February 14, 2013

The Multicultural Student Center at the University of Wisconsin shifts from "a focus on cultural diversity to one of social justice."

The University's website reports what it calls a "transformation."
“We’re building on the legacy of this campus,” says [MSC director Donte] Hilliard. “A social justice approach is our interpretation of the Wisconsin Idea. If the borders of the campus are the borders of the state, or the world, the educational access that we get by being here in Wisconsin includes a responsibility to help transform our surroundings into more just, equitable places.”...

"It’s comforting to think, 'If we just fix the race or gender issue, the rest will be fine…' No. Oppressions are linked. We can’t get racial justice but keep destroying the environment. In America, who lives in neighborhoods with the worst environmental problems? Poor people – who are, overwhelmingly, people of color."
(If you don't know what "Wisconsin Idea" refers to — here, it has its own Wikipedia article. It's a tradition going back more than 100 years.)


Nonapod said...

What is "racial justice"? Sounds ominous.

rhhardin said...

It's a living but depends on the soap opera demographic.

Real American said...

just be honest and rename it The Brainwashing Student Center at the University of Wisconsin.

chickelit said...

The Wisconsin Idea:...[The]system was adopted from the existing system in Germany, which was based on the idea that the employer was obligated to take care of his employees and keep paying them as they grew old... sounds right out of Downton Abbey.

Kevin said...

Just fucking teaching students the inherited knowledge of 3000 years of Western Civilization doesn't even enter the equation, does it? I mean, did they even look up the word University in the dictionary? It might have given them a clue as to what they exist for.

Renee said...

Too many individuals are blended in their ancestry, it is hard to hold on to ethnic traditions when your parents really no longer associate themselves on a regular basis with that.

"LGBTQ spaces tend to be pretty white, but this campus has a huge community of LGBTQ folk who openly identify as people of color. "

Either you are of color or not, you don't identify as it.

SteveR said...

"(D)estroying the environment" is sufficienly vague to have no real meaning.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

The Establishment of our age is so dull. When will they die out from the sheer boredom of their existence?

tiger said...

This is the basis for all 'Progressive' claptrap:

'Create 'problems' that can never be solved and link them together.'

Racism as declined so now it's the environment.

The environment is better so now it's 'gay rights'.

Gays now have 'rights' so on to 'social justice' - a term without an definition.

So nothing is ever solved.

'Oceania has *always* been at war with Eastasia.'

virgil xenophon said...

Yea Gods, here we go again...ground-hog day every day with these people... for a place of "higher-learning" it seems that Wisc students manage to forget everything--it's deja vu day zero all over again..

Ann Althouse said...

"LGBTQ"... When did the Q get added?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It takes real talent to string together so many syllables without actually saying anything.

Shanna said...

Either you are of color or not, you don't identify as it

These days, you can 'identify' yourself as anything you want.

Social justice? Bleck. This is the kind of thing people sit around and think about in Wisconsin, where everybody's white and they apparently feel bad about it. Just move down south, folks. You'll get over it.

Shanna said...
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Ignorance is Bliss said...

The Multicultural Student Center...

I hope they also have a Monocultural Student Center, otherwise I'm being oppressed.

Henry said...

"If the borders of the campus are the borders of the state, or the world, the educational access that we get by being here in Wisconsin includes a responsibility to help transform our surroundings into more just, equitable places."

I don't suppose this world-wide focus means they support free trade all of a sudden.

m stone said...

Q's been around a while as far as I know. Even noted at the local UW campus here.

Henry said...

I hope they also have a Monocultural Student Center, otherwise I'm being oppressed.

What's so great about the center, IIB? You go something against perimeters?

chickelit said...

Ann Althouse said...
"LGBTQ"... When did the Q get added?

It's just a further resolution of Parts from the Whole. Expect that refined instrumentation will identify more components in the future.

Anonymous said...

Remember, liberalism looks at institutions the same way a virus looks at cells: an institution is a thing to be turned from its original function and used to help liberalism replicate itself.

Did anyone else who clicked through notice how Hilliard contradicted himself on whether it's possible for white people to avoid black people?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

So I take this to mean that taxpayer funds are being funneled to support leftwing political advocacy, to an even higher extent than previously?


Brent said...

Idiocy. Mental illness level idiocy.

Like all social left ideas, it will be revealed to everyone, even the hardest leftist, as idiocy over time, where even the new generations of the left ridicule their forebears. The policy will fail to produce the desired ultimate result, as all idiot left social ideas eventually are shown to never produce the ultimate desired result, and always at an overwhelmingly great cost and waste of human lives and potential.

See "communism", "population bomb", "self-esteem movement of California", "global cooling of the 1970's", etc. etc. etc. . . . . .

chickelit said...

The UW is no longer a lens to focus attention but a prism to resolve differences.

edutcher said...

Haven't we had enough transformation the last 4 years?

