"... where Christopher J. Dorner, the former Los Angeles police officer, was thought to have sought refuge during a shootout with police officers on Tuesday...."
I'm glad that's over, but I don't understand why so much attention was paid to this story. We need to stop making major celebrities out of criminals. It's disgusting. And dangerous.
If his family has the stiff cremated, will they get a discount?
Given how the police have handled this from the start, I'd check to see if any newspaper delivery boys are missing before I'd pop the champagne.
To us, normal folks, he was a cop-killing criminal; to the leftists, he was a cop-killing hero.
Hollywood Remake: "Black Heat"
"Made it, Ma! Top of the world!"
"To us, normal folks, he was a cop-killing criminal; to the leftists, he was a cop-killing hero."
2/12/13, 9:37 PM
What a ridiculous comment.
Mean while a San Diego middle school teacher has been arrested for having a handgun in his car for protection of the students. Police and School Administrators do not allow the school shooting problem to be dealt with...it's their claim to fame.
And the new gun confiscation Propaganda line has been launched: "It's not guns that kill people and it's not people who kill people, it's bullets that kill people. We are a nation awash in bullets."
To us, normal folks, he was a cop-killing criminal; to the leftists, he was a cop-killing hero.
That was the point of interest, for me. No one cheered the Sandy Hook killer. I was appalled.
Owners of any kind and color of a pickup in the greater LA area breathe a little easier tonight.
Rubio took a water break - did you see that?
Best line of the night. When Bill O'Reilly was told that the cabin was in flames and that Dormer never exited, he disclaimed, "He's toast."
Owners of any kind and color of a pickup in the greater LA area breathe a little easier tonight..
They came out with a t-shirt..
Don't Shoot... I'm not Christopher Dorner.
I agree, tits.
It's not like OJ escaping in the white van.
This (And like) cases teach the following lessons: The police are usually too late and too few to protect us; Most police officers do not know how to "shot straight" and some are so "trigger happy" that they shoot civilians rather than criminals (As in this case and in the "Empire State Building Shootings"; And, it appears that the LAPD and too many other departments fail to properly test (eg MMPI) applicants for police officer positions.
He certainly led the cops a merry chase.
Why hole up in the mountains?
Why not get lost in Mexico?
Ann Althouse said...
I don't understand why so much attention was paid to this story. We need to stop making major celebrities out of criminals.
He was a black man who hated white people. Of course, he's a hero.
EDH said...
Hollywood Remake: "Black Heat"
Wasn't Jenna Jameson in that one?
Inga said...
To us, normal folks, he was a cop-killing criminal; to the leftists, he was a cop-killing hero.
What a ridiculous comment.
The She-Wolf of the SS is first to trot out the first rewrite of history.
I came home tonight hoping I could watch more live helicopter video of cabin rooftops at Big Bear.
TV shows about killers don't kill people. Killers kill people.
Althouse hates the first amendment.
So who plays him in the movie? LL Cool J?
I liked the timing.
five min before sotu it was over.
perfectly scripted for network tv
john Henry
"Althouse hates the first amendment."
Because she said we need to stop making major celebrities out of criminals?
Low-information Inga: What a ridiculous comment.
Facebook page, others spring up to support slayings suspect
" One supporter said she doesn't like murder but understands his motives and urges the public to read his manifesto: "People need to read and think! Don't be reactionary like a sheep. Read what he wrote. Look at the details. Process some of it. Be discerning instead of just reacting.""
She doesn't like murder but...
OK, a terrible crime at an elementary school in Connecticut DEMANDS depriving all law-abiding Americans of the right to own semi-automatic rifles (if they look like machine guns) and standard-capacity magazines.
What legislation does the Dorner case DEMAND? Disarming all police? Disbanding all police? Arming all police with muzzle-loading flint lock horse pistols?
I would just like to point out that Deputy Marshall Raylan Givens would have caught him a whole lot quicker, and would have shot fewer bystanders in the process. Damn amateurs...
I don't waste time on Facebook.
If a tear gas shell does NOT start a fire, doe the manufacturer send someone out to investigate?
Maybe Jamie Foxx. He just did Django, so it'll be old hat to him.
