March 27, 2013

"In Love With a Sex Addict" — oh, really?

I hadn't given much thought to the much-bruited Tiger Woods/Lindsey Vonn romance, but something about that magazine cover set off my bullshit detector. I think his PR people contacted her PR people and this couple was concocted for our consumption. I love the way they are in love... with the camera. Smiley eyes!

Here's the underlying story.
"They're a really happy couple -- not living together yet," a source explains to Us Weekly... "He confessed everything in his past to her and stuff - they're really into each other," the source tells Us.
Confessed? How do you confess — and stuff! — when everything was all already in the newspapers? And speaking of everything... did you see this new Nike ad that's been "criticized by some"?


bagoh20 said...

"Winning takes care of everything."

That's the Obamaholics on here since November 2012.

Unknown said...

Well, that's what the Dems have been selling anyway.

Unknown said...

Bagoh---you beat me to it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Real recovery is supposed to be anonimus.
Althouse is right to be skeptical.

garage mahal said...

Tiger's ex wife is dating Chris Cline, the billionaire mining mogul who wants to mine the Penokees in Wisconsin.

Strelnikov said...

Dude. That's a big step down from Elin.

Nonapod said...

Why would a guy like him with his proclivities be even interested in even the pretense of a monogamous relationship at this point? Didn't the last one cost him like a quarter billion dollars?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

His dad was black and his mom was Asian so I assume Tiger Woods is hung like a white guy.

chickelit said...

Tiger's ex wife is dating Chris Cline, the billionaire mining mogul who wants to mine the Penokees in Wisconsin.

I saw a photo of one guy's yacht sniffing the stern of the other guy's yacht.

hombre said...

Everybody knows sexual preferences are hard-wired and can't change. Right? ROTFL.

Besides, "Winning takes care of everything."

Except sometimes as the residual ill will builds ... and builds.

garage mahal said...

Dude's house/yacht is called "Mine Games".

Amartel said...

Haha. Re: "Winning Takes Care of Everything" - think about it from Nike's perspective.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Tiger is black, and he speaks very well.

campy said...

It's good to see a domestic violence victim put his life back together.

traditionalguy said...
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traditionalguy said...

The Masters awaits. Will Tiger roar again or will Rory roar back to the top?

Bobby Jones learned to self control his passion and became the Greatest golfer of all time. Tiger is into his new self control mode now too.

Love, like golf, is a self controlled activity.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there was lots of nasty news about Tiger that never came out but could at any time.

The ad says it all. It should be subtitled: Hope and change.

Anonymous said...

Replace Tiger's face with Obama's face and add the subtitle "Elections have consequences"

madAsHell said...

She's going to keep him from straying!?!?

I'm thinking her ski career is over, and she's looking at the size of his.....wallet.

kjbe said...

My BS detector went off, as well (nice timing with The Masters coming up). Whatever...

Guimo said...

That ad ultimately will hurt Nike. Too smug. Too much hubris.

Shouting Thomas said...

Bottle blonde. Drapes don't match the carpet. Same as the ex-wife.

Come on, Tiger, try a different model, at least!

Nomennovum said...

Replace Tiger's face with Obama's face and add the subtitle "Elections have consequences"

Erections have consequences.

Nomennovum said...

Bottle blonde. Drapes don't match the carpet.

You really think there's any carpeting, ST? This is 2013.

Nomennovum said...

Re "Winning Takes Care of Everything," people don't like it because it tells an uncomfortable truth. Winning does take care of everything -- at least here on earth.

Freeman Hunt said...

How did you port into Brave New World to buy that crazy magazine?

Freeman Hunt said...

The Nike ad is funny.

Titus said...

Winning Takes Care of Everything-that's hilarious and Althouse's words in this post are very funny...stuff.

And yes, would do him in a heartbeat. Hope the hog comes from the black family parts rather than the asian family body parts though.

sakredkow said...

Stupid celebrity tricks. It's why we love them.

Tom said...

She's a championship level athlete. He's a championship level athlete (in a game that wasn't always a sport athletically -- but is now). Maybe the match is contrived or maybe it's real. But my guess is they share the same hobbies. If you don't know what I mean, do a google search on what happens in the olympic village between elite athletes.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Good heavens, Ann, what are you doing looking at Us? Even when I was a periodicals clerk at the late Borders I managed to stock it without actually paying attention to it.

sakredkow said...

They share the same vacuous outlook.

dcm said...

She could knock me out with her skier thighs.

sakredkow said...

How many IQ points would you trade for $10 million? $100 million?

Cody Jarrett said...

Haven't they been friends (or "friends"?) for a long time, quietly though?

I have no interest in either of them, but I seem to remember hearing something about them being pals well before now. Which certainly means this could be real.

If it's not real--why bother with it? He doesn't need a girlfriend for his image, people have demonstrated that, no matter how much they say they care, they really don't care.