PS They're adding new letters all the time, which tells me a lot of it is phony as Hell.

Now there's I, A, and IIRC a couple of others.

madAsHell said...

Isn't the Q all encompassing, and therefore redundant?

....or maybe I failed to read the memo.

virgil xenophon said...

tiger is totally right--those guys must be all pre-law--only lawyers consider "justice" to be an infinitely adjustable sliding-scale 60-80 cents on the dollar sort of an affair. As one of my best friends and a prominent attorney in New Orleans told me once years ago when I was particularly "outraged" about some personal "injustice" done to me over which I was considering legal action and he was advising against citing nebulous gain: "What, after all is 'justice,' Virgil?" he counseled. (Saved me a lot of legal fees too, lol)

edutcher said...
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Anonymous said...
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Brent said...


LOL! You are so right! They can even just hop over to Minneapolis!

garage mahal said...

Just move down south, folks. You'll get over it.

We're bringing Mississippi to Wisconsin as people are fleeing the state.

Backwards. And Beyond!

rhhardin said...

Red, yellow and green bars to not a prism make.

MayBee said...

The students are taking on huge debt to pay for college, and this is how Wisconsin thanks them. Spenditity spend spend spend.

rhhardin said...

You get colors from oil films and diffraction gratings and so forth owing to the wave nature of light.

Or, in French, vague.

Vagueness is all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Does anyone study anything anymore? Math? Engineering? Or do you just show up at the U of W and hand your brain over the to leftwing progressive school of eternal victimology?

Shouting Thomas said...

Folks, you can get all excited over this stuff, but...

Here's what this is about...

It's makework for people with no tangible, useful skills. In the old union days, such attempts to create useless jobs for people with no skills were called "featherbedding." That's a good term for it.

We've got a lot of useless people. It doesn't take that many people to produce the essential goods and services. So, what do you do with all those surplus, overfed people who want to feel important?

You puff them up with these world saving delusions. It's makework for the useless. That's all it is. Oddly, the more passionate and hysterical they are about what they do, the more accurately you can peg them as useless.

Anonymous said...
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chickelit said...

Garage: the very reasonable price for out-of-state hunting licenses was sort of the dealmaker for my sending my son back to Wisconsin. We dropped a few hundred bucks in your state, including processing and taxidermy costs. But go ahead and spit at that.

David said...

Want to interact with black people? Come to South Carolina, all you Madison white people. It happens all the time here.

hawkeyedjb said...

"In America, who lives in neighborhoods with the worst environmental problems?"

Which came first, the poor people or the environmental problems? Poor people live where they can afford to; they live in places middle-class and wealthy people will not inhabit. If you built a factory in an uninhabited area 100 years ago, and the factory spewed toxins, who would end up living near the factory? Of course it would be those who do not have other options.

We could redistribute either the environmental effects or the people, but it wouldn't help in the long term. If you redistributed all wealth and income, in a couple of generations the wealth and income distribution would look like it does today: people who are frugal, industrious and intelligent will end up with more money and fewer environmental problems in their neighborhoods.

test said...

Henry said...
I don't suppose this world-wide focus means they support free trade all of a sudden.

It means they're afraid the metrics they cite in their scaremongering won't support their desires much longer so they're looking ahead to justify the next millenia of "social justice".

Jay Vogt said...

I've read the "Songs of Soloman", a couple of dozen Reg. D Private Placement memoranda, a hew hundred pages of the tax code and instructions on how to replace the headlamp in my Audi and I have never read anything quite as incoherent as that.

Anonymous said...

I recently have spent some time in Wisconsin, probably 3 months total. Not a lot of time but enough to realize that, other than Milwaukee, the state of Wisconsin is all white all the time. Very little racial diversity, economic or cultural, anywhere. My Wisconsin significant other has since moved here to the very culturally diverse area North Florida with me where we live in in a lovely inner city neighborhood (Google - San Marco, Jacksonville). She is amazed at the diversity of races, ethnic groups and culturally based businesses living cheek to jowl with each other here. Her favorites are the Persian dining spot [Chaldean Christian] next door to the Jordanian [Muslim] Hookah, coffee and desert bar. Don't even get her started on the Lebanese tabouleh spot just down the street. She has even discovered the joys of our African-American "soul food" establishments where she is welcomed in like the family she is. All of these vibrant economic entities are living in economic and cultural harmony with each other. The academic consruct of "social justice" is immaterial to the reality of a profitable and free market economic environment where people actually strive to thrive rather than accept whatever handout the Givernment will allow them. Social Justice? Bah, humbug.

Synova said...

The GLBTQ people have noticed the Chick Fil-A on campus and are trying to get them Shut down. I'm a bit pre-occupied with, you know, my classes, but my personal feelings of responsibility for social justice are saying to me that I ought to at least write a snotty letter to the campus paper suggesting that the committee for unsavory ideologies ought to investigate the private political donations of the professors next.