I would just like to point out that Deputy Marshall Raylan Givens...
"You can't do this!"
"Sure I can, long as I got gas in the tank."
Wonder why that is?
It wouldn't be prudent, that's why. And it might expose his embarrassing supporters. I am surprised that some haven't questioned whether he could write that "manifesto."
MSNBC rushes to tie Jared Loughner (for Low-information Inga, he shot Gabby Giffords) to Sarah Palin, Brian Ross of ABC googles the Arapaho County Tea Party for a name matching the Aurora, CO shooter, yet no-one in the palace media sees fit to print the parts of the Dorner Manifesto explicitly praising the Obama agenda and gushing over Michelle's new 'do.
Wonder why that is?
Either way, I hope Spike Lee gets the directorial gig. It'll be deep social commentary, man.
See Manhunter (the book, not the movie).
Uh oh. The black DB Cooper?
Low-information Inga: I don't waste time on Facebook.
Three-monkeys-ignorance is no defense.
Inga said...
"To us, normal folks, he was a cop-killing criminal; to the leftists, he was a cop-killing hero."
2/12/13, 9:37 PM
What a ridiculous comment.
It's a bizarre world where someone who claims the religious right intends to enforce the Handmaid's Tale in America believes she's the arbiter of ridiculousness. But then lefty kooks have always had trouble recognizing their nuttiness. The difficulty is probably because their delusions don't seem that different from the other leftists.
-----Low-information Inga: I don't waste time on Facebook.---
Own the left's drooling amorality low-information-brain Inga!!
But in the African American community he's often viewed in a different light -- as a victim of racism who became unhinged only after exhausting legitimate avenues to fight the good fight against his firing. Some are even calling him a hero.
Support Growing For Former L.A. Officer Accused Of Killing Spree
One Facebook page is proclaiming Dorner for president. “We propose electing a man who could no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abuse the innocent.”
The description on “We Are All Chris Dorner” chillingly says, “Yes, this is war.”
Nearly 3,000 people like the page “I Support Christopher Jordan Dorner.”
CBS13 posted a simple question: Why? Why support a man wanted for at least three killings and the author of a murderous manifesto promising to target cops?
One sympathizer wrote us, “Because something needs to be done about the long known corruption of not only the LAPD, but several agencies.”
Another comment read, “He is god for now and I support him and this page.”
Supporters of Christopher Dorner, the former LA policeman turned "cop killer," have shown up online, with tweets and fan pages on Facebook. Some call Dorner a "hero" for writing a manifesto alleged on racism and corruption within the LAPD.
Numerous supporters on Twitter are calling the alleged murderer a "Dark Knight." One Facebook page calls him "the hero LA deserves, but not the one it needs right now ... He's a silent guardian, watchful protector against corruption, he's our Dark Knight."
How will they verify the body is him? If there is a body.
kentuckyliz said...
How will they verify the body is him? If there is a body.
Like they ID'd Hitler's? Dental
" I don't understand why so much attention was paid to this story. "
He would have likely killed a lot more people, but was stopped because everyone knew what he looked like from the coverage, and if you see his photo you can see why. A huge muscular black man near 300 lbs with a giant melon that sticks in your memory. If he just looked in the mirror he'd know he was never gonna hide.
There's also DNA.
It seems that many folks like watching idiotic stuff on TV. E.g. "If it bleeds, it leads," as they say.
This doesn't mean that TV is creating murderers.
Althouse's (and Meade's?) repeated harping on TV coverage seems like a distraction from the real problem: why do we have so many gun deaths that fly under the proverbial radar. Did BHO say that 1000 Americans have been killed via guns in the last two months?
Does Meadehouse think that we should strive to completely remove national coverage of gun deaths? We're almost there, we need to stop reporting on the very few stories that do manage to break through. WTF?
If a lack of national coverage could prevent folks from killing via guns, we wouldn't have very many gun deaths. Because the national news rarely focuses on folks who are killed w/ guns.
And, a lot of these gun deaths are suicides, when was the last time the national media blathered on about someone blowing themselves away? According to Meadehouse, how could there be so many of these self-deaths w/o the media celebrity-ation?
