December 1, 2012

The Pope with a clown, Susan Rice caught between 2 power-heads, and a heavily tattoo'd quarterback.

I don't know what Matt Drudge is trying to slip into our subconscious today, but it's phantasmagoric. Felliniesque.

Click to enlarge.

The quarterback is Colin Kaepernick, who, not having murdered anybody, seems to be doing comparatively well, NFL-wise. His mother is "annoyed." The body scribblings are Bible verses (we're told). Across the chest it says "Against All Odds." Is that in the Bible? I don't know. Ask the Pope (if he's through clowning around). I've heard of the book of Philipians, so maybe there's a Philcollinsians.

Hillary and Rahm are swirling around Susan Rice. The story is Hillary prefers Kerry as her successor. Fine, but I can't see the Pope+Clown → Tattoo'd Quarterback transition. I hate to think there's no connection, that these are simply the stories that belonged at the top of their respective columns. Drudge means so much more. Tell me what the meaning is.

Here's the story about the Pope meeting 1000s of circus performers at the Vatican:
Benedict, a known cat lover, paid particular attention to a pair of lion cubs that were brought up to him, stroking them and chatting with their trainers. At one point Benedict even bent down to caress one — not an easy feat given the 85-year-old pope has trouble with his knees and occasionally uses a cane.
A gentle scene. Not the first thing that leaps to mind when you think about Christians and lions


Tyrone Slothrop said...

Quarterback? It looks like his whole back.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I get something about turning their backs on something, a higher principle, authority?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That Rahm, Rice and Hillary is right out of the last supper.

Somebody is getting sacked?

The tattoos are like lashes?

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I just don't get tattoos (there's that word again!) Permanent changes to my body, a scar, a chipped tooth, have always bothered me a lot. Why would anyone do that to himself intentionally? Do they have any idea of what they'll look like when they're seventy?

I always think of Michael J. Pollard's character in Bonnie and Clyde, C.W. Moss. After robbing many banks and killing many people the gang retires to C.W.'s father's farm. Dad proceeds to beat the crap out of him, not for larceny and murder, but for getting a tattoo.

Anonymous said...

it's phantasmagoric. Felliniesque.
---Gay, even.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm assuming Colin Powell is pushing for Rice..

Lets see whos got more sway.

Hillary or Powell.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rice is in the middle... on one side there is Rahm and the quarterback, symbolising hell and on the other, there is Hillary and the Pope symbolizing heaven?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Philippians, not Phillipians.

Such a beautiful letter from St. Paul. My favorite verse might be 4:6, which is Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

So simple! Tough, but simple.

MathMom said...

Clown on left, clown posse in the middle...dunno about the dude on the right. Unless the clown posse is between Pope and Cross bookends.

Clyde said...

No, Lem, all of the atheist Democrats are in Purgatory, in between.

And was 0bozo at the Vatican with the rest of the clowns?

Clyde said...

Yeah, that's a clown question, bro!

jungatheart said...

Is there a biblical injunction against tatoos/defiling the body, that ties in with the pope hanging with clown body-defilers (with make-up)?

And Rice 'clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, stuck in the middle with you.'?

Baron Zemo said...

Clowns to left of me, jokers to the right of me I am stuck in the middle with you.

Baron Zemo said...

Hey it took me a minute to get to Youtube. No fair Little Debbie.

McTriumph said...

If I was getting a football related tat, it would be of a really shitty football related movie, "Against All Odds"? WTF!

Wonder with his taste in movies he doesn't have "America Gigolo" inked on his schlong?

The Godfather said...

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood today, but I don't find Christians being devoured by lions very funny, so it kind of spoils the mood created by the clowns (there are clowns in ALL the Drudge pictures).

And martyrdom isn't something that happened 2 millennia ago and not since. Various groups have been martyred over the centuries. Focusing for the moment only on today and only on Christians, they are being persecuted and from time to time martyred all over the world, particularly in Muslim and Communist countries. When I hear it said that the United States is a "Christian country" I know it's not true, because if we were we'd give a sh*t.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Deb and Zemo...

ken in tx said...

There is a Biblical injunction against scaring one's self as a form of mourning, because pagans did it. Some people have taken this to mean that you should not get tattoos. I don't really care about that, but I think tattoos are tacky.

Rusty said...

deborah said...
Is there a biblical injunction against tatoos/defiling the body, that ties in with the pope hanging with clown body-defilers (with make-up)?

And Rice 'clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, stuck in the middle with you.'?

I was going to say ; stuck between a rock(the pope) and a hard case, but I like yours better.

Clyde said...

@ Ken in SC

I saw a Playboy model talking about why she didn't have any tattoos, unlike many other current adult performers. Her father asked her, "Would you put a bumper sticker on a Bentley?"

Humperdink said...

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28

Clyde said...

@ Baron Zemo

I like this version better (other than whatever the goofy poster inserted at the beginning...)

