So we were just talking about the oddities of the Clinton clot story. We noted that no sooner was it said that Hillary Clinton would testify, as Secretary of State, on the Benghazi attack, than there came an announcement that Hillary Clinton had entered the hospital with a blood clot. The coincidence raised suspicions of an effort to engineer an evasion of this testimony.
And we weren't told where the clot was, which is a crucial bit of information when assessing how serious this health scare is. Clinton had recently suffered a head injury, which makes one think the new problem would also be located in the head, but she'd also had a blood clot in her leg years ago, which makes that alternative seem plausible. If the clot were in the leg, withholding that information suggests a strategic choice to incline the public to view the problem as more serious than it really was.
Later, Clinton's doctors released a statement saying that the clot was in a vein inside her skull, and that she's "making excellent progress" and likely to "make a full recovery." The Washington Post repeats the information that she's being treated with anticoagulants. You may remember that the analysis I discussed at that first link contained the assertion that "anticoagulation is never given to persons with clots around the brain." But that WaPo story says: "The conventional treatment is an anticoagulant drug for at least six months."
I know some of my readers are doctors. Can you help us out with that inconsistency about the anticoagulants? [ADDED: Here's what Dr. Pogo says. And here's some useful detail. I think the crucial distinction is whether the clot is in the brain or in the space between the brain and the skull.]
And, by the way, I've gotten some pushback in email and on the web, saying that it was "shameful" and "appalling" for me to tie Clinton's health problems to a possible intent to avoid testifying about Benghazi. Let me tell you that a core motivation to my blogging — and I've been going at this for 9 years now — is to stand tough against people who try to cut off debate with this kind of shaming. So I'm glad that this performance of outrage was directed at me. I know it when I see it, and it fires me up. You want silence? You want backing down? You want me not to dare say a thing like that? That's how you want to control political debate in the United States? Thanks for reminding me once again how deeply I hate that and for giving me an (easy) opportunity to model courage for the more timid people out there who are cowed by the fear of shaming.
ADDED: Here's something I would dearly love to do with this blog: I want to make it so that emotive, intimidating outrage like that backfires. I want people to learn that they can't get away with empty assertions like "I am aghast" or "You are despicable." You have to give reasons for what you think. Even if you really feel those feelings. And, of course, many of these hack writers don't actually feel the feelings they scribble about. They just don't want to have to talk about the actual issue. They want to make it something that everyone feels they'd better not talk about. But that should be a loud signal: We need to talk about it!
And let's get back to basics: What we need to talk about is Benghazi.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 430 Newer› Newest»Can you read, Inga?
I said if she's mentally competent.
I think that the determination of this should be made in an adversarial setting.
Her word, and the word of the administration, don't suffice.
Inga, her medical condition is our business since she is in line for the Presidency and she occupies one of the top half dozen posts in federal government. Plus there is that scandal and scheduled testimony.
Someone already mentioned thrombosis of the cavernous sinus. There are other venous structures in the head which occasionally thrombose. Because they are unusual, they are easy for a physician to miss. If the Superior Sagital Sinus thromboses, it can cause stroke or even death. I was asked to review a case in which a radiologist missed a superior sagital sinus thrombosis in a recently pregnant woman. She died.
Hilliary may have had the thrombosis for some time, and fell and hit her head because of the thrombus which already existed. If that is her problem, then she is fortunate her thrombus was diagnosed properly.
Inga, her medical condition is our business...
Yes. Well, even if legally true (which it may be) then first things first. Diagnoses aren't always instantaneous, especially the more serious they are. When they are very serious, they take time. They are not like the prefabricated punditry offered by the hilariously erroneous Karl Rove, Dick Morris or Glenn Reynolds.
Badgers getting their asses kicked!
Nuh uh!
And a badger never gets its ass kicked.
Stick your fucking hand in this den. C'mon. Try it. I dare you!
Go Badgers!
Excellent argument, well written.
If indeed she has suffered a cerebral vein thrombosis, as suggested by Sydney and described in his linked article, she has suffered a stroke. I wonder why none of the public statements from the State Department have used that term?
and I still wonder why none of the medical wallahs that presumably have examined her have been presented on TV. Usually, they are all over the place when a celebrity has a medical problem of any kind.
Because it is a lie.
It is all a lie.
Look at the Clinton record. Time after time. Lie after lie.
Subpoena her ass and get Hillary the Chins up there to explain what happened.
Treat her like the Mob family boss that she really is in real life.
"I wonder why none of the public statements from the State Department..."
Exactly. Opaque and obfuscatory.
Because of a mere colonoscopy, Reagan temporarily transferred Presidential power to Veep GHW Bush on July 13, 1985.
The press was all over that. But not this.
Ritmo wrote:
They are not like the prefabricated punditry offered by the hilariously erroneous Karl Rove, Dick Morris or Glenn Reynolds.
Prefabricated punditry... chosen no doubt for the alliterative. How about the pusillanimous punditry proffered by the Ritmo the bilious blunderer?
Inspired Monsters University ad bit during the Rose Bowl.
I saw this commentary offered up by a reader to Althouse's frenemy's blog:
The first thing I thought was that should - God forbid - Hillary Clinton die from this, the wingnuts would accuse the Obama administration of killing her to keep her from testifying.
Nah Quastor. Spiro Agnew already tried garbage-talk like that. "Pusillanimous" is obviously not a political winner. Even for a whiner.
Actually, in hindsight I got really alliterative and wondered why I hadn't said "error-prone" instead of "erroneous".
It would have been more accurate, too.
Imagining awful speech or thought by your opponents, and attributing it to them, is your favorite tactic, Ritmo.
The projection bit is your specialty
To what are you responding, Shouty? The clip from Althouse's frenemy's blog?
That's just speculation based on the typical paranoia. There were even accusations (HERE) that Obama killed Breitbart.
You just have to anticipate. It's a mindset capable of so many things that we just don't understand.
Which hearkens back to when Bush said that he's always thinking of ways to harm Americans in order to stay ahead of al Qaeda.
We have to believe he didn't mean it that way, which is what made that malapropism funnier than the other, honestly uttered and sadly serious statements by the other carnival barkers.
Well ya know what Bush said,
"Fool me cant get fooled again".
Ritmo wrote
"Pusillanimous" is obviously not a political winner.
Certainly not in neighborhoods where "prefabricated punditry" makes sense.
I'm pretty sure, whatever kind of clot is is, it will affect her memory.
