February 12, 2013

After beginning its new design era with an Adorable Obama cover...

... which looked like this, The New Republic comes out with its next issue, addressing the subject of "The Republicans" ("The Party of White People"), and it looks like this:


That came in the mail today. Yes, I've subscribed. The toy robot is there to cover up my address label. And yes, I understand the reference to "The Beatles" (i.e., The White Album).


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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The notion that The Party should be the source of one's culture has pretty much been confined to the political left, historically speaking.

Not a source, but a reflection of it. And both parties are just that.

Mark said...

Ritmo, bullshit. The whole thrust of your argument is that Republicans don't have/(or don't understand) "culture." That argument is in perfect accord with the theory that the Republican Party is a "White party", and that somehow "White Culture" is inherently repressive and exploitative.

Don't weasel; if you're going to play the "White Folk don't have the necessities to be decent" card, own it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ok. Then go call your congressman RIGHT NOW and demand a cut in the Pentagon's budget by about a good 30 - 40%!

Revenant said...

Not a source, but a reflection of it.

That certainly explains the Democratic preference for paying people who don't work. :)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That argument is in perfect accord with the theory that the Republican Party is a "White party", and that somehow "White Culture" is inherently repressive and exploitative.

As I said earlier, whites aren't bad. Just boring.

And every majority is pig-headed with minorities. This is true in politics, in culture, in biology, everything. Those with power, even numerically, take advantage of the minorities. This is precisely why the Founders sought to protect against "tyranny by the majority" with checks and balances.

The country no longer has any ethnic majorities but an increasingly influential plurality of non-former majorities among whom to pass the torch. I'm perfectly fine with that, but if you're not, feel free to tell us all why.

Anonymous said...

"Not a source, but a reflection of it. And both parties are just that."

2/12/13, 7:19 PM

And THAT is the dirty little secret that Republicans (not the Tea Party types) are trying desperately to change with no help from the tea people. It's got to be an almost impossible task, I almost feel sorry for them.

Cody Jarrett said...

Just remember, Ritmo, "common defense" is one of the few things the government is actually authorized to spend money on.

Not obamaphones.

edutcher said...

I'm still trying to figure out the Democrat culture because, if Ritmo thinks it's soul food and mariachis and lavender scarves, he needs to take a long look at the people who run it.

They are as whitebread as anybody.

PS I think thew only reason Ritmo and harro are here is to jump on the Live-Blogging the SOTU thread.

Are they in for a surprise.

All that venom wasted.

Cody Jarrett said...

Inga, what do you think "Tea Party types" are exactly?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That certainly explains the Democratic preference for paying people who don't work. :)

Is this more racism or just your way of deflecting from the spoils and bribery system that Republicans derive from their corporate cronyism.

Oh, that's right. You're not a Republican. You just pretend to be one so that you don't have to account for your lack of any opinion that resonates sufficiently with anyone at the ballot box.

Anonymous said...

They embrace their homogenous nature and only accept people of color that are exceptional, such as Dr. Carson. Average people of color need not apply.

garage mahal said...

@garage mahal: Billy Cox was a far better bass player that Noel Redding.

Just sayin'.

Yea? I like the tighter pop stuff from earlier on myself. I think Jimi would have gone into some big band projects from what it sounded like it. Like Sly's band.

Kelly said...

How can I as a white person help the fact that blacks vote in a herd? Look at how scewed up Chicago, Detroit, Boston and other Urban area's are. Yet they keep voting for the same shit, the same people, the same party. As soon as Jesse Jackson Jr. completes his jail term he'll be right back in office.

There is a sickness of mind and spirit in the black community with the horrendous black on black crime rate. I don't understand WHY they keep looking to the democrat party to save them.

That's what all the preening democrats on this site have to be proud of. Congratulations on the state of and the decline of the black community. You must be so proud.

Dave said...

"The lady (Ann and her minions) doth protest too much, methinks."

Caroline said...

Democrat politics often takes the form of calling people racists and braying in their faces.

This cover is low race-baiting. Get some subtlety.

If "The New Republic" represents the people who go for the Democrats, I don't want to be seen near those people.

Cody Jarrett said...


