February 16, 2013

"We might have welcomed him, except for one thing — his pants."

An old Levis ad I ran across by chance. I was playing "Adore," by Prince, intentionally, and when it ended, the next song in alphabetical order came on. It was "Adult Kindergarten," from this "Best of Word Jazz" album, and I went looking for it. The Levis ad, it turns out, is based on another track on that album called "Flibberty Jib." Which isn't about pants.


caplight45 said...

You were "intentionally" listening to Prince? As in by choice, on purpose, willfully?

chickelit said...

Can't you put something else up about "little pants"?

Ann Althouse said...

"You were "intentionally" listening to Prince? As in by choice, on purpose, willfully?"

I've loved Prince for 30 years!

dbp said...

Levi's in Dacron? The past really is a different country.

Roger von Oech said...

I've loved that ad for 40 years, and been a fan of Ken Nordine's Word Jazz even longer. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing.

Roger von Oech said...

I've loved that ad for 40 years, and been a fan of Ken Nordine's Word Jazz even longer. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Wow we're we ever that innocent?

Penny said...

"Levi's in Dacron? The past really is a different country."

Noticed that straight away, dpb. Course I also remember when polyester was a good thing, and then not a good thing.

Seems it is vogue yet again.

There's a lady who hawks polyester on QVC as "Liquid Silk"!

Laughed loud and long the first time. No longer.

"Liquid Silk" helped her carve out a nice big chunk of on-air time that probably makes her one of QVC's top sellers of women's clothing.

Gawd, I hate polyester, but how the heck can you hate a marketing genius.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The vortex is coming... the vortex is coming.

McTriumph said...

Polyester and that fashion adventure set Levis' 100 years well earned reputation and history back exponentially.

Anga2010 said...

Another to reason to look back, askance, at the '70's.

kentuckyliz said...

The plaids, stripes, and prints--eek,my eyes are bleeding'

The Crack Emcee said...

"Adore," by Prince.

Easily the best piece of music ever mentioned (intentionally) on this blog,...