March 13, 2013

And the new Pope is...


UPDATE: The first American Pope. The South American Bergoglio.

AND: Pope Francis... Wikipedia page established.
He consistently preaches a message of compassion towards the poor, but somewho? observers would like him to place a greater emphasis on issues of social justice. Rather than articulating positions on matters of political economy, Bergoglio prefers to emphasize spirituality and holiness, believing that this will naturally lead to greater concern for the suffering of the poor. He has, however, voiced support for social programs, and publicly challenged free-market policies.


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CarolMR said...

About 25 minutes until we find out. And his name will be announced in Latin!

rhhardin said...

Six more weeks of bad weather.

Big Mike said...

Probably a male.

Nonapod said...

Barack Obama!

rhhardin said...

The local Rush affiliate instantly preempted Rush.

KKSF (streaming) hasn't mentioned it even in the news segments.

KKSF is a safer alternative for Rush, obviously.

Beta Rube said...

Judge Judy

Nomennovum said...

I'll go out on a limb: Catholic male.

CarolMR said...

Ouellet, O'Malley, or Scherer. I hope.

Nomennovum said...

And his name will be announced in Latin!

Nomen Novum???

rhhardin said...

I'd propse the Dali Lama video nifty ceremonies.

Peter Hoh said...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A dumb latino.

Tibore said...

We got the smoke, but not the name. I am disappoint, Cardinals. ;)

Tim said...

The Italian, most likely...

X said...

...same as the old pope

guitar riff

edutcher said...

Ann Adair Althouse in a stealth campaign.

The tapes of Abby swung it.

traditionalguy said...

How many draft choices did he cost the Team Christian? And is his Contract fully negotiated with a signing bonus?

And what did Rita Moreno say about his style?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Peter Hoh said...

CarolMR, you've picked three good ones. Here's hoping.

kentuckyliz said...

Cardinal Fang

kentuckyliz said...

Cardinal Biggles

kentuckyliz said...

Guido Sarducci

Peter Hoh said...

I hope Rocco beats CNN and the rest of the old media.

rhhardin said...

All smoke, no mirrors.

Sim said...

Let's hope it's Ouellet.

eelpout said...


Peter Hoh said...

Vatican site:

Darrell said...

Will have "Peter" and "Roman" somewhere in his background. You can run from destiny, but you always turn that corner and meet the woman who is a man with two cigarettes.

Christopher said...

...hated by MSNBC's hosts who declare it a disaster for the Catholic Church?

campy said...

If it's not a half black, half hispanic wheelchair-using lesbian, I'll be pissed.

Emil Blatz said...

Not me!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

George Chackiris?

Nomennovum said...

Andrew Sullivan.

Nomennovum said...

I mean, Andrew Cuomo, not the homo.

rhhardin said...

Incertus the first.

YoungHegelian said...

You gotta hand it to us mackerel-snappers --- we do have a flair for the visually dramatic.

Brian Brown said...

My God. It's Ashley Judd!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

So can we order our commemorative Pope-on-a-Rope via your Amazon portal?

traditionalguy said...

If the Rome Church choses an Italian that would be normal. But it is a bag signal that The Rome Church wants its powers back which have centered in ROME since 315 AD.

The rest of the world is just also there.

Brian Brown said...

I fully expect President Obama to get on TV while the new Pope is talking to offer his congratulations and talk about how he and Moochelle sometimes take the body of Christ, and how he hopes the Pope will help implement ObamaCare.

It would be par for the course.

Peter Hoh said...

Too bad intrade was shut down.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I wonder if they'll let the first lady make the announcement?

Peter Hoh said...

I'm listening to Italian feed. Seems that I've heard Susan Lucci's name mentioned a few times.

She'd be an awesome pope.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Guido Cardinal Sarducci

Darrell said...

Stilton said "White smoke! Obama has thrown Paul Ryan's budget into the fire."

Peter Hoh said...

Ru Paul!

Bob said...

"Just kidding, our bad!"

YoungHegelian said...

I do so hope this new guy brings back the Inquisition & lets us go on a crusade or two.

This "volunteer at your local parish" stuff gets stale after a while, and one misses a good whiff of the Church Militant.

Bob Ellison said...

"Folks, we had a Pope, but we lost him between the dressing room and the bathroom. Give us a minute."

Brian Brown said...

