February 19, 2013

"Yep. [The press corps] 'neared rebellion' not over OLC memos or drone strikes or FOIA tardiness or leak prosecutions..."

"... but over their inability to ask Obama questions — tough ones! penetrating ones!—before and after he hit the links. Sheesh."


Charlie Currie said...

Student media.


Wince said...

I'm getting a jilted lover vibe.

"I'm not going to be ignored, Barack" and boiled bunnies.

KCFleming said...

Oh, bullshit.

Suddenly they're journalists? Please.

Anonymous said...

Obama the boyfriend better show up and bring some flowers.

Mary Beth said...

The press as the over possessive girlfriend.

kentuckyliz said...

They're groveling skanks. They put out big time and now they're regretting being so loose.

edutcher said...

One gets the feeling the Messiah doesn't even trust his loyal acolytes with the truth on this one.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Obsolete group = White House press corpse.

Mary Beth said...

What questions do they think they're missing out on? "Mr. President, how is it that you just get more awesome every day?"

furious_a said...

Like when asylum inmates riot not over inhumane conditions but over having their pudding cups taken away.

KCFleming said...

Fighting to see whom is the most cunning linguist.

Tim said...

I'm guessing even the most enthusiastic presidential felcher grows disgusted once they ruminate on what they're actually doing...but this little kerfuffle will dissipate after the press swallows its remnant pride and realize it's joined at the hip, for better or for worse, with this failed president it tries to shore up, ever and ever.

bagoh20 said...

Why do you want to rob banks? That's where the money is? Why ask Obama questions on the links?...

YoungHegelian said...

Obama treating the press like shit goes back to the 2008 campaign days.

The McCain campaign tried very hard to be nice to the them. A fat lot of good it did McCain's coverage.

The only reason the press is bitching now is because they know that no matter what they write it can't damage Obama's re-election chances.

It's wrong to say the press are whores, though. Whores actually provide a useful service for the money.

AlanKH said...

Who in the effing hell ever asked Obama a tough question?

TmjUtah said...


They get to ride in the caddy every once in a while, if they are good little girls.

WTF did they think this was going to be like, after what they did to get him elected?

Rosalyn C. said...

Tough questions like how much did this weekend cost the taxpayers, including Michelle's trip to Aspen? Or didn't you guys just splurge in Hawaii six weeks ago?

Or tough questions like what kind of golf balls do you use? Do you prefer irons or hybrids? Carbon fiber or steel shafts? etc. Important matters people need to know.

mccullough said...

It's not like Presidents answer any of the tough questions anyway. Covering the president is the least interesting job in news.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama is holding them in emotional sequester... what did they do or say that Obama didn't like.

The frustration is one of I-dont know-what-I'm-supposed-to-do-if-even-when-I-do-what-he-wants-he-still-not-happy.

Wah Wah lesson.

When a breakup is not in the cards, these things will happen.

bagoh20 said...

I know he treats me bad, but you don't understand him. We have something special, and I know I can change him. I love him for the man I know he can be.

Levi Starks said...

Obama = Chris Brown

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

girl, yo man is a player.

Chip Ahoy said...

Eye vunt

two bee



I've made this so very clear and yet here you are. $1,5000 a night for each cottage for me, and all four cottages, plus all the course fees, and $77.00 a night for you. And as for my wife, that's a whole other thing, so go talk to her about that.

And all this time I thought my friends should just give it to me, they're supporters after all, then it occurred to me, why should they?

Sorun said...

I finally get Sarah Palin's "lamestream media" tag.

Anonymous said...

If you think Charles`s story is unbelievable,, five weaks-ago my sisters mother in-law basically brought home $8446 putting in an eleven hour week at home and the're buddy's step-mother`s neighbour has done this for eight months and errned over $8446 in their spare time from their labtop. apply the instructions from this website, http://fly26.com

Chip Ahoy said...

You know, Pierre, I do find that unbelievable. Unbelievable indeed.

You know what's also unbelievable? A baked potato that is so flavorful with regular flavors that you can hardly even stand it because you're used to bland potatoes, that's what. It's so unbelievable I have to prove it.

kentuckyliz said...

What would this rebellion look like?

What can they threaten? --especially if he refuses to engage.

edutcher said...