In fact, the rarest types of gun deaths are the ones that are most prevalent on national TV. If anything, Meadehouse should promote more coverage of gun deaths, because more coverage seems to be correlated to the rarer types of gun deaths I.e. TV is saving lives!
I don't really think Althouse hates any part of the constitution.
Final score: Dorner 3, LAPD 3
Also, the whole story is like a movie. Not a simple murderer. There is an extensive back story that suggests corruption, and racism, in the LAPD, which has a pretty storied history of same. Then he openly challenges and threatened the police in writing with the proven ability to back it up, and then proceeds to do just what he threatened. The cops over-react and start shooting innocent people by mistake. It actually had the cops scared and angry.
Then he escapes to a crowded ski resort town. They evacuated the town, and searched house to house, closed major roads, and checked every car at gunpoint.
I mean, how could it not get covered? Here in L.A. everybody had the final hours on TV, at banks, grocery stores, etc.
I would not mind a debate on moving away from "Absolutist Freedom" of news media to pump and pimp the latest mass murderer to immortality and fame if it boosts ratings to real and not voluntary restrictions -
To end the "fame Machine" that spurs more people to be celebrity killers.
One of many problems of the people that control American media.
Such as demanding the public reserve judgement on an act of evil for several years until "The Big Lawyers Trial" happens.
While at the same time doing electronic and print media lynch mobs. For targeting select people that their agenda seeks to attack as Uncle Tom Clarences, evil white Hispanics who kill a sweet pure black infant carrying skittles, war criminal Republicans and bigoted rich white college kids gang raping an innocent black "sex worker".
There are a lot more "leftists" than the ones on Facebook, who see him as a rogue cop who went on a murder spree. Those who are turning him into some sort of hero figure sound more like a libertarians, than liberals.
The problem with murders and coverage is that there is not enough coverage of the ones that happen routinely every day. The killers know this, and it gives them confidence in their success. They know the family will be crying, but they also know nobody will be listening.
Inga said...
Those who are turning him into some sort of hero figure sound more like a libertarians, than liberals.
The streak of nonsense continues unabated.
TV news loves LAPD bashing, racial angles, killing sprees, standoffs, and fires. This one had it all.
Those who are turning him into some sort of hero figure sound more like a libertarians, than liberals
"Thou shalt not besmirch a fellow Liberal"
~Obama's 11th Commandment
He is their Reagan, after all (according to some).
A libertarian cop is almost as impossible as an anarchist cop.
I'm not saying he was a libertarian cop, but libertarians are not fond of cops, he is a cop killer, a rogue cop, I could see libertarians making him into a hero of sorts.
Those who are turning him into some sort of hero figure sound more like a libertarians, than liberals.
Maybe they're libertines. Just free associating here.
Criminal? What court was he convicted in, anyway?
All I know is the LAPD has accused him of the murders and of being the poster of the manifesto. Which, given the LAPD's just-demonstrated grip on reality (shooting two Asian women in a blue Toyota pickup in the belief that it was this black guy in a gray Nissan pickup), I'm not particularly confident in.
Of course, it's not like he's going to get a day in court to (try to) clear his name at this point, so the only story we're ever going to get is the LAPD's official story. Which might be true, but if it's not, well, these events would hardly encourage a whistle-blower to come forward and tell us, would they?
We need to stop making major celebrities out of criminals. It's disgusting. And dangerous.
Well, isn't that position similar to "Running from the danger?" That was a Gatsby thing.
Oh, Serendipity! My kid just said, to my dogs, "You can't run away from us" right after I the first sentence in the paragraph above.
Inga said...
I could see libertarians making him into a hero of sorts.
Inga can see it because she doesn't know jack shit about libertarians. Then again she doesn't know jack shit about anything else either, which explains her bizarre belief we're at risk the religious right will enforce The Handmaid's Tale.
I love this blog. I find myself laughing out loud, often, just like I did with your post above.
Then he escapes to a crowded ski resort town. They evacuated the town, and searched house to house, closed major roads, and checked every car at gunpoint.
You forgot the part about his hideout being right next to where the command post was. Where better to hide than right by where everyone starts out searching, assuming that something so close must have already been searched.
