January 1, 2013

"Baby break for Village 'bomb' gal/Brings life as cops find instruments of death."

A NY Post headline.

Bomb gal. That's rich. Not since "tot mom"...


AllenS said...

They don't belong to the Tea Party, but the Occupy Wall Street Party.

tiger said...

Nothing is going to happen to her; he, on he other hand is gonna go to prison.

Ah, wait a sec. This is NYC where owning guns is a very big deal and very illegal, just ask Plexico Buress.

On the other hand, nothing can be done about the manuals because they have the 1st Amendment right to read what ever they want.

As for the explosive, who knows?

I still think the defense will say that she is a 'new mom' and her baby needs her.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ghosts of the Weathermen!

Rusty said...

But, Althouse, the OWS folk are peaceful. They aren't terrorists like the original tea party participants or the current TEA Party participants!
Or so I've been told.

Rusty said...

Her good luck not to have Bill Ayers as a boyfriend.

Automatic_Wing said...

At least they didn't find any 32 oz cups of soda. They'd be in real trouble then.

KCFleming said...

Nice to see Harvard and NYU are still reliably turning out terrorists.

The White House smiles.

garage mahal said...

They don't belong to the Tea Party, but the Occupy Wall Street Party

Really? How would you know that?

Ralph L said...

Since she's now an unwed mother, they should call her "bomber bitch", which is probably closer to her actual personality than gal.

Shouting Thomas said...

Really? How would you know that?

We're assuming because they fit the profile.

You know, like the media just knew that Jared Lee Loughner was a Tea Party member provoked to violence by Sarah Palin's target map.

KCFleming said...

NY Post identified the boyfriend as an "OWS activist".

Moose said...

Now all we need is the Red Army Faction - the good old days return!!

garage mahal said...

NY Post identified the boyfriend as an "OWS activist".

Ah ha. But yesterday you wouldn't believe the lamestream media when they said Hillary had a blood clot in her brain. It's almost like you believe what you want to believe?

Shouting Thomas said...

Ah ha. But yesterday you wouldn't believe the lamestream media when they said Hillary had a blood clot in her brain. It's almost like you believe what you want to believe?

Oh, Jesus, garage, do you have anything on your mind except the constant, grinding partisan hackery?

Are you human?

Clyde said...

And the cop cars of New York are safe from being pooped on for another day!

William said...

They're bright, attractive, and well off. They can think of nothing better to do with their gifts and privileges than to make bombs....Every generation the left produces a few dozen characters like this. This characters and the environment that produces them are never presented as pathological. When the movie version is made, they will be presented sympathetically and seen as failed idealists. The bigotry of the left is never documented as bigotry.

edutcher said...

How 'bout "bomb slut"? High maintenance types like that are forever getting their slut on.

Rusty said...

Well, William, not too bright. They got caught.

KCFleming said...

"But yesterday you wouldn't believe the lamestream media when they said Hillary had a blood clot in her brain. "

No I didn't.

What I bitched about was the secrecy of the WH and the MSM regarding the health of the SOS.

You yourself twisted that into some other story you liked.

dreams said...

We've seen this already, back in the sixties, spoiled, affluent, privilege young people who think our country needs to be fundamentally transformed. That evil man that has infested the White House apparently isn't destroying our country fast enough for some people.

See Powerline for their opinion.

Wince said...

"Sperm-donor boner makes terror-baby mama a loner"

garage mahal said...

Funny how the Fox/righty narrative evolved from initially Hillary was faking a blood clot, to now, this might be so serious it could threaten her political future!

ricpic said...

The Post's headlines are always poetic, have more life in them than the whole moribund NY Times from cover to cover. But the Post ain't a broadsheet, it's a tabloid, the equivalent of being uncredentialed, so the credentialed up their whazoos snicker up their long honkers at that which they couldn't pull off in a whole dreary lifetime of bien pensantary.

Phil 314 said...

Got to admit, it is feeling a little like the '60's

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a Dylan lyric.

AllenS said...

Maybe you could read the article, garage. Would that be too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

He said cops also found a 12-gauge shotgun, a Ruger over/under shotgun, 60 shotgun shells and written manuals

so is that two guns, or one?

most Ruger o/u shotguns are 12 gauge.

sad to think that a major nyc paper is reduced to cut/pasting the NYPD press blurb without having anybody on staff who has a clue about which end of a shotgun the pointy things come from.

much celebrated layers of MSM editors and fact checkers

Dr Weevil said...

