"I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment."
January 14, 2013
"The White House’s recent announcement they will use executive orders and executive actions to infringe on our constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms..."
"... is an unconstitutional and unconscionable attack on the very founding principles of this republic."
This Obama guy's a real piece of work.
Said the guy who tried to protect OKC bombers.
The preemptive propaganda strike on the South had a reason after all.
Obama plans to declare the US Constitution of no effect in Obama I's Dictatorship.
Obama fears a war to preserve the union coming from the South after the North secedes from the union under his psychotic leadership.
Obama is getting his wish, which is to divert attention from the budget and spending issues and find ways to make Republicans look absurd.
Either this is a publicity stunt or this new congresscritter is incredibly gullible.
It is time for a new Civil War. Take up your arms and let's begin.
The thought of us Northeast Yankee elites pummeling the dumb south is intoxicating to me. They won't have to secede.
A Texas Representative has said he will file a bill to IMPEACH if Obama does go through with his threat.
Now the only real question is would Reid let the Senate have a trial. All depends on how many Democrats become scared they will lose their jobs if they stonewall the impeachment trial.
Well we will see what skippie does. Maybe he will tell them to 'call his bluff'.
At least in the first instance, massive civil disobedience would be in order...
Gun ownership has doubled at the same time that gun violence has dropped by more than half. It's a crisis, and we must act to reverse this inexplicable miracle.
Why should impeachment be a last resort? Impeach the fucker now!
Put Titus in the front lines where the grapeshot can find him, that magnificent 'mo.
You don't want to criticize Obama and get Powell even angrier, do you?!?!
Titus projects: The thought of us Northeast Yankee elites pummeling the dumb south is intoxicating to me. They won't have to secede.
I'd love to see an Atlanta/Boston match-up in the Superbowl. This would be a real Red v. Blue battle. Naturally I'd like to see Atlanta win even though I'm not a southerner. I just like seeing smug lose.
Can we at least wait to see what the executive orders are before going off half-cocked?
What frightens me about all this is the idea that it's just going to splurt sideways. Worst case scenario, they do manage to pull off some kind of universal registration or confiscation scheme. People like my husband and I would obediently register one gun while the numerous others we own would...never mind. Anyway, everyone would be doing this, and law enforcement would know it but would be powerless to stop it, so it would be another giant step away from the rule of law.
Why start worrying about the constitution at this late date? Political expedience is all that matters any more. This is the way it goes in a Republic. You have maybe a couple of dozen generations before the transformation to oligarchy or dictatorship. This posturing Texan and BO are peas in a pod.
I've been wondering when someone would get around to using that word.
And Erika, if the respect for the rule of law is eroded much further it'll all wash away. Not just Gregory; remember the prosecutors who broke the law in the case against Stevens in Alaska? And the judge wouldn't file criminal charges on them because 'they hadn't specifically been told not to break that law'? And now the crap that comes out in the case against Aaron Swartz.
Here it comes. Get ready for it.
Titus, are there any guns in the Northeast? Because there's LOTS of them down here.
Ah I see, talking impeachment again.... Shakes head.... Leaves quietly.
ric is absolutely right.
Any articles of impeachment would be longer the ObamaTax.
And, yes, civil wars have started from such, but the South is no longer agrarian and the North is no longer industrial, and which side owns the slaves?
Sad but true. There are times when people have to experience the real results of their stupidity, immorality, and general laxity in order to wake up.
And looking across our country right now, I'm afraid that we may have reached that point.
I'll keep talking, even though I believe that talking won't do any good.
Or as my young but wise son puts it, "People that sin have an innate sense of foreboding that the proverbial shoe will drop, and they actually unconsciously hope it will drop because they're tired of the sin."
Let's not panic just yet, ok? It isn't even Tuesday yet.
The supposed executive orders I've seen suggested don't appear to amount to much. Stuff like "enforce existing laws" and "coordinate between agencies". These aren't so much "executive orders" as they are "what you kind of assumed the President was already supposed to be doing in between golf games and Hawaii vacations".
Impeaching him would be stupid, so naturally I expect at least one Congressman to try it. Even if he was guilty as sin you'll never get Democrats to vote him out.
Talk is cheap, especially when it's a politico doing the talking. Pay no attention to what O says. Just watch what he does. Mostly, he decides to do nothing but talk, leaving little to watch.
