February 22, 2013

Report links Pope's resignation "to the discovery of a network of gay prelates in the Vatican, some of whom... were being blackmailed by outsiders."

The Guardian reports:
[The Italian newspaper] La Repubblica said the cardinals' report identified a series of meeting places in and around Rome. They included a villa outside the Italian capital, a sauna in a Rome suburb, a beauty parlour in the centre, and a former university residence that was in use by a provincial Italian archbishop....

The Vatican does not condemn homosexuals. But it teaches that gay sex is "intrinsically disordered". Pope Benedict has barred sexually active gay men from studying for the priesthood.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Resigning because your subordinates are corrupt?

I thought only the Japanese did that.

Darrell said...

If it's in The Guardian, it must be true.

Darrell said...

What would losing vision in one eye do with it, afterall.

Or feeling ill and weak all the time. Or losing your balance. It must be a coverup.

Unknown said...

Forbid men the company of women and who do you get for priests? The answer has always seemed obvious to me. I sometimes suspect that it's not all that simple. They've been at it for thousands of years so they ought to know what they're doing by now. Maybe they always wanted homosexual priests all along. I don't know. The whole thing just looks nutty to me. But then, most people do.

Synova said...

I'm pretty sure that sexually active heterosexual men are barred from the priesthood, too.

TMink said...

The Vatican does not need to condemn homosexual behavior, the Bible does that quite completely. Which begs the question, what use is the Vatican if it ignores or disputes the Bible?


Darrell said...
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Shouting Thomas said...

Forbid men the company of women and who do you get for priests?

Outside of a tiny minority, what you get are guys committed to celibacy.

The left and its doofus obsession with forcing gaydom down everybody's throat! For some reason, obsessing about gaydom seems to strike every intellectual as the most clever thing possible. Althouse can't stop carrying on like a ninny about it. I've been observing this bullshit for 63 years, and it still amazes me.

The role of the Catholic Church, amazingly, is serve sinners, not to condemn them. Even murderers are welcome to seek redemption in the Church.

The determination of the left to transform the Catholic Church into the Unitarian Universal Church is awesome.

Darrell said...

Homosexuals were recruited in the Catholic Church because Left-leaning members pushed it as the perfect way for gay men to have a life in the Church--abstaining from sex of course. RC priests saw that the Anglicans had already done that in England--many volunteered to serve American troops there during the war.

It has nothing to do with priests being forbidden to marry.

Brian Brown said...

Ah yes, "journalism"

In an apparent quotation from the report, La Repubblica said some Vatican officials had been subject to "external influence" from laymen with whom they had links of a "worldly nature".

Apparent quotations are fact, things readers can't see are "reports" and gays are like everywhere!

Brian Brown said...

But it teaches that gay sex is "intrinsically disordered".

It is.

Which is why gays have higher incidences of drug & alcohol abuse, tobacco use, depression, suicide, and eating disorders than the population at large.

D.D. Driver said...

"Pope Benedict has barred sexually active gay men from studying for the priesthood."

Are sexually active heterosexual men okay now?

Wince said...

Those Swiss Guards always looked a little swishy to me.

Tina Trent said...

Thank you, Shouting Thomas. And Synova.

What's next? Knock knock jokes about the Imam's third wife? Orthodox sheet jokes?

I didn't think so.

Paul said...

You know, I'm Catholic and I am getting fed up with the Church and their corruption.

Now yes, the Church does allow NON PRACTICING homosexuals (as well as NON PRACTICING heterosexual) BUT to allow perverts, practicing or not, to become a priest, opens the door to more pedophiles and child molesting (do note.. most of these child molesters molest ONLY MALE CHILDREN.)

Now the REFORMATION, started by Martin Luther, was because of so much Church corruption. If the Catholic Church cannot get their house in order another Martin Luther will arise.

YoungHegelian said...

Wait! I thought according to the Guardian's lights it was okay to be gay?

So, it's just not okay to be a closeted gay? Why? Because that would involve making a personal choice that one's sex life is a private matter, and we can't have people making non-correct choices about their lifestyles, can we?

It's amazing how deep the tendency to fuck with other peoples' lives runs on the Left. They could teach the southern Baptists a thing or two.

KCFleming said...

So gays are destructive to religion.

Is that the Guardian's position?

YoungHegelian said...


Now the REFORMATION, started by Martin Luther, was because of so much Church corruption.

