March 9, 2013

Of course, viewers of "The View" found Elisabeth Hasselbeck "too extreme and right wing."

"People did not watch the show because of Elisabeth. So they told her yesterday her contract would not be renewed."

If there are 3 or 4 liberal women dominating the show, then the one righty is going to be irritating to the people who actually watch the show. How could the one righty attract viewers who will put up with the 3 or 4 liberals? Obviously, Hasselbeck was only there to give the lefties something to bounce off of. I'm not surprised that viewers, when polled, would fail to credit her with performing a useful function. Ah, well, what does it matter? The viewers want a squishier, more comfortable conservative or no conservative at all. Women's TV... I don't watch it. Who does?


Danno said...

People who have an IQ that doesn't qualify as lukewarm on the Fahrenheit scale, is the answer. It is the Obama TV venue of choice.

Mark O said...

President Obama watches it. Now that the WH is closed, he can sit in his jammies downstairs and watch.

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

On the rare times I've seen part of it, Elisabeth was the most thoughtful. The others enjoyed trying to dominate her, especially Joy Behar, who is obnoxious and revels in her devotion to the Democrat Party line.


Tank said...

She was the perfect "conservative" for that show. Not really that conservative, plus inept, someone they could steamroll over.

OK, I admit, I've only ever seen clips posted on blogs.

Bob Ellison said...

Very interesting. I watch The Five on Fox News, and if Bob Beckel were to leave the show, I'd probably stop. He's what makes it useful.

Similarly, the relatively few leftish commenters on this blog make it interesting. I tend to skip over comments, but when garage mahal or phx says something, I read.

BTW, Professor, HGTV is "Women's TV". You said you watch it. It's really stupid.

dreams said...

Who Does? Low information voters to use an already by now over used phrase.

Leland said...

Apparently viewers of The View tend to enjoy people that believe the WTC were taken down by controlled demolitions and that Statutory Rape is not rape Rape.

Calypso Facto said...

Most people forget the show's full title" "The View: A Really Narrow Vision from Obama's Ass"

Lefty intolerance of diversity triumphs again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I would watch if they got Sarah Palin.

pm317 said...

They (View) should get Michelle Obama. I think she is more than ready and oh, she will want big bucks for it too.

Anonymous said...

The left doesn't want someone that challenges them or makes them think, particularly when that someone is correct. The only thing worse to them than being wrong, is having to admit they are wrong.

Automatic_Wing said...

I don't watch The View either. It goes against the precepts of Dudeism.

Unknown said...

They should replace her with S E Cupp. I'd watch that.

KCFleming said...

At a university, Hasselbeck would be charged with creating an unsafe learning environment.

George M. Spencer said...

How different the psychology of Americans would be if the mass media reported the actual unemployment rate.

7.7 percent is what we hear.

The reality? About 14.4 percent. This is the U6 number calculated by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. It includes people working as little as one hour per week and those who have given up looking. In the year 2000, U6 was 6.9 percent.

Everyone knows--but does not truly want to know--how abysmal the economy is. Shows like "The View" exist in some weird psychological way to keep their viewers content.

lemondog said...

I've never viewed it, but if they are looking to attract audience and for substantive contribution on balls, bones and poop bags then consider Zeus auditioning...., oops, but he is male.

How about Abby who is very warm and cuddly-looking and, I assume, non-confrontational.

Good diversity.

Phil 314 said...

Alan Colmes

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Elisabeth Hasselbeck looks like she was squeezed out of the same Play-Doh Fun Factory that produced Tori Spelling.

I've been to see a plastic surgeon about four times to have basal-cell things removed and the TV in the waiting room must have "The View" on some sort of loop. It's always on.

Fortunately, the room has a corner where you can sit and pretty much ignore "The View" and skim Architectural Digest, which I assume is there for the women who think they're too smart for women's television.

edutcher said...

Never really watched it, but it struck me that Ms Hasselbeck, from the point of intellect, was a mastodon among fleas. She didn't have to be all that Conservative, just know her stuff, which she seems to have done in the few clips I've seen.

If they want to stir things up, get Ann Coulter. She'll turn it into a catfight.

St. George said...

How different the psychology of Americans would be if the mass media reported the actual unemployment rate.

7.7 percent is what we hear.

The reality? About 14.4 percent. This is the U6 number calculated by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. It includes people working as little as one hour per week and those who have given up looking. In the year 2000, U6 was 6.9 percent.

