February 18, 2013

Watching the State of the Union with Scott Walker who "offers a Mystery Science Theater-style running commentary."

It's Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard, eating roast beef sandwiches and deviled eggs in the finished basement of the Wisconsin Governor's Mansion.
Obama: “Let’s agree, right here, right now, to keep the people’s government open, pay our bills on time, and always uphold the full faith and credit of the United States of America.” (Walker: “To pay your bills on time means you don’t spend more than you have.”)
Much more at the link.


rehajm said...

The governor, on antibiotics for a sinus infection, opts for an IBC Root Beer

Jeez, he couldn't have helped out the home team with a Sprecher?

bagoh20 said...

MST3K had some hilarious moments as I remember, plus it had that rainy day stoner vibe, which is alluring sometimes.

rehajm said...

I love this- way better than the ex post rebuttal. Can we get Walker's running commentary on the SAP button for the next SOTU?

campy said...

Can we get Walker's running commentary on the SAP button for the next SOTU?

I dunno, won't he be under indictment by then?

Anonymous said...

Well at least he was right on the Spotted Cow.

garage mahal said...

Who is going to annotate this slobbering mess from Hayes? Someone with a lot of time on their hands, that's who.

Scott M said...

I haven't clicked on the link yet. Does Walker have a couple of low-rent robots sitting with him?

Scott M said...

I haven't clicked on the link yet. Does Walker have a couple of low-rent robots sitting with him?

Hagar said...

One of Obama's major problems may be that he thinks Bernanke/Geithner money is real.

Rumpletweezer said...

I haven't had any interest in watching the SOTU since Dennis Miller did commentary during the Clinton years. I still remember a shot of Warren Christopher sitting in the audience and Miller saying, "Who is that, Sam Donaldson's Klingon grandfather?"

Seeing Red said...

This minimum wage thing is really gonna kill us. Why do longshoremen need another raise?

Why do government workers? The feds aren't in Obamacare, we'll be able to tell the rich dems from the rest of us, well, The Party always profits.

edutcher said...

The piece would have been better concentrating on Walker's line by line commentary.

It would give people a bit more insight into how his mind works.

Anonymous said...

A nice way to enjoy the decline, even if Brown is just a fascist-lite and not an anti-lefty. We're both far away from the extreme fascism Obama has imposed and continues to impose upon us.

Plus lefties hate snark sent their way---they are mentally incapable of discerning it unless explained to them, and then get furious at being mocked with "their own" weapons.

Lefties only understand snarkiness when Jon Stewart and his butt buddy, Colbert, are directing it at the non-left. In his few moments when he dares criticize the left, Stewart has to go over the top to explain his snark to his dim-witted trained seal audience.

Plus he's criticizing Mein Obama. No one must be allowed to do so! Burn the heretic! Free speech for me, not for thee (right, Inga the Lying Obama Whore?). Seig Heil, Mein Obama!

Seeing Red said...

How in the hell will kids find summer jobs?

Paul said...

Walker just does not see the advantages of being in debt up to your nose!

The Chineese DEPEND ON US! The Germans DEPEND ON US! The whole world DEPENDS ON US!

We are to big to fail! See?

If the debt gets to big, we will just print more money cause Obama knows it grows on trees! Yes TREES! He proves it every time he goes on vacation.

AllenS said...

Obama: “Let’s agree, right here, right now, to keep the people’s government open, pay our bills on time, and always uphold the full faith and credit of the United States of America.”

Fuck you motherfucker. You haven't done jack shit your whole motherfuckin' life. You piece of affirmative action piece of shit.

Seeing Red said...

I'm at the point where services previously cut are calling to have me come back and I'm telling them "Blame Obama."

We're changing ISPs after almost 15 years and it's gonna be "Blame Obama."

I've discovered the Confounded Interest blog, those charts are scary. WalMart is bitching consumer spending fell after SS went back up to normal.

Wince said...

...in the finished basement of the Wisconsin Governor's Mansion.

Welcome to my underground lair...

"Why must I be surrounded by frickin' idiots?"

Methadras said...

I miss MST3K.

Methadras said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

I miss MST3K.

Agreed. My favorite TV show, though I was definitely a Joel fan; it all got a little too... slick later on.

Seeing Red said...

I always thought they should have riffed Star Wars & the Trek movies.

I think that would have been a riot.

Michael K said...

garage mahal said...

"Who is going to annotate this slobbering mess from Hayes?"

I appoint you. I'm sure you'll be fair.

When's the indictment coming ?

Sam L. said...

Scott M said...

I haven't clicked on the link yet. Does Walker have a couple of low-rent robots sitting with him?

Well, there are some commenters here filling in for them semi-nicely, names redacted.

bagoh20 said...

