February 28, 2013

At the Snow Tree Café...


... we've saved you a seat.


edutcher said...

There's something wistful about that picture, as if Madame can't wait for those nice June evenings on the bench, her arm around her sweetie.

kjbe said...

Well, we've certainly got as much snow as I've seen for the final turn into March. People are weary of it, but the up side is that you know it won't be around for long...

Bob Ellison said...

Watch and listen to this. ("You Never Need Nobody" by The Lone Bellow).

Bob Ellison said...

Watch and listen to this. ("You Never Need Nobody" by The Lone Bellow).

Bob Ellison said...

I don't know why this comment is failing.

Watch and listen to this. ("You Never Need Nobody" by The Lone Bellow).

I've tried to publish it two times prior to this attempt.

Maybe Blogger doesn't like music.

Bob Ellison said...

Professor, someone is deleting my comments.

Bob Ellison said...

Watch and listen to this. ("You Never Need Nobody" by The Lone Bellow).

Bob Ellison said...

Interesting. It appears that comments that link to YouTube are deleted.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

... we've saved you a seat.

I'm on the food chain.

Bob Ellison said...

Google has banned me again.

Bob Ellison said...

Interesting. I tried to post this link:

You Never Need Nobody by The Lone Bellow.

Google banned me. Why? Is some idiot at Google playing God again? Professor, you should find a real server. I could host it for you easily. This is awful.

Bob Ellison said...

Wrong link. I tried to post this: You Never Need Nobody.

Strangely, Google deleted my previous link. What goes on?

Bob Ellison said...

Still here?

Bob Ellison said...

Wow. Google is deleting very well.

Bob Ellison said...

"Don't be evil."

JAL said...


Bob Ellison said...

FYI: I have tried to link to a YouTube video several times. It's a nice song by The Lone Bellow. Blogger has deleted all of my links and the comments that included them. What goes one?

Bob Ellison said...

Google is evil. Ban that!

Bob Ellison said...

Google's board of directors suck armadillo dicks and spit. They laugh and then throw up in their shorts.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

While away from the computer... it occur to me that the Woodward White House imbroglio is one similar to what Rush calls his media tweak.

Rush says something "controversial" and he gets a lot of the leftist press talking about him.

In the case of Woodward however... Woodward tweaked the White House... and he got them to respond in such a way that it guaranteed to make news.

Bob Ellison said...

"I work at blogger" is shorthand for "I pick nits out of Kim Jong Un's navel and then eat them. I like them with mustard. I also lick alpaca balls for fun."

Bob Ellison said...

Here's the dastardly link: "You Never Need Nobody" by The Lone Bellow.

Bob Ellison said...

Wow. That one worked, for now.

edutcher said...

Triumph is thrilling.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Bob Ellison said...
Professor, someone is deleting my comments.

Two of mine in an earlier thread were eaten or deleted and so was one of Victoria's in the same thread. I emailed the Professor, but never heard back. So much for policy or else they haven't released them yet.

edutcher said...

Maybe they're trying to find out what Charlie Foxtrot Blogger has rained down upon us this time.

Meade said...

We have not deleted any comments today.

Ann Althouse said...

"Professor, someone is deleting my comments."

I'm not deleting anything and I'm not seeing anything in the spam filter, so there's nothing visible from here.

Tibore said...

As weird as this sounds, I honestly think Google Blogger just borks some comments sometimes. I've had the occasional comment disappear myself, and not just here but other Blogger sites. I just think the site's backend software just occasionally fails.

Call me crazy.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, there's something wrong with your web site. I can't get to anything older than "Woodward's Gone Rogue."

Google don't love you, lady.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, there's something wrong with your web site. I can't get to anything older than "Woodward's Gone Rogue."

Google don't love you, lady.

Big Mike said...

(But thanks for reminding me why I left the Midwest!)

Big Mike said...

(The snow, I mean.)

Big Mike said...

Hmmm, and I got the dreaded "double post."

chickelit said...

Well something deleted them because they appeared normally on screen but then disappeared after refreshing--twice.

At this point, I blame Blogger because it's so easy to do so.

Bob Ellison said...

Google is evil. Leave.

Chip S. said...

Lanny Davis says the same thing happened to his blog.

edutcher said...

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, there's something wrong with your web site. I can't get to anything older than "Woodward's Gone Rogue."

I can, so dare I ask about browsers, etc.?

I'm running Chrome with Javascript turned on for this site.

Bob Ellison said...

I posted several safe-for-work comments from both Android and Windows 8. They disappeared without notice or error. Then the assholes at Google asked me for my cell phone number. I complied, and now I can comment.

This is evil.

MadisonMan said...

I confess.

I was the one who deleted Bob Ellison's posts. I was bored during Idol. Those singers tonight! Aack!

I had to do something.

I prevented Big Mike from seeing old posts.

For my next trick, I will make the snow disappear. But this one may take a while.

MadisonMan said...

Call me a fiend for doing this. I will delete it!!!


Okay, I'll go walk the dog now.

Synova said...