According to Zero Hedge, the real unemployment number is the U6 + U5, which would be 23.6, U5 being long-term "discouraged" workers, as they are called.

edutcher said...

PS According to this (found in Ann's sidebar BTW), her replacement will be Brooke Shields.

There's a real Conservative voice.

Michael said...

Women watch it, that's who. Women who believe they are getting smarter instead of dumber by watching and nodding along to all the predictable nonsense that women buy into. Women who think there is a war going on against them. Women who are so profoundly stupid as to believe that men think about them at all much less conspire against them.

Ann Althouse said...

I liked Elisabeth when she was on "Survivor."

She was/is very pretty.

She was clearly the prettiest of the "View" ladies. That might have bothered some people.

She seems to have lost some of that freshness she once had. It must be really trying to be as pleasant as she's supposed to be on that show.

I bet she goes absolutely nowhere now.

What's the point of a commentator with only that much edge?

Martha said...

I do not watch the View because of Whoopi, Joy, Sherri, and octogenarian Barbara Walters.

Who will rid the View of these liberals?

The View is a show for a low information audience--people who believe anything they hear on tv like the false claims Obama made on the View about Benghazi.

Ann Althouse said...

"Women watch it, that's who. Women who believe they are getting smarter instead of dumber by watching and nodding along to all the predictable nonsense that women buy into..."

I think it's a show that people put on to run in the background while they are doing things alone at home. My mother did that with Phil Donohue and whatnot. It gives a feeling of company so the house isn't too silent.

Good idea when you're on vacation. Leave that on so it seems there are people in the house.

chickelit said...

Isn't "The View" credited with helping reerect President Obama? It's not just fluffer filler--real fulfilled women watch it.

Tank said...

Actually, Sarah Palin would be perfect for that show. She is capable of fighting off four (or ten) liberals at once, and is actually conservative. And ok to look at. I mean, we're talking circus here. And with her sitting there, being an actually nice person, a mother, a women, they would not feel so comfortable treating her like a female POS.

Nathan Alexander said...

The View?

Leave it on so it seems there are four idiots in your house, guess.

MayBee said...

The problem with that show is it's crappy rather than craptastic. It embarrasses me that actual candidates go in that show to get the "women's" vote.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm a woman, and I do not watch The View. Sure, like a car wreck, in the past I've glanced at it. It's typical liberal horse shit. As far as I could tell, Elizabeth wasn't really given a voice as the three leftwing loud-mouths would drown her out. Is there anyone more annoying than Joy Bayhar?

Sadly, stay at home welfare moms probably watch it and love it. It hits the dumbed-down emotional sweet spot.
Now with 100% pure femme product prog- propaganda.

Fr Martin Fox said...

A show by airheads, for airheads.

Are there feminists who complain about how this show hurts their cause? I haven't noticed.

chickelit said...

I simply don't believe that lots of women don't watch and enjoy "The View" whether they admit to it or not. The show has ratings, and someone must be watching it.

edutcher said...

The only time I saw a View clip with Ms Hasselbeck, she caught Joyless in some bit of Lefty nonsense and the look on Joyless' face (as if she was sucking on a prune pit) was priceless.

Michael K said...

The publisher of "US" is a big Obama supporter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The big state run networks are all gearing up for the pro-Hillary! pimp.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Unless I'm sick, or unless I want to watch local weather reports, I I refuse to turn on the TV in the morning. All of the state run AM morning shows - from Matt Lauer to "Teh View" are all just arms, elbows and cheerleaders for the democrat party.

Known Unknown said...

Women are kinda dumb.

sakredkow said...

I think it's a show that people put on to run in the background while they are doing things alone at home. My mother did that with Phil Donohue and whatnot. It gives a feeling of company so the house isn't too silent.

This is how generation after generation grew up - probably still, only now people are weaned from teevee to emedia.

What is wrong with a little silence? I know people can't stand to be alone with silence. That's frickin' frightening.

Darrell said...

Hasselbeck had to go. It is dangerous for women to know that there are other ideas. Women must speak with one voice.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Phx, silence and isolation for women is not and was not the norm. Even for past generations who were at home and not working, the house was probably full of kids (housewives did not always send their kids to preschool at age 2 like they do now), relatives and neighbors and would have in many cases been smaller and closer to the neighboring houses with open doors and windows and much more time spent in the yard and on the porch. It is unnatural and a new thing for the modern SAHM to be ensconced alone in a silent 3000 square foot house all day.

sakredkow said...

