January 7, 2013

3 comediennes taunt Wisconsin state senator Glenn Grothman: "Good luck getting laid."

Apparently, he didn't support some laws they wanted, so this is what passes for comedy and liberalism these days:

ADDED: Don't miss the part of the taunting that comes in the form of insinuating that the senator is gay, as if it's okay — for liberals? — to use that as a form of disparagement.


Anonymous said...

"Good luck getting laid."

With these three? He would rather be a monk.

heyboom said...

Seems like they could be singing about themselves, actually.

Chef Mojo said...

If those were the offerings, I'd pass, thank you very much...

Borepatch said...

I'm afraid that bra smoke is not an attractive perfume.

Methadras said...

I am woman, hear me squeak.

Shouting Thomas said...

The pay gap between men and women is fiction. Doesn't exist. The purported pay gap is for average wages of men and women. For the same job, women are getting paid the same or more than men. And they are beneficiaries of a quota system that favors them.

Why do liberal women think they are the only females in the U.S.? Unmarried women vote predominantly Democratic. Married women vote predominantly Republican.

I don't agree with these women, and I'm not having any problem getting laid.

rhhardin said...

The Dilbert Equal Pay strip.

edutcher said...

Lysistrata worked because it was beloved wives going on strike.

Anonymous said...

No snark. These women don't look physically clean.

Shouting Thomas said...

Is there a ceiling to how far we should go in spoiling pudding headed women?

Guildofcannonballs said...

These women use sex like Charles Portis used the name J. Noble Daggett in True Grit.

"Rooster Cogburn: [to LaBoeuf] Lawyer Daggett again.
LaBoeuf: She draws him like a gun."

kcom said...

Here's what you have to realize:

All women think alike.
All black people think alike.
All young people think alike.
All same sex orientation people think alike.
All Hispanics think alike.

(White people, on the other hand, have all kinds of opinions. What are you gonna do?)

Once you absorb that lesson you're ready to be a Democrat. You see, you gotta dumb things down before you can go there.

dreams said...

Equal pay for women is the most despicable phony liberal issue and it shows their ignorance. Women expect to get paid the same as men for working on average 35 hours a week to 45 hours worked by men and they work those 35 hours in nice clean climate control environments where they can dress up in nice clothes and socialize with other women while they work. Men do the dangerous and dirty jobs and account for over 90% of all occupational deaths. These liberal sluts won't even bother to do their homework and find out the facts.

dcm said...

Just because some crap is on the internet does not mean that it passes for comedy or liberalism. Who says it passes for either? You seem a bit skewed these days, prof. If some idiot right wingers put some crap of this quality online, would you say that it passes for comedy and conservatism? Step your game up a touch.

dreams said...

I said it before and I'll say it again liberals are very selfish people and they know it which is why they pretend to have so much compassion for their fellow man but watch what they do not what they say. They show their care for other people by using other people's money via government programs paid for by the taxpayers. They're able to fool themselves but only themselves.

Titus said...

Liberal women are dogs. Our women are hot.

Unknown said...

Orthodox lefties are all about gay rights but if they don't approve of you they call you queer. Not that - as they were careful to point out in their performance - there's anything wrong with that.

jr565 said...

I'm not a huge fan of most women comics and this only confirms my bias

Unknown said...

When you're a dedicated liberal everything will eventually get down to base icks.

Mr. D said...

Wait -- those three are comediennes? Looks like the barrier to entry for that profession isn't especially high.

Anonymous said...

From left to right:


chuck said...

The sacred prostitutes of the Democratic party can chastise the wicked however they please, for they are favoured by god and can do no wrong.

McTriumph said...

Good eye, they perform professionally as "The Mattressbacks".

chickelit said...

Damn you Peter! You gave me a coughing fit of laughter! I'm sick with something and my throat really hurts.


edutcher said...

ironrailsironweights said...

From left to right:


But you would still have to look under the hood...

Big Mike said...

Don't miss the part of the taunting that comes in the form of insinuating that the senator is gay, as if it's okay — for liberals? — to use that as a form of disparagement.

Well apparently so.

And, purely a question to gay men who comment on this blog. Is that true about your best friends being women? Or is that another modern urban legend?

Big Mike said...

Oh, and let me add this about liberal females.

They seem very full of themselves.

And often full of something you'll find in the grass of a cow pasture.

bagoh20 said...