I'll believe she had a real clot when... aw how could anyone know if they are lying or not? Real convenient to get sick just when your own 'Watergate' is about to come to pass.
So I suspect they decided the best way for her to testify was to not testify and skate any charges of Contempt of Congress. See if she got that contempt it would be the end of any chance of Clinton II.
Are you trying to have fun with it or just tediously arguing, Quaestor?
The fact is that the overconfident non-pollsters Morris and Rove had their clocks cleaned, their faces egged, their... well, whatever other idiom you want to insert on account of wanting to make up facts in advance to fit their beliefs.
This was overdue, and not unworthy of cries of "I told you so", from the left. We've been witnessing an anti-empirical strain that has been killing the country for years. We can't do anything politically about your hatred for and rejection of geophysics, embryology, or even macroeconomics. But God dammit, when you went to war against the science of statistical polling, then the results of that were fun to watch.
I mean, what else was there left for the right-wing to do, at that point?
It was the most meaningful instance of karma ever. And yet, so many among them STILL refuse to learn the lesson of it.
The Clintons lie all the time.
The media/hollyhood group-think rush in to obsess, gush and cover.
The Clintons even lied to me by telling me that they weren't hiding under your bed at night, April.
The fake outrage reminds me somehow of all the fake "alarm" put out by anti-gun folks who are "scared" when they encounter a citizen open-carrying a firearm.
The proof of the fakery consists of the fact that, rather than vacating the premises as quickly as they can--which they would presumably do if they really did think the carrier was actually likely to shoot them--they stick around and complain about the person. So it's not really alarm they they're actually experiencing, it's offense.
"We've been witnessing an anti-empirical strain that has been killing the country for years. We can't do anything politically about your hatred for and rejection of geophysics, embryology, or even macroeconomics."
Some of us have been computer programmers and know that "garbage in, garbage out" works well in climate science.
Between economics and climate science, I wouldn't be boasting too much about the left's skills in science.
Ann Althouse said...
I want to make it so that emotive, intimidating outrage like that backfires. I want people to learn that they can't get away with empty assertions like "I am aghast" or "You are despicable." You have to give reasons for what you think. Even if you really feel those feelings.
The "How dast thou?" bit is classic Uncle Saul, so, by all means, push back twice as hard.
Give 'em Hell, Annie (if I may...).
O Ritmo Segundo said...
But she has done a very good job as Secretary of State (whatever you think of this episodic non-issue) and deserves compassion when facing a life-threatening medical issue.
You are, of course, joking. not even the Democrats buy that one.
machine said...
Such "courage" exhibited here...
I wasn't aware exercising one's First Amendment rights constituted courage, but, since Dictator Zero has been shooting for more "flexibility", constitutional rights have become a contact sport.
The clot is in her eye, and she got it watching a YouTube video.
I doubt that Obama's deal with Hillary! extended to actually interfering with his foreign policies.
An office at the State Dept., free use of their aircraft, and liberty to promote women's issues, etc., to her heart's content, yes.
Beyond that, no. Just be a good soldier and do as she is told.
You want silence? You want backing down? You want me not to dare say a thing like that?
I'd like you to apply sense and reason. Have you lost the ability to think critically? You continue to make a fool of yourself by spouting nonsense that is designed to please the Althouse lemmings. Do you care about anything other than page views?
Skepticism is healthy; spinning improbable, goofy theories contradicted by the facts is not. Sharpen up, Althouse.
Because of a mere colonoscopy, Reagan temporarily transferred Presidential power to Veep GHW Bush on July 13, 1985.
Reagan was past ancient at the time.
This article suggests that HRC was on board an aircraft that crashed in Iran.
Some of us have been computer programmers and know that "garbage in, garbage out" works well in climate science.
Between economics and climate science, I wouldn't be boasting too much about the left's skills in science.
Ok. Then keep your talents employed instead in the service of statistical polling and we'll be happier to watch you the more immediate returns of those results. Since the others aren't political enough for you.
But it is funny to watch time travel crop up on the radar screen for Republican wishes. Really, I guess Obama must have travelled back in time from his first inauguration to 2008 to make the financial crisis happen. Kind of like the way future Biff returned to the 1950s to fuck up Hill Valley. Hell, for all we know a Democrat even caused the FIRST depression in 1929 to occur.
Well, I know you guys are already working on trying to prove that one.
I think the clot's one of those heads trying to bust out into confident song.
Hillary helped keep those little Russian vodka babies out of the USA, so there's that.
I've got a better theory. Her clot isn't an evasion of responsibility for her decisions on Benghazi but the source of those decisions. They were just that deranged.
Its just another extension of the Civility Bullshit in trying to guilt people to not call out or question Progressives about their fuckups and mistakes.
Ritmo wrote:
But God dammit, when you went to war against the science of statistical polling, then the results of that were fun to watch.
So statistical polling of the American public says Dick Cheney is a heartless bastard who richly deserves any misfortune fate may deal him... (somehow Ritmo inserted Dick Cheney's cardiac stent into the conversation, so don't blame me for the diversion) Is that the same American public that re-elected Obama, or the one that re-elected George W. Bush?
Hillary Clinton's past actions have given us no reason to trust her now. So, until there is verifiable evidence (i.e., not hearsay from her handlers) otherwise, we should view the blood clot story with suspicion.
I'm not an Althouse fan but she has my respect for standing tough "against people who try to cut off debate with this kind of shaming."
Well done, Ms. Althouse.
You're sounding increasingly desperate, Quaestor.
Here's to a happy 2013.
P.S. Cheney's got more issues than the simple need of a stent. Not that it matters, but he actually had an entirely artificial heart implanted more recently (after 2008) that doesn't "pump" the way normal hearts (or other mechanical devices) do. It instead creates a constantly recirculating stream of blood flow; the physics of which is a lot closer to how a fan works.
This means that Cheney now lacks a discernible pulse. I leave any ironic or comedic conclusions that could be drawn from that up to you.
OTOH, he has lost a lot of weight and looks much less like the typical "fat bastard" that someone with his personality might be thought to otherwise have. And I want to make it clear that this part I mean as a compliment to him, seeing how sensitive you are to his feelings and all.
The Democrats will run someone in the primaries with worse health issues than Hillary,
The obvious question then is how do the democrats get Castro and Chavez on the primary ballots?
I've always been surprised that someone with Hillary's ethics is still beloved by the Democrats. She barely escaped indictment for perjury (she lied), she "found" the subpoened Rose Law firm records late and "laying on a table in the White House", and a book written by a military aid exposed her for liberal ege-maniac who likes to boss people around. The idea that she wouldn't fake a medical condition, given her past, is a silliness.