A major chunk of the people I hire come with no skills whatsoever, and many are not really employable even at minimum wage. They just can't return what they cost, but I hire a lot of them at CA minimum wage, offer them nice health insurance, and spend thousands training them in valuable skills like welding, machining, and the math that goes with it, not to mention the rare skill of being able to show up for work.

Once I've done this, they can now either go find a better paying job elsewhere, or demand that I pay them more to keep them. Either way, they and the country are better off.

Raise the minimum wage and there will be a strong incentive for me to just let a Chinese company do all that investment and send me the finished product like my competitors do.

So now, where do those totally unskilled people go to learn how to support themselves? To public schools, to a university? Of course not, they go to the welfare office - easiest career to learn, with a side business in robbing your house.

Anonymous said...

Garage said:

"Who is going to annotate this slobbering mess from Hayes? Someone with a lot of time on their hands, that's who."

You apparently already did you dumb bastard, or else how would you know it's a "slobbering mess"?

Although given your obvious expertise in slobbering messes, my judgement might be a bit hasty.

Known Unknown said...

I always thought they should have riffed Star Wars & the Trek movies.

I think that would have been a riot.

They have.

Known Unknown said...

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with Joel Hodgson

KCFleming said...

Robot roll call!

Tom Servo!

Alex said...

saying "Scott Walker" is a dog whistle for garage Inshanehal.

Titus said...

I don't want to think, know or see minimum wage people. They need to be somewhere closed off from us.

Titus said...

I am ok with minimum wagers who are under 21 but the others....no thank you. Unless, of course, they are hot.

Amartel said...

Rumpletweezer@ 3:54. Bring back Miller. I so miss that guy.

Titus said...

I don't mind Walker.

How are the jobs doing in Wisconsin?

My main interest is jobs and hog, natch.

Freeman Hunt said...

We watched the Godfather trilogy last week. Why hadn't anyone told us that Godfather 3 was MST3K material? People say it's "not as good" as the other Godfather movies, but it's beyond that. Godfather 3 is a real turkey. (And that's okay. Everybody makes a bad movie sometime. No big deal.) The most incredible thing though is that it got good reviews and Oscar nominations. How did that happen?

Freeman Hunt said...

I'd have watched the SOTU if I could have watched it with Walker's commentary track.

Brian Brown said...

“Let’s agree, right here, right now, to keep the people’s government open, pay our bills on time, and always uphold the full faith and credit of the United States of America.”


Because borrowing to pay debt is like totally paying your billson time!

I'd love to be this bozo's financial adviser...

Revenant said...

Walker's comment about government vs. market-based solutions is a bit off.

You can have market-based solutions with government management. You just can't have solutions based in the FREE market. For example, the auctioning off of sections of the EM spectrum is a government-managed, market-based solution to the question of how to divide up the EM spectrum.

Brian Brown said...

Let’s agree, right here, right now, to keep the people’s government open,

No dipshit, let's not.

Revenant said...

The most incredible thing though is that it got good reviews and Oscar nominations. How did that happen?

Cognitive dissonance. If part 3 was bad that would mean that one of the greatest movie franchises in Hollywood history had a turkey of an ending. Emotionally unacceptable to fans of the originals.

Then again, I'm one of the handful of people who didn't think part 2 was all that great either.

CWJ said...


Politically and socially unacceptable blinding glimpse of the obvious (BGO), but sincerely thank you for that.

Freeman Hunt said...

Part two wasn't all that great. The Michael story line was unfocused and pretty inconsequential. They should have just made the second one entirely about the Vito story line.

Freeman Hunt said...

After the first Godfather ended, I turned to my husband and said, "There are two more? Why? That was perfect. Now we're what? We're supposed to watch him run his business for six hours?"

garage mahal said...

Because borrowing to pay debt is like totally paying your billson time!

Like 500 million in debt restructuring Walker & Republicans did in the last budget.

"Therefore, in total, since May 2011, the state has issued additional debt to restructure, or make the principal payments on, approximately $558.3 million in GPR (general purpose revenue) supported principal that would have otherwise been paid off in 2010-11 and 2011-12.

"As a result, that principal will now remain outstanding for a longer period of time and thus an estimated $156.2 million in additional interest costs could be incurred by the state."

Sort of the opposite of what these jackoffs go around saying isn't it?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

In the not too distant future
Next Sunday, AD
There lived a guy named Joel
Not to different from you and me
He worked at Gizmonic Institute
Just another face in a red jumpsuit
He did a good job cleaning up the place
But his bosses didn't like him so they shot him into spaaaaaace
We'll send him cheesy movies
The worst we can find (sha la la)
He'll have to sit and watch them all
And we'll monitor his mind (sha la la)
Now keep in mind Joel can't control Where the movies begin or end
Because he used those special parts
to make his robot friends

Am I remembering it right?

Titus said...

