December 3, 2012

Ridiculous WaPo headline + photo combination.

"A detached Romney tends wounds in seclusion after failed White House bid"?

He doesn't look detached or wounded and he's obviously not in seclusion while riding a roller coaster. The text emotes:
Gone are the minute-by-minute schedules and the swarm of Secret Service agents. There’s no aide to make his peanut-butter-and-honey sandwiches. Romney hangs around the house, sometimes alone, pecking away at his iPad and e-mailing his CEO buddies who have been swooping in and out of La Jolla to visit. He wrote to one who’s having a liver transplant soon: “I’ll change your bedpan, take you back and forth to treatment.”
The media never got Romney, did they? WaPo is presenting "I’ll change your bedpan" as abject and pathetic. Are they only pretending not to understand or does it truly escape them?


YoungHegelian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YoungHegelian said...

The poor guy! Left all alone to brood with a lovely wife, 5 kids, and $250 million.

Oh, the humanity!

On the other hand, is the WP trying to see if it can beat Newsweek's times in a race to utter worthlessness?

Shouting Thomas said...

I knew and worked closely with several CEOs during my career, and Romney strikes me as being very much like those guys. All around charitable good guy.

Looks to me like he understands clearly that he has plenty to be thankful for in this life, and that he won't waste any time feeling sorry for himself. Good for him.

I didn't care much who won the presidency. The media attack on Romney was part racial hatred of successful white men, and part class hatred.

Democratic racial hatred is good. Get that? Hating successful white men is the right thing to do.

We may have missed an opportunity here. Romney appears to understand that the world will go on if he isn't President. Can't say that about Obama!

Shouting Thomas said...

I particularly like the "sometimes alone" trope. As if being alone were a tragedy.

I spend a lot of time alone, working on my music, writing, graphics and programming.

I enjoy my own company. Being alone most of the time is a very good thing indeed.

MartyH said...

It looks like Romney is a good man who leads a life of service. Too bad his offer of service to his country was rejected.

Roger J. said...

Mr Romney is a good man who will do just fine in private life. And given the state of American politics, private life seems llike a really good option.

Chris Lopes said...

It's just hard for people inside the beltway to believe that someone could be happy outside of the Imperial City. Politics is everything after all, and Washington is the center of the known universe. Power worship at it's finest.

cubanbob said...

Everything the WaPo prints is ridiculous, otherwise it wouldn't be the WaPo, a DNC house organ. As for Romney, he should be grateful he lost considering the disaster the country is about to endure. It won't be his fault or on his watch. As for the US electorate, America you made One Badass Mistake.

Shouting Thomas said...

Excuse the multiple posts, but isn't the real message here...

The bastard ought to slink away in shame and live in miserable contemplation of his stinking failure!

chuck said...

Are they only pretending not to understand or does it truly escape them?

Who cares, it's the Washington Post. Might as well ask if Der Sturmer just pretended that Germany was winning the war or if the ongoing disaster truly escaped them.

Aridog said...

I get the impression from the article that the writer and the WaPo in general are jealous of Romney's tranquility and substantial means to do without Washington DC.

Amazing or hilarious...I can't decide. :-))

Balfegor said...

The media never got Romney, did they?

Well, what can one say? He's "Not One of Us" as Obama would put it.

SteveR said...

It's Bush's fault and it would have been worse if Romney would have been elected. The past, present and future.

MikeR said...

"Children, how foolish you are! While you are playing here, they are giving away figs in the marketplace..." Someone who tells lies comes to believe it himself.

ricpic said...

Romney is willing to help with his friend's bed pans and that's something to be scorned? God help you if you were in a moment of dreadful need and there was no one but cold fuck Obama to turn to.

garage mahal said...

That is picture is so awesome. I wonder who took it?

Shouting Thomas said...

What explains the vengefulness of the left and the Democrats? They are exulting over the election as if they got even for some great offense. As Obama said, they voted for "revenge."