For justice.

Anonymous said...

These people are dangerous. It is by their ideas and methods that societies destroy themselves.

Anonymous said...

LGBTQ - pretty soon they say it's a plot and discriminiation that these letters aren't together on a keyboard like QWERTY.

Econophile said...

By the way, this was the lead story in a campus newsletter sent to all UW students and employees.

The very last news item featured was about physics demonstrations on campus this weekend. Priorities, priorities...

Shouting Thomas said: It's makework for people with no tangible, useful skills. In the old union days, such attempts to create useless jobs for people with no skills were called "featherbedding." That's a good term for it.

Yes, and I used to hope they would all eventually get squeezed out as the market for higher ed changes with new technology (and the realization that spending tens of thousands of dollars on educating oneself on "social justice" is foolish). But the types of academics featured in the article have so taken over universities, the whole thing may just collapse first.

James Pawlak said...

More advocating for "unequal protection of the law".

More waste of student's and tax-payers' money.

garage mahal said...

Garage: the very reasonable price for out-of-state hunting licenses was sort of the dealmaker for my sending my son back to Wisconsin

Walker had nothing to do with out of state license fees. It's probably going up.

Econophile said...

Also, I'd recommend Thomas Sowell's "The Quest for Cosmic Justice"--thinking back, I'm grateful to have run across in college.

MnMark said...

Can you imagine the boredom of being a 'Multicultural Student Center Director'? Sitting on your ass in a university office workday after workday, focusing on - what? Where is the creativity? All you think about for your job is how awful white men are, and which government grant you're going to apply for next to hold another "workshop" or "conversation" or "forum" or whatever. The boredom! The negativity - your entire adult life revolving around the idea that white men are bad and more socialism is needed.

He can't actually have any passion for that nonsense. His job is purely a way of filling a seat in university administration in order to meet a racial quota. It's just a way to get a paycheck. And without white men's superior civilizational success, his job would vanish.

What a waste of a life. But it's probably more than such a person would be qualified to do in the free market.

test said...

The academic consruct of "social justice" is immaterial to the reality of a profitable and free market economic environment where people actually strive to thrive rather than accept whatever handout the Government will allow them.

"Social justice" is a jobs program for people who think producing things people need is beneath them and for the professors who train them. Noting the failures of "Social Justice" to improve peoples lives is irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

Social justice is a crock. They merely want to rob from the rich to give to the poor, and in turn justify vast riches for themselves, because they are just so smart, educated, and their actions are the epitome of achievement.

If they believe income and wealth distribution is unfair, they need to supply the rational whereby anyone who makes $1 more than another is unfairly benefiting. If they can't do this, then they can't justify any unfairness.

chickelit said...

Garage: Do you actually read what you link to? (rhetorical) Why would Walker have nothing to do with out of state license fees, but control in state ones? Unless you're trying to discredit your own link.

Wince said...

In America, who lives in neighborhoods with the worst environmental problems? Poor people – who are, overwhelmingly, people of color.

As if, in other countries, the rich flock to areas with "the worst environmental problems".

Ann Althouse said...
"LGBTQ"... When did the Q get added?

God forbid, however, the wrong person actually uses the word "queer" to describe somebody.

It's all about hegemony and setting traps for the unwary.

garage mahal said...

Did you send your kid to Wisconsin to hunt wolves?

edutcher said...

For those interested, Q can stand for Queer or Questioning.

I'll leave it to Hatman to explain Queer when he shows up to tell us how the gays are invincible.

gadfly said...

It seems to me that the focus, now and before, was, and is now, self-righteousness - Holier than thou, Batman!

Chip S. said...

The WI-Idea, according to Wiki:

...research conducted at the University of Wisconsin System should be applied to solve problems and improve health, quality of life, the environment and agriculture for all citizens of the state.

It would take a lot of creativity to explain how this variant of "social justice" will benefit all 'sconnies.

Fortunately for these clowns, they only really need to persuade university administrators.

bagoh20 said...

That Wisconsin Idea would be a good one if you could somehow insure that only 10 percent of the system knew about it.

furious_a said...

What's the Administrator/Educator ratio at the newly-refocused Grievance Center?

...as in "classload-bearing educator?

bagoh20 said...

Until last year when I did the research on the Ancestry site, I was completely misinformed about my ethnic heritage. Now I know the truth. It made no difference, and wouldn't have if I had known all along, but I bet if attended that University, I'd learn how pissed or ashamed I should be by both ancestries. I don't think that would be helpful.

Oh, you want paid for that too? Oh no, just leave me a pamphlet, I'll call if I'm interested.

X said...

mo justice, mo problems.

jr565 said...