Funny how garage mahal thinks we've forgotten the last paragraph (before the update) of AA's original post:

"The suppression of informationthe site of the clot — suggests 2 radically different theories: 1. fakery/exaggeration to evade testimony, or 2. something horribly serious. I read Sepkowitz to exclude the middle ground."

Well, maybe not "funny" so much as disgusting, and just what we've come to expect from garage. If he were being paid to do all he could to wreck this site by lowering the quality of the comments as much as possible, how would he behave differently?

So whose fault is it that we had to guess which of two very different interpretations of Hillary's health news was the true one? Not Fox, or Althouse, or anyone outside the administration, which doesn't seem to feel any obligation to tell us what we have a right to know.

Michael K said...

1/1/13 10:47 AM
Blogger garage mahal said...

" Funny how the Fox/righty narrative evolved from initially Hillary was faking a blood clot, to now, this might be so serious it could threaten her political future!"

garage, do you have a life ? Why is your comment always some form of snark about other people ?

The Clinton's have a history of lying and she has obviously been avoiding the whole Benghazi mess. She was out of the country and has been avoiding all this for months. The various stories from the State folks have been silly.

Now she has a serious problem. It reminds me of the guy who wanted "I told you I was sick!" on his tombstone.

Did the "righties" do this to her ? Remember how Bill got trapped by a semen stain on a dress ?

Get a life !

Fernandinande said...

Article: HMTD, a highly explosive white powder ... “It’s very powerful,” Kelly noted.

Not especially. Seven grams - quarter ounce - would probably make a big firecracker.

written manuals with titles such as...FM 5-25 Explosives...

The "FM" manuals are military (Army) manuals. (Oh, the horror!) I used to own some of the FMs they listed - got 'em at an Army surplus store in Montana ages ago. (Oh, the horror!)

KCFleming said...

Can we go after Harvard for malpractice for continuously producing terrorists, leeches, mooches and malcontents?

Does Harvard create anything of value? It seems a malign and destructive force.

ricpic said...

Comes the revolution we'll have schmaltz on our sour rye, comrades!

SteveR said...

Fernandinande said...

"oh the horror"

Brilliant analysis

ricpic said...

Trotsky's Ghost: Comes the revolution we'll have schmaltz on our sour rye, comrades!

Gleidman and Greene: Huh?

Trotsky's Ghost: Fucking nekulturny Americanskis!

edutcher said...

garage mahal said...

Funny how the Fox/righty narrative evolved from initially Hillary was faking a blood clot, to now, this might be so serious it could threaten her political future!

No, it's still up for grabs.

garage mahal said...

So whose fault is it that we had to guess which of two very different interpretations of Hillary's health news was the true one?

That's some good shit right there Maynard.

Early in the day: Hillary is in the hospital with a blood clot.

Later in the day: Hillary has a blood clot near her brain.

That's the conspiracy you guys were yapping all day about. Absolutely no self awareness what complete jackasses you were in the process. But if you keep up these great takes you just might get another pat on the head from Instapundit.

KCFleming said...

All through grade and high school, Garage had trouble with the reading comprehension part of standardized tests.

Anonymous said...

"Baby break for Village 'bomb' gal/Brings life as cops find instruments of death."

Adapted for earlier thread:

"Baby break for Kansas 'bi' gals / Brings life as government finds instruments of fatherhood"

Anonymous said...

Fernandinande said...
Article: HMTD, a highly explosive white powder ... “It’s very powerful,” Kelly noted.

Not especially. Seven grams - quarter ounce - would probably make a big firecracker.

I agree. the exposive velocity is 2/3 that of TNT, and half that of C-4 (aka RDX)

M-80 class. Confined, it might break drywall, but evacuate buildings???

It is however fairly sensitive (to either heat or shock)(less so than nitro). useful as a replacement for blasting caps in a larger fertilizer bomb for example.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Michael K said...
Now she has a serious problem. It reminds me of the guy who wanted "I told you I was sick!" on his tombstone.

Reminded me of this...

Mother: Is it something we did?

Ralphie: It was... soap poisoning.

