March 1, 2013
"I'd come up with a theory that I thought made a tremendous amount of sense... which was that you'd lay next to someone you loved, you wished for a baby..."
"... and then the sperm and the egg met through the pores of your skin. My friend Amanda was like, 'No, a man puts his penis in your vagina,' and I was like, 'This is the worst thing I've ever heard; this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me.' I told my little sister when she was five, so I wouldn’t have to be alone with it. And now she's a lesbian. So there, we've nailed it! That and the fact that I used to make her make out with me through my grandmother's dialysis mask. No, that's not why someone's gay, but it's a funny theory."
Yeah, childhood sexual abuse by a sibling. amazing. Sure it has nothing to do with anyone's formation or preferences.
I'm shocked she supported Obama.
"She's a genius!"
lmao rofl.
I remember when lefty fame whores at least had some kind of physical attractiveness about them.
More self-absorption than a 48-pack of Bounty towels.
The good thing about this is that today is Friday, so in less than 48 hours this will be last week's news.
Just another example of the flexibility of the female sexual orientation.
OK. I'll go with... New and improved ways to imaginatively achieve cultural rot?
My daughter had the same reaction as Lena, but I was the one who told her. Like her, she understand the egg/sperm deal but didn't know how it all connected.
The cover photo sees really odd, not her pose but the photo-shopping of neck and chest.
Well, you just convinced me. I don't need to watch her show.
You go your way and I'll go mine.
I think she is an average not very pretty looking young woman with tattoos like a lot of her generation which I don't like and I had never heard of her until that stupid political video. As to Lena Dunham, I already have more info than I need.
Your incessant homo propaganda wears me out, Althouse.
Why don't you try exploring the ancient paradigms of hetereosexuality?
It's more interesting and more aethetically pleasing.
Go to the other extreme, and learn about that which the egghead white women really struggle to understand, the beauty of penetration and women who love that.
Just another example of the flexibility of the female sexual orientation.
Ms. Dunham strikes me as a bright, funny, candid young woman, not afraid to reveal her own foibles. Also, he's creatively brave enough to depict the less seemly aspects of her characters. Bravo to her.
One of my sons and I attended our elementary school's maturation program, where they presented information about puberty and so forth, but didn't discuss how sex occurs. They specifically said that the kids were to ask their parents. So, on the walk home, my son asked me. I explained the mechanics, and he said "Oh, so how sharks do it."
Easiest conversation ever. Thank you, Discovery Channel.
Hate to tell ya, but they did something similar (without the explicit material) on SNL back when it was funny - I'm talking Gilda, Newman, and Jane the Ignorant slut.
PS Besides Galling Stone and the Gray Lady, who watches her show again?
OMG. The first dream I remember having was at 3 years old. It was of me and a male cousin wrestling, and it was definitely a homosexual dream. I remember it distinctly as being really exciting and I wanted to go back to the dream. I remember waking in a house we moved out of when I was three, so I know I was not older than that.
I must be a gay, but my denial is pretty damned good. Today, I can't even understand why anyone, male or female, chooses men to have sex with. We are just unattractive in every way. Women have their issues, but when they look good, the rest of the world disappears.
Maybe you can be born gay, but the beauty of women will change a gay boy or a straight girl. Powerful stuff.
A long time ago, I dated a woman who was about the same age as Ms. Dunham.
She was always sexually available, her preference was to do it doggie-style, and she never seemed to be enjoying herself.
She was not good for my self-confidence, to say the least.
But she did have a great sense of humor. I'll give her that.
"...the beauty of penetration and women who love that."
Now that's gay.
Lena Dunham Promises More Diversity on 'Girls'
Just to throw some red meat out here.....
We seem to assume that because sexual preferences are so strong in males, and that as a result, homosexuality is an innate trait. But, it appears that it isn't as strong in females, and that there is a much larger percentage there who are somewhat ambiguous in their innate sexual preferences. Not that there aren't true female homosexuals, because I know some who are, but rather, there is a much greater number of true female bisexuals than male.