Updated Pope odds: Scola (Italy) -200; Schonborn (Austria) +500; Turkson (Ghana) +600, Scherer (Brazil) +700

Nomennovum said...

Obama has thrown Paul Ryan's budget into the fire.

Thought that was Harry Reid. With Bambi's fiscal cliff proposal. "Fiscal Cliff" not being a pal of Andrew Sullivan and not the new Pope.

Darrell said...

They're waiting for all thge Leftist jokers to finish adding gay/pederast references to his Wiki entry.

Peter Hoh said...

who is that?

Peter Hoh said...

Oh, just the MC.

Baron Zemo said...

The only proper choice is Dolan of course.

Peter Hoh said...

Dark horse.

Argentina lost the Falklands, gained the Vatican.

Brian Brown said...

The new Pope is Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina

Brian Brown said...

The new Pope has taken the name Francis

Rob said...

The Argentine Firecracker.

YoungHegelian said...

The new Pope is Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina

That must be why the crowds spontaneously broke into singing "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina".

Ann Althouse said...

An American Pope!!!

campy said...

A Jesuit.

Seeing Red said...

He's 76? They couldn't have chosen someone younger?

Freeman Hunt said...

He has Facebook:

YoungHegelian said...

Notice: Bergoglio

He's an Argentinian-Italian, of which there are very many in Argentina.

So, there's a link to the old country to keep the Italians in line.

kentuckyliz said...

Peter the Roman

CarolMR said...

An American Pope!!! - Ann


Freeman Hunt said...

Andrew Sullivan is going to be pissed that it was another Catholic again.

kentuckyliz said...

Pope Francis!

What's new Buenos Aires
Stand back
You oughtta know what you're going to get in me--
just a little touch of popality

BarrySanders20 said...

A wise latino continues the blog theme.

Buenas suerte, papa Franco.

tiger said...

1) Surprised at how fast this happens.

2) He's old - at 76. I read a few years back that we will never see a 'young' Pope ala JPII because the Cardinals fear he will live long enough to have a profound effect on the Church.

Well this guy and the last one seem to offer some proof of that.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Freeman Hunt said...

Andrew Sullivan is going to be pissed that it was another Catholic again.

3/13/13, 2:21 PM


Darrell said...

An American Pope!!! - Ann


Let me tell you a little story of the Americas--North and South.

Brian Brown said...

Argentine Jorge Bergoglio is first pope from the Americas and first from outside Europe in more than a millennium

kentuckyliz said...

You'd think an Argentinian would be wearing a green and yellow bikini bottom and letting a little cheek hang out

Rob said...

Francis the Mawkin Tool

Anonymous said...

This will take Argentina's mind off the Malvinas and their economic malaise for a few weeks.

Freeman Hunt said...

Interesting. Argentina has been facing incredible challenges. I wonder if he's taken any public stands on the government policies there.

Darrell said...

Elected to "finish" out the term of Pope Benedict---kicking the can down the road. And tipping the hat to Latins, in the meantime.

Peter Hoh said...

Sullivan: Two obvious first thoughts. The first Jesuit Pope, named after arguably the greatest saint, Francis, and from Latin America. Those are big precedents. And they give me some hope.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The pontiff formerly known as Jorge...

Nomennovum said...

An American Pope!!!

America ends at the Rio Grande, por favor, Ann Althouse.

Freeman Hunt said...

Also Sullivan:

3.24 pm. Here’s what he recently wrote about marriage equality in Argentina:

“Let’s not be naive, we’re not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God.”

So marriage equality is the work of Satan. Oh well.

YoungHegelian said...

So, if he's a Jesuit, and Jesuits take a special vow of obedience to the Pope, does he wake up every morning from now on, look himself in the mirror, and say "Just do everything I tell you to do, asshole!"?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Peter Hoh said...

Sullivan: Two obvious first thoughts. The first Jesuit Pope, named after arguably the greatest saint, Francis, and from Latin America. Those are big precedents. And they give me some hope.

3/13/13, 2:26 PM

Second thoughts..the new pope has clashed with Presidente Kirchner about legalization of gay marriage.

Sully's hopes dashed.

kentuckyliz said...

In honor of Pope Francis, I am going to sing along with Evita highlights and drink rum drinks tonight.

But wait...I am getting the plenary indulgence right now.

Freeman Hunt said...

(But my original Sullivan comment was a joke. All may feel free to swap Sullivan out for the NYT or any other entity that wishes the Church would hurry up and get with the times.)