If I was to make a video satirizing their point of view, I'd do it just like that without changing a thing. It's really well done if you see it as satire of feminists. I do.

William said...

The girls are within normal limits, but be forewarned that their closest and most intimate relationship will be with their gay best friend. Men are useful as status objects and some--those without bald spots anway--are even desirable as sex partners, but they have a sense of perspective about these things......As others have noted, they play it both ways. It's very wrong to be gay unless you're wearing the official gay rainbow colors....One plus factor, girls who are into wind instrutments are generally adept and enthusiastic about oral sex. Most men are more attracted to women with an accordion, but you've got to learn to think outside the box.

Humperdink said...

@Peter The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Not necessarily in that order.

kentuckyliz said...

If he's gay, he should have no problem getting laid.

Ever heard of gay men going lysistrata?

Me neither.

dreams said...

I think the one on the right is the most attractive.

AHL said...

The "gay" comment was not classy. They had a point about not funding viagra if bc isn't funded. Their singing used terrible technique that will strip their voices alla Adelle, and I couldn't tell what notes the flutist was playing because her pitch was so horrid. I would like to see specific data to their claim, because, from what I've read, their claim about 77% is partially due to women voluntarily dropping out of the work or taking a part time job to support their families, but, I'm sure these women say that that is all male oppression as well. I would like to see where their data comes from. They are also summarizing the bill out of context. Finally, using the phrase "getting laid" mocks religions (this one probably mocks right-wing Christians) who believe that sex is a beautiful gift from God to be used within marriage.

chickelit said...

@edutcher: No need to verify...some women wear it like an invisible beard.

Peter has pubdar

BISkita said...

I used to be a liberal, but am now a conservative. I simply don't understand why people would think the possibility of getting laid would make someone choose one political party over another, or one political position over another.

I'm old enough to remember when the Democrats were for equality and respect, and I bought into it as a youngster. But the fact is these days that they are really intolerant of different points of view.

Going back several weeks to the RGIII controversy, I really liked what he said "I refuse to be defined by my race." We could all take a page from that playbook (substituting all sorts of identity politics), and the world would be a better place. Sometime we're all better off being "insert {defining characteristic here color, gender} blind (it just doesn't matter).

dreams said...

"I would like to see specific data to their claim, because, from what I've read, their claim about 77% is partially due to women voluntarily dropping out of the work or taking a part time job to support their families, but, I'm sure these women say that that is all male oppression as well."

Here are some facts.

Women expect to get paid the same as men for working on average 35 hours a week to 45 hours worked by men and they work those 35 hours in nice clean climate control environments where they can dress up in nice clothes and socialize with other women while they work. Men do the dangerous and dirty jobs and account for over 90% of all occupational deaths.

bagoh20 said...

I'd like to know where these women are who I can hire for 68% of the man cost. I'll fire every sausage carrying hair bag in the place and get rich with more women folk. About 40% of my employees are women now including half the managers and a majority of the supervisors, but if there is money to be made in discrimination, I want to maximize that cost cutting vector.

Is there a website or a street corner somewhere where these stupid women might be hanging around looking for low paying jobs? "Throw me a fricking bone here, I'm the boss"!

Astro said...

So let me get this straight (no gay pun intended)...

Women have the right to have the government force a private employer to pay them the same amount a man makes, regardless of years of experience, overall years in the workforce, educational background, and aptitude for the job.
Men have the right to shut up about this.
The employer has no say at all.

Is that right? Got it.

Um - Did anyone mention this to Obama? 'Cause last I heard the women in his cabinet were paid a lot less than the men.

Unknown said...

Well, that's 24 seconds of my life wasted.

bagoh20 said...

I'd also like to know where any bars might be where I can get laid by spouting feminist tripe. I can do this.

Mary Beth said...

Am I supposed to believe they would have been open to having sex with him before?

Anonymous said...

More proof that women aren't funny.

veni vidi vici said...

I love smug, self-satisfied ukelele-wielding SWPL bitches. Oh yeah, gimme some morradat...

veni vidi vici said...

I love smug, self-satisfied ukelele-wielding SWPL bitches. Oh yeah, gimme some morradat...

veni vidi vici said...

I love smug, self-satisfied ukelele-wielding SWPL bitches. Oh yeah, gimme some morradat...

Paul said...