Susanna Hoffs - Stuck In The Middle With You

But then I love, love, LOVE Susanna Hoffs! (I have pretty much her entire catalog on my iPod.) This was a hidden track at the end of her self-titled solo album from 1991, along with a cover of "To Sir With Love."

And her cover of "Feel Like Making Love"? Yowza!

edutcher said...

If you think about it, it's 5 clowns and a Pope.

And the idea of a Pope liking circuses (or circenses, if you will) has a certain irony to it.

MayBee said...

The football player looks like he's being crucified.
The pope is a representative of Jesus, surrounded by clowns.

Susan Rice is the sacrificial lamb- or perhaps is about to be crucified- by the evil clowns surrounding her.

BaltoHvar said...

It appears his "Body Art" is an expression of his Christian beliefs. Admirable to a point I suppose. But as an employer, I would absolutely discriminate against ANYONE with visible tattoos. Especially an abundance of them. In my judgement it is a Fireworks display of Bad Judgement.

Furthermore, outside of some "boutique" Sports Equipment or Apparel Company, I doubt he'll get to rake in the endorsements like Archie's boy's do. Even if he wins a Super Bowl. Could you imagine the optics if Disney were to... yeah, exactly.

Clyde said...

Correction: The Susanna Hoffs album in question was from '96, not '91. My bad!

BaltoHvar said...


Guildofcannonballs said...

Come to think of it.

jungatheart said...

"That Rahm, Rice and Hillary is right out of the last supper."

Good point, Lem. So who among the 12 is Judas, Jesus, Peter or the female I see represented I see in some last suppers.

BaltoHvar said...

I love to hear from the Friar on this one...

Indigo Red said...

Which one is the Pope?

Automatic_Wing said...

Against All Odds is from Phil Collins 3:14.

ndspinelli said...

Baron, I've watched Reservoir Dogs ~7 times. It's still difficult to watch that scene.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lions don't belong in captivity with trainers.

Popular impression suggests that Siegfried and Roy live with the animals they use in their Las Vegas shows. Images of the gorgeous animals lounging out by the pool do not reflect reality.

The actual white tigers used in Siegfried and Roy's shows are kept in cages. They go through many tigers to acquire the few who are willing to do the stunts. Tigers (and all large cats) get bored doing the same thing over and over, and eventually they go nuts. Many are put down.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Susan Rice or Mr. Swiftboat magic hat spent 4 months in Vietnam "don't you know who I am?"
pompous ass kept man.
Those are the choices. oh joy.

Tim said...

I'm thinking Drudge is saying Kaepernick is better qualified for Secretary of State than Rice.

But what do I know?

lge said...

"Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific" -- Hillary.

Lydia said...

Clowns, knaves, and fools: a triptych

jungatheart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...

I want to get in on the ground floor of the tattoo removal industry.

Anybody have any insights on investment opportunities?

Chip Ahoy said...

So the pope's name is Benedict?

He's named after eggs.

The thing about English muffins is they're yeast bread that is fried. I think. That would certainly be easy enough to do. The fastest of all yeast breads, in fact. Baked on a hot griddle. Like a tortilla, except with yeast. Probably covered. Bread-wise, sort of a cop out. So there you go.

The Hollandaise sauce is like making mayonnaise except warm instead of cold, so it's cooked, a very good switch, and also butter in place of oil, a very good switch, and lemon instead of vinegar, another very good switch. So three switches from mayonnaise for improved sauce. Other than that it's exactly the same thing but ten times as rich.

And poached eggs are so simple when you understand the water doesn't have to be boiling, the eggs will cook at 145°F. And vinegar in the water will tighten the whites and prevent them from spreading. And if the whites do spread a little they're trimmed easily enough by holding them in a spoon and tracing the edge with a knife.

Egg-based sauce over eggs.

Spinach Florentine, come'on. It's garlic in butter with cream and spinach wilted into it.

And you can use regular sandwich ham if it's good enough like Black Forest.

So these plain and simple things together:

* English muffin
* Black Forest ham or Canadian Ham, a shelf to protect the muffin from becoming soggy unless you want it soggy
* Spinach Florentine
* poached egg
* Hollandaise sauce
* a grind of nutmeg

That's who this pope is named after. A very good breakfast indeed. Therefore clowning around or whatever it is he does I support him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I have an idea for a remake...

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Debt.

KG2V said...

Clowns on the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you

yashu said...

A gentle scene. Not the first thing that leaps to mind when you think about Christians and lions.

Then again, there's the Christian the lion reunion.

yashu said...

Two great tiger-caressing scenes which, unfortunately, I can't find on youtube:

Tony cuddles his pet tiger (observed by his buddies) in Scorsese's Mean Streets.

Joan Allen's blind character caresses an anesthetized tiger (observed by the very moved serial killer character) in Michael Mann's Manhunter.

Michael Haz said...

Wisconsin's Montee Ball is devouring the Nebraska defense like the lions devoured the Christians.

Anonymous said...