Father: I told you not to use Lifeboy.

[Ralphie smiles broadly, raises eyebrows.]

SteveR said...

It is however fairly sensitive (to either heat or shock)(less so than nitro). useful as a replacement for blasting caps in a larger fertilizer bomb for example

At least as dangerous as an empty 30 round clip

Dr Weevil said...

Now garage thinks he's arguing with someone named 'Maynard' who's fishing for an InstaPundit link? Is he insane, or just stupid, or is he willing to appear to be both because he's being paid to damage this site? Inquiring minds don't actually care much, though most of us wish he would just go away, and take Inga, shiloh, and Ritmo with him. That simple step would increase the average quality of comments here by at least 50%, not least by decreasing the quantity by at least 30%.

Clyde said...

The article notes that they were turned in by "a couple whom Gliedman and Greene let use their shower after meeting them in Washington Square Park." Note for would-be terrorists (same as for would-be good-guy sperm donors): No good deed goes unpunished.

Learn it. Love it. Live it.

garage mahal said...

...though most of us wish he would just go away...

I'm afraid you're shit out of luck there Dweezil.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I've figured out why Garage, Inga, Ritmo and the rest of the cast of idiots constantly feel compelled to defecate in the comments section, it is just another piece of the envy and jealousy that is endemic to leftists.

Garage, Inga, the rest, they are nothing in their lives. Nobodies. No one gives them a second though, they are like the ranting protestors that took up positions in the Wisconsin capitol. They are not satisfied with their worthless meaningless lives, and try and piggyback on Althouse's platform. None of them could generate any blog traffic on their own, and they try and confiscate the platform that she created.

Leftists envious of their bettors trying to confiscate the value generated by someone else? That never happens, does it?

The only good leftist is a dead leftist.

Anonymous said...

Being paid to damage this site? Gawd, the paranoia.....

Anonymous said...

And then magically as if on cue, comes in insane in the membrane.

Paco Wové said...

I like the suggestion (in the NYPost comments) that somebody send the new mother a supply of red diapers.

...oh noes, the Post's comment thread is better than Althouse's!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

And right on schedule our resident Donkey witch appears!

Speak of the dried up wrinkly old sow, and poof, she appears.

By all means, o wise one, enlighten us on how these poor OWS people are being unfairly persecuted and were obviously set up by those nasty racist tea parties.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, who just two days ago called for liberals to be shot?


Anonymous said...

Folks, I think the mysterious Dr.Weevil, President Mom Jeans and Whoresoftheinternet are triplets.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Well you can add that to the multitude of delusions in that sick mind of yours. I thought you claimed I was Jay? I know you have trouble being consistent with your stories.

But the topic of the thread, why don't you bless us with your take on the article Althouse posted, or did you come to bitch and moan and then you can cry victimhood as per your usual?

garage mahal said...

Look, it's Michael Phelps!, our resident svelty swimmer!

How many laps today, Champ? You seem especially angry today though, did Mom not want to drop you off at the pool?

Anonymous said...

And President Mom Jeans was the nutcase that came on a thread infected with the M. person and insisted she was I, LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Knowing all the while, M is a conservative!!

Rusty said...

It is however fairly sensitive (to either heat or shock)(less so than nitro). useful as a replacement for blasting caps in a larger fertilizer bomb for example.

Great stuff to have around kids.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Nothing about the topic at hand from Chubrock and the Old Hag I see.

Unsurprising. These privileged little ivy league terrorist wannabes don't fit The Narrative eh comrades?

Let me guess your new years resolutions. Garage, cultivate your mass up to 230 lbs in 2013? Forward!

And Inga, conceptualize some additional pretend children, or is it on to the pretend grandchildren?

Strelnikov said...

Does that make him her "Bomb Daddy"?

garage mahal said...

Hmmmm, who just two days ago called for liberals to be shot?

I wouldn't pay too much attention to it. Methadras, whores, and the pretend Olympic swimmer are just frightened and confused children looking for a Big Daddy to figure out the world for them.

Unknown said...

Dear Mom Jeans -
You've been chasing Inga for months now. Please just propose and put an end to the suspense.

Anonymous said...

Jake, shudder. This guy is certifiable. Actually we don't know it's a guy, I'm beginning to think its a she, well it's an "it" for now.