Executive orders. What can't they do?
A bit OT, but did anyone else find this to be an idiotic musical metaphor:
The conservative discord in the wake of the Newtown, Conn. massacre went up another octave....
Uhhhh, what?
How about:
The conservative discord in the wake of the Newtown, Conn. massacre today became a mass of tone clusters.....
It's not helpful for these congressmen to run off at the mouth. Merely state that executive orders that counter existing law are not constitutional because it violates the separation of powers. Let Obama blow as hard as he wants, but basically, don't respond in words, but in legislation. Don't even utter his freaking name.
The power to ignore is surprisingly effective.
Give him his debt limit adjustment only to cover existing spending, but hold him and the Democrats to all deadlines required by law. The administration has missed hundreds of various mandated deadlines. If he doesn't submit a budget by February 4, sue him and suggest that he might best reassign Biden and other administration folk to expediting work on the budget BEFORE taking up new items.
The Republicans should introduce and pass a balanced budget mandating and specifying the reduction or elimination of programs, send it to the Senate and wait for them to perform the duty. Agree to NO continuing resolutions. If the Senate can't introduce a budget, then shut the government down.
There is more than enough revenue coming in to pay debt interest and principal, SS, medicare and national security. Everything will be de-prioritized and only that for which funds are available will be paid.
It's time to reset the table.
Nice balanced journalism there: Congressman makes threats about what he'll do if Obama "uses an executive order TO TRY TO REDUCE GUN VIOLENCE." Because everything Obama does is for a good and virtuous purpose, don't y' know?
When was the last time a Democrat talked about preserving and/or expanding liberty and freedom? And, actually meant it? Never?
Would it be within the constitutional power of the Executive Branch to enforce the Second Amendment by outlawing gun-free zones? That would actually help more than anything else possible, and I'm sure that's what the President and the Vice-President will suggest. They do care about stopping the carnage, and they want to do what works while staying well within the confines of the Constitution. They really do.
The House should pass the debt ceiling increase with three clauses. First is a mandated 1% cut in all programs per year on actual expenditures. Second is mandated federal workforce reduction which limits any hiring to two new employees for every three leaving (retirement, firing, out resignation). And lastly no program may have benefits expanded until budget is balanced.
Impeachment talk is not helping. Hysterics is not a solution and right doesn't need to be like the left.
"Hysterics is not a solution and right doesn't need to be like the left.".
Recent results suggest otherwise. It's very liberating to know that saying any crazy ass thing is a winning strategy. Did you know that while putting women in binders, Romney actually fired a guy just so his wife would die of cancer. And he did this while not paying any taxes for 10 years.
Why doesn't the Legislative Branch do something with their power of the purse? That would seem to be a more powerful tool than some no-one spouting off about Impeachment that has a snowball's chance in Hell of happening.
The Legislative Branch has been ceding power to the Executive especially since 9/11. High time they took some back.
I'm beginning to feel vindicated re impeachment.
Because sooner or later he has to go, preferably before he unleashes total destruction. And this gun business may well be the catalyst.
Not to in any way imply that he, Obama, is not the happiest man in the world tonight. Because I believe he's absolutely ecstatic, as is Michelle. Dreaming of his father.
"Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) threatened to file articles of impeachment if President Obama uses an executive order to try to reduce gun violence."
No he didn't, he threatened to do so over Obama attempting an end-run around the 2A, but then TPM isn't exactly a bunch of geniuses. Maybe this obscure Stockman can hold mock impeachment hearings. Wouldn't that look stupid and extreme compared to well-known Democrat Representatives, who would never...oh, wait...
Yea, talk about a loaded first sentence:
The conservative discord in the wake of the Newtown, Conn. massacre went up another octave on Monday when Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) threatened to file articles of impeachment if President Obama uses an executive order to try to reduce gun violence.
Obama can never be President of the New World Order if he can't deliver on disarming the citizens of the U.S. and letting the UN impose taxes on its population, like with Cap'N Trade.
So Obama does not think the elected representatives of the citizens of the United States can examine the evidence act responsibly? He has to act unilaterally to show that he cares.
Seems like the impeachment thing might depend on what the actual Executive Orders are, doesn't it?
But if Obama is really really committed to reducing gun violence it seems reasonable to suggest he and his BFF Rahm Emmanuel take a long hard look at his hometown. They can also look at New Orleans ... and indeed most of the inner cities.