Balfegor said...

That is picture is so awesome. I wonder who took it?

Don't the amusement parks often have that service where they take your photo just as you are heading down on the roller coaster?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Wapo story described:

"La Jolla, a moneyed and pristine enclave"...

That phrase would never be used when describing a Dem Librul's neighborhood. It would never be used to describe Manhattan, The Imperial City [hattip to commenter Chris Lopes], or Hollywood lairs.

Bryan C said...

"He doesn't look detached or wounded and he's obviously not in seclusion while riding a roller coaster."

See, that's a private Mormons-only roller coaster in his backyard. And obviously that's just a fresh batch of random unemployed people he callously hired to pretend to have fun with him. His former "friends" all having left, being as he's so detached and wounded and all.

garage mahal said...

Don't the amusement parks often have that service where they take your photo just as you are heading down on the roller coaster?

Yea, but not that clear? I had a hilarious face on a coaster in the Dells as you hit the tunnel they take your pic.

My daughter was scared shitless to begin with, and it was our turn to get on the coaster, but we had to wait for "repairs". Three Greeks came up covered in grease from head to toe and worked on the braking system. Comforting!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

He's "Not One of Us" as Obama would put it.

I'm not so sure I want to be one of Obama's insiders.

Gooble Gobble Damned commercial in the beginning.

And now Allie/Inga can come in and call us all racists ....assuming she is over her drunken stupor of last night :-)

Success is the best revenge and sometimes you really do win by losing. I'm sorry for the rest of us, but I'm happy for Romney and his family.

X said...

Romney and Son Escape Pakistan In Private High Speed Railcar After Capturing Al Quada No. 3 Alive

Balfegor said...

Re: AJ Lynch:

That phrase would never be used when describing a Dem Librul's neighborhood. It would never be used to describe Manhattan, The Imperial City [hattip to commenter Chris Lopes], or Hollywood lairs.

I . . . how could one possibly describe Manhattan or the Imperial City as "pristine?" Manhattan is overflowing with giant rats, bedbugs, and giant piles of rotting trash. DC is somewhat better than Manhattan in the nicer neighbourhoods (NW), but much of the city is nearly as bad. Hollywood lairs I cannot speak to.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"La Jolla, a moneyed and pristine enclave"...

That phrase would never be used when describing a Dem Librul's neighborhood.

Actually, La Jolla (by the sea) is basically Democrat. The media is still trying to bash Romney for being wealthy, while totally ignoring that the majority of the moneyed and pristine enclave consists of California [brain dead]liberals.

Wince said...

Anything to distract us from the reality of Obama's second term.

Colonel Angus said...

That phrase would never be used when describing a Dem Librul's neighborhood. It would never be used to describe Manhattan, The Imperial City [hattip to commenter Chris Lopes], or Hollywood lairs.

Although I do like how they refer to the Kennedy's residence as the Kennedy compound.

Tim said...

Shorter Washington Post:

"Vote for Revenge!"


Otherwise, do you see that fiscal cliff over there?


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

To use a now peaked Hollywood line...

They were never that into Romney to begin with... and so were not many conservatives, remember?

Known Unknown said...

Three Greeks came up covered in grease from head to toe

How could you tell? ; )

Sigivald said...

Are they only pretending not to understand or does it truly escape them?

I'm voting on the latter.

RecChief said...

they did 'get' him, they just didn't want him. And they talked a large segment of the population into believing that they didn't wat him either. Also, why would you want a friend to help you through an illness, when the State can do it? If the guy was cvoered by Obama care, he wouldnt need a friend to empty his bed pan.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

There’s no aide to make his peanut-butter-and-honey sandwiches. Romney hangs around the house, sometimes alone, pecking away at his iPad

OMG Romney has to make his own sandwiches. How will he ever survive.