Social Justice sounds like "left wing causes".
And I suppose since I'm against left wing causes Im also opposed to social justice.
Well, yes because it's a lefty term that denotes anything but "justice"

Anonymous said...

@David - My sentiments exactly sir! My family is originally from South Carolina. Friendliest people in the United States with the possible exception of peoples who live in North Alabama.

pdug said...

Welfare and social programs used to be sold to us by telling us "You know, MORE WHITE PEOPLE use welfare, etc" than black people. (even though the proportions as a percent of total pop was on the color-side.

So now that's not true any more?

How will they sell social programs?

Also they really should watch their language more. Can't have people of color "overwhelming" whites can we?

jr565 said...

But I'm not opposed to "Justice". I just don't ascribe the same meaning to words that the left does.

Known Unknown said...

Meanwhile, The University of Phoenix awaits ...

sparrow said...

Social justice is a Catholic Theology term meant to spur parishes and individuals on to works of mercy, it does not necessarily involve government at all. It's been totally co-opted and distorted by the Left. Notably the balancing social principal of subsidiarity is conveniently ignored. Subsidiarity is the idea that decisions should be made at the most local level possible, as a matter of respect, where the family is considered the smallest functioning unit. You almost never hear it mentioned outside of the Church.

pdug said...

the great thing about "Q" is that now you can say


chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
Did you send your kid to Wisconsin to hunt wolves?

Yeah, the helicopter rental was obscene! :)

Carol said...

I think it was Hayek who wrote, put the word "social" next to any word and it totally sucks the meaning out of it. Totally.

CWJ said...

Mitchell the Bat said -

"It takes real talent to string together so many syllables without actually saying anything."

Perhaps Ritmo gives private lessens.

CWJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip S. said...

If "social justice" is a proper subset of "justice", then it's a superfluous concept. If it's not, then it's not really "justice".

Either way, it's bogus.

Fernandinande said...

Calling anti-white racism and anti-male sexism "diversity" has been transform into into calling it "social justice".

I'm Full of Soup said...

I talked to a young lady yesterday with a masters degree in some BS major and a bachelors degree in some BS major. She was inquiring about renting an apt I own. I had googled her name before we spoke. She is all over the internet re far left librul issues. When we spoke, she asked me if it had "rent control". I said there is no such thing as rent control in our area and she said "Duh I don't know, I have never done this before". I almost told her "sorry missy but I don't rent to far left libruls".

Sorun said...

"We can’t get racial justice but keep destroying the environment."

They should study the source of all of the litter in black neighborhoods, but they won't since it's not justicey enough.

traditionalguy said...

Justice has always meant equal treatment before the law.

That is as rare as hens teeth.

So this standard gives the Total Employment as Ombudsmen of all life to eternity. Great trick. We used to call that Judeo-Christian ethics, but the liberals feel a need to replace it and appoint themselves high priests.

And throw in Weather Controller Police Powers and the new high priests are all powerful forever.

Foobarista said...

"LGBTQ"... When did the Q get added?

When the copy-editor's cat walked across the keyboard.

Eventually, they'll just be called QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM people, just to be completely inclusive.

Paddy O said...

Social justice as a personal and immediate response to specific contexts is important. We (as in specifically us) are to help our neighbor.

Social justice as a generalize philosophy or social model is very dangerous, as it enables corruption and swindlers to gain while also posing as morally superior.

Much better to know the villains up front than to have the foxes bringing social justice to the hen house.

Did you hear that the rich got even richer and the poor got even poorer since 2009, when social justice has been Presidential policy?

garage mahal said...

Wisconsin also has this crazzzee justice-y thingy called the Public Trust Doctrine in our state constitution which says all of Wisconsin rivers and navigable waterways belong to *every* Wisconsinite and must be protected. Like, everyone? LOL.

Chip S. said...

Do "all the people" of WI get together regularly and decide unanimously how to manage their waterways? How do differences of opinion get resolved?

Lemme guess--you've got a gov't agency that decides all this on its own, in response to heavy lobbying.

But at least you've got the feel-good bullshit enshrined in your marvelous constitution.

You've made it clear that he "WI Idea" is vacuous. No wonder you like it.

Anonymous said...

Eventually, they'll just be called QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM people, just to be completely inclusive.

And get picketed by La Raza for leaving out Ñ.

Beach Brutus said...

"The Wisconsin Idea:...[The]system was adopted from the existing system in Germany, which was based on the idea that the employer was obligated to take care of his employees and keep paying them as they grew old... sounds right out of Downton Abbey."

Pretty close to a pure definition of Feudalism.

Anonymous said...

when someone uses the term social justice, you should ask them to define what it means to them. They typically think of some end-state they find acceptable and it's good to get it out in the open before proceeding. It usually means equality of outcome.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

If the people who write these policies do so under the assumption that the mean IQ of the Races of Man are not enough different to matter (and so disproportionate representation, in an entity for which IQ is a factor, is sufficient cause for alarm and remedy), they should be made to prove that assumption.