Anonymous said...

Dramatic setting at night, cameras, huge crowd, ... how long before Obama horns in on the action.

"The crowd's here. I thought I'd do a little selling."

Anonymous said...

Blogger kentuckyliz said...

In honor of Pope Francis, I am going to sing along with Evita highlights and drink rum drinks tonight.

..and tango I hope.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The cardinals made a better choice than the American voters.

Bergoglio doesn't think that he is god, unlike Obama.

Seeing Red said...

Freeman, I thought the same thing, I wonder if he'll be like JPII?

YoungHegelian said...


But wait...I am getting the plenary indulgence right now.

Remember to buy it through the Professor's Amazon portal to show your appreciation.

Just don't tell that Marty Luther guy. You know it always gets his nose out of joint.

edutcher said...

After Francis of Assisi, very cool.

traditionalguy said...

If the Rome Church choses an Italian that would be normal. But it is a bag signal that The Rome Church wants its powers back which have centered in ROME since 315 AD.

The rest of the world is just also there.

Yes, we've had a Pole, a Germen, there have been French Popes.

tg, leave the Church alone, you're starting to beclown yourself like Diamond.

Darrell said...

That's Franciscum to you, buddy!

rhhardin said...

He speaks Latin.

Seeing Red said...

So do we take bets that this is the last Pope?

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

And chimichurri.

YoungHegelian said...

I wonder what the Franciscans think of a Jesuit taking their head-dudes name. I mean, Oy veh, but in Latin.

A Catholic joke:

A Franciscan wrote the Vatican asking if he could smoke a cigarette while saying the Divine Office, and he was told "Certainly not! It would be disrespectful!"

A Jesuit wrote in asking if he could say the Divine Office while smoking a cigarette, and he was commended for his spiritual zeal.

Seeing Red said...

While back in the real world:

The Obama administration is drawing up plans to give all U.S. spy agencies full access to a massive database that contains financial data on American citizens and others who bank in the country, according to a Treasury Department document seen by Reuters.

The proposed plan represents a major step by U.S. intelligence agencies to spot and track down terrorist networks and crime syndicates by bringing together financial databanks, criminal records and military intelligence. The plan, which legal experts say is permissible under U.S. law, is nonetheless likely to trigger intense criticism from privacy advocates.....

Off of Drudge.

Anonymous said...

where's Maria Bartiromo telling us how the markets react to the news?

n.n said...

The market exists to fairly adjudicate the disposition of finitely accessible and available resources, both natural and human. When it is free of monopolies and monopolistic practices, especially those enforced through authority or other coercive forces, then it represents an objective mechanism for price determination.

As for social programs, they should focus on rehabilitation with accountability. While it is undesirable for producers to exploit consumers, it is equally undesirable for consumers to exploit producers through fraudulent intent and representation.

As for social justice, in the course of addressing real and manufactured disparities, we should respect individual dignity and the intrinsic value of human life. It should be very clear why it is desirable to avoid historical redistributive and retributive change cycles.

It is dissociation of risk which causes corruption. It is dreams of instant (or immediate) gratification (e.g. material, physical, ego) which motivates its progress. It is a selective interpretation of reality which denies its inviolable principles.

Darrell said...

For those just joining us---

n.n. = numb nuts = betamax3000 shtick. Intrade probability approaching 1. The joke? You writing a thoughful response to nonsense.

I'm Full of Soup said...

In my freshman year of high school the religion teacher was a Jesuit priest, Father Bradley. He chain smoked in class and threw me off the football when he caught me smoking cigarettes and cutting Friday morning mass. He was at least 70 years old - tough old guy.

Indigo Red said...

Pope Frankie Uno preaches a message of compassion towards the poor, spirituality and holiness, concern for the suffering, support for social programs, and publicly challenges free-market policies.

Wow, who woulda guessed? Such new and novel positions.

edutcher said...

Seeing Red said...

So do we take bets that this is the last Pope?

Too late.

The world ended last December 21st.

Anonymous said...

What's his position on the Falklands?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Just like a latino. As Soon as he makes it, he changes his name.

No puede negar.

Indigo Red said...

You mean The Malvinas?

madAsHell said...

The first American Pope.

It's too bad he is so melanin challenged, otherwise, we could give him a Nobel Peace Prize for showing up.

Baron Zemo said...

Now if he just excommunicates Andrew Cuomo, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the Kennedys we will be cooking with gas.