My concern with Walker is his fat wife.

Yes, Mooch is fat too!!!!!

But, Walker isn't bad looking and it could be very easy for him to be distracted by some hot pussy. He is in demand and you know that means a bunch of willing cooches.

The good news is he lives in Wisconsin and there is not much temptation but when he travels there could be some hot and horny possiblities.

Does he have the control?

Revenant said...

Part two wasn't all that great. The Michael story line was unfocused and pretty inconsequential. They should have just made the second one entirely about the Vito story line.

Not coincidentally, the Vito storyline was actually in the original book and the Michael one was not.

Revenant said...

Like 500 million in debt restructuring Walker & Republicans did in the last budget.

Debt restructuring is quite different from paying interest on existing debt using borrowed money.

Indeed, the former is usually done to reduce interest payments.

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
Because borrowing to pay debt is like totally paying your billson time!

Like 500 million in debt restructuring Walker & Republicans did in the last budget.

"Therefore, in total, since May 2011, the state has issued additional debt to restructure, or make the principal payments on, approximately $558.3 million in GPR (general purpose revenue) supported principal that would have otherwise been paid off in 2010-11 and 2011-12.

"As a result, that principal will now remain outstanding for a longer period of time and thus an estimated $156.2 million in additional interest costs could be incurred by the state."

Sort of the opposite of what these jackoffs go around saying isn't it?

Since the intended purpose was to keep Wisconsin's high bond rating while not raising taxes. I think the jerkoff is somewhere else. Unless, of course, you'd like Wisconsin to be like Illinois.

Kensington said...

I haven't seen "The Godfather Part III" in about twenty years, so who knows what I'd think now, but I remember going back and forth between thinking it was bad and realizing it wasn't really bad.

I'd kind of like to watch it again, now.

The truth is, even the first film is overblown as Something Important. The whole thing is a gangster melodrama, pure pulp, however well crafted.

The whole series is profoundly silly, too, right from the first film, with all these guys running around taking about "honor" and "respect" and none of it genuine.

And Sophia Coppola gets a bad rap from the third film. Sure she's a bit...vacant, but she was replacing Winona Ryder who probably would also have been a bit...vacant.

The non-chalant cousin-screwing in the third film is a bit goofy, too.

furious_a said...

The Democrats, by demogoguing and then repeatedly raising the.minimum wage, are treating it as a career earnings stream and assume (liberals seem congenitally incapable at dynamic analysis) that there is no income mobility those whose first job pays minimum rate.

Or else they see an effective tool for maintaining a client (i.e., SEIU and AFSCME recruits) class of reliable votes and are sticking with it.

What my first (min wage food service) job taught me was that I didn't want to work for min wage the rest of my life.

Freeman Hunt said...

I love the first Godfather. It is a perfect tragedy. The Fall of a man. The Damnation of a man. It is sad and beautiful. Real art.

The second one is more of a mainstream film, pretty average, but the Vito story line is so well done that it makes it worth watching even if you have to watch all that Lake Tahoe Cuba Whatever nonsense to see it.

The third one is laughably bad. The cousins thing was goofy, and it was made goofier by the fact that the audience was expected to be interested in the success their romance when the audience is going, "Gross! They're cousins!" the whole time.

Kensington said...

I enjoy "The Godfather" very much and have seen it so many times that I know it beat for beat.

But I'm not sure I agree it's a "perfect tragedy." For one thing, the full tragic measure doesn't hit until the end of the goofy third film.

Also, Michael doesn't even fully emerge as the central character until midway through the film. I think a perfect tragedy would have to have a more effective structure to be that.

As it stands now, it's as if Oedipus didn't show up until halfway through "Oedipus the King" and didn't experience his tragic undoing until two plays later in "Oedipus at Colonus."

Seeing Red said...

Don't forget, Rusty, GM is rich, he's never taken on debt & when he needs more money, he goes & makes more.

Titus said...

When I saw the Godfather I knew I wanted to be on the East Coast.

I fell in love.

When I saw Deliverance I knew I didn't want to live, travel or have to visit anywhere south of DC.

The South is so hideously gross.

ricpic said...

The horror that is coming beggars belief. All one can hope is that the vicious punk doesn't escape it.

Michael K said...

"not to mention the rare skill of being able to show up for work. "

I understand this is the most common event in a hire. The worker doesn't show up the next Monday.

Titus said...

A friend of mine from Boston who is orginally from Baton Rouge moved back to New Orleans because his mama is in poor health.

He keeps begging me to visit telling me New Orleans isn't like the rest of the south....I am like no bitch, it aint going to ever happen. No visit wisit.

Known Unknown said...

If TItus has a swimming pool, I'd bet it's shallow at both ends.

ricpic said...

Titus is wonderfully open about his total snobbery.

Chef Mojo said...