But, that would mean that in terms of women, homosexuality is more often either a function of nurture or choice, as contrasted with men, where it is probably more a question of nature. Yet, lesbians seem more interested in SSM, and, in particular, SS parenting, than gay males, despite apparently having even worse outcomes than single female parenting (which is one of the major causes of much of our societal disfunction we are currently seeing, including the level of violence in many inner city minority communities).
So, the question is, whether we should be legitimizing female homosexuality, if the alternative would be that many of these women would otherwise end up in heterosexual relationships, where their children would be born and raised with a father (and not another mother), and thus, not as likely to end up as an uncivilized gang banging violent criminal, in the case of boys, and unwed mothers, in the case of girls (if they don't follow their mothers as lesbians, which apparently has a higher than average chance of happening).
As I said with the start of this - just something to incite a bit of furor here this morning.
Ms. Dunham strikes me as a bright, funny, candid young woman, not afraid to reveal her own foibles
Like any other celebrity, everything she says publicly is calculated to present herself in the light she and her publicists think best. I'm surprised you don't see this. You're normally at least as cynical a me.
Cook: "Also, he's creatively..."
No, dude, that's a woman. Yeah, I know, I thought the same thing at first.
Jesus, Althouse. If I wanted to read about this repulsive tattooed manatee with perpetual menses, I'd go over to some vapid entertainment site that pushes no-talent beasts like this as payment for their political knob-polishing.
Maybe you've joined their ranks.
I guess I'll have to find a better site for light lunchtime reading, where I won't have to read about incestuous child sex abuse. has a lower squick factor than this place.
Your incessant homo propaganda wears me out, Althouse.
Your tiresome whining about "homo propaganda", women, &c wears a lot of us out too, ST. If you don't like what Althouse writes, why the hell do you read this blog? It's her blog; if it's not to your taste, stop reading! You're not one of Althose's students; you don't have to be here.
I think the appeal should be made to artists that feminist ideology can be just as destructive to creation (something else to overcome) as are square religious types.
Dunham comes in a long line of confessional, highly introspective to navel-gazing to narcissistic writers (modernist to post-modernist to ???).
Play fame and the fools for what they're worth, but you're putting your interior life onto a platter.
So, the question is, whether we should be legitimizing female homosexuality,
The studies to date have been of highly educated women. There ARE differences between boys and girls raised in hetrosexual couples and lesbian couples.
The boys are more submissive, more likely to experiment with homosexuality (and all the attendant problems of that), the girls are more likely to be domineering, and one study I read indicates a much higher incidence of child abuse.
The last point was hard for the study to distinguish because the methodology did not distinguish between children who were abused in a heterosexual relationship, and so the wife became a lesbian, vs. abuse from a pure lesbian household.
The submissiveness of the boys bothers me a lot. Girls can do what they want and it's OK. Even hot teachers. The uglies, they aren't allowed.
She can probably always go and get a job at Slate, since they've chased almost all the men away, even the ones without balls.
Today, I can't even understand why anyone, male or female, chooses men to have sex with.
I have to agree. Women are beautiful. Guys? Well, who would want to kiss a guy?
Ann, help us out here.
If you don't like what Althouse writes, why the hell do you read this blog?
Some of I like. Some of it I don't, Palladian.
The homo propaganda is tiresome. It's always been a staple of the egghead scene. It's a mystery to my why the eggheads have this obsession, but that's always been the case.
Why the fuck get so touchy? I'm not stopping you from sticking your dick where you please. Nor am I stopping Althouse from droning on about her standard egghead homo fascination.
Maybe you can be born gay, but the beauty of women will change a gay boy...
Not true, kemosabe. I see and appreciate beautiful women all the time, but it doesn't light my flame.
Imagine trying to go out to a bar to enjoy a few drinks and the place is filled with nasty twats like this moron.
That is the "real" Williamsburg. Not the world of hot chicks like in "2 Broke Girls."
Imagine trying to go out to a bar to enjoy a few drinks and the place is filled with nasty twats like this moron.
