February 2, 2013

Obama, skeet-shooting last August.

The photographic evidence — responding to skepticism — uploaded at the presidential Flickr page today:


IN THE COMMENTS: mccullough said: "Cool picture. I want a poster of it to put next to my poster of Nixon bowling."

ADDED: White House coins the term "skeeters" to make fun of people don't believe Obama goes skeet shooting all the time at Camp David.


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Tank said...

Where is Dick Cheney when you need him?

edutcher said...

They also said he was "very uncomfortable" with them.

And you can't even call him a girly-man.

Not when a real woman makes it look like so much fun.

mccullough said...

Cool picture. I want a poster of it to put next to my poster of Nixon bowling.

David Avera said...

If he's skeet shooting in this picture, the clay pigeon is almost on the ground.

David Avera said...

If he's skeet shooting in this picture, the clay pigeon is almost on the ground.

Unknown said...

I don't understand how this quells skepticism at his claim to routinely shoot skeet at camp David though. No one claimed he is incapable of shooting skeet. How is at all an in your face moment.

Mogget said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MathMom said...

Very bad form. He doesn't shoot like a girl - he shoots like a sissy.

Anonymous said...

Oh the tempest in a teapot is now just tea bags steeping.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

Shitty form. Really sad looking.

Bruce Hayden said...

They had been making noises about the President shooting at Camp David, but didn't realize that he actually had time to go there, given his rough schedule, esp. last summer of golf and fund raising, along with real vacations to Hawaii, Vail, etc. Of course, Camp David does have its own golf course, and shotting range, so he might as well avail himself of the amenities.

I keep forgetting the Obama is sinister (left handed). As apparently are/were Slick Willie (42), GHW Bush (41), Ford (38), Truman (33), and Hoover (31). And Reagan was apparently ambidextrous. Seems almost like an advantage in recent years, or, at least well in excess of the average of 13% (or 1 leftie per 7.7 people). A lot of the cop shows show lefties with their watches on their off/right hand, and Obama wears his on his left, like righties do.

Now, I would be more impressed if the President were shown shooting an AR-type rifle (as Sarah Palin was - though I think hers was a real M16/M4) so he could at least pretend to know what he, and his Administration, was talking about. Or, maybe a handgun. But, still, this is a start.

MadisonMan said...

Mom Jeans.

Palladian said...

Good to know they're attending to the really important things in Obamaland.

Hagar said...

Nixon looks like he is bowling.
Obama looks like he is posing with a shotgun.

Besides, we read elsewhere that the Obama's dislike Camp David and won't go there except for events they can't very well avoid.
So he must have meant that "we" in "a more general sense."

edutcher said...

MathMom said...

Very bad form. He doesn't shoot like a girl - he shoots like a sissy.

Like he throws.

Inga said...

Oh the tempest in a teapot is now just tea bags steeping.

He's the one who told us he goes shooting skeet all the time, O She-Wolf of the SS.

We're just making fun of him being caught in yet another lie.

rhhardin said...

You've got to get the bird before it leaves the trap. Otherwise it's a moving target.

Ned said...

Low info obama voter will eat it up with a spoon!!!
They KNOW their target!

CWJ said...

Why does it look like something is venting from the top/side(?) Of the barrel?

john said...

I didnt see a date stamp on the photo. I remain unconvinced that the photo-op wasn't staged in the past few days to burnish Obama's bonifides as a True American Male.

Nevertheless, he is pointing the gun at the same angle as JFKerry, suggesting that all democrats only like to shoot at game/skeet already lying on the ground.

Tank said...

Second Amendment as evolved:

The right to skeet shoot shall not be infringed.

Darrell said...

'Cause the best time to shoot the clay target is when it's in the launcher. Except for spectators.

I would have destroyed all pictures where the gun wasn't raised at least to a thirty-degree angle. But that's just me.

Browndog said...

Odd, Althouse forgot to post the disclaimer...er, caption.

“This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may
not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.”

No making fun of Barry.

pm317 said...

Obama and his minions think gun owners are morons.

john said...

On the other hand, ...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If he's skeet shooting in this picture, the clay pigeon is almost on the ground.


It is a picture of Obama shooting a shotgun. Not skeet or trap shooting and certainly NOT sporting clays either.

If we see Obama standing next to a race car in an obviously staged photo opportunity, that doesn't make him a NASCAR driver.

garage mahal said...

The WH is just trolling righties at this point.

garage mahal said...

Ans sure enough: "It is a picture of Obama shooting a shotgun. Not skeet or trap shooting and certainly NOT sporting clays either."

El Camino Real said...

Where his shell pouch? If he were really shooting skeet he would either be wearing a vest with pockets for his shells or a belt with a pouch.

Add to that the horrible form and the angle of the shot and I cry shenanigans.

Photo op.

Michael said...

Garage. You like the president's mount?

By the way, i would guess he is shooting trap and not skeet.

virgil xenophon said...

DBQ et al are on the money as usual, but Tank wins the thread!

ErnieG said...

I don't know where he learned to shoot, but he probably learned to throw watching Volkswagen commercials.

edutcher said...

CWJ said...

Why does it look like something is venting from the top/side(?) Of the barrel?

Only because it is.

No shotgun expert I, but I don't think it's supposed to do that.

(does Mattel make shotguns?)

PS But the best part is, the idiots on the Left believed a Photoshopped Choom was real!

virgil xenophon said...

Plus El Camino Real..

Tim said...

Michael said...

"Shitty form. Really sad looking."


I'm not asserting Photoshopping, but the shotgun looks too large for the man wielding it - by about 25-30% - but it be a bad camera angle.

El Camino Real said...

Skeet, trap (it does look like a trap gun) or sporting clays he'd be wearing a pouch for his shells.

Hagar said...

The vertical smoke-puff is from a vented muzzle?
Does that reduce the recoil to where you can get away with holding a 12-gauge like that?

edutcher said...