Steven defends Dorner: Criminal? What court was he convicted in, anyway?
Sandy Hook killer* didn't have a trial either. Was he a criminal in your legal opinion? Ah, but there were witnesses you say. How do we know there weren't witnesses to Dorner's alleged acts? Maybe they can safely come forward now.
*I resisted googling his name--I honestly have already forgotten it.
I've been reading the Facebook page that has over 13,000 likes. Nothing at all on that page indicates they are leftists, nothing.
You people are so FOS.
The Fight Against Police Corruption Facebook page is the most frequent commenter on the I support Christopher Jorden Dorner page, guess what you dopes, it's a LIBERTARIAN page. It has a very nice YouTube video supporting gun rights and the 2nd Amendment.
Marshal you are so fucking stupid.
Why does it take me, a liberal to find the truth for you lazy minded people?
"Police & Military - Time to Choose
You took an oath to defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domesti...See More"
Why does it take me, a liberal to find the truth for you lazy minded people?
Because only you care enough about ID'ing the politics of scumbags?
I don't think those are Dorner's charred remains.
Ace reporter Suzi Parker says he's been sighted in Area 51.
Also at the Du-Par's on Ventura.
It was the scumbags HERE that said leftists were supporting this killer, that's why.
@Inga: I wouldn't touch Facebook with a 10 foot pole.
But tomorrow, when I have more time (going to bed now), I'll follow through with ID'ing politics of of some of Dorner's fanboys linked here. I suspect that some of the gushing and fawning tweets will be deleted, but it shouldn't be hard to flesh out the politics of the tweeters.
Chickie, well your buddy Furious asshole seems to think its a good source, lol.
anne said: "I don't understand why so much attention was paid to this story. We need to stop making major celebrities out of criminals."
Neither do I.
Not that I understand much of the media. The media wields so much power not just how people think, but more basically what it is they think about.
It has always struck me like that children's game where the first child stares off somewhere. And when the other follows suit, looking off there also, the first child sings out, "made ya look, ya dirty crook, stole your mother's pocketbook!"
That song goes through my brain whenever the media gets its undies in a wad about some criminal, or some unfortunate tragedy. And my own brain sings out in response "what possible reason is there for the entire nation, let alone me, to have to think about this?"
As my husband eats that crap up, and argues against my tirades, I always wonder what exactly is the purpose for a mass media.
Speaking of fed up with media, I listen to a lot of conservative talk radio and they seem to have a great deal of influence. But there are two things I don't get.
1. Why does not one of the various conservative hosts reform the show, or devote one show a week, to culture from conservative POV. Goodness knows the type of thing NPR is saturated with -author interviews, artist discussions, film review and science and history shows. For pete's sake many of the conservative hosts' audiences are huge and thus would go a long way towards the Breitbart idea of politics being downstream of culture.
2. I also wonder why there is so little actual information on these shows. Heck, again, they have large audiences and could get some real info out there. Eg. I forget the show, but seems to be the case on most shows, caller starts to rattle off a chronological list of historical laws that pertain to healthcare, sort of evolution of how we got to the place we are at. Host lets him speak, but no real discussion of government overreach into healthcare industry, host wraps with a high energy rant on tangential but timely topic. Ugh.
Sure, most likely high pressure job, and I NEVER could do it. Just, speaking as a former NPR listener (so sorry bout that), while these are great fun, I sure do miss the thoughtful shows from NPR, which I can no longer bear because of the stench of disgusting leftism.
chickelit, if you think I was defending Dorner, you need a bit more contact with reality. I'm just refusing to pre-judge. The only evidence ("that which is seen") so far of Dorner's criminality is the unsupported word of LAPD investigators. (Even the link between him and the manifesto is attributed to "LAPD investigators".)
Might evidence come out after this point? Sure. If it does, I'll make a judgment then. Rather than make up my mind in advance of any evidence.
My mom (a right wing radio listener) and I(an ex-libertarian) both felt some sympathy for him. Neither one of us is a liberal. She's about as law and order as you can get.
It's something else that is/was touching people. There was an instinctive sympathy. It looked like he did get screwed royally by the department and I suppose my mom felt for someone screwed out of his livelihood.