How do they know what he is doing when he is hanging around the house....alone? Do they have little spybots or reporters attached to the windows like a Garfield suction cup doll peeking into the windows? I want to know what color jammies Romney is wearing while he is pining for a peanut butter sandwich.....all alone and starving.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I eagerly await Chip Ahoy's magic.

mccullough said...

You would think with their lackluster prospects, the Washington Post Co. might give Romney a call and ask him for help on turning around their moribund business.

Skullsplitter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

Is the roller coaster the way down from Romney's car elevator? I hope he can see Ann practicing her horse ballet from there. They should send the horse apples to the Post.

Chip Ahoy said...

This bears on a thing I've give some thought to but sound like a crackpot trying to express so here goes.

I find myself becoming irritated with double messaging that doesn't match, the mismatch providing a new meaning, one that irritates.

A Drudge link with a photo pulled from stock that only vaguely relates to the article. Just lazy-ass newspapering. So frequently that from then on go directly to text and ignore all photos on linked page. Or have your browser do that for you.

Body language that does not match verbalized speech is become incredibly irritating. It's like screaming "I'm lying" on top of everything spoken. Try nodding your head yes yes yes while saying no no no, then try shaking your head no no no while saying yes yes yes.

That's why it's so irritating to see.

Wapo's problem is their story was already written and someone provided a random and interesting photograph. They don't match. Big deal. All small town newspapers do that because some jackass is matching text with a vaguely related photo. It's the new desktop publishing.

john said...

Bryan C said... See, that's a private Mormons-only roller coaster in his backyard.

I think I know where that place is: Michael Jackson's Neverland.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12/3/12 12:28 PM

Oh....look. Inga must be here.

Now I must go stand barefoot in the kitchen, (too old to be pregnant), and make a sour cream coffee cake for my oppressive conservative husband who always makes me march behind him.

"you conservative women, make sure you march in the rear, let the menfolks lead you. " Thus sayeth


chickelit said...

Balfegor said...

Don't the amusement parks often have that service where they take your photo just as you are heading down on the roller coaster?

Disney does and the others do too I'm sure. At a recent visit to CA Adventure and the flagship park at Anaheim, I took to deliberately posing "scarey faces" on the roller coasters and the Tower of Terror. I've done those rides so may times that I know precisely when and where the cameras go off.

I never saw my teenage kids laugh so hard as when they ran to see the latest stupid face I made. The things dads will do to get a laugh...

The Romney photo looks more like a telephoto shot taken by an enterprizing photo-journolist.

Shouting Thomas said...

For some reason, this brings to mind the dumbest, most vicious post I received on Facebook during the dreadful election season. It came from a man who is usually sane and decent.

He stated that, if you are opposed to abortion, you clearly are in favor of bringing children into this world and condemning them to starvation, poverty and misery!

Abortion has become the Democratic Party's sacrament. Next to racial hatred of straight white men, it's the party's most important position.

Colonel Angus said...

It certainly seems that much of the so called one percent live in heavily blue democrat enclaves. Not sure why Boehner is so hell bent on not raising their taxes.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Now I must go stand barefoot in the kitchen, (too old to be pregnant), and make a sour cream coffee cake for my oppressive conservative husband who always makes me march behind him.

Sour cream coffee cake? With WHITE sour cream? I am concerned for your family members, given the racially coded messages you are sending them with your rejection of darkly-hued baking ingredients.

Fandor said...

The governor is nobody's fool. Being the man that he is, with the undenialable talents he has,like fixing things and communicating ideas, might just return with a new, formidable organization that will inspire our better angels and put to rest our worst fears.

I don't think we've heard the last of Mitt Romney or the movement he began in 2012.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What Chip just said.

Fandor said...

The governor is nobody's fool. Being the man that he is, with the undenialable talents he has,like fixing things and communicating ideas, might just return with a new, formidable organization that will inspire our better angels and put to rest our worst fears.

I don't think we've heard the last of Mitt Romney or the movement he began in 2012.

TerriW said...