I've been there. Done that.
It's interesting in some ways.
Warning. Something goes strangely awry hormonally in women who are lusting after other women. To be blunt, it makes their pussies stink outrageously, and not in the pleasant manner of a hetero girl in heat.
Perhaps it smells good to the dykes. You can never account for taste.
It is called the fishmonger effect. Just sayn'
It is helpful in one way though. If you need a seat at the bar just toss a day old mackeral to the other end of the bar and a spot will open up.
I don't find her either that attractive or perticularly interesting otherwise. So with plenty of more qualified women in both categories around, she's easy to ignore.
Today, I can't even understand why anyone, male or female, chooses men to have sex with. We are just unattractive in every way.
Quite the opposite, if you ask me.
Women may have more going in terms of physical beauty, but more often than not their brains are fucked with vanity and their sense of entitlement is delusional.
A lifetime of putting up with the delusional and vicious propaganda of feminism has pretty much ended any attraction I might have once felt to any woman who opens her mouth and starts gassing about that shit.
In other words, character matters. My experience is that men more likely to be superior to women in this respect. Gay men are far less full of shit, and far more enjoyable to be around the lesbians, too.
Yes, her mother is right, she's a weirdo.
Color me unsurprised that an aging feminist university professor consider Lena Dunbham to be a "genius."
There is something about that woman I just don't like, and the pose on that magazine says it loudly. It's really a trying-too-hard-to-be-edgy thing, and it's worn out.
"Women may have more going in terms of physical beauty, but more often than not their brains are fucked with vanity and their sense of entitlement is delusional."
You see, that's where you're going wrong. I don't let them speak. A well timed sharply delivered "shhhhhh" can make them much more appealing. They love that too, and will thank you for preventing them from ruining things. It really works - try it.
I like Steve Sailer's saying, which is that lesbians aren't gay.
In my experience, men are really gay, that is in the traditional meaning of the word as in fun loving, because they really like men, particularly the roughhousing, action oriented way in which men view sex.
Equally, in my experience, women are lesbians because they sincerely dislike men. Lesbians aren't exactly fun. They don't call it the "lesbian death bed" for nothing. Lesbian relationships are notorious for drying up almost as quickly as they start and devolving into absolute sexlessness.
Oh. It's Rolling Stone.
I thought it was from something edgey.
Carry on.
You see, that's where you're going wrong.
I'm not "going wrong."
I have one of those lbfm's. Just as accused.
I just haven't figured out yet what the negatives are in having a lbfm. Seems all positive to me.
Holy cow, that is almost exactly what happened to me. Not the makign out through Granny's whatever it was but finding out how babies are made. I must have been 10 or so (this was a long time ago). It was in the school cafeteria right after lunch which was unfortunate because I came close to throwing up, especially when the girl who was sharing her wisdom talked about the "sticky stuff" ....
You guys are too tough on woman. You need a woman who is your equal and who won't take any shit. That's what a real man wants. I bet Myna was like that Shouting.
What you don't need is a piece of shit whining exhibitionist twat like this maroon.
But this too will pass. She is just this month's flavor and her five minutes will be up soon.
Honey Boo Boo will have a longer shelf life.
And the reason why there are no black people on this show is because hipster twats like her are real racists. Their black friends are all Cosby kids posing as Cinque. They are not friends with any "real" black people. Lower class or even working class blacks. The kind of dudes you meet playing ball or working a regular job on a loading dock or construction.
Plus a black dude wouldn't put up with her shit and would go all Ike Turner on her tattooed ass.
Hipster twats are all stupid "pousers" and not worth your time. Just like her show. Epic fail.
Whenever I see anything about this awful woman, I think "maybe I'll be dead before her generation runs the world." But then I remember that my teenage son and his friends gag and scream when you even mention "Lena Dunham", and I feel better.
I too held strange ideas put there by adults, like girls have dicks too but they're inside out. It's the same thing except inverted thus assuring a perfect fit every time. Then I went to the LIE BERRY and got it all sorted, mostly through pictures.
