January 27, 2013

At the Ice Dog Café...


... let's romp.



Ex-prosecutor said...

How's the St. Bernard puppy doing?

kentuckyliz said...

That's a tail-flag signaling happiness.

edutcher said...

I note a little mushy spot in the foreground right by your feet.

You and dog both take care, Madame.

harrogate said...

The heroic Romney shall not go gently into that good night. And, 47% is the number to which he belongs?

chickelit said...

@harrogate: John Kerry lost with 48.3 % and look! He's back--ideology unchanged! No lessons learned!

What's your recommended downtime in the wilderness for someone who loses?

harrogate said...

No recommended downtime at all, actually. He wants back in, and he's got the money to come back in. That's all one needs in our system, regardless of party or ideology.

Like most people, there is only one reason I notice the 47% approval rating Romney got in December. So the Kerry-got-48.3% comment is not in dialogue with my comment.

Michael K said...

" Blogger harrogate said...

The heroic Romney shall not go gently into that good night. And, 47% is the number to which he belongs?"

Many of us are perfectly willing to concede that Obama's campaign succeeded in vilifying Romney, as they did Palin.

On the other hand, when the economy starts to collapse and inflation hits 20%, there may be more interest in Palin and Romney.

chickelit said...

harrogate writes: So the Kerry-got-48.3% comment is not in dialogue with my comment.

Like I really care. You just enjoy twisting the knife. You guys are obsessed with it this time. What is it for you, harrogate--I mean personally? Is it the gay marriage thing--because that's how you come off sometimes. Who do you love, harrogate?

Me? I walk 47 miles of barbed wire
I use a cobra-snake for a necktie

Dust Bunny Queen said...

when the economy starts to collapse and inflation hits 20%, there may be more interest in Palin and Romney.

also in Smith and Wesson

test said...

harrogate said...Like most people, there is only one reason I notice the 47% approval rating Romney got in December.

Note the left's gloating is always electoral. Their policies are so obviously bad for everyone they prefer to direct attantion away from their total inability to govern.

harrogate said...

You ask what is it for me? Chickelit, what is it for you? Probably we both simply follow our political inclinations and choose candidate/party closest to that.

You want to pigeonhole me with respect to gay rights because it fits your little Sullivan and Palin obsessions, somehow. But in truth that is one important issue of many, not the most important, not the least important.

edutcher said...

harrogate said...

The heroic Romney shall not go gently into that good night. And, 47% is the number to which he belongs?

Actually, he's probably laughing up his sleeve at morons like harro who actually think they won something.

Like Dubya, the Romster will be model of class and decorum as will their wives.

They will remind us constantly without speaking of the vulgarians currently infesting DC.

Like most people, there is only one reason I notice the 47% approval rating Romney got in December. So the Kerry-got-48.3% comment is not in dialogue with my comment.

harro obviously believes Barry jumped from 45% to 51% approval right before the election and has stayed there despite the fact people are gloomier about the future than ever and the economy shows no sign of improvement.

sakredkow said...

And in chess news congratulations to Norwegian Magnus Carlsen for winning the very strong (and prestigious) Tata Steel Wijk aan Zee tournament by a full 1 1/2 points. Carlsen won 7 games and drew 6, no losses, in his first outing having surpassed Garri Kasparov as the highest rated player ever.

18-year-old Hou Yifan, the former Women's World Champion, also had a great tournament with 3 wins and 4 losses against the superstrong field of elite grandmasters.

The American, Hikaru Nakamura played well but not as well as he would have liked with 3 wins and 2 losses.

sakredkow said...

Nakamura came in sixth.

Phil 314 said...

After reading the ranting in the immigration thread I have to quote a recent Dan Riehl post:
" Stop being so damned negative, always demonizing everyone and everything that doesn’t work the way you want it to. Stop wailing at the top of your lungs at every perceived slight, or wrong. That is not a recipe for attracting people, or growing a movement. It’s a recipe for putting people off and continuing to shrink a movement I see as in at least some trouble from shrinkage, already.

If we want to begin to win national elections again in a reasonably short amount of time, we are going to have to begin to put forth a positive conservative image, not one of a movement that dwells on the most negative of everything everyday, as so many would be conservatives seem to be doing these days. No one wants to join a group of people intent on being perpetually pissed off about whatever they can dig out of the headlines on a given day."

Palladian said...

Note the left's gloating is always electoral.