Go ahead you little sparkies...

yuck it up and good luck getting laid or whatever you do for your past time.

Bill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill said...

The speaker in the middle says that repeal of the Minnesota Equal Pay Act will make it legal to pay women less "just because they are women". This ignores the continued viability of the federal Equal Pay Act, which requires that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work. It's hard for the skit to be funny when it's working from a false premise.

Rob Crawford said...

Just because some crap is on the internet does not mean that it passes for comedy or liberalism. Who says it passes for either?

The people who originally created it. Take your beef up with them.

Wince said...

"Good luck getting laid."

Luckily, I just need to "B" my "L" on somebody's "Ts".

David said...

These women probably have no trouble getting laid once the beer goggles go on.

Bob Ellison said...

It's not clever or funny, but I watched it anyway, because it was on Althouse.

They don't want criticism from the likes of me, but I'd say if they want to succeed with videos like this, they should do the following:

1) Hire three pretty young women. Since you're women, maybe you can only afford one so-so-looking one. That'll do, especially if she has a nice smile.

2) Hire a song-writer. They're cheap.

3) Hire a joke-writer. Also cheap.

4) Get off your little pony. For free!

5) Get a better logo. Your current one looks like a snail track, and that sends the wrong signal and the wrong joke. Do something pink, maybe based loosely on a Georgia O'Keeffe painting.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

AEH, totally off-topic, sorry everyone else--

I clicked on your picture out of curiosity to see what instrument you are brandishing, and then clicked on your blog with the German title also out of curiosity, and read your header. It caught my attention because my husband and I have been affectionately arguing about Marty Haugen lately. I am Catholic but attend worship with my Lutheran husband all the time, and I think uncharitable thoughts about the work of Marty Haugen, who no doubt is a lovely and Godly man but whose hymns and liturgies I find--well, anyway.

So, what is your opinion?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

And Lou--thanks for the giggle. I'd forgotten about that!

William said...

You just know that if the tennis pro or fitness instructor started hitting on them there would be no litmus test regarding such issues.

Nathan Alexander said...

I'm glad someone else noted that the Obama administration, to which these women genuflect on a regular basis (I'd wager), does, in fact, pay women less just because they are women.
In violation of law.
And women don't care.

But what's worse? It isn't even close to a halfway decent song.

30yearProf said...

But don't "gay" men get laid more than straight? After all their partners also have that male raging sexual urge. Greater sex drive, more sex, RIGHT girls?

cubanbob said...

I'm with Bage. Where can I find staff that will work the same hours, days, sick and personal days that then work for a 32% discount?

mr_oni said...

In case anyone is wondering, the groups name is, "The Waitresses formerly known as a Club Sandwich"

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

As a professional comedian (and as a published author-- with my lovely wife, Traci Skene-- on the subject of comedy-- "The Comedy Bible: The Complete Resource For Aspiring Comedians"), I must say that these nitwits are not what any of us would call "comedians." They are aspiring actresses, improv actors, actors, asshats, douchebags, chuckleheads. None of these three hosebags would have any idea as to how to hold a stage--alone-- for 45 minutes, in a comedy club. They are poseurs, propagandists, impressionable little twits, desperately clutching at a way to differentiate themselves from the gurgling, turgid sea of propagandists that populate the various "alternative" venues in the blue state cities. Their "comedy" is in no way indicative of any comedy that is regularly consumed by paying customers. They exist solely on Groupon-duped customers who unwittingly limp into failing clubs that offer weak parody, vicious (and inaccurate) characterizations of (mostly right-leaning) political figures and withering portrayals of social conservatives. They are shooting cultural fish in a societal barrel. Pay no attention to them. They are not in any way representative of what goes on in a real comedy club. Thank you. My name is Brian McKim and I approve of this message.

Chip Ahoy said...

Ooooh now I get the Dilbert.

The 75¢ is taken as normal then the difference in pay is expressed as a percentage of normal.

Because I was totally stuck on starting with a dollar and there being a 25¢ gap. And that's just wrong. I'm on the side of the woman.

And one dollar goes with 100%.

If you make that be 75¢ is 100% then mathematical things occur in your brain without your permission and you end up drawing pictures to show yourself, and you whittle it down to 3/4 and something back there goes ding there is the three that you needed back there for Dilbert to make sense. Wow, that Dilbert guy must be a mathematical wizard or something. Oh dear. perhaps everybody else knows all this shit already and I'm the only dumbass who doesn't. Sorry.