Indigo Red said...

Remember - not all Latinos do landscaping.

lemondog said...

Live Video

Baron Zemo said...

If Ricky Ricardo was alive he would say that is racist.

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

Hay Papa!

When Althouse said 'American', my heart sank 15 floors and spilt out onto the underground parking garage, caromed off my lumbar spine, circled the pelvic rim like a wobbly free throw, and came to rest, quivering in fibrillatory anomie.

I thought My God, the Unitarians have won!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

What's his position on the Falklands?


Nomennovum said...

What's his position on the Falklands?

Actually, he's about 1,180 milies to the left of the Falkland Islands.

Anonymous said... one of the Medici popes said, "Now that we have the papacy, let's enjoy it."

Christopher said...

I was going to make a comment about how the most common joke during the coverage seemed to be "X is surprised the Pope is Catholic", but after looking at some of the reactions online some people do seem genuinely shocked that the newly chosen Pope has traditional Catholic views.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

He looks like Uncle Junior.

n.n said...


Yes, I realize that is a possibility. However, I am unreasonably motivated to express my opinion anyway.

I am looking for that objective angle which uniquely eludes the emotional sense. This is why I am bound to follow the likely infinite permutations of the semantic space to optimally interpret reality.

At least that is my hope. There is no way to predict loss of integrity from now until then. Greater men than I have exchanged their liberty, and that of others, for submission with benefits, which was followed with rationalization through semantic games.

By the way, n.n = nuclear nemesis. I am not familiar with "numb nuts". Is he my well-intentioned doppelganger?

Incidentally, I do not generally support retributive (or redistributive) change, but as the equivalence principle has been distorted and exploited... Well, we live in interesting times. For now, I have a rhetorical interest. I await the consensus of millions.

CarolMR said...

Edutcher, Pope Francis I is an Argentine of Italian descent.

Baron Zemo said...

The reason why people are shocked is that they can't believe that some Catholics actually believe in what the church teaches.

Because they are fooled by the pretend Catholics like the Kennedys, Bidens, Cuomos and Peolsi's of the world.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

No more wine at communion...

Its mate from now on.

Freeman Hunt said...

Someone at CNN said that was his Facebook page, but it's really a page created by two other people in support of him.

Darrell said...

Someone at CNN said that was his Facebook page

As long as he's not posting here as n.n., it's cool.

Donald said...

I think some of you are wrong in concluding he chose Francis to honor Francis of Assisi. It's more likely Francis Xavier, to honor one of the first Jesuits.

Lyle said...

Let us pray that he is not too Argentine.

Anonymous said...

Does he want the Falklands back?

That's unfair, but with all thies media coverage, I'm half expecting him to sing a number with Justin Beiber, drop the mic down and declare his commitment to environmentalism, gay rights, and the plight of the Delta Smelt.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

No se puede negar.

The Church has come a long way.

Seeing Red said...

The important question is,

Does he tango?

Fritz said...

"Blogger Indigo Red said...

You mean The Malvinas?"

No, the Maldives...

Roger J. said...

interesting choice--a Jesuit and a pope from outside Europe--suggest to me that the church recognizes they have a substantial constituency in the world rather than Europe--good move by the church

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Does he tango?

Its possible

Chip Ahoy said...

Nueva visión del mundo.

LoafingOaf said...

The reason why people are shocked is that they can't believe that some Catholics actually believe in what the church teaches.

The church's teachings have been changing for centuries to catch up with changing public opinions. Often they feel so ashamed of their prior views that they go around the world apologizing.

Because they are fooled by the pretend Catholics like the Kennedys, Bidens, Cuomos and Peolsi's of the world.

One doesn't have to agree with the leadership of the church to be a Catholic. If they did, Paul Ryan has a lot of answering to for his disagreements with Pope Francis.

No surprise that the Althouse crowd is already making the selection of the Pope all about their partisan politics. Partisan politics is all you people think about, 24/7, ain't it? It's why so many people can barely stand to look in these comments sections anymore.

kentuckyliz said...

Francis Xavier...missions to Asia...missionary you think that is his goal and priority?

The church is talking a lot about evangelization.

Anonymous said...

Oh lighten up Francis

Probably not the first to say that but too busy to read the comments.

Roger J. said...

By my limited sample of Hispanics in the US seems to me Pentecostals are gaining some latino adherents--perhaps the conclave saw it this way too.

kentuckyliz said...