If you really think that...I don't know what to say.

It's a little insulting, you know?

Revenant said...

Then go call your congressman RIGHT NOW and demand a cut in the Pentagon's budget by about a good 30 - 40%!

If you live in Kentucky you don't have to bother, of course. Your junior senator's already calling for across-the-board spending cuts, military spending included, in tonight's "Tea Party" SotU response.

Anonymous said...

The "pure" ones. The ones who disdain a Republican that isn't an extremist as a RINO. The ones that hate Christie because he said some nice things about Obama. The ones who think they lost the election because they weren't conservative enough. The ones tha paint joker faces on themselves at Tea Party rallies. The ones who hold up signs depicting Obama as a native with a bone in his nose, I could go on and on.

bagoh20 said...

OK, I'm up for a party. Hey, where da white women at?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They are as whitebread as anybody.

And yet, they don't seem to have those minorities feeling anywhere near as condescended to as they do by Republicans.

Why do you think that is?

Or is it easier to just go: "BLame Democrats! Robert Byrd! etc."

Revenant said...

Average people of color need not apply.

Apply for what?

Cody Jarrett said...

Inga, I've never seen anyone holding a sign showing Obama with a bone in his nose.

Christie gets shit because he's a colossal fat load, which most democrats yelled really loud--while he was fighting unions and such.

Never seen joker faces except at OWS rallies along with Fawkes masks.

They did lose because they weren't conservative enough. Romney went soft. He did it when he ran against Fat Swimmer Teddy too. If Romney had been more conservative, all those people who stayed home would've voted for him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The ones that hate Christie because he said some nice things about Obama.

Yeah, I forgot about that one. It was a doozy.

A real Republican will put disaster relief on the line for the sake of snubbing Obama!

Yep. That's what the Republicans have become. Pretty insane.

Anonymous said...

CEO, de Nile is a river in Egypt.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They did lose because they weren't conservative enough. Romney went soft.

Romney lost because he was a shallow phoney who would say anything and thought nothing about any Americans who weren't as shallow and dismissive of their plight as he was.

In this respect, he is the platonic ideal of a Republican -- in their current format, anyway.

Cody Jarrett said...

C'mon Inga--you can do better than the 'de nile' bit. Seriously.

And Ritmo, there's a lot more to it than disaster relief and you know it--or should, if you're even a quarter as smart as you try to pretend here.

Revenant said...

Why do you think that is?

The same way the Democrats have always done it -- offering preferential treatment and special government benefits to whatever races they hope to attract votes from. They've been the party of governmental racism for nearly two centuries; they just shift which races they hope to attract. :)

Cody Jarrett said...

I'm not a Romney fan, but I don't think I'd ever call him a shallow phony.

Bill Clinton is a shallow phony, for example.

Anonymous said...

CEO, do you think minorities and women would've voted for Romney if he were even MORE conservative? Seriously? Or do you not understand that the Republican Party NEEDS more diversity to win elections?

Hence the article, Republicans the White People's Party.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Then tell us all about it, CEO. Let us in on the details of these post-Sandy hatefests that had nothing to do with Sandy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The same way the Democrats have always done it -- offering preferential treatment and special government benefits to whatever races they hope to attract votes from. They've been the party of governmental racism for nearly two centuries; they just shift which races they hope to attract. :)

Responding to this is about as pointless as responding to someone saying that "Candy is yummy! But more legitimately yummy if you belong to a country club!"

No point. That's the extent of his thinking on this. Civic organizations and NGOs are great levelers in the libertarian mind, just not for former slaves.

Cody Jarrett said...

So Inga, your solution for the Republicans is to become...Democrats?

And you a Democrat...do you see why I'm grinning...?

Ritmo, you know the stories I'm sure. Christie got his nose out of joint when he didn't get the veep nod and brooded about it, then refused to meet with Romney--at all--but did hold hands and french kiss Obama.

edutcher said...

Inga said...

Not a source, but a reflection of it. And both parties are just that.

And THAT is the dirty little secret that Republicans (not the Tea Party types) are trying desperately to change with no help from the tea people.

As always, the She-Wolf of the SS is blowing smoke out her pet wussy.