There’s no aide to make his peanut-butter-and-honey sandwiches

Peanut butter and honey sandwiches! That's how we eat them at our house. (Best on toasted bread.)

n.n said...

Their attacks against Sarah Palin also lingered long after the election. Is their effort to further marginalize Romney because they still consider him a threat or is this merely vindictiveness?

As for detached, he is a private citizen, just like the two guys in front of him. As such, he is eligible to enjoy the fruits born by the product of his labor, as is every other man and woman.

The Pravda actors in America are truly pathetic.

garage mahal said...

How could you tell? ; )

Greeks own Mt Olympus, (surprise) and a lot of the amusement parks in the Dells.

Taking my daughter on the Hades might have been one of the dumber things I've done.

jungatheart said...

WaPo just out-Onioned the Onion.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Erick

I AM using dark brown sugar in the streusel filling and topping. Does that make me not a racist? :-)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The rich have money because they are savers.

Lydia said...

Shouting Thomas said...
What explains the vengefulness of the left and the Democrats? They are exulting over the election as if they got even for some great offense.

I think it's partly because they were really scared after the first debate that Obama might actually lose. That Romney came across as one hell of a smart, capable guy they will never forgive. But mostly because the debate revealed just how much of an empty suit Obama really is.

edutcher said...

Keep in mind, the WaPo thinks the Messiah is AWESOME, so, no, they don't get a man who isn't spiteful, envious, vindictive, shallow, petty, vain, cold, with no empathy or compassion, and basically very unhappy.

MartyH said...

It looks like Romney is a good man who leads a life of service. Too bad his offer of service to his country was rejected.

No, it was hijacked.

Interesting how we're supposed to believe the 47% became 50.2 on the media's say-so.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I meant @ Ericka


AllenS said...

Greeks are always covered in grease. That's how you can tell they're Greeks.

garage mahal said...

Greece - Grease.


Tank said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I AM using dark brown sugar in the streusel filling and topping. Does that make me not a racist? :-)

DBQ puts the dark brown stuff in the ovens - holy Hitler Batman.

Rich B said...

This is Mitt's wholesome way of giving Obama the finger. White turkey chili indeed, Choomer! You would be lucky to be hired in the mailroom, chump.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Shouting Thomas said:

"He stated that, if you are opposed to abortion, you clearly are in favor of bringing children into this world and condemning them to starvation, poverty and misery!"

ST, I just thought of a great poll question.

Gallup: Which of these two choices is preferable to you?

A- Being born in America and possibly condemned to a life of starvation, poverty and misery or

B- Being aborted.

chickelit said...


Mitt Romney: Éminence grise;

Barack Obama: emanates Greece

Rusty said...

Shouting Thomas said...
I particularly like the "sometimes alone" trope. As if being alone were a tragedy.

I spend a lot of time alone, working on my music, writing, graphics and programming.

I enjoy my own company. Being alone most of the time is a very good thing indeed.

I'm the same way.
I never understood the people that had to have people around them all the time. I do some of my best work when there are no distractions.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Tank beat me to it : )

Now, as we were recently rather sternly instructed to stay on topic lest we become boring, I will weigh in with my position that our distinguished media to include the WaPo has never once in this miserable election season reported fairly on Gov. Romney. If they had, and had not been willing participants in pushing the manufactured memes with which we are all familiar, he would have won the election. Disappointing but not surprising that they are continuing to cast aspersions on his character. I believe their interest is to continue poisoning the Republican well and damaging the brand as much as they possibly can.

TMink said...

You had me with your post's first two words: Ridiculous WaPo.

Brevity etc.


Rusty said...

chickelit said...
Balfegor said...

Don't the amusement parks often have that service where they take your photo just as you are heading down on the roller coaster?

Disney does and the others do too I'm sure. At a recent visit to CA Adventure and the flagship park at Anaheim, I took to deliberately posing "scarey faces" on the roller coasters and the Tower of Terror. I've done those rides so may times that I know precisely when and where the cameras go off.

