December 5, 2012

"Some of the people closest to Bret Bielema had absolutely no idea before the news broke on Tuesday afternoon..."

"... that the University of Wisconsin football coach was leaving for Arkansas. The news stunned not only Badgers fans but several people in Bielema’s inner circle" including UW athletic director Barry Alvarez (who'd picked Bielema as his successor).
Bielema will not coach the Badgers in the Rose Bowl....

As recently as Friday — before the Badgers’ 70-31 win over Nebraska in the Big Ten Conference championship game — Bielema expressed his excitement for next year’s team....

As successful as Bielema has been, a portion of Badgers fans has never quite embraced him. He is viewed by some people as being brash, or even cocky. He was criticized at times last season for running up the score on opponents.
Running up the score! I have never understood that concept.
"Everyone bashes him for losing two Rose Bowls, but I don't think people appreciate how hard it is to get to two Rose Bowls."
Well, at least they won't be able to bash him for losing 3 Rose Bowls. But why didn't he wait until after the Rose Bowl was over to announce? Was it the plan to announce after the last game and the assumption was we'd lose to Nebraska? Or was he prompted by the desire not to get stuck with another Rose Bowl loss, because we are going to lose, aren't we?


Kevin said...

Avoiding running up the score is, like adhering to the Geneva and Hague conventions, more in your best interest than just being good sports for the sake of being good sports. You not only invite others to humiliate your team when they can, you keep your best players on the field longer than necessary, which heightens risk of injury and loss of the player to a game where the win is not so sure; and keeping your best players on the field longer denies your junior upcoming players critical live game experience, which practice can never fully prepare one for.

Shouting Thomas said...

Running up the score is a strategy, usually, for improving a team's standings in the polls. It works, but is consider to be unsporting.

Coaches who leave for another job generally do so after the regular season, because they must turn their attention immediately to recruiting for the next season for their new school.

They would be in conflict of interest with their old school if they were recruiting for their new employer while they worked for their old employer.

Bob_R said...

This is an important month for recruiting high school students and assistant coaches. He'd loose the better part of a year if he started at AK in January.

rhhardin said...

Running up the score gives the other team much needed experience.

Big Mike said...

But why didn't he wait until after the Rose Bowl was over to announce?

So he could get started on recruiting for Arkansas.

... we are going to lose, aren't we?

Stanford's ranked number 8 in the country, Wisconsin's down in the "others receiving votes." But Wisconsin is a very good team and I don't think the result is anything like foregone.

Steve said...

Coaches leaving for new jobs/schools happens every year now with college football, and usually before bowl season. Most of them will tell you to get a jump start on high school recruiting with their new team. Not to mention possibly having to hire new assistant coaches. The fun of college football.

Bob_R said...

Akkkk. AR

MadisonMan said...

Not sad at all to see him go. No class. And I think he rode Chryst's coat-tails. We'll see what happens in Fayetteville.

Shouting Thomas said...

... we are going to lose, aren't we?

Bowl games are tricky predictions.

The four or five week interval between the last regular season game and the bowl games gives players the chance to recover from injuries. Everybody gets injured during the course of a football season.

The return to health of all the previously injured players can produce unexpected results.

Shouting Thomas said...

Meanwhile, the Illini recently announced that Tim Beckman would return as head coach next year, despite a 2-10 record and zero Big Ten wins.

He was paid $1.6 million to produce this result!

madAsHell said...

The Athletic Director was surprised!?!? Talk about burning bridges!

I've never understood why successful coaches jump ship....except when they leave a disaster behind them.

Eric said...

Probably wanted to sign this year to avoid paying taxes at a higher rate next year (assuming he get's some kind of signing bonus). It ain't about the athletes or the schools.

DADvocate said...

Running up the score! I have never understood that concept.

Bobby Bowden and Lou Holtz are friends beginning from the days when they were assistant coaches together. When they both got their first head coaching jobs (one was at William & Mary - not sure which and I'm not looking up all the facts for this story), their teams played each other. Bowden's won by a hefty margin.

Holtz complained to Bowden after the game that Bowden rand the score up on him. Bowden told him, it's your job to keep the score down, not mine.

Patrick said...

Not sad at all to see him go. No class. And I think he rode Chryst's coat-tails. We'll see what happens in Fayetteville.

It will be interesting to see what he does when he is not handed a solid, winning program, especially when he doesn't have the comfort of Big Ten level competition. My bet is that it won't go well.

Unknown said...

It's official! Arkansas is now a more appealing place to live than Wisconsin.

Patrick said...

Maybe he was afraid of Rutgers, and wanted out.

Shawn Levasseur said...

Yes Arkansas is more appealing than Wisconsin, when given a boatload of money to make the move.