It's revenge for getting their asses kicked in gym class.

Palladian said...

No one wants to join a group of people intent on being perpetually pissed off about whatever they can dig out of the headlines on a given day.

It seems to work like a charm for the left.

Alex said...

All I see is a dog's anus and a tail.

Unknown said...

"Stop wailing at the top of your lungs at every perceived slight, or wrong."

This is a universal plea. But, we can always assume it's directed at the most recent losers.

Cody Jarrett said...

Dan Riehl is a moron. Just like his Red State buddy.

Liberals run the country into the ground and destroy people to win elections, but conservatives are bitter and negative and need to run off and hide. Yeah...whatever.

It's funny how conservatives laughing at libtards, refusing to go along to get along and demanding accountability is suddenly a bad thing...just cuz Riehl's been marginalized and Erikson is desperate to keep his gig at CNN. Fuck them both.

All the conservatives, libertarians, consertarians and conservatarians I know are fed up, and the whiny RINO cunts and libtarded assfaces will ignore it at their peril.

Dante said...

Ann, are you trying the wait 20 minutes before seconds to see if it helps you with your weight?

Let's discuss as if it helps you to lose weight. Will you then say "Hmm, it's amazing I didn't know that, but I should have," or are you going to think differently about Fatman christie for not knowing why he is fat?

Chip Ahoy said...

Yes, Harrogate, that 47% is an interesting number do be sure to bring it up as often as your fancy strikes it gives another valid opportunity to point out that even sixteen point four trillion dollars was insufficient to lift you from your partisan fog, you're just that thick.

Beta Rube said...

Did anyone watch the 60 Minutes interview? I couldn't bring myself to turn it on, although the old "did Stevie spit or swallow" question is kinda interesting.

KCFleming said...

I never did like dogs at all, or any animals, I am ashamed to say, until reading this blog.

rhhardin's recommendation of Vicki Hearne's books began my tutelage. Althousians and their dog tales then began to make sense.

I am most grateful; I would guess it's a bit like no longer being blind.

Shouting Thomas said...

That is not a recipe for attracting people, or growing a movement. It’s a recipe for putting people off and continuing to shrink a movement I see as in at least some trouble from shrinkage, already.

I have zero interest in growing a movement.

I don't give a shit whether a Republican ever wins another election. They don't bother to represent my interests, and the Democrats are actively hostile to my interests.

I've really got no use for the political process except to curse it. It's useless to me. All I can do is try to figure out how not to get screwed by it.

Democrats and Republicans joined together to loot the economy, and they're joining together again to screw U.S. workers.

Fuck them both.

Palladian said...

Here are my mother's Boston terriers playing ball.

Shouting Thomas said...

My grandmother had Boston Terriers.

They were, to say the least, peripatetic.

Shouting Thomas said...

No one wants to join a group of people intent on being perpetually pissed off about whatever they can dig out of the headlines on a given day.

This is about as exact a description of alternet as I can imagine.

Carnifex said...

watching an old episode of Dr. Who on BBCAmerica. The Dr. has been battling Daleks and assorted baddies for 50 years of tv terrificness!!!!!

Carnifex said...


You are correct sir. That's why I've gone Galt. The republicans are just as bad as the demonrats. Fuck em all and feed em fish heads.

Buy a gun...It's the ONLY business Zero has stimulated.

Dante said...

No one wants to join a group of people intent on being perpetually pissed off about whatever they can dig out of the headlines on a given day.

Conservatives have many positive messages. Self reliance. Family. Work. Religion. Saving for the future.

These messages are no longer allowed by the press, and some are actively punished by our government.

When I was growing up, it was "The Waltons" "Happy Days," and "Little House on the Prairie." Today it's Hannah Montana rock star secret life, Family Guy who has evil kid, and Kids who Teach their Parents.

If the positive messages you are trying to bring are viewed as negatives, or alienating to some "disadvantaged" group, how is it possible to have positive messages?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Yea, but is it a Gatsby dog?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Conservatives have many positive messages.

I dont know... I dont mean about conservatism per-say.

But it seems to me as though long held fundamental ideas of debt, for example, along with other more complicated ideas of values are becoming arbitrary... the conservation of "Self reliance. Family. Work. Religion. Saving for the future"... is no longer consequentially significant.

Dante said...

But it seems to me as though long held fundamental ideas of debt, for example, along with other more complicated ideas of values are becoming arbitrary... the conservation of "Self reliance. Family. Work. Religion. Saving for the future"... is no longer consequentially significant.