The gun violence of the city in which Obama was a "community organizer" is horrendous. So why the concern now?
How will his Executive Orders change that? Doesn't it seem racist that poor blacks murder each other with impunity and it doesn't produce any reaction; but multiple murders of mostly whites gets Executive Orders -- for what?
More extensive background checks? The VA tech killer was on the books and they missed him. The Newtown guy didn't buy a gun. (He was refused, IIRC.)
Smaller magazines? Switching magazines is not hard (and should not be).
Assault rifles? More people are killed by hammers and blunt objects. Many many many more people are killed by drunk driving. (Will there be an Executive Order to implement reducing death by drunk driving or drivers? Wait. We tried prohibition.)
Which of these Executive Orders would have stopped the Newtown killing?
The guy *stole* the guns. He was underage for having a handgun. He broke into the school. He murdered. Following the rules wasn't in his playbook.
The mental health community and/or families failed their clients, kids and their communities in his case, in Aurora, in Tucson.
Would Obama dare issue an Executive Order limiting the column inches devoted to any future massacres? How about one limiting the amount of visual coverage provided by networks?
It seems clear, in non-personal murders any way, that the statement being made gains power in the perp's mind by the coverage it will receive.
How would those Executive Orders be received?
It's all for show.
The goal is to undo the Constitution by making repeated end runs around it. No one will remember what it is and why it is important.
We the People are the ones who get to rewrite it when and if we want to. Not some self aggrandizing narcissist.
The Rule of Law has been sent to hell in a handbasket.
You know, come to think of it, I bet Obama is using this gun control shtick to keep most people, including the press, from seeing him increase the debt limit or or Afganistan bugout, or the new war in Mali we are now getting involved with (yes France and Britain are there to!)
Yes a way to distract everyone from the screwups he is in the mist of. And remember, Hillary has not testified yet.
By the way -- when are we going to get a full report on Fast and Furious? The couple hundred dead Mexicans and Brian Terry need justice.
When are we going to find out who caused the murders of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya?
They need justice.
The silence is deafening.
We have on our hands the greatest tyrannical American President since FDR.
An awful lot of folks know this, by the way.
It is SOOOOO sad to see law professors all over our country kind of ignore and bypass and "freebie" Obama on his antics that hint a very scary second term without strong resistance.
I used to believe that we are still teaching the Constitution Law (whether pro or con - we hope lawyers are trained in the basics).....
Within the last month or so.....I am no longer sure about this.
It's quite serious stuff and we have no legitimate objective media any longer....
So we allow an American despot - a tyrant -to bypass everything because he's "hip" and "you know - sufficiently anti-American as we knew it before Barack"
Isure wisdh law schools would rise to the challenge of defending our founding documents that showed we are not a nation that will allow an Executive Power or tyrant to rise against us.
This is the reason we are what we are in America - foibles and all. We will not succumb to a tyrant or bully or arrogant ex3cutive power who denies due process from the representative bodies of Congress.
Actually if Obama decided to strictly enforce existing laws that would be a great thing. In fact it's a thing that he could have been doing for the last 4 years. if he actually cared about 1st graders that is.
And today, Zero said in reference to the debt ceiling, "What I will not do is have that negotiation with a gun to the head of the American people".
What an asshole. What a complete and utter arrogant asshole.
Impeaching him would be stupid, so naturally I expect at least one Congressman to try it. Even if he was guilty as sin you'll never get Democrats to vote him out.
I fully expect him to be impeached at some point over the next 4 years. He has no humility, winning again, and figuring, I think, that that means that the American people are behind him (instead of the more rational view that his GOTV managed to get an awful lot of ultra-low information voters to vote for him at the last minute). He won, and the Republicans lost - except that every Republican in the House also won, and most probably by far higher margins than he got (thanks mostly to party Gerrymandering).
Because Obama won, has never really lost anything, and will not ever have to run again, I think that he is going to continually overstep the bounds of his office and of common decency over the next two years. Right now, I think that it could be overstepping his Constitutional power, such as trying to force registration of guns via executive order or ignoring the debt limit. Or, maybe he will take the advise of so many progs the last couple of days and cut off Republican districts when the debt limit is reached. Or, maybe one of his scandals will catch up with him, and he will get caught stonewalling. In any case, I think that his hubris is likely to cause him to get himself impeached over the next four years.
