December 2, 2012
"President Obama honors Rosa Parks anniversary with picture of himself."
Noooo! This is so bad, I'm embarrassed for him. I want to say he meant to honor Rosa Parks, and he was thinking of the people who would feel uplifted to see the President engaging in this... this... gesture. Obviously, somebody advising him thought this was a good idea. Maybe he just sat down and got all thoughtful and the photographer caught a moment in which he just happened to look like the famous picture of Rosa Parks.... Maybe.... I don't know. I feel embarrassed for him. But... it's a question of taste. He meant well. Some will find this touching. Look away if it troubles you...
1 – 200 of 257 Newer› Newest»No, he doesn't mean well.
That's the female mistake. It comes up all over but does the most damage in politics.
The man is shameless.
Maybe next year he will dress up like her.
He's just thinking about who's left to toss underneath.
I always wonder why there isn't more said about how he's not African-American in the sense that is usually meant. Why does he get credit from the black community for a heritage that he doesn't actually have? Were his ancestors sold down the Mississippi? Did he have family that suffered under Jim Crow? Anyone ever burn a cross in his granddad's yard? How about did anyone in his family participate in that bus boycott? No on all counts. His African blood has been a net positive his whole life, but he still gets to cash in as though he were Nelson Mandela. It's embarrassing and insulting to those who actually fought for civil rights. (Like, you know, Mitt Romney's father.)
He won/expect mucho more pics.
Sucks, but oh well.
Well, he is the first black President.
He represents something extremely huge in terms of what Rosa Parks started.
That is objectively true.
I don't like him personally or as president, but for him to connect his experience with hers is, I think, a fairly good connection.
A better picture would be to have him in that pose in Air Force One. To show what the Civil Rights movement has accomplished.
The creature is so intoxicated with himself that it guarantees his second term will be very dangerous indeed. Of course there's always the chance that his much ballyhooed "niceness" will reign him in ha ha ha ha ha.
Althouse, it's gonna be a longgg (4) years for you and your con flock. And it doesn't begin for another six weeks lol.
Rhetorical question: Did Republicans hate FDR as much as they hate Obama?
Quintus Arrius ~ Your eyes are full of hate, forty-one. That’s good. Hate keeps a man alive It gives him strength.
Quintus Arrius ~ Judah Ben-Hur. Let me die.
Judah Ben-Hur ~ We keep you alive to serve this ship. Row well and live ...
Eh, he means well, and no one was actually hurt by this, so, no harm, no foul.
"His African blood has been a net positive his whole life, but he still gets to cash in as though he were Nelson Mandela. It's embarrassing and insulting to those who actually fought for civil rights. (Like, you know, Mitt Romney's father.)"
No it's not. Your bitterness sure is showing though.
I recommend not looking @ news the next 4 yers.
it will be too depressing.
Think 2016.
If you look at the picture of Parks, she does kinda look like him.
New conspiracy theory. Obama is the son of Rosa Parks.
Keep on pretending that a Republican photographed in the same pose wouldn't be driven from public life.
"The personal moment for Obama at the Ford Museum was not captured by White House press corps photographers, who were kept on the sidelines of the event."
The arrogance is breathtaking.
Or rein him in. Or both.
"His African blood has been a net positive his whole life, but he still gets to cash in as though he were Nelson Mandela. It's embarrassing and insulting to those who actually fought for civil rights. (Like, you know, Mitt Romney's father.)"
This right here is why Obama won. Ann used the phrase "ugly".
Again Althouse, on the bright side another (4) years of your con lemmings hating Obama = mega blog hits ...
Indeed, it's all good as depressed folk buy more stuff :-P to make them feel better.
What Erika said. I doubt that, in his mind's eye, Obama sees himself as black at all. Certainly not in the way that a Jesse Jackson, Ali, or Tupac would. I guess in that sense he is indeed our first post-racial President. Unfortunately he understands all too well how to use the color of his skin for his own glory. Real people of color however, are just there to be manipulated and treated with benign contempt.
And it doesn't begin for another seven weeks lol.