When you lie over and over and lie when there is not any need....NO.ONE.BELIEVES.YOU.
Ideally =). But somehow that's not always the case.
In any event, it puts people into a very strange place. When you can't trust the information, it's hard to draw conclusions. Like with Obama. It's hard to believe he never heard Reverend Wright's rants.
So then people start wondering if he is telling the truth about other things. Is his birth certificate valid? And then, it shows up as valid. And the people who question such things are labelled "birthers", or whatever.
The simple issue is the press seems to have lost its way. Perhaps it's always been this way, but I don't trust the press. Especially after that NYT editorial Ann printed about how facts are too hard to get right, so the fact checking will be pushed back to the reporters.
This whole business seems Orwellian. Given the press chopping up bits of information and taking them out of context, even if a sentence makes the meaning clear, it's hard to not think of it as intentional.
The real problem with the Hillary medical flap is that their is the appearance that negative health infoamtion has been withheld from the public, much like how infornation about the medical problems of totalitarian dictators are held close, until there can be no more denials.
Yes, it stinks of that and thats a problem.
No, our National Leaders really don't have an expectation of privacy when it comes to their health and job performance, because they aren't sovereign; we are. They aren't Royalty, after all, they are citizens occupying positions of responsibility. They have a duty to report on any health problems that might impact their job performance.
Shouting Thomas said...
garage, during the Wisconsin imbroglio, repeatedly suggested that he knew that Gov. Walker would soon be indicted. Over and over again, garage, made this claim... and that indictment has not transpired, has it?
The left has always encouraged and applauded the most bitter, vicious accusation and vitriol against Republicans.
Remember that "Question Authority?" chestnut.
Apparently, that doesn't count when Democrats are in office.
Sideways to this but in the same vein: the folks over on Fark LOVE Carl Sagan and brag about his pot smoking and what a great guy he was. Well, someone had part of his 'Demon Haunted World' posted where CS says to 'always question authority'.
I pointed out that the ONLY time they actually believe this is when the 'Authority' that is being questioned is conservative in nature.
When people - other scientists - question the 'authority' of 'global warming' those people are called the vilest names and likened to Holocaust deniers.
So, you are correct. Liberal 'authority' should NEVER be questioned, only accepted and assimilated in to your world view.
Jake Diamond said...
Because of a mere colonoscopy, Reagan temporarily transferred Presidential power to Veep GHW Bush on July 13, 1985.
Reagan was past ancient at the time.
No, he was unconscious for better than an hour.
"They want to make it something that everyone feels they'd better not talk about. But that should be a loud signal: We need to talk about it!"
Hear, hear. With the Clintons, especially, their general dishonesty is well-documented. There's nothing wrong with wanting to know if there's any distance between reality and the official line.
Climate models accurately predicted Hillary's clot years ago.
The cankle algorithms still need adjusting, though. Definite hockey stick. Thick, sausage-like hockey stick.
No, he was unconscious for better than an hour.
And lacking full cognitive power for most of his second term.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Some of us have been computer programmers and know that "garbage in, garbage out" works well in climate science.
Between economics and climate science, I wouldn't be boasting too much about the left's skills in science.
Ok. Then keep your talents employed instead in the service of statistical polling and we'll be happier to watch you the more immediate returns of those results. Since the others aren't political enough for you.
But it is funny to watch time travel crop up on the radar screen for Republican wishes. Really, I guess Obama must have travelled back in time from his first inauguration to 2008 to make the financial crisis happen. Kind of like the way future Biff returned to the 1950s to fuck up Hill Valley. Hell, for all we know a Democrat even caused the FIRST depression in 1929 to occur.
Well, I know you guys are already working on trying to prove that one.
Wow. It's interesting to read you comments after having your ass handed to you for the past few hours.
As for Obama and the financial crisis you need to go back a little further than you care to and look at Barney Frank SWEARING that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were completely and safely solvent and that home ownership is a 'right' even for people who can't afford mortgage payments.
Stop denying. Obama made it worse and continues to do so; exactly HOW LONG will you continue to 'blame Bush'? Another four years? When will stop your soft bigotry of low expectations and admit that Obama OWNS our economic troubles?
'Never' is my guess because in your mind, such as it is, NO liberal can be responsible for anything they do that turns out wrong; it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.
I know a few people like this.
They are on meds or need to be.
I think Hillary tends to be kind of private about personal matters. (unlike her husband) When her mother was dying we heard nothing about it except after her mother had died. When her husband was very ill with his heart attack and bypass, she took meetings all day and then went to the hospital. It is possible she didn't want to have the details of her health and treatment discussed by "everyone."
That doesn't mean that she hasn't used her illness as an excuse for avoiding testifying about Benghazi, Libya, and our completely out of touch foreign policy in the Middle East. Being vague was probably seen as the best play, until it wasn't.
I'd like some answers about why our intelligence is "so bad." For instance, KRAUTHAMMER DOUBTS INTELLIGENCE HEAD JAMES CLAPPER REALLY EDITED BENGHAZI TALKING POINTS — HERE’S WHY Or, why officials like James Clapper made claims that the Muslim Brotherhood is largely secular when in fact their major stated agenda is returning to sharia law and the destruction of secularism in the Muslim state. Why are we sending billions of dollars to people who despise our fundamental freedoms, like freedom of speech, and separation of church and state, etc. Why were our leaders apologizing for offending religious feelings and publishing photos of the arrest of the video maker in the middle of the night? Why was that the big story rather than the death of our Ambassador and his aides?
HOW LONG will you continue to 'blame Bush'?
Actually I don't assign the majority of blame to Bush; most of the blame should go to the idiots who voted for him... twice!
Gee tiger,
You seem really pissed that Obama's taking almost as long to fix the massive messes that occurred on W. Bush's watch as it took for the Republicans to sit around and watch them happen.
Do you have any idea how arrogant it is to complain that someone isn't fixing your mess fast enough? And not only that, but that you'll do anything you can to obstruct him from successfully doing it at all?
No. Of course you don't.
These Republicans are behaving like the HMOs they pushed on the American people and couldn't accept as the unacceptable model when moving forward with the health care debate.
That would be Ted Kennedy.
For a generation which protested that it's good to question authority and pushed that shaming is judgmental, they're awfully squeamish in their dotage about questioning authority and the use of shaming.
