March 18, 2013

At the Puppy Face Café...


... you can rattle your jowls all evening.


Sim said...

Looks excited to be photographed. lol i like it.

Julie C said...

Love those paws! You should submit some of these photos to Cute Overload.

a SWVA liz said...

I love you Abby, and I come each night in the hopes of a picture of you.

Sarah said...

So, it turns out, I really don't ever get tired of dog pictures.

Considering I blog about my dog, this should be less of a surprise to me than it is.

Anonymous said...

There is a name for this illness:

Puppy Porn :)

kentuckyliz said...

SWVA liz...I'm in eastern Kentucky, just north of Wise/Pound/Norton etc. on Hwy 23 in Pike County.

Howdy neighbor.

I want to roll around on the floor with Abby and cuddle her. Does that make me a lesbian? A dogbian? A lizbian? An Abbian?

kentuckyliz said...

A Liz-Abbian?

Rusty said...

She has a face that looks a lot like my late stepfather.
What's not to love.

edutcher said...

Love puppies at that age.

The paws are still fluffy and haven't gotten callused.

Love those little fluffy paws.

Anonymous said...

If you click on the image you can get to the Flickr acct and see the out takes

more puppy porn

David said...

Time for the size of that body to catch up with the head.

Meade said...

@kentuckyliz: I'm afraid it might make you a pet-uh-feel.

AlanKH said...

I was just taking another look at the Beyonce/FCC post, and I'm incredibly skeptical that the first two complaints were actual complaints. They look like someone's idea of a practical joke. The tip off: language. Social conservatives don't talk like Ana Marie Cox. I've never met one that uses the word "vagina." (Which tells you I've never met a conservative OB/GYN.) A more realistic complaint would have used "privates" or "crotch" instead.

The nerd kiss **was** rather vomit-inducing, and I'm sure even some of the least prudish would agree. Saliva-exchanging kisses are not one of those things that translates well to visual media.

It's sad that a topic like tends to get treated as if there were only extremes. What'll it be, Salem Witch Trials or Caligula? Beyonce is in between, a bawdy entertainer more in the vein of an old-style cabaret than a modern strip club.

Some people think bawdy entertainment trivializes sexuality and is thus unsuitable for anyone. A more moderate view says it's okay for adults but not for children - young children lack the capacity for doublethink necessary to discern between "just a show" and acceptable human behavior.

Maybe Beyonce could offend everyone by gyrating around a gun-shaped pastry.

edutcher said...

Apparently the powers that are are beginning to be concerned over the fact old Clintonista Sidney Blumenthal's emails to the Hildabeast.

Subject: Benghazi.

Or, as garage would put it, it's only Benghazi.

Can't wait to hear how all the Lefties who chortled when Sarah Palin's email was hacked will take this one.

PS It ain't goin' away, is it?

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

Ky-Liz, I've been there. I was at Breaks Interstate Park a few years ago.

BTW--I've owned 3 houses, in two states, and all three of them have been within a mile of US 23. Two were in Greenup County, and one in the Columbus area. That's almost 60% of my life. The rest of the time, growing up and then college (UK) were all less than 2 miles of US 68. Also, 2/3 of my life I've lived within 1 mile of the Ohio River (in Ky and Oh, including one week when I was a kid when it was in our house). I seem to be accidentally tethered!

I also love Abby's sweet puppy paws.


The rule of Lemnity said...

Its snowing like a mother****er outside.

Anonymous said...

Where is this puppy from? Why did its owners leave a puppy in its puppy stage for so long? Are they okay?

jaliranchr said...

I just love her! That face makes my day when I visit and she graces the page.

Fprawl said...

Hi KyLiz, i'm in lexington.
a friend of mine may need a new cat. Is your shelter one of the ones that has an overabundance of them, or are they all just out in the barns?

Meade said...

@SOJO, everyone is fine. Nothing to worry about.

VekTor said...

In keeping with your 2005 post How easy it is to be original!, I note that the phrase "rattle your jowls" is quite rare on the Internet.

I went looking as I couldn't recall ever having heard it before.

Anonymous said...

I want to hug her!