Oh the humanity!
Good grief, you all are going to be offended by this picture? What next? This is incredidbly meaningful to the black community, he is a black man who became the first black President of the USA. That is historical. The picture depicts the courage of Rosa Parks, who lived in a time when a black American was required to get up and allow the seat to be taken by a white person. It depicts how far we have come. Too far for some.
If you can't see the symbolism of this picture, well there is something amiss or you are trying to create offense, where there shouldn't be a reasonable person.
" each according to his needs."
No it's not.
Yes, it is embarrassing and insulting, and here's why. Those people fought with determination and courage to bring about a country which would not hesitate to elect a nonwhite person to the presidency. They deserve all the veneration they receive for this. And then this guy shows up, the beneficiary of all that work, and turns out to be a miserable incompetent and a petty, vain main who demonstrates no respect or humility for those whose effort, sacrifices and risk made his own charmed life possible. A pure embarrassment.
Yes, sure Erika, that's why he got 95+% of the black vote, right? They sure do resent him.
"A pure embarrassment."
To you perhaps but certainly not to the living civil rights pioneers who say the opposite.
Nice touch with the diminishing font.
To you perhaps but certainly not to the living civil rights pioneers who say the opposite.
Chapter and verse, please.
I'm sure that not one single black person voted for him out of a sense of obligation.
Rest assured Inga we see the symbolism.
Yes, sure Erika, that's why he got 95+% of the black vote, right?
Because in this, as in so many other vital statistics, the black community sure has got its shit together!
Hillary 2016 !!!
Inga loves idolatry. She always defends it, she never condemns it.
And you know what? I don't even have a problem with that picture. If he wants to have a little introspective moment thinking about the past or about what his life would have been like sixty years ago or about the price of tea in China, good for him. I think a photographer thought he had a nice shot and took it. Whatever. But what interests me is the fact that apparently I'm not allowed to think out loud about Obama and race without you idiot hysterics jumping up and down and insinuating that I'm a racist. Fuck off, both of you.
What a dick.
I always wonder why there isn't more said about how he's not African-American in the sense that is usually meant
Erika makes an important point. The physical characteristics of a person [skin color, hair, eyes etc] do not make you a part of that culture, or sub culture. African Americans have a long and unique cultural experience. Just being Black or African looking doesn't make you an African American. What you are is a product of your upbringing, culture, shared experiences, history and family traditions.
Obama is no more African-American than someone from Sierra Leone or New Guinea.
Even though my ancestors are genetically similar to the Basques or doesn't make me a Basque.
The idea that you can determine what someone is like based on their skin color has a name.....let me think.....what is it????
Oh! I know. Racism.
@Inga: Did Bush do anything like this? Did Reagan?
Reagan had many worshipers, but the man himself never did stuff like this.
It's deplorable.
Young Hegelian, so 95% of Black voters who voted for him are just dumb ignorant blacks, gotcha. I guess Hispanics and Asians don't have their shit together either. Only white conservatives do, yup. That's why Romney got 47% of the vote, how fitting, I'd say.
Obama just needs to get humble. Humility is not his strong suit.
@Inga: Obama actively encouraged identity politics.
so 95% of Black voters who voted for him are just dumb ignorant blacks,
And 100% of White voters who voted for him are pretty damned dumb too.
See. No racism here. Just prejudice against the terminally stupid.
shiloh said...
Althouse, it's gonna be a longgg (4) years
It will be if you keep posting.
Erika, you're just mad that you showed your true "colors", but feel free to continue, I'm not about to tell you to shut up. Why should I, I think its great that you let the mask slip here on a public forum.
Keep on keepin' on, Althouse conservatives.
DBQ, your ad nauseam, childish hyperbole aside ...
I feel your pain!
" I'm not allowed to think out loud about Obama and race without you idiot hysterics jumping up and down and insinuating that I'm a racist."
You're allowed to do what you want. I'm allowed to call your comments ugly.
47% !!! Love it.
Obama is a megalomaniac.
Obama's NOT in the back of the bus, and is alone all by his pristine self.