@Erika that makes sense. I didn't think of that.

rhhardin said...

I don't watch it. Who does?

40% of women, the soap opera figure.

40% of women is a huge voting bloc, hence the problem with giving women the vote.

The 60% of women who vote like men should favor eliminating women's vote, just to get rid of the 40% bloc.

lemondog said...

This is the U6 number calculated by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce...

Published by Bureau of Labor Statistics "U" tables.

According to Zero Hedge, the real unemployment number is the U6 + U5 ...

Isn't there a redundancy when adding together U5 and U6?

sakredkow said...

But that constant electronic yammering from the teevee can't be good for people. It's not like the sound of real life or real people.

X said...

Television just got a little bit fatter.

Pat said...

I only watched the episodes where Rosie O'Donnell started getting into 9-11 Trutherism. It was so nice seeing that obnoxious loudmouth commit career suicide.

Titus said...

I don't think she will go nowhere. There will be a spot for her on Fox.

She should replace Gretchy Carlson who is absolutely horrible and dumb as a box of rocks.

Hasselback seems intelligent and hot, I like her tits.

Titus said...

Actually Gretchy Carlson is very intelligent, but plays dumb.

I like Fox and Friends. They interviewed a guy who dressed like Thomas Jefferson pretending he was actually Thomas Jefferson-it was funny.

Mutaman said...

"President Obama watches it. Now that the WH is closed, he can sit in his jammies downstairs and watch."

Do his jammies have the letters N*I*G in the folds?

virgil xenophon said...

Being retired I watch most of the am TV "Talk" shows under the banner of "know your enemy" because, believe me, shows like the "Today Show," GMA, etc., slip some really subtle leftist propaganda into the mix (and lots not-so-subtle as well. My classic example is when the today show went to Ireland to broadcast celebrating the "Irish Miracle" w.o. ONCE mentioning what largely caused said "Miracle" they were "celebrating," i.e., the drastic lowering of personal and corporate taxes across-the-board.). I do this until I can't take it any more, and then I go on a one-week bender to forget before I start over again.

And even tho Tank claims to have seen only clips, he needen't worry, he's right on target. Elizabeth was the perfect foil--just enough of a conservative for the rest to bounce off of and also dominate/be contemptous of. They would have probably kept her, but she was becoming more assertive/less "make nice" punching-bag; plus she looked too good, providing yet more evidence that the stereotype about the good looks of Conservative women was/is correct. Can't have that..

Renee said...

My mom watches it.

As my whimsy leads me.. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
As my whimsy leads me.. said...

She was always stuck way over on the right, where it was harder to join the conversation. Was she ever in one of the middle positions? It was as if the network wanted her to look like the oddball who was trying to horn in on the "cool girls" conversation. It always looked a bit awkward when she spoke up. Four condescendng glances in her direction while she tried to make a clear point.


bagoh20 said...

Put Michelle Malkin on there and it would be interesting, but the problem is audience. If you make it a better show, you lose the women who want validated in their slippers - who want to feel without consequences. You can't listen to conservatives and feel good about hanging out waiting for the mail man to bring sustenance.

Renee said...

Joy Behar is leaving as well....

virgil xenophon said...

As my whimsey leads me depicts it perfectly..

virgil xenophon said...

And bagoh20 ain't too far off the mark either..

traditionalguy said...

Her husband's career as a star QB in the NFL has run its course now. The TV producers need first to attract an audience, and a pretty blonde woman with no other claim to fame is a dime a dozen on TV.

Maybe the show cleared cap space for a hot weirdo that commands a higher salary.

And yes, that is a sexist comment.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Phx, I'm not in favor of being silently ensconced with only the View for company--just pointing out why many nonworking women (SAHMs and retired women) do it. And that silence may be golden but many people find it unsettling.

cubanbob said...

A few times I have been tortured by my wife by being subjected to torture by those worthless bitches. Before I could make escape I longed for a member of the studio audience go Network on them for the good of humanity. That or a drone strike.

Christy said...

Is it not Oprah's same audience? I try not to watch programs that make me want to throw hard objects at the tv. I respected Hasselback for sticking to her positions, but always felt she was fighting above her weight rhetorically. Joy had the quicker wit, whatever diversity member always had more emotional heft, and whoever was left over assumed the mantle of moral superiority. I hated the show even back in the day when I was reliably democrat.

I miss the PBS show To the Contrary from when Huffington was still conservative. I disagreed with panelists frequently, but always found value in what they said. Much like the Althouse blog before the troll thread killers show up.