CWJ said...

Why does it look like something is venting from the top/side(?) Of the barrel?

Only because it is.

No shotgun expert I, but I don't think it's supposed to do that.

(does Mattel make shotguns?)

PS But the best part is, the idiots on the Left believed a Photoshopped Choom was real!

virgil xenophon said...

Look, that photo is about as real as depicting Obama "skeet shooting" as are Michelle's bangs..

Expat(ish) said...

The "smoke" you see is from a port (or compensator) on the top of the barrel.

Amusingly, this is one of the "features" that can make a weapon an assault weapon.

It also looks to me like he's wearing sunglasses rather than eye protection, but I'm sure the SS put their foot down on stuff like that. Especially post-Cheney.


PS - That's a nice shotgun, but not an expensive one. I'm a little startled that they don't have top-of-the-line American made guns. That's a Beretta from Italy.

Bob said...

CWJ said...
Why does it look like something is venting from the top/side(?) Of the barrel?

It's ported for reducing recoil. Vents cut into the end of the barrel direct gases upwards, reducing the tendency of the muzzle to rise. It's often done on large-caliber handguns such as the .44 Magnum.

Tim said...

PS: My pre-teen daughter wields a shotgun better than our president-who-throws-like-a-girl does.

jacksonjay said...

I think he is trying to slowly back away from the gun control brouhaha. He wants to appear to be at least a bit gun savvy and unafraid.
It won't pass even in the Senate.
Crazy Harry is opposed and knee deep in NRA support!
Barry has done his due diligence (executive actions) and is moving on to immigration!

AllenS said...

He's shooting a gun, that's for sure. Skeet shooting? I don't know about that. If he is, the clay pigeon is pretty low on the arc.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Is there someone claiming that if Obama shot a gun, he now has the power to take away my second amendment rights without a Constitutional amendment?

Ron Nelson said...

Of course it would be his LEFT eye that is dominant.

Cody Jarrett said...

He's been to Camp David (Shangri-La!) about a dozen times.

So how can he say he's up there shooting "all the time"?

Speaking of which...other than a couple of photo ops, has anyone seen him actually golfing?

PS Inga oopsie....what tempest? He said it. No one believed him. Now only apologists and half wits do.

And you, of course.

Charlie Currie said...

Ever notice that Obama dresses like a nerdy corporate guy at a seminar - can't quite figure out what to wear - blue jeans, polo shirt - tucked in - with the belt that goes with his suit - probably wearing white, thick soled running shoes (without a scuff on them), if not the black brogues that go with the belt.

You would think a guy raised in Hawaii could actually pull off laid back casual - but, nope.


JAL said...

Q: Have you ever fired a gun?

A: Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time.

Deliberate Implication: I do skeet shooting all the time at Camp David. I know about guns.

Parsing: Yes I have fired a gun. [True statement, most likely.]

We (meaning the collective who gather at Camp David including the Secret Service guys off duty, and other less civilized Democrats, but not necessarily including everyone at Camp David) do skeet shooting all the time.

[True statement in that "we" includes people who actually do skeet shoot at Camp David.]

Verdict: Disingenuousness - Platinum Edition.

Photo released after going throuh a bunch of them to find one that would work. It has taken many weeks ;- )

Left shoulder would be quite sore after shooting like that. (Did no one try to help him position his firearm better?)

More like target practce, as others have pointed out skeet are up in the air and the position of the shooter far more energetic.

Have not been skeet shooting myself, but my guess is while Obama might be able to hit a target conveniently placed at the appropriate ego enhancing distance, I very highly doubt he hit a clay pigeon on the fly.

That said I encourage one and all to photoshop away. Why would our First Amendment rights (and copyright "fair use" / satire right) be infringed for Obama?

{Because He. Won.!}

the wolf said...

That's great, but I'm not sure what it's supposed to be proof of. The knock on Barry is that he claimed to go skeet-shooting "all the time" at Camp David, not that he once participated in a photo-op shooting a gun to look like a regular Joe. And it doesn't do anything to allay fears that Barry wants to disarm those regular Joes while keeping political elites safely ensconced in armed-protection bubbles.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

The photograph may
not be manipulated in any way

Hilarious photo shop alterations all over the internet, in 3...2....1

chickelit said...

AllenS said...
He's shooting a gun, that's for sure. Skeet shooting? I don't know about that. If he is, the clay pigeon is pretty low on the arc.

As I said before, the videos will be harder to fake. You can't hit a clay pigeon leading from behind.

Cody Jarrett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

You can't hit a clay pigeon leading from behind.

Also as pointed out terrible form. A recoil from a 12 gauge shotgun, even a vented one, for someone as slight as Obama (about the same weight/body mass as many women)would be pretty harsh. You need to lean into the stock.

Like THIS. This is good form.

If Obama shoots skeet.....all the time...instead of just a one time photo op...then he really really sucks at that sport.

Baron Zemo said...

What do you want to bet that he is shooting at a photo of Mitt Romney?

edutcher said...

Ron Nelson said...

Of course it would be his LEFT eye that is dominant.

Not if he's cross-dominant. I have to sight with my left eye shooting pool, throwing a ball, name it.

Chuck Currie said...

Ever notice that Obama dresses like a nerdy corporate guy at a seminar - can't quite figure out what to wear - blue jeans, polo shirt - tucked in - with the belt that goes with his suit - probably wearing white, thick soled running shoes (without a scuff on them), if not the black brogues that go with the belt.

Oh, boy, did he nail it!

Except the true corporate guy would have worn a pair of good pants, nice tropical weight wool. And he would have the brogues.

The mom jeans are part of the "He's cool because he's black", "He's really not the narcissistic snob he acts like, but just one of us, like that guy from the neighborhood who got him into politics" business.

Anonymous said...

"PS Inga ....what tempest? He said it. No one believed him."
2/2/13, 11:35 AM

The tempest was the outcry, typical from the right, this time led by Congresswoman Marsha and all the right wing radio talk show hosts ranted about it for days.