Chip Ahoy said...

Wanna hear something stupid? Okay, goes like this: The Safari version of character map offers a thing on top 'recently used' I just discovered it. Very convenient. Except mine is already filled with every weird ass symbol you can imagine like this [ḑ©Ã ™¿˚∞↑ò æ] see? normal things. But there's so many of them it's bigger than a regular category.

Rusty said...

Nice tits though.

Chris said...

Something smells fishy about this video.

Chris said...

Something smells fishy about this video.

Robert Cook said...

What a shame that these women should think it clever or apt to address a serious issue with this tuneless, puerile, smug, unfunny, juvenile song and strident singing.

test said...

The most interesting question to me is whether these footsoldiers of liberalism know how the 77% figure is determined or do they simply accept whatever propoganda they're fed? In short: are they liars or dupes?

kentuckyliz said...

Erika....way off topic but I'll bite.

Yeah, I know. My whole family has unkind things to say about Haugen and Haas and the St. Louis Jesuits.

I indulged my dislike but then thought if I keep this up, I'll end up a hardshell radtrad. Ick.

So I decided to make peace with it and view it as a hairshirt and time off in purgatory.

I am in music ministry, and I know other people love this music, so I made a decision of the will to sing this crap with enthusiasm and beauty and heart, to try and touch the hearts of others...and it does.

Resistance is futile.

Brian Brown said...

Don't miss the part of the taunting that comes in the form of insinuating that the senator is gay, as if it's okay — for liberals?

Being gay is normal, healthy, and to be celebrated.

If you believe in modern liberal political ideas that is.

Otherwise you're a sissy homo who should be mocked.

grichens said...

It's obvious what motivates these young ladies.

ESM said...

That was definitely the worst thing I've seen on the internet so far this year. I actually stopped it halfway through because I couldn't bear it.

Uncle Milty explains why they've got the policy wrong as well.

AHL said...

Erika- I should actually write in that blog...it's supposed to eventually be an organist review of different churches I attend. Anywho.... Marty Haugen is not a favorite of mine. My church (not ELCA) doesn't use his hymns, but I have heard them. Personally, I'm more of a fan of hymns composed between 1500 and 1850.

jimspice said...

Althouse comment thread summation: conservatives say women who criticize conservative principals are ugly. I guess your only use of "irony" is describing shirts after the little lady has pressed them. "Ooh, they're all warm and irony!"

Douglas B. Levene said...

I would say something rude like that they are each three-baggers, but that would be rude, so I won't say it. Besides, jimspice might be offended. So I'll just ask why there are so few women working in the Cabinet and the White House in this Administration that's leading the fight against the evil Republicans in the War-Against-Women (Tr).

TMink said...

The women are probably dikes.

Not really, I am just being ugly in the way that they are. But because I am conservative, it is a sin. Since they are progressives, it is a sacrement.


pfennig said...

The underlying premise of the allegation against Grothman is false. Grothman never drafted legislation repealing Wisconsin's laws requiring equal pay for women.

Wisconsin has a Fair Employment Act which prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of age, race, creed, color, disability, marital status, sex, national origin, ancestry, and other protected categories.

Under Wisconsin law, an aggrevied employee can make a complaint to the Department of Workforce Development. The Department undertakes an investigation. If the Department determines that discrimination probably was committed, it can certify the matter to an administrative law judge that will set the matter for a hearing. At the hearing, if the complainant establishes that dismcriniation occurred, the judge can order the employer to hire, reinstate or promote the employee, and order the employer to give back pay and attorney fees to the employee.

In 2009, the Democratic Wisconsin Legislature amended the WFEA by adding a provision that allowed employees who received findings of discrimination from the administrative law judge to also file suit in circuit court to obtain compensatory and punitive damages. This meant that employees could receive additional compensation for the discrimination and the employer could be required to pay additional damages.

When the Republicans retook the legislature, Grothman sponsored a bill which was ultimately enacted which repealed the provision allowing for compensatory and punitive damages as an additional remedy.

The underlying law prohibiting discrimination including unequal pay remains.

However, this explanation doesn't easily fit into the Republican War on Women.

Big Mike said...

@pfennig, do you seriously expect us to believe that any of the women in the video have enough working brain cells to grasp what you just wrote?