I am like no bitch, it aint going to ever happen.

Right. Don't visit New Orleans. And you claim to be all about the hog?


Astro said...

Titus said... When I saw Deliverance I knew I didn't want to live, travel or have to visit anywhere south of DC.
The South is so hideously gross.

'Deliverance' was filmed about 100 miles from where I live.
Yes, the South is hideously gross. We're all like the mountain folk in that movie, except those were the ones intelligent enough and good-enough looking to be in the movie.
You don't want to live here - any of you.
Don't move here. Stay where you are.
If the company you work for talks about transferring you to Atlanta, quit.

You'll thank me for this warning.

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't think anything in Godfather is intended to be glamourous or high class. Maybe Titus is thinking of a different movie.

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't think I agree about the full measure of the tragedy. I thought the fall of Michael was far more tragic than the death of the daughter. Of course, the third movie was so bad that nothing in it was touching.

Anonymous said...

I think a pretty strong case can be made that Obama truly believes, or simply doesn't understand, that the growth of government has far and wide negative effects upon the private sector, nor does he get where wealth comes from and how it's generated.

If he gets it, he doesn't care.

Everything out of his mouth has been supportive of pumping the government up ever further according to progressive, Statist ideas and his brand of activism. This puts more and more power in the hands of the Left's lobbyists and monied interests while hurting those it's most meant to help, and it places the money supply in the hands of the politicians and short-term political gain and our currently bitterly divided, semi-functional Capitol Hill.

He's been giving the same speeches for years, but before he had all that glamour, the race shield, public sentiment. It's just sad.

The minimum wage? Really?

cubanbob said...

As any employer can tell you the most expensive employee is the minimum wage employee. If they were worth more than the mandatory minimum they would command more. More offshoring to come.

A better solution is to get rid of minimum wage laws and expand the EITC program while kicking able bodied adults off welfare and expanded unemployment benefits.

Methadras said...

Palladian said...

I miss MST3K.

Agreed. My favorite TV show, though I was definitely a Joel fan; it all got a little too... slick later on.

10 seasons of that show were awesome. I still think their 1st season was the best though, but that's a very tough call to make.

Chuck66 said...

Saw a live MST3K perfermance at the State Theater in Minneapolis. It was great! I still have the T-shirt I purchased that night.

Titus said...

Astro don't worry my employer would never consider branching out to Atlanta or the South-sorry we are looking for a different kind of "talent".

Titus said...

We are searching for talent in DC, Princeton, Cambridge, San Franciso though.

Chuck66 said...

Titus says "We are searching for talent in DC, Princeton, Cambridge, San Franciso though."

Ahhh I've always wondered who hires "gender studies" majors/

Henry said...

Walker's commentary is kind of boring, really. It's pretty much what any reasonably astute critic would say.

But rereading chunks of Obama's speech reminds how dreadful this presidency has become. It's all self-refuting claptrap, a robotic commute from Smugville to Posetown and back again without a single factual landmark or sudden vista to interrupt the tedious loop.

Kensington said...

Freeman, I don't think Michael's fall is complete until his daughter dies. It's that moment which wipes him out thoroughly. That's the tragic end of Michael. Nothing after that event matters until his death, which is why we jump from that night to the final moments of his life alone and half-blind. Kay's not with him. No one is with him. He spent the film trying to atone, and he failed.

The reason why I can't see the end of the first film as tragically satisfying is that Michael has no idea of what he's done or what price he'll pay for it, both of which I think are crucial to tragedy. Oedipus has to know that it's his own hubris that brings him down, and he has to know that he murdered his father and slept with his mother.

Michael doesn't get that full understanding of how thoroughly he's destroyed himself until his daughter dies.

Rusty said...

Seeing Red said...
Don't forget, Rusty, GM is rich, he's never taken on debt & when he needs more money, he goes & makes more.

I'm not rich either. What's your point?

MayBee said...

The "people's government" ?

That's so commie! Americans don't say that. Weird.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Like 500 million in debt restructuring Walker & Republicans did in the last budget.

You really made a complete & utter simpleton of yourself there, fat fella.

Rusty said...

Methadras said...
Palladian said...

I miss MST3K.

Agreed. My favorite TV show, though I was definitely a Joel fan; it all got a little too... slick later on.

10 seasons of that show were awesome. I still think their 1st season was the best though, but that's a very tough call to make

My daughter turned me on to it when she was 5 or 6. It was on on Sat. morning where we live.She laughed at all the appropriate places. I looked at her differently since then and thanked god she wasn't into Sesame Street. I can almost forgive her for the endless playing of the soundtrack to "A Sound of Music".

$9,000,000,000 Write Off said...

West Coast natives don't know what "finished basement" means.

$9,000,000,000 Write Off said...

West Coast natives don't know what "finished basement" means.

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