No, neither one of us are condoning violence. More than anyone else in the story, Monica especially looks like someone I could have known and she should not be dead. I don't have any strong feelings or experiences with the police either way, so it's not that.
I guess I'm astonished something like this hasn't happen with Enron or Goldman Sachs, but a PG&E guy due a pension he will never see is not the type to take physical revenge, but Dorner had the training and could and did. Voting for either party certainly won't help. There just isn't an outlet anymore, if there ever was.
Dorner's manifesto was very odd.
He was raised mostly among whites. From the time he was young he believed that people were calling him 'nigger', just at the edge of what he could hear. This caused him to get into fights, both as an adolescent as an adult.
Somehow, whenever he was given a hearing, witnesses weren't available to confirm what he believed happened, or the witnesses lied.
He was continuously in trouble over words that were used to damage his name.
Jaynie wrote:
Why does not one of the various conservative hosts reform the show, or devote one show a week, to culture from conservative POV. Goodness knows the type of thing NPR is saturated with -author interviews, artist discussions, film review and science and history shows.
Hugh Hewitt does this.
1. Why does not one of the various conservative hosts reform the show, or devote one show a week, to culture from conservative POV.
Because art sucks. What great art has their been, except for technology, in the last 70 years? The only thing I can think of is the Sydney opera house, which I've had the opportunity to see. The next closest thing is the construction of the Sagrada Familia, in Barcelona, designed by Gaudi who edied in 1926.
Go to South of France to understand this. They have done NOTHING of significance since the Roman era. Avignon is a pale comparison to what the Romans did in Orange, Aries, and the great aqueducts.
If you want to talk about greatness today, do not look for it in art. Look for it in technology: the computer, the PC, the internet.
Modern day music sucks. All of it. You want to listen to real music, listen to the music of Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, and the fag Tchaikovsky. That's not a pejorative,incidentally. I was listening to his music and thought "No man can make music that beautiful" and then discovered he was a fag. And I still love his music.
The Modern day art is dross and dull, filled with PRIMITIVIST "rap music," (my Brother, a musician, is all into it). It's empty, angry, and has no direction to the future. Just tear it down. I'm mad. I want to kill the cop, and rape the chick.
Compare that to the shiny perfection of an i-phone, developed in Taiwan, with perfection of form and feel (I have visited that company).
Except for those like Chip Ahoy, a modern day leader into the new age, all we have is Madonna and that look-alike skank, Lady Gaga.
but I don't understand why so much attention
Audience eyes are sold to advertisers.
The audience likes simple narratives because it is not very bright.
Anything complicated risks the audience tuning away.
Simple stories rule, the more repetitive the better.
80% don't watch but they wouldn't watch anyway, and the media need the 20%.
Inga. If you trouble to read the "manifesto" of the dead Dorner you will note that you believe in all that he believes save the killing. Now put those two ideas together and you will see that it was liberals supporting this nutball because he too was a liberal. Low info inga indeed.
Inga said...
What a ridiculous comment.
Hey dum-dum, let me know when you want me to start posting tweets from leftists cheering the guy on.
rom: Christopher Jordan Dorner
"Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, you’re a vile and inhumane piece of garbage”
-"Too bad Trayvon didn’t smash your skull completely open, Zim”
-his attack on President Barack Obama’s critics -“You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs”
Oh and he also admired Michelle Obama's new haircut, Inga.
"To us, normal folks, he was a cop-killing criminal; to the leftists, he was a cop-killing hero."
You've made two errors of fact in your statement.
pbj's browser seems to have had some sort of upgrade that causes it to automatically prepend the word "gun" to the word "death", so that the two are inextricably bound together. gun death gun death gun death!!!
Uh oh. Inga reverted last night.
Now I'm sad.
Professor, who is we who make celebrities out of criminals? I guess you meant society at large, but I could mention a fairly large segment of society (roughly half) who don't give a shit.
OTOH, criminals have always been celebrated. Robin Hood? Al Capone? Lucky Lucciano? Murder Inc? NBA players at large?
The problem seems to be (and maybe this is just me being cynical again) a society that can't seem to separate the issues?