No it wasn't. That's BS spread by the liberal Protestant tradition.

It's not like church corruption didn't do its part to spur the Reformers to thought, just as it did many Catholic reformers before them. But, go read the Reformers (Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Hus)in their own words. Their driving issues were doctrinal, especially centered around the doctrine of Justification.

Just because we don't give a shit about matters of deep doctrine doesn't mean our ancestors saw the world & their faith that way.

Renee said...

"I'm pretty sure that sexually active heterosexual men are barred from the priesthood, to"

I know...

edutcher said...

The latest silly theory.

How about "I'm going to Disney World"?

Renee said...

"Which is why gays have higher incidences of drug & alcohol abuse, tobacco use, depression, suicide, and eating disorders than the population at large."

The concern is, are there higher incidences due to discrimination or rejection from family?

There are also studies that show homosexuals do better in terms of income as well.


Are there any studies that research why the difference in outcomes?

wwww said...
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Renee said...

My biggest fear as a parent, isn't that one of children may be gay. But rather my child would be convinced that I do not love him because he is gay. I really dislike/despise how our culture has turned anyone who disagrees with certain behaviors equates to hatred.

We missed out decades ago, we should of been more accepting and acknowledging that some people for whatever reason are not attracted to the opposite sex.

Cedarford said...

Synova said...
I'm pretty sure that sexually active heterosexual men are barred from the priesthood, too.
There are many sexually active heterosexual priests in the Church. Especially in Africa and Latin America. They keep mistresses on the side..they are not the ones chickenhawking.

That is the gay pederasts boinking smooth skinned, in the main part homo boys aged 12-16. Those gay pederasts in the priesthood simply followed the same homo love and lust traditions as the Greeks with their camp boys, the ancient Chinese with their ship boys, the Prussian officers with their "boy aides and drummer boys", and gay icons like Oscar Wilde and Harvey Milk with their early teen "rent boys" or "saved!" runaway homo teens.

The gay priest pederasts were no different.

Except that the liberal and progressive Jewish media and academia circles did an absolutely brilliant job recasting the priests as pedophiles. Who "preyed on infants", And the mostly gay and quite willing teen "pullets" as helpless children of no yet developed sexual inclination or desires of their own..

And the Church, led by a senile Pope and thinking it would all die down in months and quiet payoffs of the chickenhawks prey to wrap the problem up and not be an ogoing issue...made a huge mistake in not fighting back and saying the priests were no different than Oscar Wilde & CO.

Unfortunately, they missed that the left and progressive jews have long had an agenda of the destruction of CHristianity and its values and morals. So it diidn't stop as people around John Paul II hoped - but intensifies and continued to damage the Christian faith as much as possible.
As gays have a tradition of Christian bashing that is as ingrained as boy lust pederasty, along with the left and The jews and atheists running the jews Red Terror did a systematic slaughter of Russian Orthodox priests and laity as counter-revolutionary. Thousands of orthodox churches were burned, dynamited, or converted to "People's HOusing".
Same deal the Reds had in the Spanish Civil War - the RC Church and priests were targeted.

THese days, along with bashing the RC CHurch, the agenda includes a concerted media and academic campaign savaging all Christians as "ignorant and intolerant". Attacking selected Christians with open hatred...Sarah Palin, Tim Tebow, all the other Andrew Sullivans and Sandra Bernhardts "stupid hating Christians who hate so we must hate more"! - targets.

Give them creds though..reframing homosexual chickenhawks as the alliteration "pedophile priests" whose "sexual dysfunction and criminality troubles" had Nothing! Nothing! to do with homosexuality ---
was a PR masterstroke...

Conserve Liberty said...

Bread thou art, and bread thou shalt remain; wine thou art, and wine thou shalt remain.

Conserve Liberty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Baron Zemo said...

Just because a guy has nice shoes doesn't mean he is gay.

Baron Zemo said...
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Mitch H. said...

La Repubblica is an anti-Catholic centre-left paper known for its salacious interest in Vatican scandals, and I trust folks know to rank the Guardian as an academic-left British publication well to the left of the Labour Party mainstream.

The article doesn't seem to name any names as far as cardinals go, the names are all minor functionaries and the like. I suspect this is one of those "hey, these awful things Y and Z are going on, they must be the cause of resignation X, even though we don't have a lick of sourced connections between the two."

Anonymous said...

The perversion of homosexuality corrupts everything it touches.

Anonymous said...