So, I had a crabby day today because my "Mars" professor, who is usually an equal opportunity grumbler about stupid political tricks played with the NASA budget (having worked on a number of projects that got tossed out due to regime changes) made a gawd awful unfactual snark about Jindal not wanting to spend money to monitor seismic activity and volcanoes. You all remember it... when we just HAD to have a stimulus to save the economy, which pretty much all Republicans were on-board for, but horrible terrible "anti-science" people like Jindal (and others) thought actually ought to go to programs that had a chance of directly STIMULATING the economy? And then most of it ended up getting paid out to government programs and local governments so that they could continue with the status quo instead of tightening their belts, as if the freaking STATUS QUO was going to stimulate the freaking economy.

But the take-away is that Jindal doesn't think earthquakes and volcanoes are important?

And we're sitting in class wondering if there will be geology jobs, or *any* jobs when we graduate. But we're hoping so, even if it is a gamble. If nothing else, it's a gamble that by the time we graduate someone will offer to forgive our student loans in exchange for voting him into office.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip S. said...

How odd.

My last 3 comments doubting MadMan have all disappeared.

chickelit said...

edutcher said...
Triumph is thrilling.

Yes, but "Triumph des Villains" is menacing.

chickelit said...

Is there a profile setting somewhere where I can auto email myself my own comments made on other's blogs?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I delete my comments... before ice releases them.

Patrick said...

Maybe Madison Man is really that Sergie guy from Google.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Professor, someone is deleting my comments.

You know... we have a carrier going without fuel tonight... and what are you worried about?

(Sadly, the carrier meme is not going anywhere either)

Chip S. said...

Lem, that's a brilliant insight.

Those comments aren't being deleted; they're being sequestered.

Humperdink said...

Seven minutes til sequester Armageddon. You central time people have another hour+ to catch a plane before air traffic control shuts down.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

Happy Birthday, Myrna!

Humperdink said...

Well, my Amish friend Ervin was out today to cut and skid some trees off the ranch. He brought two giant Percheron horses to do the heavy lifting. Always an amazing sight watching these horses pull monster logs on voice command.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

You will regret going up against Madman.

If you see an Italian sausage walking up your driveway... Run!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Seven minutes til sequester Armageddon. You central time people have another hour+ to catch a plane before air traffic control shuts down.

Its seven minutes past sequester time here in the east coast... if you are still reading this it means I have survived... this is not a recording.

Humperdink said...

Lem, I just heard a bunch of laid off teachers walking by the house. Quite somber.

Breaking news on the local station, all the east coast interstate highways have shut down.

Not sure what to make of this ... I think we're done fer.

AlanKH said...

Is Donna Brazile idiot, liar, or both? I have a hard time believing that she's seeing nasty surprises in her insurance coverage just now. BCBS tripled my deductible the year after they passed Obamacare.

rcommal said...

I have something akin to a good chunk of a decade's worth of comments, mine and others', due to the simple selecting, routinely, in a mostly, if not always, disciplined fashion, of a check-box.

I hope that answers the question.

AlanKH said...

DB's shocked! shocked! tweet.

chickelit said...

I have something akin to a good chunk of a decade's worth of comments, mine and others', due to the simple selecting, routinely, in a mostly, if not always, disciplined fashion, of a check-box.

Ah! I didn't know that that worked for your own first comment. I thought it just alerted you to subsequent ones. I say that because I once tried it on TY's blog where everything runs shipshape.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I just heard a sequester ship landed on a farm near Grovers Mill, New Jersey... Governor Chris Christie was there to welcome them (whoever they are) and take them on a tour of the Sandy devastated, Seaside Heights.

rcommal said...

Lem, just curious: What's your personal, considered opinion, over time and taking into account all factors, of Gov. Chris Christie, as a governor, as a politician local to you, as a person, as a potential national candidate [whatever: U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, President & etc?]. What do you think?

rcommal said...

chickelit: Well, it does when you remember to do it. ; ) Can't say I *always* have, though I have often enough. (Same goes for archiving and keeping stuff, especially over time, as devices have changed, due to dying or upgrading.) Still enough.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Christie is a RINO of political convenience... meaning if it would not be politically advantageous to be a RINO he would not be.

But, compared to what we have now in the WH he looks great... As far as electability I would have to look again down the road.

Mumpsimus said...

@Big Mike: same here. For me, since last night, the blog shows down to the headline (only) of "Forms leaned together," and no further. IE9.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

You know, now that you guys mention it... I'm only seeing up to what I believe is the Gatsby sentence from last night.

Forms leaned together in the taxis as they waited, and voices sang, and there was laughter from unheard jokes, and lighted cigarettes outlined unintelligible gestures inside.

Nothing beyond that... further back in time I mean. I cant even comment on the sentence tread.

Anonymous said...

A person walking in snow photography
Go in the bitter cold to find beauty
Snow, just wear snow
Snow religious new flowers blooming beauty
Snow religious life some old pine
Quiet river side forest snow
The vast earth and sky white color
Scenic artist busy shooting
That as well baby show more

million dollar makeovers

Chip Ahoy said...