Hence the description "tempest" in a teapot. Hey I don't blame y'all for being embarrassed and denying it was a tempest in a teapot.

2/2/13, 11:47 AM

chickelit said...

Sporting Clays isn't skeet shooting.

Astounding! So POTUS goes skeet shooting and "sporting clays"? All the time?

Maybe the skeet shooting photos really were embarrassing. Or maybe we should parse what Obama meant when he said "skeet shooting"?

"Pull," Pompey!

Unknown said...

This is proof of nothing. All we can see is the top of a black man's head over a shotgun's stock and half of his face is covered by big Oakley sunglasses. This could be just about any black guy with a shotgun.

edutcher said...

Inga said...

He's been to Camp David (Shangri-La!) about a dozen times.

So how can he say he's up there shooting "all the time"?
"PS Inga ....what tempest? He said it. No one believed him."

The tempest was the outcry, typical from the right, this time led by Congresswoman Marsha and all the right wing radio talk show hosts ranted about it for days.

Hence the description "tempest" in a teapot. Hey I don't blame y'all for being embarrassed and denying it was a tempest in a teapot.

No, everyone knew he was lying, the only thing he shoots is a line of bull.

He's been caught in that lie and the picture underscores it.

You've lost this one, O She-Wolf of the SS. You might want to go back to telling us again how your "daughter" is the equal of any combat Marine even though the Leathernecks have conceded the standards will be no different than the Army's.

Modified by sex.

Methadras said...

Urkel is nearly holding the barrel.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I've never shot skeet. However, trap shooting is probably one of the most fun things that I do. I go to the gun club often in the spring and summer to shoot. Almost as much fun as a MMORPG /wink.

Sporting clays are great fun also, but the nearest course to us is quite a distance so, I have only done it a couple of times.

There is no shame in not being a sporting enthusiast or being familiar with guns. There IS shame in lying, faking and pretending.....Obama is lying.

Cody Jarrett said...

Are we sure it's a 12? I'd be willing to bet it's a 20. Not, you know a huge amount of money, like $20 or something.

Which doesn't change the point that it's bad form etc etc. He's shooting like it was a rifle, which isn't how you shoot a shotgun (at least not well).

I shoot a shotgun like a rifle. That's because I shoot rifles a lot and almost never shoot shotguns anymore. I miss a lot of skeets. I can also deal with the recoil cuz I'm not a sissy bitch like POTUS Barry.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Sporting Clays isn't skeet shooting.

No one said it was. Squirrel!!!

Cody Jarrett said...

Inga, the tempest (again) was because POTUS said he shot all the time.

One gay picture of him doing it wrong doesn't mean he wasn't lying.

Don't you ever get tired of being an apologist for a monster?

Cody Jarrett said...

DBQ, calm down. I'm not arguing with you. Jesus.

bleh said...

My stance is a bit unorthodox but very effective.

Hagar said...

Everything about this guy is always at least a little bit off.

chickelit said...

Everything about this guy is always at least a little bit off.

He disses ingenuity when he tries to be so clever. I blame his handlers, actually.

JAL said...

As for gun violence -- BHO said this in the same interview: "Part of being able to move this forward is understanding the reality of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas."

Duh. What happened in Newtown and Aurora and Phoenix did not happen in "rural" areas, but are certainly not "urban" gun violence. They were done by certifiably mentally ill people.

So what exactly in these proposals by the left addresses the mentally ill and urban gun violence?

It would be really productive to see the Democrats attempt to do something about urban gun violence which is frequently committed by people using weapons illegally. (People under 21 are not legally allowed to purchase or own hand guns, IIRC. One of our gazillion gun control laws.)

So how about enforcing the laws, dudes? Very stricty sentences for committing crimes with firearms. Instead of fake crack downs on possessing "large capacity" magazines. (Cue concerned face of the privileged protected David Gregory.)

As for urban violence -- how about encouraging a value system in which legal work and responsible parenting are promoted? I have heard Obama mention fathers before -- what is it that certain cultures have no fathers, but plenty of children running around?

And if Obama had come out saying he thought it would be very important for Malia to learn about guns and how to shoot and in the future, if she desired, to be able to own a handgun for self defense and enjoyemnt -- now *that* would have more currency than the convennient photo ops of this TMZ style presidency.

Charlie Currie said...

edutcher said: "Except the true corporate guy would have worn a pair of good pants, nice tropical weight wool. And he would have the brogues."

No...that's a description of Nixon bowling - not the seminar guy.


Brian Brown said...

Inga said...

The tempest was the outcry, typical from the right, this time led by Congresswoman Marsha and all the right wing radio talk show hosts ranted about it for days.

Um, "Congresswoman Marsha" never said she didn't believe Obama.

She merely challenged him to a contest.


Brian Brown said...

Hey I don't blame y'all for being embarrassed and denying it was a tempest in a teapot.

Hey, remember when you criticized the left for the whole Bush TANG memo thingy?

Yeah, me too.


Wince said...

"Step aside, Butch."

Of course, when Obama said that he was speaking to Janet Napolitano.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can organize a 'gun summit' for Barry.

You know, have Joe Biden along for a non alcoholic beer and spend a relaxing day learning about all those people and the Constitution, go hunting and go to a gun show.

Or he'll just keep trying to use the community activist playbook and cram horrendously bad laws like Obamacare down America's throat.

Either way works fine.

F said...

I used to shoot a lot of skeet and agree with several previous commenters: this is a posed shot and not the image of someone who has been skeet shooting more than once, much less "a lot".

It's probably not a recent shot, judging by the leaves on the trees, so it wasn't just made for this current press dustup. OTOH, the road behind him makes it look like he's just standing out back by the driveway, not on a trap or skeet range.