They will find that they cannot, and so this new direction is not just wrong, but immoral and damaging.

Colonel Angus said...

I've never heard a compelling reason why being in close proximity of someone with different skin color 'enriches' my life experience.

garage mahal said...

But at least you've got the feel-good bullshit enshrined in your marvelous constitution

It's just fucking bizarre how much righties hate clean water. Do they just drink Brawndo?

Scott M said...

Poor people – who are, overwhelmingly, people of color."

Without looking at data, I would bet that the overwhelming majority of people that are poor are white as the driven snow.

Scott M said...

When did the Q get added?

September 28, 1987.

Scott M said...

It's just fucking bizarre how much righties hate clean water.

What's fucking bizarre is that you think well-meaning do-gooders like those mentioned in the article actually clean water.

Cinderellastory said...

I have a novel idea. Why not go to college to get an education?

Colonel Angus said...

When did the Q get added?

September 28, 1987.

Well played. I liked Q but I always thought he was a but overpowered.

I think it was 9/26/87 BTW

SteveR said...

What's "clean" water garage? Your definition?, the EPA's? State of California's? Drinkable vs something else? Do you know how acceptable levels under the SDWA are calculated and what they really mean? What risk factors are used?

Or are you just being typically stupid?

John Cunningham said...

racial justice = kill whitey, social justice = kill the kulaks. get it? it's black racism plus communism, and lots of jobs for apparatchiks in the center.

Chip S. said...

I admire the way you take obvious pride in your idiocy, garage.

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
Wisconsin also has this crazzzee justice-y thingy called the Public Trust Doctrine in our state constitution which says all of Wisconsin rivers and navigable waterways belong to *every* Wisconsinite and must be protected. Like, everyone? LOL.

Protection is a funny word garage. It must be balanced with recreation, conservation, and just plain use. Too often protection just morphs into preservation. All of these words have specific meanings. Look them up if you don't understand.

Colonel Angus said...

Why not go to college to get an education?

Pffft. Go out, get a job and you'll get a more valuable education in less time.

chickelit said...

BTW garage: has anyone told you that you look like Bob Dylan's grandma?

garage mahal said...

My avatar is some dude off the net. I like the fro.

Strelnikov said...

I'll believe they are for diversity when a white male is seriously considered to head the office.

Amartel said...

At least "cultural diversity" is a coherent concept albeit it was invented by grievance mongers.

Social justice is an outright fraud. Who decides what is "social justice" and what is not? [The super brainiacs at the Multi-Culti Student Center duh.) We have a justice system. People disagree with the justice of the outcomes all the time but at least the outcome is decided by a procedural system that gives both sides opportunity to be heard in a neutral forum, present their evidence, and question the opposing evidence. "Social justice" is pre-ordained. Opposing views are not heard.

Social justice, and other fraudulently qualified forms of "justice," are taxpayer-funded liberal fascism, plain and simple.

Sorun said...

I suspect that the affirmative-action hire in charge of the Multicultural Student Center wants more staff, money, and influence. Don't we all.

chickelit said...

relax garage: it was a backhanded compliment: link

Amartel said...

And it's just hilarious that people can "identify" as this or that race. Race now depends on presentation and perception rather than ... race. It's a subjective rather than an objective concept.
Like male/female! Right? Transnormative Intersectionality! Or is it "transformative"? Whatever. I forget. Otherness Multi-Syllabic culturally progressive blah blah that no one actually bothers to read but sounds, like, "intellectual."

It's affirmative action for white people in search of a grievance identity. Riding the wave of progressive privilege and pretension, the Noble Fauxcahontas blazed the trial.

Pat Moffitt said...

The fusion of social justice and the environment is called environmental justice. James Cone wrote, "The logic that led to slavery and segregation in the Americas, colonization and Apartheid in Africa, and the rule of white supremacy throughout the world is the same one that leads to the exploitation of animals and the ravaging of nature."
The "father of environmental justce" is Robert Bullard although it was the Revs Wright and Chaves of Chicago's United Church of Christ that pushed it squarely into the political spectrum
Environmental Justice is now one of EPA's organizing principles.

Pat Moffitt said...

The fusion of social justice and the environment is called environmental justice. James Cone wrote, "The logic that led to slavery and segregation in the Americas, colonization and Apartheid in Africa, and the rule of white supremacy throughout the world is the same one that leads to the exploitation of animals and the ravaging of nature."
The "father of environmental justce" is Robert Bullard although it was the Revs Wright and Chaves of Chicago's United Church of Christ that pushed it squarely into the political spectrum
Environmental Justice is now one of EPA's organizing principles.

Methadras said...

Social Justice, the money grab scam of the century. Yeah, we are only 13 years into it.

edutcher said...

garage mahal said...