DADvocate said...

Akkkk. AR

It's official! Arkansas is now a more appealing place to live than Wisconsin.

If you're a football coach and want to compete at the highest level in college football, the SEC is the place to be. Look at the current Top 10:
1 Notre Dame 12-0
2 Alabama 12-1
3 Florida 11-1
4 Oregon 11-1
5 Kansas State 11-1
6 Stanford 11-2
7 Georgia 11-2
8 LSU 10-2
9 Texas A&M 10-2
10 South Carolina 10-2

6 of 10 are SEC teams. Plus, very few football coaches are liberal elitist snobs, hence Arkansas, Alabama, etc are just fine.

Roger J. said...

I am aghast to think that college football programs are all about money.

Actually Jake, I spend a fair amount of time in Arkansas golfing and trout fishing and its pretty nice. The only difficulty is more than half the counties are dry, so you have to plan ahead or know the local bootlegger.

Farmer said...

Yeah, it's hard to get to the Rose Bowl! This year he had to compile an embarrassing record and still slink in only because Ohio State and Penn State were disqualified! That's hard work!

X said...

Running up the score! I have never understood that concept.

that's why they don't call it sportswomanship.

Freeman Hunt said...

In other football news, a player from Penn State got the Burlsworth Trophy this week. With all the controversy surrounding Penn State, I bet he didn't expect it.

traditionalguy said...

The running up of the score is usually done by the second and third stringers eager to play for their first time after it is already a 40 point lead in the fourth quarter.

The Bielema issue was assistant coaches salary levels.

The head coaches salaries have gone from 800 thousand levels to 3 million levels, but a good assistant is hard to fund.

Many offensive and defensive coordinators salaries are stuck at 200K making them available to offers from programs that will bid a 1 million.

Georgia has had that problem. The school educators would not pay the money needed to hire away Defense Coach Kirby Smart, a Georgia graduate who was interested in the job at Georgia, from Saban's Alabama program.

Saban does not win at Alabama because he speaks well. The combination recruiters and brilliant assistant coaches do the winning at Alabama.

Watching Bielema succeed was really watching J J Watt, Russell Wilson and Ball win lead by good assistant coaches.

I suspect Bielema sees the end of that era coming at Wisconsin where the snooty Phds in the faculty despise the high salaries and popularity of the football program.

A State where Tommy Thompson is still the idea of a winning political style is also where the salaries of assistant coaches will be kept very low. No one likes change.

DADvocate said...

Penn State had a great season considering the problems there.

Conrad Bibby said...

If Ohio State (12-0) were included in the top 10, then the SEC would only have 5 of the top 10 teams.

For that matter, Wisconsin's trip to Pasadena is a bit of a gift with both OSU and Penn State on the sidelines this year (hashtag: #asterisk).

I'm Full of Soup said...

Perhaps he is a red state guy and does not like Madison. I say this since this is a hyper-political blog right so it must be a political issue?

Freeman Hunt said...

Bless Bielema. He's coming to a place that is very unforgiving of its coaches. (Maybe that's everywhere. I don't know.)

Unknown said...

The only place in Arkansas worth fishing for trout is the White River.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Freeman - I will brag a bit and say I predicted Penn State would evolve into somewhat of a popular underdog and become a kind of "Walk On University" drawing the overlooked, unrecruited player who dreamed of playing in the Big Ten. I did not know there was a Burslworth Award which goes to the walk-on player of the year.

Scott M said...

Running up the score! I have never understood that concept. many organized sports have you participated in? There's an emotional component to the concept of running up the score, or having it run up on you, that would probably escape cruel neutrality.

SeanF said...

I believe it was Sparky Anderson who was once criticized after a game for "running up the score." His response was something along the lines of, "I'll quit trying to score more runs when the other team quits trying to catch up."

SeanF said...

I believe it was Sparky Anderson who was once criticized after a game for "running up the score." His response was something along the lines of, "I'll quit trying to score more runs when the other team quits trying to catch up."

the gold digger said...

Arkansas is now a more appealing place to live than Wisconsin.

I'd move to Little Rock in a second. It's a pretty city with good places to eat and there is no snow.

There are also no protests at the state capitol, which is a plus as far as I am concerned.

Mary Beth said...

Running up the score! I have never understood that concept.

Because you only have to beat the spread.

MadisonMan said...

In other football news, a player from Penn State got the Burlsworth Trophy this week. With all the controversy surrounding Penn State, I bet he didn't expect it.

Most deservedly so did he win it. Who would you rather have on your team -- McGloin, a great leader through controversy not of his own doing, or that turncoat Silas Redd?

kjbe said...