It's the Tea Party types who are changing things and that scares the Hell out of the Lefties.

But trolls like the She-Wolf want the Republicans to be the Party of Demo-Lite, that's why she loves Governor Crispy Creme.

He not only bends over, he comes with lube.

bagoh20 said...

Does this mean the Democrats are the anti-White party? Obviously the New Republic is an anti-White publication - a racist rag if you will.

This stuff is gonna backfire so powerfully, and I don't mean with Whites. Keep going - your trajectory is perfect, and the shark is in position.

According to editor Franklin Foer, who stated that it "invented the modern usage of the term 'liberal', and it's one of our historical legacies and obligations to be involved in the ongoing debate over what exactly liberalism means and stands for."

Oh, we can see what it stands for.

Jourtegrity said...

This gushing paean to Demness got the author an interview on NPR. The host barely able to speak with a little soldier in his pants the whole time spoke with that agreeable NPR tone the whole time. It was barftastic.

furious_a said...

What are other cover stories you could have with blank covers?

* A list of Hillary's accomplishments as SecState.
* A list of Barack Obama's qualifications for the Nobel Peace Prize.
* Barack Obama's college transcripts.
* Michelle Obama's work log at U-Chicago Hospital.
* The ethnic makeup of The New Republic's masthead
* The ethnic makeup of Barack Obama's campaign HQ staff.
* The ethnic makeup if MSNBC's primetime lineup.
* The Deep Thoughts of Joe Biden.
* The New Republic's retained earnings over the last decade.

Revenant said...

Politically, Romney's problem isn't that he's a shallow phony. It is that he's bad at being one.

Clinton, Bush, and Obama flip-flopped all over the place on a range of issues. The key difference is that they took their supporters along with them when they did it. Obama's got the Democratic base cheering for unlimited Presidential authority to kill people, Bush got the Republican base defending No Child Left behind, Clinton got Democrats bragging about welfare reform, and so on.

Michael said...

Ritmo. Give us a rundown on how cultured you are. You have filled us in on your moral superiority but what culture do you possess that we conservatives lack?

Cody Jarrett said...

Christie's butthole doesn't need lube--he eats so much butter the damn thing is like a slip n slide.

Michael said...

Ritmo. Give us a rundown on how cultured you are. You have filled us in on your moral superiority but what culture do you possess that we conservatives lack?

Revenant said...

CEO, do you think minorities and women would've voted for Romney if he were even MORE conservative?

White women *did* vote for Romney.

But white women have no culture, so they probably don't count. :)

Anonymous said...

CEO, I'm tempted to say yes. But they can get some independents by dropping the extreme social platforms.

People like Althouse for example.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, you know the stories I'm sure. Christie got his nose out of joint...

I didn't know this. I'm not sure if it's petty or honorable. In the event of the latter, I'm reluctant to go along with the Republican conventional wisdom on Christie's supposed awesomeness as a ready-for-primetime pol on the national stage, but must admit that he's a damn sight better than Ayn Rand's little monkey-boy from Wisconsin. However, Romney needed a ticket to "balance" (despite Christie's girth) and a base to be base for.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


The argument is about Republicans, not me. But feel free to repost your comment a third time if you don't think that I'm taking it seriously enough.

Cody Jarrett said...

But Inga--for every Althouse the R's pick up, they'll lose approximately 250K traditional voters.

If the crazy christians (not to be too insulting) had bothered to show up and vote for Romney--he'd have won. If all the people who stayed home or voted third party had voted Romney, he'd have won.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But white women have no culture, so they probably don't count. :)

Bullshit! Lindsay Lohan, Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton are VERY cultured! :) :) :) So MANY people can relate directly to their experiences and what they make of life.

Geez man. You really do have a way of walking right into things like that, don't you?


I just feel like re-creating this Hello Kitty emoticon-fest to the same degree that Revvie wants to stage it.

Maybe it's the Brittany Spears in him.

Cody Jarrett said...