Sorry, lefties, you worked for lowest common denominator, you got it.
Who are you to judge if what The Professor wrote is shameful?
If you find her postings shameful, exercise your choice and don't read.
If Hillary Clinton is in physical danger I wish for the very best care and outcome for her.
What disturbs me, and I realize this may sound naive, is that those who make their careers in government see the rest of us not as fellow citizens to be addressed as peers but as children to be spoon fed a story. This applies not only to whatever "the line" has been on HC up to this point. It's endemic.
At bottom the crisis of a society is always a moral crisis. Do we want to be a republic? The moral cornerstone of a republic is mutual respect and interchangeability between the citizen who governs, temporarily, and the citizen who accepts legitimate governance. With the full understanding that there are many who have gladly kissed the republic goodbye, are there enough left who will demand that the stories stop?
Just call them "anti-American" if they complain in any way about the state of the country.
Getting them to do anything to fix it (or even care) is a lost cause. All they want is power. Taking any responsibility for what comes from it is beyond their capacity.
And Ritmo projects again.
The Senate's Benghazi Report
If you find her postings shameful, exercise your choice and don't read.
As I wrote before, I don't think Althouse's idiotic theories are shameful. But she embarrasses herself by posting foolish garbage aimed at pleasing the Althouse lemmings.
On the other hand, if people want to criticize her nonsense as "shameful," that's their choice. Don't try to limit their choices for your convenience.
Hmmm. 4 Americans dead in Benghazi and the right is screaming for testimony. Where is the war crimes tribunal for what George W. Bush did to the American military and the Iraqi people?
So talking about the SOS's health issues is shameful?
You seem really pissed that Obama's taking almost as long to fix the massive messes that occurred on W. Bush's watch as it took for the Republicans to sit around and watch them happen.
But of course. And no doubt you also believe that Oceania has always been at war with Euras-, ah, Eastasia.
They're trying to limit mine, so of course I'll try and limit theirs.
It seems Seeing Red is one of the dumber Althouse lemmings.
And just who died and left them boss to decide what's shameful or not?
That ship sailed in the 60s, never to return.
Smart enough to understand socialism doesn't work, Jakey.
Where is the war crimes tribunal for what George W. Bush did to the American military and the Iraqi people?
Actually, it was Democrats who were openly supporting al Qaeda. Shouldn't Democrats be held accountable for helping to murder American soldiers and Iraqi citizens?
Or is this like taxes - Democrats shriek for higher taxes while being tax cheats at the same time?
I'm no Hillary Clinton fan, but you can't really fake a blood clot. I'm a neurologist and by the descriptions given, this must be a cerebral venous thrombosis - which is treated with anti-coagulants (blood thinners) of which there are many varieties - the most common being IV heparin and Coumadin.
WE are talking about a woman who is linked to some pretty nasty past schemes and crimes including Mena airport scandal involving drugs, and punishing some innocent guards who tried to do the right thing. So she has a blood clot. Hell, lets talk about Foster and how many others who just conveniently died. Stay tough, question everything and make sure she testifies!
Jake Diamond said...
No, he was unconscious for better than an hour.
And lacking full cognitive power for most of his second term.
He won the Cold War, but, even if Diamond is right, he was still more mentally sharp than Choomie.
For my money, leave Hillary alone. If she's ill, let her heal, if not, who cares? She will only lie before Congress. What is the point? You need to get down in the operations weeds, real people who took real action or didn't on orders, to get the truth.
You get an operator caught between a perjury charge and his/her career entitlements, he'll/she'll sing like a canary...if he's/she's half assed smart, and negotiates some cover. Pick a way, which ever way, cannot go back.
You want a bit of the truth...which will be hard to come by, I guarantee you, try USAID personnel. I'm told by another commenter, on a separate thread, that USAID has no connection to military or intelligence operations, 40 years ago (never mind my lying eyes) and today...check it out and you decide
If you like the term "rural development" or "revolutionary development"...good, they're long standing euphemisms for clandestine gun or armaments running, etc.
Enjoy whatever you can learn, if anything. I'm betting on nothing. Sorry about that. Hillary isn't going to tell you diddly, especially what she doesn't know.
Move on.
Seeing Red -
You obviously haven't thought through your argument. If you believe that others are wrong to try to limit your choices, why do you believe you are right to try to limit their choices?
Look up the word "hypocrite" in the dictionary and get back to us.
When I was in elementary school, I frequently heard other kids say, "Say what you want. It's a free country."
I no longer hear this.
Is it even taught by unionized teachers?
D Alway said...
I'm no Hillary Clinton fan, but you can't really fake a blood clot. I'm a neurologist...
AllenS said...
I'm no Hillary Clinton fan, but you can't really fake a blood clot. I'm a brain surgeon...
He won the Cold War
edumbshit parrots a favorite right wing myth. Please give him a cracker.
Hmmm, don't push back, they win, push back, they win.
It's more fun to push back.
That's right.... Vince Foster!
Screw the Ben Ghazi hearings. We need to put this woman up for trial on first degree murder charges right now! She killed Vince Foster!
/end foray into fever swamp
Althouse has backbone which I really like.
I did, Jakey, and may I say you look fine!
Hell, lets talk about Foster and how many others who just conveniently died.
Congratulations Althouse! This is now the favorite blog of the dumbest right wing conspiracy nuts. You must be so proud... more page views!
Benghazi is pronounced Ben-Gay-Zee.
No wonder Republicans can't stop talking about it.
Confirmed: Seeing Red is one of the dumber Althouse lemmings.
" Where is the war crimes tribunal for what George W. Bush did to the American military and the Iraqi people?"
In the hands of the same people who held war crimes trials for Harry Truman for dropping the atomic bomb.
Fools, in other words.
Althouse has backbone which I really like.
With every bit of nonsensical fluff posted for the benefit of the Althouse lemmings, Althouse reminds me more and more of Sarah Palin. You betcha!
You're embarrassing yourself if you think you can convince Althouse she's embarrassed herself.
Jake Diamond said...
He won the Cold War
edumbshit parrots a favorite right wing myth. Please give him a cracker.
The man made of dumbshit forgets that even Lefty academics and the media give him that one.
But, like Hatman, some phony folksy, and the disrespectful jerk, the man made of dumbshit likes to call anybody who doesn't agree with him dumb. I'll bet that's not the only trait they share.
For those wondering what "NEA" is, from my link...look here
We as a populace have been bamboozled so long we no longer know what out government is doing in our name or on our behalf. With no budget for 4 years, no one in Congress does either.