If you're in Cali. You've probably been there the same time as my oldest daughter. She practically lives there on holidays.
The attraction escapes me.
My plan this trip is to visit the Craftsmanship Museum in San Diego.

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

Rounding up the adult kids for a weekend at Disneyland, the Romney version of the lost weekend. It is good to see a family that hasn't been ruined by the Second Amendment. Boy that spill after crashing by Perry will really dunk you.

chickelit said...

@Rusty: The USS Midway is another stellar attraction in San Diego.

Anonymous said...

“I’ll change your bedpan, take you back and forth to treatment.”

Obviously a lie, his CEO buddy has insurance, there are paid unionized orderlies, or whatever they are called, to do the demeaning work for him. How can Romney sink so low to take the orderly's work? To break the union?

Obama, the Community Organizer, Clinton, the one who feels your pains and feels you up, will never sink that low. Mrs. O will not allow the patient to eat another Big Mac, Nanny Bloomberg will take away his Big Gulp. But to change his bedpan? That's low!

jungatheart said...

Gee, chicklit, what are we going to do tonight?

Freeman Hunt said...

No aide to make him sandwiches?

Pretty sure Romney could hire an aide anytime he wanted. Maybe the WaPo writer can't imagine not wanting a Secretary of Sandwiches.

Hagar said...

It truly escapes them.

Baron Zemo said...

It is an old Italian superstition that you should not say the devils name because if you do he will appear. Just sayn'

Irene said...

Another outlet connected Romney's seclusion to his family's purchase of Thanksgiving Dinner from Boston Market.

Hey, that's frugal. Contrast that to where Biden spent this Thanksgiving (like the last 29): the Hamptons.

Matt Sablan said...

The WaPo is pushing a product. They simply give their readers what they want.

Thorley Winston said...

Romney and Son Escape Pakistan In Private High Speed Railcar After Capturing Al Quada No. 3 Alive

Now there’s a South Park episode just waiting to be made . . .

gadfly said...

Garage wants to know who took the Romney roller coaster photo. It was featured on the WaPo article but we do know that he visited Disneyland just before Thanksgiving. I would give a qualified guess that the Cartoon Mouse has better photo assets than the fly-by-night operations at the Dells.

Perhaps WaPo should have used this photo.

Anonymous said...

Who was it who said of certain people:

You are like the children in the market place, who say, "we piped and you didn't dance. we morned and you didn't cry."

They'd hate him for any big personality or character flaws they found.

They hate him for having none.

bagoh20 said...

He looks like a guy that just offered to take point in the platoon and got turned down. I'm sure he's all broke up over it.

I was not a fan of Romney politically, but he is a damned good man, and about as qualified as any man ever was for the Presidency. We really blew it.

He's probably the only person in the country better off with the Obama win.

Baron Zemo said...

I also was never a fan of Romney. I thought he was the Rhinoest of Rhinos and would have caved to the liberals in almost every meaningful way.

But there is no doubt that he is a good man and the demonization and character assasination by the main stream media and the liberals will come back to haunt them.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

Bryan C said...

"Don't the amusement parks often have that service where they take your photo just as you are heading down on the roller coaster?"

Nah, all of those automatic pictures are required to have at least one girl flashing her boobs. I'm pretty sure that's a law.

garage mahal said...

I would give a qualified guess that the Cartoon Mouse has better photo assets than the fly-by-night operations at the Dells.

I wouldn't doubt that.

I do doubt that everyone that goes on that ride gets a high def picture coming down that little dip though.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Is it just my aging eyes, or is that photo a bad photoshop job? (or am I two steps behind everyone, again?)

Sofa King said...

Is it just my aging eyes, or is that photo a bad photoshop job? (or am I two steps behind everyone, again?)

You know, I had that thought too but didn't want to be the one to veer off in to conspiracy-land. But typically, a white or gray halo around a head is a dead giveaway of a cut-and-paste. Just what is that light gray blob under his left ear, anyways? Why is there an even patch of gray to the right of his head?