My avatar is some dude off the net. I like the fro.

How can it be a fro if he's not white?

Scott M said...

"The logic that led to slavery and segregation in the Americas, colonization and Apartheid in Africa, and the rule of white supremacy throughout the world is the same one that leads to the exploitation of animals and the ravaging of nature."

I wonder if that "logic" is different that the "logic" implemented by the proto-Zulus when they moved into territory they later fought the Brits over. They enslaved entire tribes and, I'm betting, were none to gentle with the local flora and fauna.

n.n said...

Wow. What an extraordinary exhibition of overt prejudice. What an extraordinary inability to distinguish between cause and effect.

These environmental, civil, and human rights crusaders are the sponsors of prejudice. They are the fanatics and opportunists who subverted various reactive movements and established business models which exploit differentials and gradients to advance their political, economic, and social standing.

Their concern about the environment is characterized as out-of-sight and out-of-mind. They do not respect individual dignity. They do not even recognize an intrinsic value of human life until it can be exploited for sex, taxation, and democratic leverage.

They are the principal cause of progressive corruption in society as they treat and manufacture symptoms in perpetuity.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

If the borders of the campus are the borders of the state, or the world, the educational access that we get by being here in Wisconsin includes a responsibility to help transform our surroundings into more just, equitable places.

Huh?!? An assertion that if 'A' is true, then 'B' must be true.

So if the campus is not geographically conterminous with the planet or the state, we need not waste time trying to puzzle out the meaning of the second part.


JAL said...


And aren't you the guys who are stuck with paying a Vice Provost of Diversity and Climate and Diversity (and the Provost, also)?

What and incredible waste of money.

No wonder kids graduate from college with so little to offer and so much debt.

Anonymous said...

The very last news item featured was about physics demonstrations on campus this weekend.

Physics demonstration? What were they protesting - Ohm's Law? Sir Isaac Newton? Special Relativity?

They're not doing a good job of publicizing their cause.

furious_a said...

"The logic that led to slavery and segregation in the Americas, colonization and Apartheid in Africa, and the rule of white supremacy throughout the world is the same one that leads to the exploitation of animals and the ravaging of nature."

I'd love to see the linkage between "the rule of white supremacy throughout the world" and demand for elephant ivory, tiger penis soup and black rhinocerous horn in mainland Asia.

Valentine Smith said...

"We can’t get racial justice but keep destroying the environment."

In other words I pay lip service to your cause so I feel great about myself while actually advocating policies that keep you on the dole and hating yourself. But hey, I love you just stay away from me.

Seeing Red said...

Is this a new position and how much does it pay?

Or does the $150k/yr Diversity/Environment head get a boost or more staff?

garage mahal said...

Their concern about the environment is characterized as out-of-sight and out-of-mind

Those crazy enviros that don't want their wells run dry from an out of state mining company.

According to the proposed mining bill, the DNR must permit an iron mining company to locate as many high-capacity wells wherever it wants to supply as much water as it needs for its mining and processing and related activities.

With only one exception, DNR would have no authority or power to prevent the mining company from drying up lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, springs, wetlands or wells, so long as the company was willing to take steps to improve groundwater anywhere else in the state.

The only exception is that DNR would be required to include conditions to protect “privately owned high-capacity” wells (i.e., private businesses) from mining company drawdown of water (or the mining company must pay them out), but would not have any power to protect municipal water sources or private residential wells.

(This screams for a headline, or more letters to the editor.)

So you would be out of luck if your individual well runs dry or your municipal water runs out. The DNR would be required to allow this drawdown, if the mining company wants it, once the law takes effect and a mine is permitted.

The proposed mining bill does away with any limits on polluting ground water deeper than 1000 feet, even if water supply aquifers would be at risk if such pollution occurred underneath the mine.

Seeing Red said...

AJ, it sounded like she wants a freebie.

Great apartment but didn't have to pay for it.

DADvocate said...

In America, who lives in neighborhoods with the worst environmental problems? Poor people – who are, overwhelmingly, people of color."

The idiot non-math crowd gets it wrong from the start. People in poverty:
White 30,849
White not Hispanic 19,171
Black 10,929
Asian 1,973
Hispanic (any race) 13,244

However you slice it, most poor people in the U.S. are white. "Social justice" is a bastardized, dangerous concept of justice. These bozos can't even get justice right, let alone something as nubulous as social justice. But, on the other hand, in the name of social justice, the do-gooders owe me a house in the neighborhood of my choice.

Seeing Red said...

White supremacy throughout the world, would they rather have had Mao?

He solved the problem of using roadways as toilets by killing people.

Seeing Red said...

It shows how stereotypical they are, that they automatically assume poor people are people of color.

Poor people, a post at Marginal Revolution triggered this for me today, most poor people, would they be female because they're not married and have kids or divorced and have kids?

