"Sorry for anyone who got their hopes up."
The 301st post in a thread titled "John Doe probe of Walker makes another move." I don't have the energy to comb through the whole thing looking for the most egregious bloodlust, but I'm glad to see it's over.
ADDED: "Out of the left oozed a mixture of disappointment, bitterness and indignation."
Maybe they can get Exene Cervenka to open a new probe of Walker.
In a related item, Garage Mahal is on suicide watch...
"Sorry for anyone who had their hopes up"
Gee, I wonder who that reminds us all of here?
There must be some mistake. I was assured that charges would be forthcoming.
In a related item, Garage Mahal is on suicide watch
Nah. His usual response to events like these is to post a link to one of the following:
1. An article from a third-string news daily claiming that things are doing great under Obama, or
2. An article about a scandal afflicting a Republican politician you've never heard of.
Rest assured he's furiously combing the left-wing blogs for material even as we speak. :)
John Nichols - eat shit and die!
Man, they did a Nick Tweel and bribed the grand jury, one by one. And it worked!! The ham sandwich got off scott free.
What an absolute waste of taxpayer money. Hard to attract new businesses to this state when crybaby idiots are so numerous. Oh, let's go sing down at the state capital. Yeah, that's what we need to be known for.
Doing right ain't got no end.
Garage - don't kill yourself! Life is worth living!
garage mahal would like you to know that he never expected justice--Walker being frog-marched off in shackles because he new the Rrepublicans have a monopoly on the entire system--judges, courts, the media, the works. Walker cost the taxpayers $500K on top of that to boot FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER!!11!!! Bringing in MOB lawyers was the fix was already in!!11!!! Walker SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF!!11!!!!
This really doesn't fit the narrative! Don't worry garage is convinced WI voters hate Walker's union busting ways and will turn him out in 2014.
The voters of Wisconsin must demand a Walker recall NOW!
For the children at least!
Time for another go with the Stand With Governor Walker Song.
Sequester killed John Doe!
I was wondering how long it was going to take Althouse to put up a post to taunt old Manboobs on this.
I like seeing the "cruel" part of cruel neutrality directed at worthy targets.
So the Democratic DA of a Democratic town was asked (by Walker) to investigate. Several people were granted immunity by the DA to testify. Despite that, the DA couldn't convince a grand jury to indict the Governor. Getting a grand jury to indict is easy, perhaps too easy.
From all of this, is there any reason to conclude anything other than Walker did nothing wrong?
Bitch Tit Mahal just spontaneously combusted. Look out folks, this is going to take a while. There is a lot to cook.
Bitch Tit Mahal just spontaneously combusted. Look out folks, this is going to take a while. There is a lot to cook.
birds chirping
"Unfortunately, we have a Governor and administration that condones unethical and illegal behavior,"
"The people of Wisconsin deserve better."
"Today's indictment provides further confirmation that the ____ administration is damaged and must be removed from the Capitol," "Governor ______ needs to purge his administration of individuals who place politics and special interests ahead of the people of Wisconsin."
"Little can be said to underscore the seriousness of this charge. I am hopeful that the people of Wisconsin will allow me the opportunity to clean up Madison....."
I wonder who said this?
Who said it, you?
I guess they know garage.
It ain't over till the commie pinko parasites say it's over!
"Unfortunately, we have a Governor and administration that condones unethical and illegal behavior,"
I wonder if by "condoning unethical and illegal behavior," you mean "finding out about it, and asking the DA for an investigation of those responsible.
I wonder who said this?
Oscar Rennebohm?
I liked: "Wisconsin’s right wing is dancing in jubilation at the news that Gov. Scott Walker will not be charged with any crimes"
Dancing in jubilation? This rates a giggle. Nothing more.
"I wonder who said this?"
Let me guess! Scott Walker!
Speaking of oozing out of the left, here he is, Mister Bitchtits Mahal!
(Going to borrow that from you Methedras, I had been using Manboobs due to his insults to Phil Mickelson)
Loser with the Recall, Loser with Kloppenburg, Loser with John Doe witchhunt.
3 time loser Bitchtits Mahal!
Take a bow fatty, you have provided everyone with so much joy in taunting you about your predictions of Walker being indicted the last two years or so. All culminating in todays epic dissapointment for you.
Soak it in loser, soak it in.
But here, with strong political incentive to find a charge or even trump up a charge, the Democratic DA couldn't. Nothing. Even in the star chamber that passes for the grand jury process.