The Romney people got annoyed with Christie because he (as he does) turned everything into The Chris Christie Show (TM). It started with the convention speech which was heavy on 'I'm Chris Christie and I'm wonderful' and light on 'you should vote for Romney because'. This gathered steam until the end, where Romney was doing an appearance in NJ in the closing week but Christie refused to attend, but dropped everything to do the photo op with Obama, then proceeded to carry on about how wonderful Barry was.

There are other things.

Anonymous said...

CEO, I gotta agree with you on the "crazy Christians" as you put it, they really screwed up your Party. You folks need to reign them in, corral them. Instead they have you tied up with their theocratical wet dreams.

Cody Jarrett said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
But white women have no culture, so they probably don't count. :)

Bullshit! Lindsay Lohan, Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton are VERY cultured!

Is that an STD joke?

Cody Jarrett said...

Not my party, Inga.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, I definitely appreciate your willingness to let me in on an honest perspective from the other side, CEO. It definitely gives a more human story to whatever's going on behind those scenes - at least to me. Thanks.

edutcher said...

Inga said...

CEO, I'm tempted to say yes. But they can get some independents by dropping the extreme social platforms.

People like Althouse for example.

She voted Republican, as the She-Wolf of the SS knows.

CEO-MMP said...

But Inga--for every Althouse the R's pick up, they'll lose approximately 250K traditional voters.

If the crazy christians (not to be too insulting) had bothered to show up and vote for Romney--he'd have won. If all the people who stayed home or voted third party had voted Romney, he'd have won.

The people who stayed home were the disgruntled O voters.

The Christians came out for the Romster (yeah, it's another Lefty lie).

Why do you think the Demos needed all that vote fraud?

Cody Jarrett said...

ed, my numbers for who stayed home came from Limbaugh's post election analysis, not from any sort of democrat source. I avoid those as much as I can.

I get that you want to piss on everything Inga related, but if while you're doing that you splash me--I will be pissed.

Fair notice.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is that an STD joke?

Lol. Unfortunately not.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, on a positive note (at least for the conservatives/non-liberals here), I'm sure this will be another very boring SOTU.

Revenant said...

Civic organizations and NGOs are great levelers in the libertarian mind, just not for former slaves.

I'm not sure what the expiration date is on excuses, but I'm pretty sure it is less than 148 years.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Ritmo said a while ago: Culture for Republicans is always reduced to strictly moral issues.

Here's an example where D's and R's differ: the importance of English in American culture. R's insist on it, D's are ambivalent. Take Althouse for example, I believe she advocated Americans learning Spanish.

Anonymous said...


:) the enemy of enemy is my friend. Yesterday it was Aridog today you, lol.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm not sure what the expiration date is on excuses, but I'm pretty sure it is less than 148 years.

Come on. You can be more condescending than that.

Also, it's not like civil rights did anything for blacks insofar as accessing civil society goes, so thanks for reminding me of how wrong I was to assume that 40-some odd years would be a better benchmarks.

Anyway, thanks for the condescension and ignorance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here's an example where D's and R's differ: the importance of English in American culture. R's insist on it, D's are ambivalent.

Which is, I guess, why Marco Rubio will be having a second response in Spanish.

You're not keeping up, man.

Cody Jarrett said...

It's only because you're being your good self, Inga.

Revenant said...

Bullshit! Lindsay Lohan, Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton are VERY cultured!

Well sure, they have *some* culture, but can they really measure up?

I mean, hell, Spears actually *married* the guy who knocked her up, however briefly. What kind of way is that to keep it real?

Shouting Thomas said...

Typical boring, pretentious white guy who likes to tell people how much he adores black people complains that white people are boring and have no culture.

Ritmo the Retard does it again. Go like in the mirror, kid. You're white as a sheet, and completely ignorant of your own culture.

And, you jerk off over black people.


Cody Jarrett said...

Oh, Ritty, did you have to remind me about Rubio and his Spanish speech?

Shouting Thomas said...

Come on Ritmo the Retard, I predict you will set a record for hateful stupidity in the post, meanwhile accusing others of same.

Let's see the full trantrum. It's only a matter of time.

chickelit said...

You're not keeping up, man.

I don't think you're listening Ritmo.

Michael K said...

Inga said...
"CEO, do you think minorities and women would've voted for Romney if he were even MORE conservative? Seriously? Or do you not understand that the Republican Party NEEDS more diversity to win elections?