The shotgun he's shooting is not a skeet gun -- that would have shorter barrels. It is also vented (the puff of smoke out the side of the muzzle) which is more common with trap rather than skeet guns (I own both).

And the lack of a shell pouch tells me he wasn't shooting a round of skeet or trap -- just stepping outside to shoot one time for the camera. That also explains the poor form. I imagine him turning to Rahm or Valerie right after this photo was taken and saying "WTF? People do this for fun?"

the wolf said...

"Part of being able to move this forward is understanding the reality of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas."

If a white Republican president had said this, how many code words would the media have identified?

somefeller said...

Maybe next the skeet shooting truthers can demand to see the original spent shotgun shells. And how do we know this photo wasn't really taken in Kenya?

Known Unknown said...

"Part of being able to move this forward is understanding the reality of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas."

AR-15s = rural
Handguns = urban

Um, you're "controlling" the wrong guns.

Expat(ish) said...

Self correction: Browning Citori (I did some image searching), about a two and a half thousand dollar gun, depending on the furniture.

Note that skeet/trap/sporting loads are very very light and the reason more experienced shooters lean into their gun has more to do with locking in the eye/body-rotation triangle.


Big Mike said...

Oh the tempest in a teapot is now just tea bags steeping.

@Inga, you really cannot post comments like this and then complain when edutcher calls you "she wolf of the SS." If you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Aridog said...

Myself, I think the photo is both posed and likely photo-shopped as well. I've been a skeet and trap shooter most of my life, although just trap now. My recent shotguns are "ported" like the one Obama is holding, and the ports are NOT on the top of the top barrel,...how in hell would you port through the ventilated rib sight plane? They are on the side at about 10:00 & 2:00 o'clock positions...just like they are on Obama's gun if you enlarge the image and look at the porting.

The *key* thing (beyond the amazing coincidence of photographing the shot precisely when the remaining gases are venting)is that you see "smoke" venting only from the right side of the top barrel, and nothing coming out of the same ports on the left hand side. If the image is actually of the gases venting, they'd be coming out both sides. Hello?

IMO, the gas venting is photo-shopped on to the photograph.

Others have mentioned his line of sight, dead long the rib, not above it...like a rifle. You would hit few or no clays doing that....maybe the low house station 7 position clay going away...however, he is NOT on station 7 in the photograph...or you'd see the low house behind him.

Finally, no skeet range I have ever been on, in the US or over seas, has paving in the foreground of any of the stations, except, in some cases, for a narrow strip leading to station 8 from stations 1 & 7. Standard American Skeet Layout.IMO this man is not standing on any skeet range...he's along side of some roadway in the woods...quite possibly much nearer the White House than Camp David.

Rabel said...

How long until someone photoshops Osama into the picture?

Bruce Hayden said...

Loved this: White House Warns: Don't Photoshop Obama Gun Pic:

"This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House."

In their dreams. If the photo was taken by a government employee, there is no copyright in the photo - the one big exception to automatic copyright of original expression here since the U.S. joined Berne some two decades ago. And, if not, doing image manipulation of this photo would almost assuredly be considered Fair Use, given that he is the ultimate public figure so anything he does pretty much is newsworthy, and, esp. when this purportedly shows him shooting a gun that would apparently be illegal under the DiFi renewed "Assault Weapons" ban, along with his stated position on gun control, and the passions right now in that debate. Manipulating the image would almost assuredly be considered comment, etc.

And, no, the President, nor his family, have much in the way of a right to publicity. For one thing, he is the ultimate public figure, and therefore any picture of him is, almost by definition, newsworthy. And, where is their loss? Can't really be expecting to sell pictures of themselves, at least not until he leaves office.

What I think this empty threat does is that it will probably incite a rash of Photoshop-type image modifications - for example, showing all the people and things that he really wants to shoot. Since there isn't a lot of scenery to the left of the end of the muzzle, I think that I would just cut out Obama, his gun, and maybe the smoke, and then overlay that image as desired. Then, you can have him shooting pretty much anything he wants - Boehner, the Republican Party, Sarah Palin, old people, dogs (for dinner), etc. Should be fun. (And, yes, it has already started).

bagoh20 said...

"It is also vented (the puff of smoke out the side of the muzzle)"

C'mon people look at the photo. It's not even a real gun. It's a pipe, and I'd say that's high grade Maui Wowie.

bagoh20 said...

Damned Bogart!

Howard said...

He needs to get his right arm parallel to the deck.

ErnieG said...

Don't Photoshop? It's already started.

Big Mike said...

While I'm not as experienced with clay pigeons as some commenters on this thread, I agree that it looks nothing like an experienced skeet shooter on the range. I see nothing to contradict the detailed analyses of "F" and "Aridog," except that I don't understand why anyone would photoshop the vented gases in.

@Expatish are you sure that's a Browning? Could he be using Biden's expensive Beretta?

chickelit said...

Bruce Hayden wrote: What I think this empty threat does is that it will probably incite a rash of Photoshop-type image modifications - for example, showing all the people and things that he really wants to shoot.

Don't fall for it righties--it's a trap--meant to provoke harmful imagines or even riots that the left can use to support limiting rights.

CWJ said...

Thank you everyone for explaining the venting. It's been a long time since I've handled or shot a shotgun, and I'd never seen a vent like that before.

ErnieG said...

But wait! There's more! Here.

And here.

DADvocate said...

The background is too blurry. That pix could have been done via green screen or Photoshop. David Avera makes a good observation. Plus, I agree the form isn't good. The gun is held too high on the shoulder.

From Inwood said...

Inga is saying about all the comments here which point out that Our Dear Leader is not skeet shooting "What does it matter?" Worked for Hil

Hey, I get my shotgun expertise from Joe B.

Theranter said...

How are women enamored with this girly-guy? I used to watch guys qualify and there were plenty that were laughable, but few of them had form as bad this. I'll bet his Ss protection folks were having a good laugh that day!!

Theranter said...