What are we really trying to equalize or transfer?

The benefits of married, committed nuclear families to those who aren't.

The Judeo-Christian building blocks taken over by government. Remove a higher being & purpose, government becomes God, man becomes God then the killing really begins.

Seeing Red said...

And Americans are really good at killing people.

Scott M said...

However you slice it, most poor people in the U.S. are white.

Who was it that sheepishly got up after Bill Cosby's NAACP tirade years ago and made sure everyone knew that there were more white people on welfare than anyone else?

Chip S. said...

garage logic: A state agency is issuing environmental regulations I don't like, which proves that we can trust the state to act on behalf of "all" the people.

The correct answer is to make the mining company obtain permission from people whose wells are depleted--by paying them compensation. That is, to have the state enforce clear property rights to water.

garage is really a libertarian; he just doesn't know it yet.

Rusty said...

If the borders of the campus are the borders of the state, or the world, the educational access that we get by being here in Wisconsin includes a responsibility to help transform our surroundings into more just, equitable places.

Howsabout ya quit annoying people for a start.

Seeing Red said...

U of W - we are the world.

OK, then, since you're so concerned about environment, it's time to move to more online teaching & cut costs.

You're wasting too much of everything.

All you need are a few buildings, lots of energy, less staff.

mtrobertsattorney said...

I predict that it won't be long before LGBTQ will be expanded to read "LGBTQP".

We are told that "studies" have now "shown" that pedophiles are "hard-wired" to be attracted to children. Voluntary choice is a non-factor.

TMink said...

Know Jesus? Know Peace!

No Jesus? No Peace.


garage mahal said...

The mining company wrote the mining bill. That is not an exaggeration at all, they've admitted that. The right course of action you described can't happen. That's how the bill was written. Well owners and municipalities have no recourse or safeguards at all for their water being drawn down. The state agency that oversees environmental laws, the DNR, has been neutered to the point that it's really a useless agency at this point. Again, all by design. The mine in Mellen is almost guaranteed not to ever be built *because* of the way the law was written. Which makes you wonder what they're really up to.

Chip S. said...

garage, none of that comes as a surprise to me at all. It's in the nature of regulatory agencies.

Establishing these regulatory agencies replaces common-law solutions with statutory law and administrative decree. A common result is what you've described.

There's a literature on "free market environmentalism" that you might find interesting if you could get over your initial revulsion at the premise.

damikesc said...

Either you are of color or not, you don't identify as it.

Sen. Warren disagrees.

And with this idiocy, the academic institutions seem BAFFLED that the voters they thumb their noses at aren't too keen on spending their monies to support them.

Shanna said...

Questioning? Lord. Before long it's just going to be LBGTOSIDJFAOIWJEFALKJDFOISADJF.

They should have made it an acronym from day one, then they wouldn't have felt the need to add on.

furious_a said...

It's just fucking bizarre how much lefties hate renewable energy.

There, fixed it for you.

Anonymous said...

"Know Jesus? Know Peace!

No Jesus? No Peace."


2/14/13, 1:15 PM

Poor Jews, poor Hindus, poor Buddhists, poor etc, they shall know no Peace. I feel like I've just encountered one of those Jesus people on the street who accost you with religious tracts.

Anonymous said...

Because Christians are so peaceful.

Seeing Red said...

How long have you been living amongst Christians, Inga?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colonel Angus said...

Because Christians are so peaceful.

Largely, yes. Or maybe I've missed out on the violent Christianist movements around the country and world.

Aridog said...

DADvocate said...

Responding to: "... Poor people – who are, overwhelmingly, people of color."

The idiot non-math crowd gets it wrong from the start. People in poverty: ...

Good chart, for the purpose at hand...but note the figures are in *thousands*...and that the *White-Not Hispanic group* (listed as a sub-group?) is irrelevant because of the later group *Hispanic-Any Race*

The figures say actually what the **social justice folks** are talking about when they refer to "overwhelmingly"...they are saying that it is unjust that Blacks and Hispanics should have 27% per sum capita, each, in poverty versus the evil Whites and Asians at a mere 13%, each, per sum capita in poverty.

In other words, it is an unfair and unjust outcome that twice as many blacks and Hispanics are poor versus whites and Asians.

Recognize this for what it is....political capital for the progressive left, no mater how wealthy they might be or how non-diverse their life styles actually are ...FORWARD!!

You white and yellow skinned motherfuckers over there, pay FORWARD...you owe it!! Hey, you blacks and beaners, you need to demand your rights, whitey and the sneaky gooks are oppressing you.

We'll supervise all y'all from our redoubts in the Hamptons and Cape Cod, and outposts in Ann Arbor, MI and Madison, WI...now git to steppin' bitches!

Do I need tags?

Does anyone actually think what so called *race* one is makes poverty any easier to endure?