To tell the truth?

That unemployment is 23%

That inflation is 10%

That we're heading for another crash.

rhhardin said...

The audience wants soap opera, so that's what the press has to provide.

MSM news is a business.

Drones and presidential economic illiteracy would turn off the audience, so they don't cover it in any case.

Hard news has never sold.

The right strategy is ridicule the MSM and its audience until it's clear to them that they're watching As the World Turns, not news.

Then maybe it won't influence their vote.

ddh said...

Jeff Zeleny, NYT reporter, to President Obama:

"During these first 100 days, what has surprised you the most about this office, enchanted you the most about serving in this office, humbled you the most and troubled you the most?"

Anonymous said...

Obama unchained.

edutcher said...

You'd think these geniuses would realize they brought this on themselves after MSLSD hired Axelrod as a "commentator".

I guess David Gregory can include fellatrix in his accomplishments now.

Robert Cook said...

Since when has anyone in the DC press corp asked tough, probing questions of the president or his mouthpieces since Helen Thomas was put out to pasture?

Larry J said...

Before all is said and done, Obama will have benefited from the longest Press blowjob in American history. For the Press to complain that Obama doesn't take them seriously is laughable.

KCFleming said...

No, he won't respect you in the morning.

lemondog said...

Boo Hoo.

He is their creature.

KCFleming said...

"The press corps 'neared rebellion'..."

I shall write a strongly worded letter!

Anonymous said...

The Press as been giving the President journalistic blowjobs for so long they just want some reciprocal action. It's only fair after all...

lemondog said...

btw, if you have not, listen to Russ Roberts ECONTALK interview with Glenn Rynolds.

Pretty good.

lemondog said...

The press corps 'neared rebellion'..."

Set 'em off on his lack of forthrightness on golf scores?

Where is the Cymbalta.

virgil xenophon said...

No wonder the WH reporters are petulant, it's damned difficult to keep one's face locked into Obama's crotch when he's on the links..

rhhardin said...

pjm has a disastrous new comment system.

All old comments are gone.

You need a facebook account to comment.

Apparently it's been taken over by the Obama administration.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The day Althouse switches to facebook that will be it for me.

ricpic said...

So Helen Thomas is your heroine, Cookie? Got it. No longer the slightest question who you are.

lincolntf said...

Poor little journos are of no use to Obama after his reelection, so they'll get the back of his hand. Same as every other citizen. It's Obamatime, bitchez. He'll do what he wants, when he wants.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Gee, I really don't know.

It always seemed to me like it was good advice: "You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you."


* dejecticates *

Known Unknown said...

Sam Donaldson is rolling over in his grave.

Oh, he's not dead? Sorry ...

Known Unknown said...

"During these first 100 days, what has surprised you the most about this office, enchanted you the most about serving in this office, humbled you the most and troubled you the most?"

I don't think that's an awful question to ask any President after 100 days. But to still ask it 1,490 days in ... that's a problem.

Known Unknown said...

If you think Charles`s story is unbelievable,, five weaks-ago my sisters mother in-law basically brought home $8446 putting in an eleven hour week at home and the're buddy's step-mother`s neighbour has done this for eight months and errned over $8446 in their spare time from their labtop. apply the instructions from this website, http://fly26.com

If you're going to spam, at least have the courtesy to program your robots with proper spelling.

Known Unknown said...

I actually like Bill Maher's one six-year term "idea.*"

Imagine what a President would do if he/she never had to campaign?

One shot. That's all you get.

*- not his original idea. Many countries already have single six-year terms. He just brought it up recently.

campy said...

Obama is AWESOME!!!

Humperdink said...

I'd like a 6 year term for Maher. The guy is a flaming idiot. Another OweBama sycophant, just in a different venue.

Known Unknown said...

I'd like a 6 year term for Maher. The guy is a flaming idiot. Another OweBama sycophant, just in a different venue.

I'll give him one thing — he doesn't kowtow to Islamofascists.

Illuninati said...

Perhaps Obama needs the MSM more than ever to get his message out so he can permanently transform the nation. The next steps to change the USA forever are crucial, and require a totally compliant press.

