January 24, 2013

"Wisconsin budget surplus projected to grow to $484 million."

One more occasion for us here at Meadhouse to dance to "Stand with Governor Walker."

(Do you have any idea how much this annoys our fellow Madison citizens?)


chickelit said...

What was garage mahal's most memorable moniker for Scott Walker?

"Ol' Dead-Eyes"?

Walker is a dead ringer for a great WI Governor during challenging times.

mccullough said...

Competence is cool

chickelit said...

I wonder what ever happened to the gay guy from Milwaukee who made videos dissing Walker? Then there was the guy who cried on TV and spoke of the end of the world in a trembling voice.

ricpic said...

I stand for Walker if for no reason other than he gives garbage a stroke.

Mogget said...

Good times, goodtimes... Can't wait to get to work tomorrow and learn how Walker is still the Worst Person in the World. This makes the Proggies apoplectic, you know.

Strelnikov said...

And at its next opportunity the State which just voted for Obama and sent whasehernamethelesbian to the Senate will do its best to throw him out and get back on the road to bankruptcy.

Seeing Red said...

He's starving the children. It's a good thing WI's public pension is #2 in the nation as to funding.

IL is 50th.

We starve the children down, here, too, and load them up with debt.

It's for their own self-interest, tho.

OTOH, the comcast news thingy said Madison was in the bottom 5 in real estate values, dropped 4%? compared to the rest of the country.

Titus said...

I don't mind Walker.

How is the job situation in Wisconsin?

Our governor has just produced a huge tax program.

I hate paying for other people's kids schools.


MadisonMan said...

Projected Surpluses != Surpluses.

If I had a dollar for every time budget projections were correct, I'd be broke. It is better than a projected deficit, however.

Gov. Walker also says 250K jobs will develop by the time his term ends. How's that working out?

Titus said...

The real estate here is booming. A place in my building had 16 offers above asking price.

I am now getting cards from realtors with amazon and starbucks 50.00 cards saying they have a buyer that will pay 20k over the last offer in the building-sight unseen!

I don't drink coffee or tea so I went on their website to see if they had any other shit to buy it is was all coffee and tea related with the exception of a hoodie. Guess I will have to regift them.

Titus said...

I use linkedin for everything, especially recruiting.

I sometimes check Madison and Milwaukee and Green Bay for jobs and there is like nothing. Except something at Ray O Vac or some old manufacturing company.

While in Boston there are thousands. We are all about start up, VC, new ventures and new products.

Do cheeseheads use linkedin? I think it because Wisconsinites in general are much more cautious and don't move around much in their jobs. Wisconsin people value security and complacency.

Here if you are in a job more than 5 year they think you are weird.

In Wisconsin peeps seem to never leave their jobs.

Why can't Wisconsin attract the creative economy? My take at it

bagoh20 said...

Obama could have done that even more betterer.

edutcher said...


Just some stock photos and no footage of Ann and Meade doing the Hucklebuck or something?

I feel so ripped off.

PS Remember all those people bused in from Chi-town to stuff the ballot boxes there. That's the only way Little Zero took the state.

bagoh20 said...

Our Governor said today that California has fixed it's budget problems. So they do say crazy shit sometimes. Wisconsin, we could spend your surplus on lunch and probably did today.

Anonymous said...

On Wisconsin!

garage mahal said...

This is a really funny post.

kjbe said...

Yay! Now what about his proposed higher gas taxes, increased vehicle license and registration fees and a new per-mile-driven annually-collected personal tax? Boy, we'll just be rolling in it...

Titus said...

I wish Wisconsin could turn into a cutting edge creative economy.

The midwest doesn't have those industries.

As a result the talent that graduate from the UW leave.

I am interviewing one of them tomorrow.


Brew Master said...

MadisonMan said...
Projected Surpluses != Surpluses.

Tell that to everyone who talks about how Bush threw away the 'Clinton Surpluses'.

But, What difference, at this point, does it make?

Oh, also, I hear Scott Walker is going to be indicted any day now......

Titus said...

It would help if Wisconsin had a decent gay scene and was a gay destination.

Alas, it is gross.

All the the motivated and intelligent fags leave. Which leaves Wisconsin with some fag retail things, a few nurses, some priests, social workers and a few academics-not good enough Sconi!

Anonymous said...

$484 million, what is the big deal? It's over 10% less than Obama's payback to sugar daddy Kaiser's Solyndra.

Patrick said...

(Do you have any idea how much this annoys our fellow Madison citizens?)

Yeah, but that's only one reason why I get a kick out of that song. Sometimes you've just got to enjoy someone doing what he loves, in service to what he believes.