I'm not crazy!

chickelit said...

The media never got Romney, did they? WaPo is presenting "I’ll change your bedpan" as abject and pathetic. Are they only pretending not to understand or does it truly escape them?

Endless campaigning, even after winning.

bagoh20 said...

Yea Fred, that was my first impression as well. It looks like his head is pasted in there, but sometimes that's just an illusion. Then again, do we really know for sure if Romney actually ever existed?

le Douanier said...

"He's probably the only person in the country better off with the Obama win."

He's already said that paying his current tax rate brings him to tears. So, I'm sure he won't consider himself to be better off when his tax bill shoots past 13%. [Maybe obamacare taxes and/or dividend taxes will hit him enough to move past 16% <<>>.]

le Douanier said...

BTW altcons, Romney is an ass hole who is almost perfect at hiding his ass holeness, so that he could be POTUS. It's sad that you couldn't see this, but others could, and did.

No ass hole hider is perfect, no matter how carefully they try to suss out and repeat what you want to hear. Even being detailed, e.g. making sure that your gardeners aren't Mexican, isn't enough.

le Douanier said...

BTW, did folks hear that Romney is driving an A7? Is that true?

If so, what happened to his Ford truck?

No more elections?

Amartel said...

"The media never got Romney, did they?"

OMG, the media were not interested in the trooooooth? I'm stunned and amazed, surprised and outraged. I gotta go lie down.

Amartel said...

OMG, Romney has a kick-ass car! What an asshole!

Joe Schmoe said...

I wonder what Mitt talked about at lunch with Barry. Because when your business is business, and you have a personal audience with the President of the US who just happens to be heading into the biggest economic negotiation of his life, you only talk about the kids and grandkids for so long.

Mitt's a businessman first and Republican fifth or sixth (after Mormon, family man, etc.), so I suspect he made some plea for spending cuts and tax restructuring that would be favorable for private job growth. Obama viscerally hates Republicans, and Mitt's not the Grand Old Man of the Grand Old Party, so he wouldn't be parroting the lines of Boehner, McConnell, and Cantor. That would be his only chance to get through to The Won; appeal to him as a private businessman who wants to help people through job growth and opportunities, and not ideologically driven (like Obama is).

It's most likely that Barry heard Mitt, but didn't listen. Not one iota.

DADvocate said...

The media never got Romney, did they? WaPo is presenting "I’ll change your bedpan" as abject and pathetic. Are they only pretending not to understand or does it truly escape them?

People can't care, only government cares. At best they're pretending. They don't want to understand. They don't care about understanding, only about advancing the narrative and advancing us along "The Road to Serfdom."

Romney was the winner in this election no matter what. Even in defeat he's a moral, dignified man with the time and money to do as he pleases.

It certainly doesn't sound as if he's secluded.

Known Unknown said...

Jeebus, Garage. Usually when I put a ; ) at the end of a comment, there's a joke in there somewhere!

Freeman Hunt said...

Sure he looks like a happy man screaming his way down a roller coaster, but how do you know he's not crying out in despair as he heartily weeps during photo?

SteveOrr said...

Just like those SNL Mack North commercials. Unfortunately SNL isn't allowing anyone to post the videos online but here's a transcript:

Announcer: Last Tuesday, the people made their decision loud and clear: Mack North beat Fred Peete in the 6th District race by 8%. Fred Peete was the loser, and he will continue to be a loser.

Mack North: Hey, Fred - I won, and you lost. Boy, does that feel good!

Announcer: Fred Peete has returned to his position as Chairman of the Red Cross. But when a tornado hits your home, do you want to rely on a loser like Fred Peete for food and shelter? Mack North thinks not.

Mack North: After he lost the election, I heard he cried with his pastor. [ laughs ] Cried with his pastor?! Meet Fred Peete, professional loser. Hey, you ate it. Now, eat me!