Does anyone have a problem with LAPD traveling outside their district and burning suspects to death? Would NO other method have sufficed? I can understand the impulse to avoid the drawn out trial of a budding lefty folk hero, but still.....
There is an extensive back story that suggests corruption, and racism, in the LAPD, which has a pretty storied history of same. Then he openly challenges and threatened the police in writing with the proven ability to back it up
Yup. A hero to the left. And as an added bonus, ladies and gentlemen, the not-so-simple murderer, a black man, killed black people! He's the liberal's dream hero!
"The Modern day art is dross and dull, filled with PRIMITIVIST "rap music," (my Brother, a musician, is all into it). It's empty, angry, and has no direction to the future. Just tear it down. I'm mad. I want to kill the cop, and rape the chick."
That's much too simplistic. Even if it were true, conservatives do no one any favors by disengaging from popular culture. It just makes it all the easier for talentless leftist hacks to step in and fill up the void with crude, propaganda-flavored tedium.
Inga said...
The Fight Against Police Corruption Facebook page is the most frequent commenter on the I support Christopher Jorden Dorner page, guess what you dopes, it's a LIBERTARIAN page.
So Inga believes her assertion that Libertarians are turning him into a hero is proven by identifying one single facebook commenter who she classifies as libertarian. By transition then she should accept that leftists are turning him into a hero if one single leftist is supportive.
Ajamu Chaminuka Miss Amy Newkirk Bradley, you don't understand,yet, that it's the police and this racist system that are the real murderers. The police are the armed enforcers for the system and their role is first and foremost to protect the system not to protect you!
Krystn Young I swear its so many closed minded people fooled by this government. If you read his manifesto and maybe not all of it and understand what its like to deal with racism, to deal with mistreatment because of skin color or to see people did wrong because they are not white for hundred's of years is enough to drive a sane person insane. I choose to know the truth and do research. You try and do good for people but yet they still do you wrong. Knowing what I know now I have to keep myself in check.
I'll just list two.
Oso - San Bernardino Sheriff's were the lead agency at that location (in their jurisdiction)- LAPD may have been in the mix, plus a Ca. Game Warden was involved in the discovery and early gun battle.
Own him Marshal, he's YOURS!
Hahahahahaha! Jay.
I'm glad that's over, but I don't understand why so much attention was paid to this story.
Put some bleachers out in the sun.
Do it out on highway 61.
BaltoHvar said...
Oso - San Bernardino Sheriff's were the lead agency at that location (in their jurisdiction)- LAPD may have been in the mix, plus a Ca. Game Warden was involved in the discovery and early gun battle.
2/13/13, 8:56 AM
Balto - I cannot find any verification at this moment of who did what. I don't feel particularly better if the local police burned the man to death. Then there is the shooting of the two ladies in the blue pickup. My son had tighter rules of engagement when he was deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq with the USMC.
Dante needs to get out more.
guess what you dopes, it's a LIBERTARIAN page.
Didn't think it was possible for (D)Ing(b)a(t) to get any stoopider, but, hey, generalizing from a sample of one -- bra-VO!
The shout-outs to the Black Panthers, calls for Latino community to mobilize, and the Alex Jones posts in the Twitter feed just scream LIBERTARIAN!. Inga-level, please-don't-breed stoopid.
Beagles are ugly and eat their own shit.:)
And they're always nose to the ground, sniffing out the TROOF or Alex Jones butt.
Alex Jones, bwahahahahahaha!
Inga said...
Own him Marshal, he's YOURS!
No doubt you've convinced yourself this is true. It's a neatly packaged example of leftists' ability to convince themselves of anything necessary to protect their worldview.
To be clear though, the "he" in your sentence is a guy who wrote about Dorner. Dorner himself is a leftist. It's revealing that you believe Joe Random Internet Commenter somehow taints libertarianism but killing people doesn't taint the left. Revealing, but not surprising, as the only characteristic you display more routinely than ignorance is your unwillingness to apply consistent standards.
Dorner is a leftist in your own machinations.
check out his manifesto Inga. Dorner's your ideological soul mate. or was, til he got smoked.
Inga said...
Dorner is a leftist in your own machinations.
