January 29, 2013

At the Sunset Café...


... you can settle in for a long night of conversation.


pm317 said...

OMG, there are dogs on the lake!

chickelit said...

Very nice! It looks like sun burned a hole in the ice.

Shouting Thomas said...

So much malice in this world, and most of it seems to find its way here to Althouse!

MadisonMan said...

Living through the drama of Teen Love here. Oy.

mccullough said...

Is Colin Kapernick more talented than RGIII or Cam Newton?

virgil xenophon said...

"The Sunset Cafe"--reminds me of one of my all-time favorite songs: "Sunset Grill" (1984) by Don Henley.

chickelit said...

Burning sun melts ice
Spring thaws before it leaves trees
Season's opener

Henry said...

We walked across our lake on Sunday. Today it was 50 degrees. No lake walking for a while.

edutcher said...

That's a grim winter sunset.

Can't wait for May.

Shouting Thomas said...

So much malice in this world, and most of it seems to find its way here to Althouse!

Then be nice to her once in a while. You get what you give.

And she is somebody's mother.

Chip Ahoy said...

Ha! You never learn. Apparently the aliens erased your minds yesterday. That's a very kind thing of them to do when you thing about it. Have you any unexplained tiny scars?

Shouting Thomas said...

And she is somebody's mother.

Ain't it the truth?

This fear that somebody, somwhere is waiting to victimize her son really dominates her thinking.

And, cloistered academic that she, she really believes that the straight men are out there hunting down the gays. At least, it appears that way.

I wonder how she got that notion?

Anonymous said...

Winter storm watch for us, that's what we get for having spring thunder storms last night and spring weather today.

Anonymous said...

Hey be nice to me too, I'm four people's mother.

chickelit said...

You get what you give.

Demonsterably false

Shouting Thomas said...

Demonsterably false

Sometimes, yes, sometimes, no.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Inga says shes the people's mother...

where have I heard that?

traditionalguy said...

What are you doing Sunday night, Inga?

I bet you could think of some great dishes and have several friends and neighbors come over for a Super Bowl Party.

That's our plan. But so far, only lots of Chili is being cooked. We hope some others bring wine, salad, and cakes.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Taking the kids to Disneyland next week. It's an amazing place in it's own way. On one hand it seems like the pinnacle of rapacious, manipulative, artificial American capitalism. On the other hand crowds of seemingly every race and nationality on earth mingle, showing each other patience, fairness, and forebearance. It really is a frickin' Magic Kingdom. And I can't wait for the kiss of a 75-degree sun.

Bob Ellison said...

Windows 8 is a disaster. Microsoft hasn't been this stupid since Clippy. No, Win8 is much worse.

edutcher said...

Shouting Thomas said...

And she is somebody's mother.

Ain't it the truth?

This fear that somebody, somwhere is waiting to victimize her son really dominates her thinking.

And, cloistered academic that she, she really believes that the straight men are out there hunting down the gays. At least, it appears that way.

I wonder how she got that notion?

No, it's the last of her Liberalism to die; notice how afraid she was to diss Moochelle and her Inauguration look?

She's gone to the right on foreign policy and economics. That good Liberal guilt for "minorities" is the last to go.

I can't bust her chops because she loves her son. After watching the Breck Girl try to get Richard B Cheney to renounce his daughter in the '04 Veep debate, I have to cut her some slack. What Edwards tried to do was about the sleaziest political move (and I remember Teddy Kennedy after Mary Jo died) I can remember.

PS If the She-Wolf of the SS is mother to 4 kids, they're Heinrich, Reinhard, Joachim, and Sepp.

PPS Anybody see the piece in Insta noting that, with the confirmation of Lurch, the last time there were only white guys in the no woman or minority on the presidential-succession shortlist?

Anonymous said...

Trad guy, I'm going to be at my daughter and son in laws home with the entire famil. It's my granddaughter's fourth birthday, Super Bowl party and homecoming party for my oldest daughter all rolled up into one. I'm making hot wings, my grandsons favorite. And a Frangelico cheescake!

Shouting Thomas said...

Take your money and buy an iMac.

That is, if you really need a full fledged computer. And, you only need a full fledged computer if you're doing serious media work.

If you don't need it, buy an iPad.

Anonymous said...

Thank God you have no children Edutcher, God knows what He's doing.

Shouting Thomas said...

Insulting seems to bring so much pleasure to people.

It's about 80% of the material on this blog. Maybe 90%.

I wonder what that's all about?

Anonymous said...

ST, when a commenter brings another commenter's children into a gratuitous insult, it's just about as low as one can go.

Shouting Thomas said...

As low as you can go, on the internet, seems to be entirely a matter of whether you are the subject of the insult, or the one doing the insulting.

Shouting Thomas said...

