January 4, 2013

Barney Frank does want Kerry's Senate seat.

"A month ago, or a few weeks ago, I said I wasn’t interested... It was kind of like you’re about to graduate, and they said: 'You gotta go to summer school.' But [the fiscal cliff deal] now means that February, March and April are going to be among the most important months in American financial history.... “I’ve told the governor I would now like, frankly, to do that...."


rehajm said...

How can we miss you if you won't go away?

Widmerpool said...

Christ almighty.

MadisonMan said...

Continuing a fine tradition of excellence in Democratic Senators.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our nation cannot absorb any more Barney Chris Dodd Fannie Freddie Frank.

Widmerpool said...

But hey, he can't be worse than my godawful congressman, Ed Markey.

Guildofcannonballs said...

It is amazing to imagine the selfless task this wonderful Jimmy Stewart and Mark Twain type-of-a-man, a public servant longer than I have been alive, is willing to endure to help his country in this great time of need.

Barney Frank is a true American hero and I doubt America will do anything but quickly implode if Frank ever leaves the stage for any reason, ever.

Jay Vogt said...

Is it just me, or has he chronically overused the word "frankly" for years? I don't trust people that say frankly, honestly, or truthfully in their day to day speach.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Frank wants it. Meaning - the MA democrats better hand it to him.

Nonapod said...

Just what we need now. Clearly we don't have nearly enough buffoons, twits, nitwits, morons, and pin heads running things as it is. Let's cram some more into the ol' clown car.

X said...

I guess his boyfriend needs to loot Freddie Mac some more.

Expat(ish) said...

I read that as "Barney Frank wants Kerry's seat" .....


LuAnn Zieman said...
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Guildofcannonballs said...

Barney Frank rises above most everyone by great heights.

He also, being a mega-giant of an American hero, crushes other little giants, on whose shoulders most of the rest of us stand.

Therefore, to the unsophisticated, Barney Frank looks like he's near our level when in fact he towers above us like a gentle Angel of Economic Enlightenment.

Unknown said...

Massachussetts is gonna be Massachussetts. And it's not like the opposition is real or anything. It's very much a case of pick your poison. It'll all kill you.

Charlie Currie said...

Hasn't he done enough damage to the country.


Unknown said...

Keep the extra s's to use next time you need to spell Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

You couldn't make this stuff up.

Bryan C said...

Thank God. I was really worried there for a while.

Cedarford said...

Corrupt old (72 years) Queen either wants:

1. His Congressional pension padded.
2. Ability to pimp his boyfriend to new plush Fed appointments, since he can't do it in the House with Reps in charge, but can pimp "Sugarbritches" as quid pro quo in the Senate.

This assumes of course that Massachusetts Dems are really that arrogant they would foist Barney up to higher office after the days of Dodd-Frank-Raines..
They really are that arrogant.

And Ed Markey is hardly an improvement.

McTriumph said...

Barney Frank doesn't want to find himself a private citizen when the Nantucket sleigh ride he helped instigate ends abruptly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cedarford. That's right. Frank wants it just long enough to pad his pockets, help his cronies, and do what he states he wants to do: Hike the debt ceiling.

Known Unknown said...

He's 72?

Go home. Like a normal person.

gerry said...

I went in the boss one day to complain about something, and said, "May I be frank?"

She said, "OH MY HEAVENS NO!!!"

Big Mike said...

It's called "Potomac fever." Once a politician gets it, it's incurable.

dbp said...

Using "frankly" when your name is Frank is totally gay. And by gay, I mean lame.

tim maguire said...

I can't picture Barney Frank without seeing his eyes bug out with dollar signs. Just the thought of how much more money he'd get to steal from the American people must keep him awake at night.

Christmas every day!

McTriumph said...

Maybe he just realised Newton, Mass. has shitty gay bars, compared to Georgetown.

Brian Brown said...
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Brian Brown said...

Hey if this "public service" these guys do is so valuable and challenging, why can all these 70, 80, and 90 year olds continue to do it?

Anonymous said...

Once Barney realizes he only has to face re-election every 6 years, he'll change his mind.

McTriumph said...

tim maguire

I can imagine barney's eyes bugging out and it reminds me of an old joke.

Drivers' ed teacher asked the class, "Does anyone know how to make a u-turn?"