Announcer: You lost the election Fred Peete. Now Mack North says, "Eat Me!"

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

The media gets him; they are just evil.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

The media gets him; they are just evil.

Howard said...

The media gets him. He is a loser riding a roller coaster. No more aids making sandwiches is a symbol that he is no longer part of a team bigger than any one man.

I love the stories on how udderly destroyed Mrs. Almost-but-not-Quite First Lady Ann of a Thousand Campaigns. She is too depressed to get off on one of her horseys and leaves Mitt alone on the coaster.

Oh the Humanity

bagoh20 said...

"Romney is an ass hole who is almost perfect at hiding his ass holeness"

Well, at least you have that first part in common.

chickelit said...

pbAndjFellowRepublican said...
BTW altcons, Romney is an ass hole who is almost perfect at hiding his ass holeness, so that he could be POTUS.

Most people clench and hide theirs, but you seem to put yours on full display as if begging for violation.

Mutaman said...

Now Mitt can focus on serious stuff- like baptising Anne Frank.

Kirk Parker said...

"... Mitt Romney or the movement he began in 2012."

What movement was that?

"That's how you can tell they're Greeks. "

That, plus smelling faintly of Windex.

Amartel said...

The election is over but the political sniping never stops. And these are the chin-scratching fuckers who lecture everyone about untruthful campaign attack ads.

James said...

Is it just my aging eyes, or is that photo a bad photoshop job? (or am I two steps behind everyone, again?)

Perhaps its your aging eyes ;)

The photo wasn't edited in Photoshop. If you observe the specular reflections you can determine the direction the light was coming from. The "halo" says the shot was made with the sun behind them creating what photographers call "back lighting or rim lighting."

The haloing around the heads; the specular highlights across the back of his shoulders, the back of his seat, and the reflections from the tracks all match and indicate that the sun was behind them. So I'm guessing the photo was taken in mid to late afternoon.

What is odd to me is that the left side of all three faces are well lit suggesting that the sun was coming from a north-west direction which is unlikely at this time of year. So I think the "fill lighting" on the left side of their faces is provided by the sun reflecting off the rock wall.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You know who cares? the man with 54 Christmas trees. Christmas trees that cannot be called Christmas tress because Christianity must be cleansed, homogenized and sanitized for popular consumption.
Celebrate it anyway, with the day off, but don't look at the real meaning. Your new god is in the White House.

Methadras said...

The left are scum. More proof at WaPo.

Michael K said...

"If the guy was cvoered by Obama care, he wouldnt need a friend to empty his bed pan."

Boy are you in for a shock in 2014 !

Michael K said...

" pbAndjFellowRepublican said...
BTW altcons, Romney is an ass hole who is almost perfect at hiding his ass holeness, so that he could be POTUS. It's sad that you couldn't see this, but others could, and did."

Whereas you are not very good at it.

Romney might end up as the bankruptcy trustee for the US of A when Obama gets through but, if I were him, I would turn it down.

le Douanier said...

Oh no!!

Mitt in shorts.

Not only did Althouse's guy lose, but now he's a double loser (in her eyes). Shorts!

Known Unknown said...

Too be fair, there is no one in front of him on the roller coaster.

He rides alone.

Known Unknown said...

appeal to him as a private businessman who wants to help people through job growth and opportunities, and not ideologically driven (like Obama is).

Even Steve Jobs couldn't really get through to Obama.

Nora said...

"Are they only pretending not to understand or does it truly escape them?"

Jornos only required to write/talk about empathy. To feel it is above their grade.

Joe Schmoe said...

The WaPo writer forgot to add the part where Romney sat on his couch for three days straight, eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream and watching Jennifer Aniston movies.

That cheered him up a little, and afterwards he was seen singing into a spatula and dancing around the kitchen to an Aretha Franklin tune.

Rusty said...

chickelit said...
@Rusty: The USS Midway is another stellar attraction in San Diego.

Something else to do while the girls are off to gloveland.

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