Notice the "La-La-La-La-La-La, I can't hear you" approach to facts.
It isn't the first time.
This man is the LAPD's very own Major Haddad. You just don't suddenly become this crazy. There must have been lots of warning signs. However, if the LAPD had acted on them earlier, it would have only fed into Donner's persecution complex. And he probably would have won a million dollar discrimination lawsuit.....For someone who hates whites, he sure manages to kill a lot of Asians. This is a patently brutal cop. To make this brutal, murderous cop some kind of crusader for the underdog demonstrates a lack of logic and morality. It's that lack of logic and morality that oppresses the Donner fans and not the brutality of the LAPD.
Beagles are ugly and eat their own shit.:)
It's a survival trait -- the females do it to keep their newborn litters from contracting sepsis and the scent from attracting predators, and there's a garlic pill for the males.
Whereas you wallow in your own ignorance just because and there's no pill for stoopid.
Inga: Dorner wrote eleven thousand fucking words demonstrating he was a liberal. And a cry baby.
Dorner's manifesto was very odd.
He was raised mostly among whites. From the time he was young he believed that people were calling him 'nigger', just at the edge of what he could hear. This caused him to get into fights, both as an adolescent as an adult.
I've been reading this 'anatomy of motive' book on profiling killers and now I would really like to see this guys profile.
I'm glad the murdering thug is dead. But only because he took some "civlians" and not only his fellow jack-booted dog-shooting "civilian" bruatilizing thugs. To any lover of freedom there is only one "good" kind of cop.......
Althouse: I'm glad that's over, but I don't understand why so much attention was paid to this story.
In part it was because of the reaction by the cops. Cops are tribal, and one of their own attacked the tribe. They started shooting the place up and that made a good story. I think the media wanted to see how far the tribe would go to eliminate the threat.
Around here, a suburb of Milwaukee that has very few murders, a rookie woman cop on a solo beat was killed at 4 a.m. on Dec. 24. Shot in the head and then in the face with her own weapon. Pretty gruesome and obvious it was not just some petty burglar on the prowl for Christmas presents. It was, as usual, her jealous husband from the very beginning, yet from 6 am. - 8 a.m. cops from 5 cities surrounded two city blocks, semi-auto rifles drawn, and stopped every car driving by to ask where they were going and visually search the vehicle. If you said "Fuck you, none of your business," they probably would have shot you in the head, you know, in fulfilling their promise "To serve and protect." What's not written on the side of the car is the rest of the motto, which is "our own."
They already had the husband in custody for questioning and farily quickly determined that he was the killer. No doubt the public was far more at risk from overzealous cops, protecting the tribe, than from the loser husband who executed his wife-who-happened-to-be-a-cop. The cops vastly overreact but get a pass because of the quaint notion that they are there to protect you, so what's a few newspaper delivery women or stopping hundreds of innocent people at gunpoint without any justificable cause?
For good measure, the cops kept the crime scene perimiter up and forced cancellation of Christmas Eve services at a church that was within the two block radius, despite no chance of any killer on the loose. If one of their own is targted, then extremism in the defense of the tribe is no vice.
Dammit Inga, I went out on a limb to defend you, and how do you repay me? By doubling down on stupid. You truly are an idiot.
And I'm an idiot for sticking up for you.
Wholeheartedly agree.
What was more disgusting were the "people" cheering him on on Twitter.
Wholeheartedly agree.
What was more disgusting were the "people" cheering him on on Twitter.
Crunchy Frog, do what you feel you must, or don't. Makes me no difference. Do you think I OWE you something?
Crunchy Frog,
I call I as I see it, you don't agree, oh well. And you are an idiot if you think that I would predicate anything I have to say on you and your "defense" of me.
Do me a favor, don't "defend" me ever again.
And Crunchy Frog, if you considered it "going out on a limb", you are a coward.
The LAPD and the sheriff's dept. in general acted as professionally as they could given the circumstances, but the glaring and odious attacks on innocent civilians due to the incompetence of these officers ability to identify people should be under scrutiny. However, Dorner created this type of hysteria because his temper tantrum went viral and violent. Given that, Mumia Abu Jamar should be breathing a sigh of relief. His justice will never come.
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