How are women enamored with this girly-guy? I used to watch guys qualify and there were plenty that were laughable, but few of them had form as bad this. I'll bet his Ss protection folks were having a good laugh that day!!

Darcy said...

Oh. LOL. I'm swooning over the manliness.

garage mahal said...

So lets see: Obama faked his book, his parentage, his religion, his birth certificate, and now faked shooting a gun. Sheesh this guy!

We're not truther weirdos, we're just asking questions!

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aridog said...

Big Mike said ...

I don't understand why anyone would photoshop the vented gases in.

I don't either. I think it is simply ignorance over reaching for "effect."

The gaseous discharge exhibited is usually a moment or so after the shot...and I have n-e-v-e-r seen my guns blow lingering smoke out of the ports like that. The gases that go out the ports are those explosive gases from the initial discharge and are long gone by the time the shot cup leaves the barrel, when gases can been seen coming out of the barrel end.

Just my opinion, of course...I think there is some credence to the green screen contrivance possibility as well.

Anonymous said...

Big Mike, what does steeping tea bags have to do with me being a She Wolf of the SS? Did I call Edutcher a Teabagger? My comment was dealing with a tempest being quieted, the tea bags could be loose tea,quietly resting in the bottom of the pot, there better?

Sheesh no one can use the word "tea bags" now? Is it like the use of the "n" word? I'm not being disingenuous here, it didn't really even dawn on me that some would think I was referring to the Tea Party.

Tempest in a Teapot deals with tea, I guess I could've said "the coffee stopped percolating".

Baron Zemo said...

Hey did you notice that while he was shooting he took a "wide stance?"

He is also aiming down low.

Just sayn'

Baron Zemo said...

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps I should've used the Jesus quieted the tempest reference, oh no, that wouldn't work, you'd say I was comparing Obama to Jesus. O_o

Known Unknown said...

Darn, not downloadable to check the meta data to see when it was constructed. ; )

Aridog said...

Actually, I think that really is Obama holding the shotgun, maybe even firing it....it is just that his "people" just couldn't leave well enough alone and contrived an image to fit the narrative of "skeet shooting all the time"...then just had to over reach further with the smoke coming from the ports on one side only after the shot is fired and lingering gases are coming out of the barrel.

Just too cute by half ...

Darcy said...

It's so cute that anyone would find this image vindicating.

Known Unknown said...

Can you imagine Mitt Romney shooting a gun like this? It would look probably as dumb.

Not how you do it either.

Jerome said...

I'm not getting the point here. What difference does it make that O has or hasn't mishandled a shotgun? We all know he claims to be a Christian, as defined by Reverend Wright. But so what? He still has nothing but contempt for people who "cling to their guns or their religion". He is gun-grabbing Muslim, and we all know it.

Anonymous said...

Garage, and it was a huge issue, 'cause "if he lied about skeet shooting, he lied about everything!!" according to Charlie Sykes, Milwaukee right wing radio talk show host extraordinaire!, who talked about it ad nauseum last week.

Dont'cha know?

bagoh20 said...

Oh I see I'm not allowed to do that photoshopping, so I'll have to delete. I don't have time for a tax audit.

Anonymous said...

Next up kiddies, Obama shooting an AR-15......That will prove it! :)

Anonymous said...

"He... He... He's an Arab!"

Aridog said...

Inga said...

Next up kiddies, Obama shooting an AR-15......That will prove it! :)

Inga said...

"He... He... He's an Arab!"

Inga, what on earth are you trying to say?

In this case, why do you join a conversation in adversarial mode when you likely have almost no knowledge of the subject matter.

Why is it that the "new liberals"...aka progressives... think ordinary folks would give a shit about whether Obama shoots skeet or not? We find his posturing amusing, nothing more.

BTW...I said exactly the same thing, and worse, here about Sarah Palin's televised caribou hunt, also 80% faked from the git go, and got virtually torn to shreds and I don't recall you providing a utterance of defense.

The was no sane good reason for Palin's creative overreach and given that Obama is the POTUS, even less for his overreach creativity. Obama's stunt here serves no one but comedians ...Jay Leno is no doubt working on a Obama/Cheney skit as we speak.

Aridog said...

Bagoh2o...damnit, I knew I should have copied and saved that nice "blunt" image.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
furious_a said...

leading from behind...from the barrel's angle he's chasing the clay instead of firing through its arc; otherwise as he follows through the arc he'll discharge a good bit of the load into the ground.

That is, if he can see the clay at all by this point.

Hagar said...

Can the smoke puffs be due to atmospheric conditions? Humidity, smog?
Videos of skeet shooters don't show smoke that I can see. I think that a photo at the right time would show quite a muzzle blast (light), but blue smoke wafting?

Anonymous said...

Aridog, is It a requirement to have knowledge about firearms to comment on this blog post? What are you referring to?

As for my reference to Obama being an Arab, I was quoting the crazy lady at a McCain rally in 2008. I was poking fun at Jerome's comment at 1:47 PM, in which he says Obama is a Muslim.

The point I'm making is that conservatives made his comment about shooting a gun/ rifle / whatever, into a big deal, saying he was lying. Now this photo is presented, it proves he wasn't lying after all.

That's all.

bagoh20 said...

" he'll discharge a good bit of the load into the ground."

and still never miss a single one. Of course if there was video of him shooting into the ground it would just be him bagging some gophers...terrorist gophers infiltrating Camp David.

sakredkow said...

Obama's stunt here serves no one but comedians

Doesn't seem like a stunt to me. The picture was taken last August. It was released only apparently in response to a number of Anti-Obamaites who were trying to paint Obama as a liar for saying he went skeet shooting.

Sheesh. So he posts it and now he's criticized for pulling stunts. Can't win for losing.

Colonel Angus said...

That gun is more deadly in a packed classroom than an AR 15.

furious_a said...

phx: Anti-Obamaites who were trying to paint Obama as a liar for saying he went skeet shooting...