John raises his hand and the teacher calls on him. John excited says, "No, but I know how to make her eyes bug out".

Yes, I can imagine Barney's eyes bugged out.

Chip Ahoy said...

where u = ewe, ha ha ha, that's bad so very very bad. My brain tried to protect me by not understanding that and I go, understand that! and it did and then it went, see? I tried to protect you.

bagoh20 said...

Regardless of one's creativity, if you try to do a caricature of Barney it always comes out less absurd than the original.

Balfegor said...

Barney Frank isn't so bad. After all, look who replaced him on the House Financial Services Committee. Maxine Waters.

edutcher said...

Ed Maakey, though a dolt, has always gone along to get along.

Slobbering Barney has to impress people with his brilliance, wit, and acerbic tongue.

I'd say the smart money's on Maakey.

Jay said...

Hey if this "public service" these guys do is so valuable and challenging, why can all these 70, 80, and 90 year olds continue to do it?

Public service in this case is being fellated on the floor of the House by a 15 year old page.

McTriumph said...

Chip, it was a funnier joke when I first heard it on the golf course, told by Craig, a gentleman farmer lawyer, that raises sheep. We were standing on the sixth tee box, which abuts his farm and suddenly fifty sheep come charging up to the fence baying "craaaaaaaaaig".

Michael Haz said...
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Cedarford said...

tim maguire said...
I can't picture Barney Frank without seeing his eyes bug out with dollar signs. Just the thought of how much more money he'd get to steal from the American people must keep him awake at night.

Christmas every day!

In his case, Hannuka every day.

And as a country, we really have to rethink favoring corrupt old pols and aged judges clinging to power and money and wanting more of each when we generally in every other job, institution, and industry want people to retire to make way for new blood.
I don't think the courts, the Congress work well as a gerentocracy.

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

Balfegor, One of the biggest embarrassments of my life - and there are some doosies - is that Maxine Waters is my Congressperson. I mean she so perfectly represents my values and political desires. It's like we were separated at birth, and someone pulled her out of the medical waste dumpster and raised her as a human being.

McTriumph said...

bagoh20 , that last line trumps my sheep joke, I'm stealing it.

TMink said...

Barney does want Kerry's seat. He probably wants the seat of most men in government.


tim maguire said...

Hannuka every day. I'm showing my biases.

McTriumph, what Chip said. I'm ashamed I laughed at that, but I did.

Balfegor, I'd rather have utter incompetence.

While there is a lot of blame to go around on the financial collapse, and everyone deserving of blame is doing what he can to make sure the finger is pointed elsewhere, the two individuals by far the most responsible, the two individuals without whom this disaster would not have happened, are named Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.

It's no coincidence that they wrote the reforms that are supposed to prevent a future melt-down. How better to make certain the real culprits are never brought to justice than to have those very culprits leading the inquiry?

Methadras said...

Won't someone think of the children and keep this raving lunatic away from our economic collapse?

Shouting Thomas said...

Barney Fwank and Fauxcahontas!

Together in the Senate!

Fuckin' A!

bagoh20 said...

Yea, what if it was Barney's foot that roamed in that bathroom stall - like that's never happened. Would Republicans have attacked him for it and run him out of town? Would Dems have defended him?

I think we know the answers. The guy had a gay escort service run from his home, and he is still around decades later.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Republic has disintegrated into glorious comedy!

To quote the Grateful Dead:

I may be going to hell in a bucket, babe
But at least I'm enjoying the ride, at least I'll enjoy the ride.
Ride, ride, ride
At least I'll enjoy the ride.

Sit back and enjoy the ride. There's no way to stop the descent.

Paul said...

Barny Frank? The one who presided over the Fanny Mae fiasco? The one who helped crash Wall Street?

We need him in the Senate like we need Al Franklin (well we already have him but who needs another catastrophe!)

Barny can stay home with his Man/Wife.

F said...

The mind boggles at just how ludicrous it is to think about Barney Frank in the Senate taking care of financial matters. The mind just boggles. Fox guarding the henhouse doesn't even come close to describing the image. Maybe something like "Obama improving employment figures."

garage mahal said...

Wait a cotton picking minute. Isn't Scott Brown owed this seat!?