He is right. A converted heart has greater concern for the welfare of others and all of humanity. That is how you effect social change. It's not going to happen merely by commentary by church leaders and no radical conversion of heart by the top half of society.

Sorry if that popped your bubble. You may go back to Building Bigger Barns (TM) now.

Nonapod said...

LoafingOaf said...

It's why so many people can barely stand to look in these comments sections anymore.

Who are all these people who don't read the comments of a blog who's topics are largely political in nature because they're too "partisan"?

campy said...

It's why so many people can barely stand to look in these comments sections anymore.

Don't force yourself on our account.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The important question is,

What does the new pope do to relieve stress?

Fr Martin Fox said...

FYI, he's Pope Francis...and that's it. No "primo" until there's a "secundo."

Pope John Paul I was an exception, but I think the reason for that was that he was succeeding John XXIII and Paul VI, so what number is he then? JP 23 + 6?

My reaction? This isn't who I looked for, and since I had high hopes for someone else, I'm disappointed.

But that only shows that what I want has no special purchase on God. And why should it?

Titus said...

She's no Evita.

Chip S. said...

He used to be Archbishop of Buenos Aires. A su pueblo, he's accepting a demotion.

Shouting Thomas said...

Father George, here in Woodstock, was hoping that Cardinal Dolan would be elected.

He predicted that Dolan would win.

Oh, well!

Baron Zemo said...

Why don't you limit yourself to looking up Sarah Palins skirt like you normally do Loaf?

Roger J. said...

Fr Martin--care to share your first choice?

Shouting Thomas said...

Partisan politics is all you people think about, 24/7, ain't it?

No, but that is, you know, sorta the purpose of this blog, isn't it?

So, maybe you've got your head up your ass?

Roger J. said...

ST--nationalism aside, I don't see much possibility for an American pope in the near future--the American church appears to me to be entirely out of step with the rest of the church--especially the church outside Europe-America

Its the catholics church--they can select whomever they chose.

Bob said...

The first Jesuit. That translates to "learn your doctrine, behave, or else".

Interesting & smart choice. He has a firm link to Italy but from outside Europe. Traditional in many ways but concerned with "social justice" and has pushed back against both capitialism and statism. He probably will move to clean up the organizational & financial mess.

At 76 he's a caretaker, a transition while the real debate commences inside the Vatican as to the next Pope. The debate can occur in private and without the time pressure.

Bob Ellison said...

Drudge on Francis: "Has one lung..."

Hell, I've got two of them. It's like they don't even know what they want in a pope.

Roger J. said...

What Bob said--well done

Baron Zemo said...

My personal choice was Cardinal
John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan of Nigeria.

I think he would have kicked ass and taken names like the nuns and monks who used to kick my ass in Catholic school.

YoungHegelian said...


He predicted that Dolan would win.

The Church has a history of NOT choosing a Pope from the country that is leading temporal power of its epoch.

That history also dovetails nicely with present day fact that the American Church is not much beloved by the hierarchy (especially the Europeans --- surprise, surprise).

Fr Martin Fox said...


I wouldn't say I had a "first" choice, because honestly, I don't know enough about these men to feel comfortable zeroing in on just one.

However, based on the things I hope the new pontiff would pursue, the two I would have been most happy with would have been Cardinal Raymond Burke or Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith.

This choice just took me by surprise. I don't know what to make of it, but I don't worry about it as too many do.

Shouting Thomas said...

Latin America and Africa are the evangelical growth areas for Catholicism.

Makes sense to choose a Pope from one of those regions.

Fr Martin Fox said...


I might add, I didn't predict either of those guys. I thought Scola would get it.

lemondog said...

Roger J. said...
What Bob said--well done


Baron Zemo said...

The problem with the American church is we have gotten away from the basics. We are too much like the Protestants.

I mean I went to Mass in New Jersey and didn't see one statute with St Lucy with her eyeballs on a plate or St Michael killing a dragon or St Sebastian full of arrows. There wasn't even Jesus on the Cross. All they had were circles and sunrise and triangles and stuff.

It might as well have been the Unitarians or something.

Roger J. said...

Padre: thanks for the kind response--although not a catholic myself, I think the choice of a Jesuit was excellent--and as others have noted, it seems to me the church recognizes their role outside Europe-North America. I wish Pope Francis every success in his papacy.

lemondog said...

... with St Lucy with her eyeballs on a plate...