Hence the article, Republicans the White People's Party."

Inga, some idiot has hacked your identity and is posting nonsense under your name.

Do you know what diversity is ?

I'd suggest a book by a guy named Sowell.

The conservatives I support are concerned about the coming apocalypse of debt and economic failure. You, apparently subscribe to the economic theories of Obama, whatever they are.

Romney was our best chance to slow the decline and he is by no means "conservative" whatever you think that means. I suppose it means he disagrees with the economic guru named Obama.

I hope you are young enough to see the results of your vote. I'll probably miss it. At least I hope so.

Cody Jarrett said...

Irony is something that isn't really well understood around here, huh?

Shouting Thomas said...

Bring it on Ritmo the Retard, you lowlife racist fuck!

Jesus, but you are just dirt, kid.

Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

Typical boring, pretentious white guy who likes to tell people how much he adores black people complains that white people are boring and have no culture.

I agree!

How come blacks don't respect OUR culture! No one respects guys like me and Thomas! And "white culture" is such a distinct and special thing!

Stop favoring people who've had to come up from nowhere! It's just not fair!

Mirabelle? Do you hear me? It's not FAIR!!! Respect US!

Michael K said...

"they can get some independents by dropping the extreme social platforms. "

You mean like education and spending less ?

OK I see.

chickelit said...

This thread is old anyways and a new SOTU one will probably supercede it.

In other news, is Chris Dorner the new Crispus Attucks in the coming revolution or did he escape unscathed? His ardent "fans" are tweeting "Fight The Power!"

Helter Skelter!

Shouting Thomas said...

Nice of you to cop my pic, Bobo.

You're Ritmo, right?

Game on!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga's head is filled with the tyranny of progtard clichés.

I see the Ritmo/Inga thread has forced the regulars to evacuate. Good thinking.

SukieTawdry said...

But they can get some independents by dropping the extreme social platforms.

You mean like abortion on demand without restriction for any female of any age at any time under any circumstances, no questions asked, including the guarantee that any fetus born alive will be left to die of neglect? Yeah, that is an extreme social platform. But I don't think it was a Republican social platform.

As I said earlier, whites aren't bad. Just boring.

And what is it about minorities that entertains you so?

I used to read TNR. It used to be worth reading.

chickelit said...

@ST: It's either Ritmo or Inga. Or both.

edutcher said...

Bobo sounds an awful (and I do mean awful) lot like some phony folksy, but, then, so does Ritmo.

CEO-MMP said...

ed, my numbers for who stayed home came from Limbaugh's post election analysis, not from any sort of democrat source. I avoid those as much as I can.

Where do you think El Rushbo got his numbers?

From the exit polls.

Who took the exit polls?

If you want to go back and look, Ace did a nice little piece on exit polling 11/6, long before the polls closed, so, as far as he was concerned, the Romster was was winning.

Barry was down 4 mil from the number that came out for him in '08 and we're supposed to buy the idea he won all fair and square.

There's a reason 24% of the american public thinks the "election" was stolen.

I get that you want to piss on everything Inga related, but if while you're doing that you splash me--I will be pissed

Actually, you're wrong on that. I even agreed with her once yesterday, but I call 'em like I see 'em. On everybody.

And if somebody doesn't like it, that's their problem.

No offense.

bagoh20 said...

Blacks are getting their butts toughly kicked by 5 years of this Democrat administration. The power of racist Republicans is strong, and really sneaky too.

bagoh20 said...

The word on the street is that the Republicans stole the Obama stash. I shit you not. I heard it from a brother who lives right outside the White House.

Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

I am not Shouting Thomas.

I just found this incredibly cool-looking picture of a very handsome man online and thought it kind of fitted me.

He and I agree on everything! We are not respected! Everyone's taking things away from us!

Screw everyone else! Respect us! We're BETTER!!!

Mirabelle? Are you there? I'm calling out for you to find us a path to respectful treatment. Please help!!!

Shouting Thomas said...

This is one of your better gambits, Ritmo the Retard.

It's also the white flag of surrender.

