvard economists offered was disasterous but the Russians didn't know any better and followed the bad advice. Many Russians today are convinced that sending those academics was a deliberate conspiracy to ensure that Russia would remain economically crippled.

Plausible, really. After all, they've been trying to do the same to this country for years.

donald said...

Why would they gas up in Israel? It wasn't ready to go? These people are not adults

Darrell said...

They should have paid the couple extra new shekels for full service. Damn the sequestration cuts!

Darrell said...

Or unionize the Secret Service. Then they'd have a fat ass like garage there a a specialty fueler--and you know he never makes mistakes.

Aridog said...

AReasonableMan said...

... the words 'two state solution'.

HERE is your two state solution...and it is roughly 90 years old, dating to the San Remo Accords as amended in 1922.

Can you see the two states in preliminary form? Jewish Palestine and Arab Palestine, subsequently Jordan. Oh, my what could be the difference?

Not good enough? Why IS IT GOOD ENOUGH for every other nation formed out of the French and British Mandates back then?

Baron Zemo said...

poppa india said...
C4 and AReasonableMan....Have we ever seen them together?

Well if you ever looked at the audience at a Watain concert yeah.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Aridog said...

HERE is your two state solution.

A two state solution remains the official policy of the Republican party.

edutcher said...

And a lot of Republicans, including the nominee, didn't want any part of it.

Tell me, when will the Demos demand all their homosexual constituents to denounce NAMBLA?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

edutcher said...
Tell me, when will the Demos demand all their homosexual constituents to denounce NAMBLA?

Ed, once again showing the whacky side of whackjob.

Aridog said...

Akiva said...

Of course, if they couldn't read the pump, they could have ASKED.

...or, you know, used any number of translation services, for instance Google on a smart phone, to find the Hebrew or Yiddish terms for diesel.

We Americans still have this stupid arrogance problem in some cases it appears.

Aridog said...

AReasonableMan said...

A two state solution remains the official policy of the Republican party.

Non-sequitur much? Did I say anything about the Republican party, or the Democrats either? I addressed the international accord that defines every other border in the middle east to this day...and you make exceptions?

Your issue is simple enough...they are Jews in Israel and you don't like it. There is no other major distinctions and you damn well know it. Unlike Kuwait, for example, which we fought a war over to defend mandated borders, Israel has a predominance of Jews. How horrible that must be for you.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Aridog, you seem to be overcompensating for some very deep seated prejudices. You shouldn't project your demons onto others.

Aridog said...

AReasonableMan said...

You shouldn't project your demons onto others.M

No, that is your shtick, not mine.

I merely pointed out the REAL two state solution, the same one that has held for every other middle eastern country, and you digress to some later day blather by American political parties.

If your issue is NOT Jews in Israel, aka Jewish Palestine, then tell me what it is?

Why do you appear to insist on a "two state solution" that is different, a further reduction to really, than the one devised 90 year ago?

Go ahead, don't be bashful...say what you mean. Tell me why you have issues with Israel as illuminated on the map from 1922. Be clear. You can do it, I know you can. Show me you're not a putz.

Levi Starks said...

and it probably wasn't even bio-diesel

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

My point, which would have been obvious if you had a reading comprehension level above that of a pet rock, was that it must be pretty funny for Obama to have Netanyahu mouthing pieties that he obviously doesn't believe in order to make up for his truly offensive intrusion into US politics.

You got a problem with that?

edutcher said...

Yes, because our first Moslem jihadi President has been making far more odious intrusions into Israeli and Middle Eastern politics and security.

Bruce Hayden said...

Diesel in a gas motor will probably not mix well enough with the air to make a combustable mixture for a gasoline spark plug to cause detonation of the fuel, depending on the ratio of diesel/gas.

Except that gas in gas engines doesn't actually detonate. It burns very very quickly, but doesn't technically detonate, like the diesel in diesel engines does. It is one of those technical things that is a distinction without a real difference for most of us, but my next brother is an ME who used to own a diesel and made a big thing about this.

edutcher said...

AnUnreasonableTroll said...

Tell me, when will the Demos demand all their homosexual constituents to denounce NAMBLA?

Ed, once again showing the whacky side of whackjob.

Then I take it Troll and the rest of the Democrat Party are OK with one of their major constituent groups supporting an organization whose only purpose is the sexual abuse of little boys?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

edutcher ...
supporting an organization whose only purpose is the sexual abuse of little boys

Ed, you brought up the sexual abuse of little boys, its apparently on your mind.