Anonymous said...

Garage, yup.

Chip S. said...

دردشة ومنتديات عراقنا wins the thread!

Dr Weevil said...

Still wondering who 'Maynard' is (11:55am): a reference to some pop-cultural phenomenon unfamiliar to me? Also wondering who the "pretend Olympic swimmer" is (2:23pm): I don't see anyone posting here as 'Michael Phelps'. Does anyone know what 'garage' is talking about? Or why we should not imagine that he's paid by the word to lower the quality of this site? It's what he does, and what he is, so I hope he's at least getting a little money out of it.

I'm not wondering how Inga could identify me with two other commenters with entirely different styles and attitudes, one of whom (whores) seems to be a leftist moby. She's really that stupid.

Anonymous said...

Weevil, it's you who is stupid if you don't know that Whores is as far right wing, for real, that one can possibly be. Have you bothered to read his website? If he's a lefty, he sure has gone to great lengths to pretend he's a right wing white supremicist for YEARS now, as his website and rantings go back for quite a few years.

OK, so maybe you're not Whores, but you still sound lke a loon, Garage is being paid by the word? If so he's cheating himself, his comments are usually quite short.

Chip S. said...

his comments are usually quite short.

OK, so he's lazy as well as ill-informed.

Dr Weevil said...

I've looked briefly at whore's site once before, and again just now, and it's so over-the-top that it still looks to me like some asshole leftie pretending to be a rightie. Not that I actually give a damn either way, because he's certainly an asshole. So what does that have to do with me? Unlike the Inga-garage-Ritmo-shiloh mutual-admiration society, I don't spend a lot of time recommending the comments of political allies here.

Of course, if Inga had done her homework, she would have noticed that I also have a site of my own (www.drweevil.org) with eleven years worth of posts that have no resemblance to the stuff whore writes, other than being (at least nominally) on the right side of the political spectrum, just as my comments here have no further resemblance to his. So, is Inga lazier than she is stupid, or stupider than she is lazy?

Darrell said...

The New York Post reported that Greene was a member of Occupy Wall Street, though an NYPD spokesman told MailOnline that his connection to the group was still being investigated.

Two spokesmen for the Occupy movement said they had never heard of Greene.

Officers were tipped off about the explosives by someone who met Gliedman and Greene in Washington Square Park. The couple invited the informant to their apartment to take a shower, which is when he spotted the weapons, the Post reports.

Wrong again, Garage. That must be you steady state, eh?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2255609/Morgan-Gliedman-Aaron-Greene-junkies-terrorists-police-say.html#ixzz2GlR2mSyM

Anonymous said...

Neither Weevil, just not interested enough in your comments to check you out. You sound as if you are feeling a bit neglected, so I'll be happy to read your blog, at least one months's worth.

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't advocate shooting liberals there though, that would be weird and creepy.

Dr Weevil said...

And I'm certainly not interested in having you visit, you passive-aggressive little creep. I would just like you to stop making up obviously false statements about things that are very easily checked. Alternatively, why don't you just go away and post your inanities somewhere else? It would improve this comment section enormously.

Anonymous said...


You call me a creep after saying liberals should be shot? Fucking weirdo.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

And Weevil, I'm sure the conservatives here absolutely LOVE hearing you and your kindred spirit, Whores call for the murder of liberals. Yup, I'm sure they appreciate your rational intelligent thought processes.

Dr Weevil said...

Read this carefully, Inga:

I am not whoresoftheinternet. Anyone who spends even five minutes on each of our sites can see that we are entirely different people. Anyone who is too lazy to do that, but reads half a dozen of each of our comments on this site can see that we are obviously not the same person, and have very little in common.

What does that mean? It means that I, Dr. Weevil, have not suggested that liberals be shot. Got that? I didn't say it, and you are in fact a filthy lying creep for accusing me of saying it. Please go away and tell you lies somewhere else.

Dr Weevil said...

Hey, did that work? Did Inga decide to go away and tell her lies somewhere else? We can only hope so!

Anonymous said...

Aww, how cute, a Bernadine Dorhn wannabe. Just think, in twenty years her baby daddy could be an influential educator shaping the hearts of minds of children everywhere. Hey, it worked for Bill Ayers.

Known Unknown said...

Headlines can be tricky things.

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