Be a good white boy now. I played with a black band last night. Maybe I can get one of the guys to donate his dirty underpants for you to sniff.

Do you prefer the skidmarks intact?

Revenant said...

Also, it's not like civil rights did anything for blacks insofar as accessing civil society goes, so thanks for reminding me of how wrong I was to assume that 40-some odd years would be a better benchmarks.

As black libertarian writers pointed out throughout the 20th century, Jim Crow was a creation of government in general and Democrats in particular. Civil rights weren't something nice done by the government; the DENIAL of civil rights was something the government belatedly STOPPED doing.

Giving the government brownie points for the civil rights movement is like giving the Germans credit for stopping after the first 6 million Jews.

Synova said...

"They embrace their homogenous nature and only accept people of color that are exceptional, such as Dr. Carson. Average people of color need not apply."

I was going to respond to some anti-Christian comment of yours (horrible Christians, thinking you should marry your baby daddy, work hard, not steal from anyone, and answer to God... would tear society up from the roots, that would) but this is racist bull-shit... and no other way to say it.

Must suck watching the "exceptional" minority escape the plantation, huh? I bet you really hate that.

Republicans (and others) are waiting with places to stay on that underground railroad but the average blacks can't get past the plantation gates put up by Democrats who will utterly destroy anyone who is a "traitor to their race" or who might value hard work instead of a handout from the benevolent state.

They do it to women, too. It's disgusting.

Lie and lie and lie about how Republicans are racists or there's a war on women. Lie and lie and lie.

And really, it's all about a political win by taking away, as much as possible, the choices available to people. Punish them enough, lie to them enough, and then blame Republicans for it.

Not a single thing about libertarianism that is "white", not a single thing about conservatism that is "white", not a single thing about the "Austrian School" or similar economic theory that is "white".

But darn you can't let those black folks get away and have any sort of political or ideological or *economic* viewpoint that isn't lock step with what Democrats tell them their "race" demands.

furious_a said...

Barry was down 4 mil from the number that came out for him in '08 and we're supposed to buy the idea he won all fair and square.

Except that Romney's popular vote count increased only 1M from McCain's. In the "big" states that Bush won twice that flipped to Obama twice (OH, FL, VA), Romney increased the pop vote vs. MCain only in FL, staying flat w/McCain in the other two.

Chuck said...

I happen to be one of those Republicans who have known about Ben Carson for 20 years.

I saw Dr. Carson testify as an expert for the defense, in a jury trial of a medical malpractice case in a Detroit courtroom. He was as brilliant then, of course, as he is now. And I cannot help but think that his exposure to the players in malpractice cases was formative to his views on lawyers, politics, and especially the politicians that are supported by lawyers.

And as far as the magazine cover goes. Yep; that is EXACTLY the reason that I can happily sing along with Op-Ed headlines like "Ben Carson for President."

Policy matters make me disagree with the left wing. Being called a "racist" by them, makes me HATE that left wing.

edutcher said...

furious_a said...

Barry was down 4 mil from the number that came out for him in '08 and we're supposed to buy the idea he won all fair and square.

Except that Romney's popular vote count increased only 1M from McCain's. In the "big" states that Bush won twice that flipped to Obama twice (OH, FL, VA), Romney increased the pop vote vs. MCain only in FL, staying flat w/McCain in the other two.

Remember all those precincts with 98% turnout that went 100% for Zero?

Remember all those white areas (like WI) where black people showed up out of nowhere?

Remember the voting machines that flipped Romney votes to Zero?

That wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it?

Of course not.

Cody Jarrett said...

None taken, ed.

It's funny though, being all proud that you actually agreed with Inga yesterday.

It's like some people saying "some of my best friends are black."

Exit polls were taken by dems. They were also taken by republicans. There's also plenty of anecdotal evidence.

Hell, I know people personally that stayed home or voted third party. And not a couple, or even a few.

Cody Jarrett said...

And ed, I'm not saying there wasn't voter fraud. I know places (not in WI) where no black people live that suddenly had bus loads of black people showing up to vote.

A lot of R voters stayed home though.

chickelit said...

@Synova: It's a shame that your last comment came so late in such a long thread. That was a really good one.