Just to put all y'all at ease...this just in: dit dit dot dit dot diddittitdot...Warren buffet & Bershire is buying H J Heinz Co. for $23 Billion! Will Thersa and John, now, not accept the salary for Secretary of State ... to you know, pay it FORWARD for some po' folk can be mo' betta off?

Thank you, thank you...I'll be here all night.

Kirk Parker said...


"Either you are of color or not, you don't identify as it. "

Guess again. You are what you identify as--look at our Prez, who is every bit as much white, from a genetic standpoint, as he is black.


I understand your "featherbedding" point, and to an extent you're right. But your exposition of it seems to gloss over all the real harm these people can do in their positions, whereas traditional featherbedding more or less set up sinecures.

Anonymous said...

Dadvocate wrote, "However you slice it, most poor people in the U.S. are white". There's a potential problem with that assertion.

19,171 + 10,929 + 1,973 + 13,244 = 45,317

19,171 / 45,317 = 42%

The Census data provided include "Hispanic White" in the category of "White" and in the category of "Hispanic any race." It's important to make clear one's assumptions about the data, and to categorize the population accordingly.

If one argues that "Hispanic" is not a "people of color" category, and includes "white Hispanic" in the category "White," then that category represents 68% of the poor, in contrast to the sum total of Blacks, Asians and non-White Hispanics.

But if one is then going to critique Hilliard's assertion about "people of color", one needs to start by stating that "Hispanic" is being excluded from the "people of color" category in the calculation.

DADvocate said...

In other words, it is an unfair and unjust outcome that twice as many blacks and Hispanics are poor versus whites and Asians.

Not twice as many, but twice the percentage, a very important difference.

The real social injustice is that these groups of poor are groups that vote overwhelmingly Democratic. The Democratic Party has done almost nothing effective to lower the porverty rate for any racial/ethinic group. After 4 years of Obama and 4 of the last 6 years of Congress being under control of the Democrats, the poverty rate is the highest in decades. The poor need to be taught/learn that the Democrats have no interest or reward for raising the standard of living for poor people. Quite the opposite. The Democrats walk the tightrope of convincing the poor that the Democratic Party is their greatest hope while keeping them poor enough for them to keep needing the "help" of the Democratic Party.

DADvocate said...

But if one is then going to critique Hilliard's assertion about "people of color", one needs to start by stating that "Hispanic" is being excluded from the "people of color" category in the calculation.

I meant it as, not a majority, but the largest racial/ethnic group. Too many generalities. What is "people of color?" How does the Census define Hispanic? Maybe I should have said "more." More white people are poor than any other racial/ethnic group.


Anonymous said...

Colonel Angus I guess you just glossed over the Inquisions? Or the Reformation?

Scott M said...

Colonel Angus I guess you just glossed over the Inquisions? Or the Reformation?

Were you around for those? Did they happen in a world that was otherwise completely free of violence and persecution?

How does that bolster your argument that Christianity is a violent religion?

DADvocate said...

Colonel Angus I guess you just glossed over the Inquisions? Or the Reformation?

We're talking current events. Things as they are now, not free floating associations.

Shanna said...

Did they happen in a world that was otherwise completely free of violence and persecution?

I've been listening to podcasts on the Mongols, Romans, Assyrians, Celts, Saxons, Gauls, etc...Hell Germans/Russians in WWII so I can answer your question with a resounding hell no. Most of history is bloody and awful.

Aridog said...

DADvocate said...

Not twice as many, but twice the percentage, a very important difference.

Hey, I'm with you, and I agree, you and I and most reasonable people know the distinction. But I am saying the progressive justice advocates will not make the distinction...thus it is political capital for them to blur the distinction...it's double is how they see it, because that is the feature, percentage or not, that serves their narrative.

How often will we see the distinction mentioned in the MSM?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

We're bringing Mississippi to Wisconsin as people are fleeing the state

A very misleading statement.

According to the US government, population has increased under Walker.

But some, especially retirees, will continue to flee cold, high tax states in the mid-west and northeast. No surprise there.

Rusty said...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
We're bringing Mississippi to Wisconsin as people are fleeing the state

A very misleading statement.

According to the US government, population has increased under Walker.

But some, especially retirees, will continue to flee cold, high tax states in the mid-west and northeast. No surprise there.

The business I work for is considering Wisconsin for his company move. About 50 jobs. Beloit is the area they're looking at.

furious_a said...

Low-information Inga: I feel like I've just encountered one of those Jesus people on the street who accost you with religious tracts.

Bless your heart, you poor, put-upon li'l thang.

Better than encountering one of those Mohammed people who accost rail commuters with remote detonators and bound captives with manifestos, camcorders and really long knives.

Alex said...

Inga citing Christian atrocities from 500 years ago is her strongest argument? I'll start to take her and other left-winger seriously when they rail about 2013 Muslim males throwing acid in the faces of women.

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