He was just an ok-coach. Nothing special. At best, he maintained Alvarez’s level, and I think the lukewarm attitude toward him is because of this. As other’s have said, he had to sign now because of recruiting (I also had to explain this to my mom last night). I’d also assume that if he’d lost to NE, he’d still be here – he’s a hot commodity, right now and has to strike while the iron’s hot.

An upside for UW (in the long run), is that we can now escape all the drawn-out drama of his mediocre coaching and the subsequent, “why doesn’t Barry fire him” talk. The short-term down side is that it’s very distracting for the bowl game prep.

damikesc said...

He will hate life. Arkansas still has a horrible defenese and their best player is leaving. They also get to play Alabama, LSU, and A&M yearly.

But hey...S Carolina is not a guaranteed opponent any they might get Kentucky occasionally.

Brian Brown said...

This is a lateral move, from a football standpoint, at best.

I suppose he got a big raise and perhaps that is worth it, but Arkansas is the red headed step child of the SEC elite.

Is going up against Alabama, FL, LSU, and A&M, worse than going against Michigan, Ohio State, PSU, and Mich State?

Unknown said...

Actually Jake, I spend a fair amount of time in Arkansas golfing and trout fishing and its pretty nice.

I don't know enough about golf courses to comment on that aspect of your statement. From what I've heard, though, golf is a fine activity for elderly people who want a bit more action than they can get at the bingo table or on the shuffleboard court.

damikesc said...

Is going up against Alabama, FL, LSU, and A&M, worse than going against Michigan, Ohio State, PSU, and Mich State?

He'll rarely face Florida, Georgia, S Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, Vandy, or Kentucky (only two games vs the East each season). The guaranteed loss to Bama and LSU will suck, as will the loss to A & M while Manzell is there suck also. I'd argue he has a dramatically tougher job than he had in Wisconsin.

Arkansas isn't bad normally. They've made an SEC Title game or two. But they aren't the apex of the West. How anybody had them fifth this preseason was a mystery when you noticed how much defensive talent they lost.

The Big 10 has, well, seen better days. Michigan is mediocre on a good day (I'm worried about Denard against my Gamecocks, but I figure Clowney will disabuse him of a desire to move around a ton). OSU is normally good. PSU is wildly inconsistent. The rest are...meh.

Running up the score is a strategy, usually, for improving a team's standings in the polls.

Not much anymore. The BCS factors margin of victory/defeat out --- which is how Kent State had a shot at a BCS bowl even though Kentucky beat them by 33.

Man the BCS is horribly designed. Northern Illinois? WTH?

Anonymous said...

if you look up the definition of the word "squarejob" in the dictionary, there is a picture of coach bielema.

Freeman Hunt said...

Most deservedly so did he win it. Who would you rather have on your team -- McGloin, a great leader through controversy not of his own doing, or that turncoat Silas Redd?

I'm sure it was deserved. I'm just thinking that he probably wasn't expecting it.

Fayetteville is a nice town apart from the 10% sales tax. I'm sure with whatever they'll be paying him, he won't mind that too much.

garage mahal said...

Wonder if Barry will man the sidelines in the Rose Bowl. Hope so.

Alvarez 3-0 in Rose Bowls. Bielema 0-2.

traditionalguy said...

Maybe Bielema understands the Gene Chizick plan. First get a 6 year guranteed contract for 20 million. Then lose 8 games a year until they fire you after 2 years. Then return to Madison and live in a big mansion with servants and play golf when not touring the world.

Ann Althouse said...

I agree with Sparky (but I do understand the argument that baseball is different from those time-limited sports).

Known Unknown said...

Penn State had a great season considering the problems there.

Yes, but the real impediments to success begin next season. (cut scholarships, etc.)

Known Unknown said...

Wonder if Barry will man the sidelines in the Rose Bowl. Hope so.

Alvarez 3-0 in Rose Bowls. Bielema 0-2.

Alvarez is much better at the Xs and Os.

Known Unknown said...

The rest are...meh.

How are you speak ill of Kirk Ferentz!

Maybe the Badgers could lure him to Madison with a promise of $7m a season for six wins!

Known Unknown said...

or that turncoat Silas Redd?

Please. Silas Redd did what was right for him as a potential NFL player.

I thought PSU deserved to have the entire program dismantled for at least 5 years.

David said...

"But why didn't he wait until after the Rose Bowl was over to announce?"

1. Arkansas wants him under contract so the deal is firm. Otherwise UW could sweeten their deal, etc. The offer was probably now or never.
2. Barry wants recruits to know that he's coming to Arkansas and will not be in Wisconsin.

So, money and money are the answers. The first money is direct to Barry. The second is the money that accrues to Arkansas via a successful program.

David said...

To Bret, not Barry. I got my B-boys mixed up.

garage mahal said...