..."...all the time." You forgot that bit.

Colonel Angus said...

@Inga, you really cannot post comments like this and then complain when edutcher calls you "she wolf of the SS." If you can't take it, don't dish it out.

I used to think Inga was a nice person, sincere, if not naieve in her beliefs but I am coming to the opinion she has a more nefarious streak in her that she tries to hide.

Anonymous said...

Furious, how do you know this picture was the one and only time he ever shot a gun at Camp David? How would one KNOW that?

garage mahal said...

.."...all the time." You forgot that bit

He also golfs a lot. Since he doesn't swing a club like Tiger Woods, how do we know he even golfed at all!

sakredkow said...

"...all the time." You forgot that bit.

I see. He's fairly accused of being a poser because the picture doesn't show him shooting all the time.

Wingers never learn what their shit sounds like to moderates and independents. Gotta feels sorry for the moderate Republicans.

Anonymous said...

My latest pic from spy school

Colonel Angus:)

somefeller said...

You know, the smoke from the front and side of the shotgun barrel in the photo forms a shape that may be a crescent, which is a symbol for Islam. This photo is further proof that Obama is a seekrit Mooslim! And he's rubbing it in our faces! The truth is out there if you want to see it, people.

bagoh20 said...

I have never seen this guy do anything very well, except collect sycophants, at which he excels.

He sucked as a community organizer, he blew the Annenberg 300 million and made things worse, his books are narcissistic bullshit (although that's fine with me), he managed to create the slowest recovery since WWII, which still is unbelievably weak, he throws like a pussy, he's hurt the black community worse than any President since emancipation, he has unsuccessfully spent more money than any human in history, he squandered an improving middle east he was handed, he has allowed Al Qaeda to reemerge, and he ran the most embarrassing and least serious Presidential campaign of my lifetime.

I hope he concentrates on skeet shooting for a while.

sakredkow said...

We'll just tie those cartoon Limbaugh devotees to the next moderate Republican candidate and watch him or her sink into oblivion as well.

Can't anybody here play this game?

Rabel said...

Heh. The next picture in the White House Flicker Photostream is of Gabby Giffords. Seriously.

furious_a said...

He's fairly accused of being a poser because the picture doesn't show him shooting all the time.

No, because if he does indeed shoot skeet "all the time" his form would reflect that.

This photo looks like he's just firing downrange. If you knew anything at all about sporting clays you'd know that at least.

edutcher said...

garage mahal said...

So lets see: Obama faked his book, his parentage, his religion, his birth certificate, and now faked shooting a gun. Sheesh this guy!

Even garage is beginning to see what a phony he is.

Inga said...

Furious, how do you know this picture was the one and only time he ever shot a gun at Camp David? How would one KNOW that?

Because it took them this long to find one?

sakredkow said...

No, because if he does indeed shoot skeet "all the time" his form would reflect that.

I know guys who've played chess for 30 years and still suck. But stick to your very persuasive fantasies. It's good for your character.

Anonymous said...

We know he golfs often, is his form perfect? He plays basketball often, is his form perfect? Or does that mean he was lying about golfing and basketball also?

Isn't this just commen sense?

sakredkow said...

The birthers cain't help themselves.

sakredkow said...

A dog returns to its vomit. Shrug.

McTriumph said...

“Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time.”

Real gunners don't say, "we do skeet shooting". No more than real golfers say "we do golfing". This is like Dukakis saying, "At Brookline, We do tank driving all the time".

Anonymous said...


mtrobertsattorney said...

I think this photo will backfire.

That long conga line of low information voters and their handlers marching step for step behind Obama will now think they have to go out and buy a gun.

mtrobertsattorney said...

I think this photo will backfire.

That long conga line of low information voters and their handlers marching step for step behind Obama will now think they have to go out and buy a gun.

Anonymous said...

Did he say he was a "real gunner"? Maybe I missed that.

sakredkow said...

Real gunners don't say, "we do skeet shooting". No more than real golfers say "we do golfing". This is like Dukakis saying, "At Brookline, We do tank driving all the time".

I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


furious_a said...

Inga: Furious, how do you know this picture was the one and only time he ever shot a gun at Camp David? How would one KNOW that?

While "knowledge of firearms" may not be a requirement to comment, simple reading comprehension -- or failing that, a less transparent attempt at putting words in other peoples mouths -- would be.

For large print readers like you -- show me where I said that.

Known Unknown said...

I know guys who've played chess for 30 years and still suck

Chess doesn't require physical form. You can slouch, sit up, shift weight left and right.

Personally, I could care less about the stupid picture.

Can we talk about GDP and unemployment?

sakredkow said...

Can we talk about GDP and unemployment?

Sure, just let me put you down as 'undecided' on the latest birther claims and we'll switch the topic.

sakredkow said...

Everybody who bowls for any length of time always gets better.

chickelit said...

hx said...
Everybody who bowls for any length of time always gets better.

Unless you level the bowling field and erect a basketball shrine in its place. :)

Anonymous said...


Oy vey!

Isn't skeet just for the white-bred white boys?

Obama is half of a black man and deserves a weapon that reflects his Original G- status...

Somebody give the President an AR-15!!! PUH-LEEZE!!!

(And some self-respect, while you are making the delivery. Okie? TIA!!!)

madAsHell said...

will now think they have to go out and buy a gun.

Have you tried to buy a weapon recently?? Hell, you're lucky to find ammo!! I'm not sure if they are low information voters, but there is very little selection at the gun counter, and they have premium prices.

My daughter, and I intended to shoot at the range today. We arrived 30 minutes late, and found there was a 45 minute waiting list. I've been going to that range ever since we elected Obama, and I've NEVER had to wait.

Obama is the country's best firearm salesman....evah!

Known Unknown said...

Sure, just let me put you down as 'undecided' on the latest birther claims and we'll switch the topic

I just was pointing out chess is a lousy comparator.