So much projection on Althouse today.

I merely reminded everyone that Netanyahu is not a good actor, when it comes to American democracy. Hopefully he has learned his lesson.

Nichevo said...

Rather than pretend you know what you're talking about, ARM, it seems safest to assume you don't. What interference in the election by Netanyahu? I remember lots of interference in Israeli elections by the US, e.g. the Clintons, but all I remember this go-round was an erroneous or false endorsement of OBAMA by the Israeli embassy.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Nichevo said...
What interference in the election by Netanyahu?

You probably should have read a newspaper or two during the last election. Is this what they call epistemic closure?

Here's a link. There are a million more.

edutcher said...

AReasonableMan said...

supporting an organization whose only purpose is the sexual abuse of little boys

Ed, you brought up the sexual abuse of little boys, its apparently on your mind.

So much projection on Althouse today.

No, you told a lie about the Republicans and I told the truth about the Democrats.

And nobody projects like Troll and his friends. Consider the fact all of Netanyahu's "bad actions" consist mainly of bitch slapping Commandante Zero on global TV after trying to sell out Israel

After something like that, I can't blame them for grasping at straws.

I merely reminded everyone that Netanyahu is not a good actor, when it comes to American democracy. Hopefully he has learned his lesson.

The only lesson is that Barry looked like a fool today and Netanyahu is probably still laughing.

And Neytanyahu did nothing but stand up for his country's interests and greet with good manners Barry's opponent last year. I can see where Troll and the other Lefties are so blinded in their worship they don't understand you act cordially to a guest, regardless of affiliation.

Barry is a far worse actor in Israeli politics, which Troll doesn't want to address (can't say I blame him).

Palladian said...

C4 and AReasonableMan....Have we ever seen them together?

No, but talk about a grotesque mental picture...

edutcher said...

When you are right, sir...

gadfly said...

The stupidity could not happen at American stations because the pump handle size prevents the mismatch from occurring.

If the President took "The Beast" with him, however, it is a diesel. No, I am not talking about Moochelle.

Known Unknown said...

It is diesel. Did you fall asleep?

In Ray's defense, the Post article is wrong, and has swapped the two fuels.

poppa india said...

I might be wrong, but I thought the two state solution, Israel and Jordan, was a product of the United Nations, which some seem to think is the last word in international justice.

Paul said...

So it seems they went for the Green pump - which is 95 octane gas (yes we run our cars on near-jet-fuel in Israel).

Jet fuel? I though JP-4 was like kerosene?

Now piston aircraft use 100 octane so I think that is what you mean.

Sadly Obama's staff apparently does not even gas their cars up before flying them and somehow expect the hosting countries to have what they need. I see that as an opening for terrorist to use that protocol.

Known Unknown said...

The stupidity could not happen at American stations because the pump handle size prevents the mismatch from occurring.

Which proves that on a whole, Americans are dumber than Israelis.

Frenchy said...

I blame the sequester.

Frenchy said...

I blame the sequester.

Gary Rosen said...

Sounds like "A Reasonable Man" is a supporter of

the anti-Semitic party

Darrell said...

The engine in "The Beast" is a diesel.

6500cc diesel engine. The maximum speed of 60 miles per hour (96 km / h).
Fuel consumption is about 8 miles per gallon.

Aridog said...

AReasonableMan said...

You got a problem with that?

Nope. You didn't answer my question. You raised the 2-state solution issue but don't seem to want to clarify it.

As I said, you are a walking testimonial to confirmation bias.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Sounds like "A Reasonable Man" is a supporter of

the anti-Semitic party

Is there anything sleazier than using the anti-semitic tag to stifle criticism?

I note that not one person has seriously tried to argue that Netanyahu did not attempt to influence a US election. Any foreign politician attempting to do the same thing deserves censure.

Aridog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ken in tx said...

JP-4 is a mixture of unleaded gasoline and kerosine--the Air Force uses it mostly. The Navy uses JP-5 which is mostly diesel fuel. They do that because they can mix it up on board aircraft carriers. How this matches up with with Jet-A and Jet-B I don't know. I know there are some after-market diesel aircraft engines that can run on jet fuel. The Army also has some all-fuel vehicles that can run on gasoline, diesel, and natural gas. There's a switch on the dashboard.

ken in tx said...

JP-4 works great in a cigarette lighter.

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What's the big deal? Gasoline in a diesel motor will do much more damage than diesel in a gas motor.

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