Besides jokes about the bastardy of your opponent's children are probably humanity's oldest form of insulting.

Well, maybe second to jokes about the whorish nature of your opponent's mother or wife!

Both avenue of insults seem to be eternal sources of glee for the insulter, and the ultimate provocation to fight on the part of the insulted.

edutcher said...

Shout, the Lefties can't get very far without invective.

They certainly haven't got facts on their side.

PS Since the She-Wolf of the SS is about the biggest phony here, with the possible exception of some phony folksy, it's dealer's choice how much he/she/it says is true.

chickelit said...

PPS Anybody see the piece in Insta noting that, with the confirmation of Lurch, the last time there were only white guys in the no woman or minority on the presidential-succession shortlist?

Didn't see it and didn't notice. It changes nothing and actually looks like suspicious optics. Obama could have an all black lesbian crew for all I care so long as some were economic conservatives and weren't careerist Democrats. This is also why Biden does not "counter" Obama--for me--at all. It makes me wonder if the founders weren't onto something when they let the loser in the POTUS race automatically become VP.

edutcher said...

PPS Shout, I was expressing skepticism.

Anonymous said...

Edutcher sees sockpuppets.

Synova said...

The snow plow went through twice before 6 am this morning and there was another inch of snow by the time my kids got on the bus at 6:30 (in the dark) and about four more inches by the time my son dug his car out and scraped the ice off the windows so he could go to his 9:00 class. By 9:30 when my husband and I headed into town it was a full blown blizzard involving abandoned cars and everything, and we almost turned around except... well... all my chicks were in town! The thought of my son driving home through the blowing snow and slush and ice made me crazy and we were half way to the freeway anyhow and I said we should go to town and get him, and he could leave his 2WD and we'd get home in our AWD (Subaru) and even if the school was super crazy not to have sent the mountain kids home early, I figured they'd manage it.

So we went the rest of the way to town. The snow quit half-way through the canyon and on the Abq side of the mountain it was dry and only partly cloudy. We decided to get new tires and then pick up our son and head home again. We finally decided to go home without him because he also has new tires and if he hit a ditch he could call us. Also, he's 21 and wasn't all that thrilled about his mom thinking he needed to be rescued. Anyhow!

So we headed home... It was sunny the whole way. The roads were melted off. It wasn't until we got in our sub-division that there was ice on the roads.

Had we gone in to work and school earlier we'd have missed the whole thing.... like it never even happened. Instead we missed work and school. DUR!!

Shouting Thomas said...

The greatest insult scene in the history of the movies!

Synova said...

I explained to my daughter that we'd had a blizzard today and they laughed at me.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Quotes about insult.

Shouting Thomas said...

Groucho Marx was the master of the insult, Lem. His are the best.

I've got a good mind to go out and join a club and beat you over the head with it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Another Groucho quote:

A man's only as old as the woman he feels.

Ain't that the truth!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I thought that was the best too.

His Self deprecation takes all the edge off the supposed insult.

Shouting Thomas said...

Here's a good Groucho quote for Inga:

Remember men, you are fighting for the lady's honor; which is probably more than she ever did.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I was watching something recently that was that kind of humor.

It was like a Woody Allen variety show and he had WF Buckley as a guest.

Insults as humor.

Anonymous said...

Edutcher, your whole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.

Edutcher, I've come across decomposed bodies that are less offensive than you are.

Shouting Thomas said...

Edutcher, I've come across decomposed bodies that are less offensive than you are.

Good insult, Inga! Now, you're getting in the spirit of things!

Anonymous said...

Edutcher, anyone who told you to be yourself, couldn't have given you any worse advice.

Anonymous said...

Edutcher, as an outsider, what do you think of the human race?

Shouting Thomas said...

Edutcher, anyone who told you to be yourself, couldn't have given you any worse advice.

A little anti-climatic, after that opener.

I'm supposed to be working, so you've got to do better.

Shouting Thomas said...

Edutcher, as an outsider, what do you think of the human race?

Now, that's better! Almost worth postponing rehearsal for!

Anonymous said...

When Edutcher was a child his mother wanted to hire someon to take care of him, but the Mafia wouldn't do it.

Shouting Thomas said...

I can see that you're motivated, Inga!

Anonymous said...

Edutcher, if ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic!

Anonymous said...

Edutcher's dog is so stupid he chases parked cars.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Did Inga submit anything this morning?... Althouse gave an exam this morning.

Inga would have passed with flying colors.

Anonymous said...

Edutcher, you're the best at all you do and all you do is make people hate you.

Shouting Thomas said...

Not working for me now, Inga.

I think you shot your wad there with the first three.

Anonymous said...

Yes Inga did submit something and she got an A with the rest that had enough balls to submit something and understand the question.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I started to write and I didn't like any of it.

