March 10, 2013

At the Vape Café..

... you can e-everything you want.

(Screencatch from this.)


edutcher said...

At the risk of the shot I know is coming, you are by far more alluring, Madame.

rhhardin said...

Half my atomic clocks are on daylight time.

madAsHell said...

He has an electronic cigarette, and he is holding a telephone to his ear??

....and this guy has an important opinion??


What a loser!

Wince said...

Sure, but is it vape-vape?

Petunia said...

Vapid, more like. What a couple of twits.

Unknown said...

Vape, what a great word.
Sort of like Lerp. Derp. Stupe.
I think I'll put it in the rotation.

Chip Ahoy said...

This is the vapid thing that troubled me so much I wrote it down in the dark, with a magic marker that was sitting there on card stock that was sitting there, right before I fell asleep, because I felt myself nodding off and thought, "DON'T FORGET THIS!!1!!!!!" So my arm flipped over popped the cap, wrote two words in the dark, returned the cap and I fell asleep.

Then I woke up and the two words were, "presumptuous" and "sumptuous."

I guess the problem was that not making sense.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

So modern! All they need is a good Hugo.

Chef Mojo said...

Gawd. The only thing that could make that guy any more hipster would be if he were wearing a sustainably grown organic straw pork pie. She's got the hipster make-up down dead. Maybe these two should get together and make a little hipster.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

On the way somewhere this morning, I turned on the GPS app on the droid I got the other day... I was not driving, we had written direction, but the curiosity of looking at the little arrow moving along the map was irresistible.

What can I tell you?

I may make it easier for a drone to zero in on me, but I'll go with my child like instincts assuaged.

Bob Ellison said...

I tried one of those electronic cigarettes. It worked pretty well, and the lack of actual smoke is nice.

I don't know cigarettes at all, so I can't compare. I have known a few cigars, though. Scoff if you will, but I think these e-cigs are pretty cool, especially for people who have to get off real tobacco.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Speakng of vapors.

traditionalguy said...

Spring break has broken out all over. The wife just flew to Tampa to see grandchildren and I am home alone without even rent-a-dogs.

But there are choir practices for Passion Week. Singing Alto is easy. It's always parts and no melody.

Joe Schmoe said...

That guy smoking his tablet stylus looks like a real douche.

rhhardin said...

Ohio bike commute teeshirt weather, for the first time since early January.

Joe Schmoe said...

The chick would be 30% hawter if she wore glasses like SE Cupp.

Titus said...

Don't be so judgmental.

Just be.

Let Go, Let God.


Anonymous said...

I saw the headline and I thought: A-ha! My copious "the Man with Two cigarettes" Gatsby posts (with their none-too-subtle coaxing of Ann and Meade to the E-Cig) worked! My studious efforts paid off!

Then I look deeper and see it's a couple of vapid Vaping hipsters.

The World works funny.

Freeman Hunt said...

Maybe these two should get together and make a little hipster.

I once saw a hipster guy at the park with his hipster baby. The addition of the hipster baby took the hipster visual from mildly annoying to pretty adorable.

Admin said...

Cheap herbal Ecstacy Products are a healthier alternative to tobacco cigarettes and they are cool because these cigarette substitutes do not contain any nicotine since they are nicotine free cigarettes. Another way to become tobacco free, is to stop smoking your herbs if you do currently, and buy an herbal vaporizer, since the process of vaporization is better since it does not burn the herbs and hence you are inhaling vapor and not smoke, so you can say good by to the carbon monoxide all together and good by to the nicotine ,)

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