This wasn't about indicting the man. This was about having him "under investigation" in the lead up to the recall election. Once the election was passed, the usefulness of the investigation was over.
At least they had the sense wait a few months to end the investigation, rather than "pull a Manski".
But here, with strong political incentive to find a charge or even trump up a charge, the Democratic DA couldn't
He found six people and 15 felony indictments. 5 people that sat 20 feet away from Walker, doing illegal work that benefited Walker.
This was about having him "under investigation" in the lead up to the recall election.
They raided Walker's office a day before the 2010 election. Have you once looked at any of the details?
What dirty so-and-so says my buddy, garage, oozes?
He found six people and 15 felony indictments. 5 people that sat 20 feet away from Walker, doing illegal work that benefited Walker.
Do you think the DA just didn't look hard enough? Sitting near people who commit crimes is not itself a crime.
Especially if you turn them in when you discover the crime.
"They raided Walker's office a day before the 2010 election."
A day before the election. Yep, no political agenda there.
This calls for some Math, only cold hard numbers can sort this out.
Elections won by Scott Walker: 2
Degrees beyond High School Held by Bitchtits Mahal: 0
Failed marriages by Manboobs Mahal: 1
Crimes that Scott Walker was charged with: 0
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner! Scott Walker!
And we all know who the loser is.
A day before the election. Yep, no political agenda there
Walker said they initiated the John Doe.
"Walker said they initiated the John Doe."
Your point?
Your point?
How could it be political if Walker initiated the whole thing? Or, if the D.A. wanted to embarass Walker they would have called a press conference the day before the election. It wasn't covered anywhere.
Anyways, I'm sure they looked at everything, so I'm satisfied. Now Chisholm should release all the documents pertaining to the case, and Walker should release all the documents pertaining this case so the public is aware.
closed with no new charges
Wow. I didn't see that coming...
In other words, you want Walker to be the most transparent administration ever. I think some other guy beat him to it.
"How could it be political if Walker initiated the whole thing?"
Oh, so they had to raid the office the day before the election? Really? The raid couldnt wait until after the election, or take place weeks earlier? Fucking idiot.
"Walker should release all the documents pertaining this case so the public is aware."
I remember when Bitchtits Mahal said this about Obama's college records and transcripts as well as all the fast and furious documents Obama claims executive privilege on, said noone ever.
Fat partisan hack.
garage mahal said...
He found six people and 15 felony indictments. 5 people that sat 20 feet away from Walker, doing illegal work that benefited Walker.
What a bunch of crap. List them all.
Oh, and yes you can borrow my garden hose and some duct tape. Just please return it when you are done.
"Wow. I didn't see that coming..."
Walker should release all the documents pertaining this case so the public is aware.
Why? Really, why should he? He has the same innocent until proven guilty right as any citizen. One of the reasons that Grand Jury work is closed to the public is for the very good reason that tales told there that do not describe indictable criminal behavior be sealed to protect the individual against false accusation.
Were Walker to 'release all the documents pertaining this case', even if he were capable of doing so, would simply provide more grist for the madison matching moron crowd. The man has shown himself to be a hell of a lot more intelligent and capable than they.
What a bunch of crap. List them all
What are you disagreeing with, and you don't have Google?
garage mahal said...
What are you disagreeing with, and you don't have Google?
garage mahal said...
He found six people and 15 felony indictments. 5 people that sat 20 feet away from Walker, doing illegal work that benefited Walker.
Who are the five people and what illegal work did they do that benefited Walker?
Bullshit as usual.
You are such a lying fucking DB.
Now Garage Mahal can do the "Look over there,a squirrel - the Koch Brothers have a secret deal to buy those state owned power plants".
Daily Kos - There are two big whoppers in this section, which is passing through the zeitgeist like ships in the night.
It will allow the Koch Brothers to buy or contract to operate state−owned heating, cooling, and power plants in Wisconsin without a solicitation of bids.
This is what it is about at the end of the day, and their puppet, Governor Walker, is ready to sell the Koch Brothers the state-owned utility system of Wisconsin for pennies on the dollar for his paymasters. & Numerous other similar posts from liberal blogs in February 2011
He won't see this:
Plan to sell state-owned power plants might be revived - MJS February 2013
Graeme Zielinski's twitter account is just overflowing with bile...check it out for he laughs.