Had me howling with laughter.

Not a Catholic so had to Wiki Lucy.

YoungHegelian said...

@Baron Z,

It might as well have been the Unitarians or something.

And don't even get me started on those bleeping St. Louis Jesuit sappy hymns!

Oh my God, unsingable! All the great Gregorian chant we've got, and all the great Protestant hymns, and we sing that tripe!

And you would never, ever know that Catholic Church music includes Mozart, Haydn, Monteverdi, Schubert, Palestrina, DesPrez, Machaut, Perotin, Victoria, Guerrero..... And, yes, the list really does go on & on!

jr565 said...

Social justice is a euphemism for far left dogma. I'm all for justice but not "social justice".

Roger J. said...

Young Hegelian--wasn't it CS Lewis who said the proof of the existence of God is the sacred music of the baroque? (well Bach was a Lutheran, but he did do the mass in B minor in the catholic form)

Shouting Thomas said...

Social justice is a euphemism for far left dogma.

The term has a different meaning within the Church. I won't attempt to explain, because I don't entirely understand.

Pope John Paul II told the Catholic Marxists to chuck the far left dogma.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm all for justice but not "social justice".

I'm with you... I'm for doing away with the two drink minimum.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, yes, the Church could definitely upgrade its music.

I wasn't around at the time that the huge revision to the missal occurred, so I don't entirely understand what happened.

I get tired of playing the duds from the missal.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

My aunt....who is only just a few years older than I, is Argentinian of Italian heritage. Her mother and father both 'escaped' from Italy before WWII to Argentina to live with relatives that were already there. This is a really big deal for the Catholics in the Americas and in the Latin areas especially, where the church is still quite conservative.

That he is a Jesuit, is a really big deal.

YoungHegelian said...


Bach was a Lutheran,

Yes, he was, but much of that music is respectably serviceable for a modern Catholic service. Let anyone knows or cares about doctrinal differences that might be expressed in a Bach cantata.

Also, the Baroque French, Italian, & southern Germans Catholic composers produced reams & reams of hunky-dory stuff. Maybe not J.S. Bach, but still damn good!

Bruce Hayden said...

At 76 he's a caretaker, a transition while the real debate commences inside the Vatican as to the next Pope. The debate can occur in private and without the time pressure.

But wasn't the last Pope a caretaker, or maybe a transitional, Pope? That seems to have been my memory of the commentary when he was selected. With someone this old, and now precedent of a possible Papal retirement, it seems very possible that he might not serve long enough for that debate to conclude satisfactorily before the next Pope is selected.

Roger J. said...

Young Hegelian--agree entirely. The music of the Baroque was quintessentialy religious in nature--Listen to the music of the Gabriellis as sung in St Marks. And even Handel who delivered the Hallelujah chorus followed it up with the soprano aria "I know that my redeemer livith," perhaps the most elegant and beautiful statement of faith in the entire canon.

Aridog said...

Loafingoaf sez ...

... is all you people think about ...

Well, alrighty caught us! We can't join your special club...sob.

Oh, wait ... who'd want to?

Patrick said...

And, yes, the Church could definitely upgrade its music.

No kidding. Just listening to the music at my parish, one would think there is a prohibition of music that someone just might find uplifting, or Heaven forbid, enjoyable.

Not saying we need pop music or anything, but it's not like there's nothing but these dirges from which to choose.

carrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carrie said...

He's a Jesuit, so of course he puts a big emphasis on social justice.

mtrobertsattorney said...

A Jesuit pope? If I were Bishop Molino, I would be more than a little nervous.

Baron Zemo said...

I don't want those Protestant hymns in Church.

I mean Amazing Grace is a great hymn and all but it is for the Prods.

Sidney Poitier should be singing it while he working on the Lilies in the field or something but not in a Catholic church. Jimmy Carter should be humming it while he was lusting in his heart over Helen Thomas.

I mean they even have a hymn in the missal to the tune of "Moon Shadow" by that dirty Cat Stevens for crying out loud.

What next? Are they gonna sing "Born this Way" as the communion hymn.

gadfly said...

Wiki is totally factual and displays no bias - NOT!

Conservative Wiki editors (do they exist?) would not permit such bull droppings.

Renee said...

Social Justice was term created by the Church, in the early 70s the progressives took the name and went with it.

Shouting Thomas said...

What next? Are they gonna sing "Born this Way" as the communion hymn.