It is like the blarney being put out by much of the MSM today...about the "Budget Deal" in the Senate. It is NOT a "Budget" is merely a Tax Bill, not a budget appropriation...we still are operating on Continuing Resolutions...e.g., the Executive Branch can spend 95% of last year's expenditures without oversight....PLUS whatever grifter pork is in the Tax Bill.
Now, Jakey, how dare you discriminate. Where's your tolerance?
So judgmental, tsk, tsk.
Imagining awful speech or thought by your opponents, and attributing it to them
You mean such as speculating that they may be lying about their blood clots and hospital stays?
We dont get to know more about Benghazi. Forget it. Bad bad shit went down there. Arms to Syria. Waterboarding out back in the "Annex". Things got out of hand, kind of a Heart of Darkness deal. Forget it. We dont need to know. Bad bad shit.
I can see that "folks" want to call this politics and go all Valerie Plame breathless to get everyone off the scent and then Poof! no story nothin.
It's not about Hillary. It's about this administration's failure in the world.
We all need to understand what happened across the Muslim Mediterranean countries this last September 11. The trigger word Benghazi can be absorbed by the next trigger word Libya and expand out from there. What you want to call it is ground zero of the defeat of President Obama's 4 years of dramatically different diplomacy. But we cannot talk about that, like we couldn't hear about John Edwards, prolly by the same asses writing stuff up now.
A disaster, from Egypt to Afghanistan and beyond.
Good leadership demands self-examination and ruthless openness to adjust course for the best.
But this administration has denied itself that true review. I believe that is to all of our peril.
Really, Obama and his gals cannot BElieve it!! and so they press on?! haha, Onward through the fog, an old hippie bumpersticker says.
Who (in the white house) commanded that the military stand down? President Obama owes the
american people a full report.
Ritmo sure is worked up. Absolutely hilarious to see how hard he's working to pretend that there is no story and that its imperative not to pick on poor widdle Hillary.
O Ritmo Segundo ....don't you get tired of hollering in empty hallways about straw men scenarios like Hillary and Vince foster? Hint: nobody cares about ole Vince...he's good and dead f'ing gone, eh? Who brought up Vince Foster anyway?
And yes, I am licking my balls as I speak, know how jealous you are.
Did you notice I said leave Hillary alone, at least twice just on this thread?
Oh, look....SQUIRREL!
"Can you help us out with that inconsistency about the anticoagulants?"
The issue of treating a clot demands knowledge of where the clot is: artery or vein?
Arterial clots are not usually called clots in the press. Heart attacks are small arterial clots. Some strokes are small clots. Certain anticoagulants and clot-dissolving drugs are used here (e.g., tPA). These would be contraindicated in people with a recent head injury.
A concussion is far more likely to result in a subdural hematoma, which anticoagulation would worsen.
Vein clots, such as in the leg, are treated with a standard regimen of anticoagulants, like heparin and warfarin.
The venous sinus thrombosis is quite rare, but needs anticoagulation in the same way as a leg vein clot.
The issue in my view was the unnecessary and dishonest secrecy of Clinton and her doctors. Very Soviet; Stalins MDs routinely lied for him. Now she is viewed with similar suspicion.
As Pogo noted, the term "clot", when used as a noun (aka thrombosis), is rather generic in that clots can form in both the arterial and venous systems throughout the body. However, it is seldom used in the context of the brain and its surrounding structures. Following head trauma, intracranial bleeding may occur, most commonly between the skull and the dura (the brain's tough protective covering) or between the dura and arachnoid (another protective covering of the brain). However, "clot" is NEVER used to describe these bleeding entities; rather, "bleed" or "hematoma" a collection of blood outside the circulatory system)are used. The statement that Clinton's physicians released saying that the clot was in a vein inside her skull is puzzling as it implies that she has a cavernous sinus thrombosis, a relatively rare condition that is NOT associated with trauma. The bottom line is that, much like Benghazi, there are many more questions than answers as to what's ailing the Secretary.
Oh, I don't have to work hard on that at all, Robin. That's why it's so easy to comment. I'm as fired up as a psychiatrist at a mass casualty event. So much bullshit to debunk, so little time. But the problems are all the same.
Speaking of mass psychiatric casualties, here's a fun little piece of how the Republicans are cruising their sorrows away.
It actually brings out the humanity in them, once you wade through all the racism and other garbage.
Al Qaeda is strong again?
No biggie. Sux to be a female there, tho.
"edumbshit parrots a favorite right wing myth. Please give him a cracker."
Jake, you'll be glad to hear Gary Shandling repeated this fact, Reagan won the Cold War, during his last Larry Sanders Show, which won lots of praise from lots of people of all backgrounds.
Good for you, Ari on licking your balls (I guess) and leaving Hillary alone (that actually makes sense). But there absolutely was a wingnut who brought up Vince Foster (at 7:40).
Sometimes these threads get tangled in so much BS, it's hard to tell which nut wrote what. But trust me, I'd have little comment to make if there weren't so much material to comment on. It's a veritable treasure trove here.
Well, the real interesting thing may or may not be, if that Russian article has even a whiff of truth, is was she really involved in a plane crash?
No one cares about anything anymore.
It's all "bad luck" from now on.
cf said...
It's not about Hillary. It's about this administration's failure in the world.
Thread Winner!
PS: Damn...I wish I could be so concise. I run off too long...but then I've been places where we are hated and know what happens when, finally, some villager realizes we are pretty good guys. You sit around a fire and talk about what is important to share photos of kids, wives, homes and such. THEN some fuckwad in Washington DC gives orders, directly myriad agencies, that makes them hate us even more.
Later you find the corpse of the villager you shared time and memories with...he still has those notes and photos from home, just like you, and you try to figure out just what the fuckwads are trying to do.
The you sit down and realize that the Sky Pilot was atheists in foxholes. Problem is that's true on either side, both sides. Then it dawns on you that God is not the problem, people are the instigators of horror and profit from it. You were given free will, by God or by evolution, and you fucked it up.
Own it.
Am I bet your ass I am and I will always be.
You seem really pissed that Obama's taking almost as long to fix the massive messes that occurred on W. Bush's watch as it took for the Republicans to sit around and watch them happen.
That's the problem. Obama isn't trying to "fix" anything. Quite to the contrary. He's made it worse.
But you know that.