I saw a few minutes of a local sports talk show the other day. All three hosts (including the great Bob Ryan) said they'd sworn off rooting for Tiger forever. Until he started playing again. Now they love him again. They hate themselves for it, but it happens.

Because anything less is racist.

Except for Titus. Titus just thinks he's hot, and has read that Tiger will dip the old wick into about anything.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

All of them.

Hey, I work in software. It's not like I was using those IQ points anyway.

SteveR said...

In the modern culture, its all about feelings, Tiger felt like screwing around with all those women. Who's to judge? Bigots! He's a serial adulterer. What's wrong with that? Probably more typical of human behavior than some other things we claim are human rights. Such intolerance.

Shouting Thomas said...

He's a serial adulterer.

No, no, no! He's a "sex addict!"

It's a medical problem.

Anonymous said...

traditionalguy said...
Love, like golf, is a self controlled activity

Not according to ssm advocates.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

You don't hear much about Picabo Street these days.

But she donated a bunch of money to some hospital so they named a ward after her.

They call it the Picabo I.C.U.

Strelnikov said...

"It's a medical problem."

I won't really be happy until he can retire on SSD for this problem. at my expense.

Nomennovum said...

"He's a serial adulterer."

ST responds, "No, no, no! He's a "sex addict!"

Sex addict = (a) married man who doesn't get it from his wife, gets it from somewhere else, and subsequently gets caught, or (b) fun girl. That billionaire should stay away from Tiger's ex.

Strelnikov said...

traditionalguy said...
Love, like golf, is a self controlled activity.

I wish. As to both.

edutcher said...

It's the same sort of "confession" we see from Barry and Moochelle all the time.

Nonapod said...

Why would a guy like him with his proclivities be even interested in even the pretense of a monogamous relationship at this point? Didn't the last one cost him like a quarter billion dollars?

That's why.

Anonymous said...

traditionalguy said...
Love, like golf, is a self controlled activity

Not according to ssm advocates.

Kirk Parker said...

Shame is no longer possible, it seems.

Well, unless you come out as a Republican or something...

Fritz said...

He's a serial adulterer.

No, no, no! He's a "sex addict!"

It's a medical problem.

Tastes great!

Less Filling!

ndspinelli said...

bpm, You mean ERECTIONS have consequences.

n.n said...

With role models like this, who needs bad influences.

ndspinelli said...

Nomen, Great minds..

heyboom said...

For full context, the ad quote is from a question Tiger was asked about his golf game and the prospects of making a comeback. It had nothing to do with his personal life and neither did the ad.

Tiger earned his fame and fortune through his own talents, hard work and determination. Is he not allowed to ever be happy in his life because he has more than most?

Shouting Thomas said...

Some of you guys could really benefit from reading the article "2013 Best Makeovers!"

If you could makeover garage, what would you do?

edutcher said...

Move the TV set in there.

KCFleming said...
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MadisonMan said...

Shorter Michelle @2:27:

You, a Law Professor!

KCFleming said...

In two years, the sex addict rights movement will go from nothing to some kind of joke to damned near what all decent people think.

Nomennovum said...

At least sex addicts have the right to marry and divorce, Pogo.

And both are cured by exercising these rights. Female sex addicts are cured of their affliction by exercising their right to marry. Male sex addicts are cured by their wives exercising their right to divorce.

Anonymous said...

He confessed everything ...
including how much he is worth, how much more he'll make, how much she'll get when they split.

AllenS said...

It's all fun and games, until you take a 9 iron to the fucking head.

Aridog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip Ahoy said...

Yesterday a sport segment described the game played yesterday, I think, and the clip showed Woods making a shot stopping right at the end and where the closing frame that held up for a few seconds was the poster-perfect golfer form from the toe that twists into precise placement to tip of the club that carved a perfect swing, and I thought, "Man, that guy is good." And I actually don't care about such things, but I imagined doing that perfectly every single time.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's all fun and games...

Stealthy AllenS

Aridog said...

madAsHell said...

I'm thinking her ski career is over, and she's looking at the size of his.....wallet.

Nah. Well, maybe. Not sure how many around here follow FIS World cup skiing as I do, but Miss Lindsey finally took a really ugly fall this year this year, tearing up her right knee MCL and ACL...still won the Downhill Highest speed event) World Cup Globe by one point over Tina Maze...due to a canceled Downhill at season end. That said, she was never anywhere near winning her customary over all World Cup Globe...this time taken by a real all around ski racer (wins or podiums regularly in ALL events)...the Slovenian Tina 2400+ points, higher than anyone ever, male or female, in the history of the sport....prior record was 2000 by a man. Never mind that Tina Maze is every bit as pretty as Vonn, actually I think more so.

