January 7, 2013

At Abby's Café...

... say hi to Joey and Bingo's new sister.


bagoh20 said...
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Ann Althouse said...


bagoh20 said...

She probably thinks it's a little warm this time of year.

Ctmom4 said...

I want one!

chickelit said...

My first thought is Mr. Bates from "Downton Abbey."

Ctmom4 said...

If, in a couple of months, she comes barreling in to your kitchen like her brother, best step aside.

ALH said...

Good looking dog.

Speaking of dogs, i knew the bcs championship game was over in the 1st quarter when Brett Mussberger kept salivating over the girlfriend of the Alabama QB instead of calling the game.

ALH said...

Brett Missberger is a distant cousin of Brent Favre.

garage mahal said...

I love this dog!

Titus said...

wow, beautiful, you have that dog in your hood? You should be extremely grateful-they are rare and gorgeous.

edutcher said...

A Saint Barnyard, I don't know what the Yorks would do with her (be interesting to find out).

PS Isn't she Zeus' kid sister, too?

Wince said...

Look at her eyes.

That dog looks positively stoned.

"I not stoned. You're stoned."

Another quaalude, she gonna love me again.

The rule of Lemnity said...


Too bad I missed it.

bagoh20 said...

I just love her courageous use of fur. She's bold and clearly at home in her own skin. The socks are divine inspiration. Who does that that these days? I love it!

Gwen said...

Oh, my gosh! Look at this!

Carnifex said...

OMG!!! She's adorable!!! But can anyone say Beethoven?

Gwen said...

Oh, my gosh! Look at this!

Meade said...

Her fur feels even more fluffy than it looks and she rolls over so you can adore her silky belly.

Sydney said...

My dad brought a puppy like that home once. My mom was very mad. We kids didn't understand why until about a year later. Look out!

Petunia said...

What a cutie she is! Looks right at home in that snow pile.

I hope her owners will consider a prophylactic gastropexy when they have her spayed. Greatly reduces the chance of gastric dilatation/volvulus, which is not uncommon in big, deep-chested dog breeds, and which is fatal if not corrected by emergency surgery.

Ralph L said...

My cousins had a male St. Bernard when we were kids. They left him at home alone once, and he bashed out their living room window because a dachsund around the corner was in heat. Blood and glass everywhere.

I had my dad's Samoyed for her last year and a half. THAT is a fluffy dog--at all ages.

traditionalguy said...

I bet she brings that new dog smell to the upstairs rooms. Zeus will no doubt fall in love.

tree hugging sister said...

We had two long-haired Saint brothers growing up, Laurel and Hardy. 190 and 220 pounds respectively and weren't they great, woolly lovebugs! Of course, the hair and the slobber are a constant chore, but hey! Everybody has SOMETHING they have to take care of, right?

Michael Haz said...

Owners of St. Bernards need two tools: (1) a skid loader to clean the yard, and (2)an industrial vacuum cleaner to clean the house.

Our neighbors bought a Great Dane puppy. It is already taller than their children. When the younger kids take it for a walk, the dog's leash goes from their hands UP to the dog's collar.

It's a big baby and thinks that it's a lap dog. When the family is watching television, the humans wind up sitting on the floor and the dog takes over the sofa.

robinintn said...

All she needs is a keg of brandy attached to her collar.

Kelly said...

You all see a cute fluffy dog, all I see is shedding hair. I have a Great Pryrenees that has some St. Bernard in her. The drooling is awesome, I never thought I'd be wiping a dogs mouth with a drool rag..

The greatest day of my life was when the vet suggested I shave her. No more tumble weeds of hair rolling through the house.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

St Bernard??

Get ready for unbelievable quantities of stringy slobbery drool. Like giant slug streaks all over your furniture, rugs, floors. Soaking into your couch. Draping over the backs and faces of the other dogs. Snotty chords of slobber everywhere.

She can't help it.

Kelly said...

Dust Bunny, that made me laugh. I have a Scottish terrier that gets trampled on and drooled all over by the bigger lug. Jesse likes nothing more then to lie in wait for me to put something nice on so she can come rub her face against me leaving a big blotch if I don't stop her in time.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Just be sure to teach her to obey.

sunsong said...

What a luv! Welcome...

RunnerJeffM said...

We are not amused but we will deign to be convinced otherwise. You may proceed.

Meade said...

Petunia said...
"I hope her owners will consider a prophylactic gastropexy when they have her spayed."

Thanks, Petunia. I will pass on your expert advice to my neighbor.

Amartel said...

There are two of these guys in my neighborhood. I see them out on their walks. They are mammoths! NOt really, but they are quite large and must require a great deal of dedication to maintain.
Now is a good time to be a St. Bernard. In July, not so much.

And they're sooo cuuuuute.