Methadras said...

Obama votes have spoken!!!

Freeman Hunt said...

The View is anti-feminist. It is all the terrible stereotypes about women epitomized.

virgil xenophon said...

I like Christy's analysis, too. And cubanbob shows his true humanity--no normal human male could feel any other way, lol!

Freeman Hunt said...

Why would anyone want an aural backdrop of shrill braying?

edutcher said...

lemondog said...

This is the U6 number calculated by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce...

Published by Bureau of Labor Statistics "U" tables.

According to Zero Hedge, the real unemployment number is the U6 + U5 ...

Isn't there a redundancy when adding together U5 and U6?

One would think, but I believe U5 is more about people who have dropped out of the workforce and aren't counted otherwise.

As I say, it's Zero Hedge's view and it does explain that 23+% you see now and again.

The article I saw was about 1 - 2 years ago

Lydia said...

From a 2010 WSJ article discussing why Obama was going on The View:

"According to Nielsen, 79% of 'The View' audience is female with a median age of 59; these housewives, retirees and stay-at-home moms rarely watch the Sunday news shows."

slumber_j said...

Bummer. Elisabeth is a really pleasant person. My daughter and hers were classmates and good friends until the Hasselbecks moved to CT over the summer. I hope she gets another good gig soon.

Bilwick said...

They need to replace Hasselbeck with Tammy Bruce. She'd clean house with those "liberal"* morons.

*and by "liberal" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted State-fellators."

Bilwick said...

They need to replace Hasselbeck with Tammy Bruce. She'd clean house with those "liberal"* morons.

*and by "liberal" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted State-fellators."

Synova said...

"Women's TV... I don't watch it. Who does?"


Synova said...

I can't stand to have voices in the house. I'm too ADD. If there are voices I *must* hear what they are saying or it makes me completely nuts.

But I have friends who'd have three TVs on, sort of low, in different rooms, on different TV stations "for the back ground noise."

What works for me for "not alone in the house" is a cat.

Strelnikov said...

Who gives a shit?

n.n said...

Too extreme and too ...

It's not rape-rape.

The viewers want drama. Perhaps the show was languishing and they needed a reset.

Anonymous said...

I don't watch it either. Hate it. Whenever I bring my car in, it's usually on in the sitting area.

Neither does my mother and she watches all kinds of crap - reality dating shows, Housewives, right wing radio.

I guess that's the best way I can explain how much I hate right wing radio - it's like the View but from the other end. They both drive me CRAZY and I can't believe anyone indulges.

Read the Economist or something that's of a higher level (even if you disagree with the POV). Anything - turn off the media and go hiking.

JAL said...

Watch The View? Who does? Not me. Never have.

I see that Brooke Shields is a possible. Catholic Democrat. Heh.

Donated $2300 to Obama is 2008. No political donations the last two electins.

Wonder what that5 might mean.

She is probably smarter than the rest of them.

Can't imagine her lasting long though, simply becasue of that.

JAL said...

Question not asked the first day:

"Hi Brooke!!!11!!! We are sooooo happppy to have you join us!1!!! And why didn't you donate to President Obama's campaign last year???!!?!!!? Mmmmm???!!"

Anthony said...

She was/is very pretty.

Understatement of the year, IMO. Her legs alone ought to be bronzed.

hombre said...

No dissent permitted in the world of the proglodytes.

Renee said...

From a 2010 WSJ article discussing why Obama was going on The View:

"According to Nielsen, 79% of 'The View' audience is female with a median age of 59; these housewives, retirees and stay-at-home moms rarely watch the Sunday news shows."


A vote is a vote, even if it is a low-informed vote.

Every vote counts. An informed voter doesn't get extra weight for his/her ballot compared who knows next to nothing about a candidate's positions.

Both parties will exploit this.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Strelnikov.

Sydney said...

Why would anyone want an aural backdrop of shrill braying?

"Shrill braying" is the most accurate description of that show. Can not even tolerate the clips.

Anonymous said...

"Women's TV... I don't watch it. Who does? "

They prefer the term "Hormonal-American TV."

Amartel said...

It's called THE View for a reason. There's only one.
I saw a Youtube clip of Coulter on The View. Those ladies were NOT ready, willing, or able to hear another, different view. Coulter, as grating as she can be, is very intelligent and forceful and they just drowned her out. How do you get through to people who do not want to think?

Anonymous said...

One minute with those harpies and I would cut my throat.

Or date Titus

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