Alvarez is much better at the Xs and Os.

Agreed. Funny: We were talking during the Nebraska game that it looked like someone else other than Bielema was calling the game. Barry? That's my conspiracy theory of the day.

I hope they at least talk to Dave Doeren. He has no ties to NC State. Why not?

Strelnikov said...

As to running up the score, sometimes that can't be avoided; however, on one occasion Bielema went for two on the extra point try - when he was leading Purdue by something in the 30's. His explanation? The math compelled him to do so. He looked and sounded like a complete asshole

X said...

Man the BCS is horribly designed. Northern Illinois? WTH?

unranked Baylor would roll Northern Illinois.

Patrick said...

Wonder if Barry will man the sidelines in the Rose Bowl. Hope so.

Probably not a bad idea. If they choose an assistant, and they somehow win the game, that would likely generate some pressure to bring that assistant on permanently, whether he's ready or not.

But I have no idea which, if any of the assistants would even be considered.

X said...

Bielema was the roothogs second choice. Art Briles is who they wanted.

MadisonMan said...

I thought PSU deserved to have the entire program dismantled for at least 5 years.

Even dismantled, they'd probably still graduate more players than the average SEC team.

garage mahal said...

Charlie Partridge, associate head coach, co-defensive coordinator and defensive line coach.

I heard Alvarez knew for 2 weeks Bielema was leaving. And let Doeren walk to NC State? I hope that isn't true.

TosaGuy said...

What will hurt UW football in the short-term is that more impact players may choose to leave early and top recruits may go somewhere else.

An internal choice for coach may limit some of those issues. A drawn-out search will exacerbate them. Time for the AD Alverez to earn his paycheck.

Shanna said...

Bless Bielema. He's coming to a place that is very unforgiving of its coaches.

Indeed. Tell him if he is going to have an affair, he better avoid motorcycles.

Oh also, win.

I don't think running up the score will be a problem with he's playing Alabama/LSU.

ndspinelli said...

I give the guy credit for having some balls going to the SEC. It's akin to going from AA to the Majors in baseball. I think he'll get his ass kicked @ first, but his strength is recruiting. And if he can recruit great athletes it can compensate for his lack of game coaching skills. If he makes it past 2-3 years, and gets some good recruits, he may do ok. Otherwise, that Razorback cheer, "SoooooEeee Pig" will have a Deliverance aspect to it for Brett!

Known Unknown said...

We were talking during the Nebraska game that it looked like someone else other than Bielema was calling the game

No, Nebraska's D is just that bad.

OSU put 63 up on them, and that was a team that barely knew what offense was last season.

ElPresidenteCastro said...

Up 44-14 in the Michigan game, Ohio State went for two. After the game a sports writer asked him why.

Hayes replied, "Because I couldn't go for three!"

Alan said...

The guaranteed loss to Bama and LSU will suck, as will the loss to A & M while Manzell is there suck also.
You mean to amend that from "Manziel" to "Kevin Sumlin", right? Arky has to recruit in Texas to be successful, and Sumlin has already taken the top "recruiter" spot from Brown. Witness what is going on with the 2014 class already--never mind the 13 4-star guys in the 2013 class. Also, check in with Bob Stoops about how is recruiting in Texas is going with Sumlin at A&M.

Bielema has no contacts or familiarity with Texas HS coaches, so he'll have to lure some absolute ace recruiters from the area if he wants to compete right away.

Unknown said...

Big Mike said pretty much everything that needed to be said on the matter. As a Cal Alumn and son of a former Stanford football player I can say this: Stanford is as physically and mentally tough as any Pac-12 team outside of the 2000's USC teams that I have seen in a while.

Unknown said...

@ Alan I don't see Sumlin maintaining any kind of stranglehold on recruits in the long term: who the fuck wants to go to A&M? Aren't there like 10 girls in the entire school? Isn't College Station a cow town?

Known Unknown said...

It would be great if SEC teams would actually travel more. Outside of LSU, not too many of those southern fried schools dare tread outside of their comfort zones. Florida is the most egregious — at least Les Miles has been to Oregon.

Known Unknown said...

An internal choice for coach may limit some of those issues. A drawn-out search will exacerbate them. Time for the AD Alverez to earn his paycheck.

UW needs to go big or go home. Who's available?

Known Unknown said...

Man the BCS is horribly designed. Northern Illinois? WTH?

While I am all for sabotaging the BCS, NIU is an odd choice considering their only loss was to a bad Iowa team, and they beat no one else of consequence outside of Kent State in the MAC Championship.

Unknown said...

This site could really use a feature that would allow you to quote other commenters by just pressing a button. This is 2012.

Alan said...