But regarding the item point to over there I got to the end of the tale and looked for page two because surely the air puffs had not ended, but there is no click for page two, and I thought in that moment, "THANK GOD THERE ISN'T A PAGE TWO!"
Love the comments over there. The push back almost makes me think there is hopes for Rolling Stone readers.
Well it made me laugh.
I definitely remember coming to the conclusion, after my first elementary school sex-ed class which started with the fact of a sperm already in the womb and no explanation how it got there, that a hypodermic needle must be involved.
Funniest show on TV? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihgiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
I can't believe Althouse watches this stupid twat's show and thinks she's a genius.
Do you know how offensive that is to real creative geniuses?
I was maybe 12 when my parents decided to *tell* me, but they were so nervous and rambling about it that I finally decided to put them out of their misery, and said something like, it's OK, I already know.
They were apparently so relieved they neglected to ask me how I knew, which was a good thing, because I couldn't have told them. I have no memory of a moment when I *knew*. Far from being gross, icky, shocking or traumatic, the conveyance of this information left no impression whatsoever.
I guess I was a water-off-a-duck's-back kind of kid.
CEO-MMP said...
I can't believe Althouse watches this stupid twat's show and thinks she's a genius.
Do you know how offensive that is to real creative geniuses?
No. I'm good with it.
To be blunt, it makes their pussies stink outrageously
They walk like a guy, talk like a guy, then I'm thinking their hygiene is like a guy.
Is this article from the same issue of Rolling Stone that has the article on the Black Sabbath reunion?
I am so there!
Please, for the love of gawd, no more..."manatee", was it?...nude scenes. She's like a blow-up Sunday Funnies page.
Poor Patrick Wilson (except for the paycheck) -- after Kate Winslet and Malin Akerman I guess Lena Dunham is the palate cleanser.
Never forget how Lena Dunham lost her virginity: link
Palladian wrote: If you don't like what Althouse writes, why the hell do you read this blog? It's her blog; if it's not to your taste, stop reading! You're not one of Althose's students; you don't have to be here.
I also read it for the commenters, Palladian, including you.
Unfortunately, every day, there's less of Palladian (and Revenant and etc.) and more of the ilk of Shouting Thomas who, as best I can tell, is engaged in some kind of Douchebag olympics.
I'm like Basta I just knew. It's probably because I grew up on a ranch. Country kids aren't surprised much by biology.
I could have gone a long time without having to read that junk.
I honestly don't know what to think about Lena Dunham or Girls. My wife watches the show and I've watched a few episodes. On one hand, she's tackles some tough emtional stuff that rarely gets discussed -- like jealously between friends. On the other hand, she and her friends are amazingly entitled and seem to be getting it with the "effort gap" (the gap that exsists because we've tried to convince kids their all special and should have high self esteem and the fact that self esteem has to be earned through hardwork, effort, and eventually, some sort of success). I don't know if she's promoting this entitlement, exposing it, judging it. For me, the show is painful to watch and it makes me feel very sad for kids that are raised to expect a world of success and then completely crumble when real life hits. That said, the show is interesting. And Lena isn't afraid to get naked and it's very cold out right now... so who knows.
I think everything she says is a lie and calculated bullshit to get attention for herself.
Wasn't it last week that she said she told her mom when she was six that she wanted to have sex with her 8 times?
Either you are lying or you are heading for rehab.
"Do you know how offensive that is to real creative geniuses?"
Who are these RCGs who take offense so easily? For geniuses, they don't seem too bright. They need to get a life. A creative genus life.
Camille Paglia thinks Madonna is a genius and Ann thinks Lena Dunham is a genius.
Some things are just unexplainable.
Fact is since Frasier left the air, there hasn't been a single truly funny comedy.
I refuse to support any shows where the creator is so openly for Obama. Fuck that shit. At least be a closet liberal like the old days.
Can anyone tell me the point of this show? At least when I'm watching some old French "art" film I know it's over in 2 hours.
Your incessant homo propaganda wears me out, Althouse.