There is matter of Schumer being Jewish.

So that was that.

Anonymous said...

Ah well, I'm heading to bed, going to babysit my imaginary granddaughter tommorow.

Shouting Thomas said...

As a matter of principle, I refuse to take schoolmarm instructions of Althouse.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You could insult Schumer and not sound.. you know.

kentuckyliz said...

If I weren't so lazy, I'd link the Monty Python Holy Grail scene at the castle where they're exchanging insults before the fight.

kentuckyliz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Anybody wanna bet the She-Wolf of the SS is still lurking?

And, if said She-Wolf wrote his/her/its own material, no one would be more surprised than he/she/it.

Shouting Thomas said...

As a matter of principle, I refuse to take schoolmarm instructions of Althouse.

Oh, I think were she appropriately gowned and accoutered, you would gladly serve under her tutelage and be putty in her hands.

I'd go into specifics, but the She-Wolf of the SS is doubtless taking notes, and I don't want to arouse those delusions of adequacy and his/her/its insane jealousy.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Well.. maybe the Jewish thing is just an excuse really.

Some of the writing was good and I could not match it.. to be perfectly ohnest.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

She-Wolf of the SS


Tim said...

mccullough said...

"Is Colin Kapernick more talented than RGIII or Cam Newton?"

It seems so. Better arm than either, and seemingly a better runner too.

Anonymous said...

OK, Edutcher, one for the road.

Edutcher, your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory.

Anonymous said...

And Lemmy, I hear you come from a long line of cousins;)

Nichevo said...

Ed, you are a nice fellow to be sure, but you don't seem to know how to fantasize about women and certainly not how to write about it.

rcommal said...

Just a bit of music, sung by 1000s at certain points.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

@rcommal: Fantastic link...not through it yet. I love all the violins, sawing away in unison!

chickelit said...

Lem: Ed Shaughnessy?

Penny said...

Leon Panetta admitted today that although it took nearly his adult lifetime, he feels he has vindicated his mother and mothers everywhere, the shame of having been the butt of combat boot jokes.

Young, scrawny boys and their mothers need never worry about such bullying again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thats it.. from the Tonight Show.

You switched treads btw.

reginag said...

Perfect venue for relaxation.

Volleyball Camp Reviews

Anonymous said...

Sun setting near sea is the most beautiful scene i have ever heard. You may Visit this site.

Chip Ahoy said...

The efficiency of Denver International Airport is credited to its swastika design.

[dia swastika]

I hiccup-barfed when I wrote that. The last time I flew to San Francisco we waited so long on the tarmac that I kept thinking, "Jesus Christ we could have been there by now." But you know what was nearly bad as that? The plane was not full. A few empty seats. And there we were all seated and settled. Everyone was. Praise the Lord I have a free seats next to me, this was going to be nice. And then the moment before the door was shut, the precise second before that, one last late arriving couple entered the far end of the tube and they both scanned the few remaining empty seats and they were both FAT as two bison and of course their eyes latch onto the seats next to me and they walked straight past empty seats to plunk next to the skinniest guy they both calculated.


Goddamnit. See, I fly with deity in my mind. There was no way for me to puff out and appear fatter than I am, as animals do, to fake out predators and there went both armrests as their bulk poured over both of them and I remained pinned for the flight.

They were talkers.

AHL said...

Chip Ahoy-- That sounds like awful and awkward rolled into one lardy bundle. I once had a lovely experience flying to Denver (Madison+direct to Denver=Awesome) where the man next to me constantly spat chewing tobacco into an empty coke can. And then offered me an alcoholic drink...No thank you.

Penny said...

Al Gore was on Letterman last night. I was thinking about doing a little synopsis of the content, but decided you would all be better served with a hearty "Good morning, Althousians!"

It's a new dawn, and we still have enough oxygen.

Bob Ellison said...

Dave Barry has been telling this story for decades, and for me, it never gets old:

"When I first moved here, the first day of my life as a homeowner in South Florida, I walked out onto my lawn to get the newspaper, and on my lawn were crabs. Like, not just a few but hundreds and hundreds of crabs, and they were not happy about me being there because it turns out it was crab mating season. And they were, like, waving their pinchers at me, like, angrily, like, I wanted to mate with their women. I didn't want their women. Their women are crabs, you know. But they didn't know that - or maybe they were bitter about that. I don't know."

edutcher said...

Inga said...

OK, Edutcher, one for the road.

Edutcher, your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory.


I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Picture reminds me of that Ben Franklin quote:

"I have often...in the course of this session...looked at that...without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting; but now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting sun."

Except now, in the age of the left, it IS a setting sun

Enjoy the decline, degenerates!

McTriumph said...

Lem and rcommal

Thanks for a grand morning, Ludwig Van, Buckley and Woody!

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