I sincerely doubt Obama shoots skeet "all the time." I'm sure he's shot and managed guns before, but he's not that type of person ... which is okay. He doesn't have to be.

Politicians sadly feel like they have to always be "on" and be all things to all people, and it shows when they are not genuine about it. Palin's Caribou hunt was just as dumb, even though, as an Alaskan it's probably a shred more believable.

I could really care less about this Camp David stuff.

sakredkow said...

Fair clarification.

garage mahal said...

Obama is the country's best firearm salesman....evah!

Firearms aren't an iPod, or a Toyota. They just don't go bad. So how do you get people to buy more firearms they don't need? Lie to them!


edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

For those interested,Hot Air neatly eviscerates Choom on this one.

Big Mike said...

So how do you get people to buy more firearms they don't need? Lie to them!

@garage, my take is that people know they are being lied to -- but the liars are Obama and Biden and Reid and Feinstein.

And you.

Plus from conversations I've overhead at the sales counters at my favorite range I suspect that a large fraction of the buyers are first timers. One doesn't need multiple guns for home defense, but you do need at least one.

kimsch said...

EDH: Exif data

Big Mike said...

Sheesh no one can use the word "tea bags" now? Is it like the use of the "n" word?

@Inga. Yes.

I'm not being disingenuous here

Un huh

it didn't really even dawn on me that some would think I was referring to the Tea Party.

The mistake is mine, when I tried several days ago to credit you with some brains.

roesch/voltaire said...

I should think it would be enough to show the right wing haters that the man can place a finger around a trigger and pull-- apparently that's all it takes to show one supports the second amendment.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Big Mike, whatevah. Makes me no difference. I say It as I see it. I don't say things to make sure they pass muster with conservatives here.

Big Mike said...

So let's sum up, here. Barack Obama has attempted to suggest that he is sympathetic to the concerns of gun owners in part because he shoots skeet "all the time."

So (1) does it follow from the fact that he (allegedly) shoots skeet "all the time" that he understands the concerns of gun owners? Is whether or not he shoots skeet "all the time" germane to whether he understands the need for ordinary people who don't have layers of Secret Service agents between them and harm to have a means for self-defense? (Note for Inga, this is called a rhetorical question.)

Then (2) does this photo indicate that he really is beyond the tyro level at shotgun shooting. The verdict of all of the experienced shotgunners on this thread -- with the probably exception of garage mahal -- is that he doesn't know much about handling a 12 gauge over-and-under.

Alex said...

Inga is for whatever pisses off conservatives like edtucher.

somefeller said...

Don't get mad at Big Mike, Inga. He's been upset ever since Obama won and it became clear to him that he and his Tea Party friends won't be able to prevent the government from keeping its hands off their Medicare. But at least he still can get together with them and they can trade funny stories speculating about Obama's birth certificate, and now, exactly when and where (and they demand proof!) Obama has fired a gun.

Darrell said...

Inga is right--you can't see the hose going to his ass. And where is the caption that says "Pull my finger, Teabaggers"?

McTriumph said...

Friday the President said, " We do Super Bowl watching at the White House. We really enjoy the way the pros do football playing. Besides, it's too cold to do golfing. We will do chicken wing eating Sunday. Don't tell Michelle, she's still mad at me for doing skeet shooting."

MayBee said...

Why can't they respond this quickly to calls for a run-down of his actions on the night of the Benghazi?

Shows you what is important in the Obama WH. Obama image over US facts about US murders.

Comanche Voter said...

Skeeters is a colloquial term for mosquitos--always biting you on the backside or some other unprotected area. There are lots of skeeters in the White House press office.

Synova said...

"I sincerely doubt Obama shoots skeet "all the time." I'm sure he's shot and managed guns before, but he's not that type of person ... which is okay. He doesn't have to be."

I think that we can safely say that he shot one once, and it's probable that he tried skeet shooting at least once. But his "all the time" claim is ridiculous. Was he hiding it from his anti-gun constituency? Is he as bad at it as bowling? It still doesn't give him any great insight into gun ownership, and really, when it comes to things that no one, no one at all NEEDS to do with a gun, it's skeet shooting. Certainly the 2nd Amendment wasn't meant to protect something so unnecessary, huh?

"Politicians sadly feel like they have to always be "on" and be all things to all people, and it shows when they are not genuine about it. Palin's Caribou hunt was just as dumb, even though, as an Alaskan it's probably a shred more believable."

I don't believe she's an avid hunter, but her dad is absolutely an avid hunter and she went big game hunting long before she ever entered politics.

somefeller said...

Keep asking those important questions,Synova. Someday, the truth will come out about this.

Original Mike said...

"You've got to get the bird before it leaves the trap. Otherwise it's a moving target."

I wish I had time to go through all of these.

Synova said...

Oh, Somefeller, it's not like I care. I always figured he'd have tried it at least once. Wouldn't you have?

The "all the time" claim is laughable, is all, though I'm sure that there are people shooting at the range at Camp David "all the time" it's just not HIM.

I also believe that Hillary "got shot at" in Bosnia... in the sense that she was told "we can't stand on the runway because there are snipers, so keep your head down and run to the car."

The "lies" are only a big deal if a person puts too much weight on the statement to start with.

Original Mike said...

"You've got to get the bird before it leaves the trap. Otherwise it's a moving target."

I wish I had time to go through all of these.

Synova said...

Now, if Obama accepts a skeet shooting date with some of those asking him, and we find out if he can hit the broad side of a barn, then we'll know he didn't just try it once.

And still... The 2nd Amendment can't possibly be meant to cover something as worthless and unnecessary as skeet shooting. Right?

Anonymous said...

The truth will set you free.

I'm blown away (pun intended) that this is so important to conservatives and that it proves or disproves his motives in regard to the 2nd Amendment or even gun owners in general.

1charlie2 said...

I don't care if he shoots skeet. Or trap. Or anything. But good golly, just be honest about it.