Plus, the idea of you two dancing to it reminds me of when WI went to the Rose Bowl shortly after I was married to my wife. She (who is not a sports fan) put on her "5th Quarter" CD and we polka danced to "When You've Said WIIIISCONSIN, you said it ALL!" Good times.

Michael K said...

garage, when is that indictment coming down ? Probably right after Jerry Brown balances the budget, instead of talking about it.

Hagar said...

but you probably should be careful about what you eat and drink around the campus.
And don't be there after dark.

Anonymous said...

If he **really** wants to make the liberals mad, he'll use the money to pay down debt. He'll refuse to spend it.

Brian G. said...

Unassailable proof that Walker only cares about keeping the banks flush with cash. Women, children, minorities, and gays are most affected by Walker's refusal to fund the social safety nets that are desperately needed by the disaffected peoples of the state. A grassroots movement to impeach him should be started. It would succeed for sure.

Paul said...

And I bet once Democrats get back the governorship and congress they will piss of money again like tomorrow till you are in the same fix again.

That is just their nature.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Titus - based on what I read her, most WI commenters seem decent and smart and reasonable. You, on the other hand, seem like a self-absorbed jackass. WI is way better off without you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Demos don't like budget surpluses

MadisonMan said...

Now what about his proposed higher gas taxes, increased vehicle license and registration fees and a new per-mile-driven annually-collected personal tax?

Did he propose that? Or did some blue-ribbon commission propose it? I read about it this morning, but I guess not carefully enough 'cause I don't remember!

Synova said...


You made me click on that video!

Titus said...

Thanks AJ, I left when I was 17 looking for brighter horizons and have been fairly successful.

Six digit salary, international husband well into the six digits, and we are hiring others into six digit incomes where we live. We are growing the econmoies in our markets.

We are doing fine-we couldn't do that in Wisconsin.

Overall I am happy and making an impact in the market-we are building something and growing.

Lastly we have hot bodes!

chickelit said...

Titus said...

Six digit this...six digit that...

Lastly we have hot bodes!

What if your kids are born with six digits?

mccullough said...

Massachusetts is hip. Mitt Romney lives there.

Chest Rockwell said...

Rofl that song is about 3:00 minutes too long. I thought it was parody at first.


What's a creative economy?

Chuck66 said...

A creatative economy? That is where people come up with the term "gender studies" and get millions of dollars of state cash to teach it.

Alex said...

Good, Wisconsin needs a rainy day fund for down times.

Joe Schmoe said...

This seems like good news. I'm surprised I haven't heard more about it in the national media.

That was a joke.

Must be time for Walker to start gearing up for another election, though, right? Isn't he up again in 2014?

lemondog said...

...with new estimates that show a surplus will grow to $484 million...


Known Unknown said...

A grassroots movement to impeach him should be started. It would succeed for sure.

Or maybe a recall?

Known Unknown said...

I don't really buy into the projected surplus myth for any office-holder.

The job growth still sucks, too.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
This is a really funny post.

Remember how you were here saying the budget reforms wouldn't work and were screeching about teacher pay?

Yeah, it has to suck to be wrong about pretty much everything.

Holmes said...

But think of the children!

Holmes said...

But think of the children!

Joe Schmoe said...

Job growth sucks everywhere. There might be some hot sectors in specific markets, but it's not widespread yet. The best thing Walker can say is that it could be worse. Contrast Wisconsin with Michigan and Illinois. Illinois is running annual deficits in the hundreds of millions, and will be shifting tax money from core services to pension obligations of state union employees.

Joe Schmoe said...

Unemployment in MI is 8.9%, and 8.7% in the land of Lincoln.

Original Mike said...

"Contrast Wisconsin with Michigan and Illinois. Illinois is running annual deficits in the hundreds of millions, and will be shifting tax money from core services to pension obligations of state union employees."

I think we should use the surplus to build a wall on our southern border.

Original Mike said...

We're going to need it.

Dave said...

Hey! We non-leftist FIBs need someplace to flee the PRI, you know.

On second thought, you guys have Madison.

As long as the wall is made of cheese, I have no objections.

Dave said...

Am I supposed to post a second comment now?

Drago said...

garage: "This is a really funny post."

Clearly garage has not yet received his soros-funded talking points yet.

Garage, do you feel alot of tension or anxiety while you wait to be told what to write on blog sites? I imagine it can be disconcerting for you.

Drago said...

David: "Am I supposed to post a second comment now?"

I'm afraid a second post is a necessary precondition to getting to your third post.

kentuckyliz said...

Titus' children have six digits?!


His "children" are flushed away.

He keeps plowing his husband's ass but so far hasn't managed to get him pregnant.