"Incessant Homo Propaganda" would be an excellent band name.
As a twist, they should be a Hank Williams cover band.
Clumsy fat tattooed cow is fat.
She mocks evolutionary principles as a conspiracy to harsh her mellow.
The tragic irony is that people who are most likely to identify with a simian heritage, are also the most likely to reject evolutionary principles as inconvenient.
"...(Dunham) and her friends are amazingly entitled and seem to be getting it with the 'effort gap' (the gap that exsists because we've tried to convince kids their all special and should have high self esteem and the fact that self esteem has to be earned through hardwork, effort, and eventually, some sort of success). I don't know if she's promoting this entitlement, exposing it, judging it."
I would say she's simply presenting it.
Don't assume we're supposed to like, admire, or identify with the protagonists of any story we experience simply because they're the protagonists, or that an author is oblivious to the off-putting (or worse) aspects of his or her characters.
She mocks evolutionary principles as a conspiracy to harsh her mellow.
Sexual reproduction is an "evolutionary principle"? Heh.
I'm pretty sure even Christian fundamentalists have figured out the whole penis/vagina thing by now.
Ann, you're part way thru your recovery from the 60's, keep working the steps and you'll be healed. I know old people who never got over the brainwashing and they are pathetically miserable
Camille Paglia thinks Madonna is a genius and Ann thinks Lena Dunham is a genius.
"Oh really? He was a genius, Helen's a genius and Dennis is a genius. You know a lot of geniuses, y'know. You should meet some stupid people once in a while, you could learn something."
"Come on Bobby; we're through with this jackass festival!"
Meh. A bright kid with some decent insights into her own Demographic. I don't expect too much from her, so I'm never disappointed.
Who is better? Her? Or, say, Sasha Grey?
So in addition to being completely untalented, not funny, politically stupid beyond belief, over-rated, the possessor of hideous tattoos, responsible for one of the worst shows on TV, and where she is only because of connections through her parents, she also sexually molested her sister when they were children?
Nice. How low our societal standards have become.
Who is better? Her? Or, say, Sasha Grey?
I haven't seen Dunham in anything, but Grey's actually a pretty good actress.
Grey's a good porno actress. She's really really good.
Well, that too. :)
Given your picture, Mitchell, I can definitely understand why your girlfriend wanted to do it doggie-style.
Well, who would you rather your daughter grew up to be like? Lena Dunham or Sasha Grey? Who is a better feminist (not that I know or care whether Grey has self-described as a feminist or anything, other than wanting to live life in a "sex-positive way," which is against the grain of some strains of feminism but not all.
If you had to choose one or the other of these people as a role model for your children, who would it be?
If you had to choose one or the other of these people as a role model for your children, who would it be?
Probably Sasha. She seems less self-involved.
@ Tom
"I don't know if she's promoting this entitlement, exposing it, judging it. For me, the show is painful to watch and it makes me feel very sad for kids that are raised to expect a world of success and then completely crumble when real life hits. That said, the show is interesting. And Lena isn't afraid to get naked and it's very cold out right now... so who knows."
I've never seen the show, but everything that you said makes complete sense that I could completely relate to. Lena touches upon the relevant issues, but because every 'girl' at one time or another converses with her friends in an extremely disgusting and raunchy fashion in her teen years 13-19, it didn't happen every day but they always occurred. I thought most 'girls' would move beyond that kind of talk by junior year in college, but at the time our economic prospects as well as relationship prospects were much better 20 years ago, then they are now.
In many ways Lena isn't special, the reason is that TV wouldn't allow such conversations to occur 20 years ago. Most raunchiness happened under 18, just due to complete immaturity. What annoyed me by the idea of Girls, were that they were young women, but now that I think about it media can not have even adult actors portraying 15 year olds having such conversations.
I won't be watching Girls, but girls can be filthy in private. Now it's public, our dirty little secret is no more. Not cool Lena. Not cool.
Renee, in college I had the privilege of coaching a girls Rugby Team and a Sorority Flag Football Team. Raunchy doesn't even begin to describe it.
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