Apparently 52,000+ plus want to go there, you arrogant PAC-12 prick. A&M is the largest school in the state. It outspends Texas U by some $120 million annually in research, and, oh by the way, it is also an AAU school. Also, A&M grads have higher starting, mid-career, and total career earnings that any other school in the area, again including UT.

There are more girls than guys in the undergrad ranks, and College Station isn't some "cow town". It's a college town, and that's true for every team in the SEC.

You're also forgetting the lure of being the only Texas school in the SEC--you know, where the best athletes want to play.

Patrick said...

Indeed. Tell him if he is going to have an affair, he better avoid motorcycles.

Oh also, win.

Nah, it's the SEC. He only has to choose one.

ElPresidenteCastro said...

But you're still going to be in College Station.

Beilema plays a hard-nose style of football which will appeal to Texas boys. He also won't be resticted by Wisconsin academic requirements at Arky.

traditionalguy said...

MadMan...The bigger and faster SEC players usually leave for the NFL after 2 or 3 years.

So bragging about the Big 10's 5 year graduation rates sounds like a whiney excuse.

If law schools were recruited after a first year, than the U W Law School would lose its graduation rate too because of Professor Althouse's reputation.

garage mahal said...

UW needs to go big or go home. Who's available?

Rumors are that Paul Chryst is at the top of the heap. I would be happy with that, he's a great play caller and has a way with QB's. Look what he did with Scott Tolzien, and Tino Sunseri at Pitt. And he reportedly missed Wisconsin.

Shanna said...

It would be great if SEC teams would actually travel more. Outside of LSU, not too many of those southern fried schools dare tread outside of their comfort zones.

They just wait to smash them in a bowl game.

traditionalguy said...

The TCU success under coach Gary Patterson has been a remarkable story. TCU has an enrollment of 6500 in a private school. The Texas Longhorns at Austin have an enrollment of 65,000 and are the flagship publicly supported school like Wisconsin.

But Texas does not want to change from the Darryl Royal style days of dominance by and old coach.

UT had refused to schedule the Horned Frogs for 40 years, but now the Frogs have become the Thanksgiving Day opponent for Texas, but Texas who cannot beat them.

It is the coach and the attitude that he brings to the team.

ElPresidenteCastro said...

My money would be on Wisconsin in a game against any of the SEC teams if the game were played on a rainy November night in Madison. Preferably at 33 degrees.

MadisonMan said...

I don't care about the Big 10s graduation rate, I'm commenting specifically on Penn State's. It's something for every school to aim for.

Emil Blatz said...

traditionalguy said...
Maybe Bielema understands the Gene Chizick plan.

I was thinking more Al Czervik.

Diomedes said...


UT had refused to schedule the Horned Frogs for 40 years, but now the Frogs have become the Thanksgiving Day opponent for Texas, but Texas who cannot beat them.
... You do know that Texas and TCU were in the same conference until '96, right? During their time in the mid-major wilderness, they played every ex-SWC team except the Aggies. I was at the game when they came down to Austin.

damikesc said...

My money would be on Wisconsin in a game against any of the SEC teams if the game were played on a rainy November night in Madison. Preferably at 33 degrees.

They can wear long sleeves and Wisconsin definitely isn't used to facing SEC caliber defenses.

MadisonMan said...

Wow. $3.2M a year. Plus two cars.

This probably puts the kibosh on the Bielema ads in the local paper.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Brown said...

It doesn't appear he is leaving Pitt:

Amid rumors that he could be a candidate for the vacant Wisconsin head coaching job, Pitt coach Paul Chryst released a statement Tuesday night reaffirming his commitment to the Panthers.

"I understand the speculation surrounding my name given today's developments. I am committed to the Pitt football program and the University of Pittsburgh," Chryst said in the statement.

"I am focusing all my time and energy on our team's bowl game preparation and recruiting a great group of young men to join our program and this outstanding university. We are working hard every day to re-establish this program and I am excited about the future of Pitt football."

Unknown said...

@ Alan
You need to calm down bro, and get better at spotting hyperbole and trolling. I was obviously joking ("10 girls in the entire school"). A&M has had some very good teams in the past, so I don't doubt that you can recruit there. But UT is a way more desirable place to attend from what I have heard. And if Texas recruits want to play in the SEC they can go to LSU, Georgia, Alabama, etc.
I hate the PAC-12. The only school(s) I like is Cal and sometimes Stanford. The SEC is my favorite conference by a mile, because the level of play at the top of the SEC is unparalleled in any other conference.

mccullough said...

It's good that the school is not letting Bielema coach the Rose Bowl.

Back in 1989 just after the regular season, Bill Frieder said he was leaving Michigan after the end of the NCAA tournament to coach Arizona State.