If your last night's Gatsby sentence didn't show up all the way, here's what it looks like. There's a bunch of Gatsby sentences over there mixed with other things if you care to click through. Not all the sentences, but several.

But after they were in that taxi singing, laughing at insider jokes, and smoking pot in there and freaking each other out tracing the red joint embers in the dark, they went out for something hot to warm them all up, and the whole Gatsby crowd agreed it is the most delicious cream of poblano soup they've ever tasted.

vbspurs said...

Wisconsin looks ghastly/wonderful/romantic/depressing right now. We in SoFla are to hit the LOW 40s this weekend, so I can commiserate somewhat at the continued harsh weather.

Stay safe, peeps!


edutcher said...

We here in NE OH OTOH will hit the low 20s, mum.

My heart bleeds for your roses.

Rusty said...

i can still see every thread here.
At least I didn't do anything to piss off the White House.
But the day's still young.

Bob Ellison said...

The sequester apparently takes place at midnight tonight (Friday).

The Today Show opened with an "eclusive" interview with Bob Woodward. Matt Lauer introduced it by chastising Woodward for "going public". He said these comments happen all the time between gov't and reporters. Lauer says Sperling was right, and goes on to demonstrate as best he can that Woodward is a whiny bitch. Woodward's all "whatevs" in response.

pm317 said...

Read this!

And don't miss this part:
When the inevitable recession occurs, they need to find someone or something to blame besides a Bush or the deep blue sea. Enter sequester. Dick Morris explains:

“He knows the economy is tanking. He realizes that we are headed for a double-dip recession. He expects unemployment to soar. He understands that his almost $300 billion in tax increases this year will drive us into recession. So he needs an out.

That’s where sequestration fits in: If it goes into effect, he can blame Republican budget cuts for the economic disaster that will probably unfold this year.”

Bob just ruined it for them. Funny that the Woodward book citing newly confirmed Treasury Secretary (then Budget director) Jack Lew as the genius behind the sequestration idea, wasn’t attacked by the White House when it was released last year nor when Lew was initially nominated this year to replace Tim Geithner in the cabinet.

BTW, what Dick Morris says there, was said on Hillaryis44.org blog first.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama's sequester cuts just kicked in. Is everyone Ok? Clock starts ticking on the next manufacturered Obama/Media crisis.

oh and Sarah Palin understands. The left's collective assortment of liars and bad faithers? Never. Obey the king or die!

...Palin said if Americans cannot “stomach modest cuts that would lower federal spending by a mere 0.3% per year out of a current federal budget of $3.6 trillion, then we might as well signal to the whole world that we have no serious intention of dealing with our debt problem.”

“If we are going to wet our proverbial pants over 0.3% in annual spending cuts when we’re running up trillion dollar annual deficits, then we’re done,” Palin wrote on Tuesday. “Put a fork in us. We’re finished.”

Bob Ellison said...

I'm intrigued by the broken English deployed by some blog-comment spammers. They say stuff like:

Correct is the stuff you say! I learned many things on this site that may make you gasp with apprehension! [link to spam site, probably containing viruses]

This could be a whole new genre, maybe counteracting the Gatsby sentence thing, which doesn't appeal to me. I'd like to see a blog, maybe even a novel, written entirely in blog-comment-spammer style.

Rusty said...

Just changed my avatar again. It was depressing looking at that wreck.

Like the model Rhone Aero Engine this train is also at the "Craftsmanship Museum" in Carlsbad Cali.

It is 1/4 or 1/5 scale and everything works just like the full size ones.

sakredkow said...

It's the last day of the Zurich Chess Challenge. The only decisive game of the event so far was Fabiano Caruana's victory with the black pieces over World Chess Champion Vishy Anand. World Champion's don't allow themselves to be defeated with black very often. They also don't often find themselves last in the standings of the tournaments they enter.

Anonymous said...

Naked Ed Gein Robot would sit forlornly on that bench, waiting for the next Gatsby sentence to wear as a hat.

Anonymous said...

Naked Ed Gein Robot has made many Gatsby hats.

Big Mike said...

@edutcher, if you're still checking in, I use the Microsoft IE8, both at home and at work.

At any rate it's a moot point since today the "Older Posts" link is visible again.

If I ever use Google Chrome it will be because someone is paying me tens of thousands of dollars a month to do so.

rhhardin said...

Imus's Bernie McGuirk suggested in a background comment that the Pope is going to have an upscale line of red shoes called Air Benedict.

Mumpsimus said...

@Big Mike: "Older Posts" is there, but still only takes you to the Gatsby post headline. No "Older Posts" on that page.

edutcher said...

Mike, the nice thing about Chrome is it's a bit less hackable.

pdug said...

hey Ann:

Scalia said "perpetuation of racial entitlement" was a thing, a thing that had been written about.

Where? By whom?

Rusty said...

betamax3000 said...
Naked Ed Gein Robot has made many Gatsby hats.

How many hats can you get from one Gatsby?

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