The perversion of homosexuality corrupts everything it touches.

Palladian said...

Yes, gutless, it does! We faggots have special perversion powers that you cannot fathom! And we have touched this very blog! Touched it all over! Get out while you can, gutless! Of course it may be too late for you! You may have been touched already! Hahaha!

Palladian said...

Renee, don't bother with Jay, he's a blithering idiot. The more you address him the more he'll blither.

Anonymous said...

LOL, gutless is touched.

William said...

Different generations give different valences to different virtues. Chastity is no longer such a crowning virtue. Just now, tolerance is the truly stylish virtue, and no sane man goes around talking up the purity of white women......There were monks who monks slept in their coffins to emphasize the transience of their life on earth. Other godly clerics wore hair shirts all their lives to debase and punish their sinful bodies. These people were, in their era, considered sane and their excesses were considered virtuous. Nowadays, we would take a jaundiced view of such godliness. Thus so with celibacy. It's a virtue whose time has passed.

William said...

I congratulate Cedarford on the purity of his anti-semitism. It takes a truly imaginative anti semite to blame a Papal scandal on the Jews. He should look into the possiblity that the Holocaust was part of a Jewish plot to saddle the Germans with guilt and aid in the establishment of a Jewish state.....Honorable mention to Palladian. It is not homophobic to say that powerful and influential gay men use their power and influence to further their sexual interests. It happens. Perhaps no more so than with straight men, but the creepiness factor is squared when gay men are corrupt, and further cubed when such gay men are clergy

Gene said...

Gay clergy have been with us a long time. In college 50 years ago I remember reading the rules for some monastic order. And one of them was that two monks couldn't sleep in the same bed. I remember our instructor asking why we thought that was. I personally didn't have a clue (oh such innocence). But the answer it seemed was so that they didn't sodomize each other.

Anonymous said...

On one hand, you have left-wing example-itis. It's how lefties argue, being devoid of facts: they argue (and embellish) individual stories that "prove" a problem is all around us.

Example: Trayvon Martin. Jonesboro boys. It's an attempt to make martyrs and machiavellis and then try to smear everyone.

In reality, American journalists are more likely to be found child molesting and raping than priests. That's a statistical fact. Yet you always the stories as priests.

On the other hand, you have the old quote that "the floors of Hell are paved with bishop's skulls." That's from an early Roman Catholic saint and churchman. Basically, since the church began, Catholics have known that the hierarchy lent itself to corruption. Hell, St. Paul was already talking about it in his letters in the Bible, and the church probably had less than 1000 followers then, and had been around for only 30 years!

The idea being is that earthly corruption of officials in no way affected the truth asserted.

Revenant said...

Pope Benedict has barred sexually active gay men from studying for the priesthood.

Aren't sexually active *men*, period, barred from the priesthood?

Or are you allowed to openly sin prior to taking the vows provided you promise to stop afterwards?

Brian Brown said...

Palladian said...

Renee, don't bother with Jay, he's a blithering idiot. The more you address him the more he'll blither

It isn't my fault homosexuals have mental problems.

But hey, by ignoring factual data, you get to pretend it doesn't exist.

That makes things easier for your gay little mind.

We wouldn't want to upset your gay little mind.

Revenant said...

Outside of a tiny minority, what you get are guys committed to celibacy.

Or as I like to call them, "men committed to an unnatural and abnormal sex life". :)

Revenant said...

The perversion of homosexuality corrupts everything it touches.

That explains why women are always complaining about their hair.

Mel said...

When did I miss that the Roman Catholic Church allows any sexually active man to study for the priesthood? I don't think it's gender that bothers Rome; it's sex outside marriage, period.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I wonder what Fr Fox would have to say about this.

Me, I don't much care. Remember, although I'm a coercive leftist who is hell bent on "shoving lifestyles down others' throats", this doesn't much bother me.

But the hypocrisy does.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What William said at 3:41.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Next thing you know, Cedarfur will be complaining about how Jews brought down Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno.

Anonymous said...

Those acrobats display God's great wonders!

Nathan Alexander said...

Man, if only God had decided to be on the right side of history 2000-ish years ago and had his apostles discuss marriage as, man and man, man and woman, and woman and woman. So much more inclusive, so much more tolerant, and Christianity would be so much more poplar today!

Gary Rosen said...

"I congratulate Cedarford on the purity of his anti-semitism"

He's been practicing a long time (#51)

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