Bo told him to get the fuck out now that a Michigan man is going to coach Michigan in the NCAA tournament. The Wolverines avenged two 25 point losses to Illinois by beating them in the national semi final game, and then beating Seton Hall to win the NCAA championship for the first and only time.

Wisconsin's football program over the last 20 years is much better than Arkansas' program. Arkansas is, at best, a second-tier SEC team, just like they were a second-tier SWC team. With A&M now in the SEC, the following schools are consistently better than Arkansas: Alabama, Florida, LSU, Georgia, South Carolina, and A&M.

Wisconsin will win the Rose Bowl this year and Bielema will be out of coaching after 3 years of getting kicked around at Arkansas.

With the resurgence of Notre Dame, Urban Meyer at LSU, Brady Hoke at Michigan and the football-rich state of Pennsylvania ripe for recruiting for everyone but Penn State, the midwest will be the dominant college football area of the country again. The SEC had a nice 10 year run as the best conference, but that's over. Bielema is the future of SEC football.

Titus said...

My dad thinks he's "cocky" and "runs up the score".

garage mahal said...

Bret Bielema, Arkansas’ New Head Coach, Shows Off His Supple Breasts


Known Unknown said...

They just wait to smash them in a bowl game.

On their home turf, practically.

Also, maybe you'd have a 3 loss Florida team once in awhile if they went to Ann Arbor or USC to play every once in awhile, instead of FIU, FAU, FAMU, and the likes of Citadel.

Known Unknown said...

Bret Bielema, Arkansas’ New Head Coach, Shows Off His Supple Breasts

He is a disgusting human being.

lawyapalooza said...

And in related news, young women throughout Madison are breathing sighs of relief for the drastic reduction in drunk, lecherous fatties hitting on them at college bars!

garage mahal said...

He is a disgusting human being

He really is.

Methadras said...

Honestly, this is a big fuck you to the Badgers and the fans and I'm laughing all the way. Oh, the charge of running up the score is bullshit and anyone who makes that charge is a pussy and a moron.

damikesc said...

With the resurgence of Notre Dame, Urban Meyer at LSU, Brady Hoke at Michigan and the football-rich state of Pennsylvania ripe for recruiting for everyone but Penn State, the midwest will be the dominant college football area of the country again.

ND is a one year fluke. OSU best look at what Meyer has done to programs after he left (Utah and Florida were hardly in good shape AFTER he was there) and PA is decent if you want big linebackers --- but FL is still the key to football.

Also, maybe you'd have a 3 loss Florida team once in awhile if they went to Ann Arbor or USC to play every once in awhile, instead of FIU, FAU, FAMU, and the likes of Citadel.

Michigan? An also-ran? Florida would hurt them (and I am not a huge believer in the Gators).

And Southern Cal is a joke with the coach they have.

MadisonMan said...

He really is.

It's unusual that the three of us agree on something :)

Known Unknown said...

It's unusual that the three of us agree on something :)

Bielema 2016!

Known Unknown said...

Michigan? An also-ran? Florida would hurt them (and I am not a huge believer in the Gators).

Michigan as a program is getting stronger, not weaker.

Known Unknown said...

OSU best look at what Meyer has done to programs after he left (Utah and Florida were hardly in good shape AFTER he was there)

I don't think he's leaving anytime soon.

Beldar said...

Our host, Professor Althouse, writes that she "never understood the concept" of "running up the score," but that doesn't indicate whether she approves or disapproves of the practice with whatever limited understanding she does have of it.

Those who don't understand why it's thought unsporting lack empathy. I have little empathy for NFL players, for example, who are the victims of the practice, but I have a great deal of empathy for the college- and below-aged athletes, male and female, who are humiliated as part of the self-obsessed egotism of an opposing team's coach.

Those who blame the second- or third-string players are suffering under the apparent delusion that such non-first-stringers aren't subject to their coaches' instruction.

And the smart-ass defense -- "The other team is still trying to score" -- is a complete non sequitur. You don't have to let the other team score in order to restrain your own team's members from running up YOUR team's score.

There are also obvious examples of unsportsmanship en route to running up the score that can be aggravating circumstances IMHO. In football, for example, going for a first down (instead of punting) on fourth down is merely a risky move when you're behind, but when you're so far ahead that the other team has no realistic hope of catching you, it's an insult.

At levels below pro, coaches are supposed to be teachers first, and they're teaching not only sports but more that. What they're teaching by running up the score is contrary to all of the values that sportsmanship is supposed to promote.

garage mahal said...

Honestly, this is a big fuck you to the Badgers and the fans and I'm laughing all the way

The joke is on you.