Well, that's an interesting perspective. At this point, I have to ask, "What's the objective?" Perhaps that's where the disconnect is.

The rule of Lemnity said...

At this point, I have to ask, "What's the objective?"

I havent got that fingered out.

Michael Haz said...

Just 27 more days until racing begins at Daytona.

Anonymous said...

Prof, what do you think of the essay, Lincoln School of Management, in the NYT Sunday edition (Business)? Why are more leaders not like Lincoln today? Why people on "talk" about Lincoln, but actually do not do anything about it. He did things in 1863 that people cannot do in 2013, except talk about it. These people are in GOP, Democrats, Journ"O"lists, etc...and,yes, even professors in liberal academia.

Is Lincoln the LAST TRULY GREAT AMERICAN? And, is that why he speak of him as: One for the ages.

Aridog said...

Palladian said...

...Boston terriers playing ball.

Ah...the inspiration for the various "Maggie" sketches.

PS: We have a pair of German Shepherds who instigate their own "fetch & keep-away" games indoors. No human required. One finds a kong toy and prances past the other wagging its head with the kong close to the other's head...then runs off with the other in pursuit...only to pause and drop the kong toy and stare at it. Of the other dog grabs it, runs off, and repeats the action.

Rusty said...

Dante said...
Ann, are you trying the wait 20 minutes before seconds to see if it helps you with your weight?

Let's discuss as if it helps you to lose weight. Will you then say "Hmm, it's amazing I didn't know that, but I should have," or are you going to think differently about Fatman christie for not knowing why he is fat?

I don't know about Ann, but I'm giving it a shot.
I've been pretty good with my salad at lunch , but come supper time I usually lose control. Tried waiting 20 min. last night and it worked.

Aridog said...

Sadly, I am pretty ,much like Shoutin' T politically...I trust nobody to protect me except me.

I'm from Michigan, and historically, Republicans are more like Democrats than different here, and both will fuck you hard...and except for the new Governor, all have loved taxes and more taxes, both Dem and Repub.

The current Republican administration here seems a change and really may be different, I hope it is, but I have a very hard time trusting that it will remain logical and rational.

When I see Christie of New Jersey still referred to as a "Republican" I'm not impressed with Republican seriousness. Obama and his DHS/FEMA crew are as piss poor as any ever have been, all promise, no action (water ordered a week after landfall, and similar things? WTF!!) but good ole Christie all but fell to his knees to fellate Obama for his compassion...total bullshit. Christie is a Jersey piglet, nothing more....think I'll start referring to him as "Snooki."

hamcentral said...

I usually read Instapundit after Althouse in my daily blog run-through. Mr. Reynolds always posts Amazon's daily deals which leads to many click by me. I appreciate that you and Meade aren't particularly pushy about the Amazon portal, but sometimes I forget to use it to make my purchases. Today I remembered to backtrack from Insty to Althouse to buy a car seat heater that is one of Amazon's daily deals. I attribute this to Meade posting recent purchases, keeping the Althouse portal fresh in my mind. Thanks for all your work here.

Aridog said...

Amazon portal may be nice for some, but it makes me crazy...anything via Amazon does actually. Doesn't like you ordering two or more things at a time for delivery to different addresses (gifts) and in general is too fussy and convoluted.

I apologize to the gods of retail, but I'll stick to the "donate" button and use PayPal for contributions and generally shop specific source sites otherwise for my self. Amazon has a habit of omitting listings in my experience.

Aridog said...

Just for shits and giggles I tried Amazon, using the portal, and was able to order 3 watch bands, but it took back flips to get them on one order...you have to learn how to put your "in cart" items, one at a time, to a "later" category, then literally re-enter the site to continue shopping...e.g., three bands equals three round trips, then on last one move the "later" items back to the "in cart" category...then use you handy dandy "one-click" check out, which of course really requires that you re-sign in and make about three clicks to check out using the precise same information that Amazon it didn't have.

I don't know how these guys stay in business. Can anyone tell me, because I am a dunce perhaps, how you navigate back to continue shopping from your "in-cart" screen? That alone is a time eater with all the back up and re-entering the site, etc.

It took me 15 minutes longer to order 3 lousy watch bands via Amazon than if I'd just gone directly to a vendor. Crazy.

kentuckyliz said...

From the cart screen, just use the search bar up on top to search for your next item.