Anonymous said...

Do me a favor Edutcher, don't ever agree with me again.

edutcher said...

CEO, people knew the stakes of letting Little Zero have another term.

There were Libertarians, the Erick Erickson types, granted, who didn't want to see the Rs win more than they wanted to see the Demos lose, but the business of the Christians staying home has been shot down.

I just don't buy it.

Aridog said...

Ritno said ...

"Assimilation" here has a meaning, if any, that is not like what it would mean anywhere else.

Double down on ignorant is your meme. Tell us what you actually know, by personal experience about assimilation in other countries, as well as here in the USA. It'll fit on a the back of a postage stamp.

Revenant said...

Ed, you ran Obama Lite against Obama and you're surprised that people who are sick of big government bullshit stayed home?

There was no rational reason to believe Romney was serious about dealing with runaway spending. Electing him would just mean waiting until at least 2020 to get somebody competent into the White House.

There is no need for a conspiracy theory. You people just fucked up, plain and simple. Nominate someone better next time.

edutcher said...

No, sorry, Romney offered a better choice than Choom and he was winning.

I know you like the "plague on both your houses" position, but you're riding a dead horse here.

Russell said...

At least they are succeeding at being unbiased.

furious_a said...

Remember all those precincts with 98% turnout that went 100% for Zero?

Urban precincts (e.g., Philly and Milwaukee), I believe. FL, OH and VA all had R Sec's of State, R gov's and R-controlled legislatures. Might have made a difference in, say, in Wisconsin, but Bush, Sr. Was the last R to carry WI and it's the Philly suburbs which determine PA.

n.n said...

Their ideological model is to exploit differentials and gradients to advance their political, economic, and social standing. This model has been exploited in various enterprises with profitable outcomes and they have no incentive to change their direction.

That's it. That is the outcome of the civil, human, environmental, etc. rights movements. They were overtaken, commercialized, and are now run for profit. This change in character is observable in politics, in the press, in education, and every other place where capital is to be controlled and people are to be manipulated.

Unknown said...

O Tanenhaus, O Tanenhaus
How ghastly pale thy color
Atoning for your whitey sins
By sucking up to melanins
O Tanenhaus, O Tanenhaus
How ghastly pale thy color

Revenant said...

I know you like the "plague on both your houses" position, but you're riding a dead horse here.

Well, thanks for the best laugh line of the night. :)

Known Unknown said...

The "New" New Republic had the opportunity to divest itself of this type of confirmation-bias "journalism."

But nah, it's easier to be an echo chamber.

Sabinal said...

the funny part is, no one really will care because no one buys New Republic like they do People magazine.

I'm black, lib, and think this cover is pathetic. I prefer to read things like Atlantic and various for facts (not "truth") New Republic is not one of them

And I'm sorry, but Obama has done a poor job as president. And New Republic is racist

TMink said...

I appreciate the honor. White people have done amazing things for this country and the world. Of course, it is not because we are white, but some people are still stuck thinking that way. But I appreciate the recognition.

Now I got to go to work.

Something white people do well.


SGT Ted said...

Seeing as how white people show more intellectual and political diversity than minorities in the US, its perhaps an accidental compliment.

Ort maybe they got their cover idea from observing the lack of diversity in their staffing and they are coming out as a magazine for the GOP.

Rusty said...

O Ritmo talks econ.

Comedy ensues

Known Unknown said...

They embrace their homogenous nature and only accept people of color that are exceptional, such as Dr. Carson. Average people of color need not apply.

Ahhh... no.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

Garage is the worst sort of racist, the one who advocates policies that destroy and subjugate minorities to generational poverty and helplessness, from the far distance of his lilly white community.

Which would be a hell of a lot more than you've accomplished in your meaningless existence.

So you are a racist. Check.

Johnnygeneric said...

What an utterly juvenile, despicable, idiotic, pathetic, naive, jingositic thing to say. My Korean blood is absolutely insulted by such trash.

What I love about the Republican Party, and even more so, the Conservatives in the GOP, is the LACK of focus on race and the total focus on principles. Their ideals transcend race, religion and station in life.

The Democratic Party can go to Hell.

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