Bielema's record in bowl games: 2-4 Vs Top 25 teams: 11-14. Vs Top 10: 3-7. Overtime games: 2-3

Off the field I hope he grows up, for Arkansas sake. Something tells me he never will.

Beldar said...

(I don't know and have no opinion, btw, whether this particular coach is guilty of this practice.)

Known Unknown said...

Michigan? An also-ran? Florida would hurt them (and I am not a huge believer in the Gators).

And Southern Cal is a joke with the coach they have.

Just f-ing travel for once! Show me you can win on the road somewhere other than Nashville or Starkville, for crying out loud.

The best hope for a college football playoff is that teams can quit playing 3 patsies a year, and you get to see more marquee matchups.

This is true of all teams, SEC or Big Ten or whomever. I hate watching OSU play Miami U or Ohio U every season. It's boring.

garage mahal said...

Actually Bielema needs to grow up on the field as well.

Freeman Hunt said...

Indeed. Tell him if he is going to have an affair, he better avoid motorcycles.

I was thinking more of what happened to Nutt, but yeah, that too. (I've not much pity for a guy charged with leading young men who engages in adultery though. I think Petrino has really been trying to mend things within his family--that's good.)

Beldar said...

Leagues ought not create incentives for running up the score.

If point totals, or point spread, are used as a tie-breaker or other factor in rankings, there can and should be a cap on that: In football, for example, one could say that additional points scored beyond a 21-point margin of victory simply wouldn't be considered.

Shanna said...

was thinking more of what happened to Nutt, but yeah, that too.

Nutt hasn't done too well since he left Arkansas, though, has he? But yes, people went a little nuts (Ha). He irritated me because he kept playing that one quarterback who kept dropping everything, or something. It's been a while.

That was also about Malzahn, wasn't it? Who seems to be doing pretty well for himself.

Patrick said...

Bret Bielema, Arkansas’ New Head Coach, Shows Off His Supple Breasts

He is a disgusting human being.

My eyes!! My eyes!!

You can't unsee something like that.

Patrick said...

By the way, Robin Yount pulled a Dick Cheney on Dale Sveum.

Patrick said...

At levels below pro, coaches are supposed to be teachers first, and they're teaching not only sports but more that.

I don't know when that ceased to be the case, but it was quite awhile ago. All the talk about "student athletes," integrity, sportsmanship is bullshit at the big time NCAA level. It is all about the money.

Which would be fine with me (the money part, anyway)if they didn't lie about it all the friggin time.

damikesc said...

And when it comes to the Gators....Bulldogs every time!

I love the Bulldogs

...mainly because they've had problems beating S Carolina lately. This year's game was still a bit baffling.

I think Notre Dame has built up its program.

I'm still getting a powerful "lucky" vibe out of them. I'll buy them more if they are good next year. Most ND coaches seem to have one good year and the rest are not that hot.

Michigan as a program is getting stronger, not weaker.

Michigan is far removed from being a contender. They are simply not able to beat good teams. That might change in their bowl --- but I am doubtful. Robinson makes some unbelievably poor decisions.

I don't think he's leaving anytime soon.

I thought the same with Florida. But...he is kinda hard to read.

Just f-ing travel for once! Show me you can win on the road somewhere other than Nashville or Starkville, for crying out loud.

Again, hard to get anybody good to schedule with. I know my school has tried to work with assorted ACC schools, but Clemson is the only regular opponent we can find. The Big 12 doesn't want to do much, which is sad since they can have great games.

The SEC has to rely on bowls to show the dominance. And they tend to deliver.

Only way you can get great matchups is if TV demands it. And they don't. I'd love to see S Carolina v Notre Dame or Southern Cal. I'd love to see Alabama v Oregon or more Georgia v Boise State-type matches.

But the schools don't want that.

garage mahal said...

Bret Bielema Life Chart

Unknown said...

"why didn't he wait until after the Rose Bowl was over to announce?"

My experience, from friends who are in the football coaching business, is that word about changes in coaching staff spreads fast. As soon as the negotiations start in earnest you've got a very short window before word leaks out. This forces coaches to make quick decisions when they're offered.

Not only do coaches need to start recruiting (contact period started a week ago), they also need to get their staff in order just to get ready to start recruiting.

If he waited until after the Rose Bowl, he'd only have a month of active recruiting. And that would put him well behind the ball, especially in the SEC.

damikesc said...

Garage, as bad as Bielema long as Lane Kiffin draws a breath, he isn't the most loathesome person in sports.

donald said...

Freeman Hunt, the one and only reason that Bobby Petrino is attempting to show any kind of remorse is because he wants another head coaching job.

He is one of the worst possible people I have ever observed directly.

donald said...

Actually, I should have said humanity.

Known Unknown said...

I thought the same with Florida. But...he is kinda hard to read.