Is there not a possibility that Clinton had a cavernous sinus thrombosis before she fainted? Could that have been the cause of the fainting spell instead of simply a result of dehydration? Wouldn't a thrombosis in that area cause increased pressure inside her skull, causing dizziness, faintness?
Why is everyone so stuck on the theory that it doesn't make sense( therefore is suspicious) because this type of thrombosis doesn't result from an injury?
If you're cynical where the Clintons are involved you haven't been paying attention for 25 years. That's all part of their circus.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
... there absolutely was a wingnut who brought up Vince Foster ...
If a "wingnut" brought him up, you validate the "wingnut" by reinforcing the idea and repeating it.
I strongly doubt you've read my comments and if you have that you doubt them. My lying eyes and all that.
Discussion is good faith require precisely that.
Did you poll "the world" to see if they all agree with your assessment of Obama as a failure? You seem to be insinuating an opinion of him onto a whole lot of other folks, none of them American.
What led you to believe you so accurately nabbed that, with your finger on the pulse of world opinion? A trip abroad? A couple of foreign-language subscriptions? What, exactly?
Seeing Red said...
Well, the real interesting thing may or may not be, if that Russian article has even a whiff of truth, is was she really involved in a plane crash?
What it does, if true (and your guess is as good as mine), is open up a whole Iran-Contra can of worms in which the suggestion that Stephens was in Benghazi to facilitate some kind of deal with the Dinner Jacket.
Congress is looking for the Ollie North or John Poindexter and Hillary may just prove to be Fawne Hall.
What "reinforcement"? Responding to what someone writes doesn't mean you agree with or endorse it. What gives?
No, I didn't read as many of your dispatches, though I appreciate that they are much saner. Yes, kudos on that. No, it didn't mean I "lacked faith" (and what is it with this phrase) for doing that. There are many commenters here, AriDog. I can't possibly have time to respond to all of them, especially much later in the thread than where the initial action (so to speak) took place.
Inga murmured....
Why is everyone so stuck on the theory...
Who the flip is "everybody"...and really , who the flip cares?
Aridog, I'm not referring to anything you said, there were several commenters upthread that were discussing the type of thrombosis she has as not resulting from a fall.
O Ritmo Secundo said...
What led you to believe you so accurately nabbed that, with your finger on the pulse of world opinion? A trip abroad? A couple of foreign-language subscriptions? What, exactly?
I'd be curious as to what you consider "world opinion"....dictators or ordinary folks in the villages?
Yeah, a "couple trips abroad" and learning a couple languages a bit, some fluently. That'd cover it, alright. Face to face with people drive my opinions, abroad and here, where I live among Arabs.
Your don't converse in good faith with you childish mocking vernacular...why should I explain any personal history to you that I haven't already provided per se?
You go ahead thinking you know what people think of us...when you have a bit of it face to face get back to me.
Hillary Gave Us Squat on the Clot
Like a Bawney Fwank Coverup Pwat
She Says She Forgot
Who Was Calling the Shots
And Now She's a Mere After-Twat.
I like to travel, Ari. I hear what people abroad think when I do and also look at reliable polls. Consider that as "faithful" or "faithless" a comment as you want. I can't base the truth of what I know based on either experience or published statements on what you are likely to believe or make of them.
I want Ben Gazzarra to play Hillary in the movie version. I want Mitt Romney to play Barack Obama. I want Pat Riley of the Lakers to play the lead terrorist. Who should play Hillary?
So is it official?
Can we now add to the list of infamous "tough questions(/accusations?)" that Althouse has had the temerity to pose/(charge?) on-line:
1. Simply having the outline of your clothed breasts visible is not an excuse for making Bill Clinton feel horny or sexually harassed?
2. Having a blood clot in one's brain is no impediment to immediately testifying to a committee and a frenzied partisan faction about details relating to a foreign attack?
I guess I'm supposed to sense a pattern of bravery here.
Cavernous sinus thrombosis occurs as a result of infection in adjacent structures (e.g. sinusitis) or from infection disseminated via the blood stream. Press accounts have not at all suggested that Mrs. Clinton is suffering from a severe infection.
Ritmo is pugnacious.
Ritmo...cut the passive-aggressive crap, you inferred plainly that my experience was nominal and fantasy.
You like to "travel" it when half the folks you visit are trying to kill you and let me know how the philosophical conversations go.
Go live where it's possible that quite a few of your neighbors hate you and you still go out and try to set an example of personal merit and soften their hatred. Treat them as you'd like to be treated...failing that, treat them as they would treat you, but do it first.
I can be wrong 1% or 99% but it won't be for lack of trying, face to face...and no, not on some fucking "tour."
"Poll?" about abstract bullshit, there you go.
Who should play Hillary?
Duh! Paris Hilton!
I wonder if Hillary has been poisoned. She threats a succession "nomination" and "election" of MRO. Criminals are criminals.
Hillary would want Susan Sarandon to play her, to warmly emphasize Hillary's own soulful humanity and compassion.
Bill Clinton would want Susan Sarandon to play Hillary because Bill Clinton likes Susan Sarandon's tits.
The administration has plenty of people who knows what happened. If Clinton is out, then Obama is the next man up. If they won't testify, then we must assume the worst. That would be that Obama had Stevens killed as an act of treason. Without testimony, impeachment must proceed.
Was that parody Unknown?
The administration has plenty of people who knows what happened. If Clinton is out, then Obama is the next man up. If they won't testify, then we must assume the worst. That would be that Obama had Stevens killed as an act of treason. Without testimony, impeachment must proceed.
Is Ritmo on your payroll?
If so, please email to me the cost.
miss j said...
One doesn't have to believe that Benghazi is unimportant to be appalled at your callous disregard for the significance of her fall and head injury.
It's illogical for you to assume that anyone who dislikes the mocking of the injured is expressing that dislike merely because they disagree with your faulty assumption that she was derelict in her duties.
Miss j? Are you really this willfully blind?
If you were in a position at your job where you actions or in-actions let to FOUR INNOCENT PEOPLE being murdered and your office building destroyed to you honestly think that YOU would be able to claim you had concussion -without being able to supply medical records - or say you had a cold or were in any other way too disposed to go to the DA's office to discuss your actions?
No. You would be brought into discuss it whether you felt like it or not.
Hil's actions led to 4 people being murdered on the anniversary of 9/11 and YOU seem to think it is untoward to ask her, in her OFFICIAL CAPACITY, why she did or didn't live up to her oath of office.
You're either brain damaged or think you're the smartest person in the room; you aren't.
Polls are abstract bullshit? Ok, whatever you say Karl.