Segesta said...

What is this site? I googled 'skank mess MILF bra strap insufferable' and this appeared.

Segesta said...

What is this site? I googled 'skank mess MILF bra strap insufferable' and this appeared.

Anonymous said...

I am Catholic but attend worship with my Lutheran husband all the time, and I think uncharitable thoughts about the work of Marty Haugen, who no doubt is a lovely and Godly man but whose hymns and liturgies I find--well, anyway.

Marty Haugen - ick. I, too, am Catholic. I prefer Lutheran services with my quasi-Lutheran, quasi-atheist husband because the Lutherans don't sing MH.

I have written about this issue many times. Someone claiming to be MH commented on a post once. I think it was a MH imposter.


Nathan Alexander said...

The point always goes back to authenticity and normative pressure.

Liberals love the idea of consensus and collective action to advance the cause. To be a liberal, one must adhere to the correct thoughts, the correct opinions, the correct attitudes, and be effective in gaining power to advance the liberal causes, as defined by the collective. If one is successful at this task, that person given a free pass on anything. They can be bigoted, racist, sexist, misogynistic, a rapist, a murderer, etc. All that matters is that they are judged to be a true liberal and have power. There is no actual requirement to wield that power to actually advance that cause, you just have to be powerful and be accepted as a liberal.

If you are not accepted as a liberal, anything you say or do is wrong. Even if you advance their cause, you will be blamed for tokenism, flip-flopping, faking it for political gain, etc.

The Democrat Party and/or the liberal cause is like a 50 milllion-legged sack race. It is just as clumsy and incapable of intelligent guidance as that.

Robert Cook said...

"Liberals love the idea of consensus and collective action to advance the cause."

Isn't that also known as "democracy?"

Wisco Gal said...

No, democracy entitles all groups to equality and fairness...and not to be disparaged by the will of the majority. Collective action can be just as dangerous as the will of the elite. Democracy, in its truest sense, serves to protect all our interests.

RecChief said...

"Gay Men Protect Us" - so women still need men to protect them? an astonishing admission from "feminists"

James said...

Yeah, the "gay men protect us" line is so laced with (apparently unintentional?) irony it would be a good choice for a bit all by itself.

Robert Cook said...

"...democracy entitles all groups to equality and fairness...and not to be disparaged by the will of the majority. Collective action can be just as dangerous as the will of the elite."

Democracy, as you've described it, is achieved by "consensus and collective action." How else?

The dangers of "collective action," equal, as you say, to the "will of the elite," is and always has been part of the conundrums of democracy.

TheThinMan said...

After seeing this video, I think 77% for women is overdoing it.

TheThinMan said...

This video could be the "Friday" of conservative blogs.

TheThinMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SeanF said...

AEH: They had a point about not funding viagra if bc isn't funded.

No, they didn't. They're not comparable, in nearly any way.

Anthony said...

The so-called pay gap has a hidden trap in it.

In 81, when Reagan took office, it was 59c. In 89, when Reagan left office, it was 71c. In 93, when Clinton took office, it was 72c. In 01, when Clinton left office and W took office, it was 73c. In 09, when W left office, it was 77c.

Therefore, if you want to close the pay gap, you should elect Republican presidents.

ganderson said...

"The Haugenator" as I have dubbed him, is certainly used in ELCA churches- he's in the hymnal! And I'm sure he's a fine fellow, but wow! is his music AWFUL! And- these three chicks are an argument for repealing the 19th amendment.

Methadras said...

I just noticed that the woman in the center has a really nice rack and then it all went to shit when the other cow on the right brought out the flute. Is there no more egregious instrument of the left than the flute? Hmmm, maybe the tambourine.

Whitney said...

I feel sorry for the ukelele.

Goju said...

If these 3 are the alternative, being gay seems the better way

Wisco Gal said...

Democracy, as you've described it, is achieved by "consensus and collective action." How else?......

My point was that this alone is not democracy. There are many, immutable, natural laws which are not always protected or valued by the majority. There is much more to democracy than the idea of collective action. I felt your statement reduced democracy to this one ideal. All too common in our culture is the reverence p aid to the majority rule regardless of the moral implications for our cultural survival. This will surely be the death of democracy. The balance is a conundrum. But in the past the individual had a reverence for morality, ethics and an individual role in society. This life philosophy is obsolete now days.

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