February 13, 2013

At the Big Paw Café...


... there's a warm corner where you can stretch out.



CJinPA said...

Woah. I haven't been here for a bit. You had the dog painted.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Strawberry paws.

Patrick said...

I saw a couple of videos from the Grammy awards. Observations:

1. I generally do not like it when large groups of musicians perform together on stage. Rarely is the whole as good as the sum of its parts. That said, I liked the tribute to Levon Helm. Brittany Howard from Alabama Shakes has terrific pipes. The more I see of Zac Brown, the more I like. Cool to see T-Bone Burnett looking like his usual self.


2. I really liked the Kelly Clarkson tribute to Patty Page. She is also a wonderful singer.

3. Taylor Swift is in danger of becoming a parody of herself. Her demographic is young girls starting to experience new love and the pain of lost love, which is fine, and some of her songs are good. However, at some point she needs to expand her writing repertoire. And what the hell was with that opening? My suspicion is always that the larger the production, the more effort has been put in to mask the underlying lack of talent. Taylor Swift can sing reasonably well, but cannot hold a candle to the better talents of Ms. Clarkson and especially Ms. Howard.

campy said...

Paws for station identification.

ndspinelli said...

There's a St. Bernard a couple doors down from us here in San Diego. He lives on the beachfront and spends his day on the front patio. He SLEEPS ALL DAY. When he is awake he's usually looking inside the house to see if anyone is home. The owners had to put a sign up because people would feed him and he was getting too fat.

Ex-prosecutor said...

My prediction - that puppy will get Bigger and BIGGER!

What's her name?

Harsh Pencil said...

That is an absolutely beautiful dog.

paul a'barge said...

Wonderful puppy!

rhhardin said...

The pup's trying to cool off, not warm up.

Rusty said...

Ex-prosecutor said...
My prediction - that puppy will get Bigger and BIGGER!

And so will her bowel movements.

I refuse to own a dog that craps bigger than I do.

MadisonMan said...

Your rug is not perfectly aligned with the floorboards.

That kind of thing drives me batty.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
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Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Mad Man

I've been known to straighten pictures on the wall in people's homes, restaurants and in Doctor's waiting rooms. I try to resist, but eventually MUST get up and fix them.

Wince said...

Does your Pa-Paw have high cheekbones?

William said...

In the Westminster Dog Show, they should have a category for the most huggable puppy. Those show dogs never look like they'd be much fun to hug or play with. There's an analogy to the red carpet to be made.

edutcher said...

Like, uh... Someone Else, I see Aunt Ann has a soft spot for puppies.

When Quantum and Quicksilver, and then Hudson and Miss Morstan, were pups, I loved their little fluffy pads.

traditionalguy said...

That dog has built in snow shoes.

William R. Hamblen said...

Steam Heat!

Farmer said...

Former Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz channeling a college freshman who just discovered Noam Chomsky and vegetarianism.

MadisonMan said...

Althouse, I know you love Cruise Ships.

I wonder if they're only serving Egg Salad.

Shanna said...

I've been known to straighten pictures on the wall in people's homes, restaurants and in Doctor's waiting rooms.

Is that odd? :)

What I can't stand is when people leave cabinet doors open. There is a guy at work who does this all the time! It is a cabinet door. It is supposed to be closed. ugh.

Do Meade/Ann actually own these dogs now? For a while it always seemed they were borrowing them or something. I may have missed a memo.

Chip Ahoy said...

That's a lot of dog. It's tempting to photoshop it growing right in front of your eyes into an adult dog that fills the room.

You know, to prepare you emotionally.

But I wonder, because really this is one of the best things about having a huge dog, if there are little kids around, do they get to ride it?

Speaking of huge dogs, the Irish wolfhounds, Scottish deer hounds in the show were wonderful, I love their loping gait. And today I learned Grace Coolidge had a Saluki-looking Russian wolfhound named Rob Roy, apparently Coolidge's dig at prohibition.

MadisonMan said...

This dog lives near them. There was a picture a month+ ago of him (her?) coming over.

mishu said...

The dog doesn't want the rug aligned with the floor boards obviously. He (She?) just wants to be comfortable. OCD indulgences will have to take a back seat when dogs are around.

Titus said...

I want that animal.

Fucking amazing.

The owners need to be careful with him in the summer though-they can overheat very quickly.

There was one in my hood who died of heat somethingoranother. He was 3-it was sad.

Any time a dog dies in my hood and their are tons a huge temple is "erected".

My rare clumber is getting old and fucking everyone knows him. He gets tennis ball presents for Christmas in my foyer from people I don't even know. People screaming out windows saying hello.

Mine has major polar bear paws.
I was on a beach in the middle of nowhere in Maine and a car passed by and yelled his name.

He has made a "difference" in people's lifes.

take care.
have a super day.
keep reaching for the stars
follow your dreams
and don't forget to stop and squeeze a tit every now and then.


Joe Schmoe said...

What happened to the Manti T'eo story? Seems like once it was found to be a gay crush taken way too far, the media stopped breathlessly reporting on it every two seconds.

rhhardin said...

Saint Bernards used to devour stranded skiiers they found in the Alps and to hold drunken orgies afterwards, according to Thurber.

"An Outline of Scientists"

Chip Ahoy said...

But I looked at that rug too.

The rug IS aligned with the floorboards. Perfectly. Look at the other end. It is the mysterious way of perspective. The foolery that occurs when three dimensions is reduced to two. Must I draw all the lines radiating from a single point off the frame and then draw the crossing lines all converging on a single point off the frame displaying the rug in harmony with the floor and the bottom of the door even though there are obvious angles? Must I? Because I will. I can also add a third point for three-point perspective, the rug, the door and the wall are perfect for showing this. As was an earlier photo of some other floorboarded place.

lemondog said...

There was a picture a month+ ago of him (her?) coming over.

Abby her name is Abby.

Palladian said...


Rusty said...

Big dogs are short lived so enjoy them while you can.

Lyle said...

I love doggys.

furious_a said...

Pink puppy paws, like toddlers' thigh dimples, is a short-lived phenomenon. Enjoy them while you still can.

kentuckyliz said...

I want to touch those pads.

Sing it Beatles style.