March 11, 2013

And speaking of the problem of what city people are drinking...

"Chinese authorities said they found more than 3,300 dead pigs in a river that supplies water to Shanghai.... Authorities had little immediate explanation on how so many dead pigs ended up the river or what killed them. Pork is China's primary meat and China's around half a billion pigs often live in conditions ripe for spreading disease. One industry expert said the mass deaths indicated a disease outbreak, possibly on a single farm."


Anonymous said...

Maybe Mayor Bloomberg should worry about all the bodies in the East River...

Kirk Parker said...

"... or what killed them."



rhhardin said...

They drowned diving for pearls.

Amartel said...

The problem of what people are drinking:

1. If it's the government's actual responsibility, then the problem is of little importance; people like pigs so pig-flavored water is no big deal!

2. If it's an expansion of the government's traditional scope and role, then it's a big big problem which must be addressed immediately call the cops that slurpee is getting away.

edutcher said...

Dumping the dead is a hallowed tradition in Red China.

You could always tell Spring had sprung by the surge of dead into Hong Kong Harbor.

Clyde said...

When you have air quality that is the equivalent of living in an airport smoker's lounge, what's a little dead-pig-water among friends? Besides, that's probably not the most toxic thing in their water supply. Sometimes our EPA goes overboard on politically-motivated (i.e., 'global warming') crusades, but not having one (as in China's case) appears to be even worse. It's the 'tragedy of the commons' writ large.

Tim said...

Thomas Friedman was unavailable for comment.

test said...

Kirk Parker said...
"... or what killed them."



Zombies. In the book World War Z - which is at least nominally becoming a Brad Pitt film - the Zombie pathogen was first transmitted to humans in a lake in China. I say nominally because the character Pitt plays wasn't in the book, so its not clear if they follow the plot much at all.

Fritz said...

Thomas Friedman would be so proud.

bagoh20 said...

You have to admit that bacon does make everything better. They may start a fad with this. I imagine jumping in the shower and being enveloped in the eye opening smell of bacon. That would be awesome. And no more need for skin lotions or hair conditioner. And did you ever try making love in a Jacuzzi? It will now be worth trying again. We have stumbled upon a great turning point in human history.

Rusty said...

China. Even the water tastes like bacon!

Cedarford said...

Too many people, eroding not just quality of air, but water. The Chinese one-child policy is right. Woe to the RTL fanatics that cheer 12 kid families in Haiti and Muslim countries.
Actually more woe to the hapless 3rd worlders unless do-gooders can get 500 million or so surplus ones to the West so that they can share in the unlimited wealth and jobs the West has....but woe eventually to the right to life whackos. That see each baby born in lands with strained resources and limited (so far) ecological collapse) as a gift to Jesus.
Even if they grow up killing or repressing Christians..

Kirk Parker said...

I'll just stick with "Woe to C4".

Go read your demographers, stupid.

Curious George said...

"Clyde said...
Sometimes our EPA goes overboard on politically-motivated (i.e., 'global warming') crusades, but not having one (as in China's case) appears to be even worse. It's the 'tragedy of the commons' writ large."

What are you talking about...China has it's own "EPA". It's just that it is not answerable to the people. That's the lesson, not the lack of government oversight.

john said...

Still climbing from 2800.

They now have their March 11.

Wince said...

Did they radiate cold shafts of broken glass?

garage mahal said...

It's estimated that 90% of China's groundwater is polluted, Or as Wisconsin Republican would say, 10% more to go!

cold pizza said...

Talk about adding pork to your environmental bill! -CP

cold pizza said...

Maxwell was unavailable for comment. -CP

Anonymous said...

Re: "Did they radiate cold shafts of broken glass?"

I now have the snorting pig section of that song looping in my head.

Anonymous said...

From Wikipedia:
"he original Pink Floyd pig was designed by Roger Waters and built in December 1976 by the artist Jeffrey Shaw with help of Designers team Hipgnosis, in preparation for shooting the cover of the Animals album. Plans were made to fly the forty-foot, helium-filled balloon over Battersea Power Station on the first day's photo-shoot, with a marksman prepared to shoot the pig down if it broke free. However, the pig was not launched.

On the second day, the marksman wasn't present because no one had told him to return, and the pig broke free due to a strong gust of wind on the third day, gaining a lot of press coverage. It disappeared from sight within five minutes, and was spotted by airline pilots at thirty thousand feet in the air. Flights at Heathrow Airport were cancelled as the huge inflatable pig flew through the path of aircraft, eastwards from Britain and out over the English Channel, finally landing on a rural farm in Kent that night."

Oh, to be a Inflatable Giant Pig Sniper.

cold pizza said...

Scu-Ba Pork. -CP

Writ Small said...

Isn't the problem that people are drinking cities at all?

Apologies to James Taranto.

cold pizza said...

Boaring. -CP

cold pizza said...

Swine flew? Some farmer liquifying his assets? I can't help it guys, something in this story is bringing out my inner-ham. -CP

Unknown said...

Somehow the liberals are making this a conservative problem. I'm not getting the connection.

cold pizza said...

Charlotte was unavailable for comment, but her website did say "Some Pigs!" -CP

bagoh20 said...

"Somehow the liberals are making this a conservative problem. I'm not getting the connection."

You know that centralized big government run by Communists is a conservative thing. It's what they are all about and stuff. Besides that, dead pigs in the drinking water is bad, and bad equals conservative. It's very very simple.

Rusty said...

As god is my witness I thought pigs could swim.

Anonymous said...

It's not as bad as that hotel water tank in Los Angeles a few weeks ago.


kentuckyliz said...

Hell froze over, then thawed; pigs flew, then crashed to earth.

Hence, pigs in rivers.

The water and hamhock is ready.

Just add white beans.

KCFleming said...

Pig tea is gamey.

kentuckyliz said...

Is this any worse than dead hooker water at that one hotel?

Which is worse?

What, at this point, does it matter?

Dave said...

"Kentuckyliz said...Is this any worse than dead hooker water at that one hotel?"

The woman whose body was found in a water tank at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles was a Canadian tourist NOT a "dead hooker." Try working on your reading comprehension.

Dave said...

"Kentuckyliz said...Is this any worse than dead hooker water at that one hotel?"

The woman whose body was found in a water tank at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles was a Canadian tourist NOT a "dead hooker." Try working on your reading comprehension.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Garage - China is run by central planners, communists and corrupt jerks on the take. Democrats admire much about China's governing authority.

garage mahal said...

Garage - China is run by central planners, communists and corrupt jerks on the take

Ya? Scott walker is planning a visit to China real soon. You may be onto something.

kentuckyliz said...'s not reading comprehension, it's memory. Chemobrain.

No insult intended to the dead Canadian tourist.

I am trying to treat my memory problems with green shakes.

Dead hooker water sounds grosser than dead Canadian tourist water.

Nichevo said...

Hey Dave, don't mess with my redhead. Besides how do you know she wasn't slinging her ass on the side to pay for souvenirs? LA isn't cheap.

Nomennovum said...

Meh. I wonder how many dead pigs make their way into the Mississippi, the drinking supply for the Big Easy downriver.

Not to mention all that dead fish.

Nomennovum said...

I suggest the Irish solution: Don't drink water.

Astro said...

You know, the Chinese don't have a word for 'This water tastes like diseased pig shit."

ErnieG said...

Garage - China is run by central planners, communists and corrupt jerks on the take

They're not big on Rule of Law either.