February 9, 2013

"I have completed the task the Lord hath assignedeth me of creating the templates and instructions for a simple Valentine's Day pop-up card."

"So now I am released of my duty to humankind," says Chip Ahoy in yesterday's café, The Faithful Dog:
The templates are so simple it's embarrassing.

Nevertheless, here are some 30 or so photos that show a step by step process any child can follow. The 3 little files are png files to drag and drop. They fit an 8.5 X 11 sheet of card stock, to print, but you will not need the templates, just use the idea instead. They are put there for your human comfort.

And I tell you what, if you were to take a moment and fashion such a card for your sweetie, it will be the best card they ever receive and I'm not kidding. It will be treasured, I learned, and saved. Forever. When the person dies their survivors will go through their things, and go, "no wait, what? what? this person got Valentines cards like this when they were alive? That's awesome! Man, I wish I had friends who gave me cards like this."
And it's a simple one too. Part 2 Doubles the awesomeness of this card, and Part 3 intensifies that!
The super-clear photo instructions are entertaining even for those of us who would never hand-make a card, even for those who don't send cards of any kind, and even those who have a Valentine's-equivalent-of-Scrooge-like attitude about Valentine's Day.


pm317 said...

...That's awesome! Man, I wish I had friends who gave me cards like this.

Hallmark should hire Chip for their PR..


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The man posseses mad skillz and a generous heart.

David said...

Time for a Chip Ahoy sex manual. The final, definitive word(s).

rhhardin said...

the task the Lord hath assignedeth me

I am very doubtful of hath assignedeth, since the auxiliary verb carries the person and number, and -th has something old timey to do with person and number.

Such intuitions as I have come from exposure to KJV probably, though, and fold-up English might be different.

ken in tx said...

Assignedeth is not correct. It should be assign-ed with the ed pronounced distinctly. The th ending is replaced by s or es in modern English. Compare hath and has, which mean the same thing. BTW, th was a printing press adaptation to replace edth or thorn which are the two lost letters of the English language.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

And Lord was pleased...

ken in tx said...

Edth is still used in Icelandic.

Unknown said...

I can see now that I did my card wrong. It works, but I misunderstood the mechanism and it doesn't look like Chip's. So, yes, it is necessary to make detailed instructions for the unenlightened masses. Thanks Chip.

edutcher said...

Sounds like Samuel Eliot Morison's valediction on completing his multi-volume History of the US Navy in World War II.

Penny said...

I liked it at the end there where the asp lady sploded.

I think?

Hard telling I guess, since few of us are familiar with Cleopatra inspired Egyptian valentines.

Heck, even God knew Chip Ahoy was his "go to" guy. And THAT'S saying something!

deborah said...

Too cool, Chip; only one mechanism and it explodes. And hilarious :)

I must try this.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I can't get the link to work properly. You'll have to take my word for it that my card turned out well. I'm refining it. I don't like the color combinations.
I even started a photo bucket account. I just can't figure out how to link to it. Two steps forward and one step back.

Unknown said...

my card

deborah said...

Nice job, wyo!

Penny said...

Holy moly, wyo sis!

Congrats on graduating from the Chip Ahoy School for Grasshoppers!