Is the Pope Catholic?

Anonymous said...

I mean they even have a hymn in the missal to the tune of "Moon Shadow" by that dirty Cat Stevens for crying out loud.

You are thinking of "Morning has Broken", which while a hit for Cat Stevens, was written as a hymn (albeit an Anglican one).

rhhardin said...

Mary Ann Madden, New York magazine unusual greeting cards contest:

Saw your smoke
Now you're Pope

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Some say I'm a Jesuit.. some, a Franciscan... but what about you, asks the new pope. Who do you say I am"

Titus answered...

"You're no Evita."

Shouting Thomas said...

You are thinking of "Morning has Broken", which while a hit for Cat Stevens, was written as a hymn (albeit an Anglican one).

Yes, it did happen the other way around. Hymn first.

I'm beginning to get the inevitable FB comments from people who hate the Catholic Church, but want to force it to approve of abortion and gay marriage, and are mightily offended that the Church advocates its own doctrine.

What in God's name are these people thinking? I guarantee you they wouldn't go berserk in this way about Buddhism or Hindu.

lemondog said...

..unusual greeting cards

Pope-up card?

I'm Full of Soup said...

The Catholic church must allow priests to marry or the church will die faater and faster. At one time, the country had big families with 8-10 kids and the parents were thrilled to see one become a priest. Now families have 2 maybe 3 kids and no way do they want to "lose" one to a life as a celibate priest. The alternative is to let priests marry & have families.

sakredkow said...

Wiki is totally factual and displays no bias - NOT!

Conservative Wiki editors (do they exist?) would not permit such bull droppings.

I can't understand what the appeal of playing the victim is.

edutcher said...

CarolMR said...

Edutcher, Pope Francis I is an Argentine of Italian descent.

So is Linda Cristal.

He's an Argie, not an Eyetie.

LoafingOaf said...

The reason why people are shocked is that they can't believe that some Catholics actually believe in what the church teaches.

The church's teachings have been changing for centuries to catch up with changing public opinions. Often they feel so ashamed of their prior views that they go around the world apologizing.

Oaf is sounding like Hatman trying to rationalize the last 50 years as opposed to the last 500.

Next we'll hear how the Church is about to go all Gay Positive, right?

Because they are fooled by the pretend Catholics like the Kennedys, Bidens, Cuomos and Peolsi's of the world.

One doesn't have to agree with the leadership of the church to be a Catholic.

These are what are known as cafeteria Catholics. The only kind people like Oaf like.

No surprise that the Althouse crowd is already making the selection of the Pope all about their partisan politics. Partisan politics is all you people think about, 24/7, ain't it? It's why so many people can barely stand to look in these comments sections anymore.

Which is why we have so many obsessive Lefties lurking all the time.

Patrick said...

The Catholic church must allow priests to marry or the church will die faater and faster. At one time, the country had big families with 8-10 kids and the parents were thrilled to see one become a priest. Now families have 2 maybe 3 kids and no way do they want to "lose" one to a life as a celibate priest. The alternative is to let priests marry & have families.

Hasn't worked for other religions.

edutcher said...

Very good point.

The Church is having a hard time in this country because it's veered away from the old time religion, as it were.

Steven said...

Hmmm. First Pope to take a new regnal name that isn't a reference to a previous Pope or Popes.

("John Paul" was an obvious ref to previous popes, last new papal name before that was "Lando", who just kept his ordinary name instead of taking a new regnal name.)

KCFleming said...

Our modern world:

Things would be so much better if only men acted more like women, and Catholics acted more like atheists.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Catholic church must allow priests to marry or the church will die faater and faster.

The Church isn't dying.

Believe me, I play organ at three parishes, and services are well attended.

There is a shortage of white priests, but no shortage of black African or Filipino priests. They make very good priests, indeed.

Roger J. said...

ST: damn sir. are you telling modern priests don't look link bing Crosby, spencer tracy or barry fitzgerald? I am aghast. How could this happen?

JAL said...

Anyone checked out what The Anchoress has to say? Think I'll mosey on over there after I get some stuff done.

Hope your heart is back in place and ticking normally, Pogo.

LordSomber said...

It's why so many people can barely stand to look in these comments sections anymore.

Nobody comes here anymore. It's too crowded.

Shouting Thomas said...

Things would be so much better if only men acted more like women, and Catholics acted more like atheists.

That seems to be the argument.

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