You are a big internet drama queen.
Calm down Helen.
Given the flurry of lies, dissembling, and stonewalling regarding Benghazi, and the lack of information in the press about Clinton's condition, it is natural to suspect some sort of conspiracy and to spin the rumor mill. This is how totalitarian states are run, and how people in totalitarian states behave.
"Why is everyone so stuck on the theory that it doesn't make sense( therefore is suspicious) because this type of thrombosis doesn't result from an injury?"
Because, if this woman or her minions ever told the truth, it would be an accident. Cavernous sinus thrombosis can be diagnosed and treated. The secrecy creates the suspicion. When Bush choked on a pretzel, it was on the news with details an hour later.
With every bit of nonsensical fluff posted for the benefit of the Althouse lemmings, Althouse reminds me more and more of Sarah Palin. You betcha!
Who but a lemming would say such a thing?
I mean really. Althouse lemmings, and yet here you are. And here's the other thing too, not only is the philosophy flawed, the politics evil, fiduciary responsibility criminal, almost bad as that is the graphically bad animal imagery abuse. Yes. It's the sort of reality warp we're all expected to understand and just go along with so far that the reality warp replaces the reality. It's all over the place, the apparent misunderstanding of the animal kingdom. Any reference to an ostrich sticking its head in the ground, for instance, ostriches certainly do not do that, and now this lemming thing again. Following. Right? Lemmings follow. Follow where, oh Master of Animal Imagery? Over a cliff, innit? A cliff. Lemmings over a cliff. First of all, the lemming cliff is as much bullshit as financial cliff, and secondly if lemmings did follow, they don't, and people were lemmings, they aren't, if anyone were a lemming it wouldn't be Althouse commenters, unless you're speaking of lemmings as prey for predators, then fine, that analogy might work. So that's twice reality warped. And so is your obsession with Sarah Palin. Now thrice warped. Oh, Sarah Palin, the unelected citizen who holds estate inside your head. Bwuaaahh ha ha ha ha ha. Rent free!
BOO! Sarah Palin mask.
But let's be friends. I have something for you. It's a lemming joke told by lemmings.
I'm curious now. I wonder how many times the shaming technique (or some variant of it) was used in the debates to stifle Romney and Ryan?
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Polls are abstract bullshit? Ok, whatever you say Karl.
Oh, no, tell us about your personal face to face experiences with foreign folks that inform your opinions. I'm not the only one here who has been in the belly of the beast, so to speak... you'll have an interested audience. Some even got shot up and went back for more. And you?
clinton has been a great sec of state. look at what she's managed to accomplish for her biggest dream -- women's rights around the world. think of how much freer women will be under islamist rule in the middle east, thanks to her efforts following the arab spring, and when the taliban takes over once we leave afghanistan, women will flourish without having to go to school anymore. and then there's china. so what if their leaders refuse to talk to her. just them not talking to her has freed women from censorship and torture there. she belongs up on mt rushmore, right alongside obama.
Chip, You make me smile. Thanks.
It's the boy who cried wolf all over again.
I love this post, and I certainly don't want you silenced, but I did kinda feel a few months ago that you were emotively trying to shame people who cared too much about Obama's past race-baiting by asserting, in that very emotive way you sometimes have, that it made them look "ugly." And I don't remember you having reasons for why it made anyone look ugly that they were concerned about it. Could be I am mistaken. Maybe you weren't going for emotive shaming, or maybe you had some reasons that I've forgotten. No matter, since I didn't feel ashamed about appearing ugly to you.
the lemming cliff is as much bullshit as financial cliff...
Furthering a work of fiction... used to be called lying.
Feelings. Nothing more than feelings.
anybody reading this blog from the philippines or is familiar with philippine current events?
this hillary "ailment" reminds me of ex president arroyo's "neck problems" as she tried to get out of the country to have it "treated abroad" and escape justice.
Hillary "doing an Arroyo"
This is the best blog post I've read in quite some time. It is so refreshing to see a prominent blogger state publicly what should be obvious to everyone. When leftists turn on the histrionics, it is a sham and a scam. They are DISHONEST people worthy of nothing but contempt.
Actually there is nothing wrong with lemmings. They aren't suicidal. Sometimes they misjudge their ability to swim across a wide body of water.
The Disney documentary, "White Winter," showed lemmings jumping to their death but in reality they were launched off the cliff using a turntable.
Thats what I meant to say with my comment... sorry if I wasn't clear.
Lem: I was responding to Ritmo's ritual smear, "Althouse lemmings," not you.
What I find curious is they first said she fell when she became lightheaded due to the flu. Now we hear it was a life-threatening blood clot. Seems odd a Secretary of State doesn't get better treatment than a doctor who would have missed something this serious.
The blood, er, plot thickens ...
Here's the thing that keeps interesting me, Althouse (and Meade):
Why do you embrace "mock" yet eschew "shame"? That's a serious question, and I'm sincerely interested in the differences you see between them. I'll be upfront:
1) I see those two things as conjoined twins, even if of different mothers
2) My perception is that you embrace "mock" but eschew "shame," and that outcome has nothing to do with it (so, what, is it the intent?).
How does mock cut off debate less than shame does? Etc.
I was reading Drudge and I came upon this... annoyance... I dont know what else to call it.
After weeks of partisan bickering over whether taxes should increase for anyone, the compromise bill rolled through the Senate early Tuesdayin a highly unusual New Year’s Day vote .
Do you see that? That’s the kind of BS that makes me scratch my head.
After just finishing saying that they spent weeks in "partisan bickering" (which btw is said to be a bad thing) they came together in a “highly unusual” New Year’s Day vote.
Why does that strike a dissonant chord with me?
I mean, isn’t the “fiscal cliff” good enough reason to meet on New Year’s Day?
Or is New Year’s Day soo sacrosanct, that voting on that day is anathema, even if we are about to go over a “fiscal cliff”?
Or maybe… In the voice of the vice president… New Years Day and the fiscal cliff is just “a bunch of malarkey.”
guts and bravado go just so far...I studied nursing for years and still am limited in my capacity to guess from a distance without all the facts...this blog is hot air mostly. The dignity of things demands respect. listen to yourself prognosticate the motive...integrity of a SOS, Ambassador or other official that serves you ..calm down]\
The fiscal cliff Kabuki, I get (along with so many of its complications and nuances). The difference between "mocking" and "shaming," I frankly do not, in terms of practice. Is it a stylistic thing?