Obama has very smart advisers who understand that if someone else (here the MSM) is totally dependent on your good will, you can control them better if you keep them on edge. If you punish a subservient for no reason, that is very effective in increasing their psychological dependence and guaranteeing their unquestioning obedience. Effective dictators such as Stalin or Hitler were masters of this technique.

Rich B said...

Kevin Drum seems to have trouble remembering Benghazi.

Titus said...

Anything that has the word "memorabilia" attached to it sounds gross.

Anonymous said...

The saying:

"Why buy the cow when the milk is free."

The press has been on its knees for Obama since 2007. And they wonder why he neither respects or fears them now?


bagoh20 said...

Chip, you have the best looking potato I've ever seen on a man.

"So Helen Thomas is your heroine, Cookie?"

I think that makes perfect sense.

Anonymous said...

Anytime someone calls their self a "journalist", you just refer to them as a "reporter". It will drive them nuts.

Robert Cook said...

"So Helen Thomas is your heroine, Cookie?"


She was virtually alone among the DC Press Corps to ask the succeeding presidents and their spokesmen tough, probing question. I certainly think that's admirable. Don't you?

Does acknowledging a reporter who does her job make her my "heroine?"

Bruce Hayden said...

She was virtually alone among the DC Press Corps to ask the succeeding presidents and their spokesmen tough, probing question.

The problem is that the White House now selects their own press corpse. And, even if you can stay in, they also now control seating. Thomas was essentially grandmothered in, at least until her senility got too obvious.

Robert Cook said...


It's probably more accurate to say the White House Press Corps is self-selected. Those who want access and the high visibility and status of being seen as part of the cohort of "White House reporters" know how to kowtow and bootlick and suck up and apple polish and otherwise ingratiate themselves with the poobahs in power at any given time. Good careerists always know how to do this.

Sam L. said...

Dang peasants are revolting. "You said it. They stink on ice!"

Anonymous said...

They allow him to blow all over their collective face and are now upset that he won't kiss them.

Baron Zemo said...

Cookie she only asked those questions of Republicans or conservatives.

Oh and Jews.

Her favorite questions for them was "Why aren't you dead yet.

Baron Zemo said...

Helen Thomas combined all the best qualities of Cedarford and Inga.

Baron Zemo said...

Here is your basic Helen Thomas interview.

Robert Cook said...

Baron Zemo,

Oh yeah, that was a concerted act of character assassination on the part of those who take umbrage at any suggestion the Palestinians have any human rights or right to live on their land.

Ms. Thomas may have spoken inelegantly, but it's clear what she meant: to the degree Israel's increasing expansion into Palestinian land is driven by a population explosion of people immigrating to Israel, those people should move elsewhere or go back home, rather than displace the Palestinians from their land.

I don't think you would take issue with such a statement or try to dishonestly characterize it as discriminatory if you came home and found your neighbors had demolished your garage and part of your home so they could expand into your lot, and if they had sheriffs there to assault and arrest you if you tried to stop them.

Robert Cook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rusty said...

I don't think you would take issue with such a statement or try to dishonestly characterize it as discriminatory if you came home and found your neighbors had demolished your garage and part of your home so they could expand into your lot, and if they had sheriffs there to assault and arrest you if you tried to stop them.

That depends. Did they aquire my land through conquest?

Joe said...

This country would be far better off if Obama did nothing but go golfing all day, every day. Congress should do the same.

Robert Cook said...

"'I don't think you would take issue with such a statement or try to dishonestly characterize it as discriminatory if you came home and found your neighbors had demolished your garage and part of your home so they could expand into your lot, and if they had sheriffs there to assault and arrest you if you tried to stop them.'

"That depends. Did they aquire my land through conquest?"

Well, Rusty...if your neighbors demolished your garage and part of your home in order to annex your property for their use, it would sure as heck seem that they're trying their best to acquire your property through conquest. What do you think?

Baron Zemo said...

Cookie face the facts. She is an anti-semtic twat.

Stop making excuses.

Baron Zemo said...

Cookie face the facts. She is an anti-semtic twat.

Stop making excuses.

Robert Cook said...

"Cookie face the facts. She is an anti-semtic twat."

If you have other evidence to support your assertion, I'd be happy to consider whether you are correct or not. Based solely on that one video Q & A your assertion (and the accusatory outrage that followed it) is not supported.

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