Seeing Red said...

John Adams to Barney Frank & Fauxahontas.

How far Massachusettes & we have fallen.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"Barney Frank does want Kerry's Senate seat."

I'm going to assume the Senate cafeteria serves better food.

Brian Brown said...


His tenure in the House in a nutshell:

“These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ”The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.”

Note that the Bush Administration and Republicans in Congress wanted to have more oversight of Fannie & Freddy.

Frank and the Democrats fought it at every turn.

Shouting Thomas said...

Didn't MA just legalize medicinal marijuana, too!

Why don't they just skip to the chase and send Cheech & Chong to the Senate?

Not That There's Anything Wrong With That!

Shouting Thomas said...

affordable housing!

Sailer has coined another term to describe what this is really about... awardable housing!

In other words, payoffs to the politically favored!

RonF said...

Barney Frank has been interested in a lot of men's seats.

RonF said...

Barney Frank has been interested in a lot of men's seats.

Sam L. said...

Can he be worse than the former SNL writer who's a Minnesota Senator?

I'll take "LIKELY" for $200, Alex.

Anonymous said...

Frank has already blown his chance.

Michael Haz said...
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SteveR said...

Somehow given what has transpired over the last few months, this makes perfect sense. Here's a guy who played no small part (personally and politically) in a government program that has negatively affected the U.S. economy. He has been defensive to the extreme, taken no responsibilty, and paid no price.

Promote him.

Anonymous said...


Corrupt little pimp and bribed official (all public information now) wants a senate seat.

Why not? Massachusetts elected Kennedys, for crying out loud. Minnesota elected an unfunny, failed SNL comedian. Virginia elected a turncoat liar and Obama suckup. NY elected a carptetbagger who did nothing for the state and lived there less than a presidential term. Hell, Chicago elected Mayor a man who blatantly violated the rules and should not have been on the ballot at all.

This is the corruption you OBama whores wanted. Enjoy the decline, asshats!

Mary Beth said...

Michael Haz said...

Gay jokes and double entendre that involve Barny Frank. So totally original.

And the obvious headline regarding wanting another man's seat....enlightened.

1/4/13 11:47 AM

I Googled "wants Kennedy's seat" (because that was the first one I could think of) just to compare and about half of the first page of results said "Senate seat" and the rest just said "seat". How is not using a common phrase because you're talking about a gay man more enlightened?

Drago said...

NotquiteunBuckley said: "Therefore, to the unsophisticated, Barney Frank looks like he's near our level when in fact he towers above us like a gentle Angel of Economic Enlightenment."

Actually, he's a gentle Engels of Economic Enlightenment....

Icepick said...

Goddamn, hasn't he fucked the entire nation in the ass enough for one eternity?

Scott M said...

It would be only slightly less outrageous than the lip-peeling anger wrought when Ted Kennedy did a 180 on whether or not vacancies in Mass should be chosen by the people not the governor (when a Republican was a governor) to making sure the governor chose (when it was a democrat).

This is the kind of thing that makes you want to violently drive things through other things, neither of which were designed for one another.

Scott M said...

Frank has already blown his chance.

What did Chance have to say about it?

SGT Ted said...

Once a whore, always a whore.

Aaron said...

I guess he wants to "roll the dice" again.

SGT Ted said...

I think all Senators should be required to wear red clown noses when speaking. That way, it's obvious to everybody whats really going on.

JackWayne said...

When will people not in Massachusetts begin to realize they are dealing with the uber-drunk in the family, the crack-head, the vicious criminal, the black sheep that HAS TO BE KICKED OUT OF THE FAMILY? They keep sending us drunks, manslaughterers, traitors, communists, mental midgets and all number of woeful individuals. Isn't it time for an intervention?

Amartel said...

Poli-tick. Sucking the blood of the people. Can't be deprived of the host, can't live outside the beltway.

"Why don't they just skip to the chase and send Cheech & Chong to the Senate?"

Cheech and Chong would get stoned and do nothing all day which would be a vast improvement. Also, Cheech and Chong have discernible talent, are funny, endearing and entertaining. Stop comparing Cheech and Chong to this old whore.

Mountain Maven said...

He was run out of his seat in congress so now he wants a promotion. Shame is a quaint anachronism.

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