To repeat: This is both a serious and sincere query about the difference between mocking and shaming from your POV, Althouse.
The dignity of things demands respect. listen to yourself prognosticate the motive...integrity of a SOS, Ambassador or other official that serves you ..calm down
I will not calm down!
Support your government or you are aiding the enemy. I support our government... we the people are the government. don't you see how fragile and delicate the world is and how we need be considerate of the position Hilary has,,,she has aged hard in her fight to serve the USA..I want to thank her for her service and tenacity..thank you Hilary Clinton.
ok so go ahead and be ready to fight the good fight ...and die early of being and angry control freak...people make mistakes and no official deserves the scrutiny put on them by uncaring and indisciplined bloggers attempting to get great ratings
And I want her to do her duty and respond to the peoples question as to how Americans died on her watch... in what appears to be a preventable tragedy.
standing your ground is not substance, it's just an assertion of behavior you have..who cares when it's not backed up with facts or real dialogue..
You are not giving me anything to work with.
appearances you say....that is my point, this whole thread is based on an idea that security and the knowledge and post attack admission of terrorist or protesters is the same uncool approach to an intricate and ever evolving diplomatic arena...the simplistic and superficial blogging here is sickening and erodes the the thread of trust between patriots.I will keep an eye on this blog and let you know how you are doing from a Patriots viewpoint good
Interacting w/ "stephen wagasky" is like entering text here.
Go after big alcohol and tobacco and do some good ...u guys are cowards to attack officials and have no history of doing anything to change problems. Did you ever hear of the 'fog of war'? your such simple creatures and I am sure you will look back or someone will stick your nose in the poop you type to say something so you can oh have a life or reason to type? there is no honor or action in this blog are heartless and cowards if you talk of failing and conspiracy by our officials;;;;for those that talk of her medical woes thanks for the help
That settles it.
4 people needlessly died---we did nothing to stop that.
30 people were rescued--- no one is talking to to them or their family members.
no word on what B Whacko Bama was doing while the 4 were being killed.
Republican testosterone levels are decreasing rapidly.
goodbye Benghazi
Humor and laughing during a conversion of this magnitude only reinforces my assertion that you are drama mamas and need to get a have no place of tact to talk of a patriot like Hilary in the manner of distrust. Who do you think you are. You go stick your neck out in a foreign country for a few years and see how you like to be picked apart by armchair buzzards ...political ambulance chasers that have no pedigree!
Apologize to GWPDA.
Please mail your balls to the Republicans in Washington. They are perpetually being cowed by this alinsky tactic.
Aridog has a pedigree!
Who are you? Do you know of or have you ever heard of the US Country Team. They have a mission statement . are you aware of this you know what the word classified does for you's keeps your ass safe from people that this blog asserts do not care about The USA..and you and anyone who chit chats about the reasons for whats happening needs to read some history and get informed about psyops and the US Country Team..
So. Now I have gone back and spent some time reading a good chunk of the original comments thread before I stopped.
rcommal, still unsure about when mockery is called for?
again you assert with a term you were taught to use by the chatter of the media ,,,,,republicans and dems...try some other lame crap go ahead good argument starts with the words "they started it, the party I hate did it". ..You need to get educated really
I'm not convinced that the "stephen wagasky" program was written by native English speakers.
I'm sure I agree with you one hundred percent on your police work there Lou, er, Chip.
do you want to respond to a question or do you sit around commenting and not engaging a single point. Do you know who the US Country Team is comprised of ? this is my best broken english
You misused "comprise".
The country team is the heart of Embassy operational decision making, in virtually all posts overseas, including consulates outside the capital. The country team guides the mission throughout the country, issues directives to consulates, tasks action items for State offices, and works to de-conflict/balance all agency programs and priorities within the context of the Embassy's Mission Strategic Plan for that country.
That was good.. Do you also know who is on the team. and what is primary objective in the teams mission statement sir?
Patriots do not squabble over the operations of a single post not do they double guess every politician. The background din has been distracting so long people are used to it and it just clouds the arena from having a true debate...I agree with the topic of freedom to express and do not dare to suppress.Lets all insist on substance in debates, please!
Of course!
The Country Team includes the heads of all Embassy sections and the heads of each USG agency at post.
The primary objective of the Country Team is serving Americans with professional excellence, the highest standards of ethical conduct, and diplomatic discretion.
Am I allowed to express opinions on US foreign policy and its conduct now?
If your standing in front of a person talking do you say to them you "mispelled a word /said that wrong "..well if you do your wrong,no tact cool,.... and how u say? Stop correcting people on diction and context of word distracts and diminishes the quality of the main topic...lets pretend we are in a a square in Germany..I am trying to talk and you keep saying no no thats not how americans say it see it's not cool..let stuff roll off and then talk of the topic, not the envelop it came in brother.....conversation is an art....we have to woo the listener to hear our points..I am wooing u now in a manner of speaking ,,,,we all have to want to get along
go for the heart of your topic sir, u have my full attention
Come to think of it, your prose style (sample here:
there is no honor or action in this blog are heartless and cowards if you talk of failing and conspiracy by our officials)
does seem like something I'd have expected to hear on a square in Germany.
Somewhere around 1933 or a bit later.
Actually, Steve, I don't have an urge to talk about diplomacy right now; it's getting late.
But can I get written permission to do that some other time?
yea man good luck with that
now crawl away
Ann - you are asserting here that 2 + 2 = 4 (no blood thinning drugs for a brain related blood clot - which was confirmed by CNN Dr. Sanji Gupta (?) and others....
Sadly - we all live in the new Orwellian world where the media insists that 2+2 = 5.
Hillary must testify at some point about standing next to the coffins of the dead US Ambassador and three others (with Obama at her side) and telling Americans it was all triggered by a You Tube video.
She lied - I was watching it live. More than that - she lied on purpose for political reasons.
I love that you are not going to fold here, Ann - stay who you are.
You're kind of great IMHO
Oh wait a minute, Steve. I do have a couple of questions about foreign policy. I hope you can answer them for me.
What did the president know about the attack on the Benghazi consulate, and when did he know it?
Upon learning about it, what did he order to be done, and to whom did he give those orders?
TIA for your reply.
now crawl away
And you, a diplomat!
Apologize to GWPDA.
Last chance!
well i guess As Pogo said, not a stroke but an odd, rare clot of the transverse sinus.debt recovery is fine these days..
Maybe the mission of the consulate was compromised and we had yet to formulate a real response to the threat...happens
That sounds about right.
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