He's from Ohio. This is the best job he's going to have left on his resume. He was burned by Notre Dame (or he burned them?) a few years back, so there's no where else to go from Ohio State to secure his legacy. Win the big one in Columbus (or two) and he'll be lionized next to Hayes. Tressel is beloved for winning in 2002, but he's also somewhat hated for 'bringing the program down" in 2011.

James said...

Maybe the NCAA is sniffing around the program. I always thought it was curious he managed to lure Russell Wilson and the kid from Maryland - both only had 1 year eligibility left - in consecutive seasons.

Obviously Wisconsin wasn't developing quarterback talent in their program. That, and a lack of speed at wire reciever and defensive secondary caused them to lose several games the past two seasons. Bielema knows Wisconsin will suck when the current seniors leave.

James said...

The Big 10 has, well, seen better days. Michigan is mediocre on a good day (I'm worried about Denard against my Gamecocks, but I figure Clowney will disabuse him of a desire to move around a ton). OSU is normally good. PSU is wildly inconsistent. The rest are...meh.

Michigan is still recovering from the Richie Rodriguez era but they have started to attract top talent again and play Michigan style football.

You need to worry about Devin Gardner who is a way better quarterback then Denard Robinson. They are only sticking with Denard because of his loyalty to the program; he could have easily left when Rodriguez was fired.

garage mahal said...

If you thought Bielema was a cock, but weren't sure, his press conference just now will erase all doubt.

Anthony said...

Ha, that Chryst quote can just as easily be boilerplate. They all say the same things regardless of whether they're serious about staying or leaving.

I admit I never liked Bielema all that much, but to an expat Badger at least it didn't seem like the team was getting into much serious trouble. And two Rose Bowls is nothing to sneeze at, win or lose. Snagging Russel Wilson -- now our starting QB here in Seattle -- was an absolute coup as well. I'm really looking forward to the Rose Bowl, Stanford and Wisconsin are very similar; I really wanted them to play last year. It should be a good game. Be interesting if Alvarez coached it, too.

Not only the salary was in play, but Arkansas is also dumping huge amounts of $$$ into facilities, so Bielema will have that to work with as well.

I guess I wish him well, when all's said and done. He maintained the program pretty well, which is saying something at Wisconsin.

mccullough said...

No question that Alabama and Florida are powerhouse programs. LSU is close but not quite at their level.

But teams like Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas need to shut up. They are not top programs. Not even close. Any of their coaches would quit to take a job at Michigan or Notre Dame or Ohio State or USC.

And let's not forget that Texas A&M, a second-tier Big 12 team, hit the ground running in the SEC and beat Alabama at home.

The SEC's 10-year reign as the best conference is over. It coincided with Miami and Florida State's fall from grace.

damikesc said...

But teams like Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas need to shut up. They are not top programs. Not even close. Any of their coaches would quit to take a job at Michigan or Notre Dame or Ohio State or USC.

In what alternate version of reality is Michigan a top job? Heck, Notre Dame was shot down by more coaches than they interviewed. Brian Kelly was hardly their first choice.

And let's not forget that Texas A&M, a second-tier Big 12 team, hit the ground running in the SEC and beat Alabama at home.

...yet they would have beaten anybody in the Big 12 presently this season.

The SEC's 10-year reign as the best conference is over. It coincided with Miami and Florida State's fall from grace.

...yet half of the top 10 is SEC, including the favorite to win the National Championship Game.

I guess they are on the way out.

Known Unknown said...

...yet half of the top 10 is SEC, including the favorite to win the National Championship Game.

I'd like to know more about those lovely suits the players wore at Alabama, and the booster/haberdasher that provided them for memorabilia.

damikesc said...

I'd like to know more about those lovely suits the players wore at Alabama, and the booster/haberdasher that provided them for memorabilia.


Boosters are involved in football!!!

Pass the smelling salts!!!


Kirk Parker said...

Rory Moore,

"This site could really use a feature that would allow you to quote other commenters by just pressing a button."

Dear Ghu no! Don't you know what sites look like that have that feature? Lazy crapweasels copying and pasting to the Nth degree of nesting. Embedded quotes 6 or 7 deep. Bleah.

If dragging your mouse across the few words of context necessary to make your response clear is too much work for you, well that's your loss.

Known Unknown said...


Boosters are involved in football!!!

Pass the smelling salts!!!


Tattoos or suits. Which is worse?

Unknown said...

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damikesc said...

Tattoos or suits. Which is worse?

No concerns about repeatedly lying to investigators about the situation?

No concerns about --- after serving as an AD at a prior school --- his claim that he had no idea who to forward info about violations to?

You're aware the repeated lies are why they were punished, right? Showed a pattern of deceit and all.

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