In short, Lindsey Vonn is NOT the name on everyone in FIS's lips this year and wasn't before her bad fall either. The fact she is one of the all time greatest alpine skiers isn't enough. That may bother her more than the fall. Now, Viola' ... back on top, while healing up, publicity, mo' bigger than evah!

The real interesting interview that won't likely happen is one with Miss Vonn's ex-husband Thomas Vonn (divorced last year) about what might have lead up to this nifty cover.

SteveR said...

He's a serial adulterer.

No, no, no! He's a "sex addict!"

It's a medical problem.

I got a fever and their's only one cure

Brian Brown said...

The photo looks fake.
I'm wondering if they are even in it together.

XRay said...

Good call, Airdog. Maze is indeed a good looking woman as well as a damn fine skier. I just may have to become a ski watching enthusiast.

Petunia said...

Sex addict? Oh please. He's a womanizing, adulterous jerk.

At least Ms. Vonn has accomplished a lot on her own, being a world-class skiier, World Cup winner, and Olympic medalist.

Elin IS queen of the gold-diggers, however.

Anonymous said...

1. The media loves to put a black guy together with a white woman, blond if possible. Nothing like telling white men that they are inferior and that their genes are shit --"Oh, look, black men are so great, white women prefer them to their own kind! White men suck! lols!"

2. Even though Tiger isn't a black guy, but just a guy who happens to be black. I don't object to his dalliances on a race level, because if you took his race away, he'd still be the same damn person. Most blacks, however, are totally consumed with their stepin fetchit nature and life---if tomorrow they woke up as white guys, their entire personality would disappear.

3. Sex addiction is such a cop out, I'm shocked women fall for it. It's also known as "being a famous, rich, man."

4. Tiger better thank fucking god every day his father abused him into being a child fucking prodigy. Such a homely dude with such a beta personality (read his text messages to women in a high nasal voice to get the full effect) would never get laid AT ALL if he didn't have the fame and money he has now.

tiger said...

Yeah the ad is terrible.

It says that no matter how bad you are in your person life as long as you win everything is good.

What utter garbage.

Tiger is one smug POS if he thinks anyone is buying this nonsense.

Actually he's one smug POS no matter what.

David said...

The most interesting thing about Tiger Woods is his golf ability. That's real and can't be faked. Second most is how he has been able to generate wealth by parlaying the athletic ability and personal image. The image part is all contrivance. So my solution is to remain interested in the golf and ignore the rest.

tiger said...

"AllenS said...
It's all fun and games, until you take a 9 iron to the fucking head."

THIS is a pretty awesome comment.

And yeah regardless of the story *now* she hit him right in the farking grill.

There was a report written by a EMT who was one of the first on the scene; He wrote that Elred had badly damaged teeth and nose and was close to swallowing his tongue.

Aridog said...

XRay said...

I just may have to become a ski watching enthusiast.

If you are in the USA it is much harder to do now. Comcast owns NBC and NBC owns Universal Sports which utilizes Eurovision feeds. Howevah...Comcast no longer broadcasts Universal sports nor authenticates for on-line streaming live events. Oddly, Universal Sports, controlled by Comcast, is available through Direct TV and DISH. Go figure.

Comcast is the best overall Internet ISP and television provider where I I will be subscribing to Direct TV solely for the sports coverage, in addition to Comcast...the Direct TV bit will be one feed on a coaxial switch to either my office television or my computer. I tired to tracking down post event video to see anything.

Shit...over $450 additional per year for sports...still cheaper than 6 decent tickets to any game in town.

Aridog said...

Tiger said ...

Elred ...I think you meant Eldrick.

Ann Althouse said...

"The photo looks fake.
I'm wondering if they are even in it together."

Yeah, I know.

Look at the size of her head compared to his. Was she in front and they moved her in back, or was she somewhere else altogether?

ken in tx said...

As an Olympic athlete, she may be a sex nut too. They may have an agreement.

William said...

Sex addiction is an environmental disease. It lies dormant until exposed to such environmental triggers as having a hit record or making a hundred million dollars. I sympathize Tiger's brave struggle with this affliction. It's a terrible malady to be afflicted with. Look at the toll it has taken on Hugh Hefner. Who would want that poor man's wretched life?

Anonymous said...

Next topic for Ann's inquiring mind: How much does each Kardashian REALLY weigh?

AllenS said...

The big question is whatever happened to that 9 iron? If you brought it into Pawn Stars, how much would they be willing to pay you for it? You'd probably need to have a notarized statement from the EMT as to the authenticity of the 9 iron.

Today, As The World Turns --

Woods: "I'd like to confess and stuff."

Vonn: "I'd like you to know that a ski hurts more than a 9 iron."

CyndiF said...

Bottle blonde. Drapes don't match the carpet. Same as the ex-wife.

Really? Ex-wife is Swedish (or is it Norwegian?). I thought all Scandinavians were blond and colored their hair dark like Bjork.

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