There's no way Kerry will ever appear before the Senate for an executive appointment. If he did his military records would become public. If they exonerated him from the Swift Boat accusations they would have become public a long time ago. He won't take the risk.

Unknown said...

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right; stuck in the middle with you.

SH said...

I think I get it. Rahm and Hillary are munching on Rice.

Good catch.

Ambrose said...

The rice picture suggests "Christ as the Man of Sorrows", Pedro de Mena, 1673. I can't quite ppost a link, but go look at it.

Known Unknown said...

Kaepernick is pretty damn good. And was pretty damn good at Nevada.

He was also a 4.0 student, and reports are he works his behind off on practice days and off days.

jacksonjay said...
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jacksonjay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jacksonjay said...

Do Black frats still brand pledges? Why?

AllenS said...

Do you know what's inside a big can of Whoop Ass? Badgers.

McTriumph said...

So full body tats might just be the lime leisure suit of the 21st century. Well except for the part where you can't donate them to Goodwill and deny ever owning one.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Some say the problem with Rice was that she didn't learn from predecessors to Keep Her Mouth Shut - Sippie Wallace

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Secretaria, la que no habla siempre atenta, diciendo nada.

Secretary, speaking not, always attentive, saying nothing.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Mr President... Susan Rice wants to know What You Gonna Do With Her - Stephanie Mills

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When The World Is Running Down or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Debt - The Police

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A question at the hearing...

Ambassador Rice, if you could Turn Back The Clock - Johnny Hates Jazz

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Stepping Stone - Duffy

Chip Ahoy said...

Alas, riceless.

I just now had the most amazing eggs Benedict I've ever eaten. I swear, I had no idea they could be this fantastic. Satisfying in every way. A perfect balance. Egg yolk umami up to the eyeballs, and just the right lemon juice to put an edge on all that butter.

All that butter.

And four egg yolks. So perfect for a scrawny bloke like me. I've always had them is restaurants so how was I to know that English muffins are so impressive right off the pan like that? I drizzled water in there as I do with bread in ovens. That made a big difference.

Chip Ahoy said...

This doesn't have anything to do with herself


Or Hillary.

You might find this interesting. Maybe not. But this one time I woke up on a week end morning in bed with my girlfriend and I started playing with her body fat. It jiggled. I was very impressed with her layer of fat. I never saw any before. I wanted some. I admired it.


"Stop doing that."


"Stop it I said."



And I learned an important lesson that morning, that is some people are sensitive about people jiggling their body fat so best get permission first.

Vicfam said...

I think while the pope is clowning around, Hillary and other people are conspiring against the Christ figure on the right.

Vicfam said...

I think while the pope is clowning around, Hillary and other people are conspiring against the Christ figure on the right.

FleetUSA said...

Yes, it is all part of the daily circus of life:

Pope and Clown - Obvious

NFL tatooed man - a side show

Politicians - like gymnasts moving around the stage.

traditionalguy said...

The dramas never stop in the media. we live in Disney World populated with fairy tale persons. DRUDGE is able to see that aspect in the News he repackages.

Anonymous said...

There was another great drudge hit a few days ago- -on the 29th, I think-- with an article about Argentina's Kirchner under a picture of her, head back, eyes closed, in front of the Harvard Kennedy School crest, as though she were giving a lecture at the school. Hm.

Joe Schmoe said...

Say what you want about Rice's prickliness but when you're worth 33 mill you can pretty much tell everyone to fuck off.

And in the Pope pic it's hard to tell who's the clown: the guy in the foreground or the guy I presume to be a Vatican Swiss guard in the background.

Joe Schmoe said...

So the pics on the ends feature guys who affect their appearance through guises of makeup and ink.

What's the implication for the middle panel? Rice has affected her appearance using a guise of deception? Nah, I don't think so. Plus what would that mean with Hillary and Rahm in the background, seemingly orchestrating her next move, or her demise?

Humperdink said...

Allen S "Do you know what's inside a big can of Whoop Ass? Badgers."

Except last week in State College, Pa, of course.

Rusty said...

McTriumph said...
So full body tats might just be the lime leisure suit of the 21st century. Well except for the part where you can't donate them to Goodwill and deny ever owning one.

Rusty's rule of spandex and tattoos;

Approximately .02% of the population of a country can pull off wearing either a tattoo, or spandex , or both.
You're not one of them.

Joseph said...

"Pope greets thousands of clowns, acrobats and puppeteers"...could this be the start of Vatican III?

Joseph said...

"Pope greets thousands of clowns, acrobats and puppeteers"...could this be the start of Vatican III?

kentuckyliz said...

Did the pope meet them after Mass?

Bread and circuses.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or would "The Pope and Clown" make a great name for an English pub?

Blue Heron said...

the quarterback is a reversed, Christ-figure representing the Anti-Christ; who does not sacrifice himself for mankind, but sacrifices mankind for himself. Read right to left to decipher drudges meaning.

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