Why couldn't he just say "Well, I do enjoy shooting skeet a couple times a year. I absolutely suck at it -- it's a lot harder than it looks and as you might imagine there are too many demands on my time to spend the time it takes to get good. But erven though I'm terrible I enjoy it anyway." I'd have been on his side.

But this ? I have been shooting from age 6, including trap and skeet. Giving the president the benefit of the doubt, perhaps it was some friend saying "Hey, Barry! Check out my new shotgun! Go ahead, give it a try!" And he took one shot, captured by the ever-present WH photographers.

Had they left it there, it would have been fine. But someone -- and I won't speculate who without evidence -- had to embellish on it. Smacks of more dishonest Chicago politics -- even when there's no real reason to, someone amps it up into a lie.

Synova said...

I think, Inga, that the point is that it DOESN'T prove or disprove a dang thing about his motives in regard to the 2nd Amendment or even gun owners in general.

But he thought it would.

JAL said...

@ Inga 2:14 The point I'm making is that conservatives made his comment about shooting a gun/ rifle / whatever, into a big deal, saying he was lying. Now this photo is presented, it proves he wasn't lying after all.

{Spits coffee on keyboard.}

This photo proves he wasn't lying *at* *all* ??

What he said is called equivocation.

Obama implied that "in fact" he shoots skeet "all the time."

It is so clearly bullshit. And it clearly indicates that lying is something Obama does so facilely to make whatever he wants to think is his point that it is pathological.

The photo, Inga and others, does not prove he wasn't lying after all.

Au contraire.

"That's all."

furious_a said...

I also believe that Hillary "got shot at" in Bosnia...

Hillary! has "...SERPENTINE!..SERPENTINE!". seared, seared into her memory.

Anonymous said...

Synova, I don't think that was his motive, but none of us know his heart of hearts, I guess, so this whole brew haha (brouhaha)was simpyl another example of a tempest in a teapot, oops I mean coffee pot. :)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I'm blown away (pun intended) that this is so important to conservatives

The actual issue is the lying, fabrication of stories, exaggerating and did I mention LYING.

When a person lies about the little things, when a person lies when the truth would have suited, then that person is an habitual liar. An habitual liar cannot be trusted because they will like about the big things, the little things and everything.

McTriumph said...

Myth making

Anonymous said...

JAL, cause you know, it's sooooo important for him to be an expert skeet shooter to be credible. As I said earlier, how is his golf form or his basketball form? Perfect? We know he golfs and shoots hoops All.The.Time.

furious_a said...

I don't care if he shoots skeet. Or trap. Or anything. But good golly, just be honest about it.

...like he was about his bowling skills, when there wasn't some political angle to it.

furious_a said...

JAL, cause you know, it's sooooo important for him to be honest to be credible.

There, fixed it for you.

Darrell said...

Big Sis was firing Joe Biden's $10K Beretta DT10. Barack was P-shopped in. He was playing a
vuvuzela (lepatata Mambu.)

Big Mike said...

@somefeller, that snark about Medicare is not so funny to those of us in our sixties.

@Inga, please do not use the word "think" in connection with anything you write until you grasp what the word actually means.

Anonymous said...

At this point in the discussion, let us all join in and sing, this verse from The Bohemian Rhapsody!

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality
Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see,
I'm just a poor girl, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go, Little high, little low
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me.....

Aridog said...

This high contrived fake "skeet shooting" photo sure gets the liberals worked up when ordinary folks just call it what it is...bullshit. The image was released by the White House, so it isn't some casual photo...it was supposed to means something.

What it means is that they have a reasonably good photo-shop person who is also familiar with green screen technology.

As long ways back I commented that ordinary people don't give a shit about Obama and his gun prowess or lack (obviosuly) there of....yet I drew a response string about everything but that.

@1charlie2 nailed in his comment at 4:49 PM. Had the WH not published the photo under the skeet narrative, nobody would have said squat. We already knew he exaggerated in his verbal remark, but his peeps just had to double down on stupid.

Aridog said...

... lying is something Obama does so facilely to make whatever he wants to think is his point that it is pathological.

He's the best I have ever seen...after Hillary and Bill.

At this point, what difference does it make, eh?

Oh, and @Inga...your "tempest" is sloshing around in a chamber pot.

God Bless.

furious_a said...

We already knew he exaggerated in his verbal remark, but his peeps just had to double down on stupid.

As phx posted upthread dog to its vomit.

Rusty said...

Michael said...
Shitty form. Really sad looking.

Yes. You can tell he doesn't shoot much, if at all.

30yearProf said...

1. He not shooting Skeet. The shotgun would be pointed up at a much greater angle.

2. Same for Trap.

3. His shotgun has a semi-pistol grip (popular since 1903)for better handling and recoil sontrol.

4. It's an "assault shotgun".

5. He holds it like he's afraid of it.

Oh, I get it, it's a photo opportunity not real shooting.

Paul said...

No doubt Obama rushed to Camp David for a photo op. Funny we never have seen him shoot one before yet tons of photos playing golf, surfing, bicycle riding, jogging, etc...

Makes you think it is all staged, right?

Fake and inaccurate!

30yearProf said...

1. He not shooting Skeet. The shotgun would be pointed up at a much greater angle.

2. Same for Trap.

3. His shotgun has a semi-pistol grip (popular since 1903)for better handling and recoil sontrol.

4. It's an "assault shotgun".

5. He holds it like he's afraid of it.

Oh, I get it, it's a photo opportunity not real shooting.

edutcher said...

somefeller said...

Keep asking those important questions,Synova. Someday, the truth will come out about this.

Not if some phony folksy has anything to do with it.

He never really adds to the conversation, but gets nervous if someone else does.

Paul said...

Wait a min..... That shotgun is faked out. It's an over/under but notice the TOP barrel is a bit longer, like some kind of blank adapter has been added.

Yep, fake and inaccurate.

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