February 12, 2013

The morning ice walk.

Are we really doing this?


Rest time for one, snow-eating time for the other.

And... time for another rest. For a St. Bernard, a snow bank is a comfy sofa-back.


More progress:


And... rest time!



Anonymous said...

Sitting down has got to be cold on their boy/girl parts. Snow's pretty tasty too, especially when flavored with bacon bits...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Looks to me like Meade could set up nice walking dog bussiness.

traditionalguy said...

That Saint Bernard has a crush on the Professor. Did she sneak him bacon at the breakfast table?

edutcher said...

When the Saint Barnyard grows up, he'll be worth 2 dogs on a 3 dog night (which I don't doubt you have).

ricpic said...

Looks like a Westminster winner to me.

ByondPolitics said...

Looks to me like he did some time ago.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Make sure you get the deicing chemicals off their paws.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Looks to me like he did some time ago.

I'm out of the loop.

Anonymous said...

That St. Bernard puppy is adorable! If only they wouldn't slobber so much.

Shanna said...

That fluffy dog is super cute.

It's so weird to see pictures of ice.

Ex-prosecutor said...

What is her name?

garage mahal said...

Love that St. Bernard!

Meade said...

"What is her name?"

Abby. As in Dear Abby.

Meade said...

"Looks to me like Meade could set up nice walking dog bussiness."

Ugh! I've been kissed by a dog! I have dog germs! Get hot water! Get some disinfectant! Get some Iodine!

furious_a said...
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furious_a said...
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furious_a said...

"AWB": All-Weather-Beagles.

lemondog said...

What a cutey!

Hope there is plenty of air-conditioning in the summer.

re: Ugh!, it is NOT easy being germaphobic AND being a dog/animal lover.

Nonapod said...

I sometimes get St. Bernards mixed up with Bernese Mountain Dogs. I also confuse Weimaraners with Vizslas.

David said...

As Adam said to Eve, "Stand back. I don't know how big this thing is going to get."

DADvocate said...

Saint Bernard, one of the few breeds that ever bit me. A friend of mine had one that reportedly weighed over 200 lbs. He told me to pet it, it wouldn't hurt me. As soon as I got my hand up to its head level, CLOMP!, it bit my hand. Didn't break my skin but my hand was sprained. I could barely hold a Coke. Good thing, too. I might have gotten addicted and died.

Scott M said...

Isn't that St Bernard supposed to have a keg of booze with him? Isn't that a law?

Will Cate said...

St. Bernards are adorable as puppies. Grown up... not so much.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

That is the dog most like a plushy toy that I have ever seen.

Wince said...

Isn't it a good idea to give the dog's feet a wash after walking on so much salt?

Is walking on clean snow after sufficient to cleans the paws?

edutcher said...

OT, but way too good to keep:

WaPo says Sarah Palin going to Al Jezeera to stay "relevant".

Problem is, they're wrong.

Miss Sarah rebuts.


Serve cold.


MadisonMan said...

The sidewalks around me are dreadful. Total skating rink. Glad to see they're a bit clearer in these images.

FleetUSA said...

A neighbor has a St. Bernard. It is huge and has a large appetite (+dumps). She is petite and the dog pulls her like crazy.

furious_a said...
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kjbe said...

The sidewalks around me are dreadful. Total skating rink. Glad to see they're a bit clearer in these images.

Same near us - impassable in most places. Thank goodness for painted bike lanes...

madAsHell said...

I don't know what happened, but somehow I subscribed to the comments on the Gomez post.

What a shit-storm of email!!

It scared me until I found the un-subscribe button.

Crunchy Frog said...

Don't eat that yellow snow.

The rule of Lemnity said...
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jacksonjay said...

Why does anyone live in that cold-ass country?

The Elder said...

My god!!!! That puppy is HUGE!!!!

tiger said...

Whose St. Bernard?

This is the first time I recall seeing it here.

Gosh they're great dogs.

jaliranchr said...

Love the St. Bernard! What a cutie!

Titus said...
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Titus said...
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Titus said...

Sorry for the deletions (tits).

Why hasn't that puppy grown much since the last photo?

Unknown said...

I love the puppy. Lab and St. Bernard - so opposite in nature, it is nearly impossible to walk them together. I just wish I could hug that pup!

Meade said...

She's grown 20 lbs in 35 days.

Wince said...

Didn't read the thread first. Sorry about that, Bat.