Garage, you sound like you're doubling down on WDS. What will that get you? Piece of mind? More time with your kids? Self esteem? More attention here?
Official Democratic Spokesperson Compares Scott Walker to Jeffrey Dahmer
Garage did call the Big Dance, that is, the 2012 Presidential Election. Gotta give him his props.
Yes, but as of this moment Walker's on double secret probation...
James, Graeme Zielinski used to write for the Onion and I can see he's still a fine humorist.
What? Those tweets are dead serious?
Even funnier!
garage mahal said...
"Unfortunately, we have a Governor and administration that condones unethical and illegal behavior,"
"The people of Wisconsin deserve better."
"Today's indictment provides further confirmation that the ____ administration is damaged and must be removed from the Capitol," "Governor ______ needs to purge his administration of individuals who place politics and special interests ahead of the people of Wisconsin."
"Little can be said to underscore the seriousness of this charge. I am hopeful that the people of Wisconsin will allow me the opportunity to clean up Madison....."
I wonder who said this?
And it was all a lie.
Garage. Pull out the puppets and have a protest.
Garage, you sound like you're doubling down on WDS
One thing conservatives are consistently wrong about it is what liberals are thinking. I don't give a shit and I said I was satisfied with the end result with the John Doe. What's pathological is people think I'm despondent or some shit over certain things, and they're always wrong about it. There are a lot of things you could be getting my goat over!
Patrick said...
He found six people and 15 felony indictments. 5 people that sat 20 feet away from Walker, doing illegal work that benefited Walker.
Do you think the DA just didn't look hard enough? Sitting near people who commit crimes is not itself a crime.
Especially if you turn them in when you discover the crime.
Gosh, if that was the case, then I'd say the entirety of the Urkel Administration along with the traitor-in-chief himself would come under indictment. I mean, after all, you can indict a ham sandwich, but Bitch Tit Mahal would try to eat all of them for the cause. Oh wait...
The Schadenfreude feels sooooooooo
And it was all a lie.
You know what, you stupid motherfucker? Those were Walker quotes from 2006! LOL. I knew it. You're like that really dumb fish that always gets caught first.
Hey, I said Walker! What do I win?
Original Mike sniffed it out immediately.
The "Governor _______" should have given it away I would reckon.
I could use a new router.
At minimum, Walker's hiring and re-hiring choices definitely are suspect, wouldn't you think? If Obama had 5 people he appointed and/or worked under him charged with crimes you'd give him a pass? Seriously dude. I know you.
garage mahal said...
And it was all a lie.
You know what, you stupid motherfucker? Those were Walker quotes from 2006! LOL. I knew it. You're like that really dumb fish that always gets caught first.
Hey, if he made those quotes, then I'll gladly say I was wrong. I didn't believe he did, which is why I said what I said. Ah, but now I at least see my error in where you got those quotes from at Blogging Blue. Shocker.
Well, looks like I was wrong.
"If Obama had 5 people he appointed and/or worked under him charged with crimes..."
You've cried wolf so frequently and misrepresented so many issues that I assume this claim is BS, too.
Back to the hockey game. Badgers up 2-1.
Althouse really knows how to twist the knife.
4-3, Badgers.
So walker cooperated, a big zero-burger results. Some underlings take the fall. Par for the course in politics. Personally I do not know what the charges were about but my instinct with any politician is Walker did things that would get a private sector manager or CEO fired/put in jail. Modern Government is a sleaze pit.
What is your opinion of Obama exerting executive privilege in the fast and furious Garage? Should he be as cooperative as Walker? Are 300 dead Mexicans and a couple dead federal agents enough to get a federal level politician at least a rebuke? Too much to hope for fired or jail time...
Walker's hiring and re-hiring choices definitely are suspect?
President Sequester Panic appointed...
John "Traitor" Kerry
Chuck "Imbecile - I'm not up to speed on the DOD" Hagel
Eric "Encourage Vote Fraud" Holder = who by the way is under Contempt for Congress.
Obama's appointments point to his desire to cut America down to size.
According to Solzhenitsyn, the proper sentence for nothing is five years. We can thank the Soviets for that legal innovation. The left can rejoice.
Garage your in good form in these posts and quotes! Just remember Walker is like a donut: all around him the criminals spin, but the center is clean.(sic)
"One thing conservatives are consistently wrong about it is what liberals are thinking."
They are probably making the mistake of thinking that you actually believe all the bullshit you post, rather than just being a meretricious partisan hack.
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