About the only way though that I see him convicted in the Senate is if his overreaching involves a gun grab. There are enough Dem Senators from states that have strong pro-gun sentiments to cause the vote to at least be close, and this is one uncomfortable vote that Harry Reid could not evade (and, if it involved guns, would require him to vote for impeachment, given the state he represents).
Remember too that Obama managed to punt Fast and Furious beyond the election through a fairly egregiously frivolous claim of Executive Privilege. He is in contempt of the House, and the court is likely to rule against him in the next couple of months. And, AG Holder is the one Cabinet member he has to protect, since Holder has done the most to protect him. Plus, of course, Benghazi is still in its infancy as a scandal. I should also note the recently filed private lawsuit about the awards of all that "green energy" money to cronies. I would not be surprised if that suit turned up enough dirt to start one or more additional Congressional investigations. And, with both Nixon and Clinton, it will most likely be the cover up that gets him in the end.
Not the least bit surprised, having lived in Nevada, but Harry Reid: The Assault Weapons Ban Is Probably Doomed.
The Rule of Law has been sent to hell in a handbasket.
When the masses learn that their betters are treating the rule of law as fungible to their needs, the masses will do the same and there will be no rule of law.
The world media, which runs to the left, has been talking about Obama's imperial presidency. That's saying something.
I'm thinking that when obama actually says something about what he's going to do, it will have no meaning. Fuck off, obama.
Seriously, how great would it be for the country to have a conservative who governs like Obama governs?
A man who acts like he gives a shit about his base would be great.
A man willing to say "fuck you" to you his enemies on the Hill, enemies who are seemingly trying to kill his people with everything but kindness.
Obama isn't a pussy, he is kicking the shit out of the GOP at almost every real opportunity (what did Scott Brown's victory earn conservatives? Was there a single bill that didn't pass or was altered significantly because Brown was in the seat?) except in 2010 and doing it like he enjoys politics and isn't some crying mega-D.C.-insider taking it up the ass like Boehner/Bush/Bush/Hastert etc. anytime some Democrat barks out some shit about empathy.
threatened to file articles of impeachment if President Obama uses an executive order to try to reduce gun violence.
President Obama has no interest, none, in "reducing gun violence"
NotquiteunBuckley said...
Seriously, how great would it be for the country to have a conservative who governs like Obama governs?
You have to have the press behind you, and with a Republican president, that would never happen.
Want proof? When Bush was president all you heard was "Bush and his wasteful deficit spending". Now, all you hear is "Obama and his stimulous package". It's the same thing, deficits. Yet the spending of money that we don't have is treated differently. That's just the way it is. How to fix it? I don't know.
Inga said...
Ah I see, talking impeachment again.... Shakes head.... Leaves quietly.
Is there anything, any single thing, in your mind the President can not do?
Petunia said...
And today, Zero said in reference to the debt ceiling, "What I will not do is have that negotiation with a gun to the head of the American people".
What an asshole. What a complete and utter arrogant asshole.
When a leftist speaks, decrying bad behavior in others, you can be sure that he himself is behaving in that exact same manner.
Obama is the one 'holding a gun to the head of the American people' with his stances in the debt ceiling debate. He is saying outright that you do what I want, or it all goes down, and I will blame you for not doing what I want.
There is no compromise in him, he is utterly arrogant in all the positions he stakes out, uncompromising to the last. His fans will think that this is great, just great, as they finally get to ram their choice policies down the throat of the American people, for their own good. His detractors will hardern against him and the policies of the left.
He is widening the wedge between the left and right in this country, and cementing it in place, all out of his arrogance that he has the right to alter the country as he sees fit.
I weep for the future.
Is there anything, any single thing, in your mind the President can not do?
Of course not. Obama is Inga's god.
If Obama tries to outlaw guns by royal decree, then we should have a MILLION GUN MARCH on Washington DC and show those fuckers who they're messing with...
You don't want to criticize Obama and get Powell even angrier, do you?!?!
Gag. Someone needs to tell Republican Colin Powell his 15 minutes of Strange New Respect are over already.
Think about it. Tomorrow millions of Americans will be branded criminals because their gun magazines hold more then 7 rounds. This is how Hitler did it. One step at at time.
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