Calling someone is a racist is a very serious charge, and as the parent of a biracial child, it really fucking pisses me off. Would you care to substantiate your slander, you fucking old bitch, Inga?
Tell me all about my "true colors," Inga, since you know my heart so well, Mystery Internet Lady.
I think it's a ridiculous picture.
I wonder, though, what blacks think about it. Obama is black(ish). Parks was black. Maybe there's something here I'm not getting.
No, Inga, I just don't understand why monolithic voting is viewed as ANYTHING but pathological, when practiced by any group. But, there is no community as guilty of this as blacks. And it shows in the health of their communities, because one party rule becomes corrupt party rule in no time.
And since when did the charge of "false consciousness" against a group of our fellow citizens become verboten? It's widely used on your side/
Odd, though, don’t ya think, that this cringe worthy self-aggrandizing seems to work.
For all the talk of demographic changes in the electorate, perhaps the more significant change is that we now rely on media to convey, in the most simple-minded means possible, how we should think and feel.
...and we’re too damn lazy to question it.
Inga said...
Young Hegelian, so 95% of Black voters who voted for him are just dumb ignorant blacks, gotcha. I guess Hispanics and Asians don't have their shit together either. Only white conservatives do, yup. That's why Romney got 47% of the vote, how fitting, I'd say.
It's not my fault you're stupid.
The ghost of Chester Allen Arthur is jubilant! In four very short years he will no longer wear the moniker as the worst President in U.S. history.
Oh fuck yourself Erika, I certainly hope you keep your mask on in front of your biracial child.
Obama always gives the bestest presents.
2009: "Mr. Obama rather unceremoniously handed the Queen a shopping bag from the Duty Free shop at Heathrow airport. It contained a signed paperback copy of Dreams of My Father, purchased at the WH Smith shop at the airport, a bottle of Johnny Walker Scotch (black label), a CD of the Swedish band ABBA’s greatest hits (still in shrink wrap with a 2-for-1 sticker on it) and ten bags of M&Ms with the presidential seal on them."
Still waiting for you to present your evidence that I'm racist, Inga. I'm listening.
"It will be if you keep posting."
Rusty, you'll miss me when I'm gone. Indeed, Althouse #1 doting, trained seal childishly keeps asking where I was during my short vacation.
Shocking that anyone could ever stop posting cold turkey.
btw, I feel your pain also ...
I like how you say about the nastiest, filthiest thing possible about me and my child and yet I'm the "ugly" one.
"I think it's a ridiculous picture."
The picture was taken a long time ago. Opinions on the picture will obviously differ. I'd guess they would typically mirror one's overall opinion of the President.
Good God, Inga, you've become so ugly since the election.
I don't get it. Shiloh and the rest, all triumphant and rubbing noses in their victory, even as the economy worsens.
It's grotesque, to be ungracious in victory.
Just admit you misjudged her and get on. Especially you, having been so wounded when accused of faking a military daughter.
You don't need facts or experience when you've got the right ideas. You've just got to get your guy in power.
The sins of the past are swept away and you get busy on the magic redistribution machine...riding that wave of public sentiment and demonizing your enemies.
Of course conservatives, if they want power back, will have to earn it, and that takes time, deeo thought, hard work and decency.
Such is politics. It's a trick to keep it out of the hands that want it.
Erika, calm the fuck down. I first of all I did not call you a racist, secondly I did not say anything about your child. You are good at handing it out, but you don't take it well do you?
Reread what you said in your first couple of comments, reflect on it, calmly, not hysterically.
Shiloh, Bagoh was quite right.
Your posts are the exact same every day.
Do you have a Word macro for them?
Inga at 7:40
Oh fuck yourself Erika, I certainly hope you keep your mask on in front of your biracial child.
Inga at 7:48
Erika, calm the fuck down. I first of all I did not call you a racist, secondly I did not say anything about your child.
If there's anything worse than a combination of stupid, dishonest, smug and stubborn, I don't know what it is.
How about you reflect on that.
"Erika, calm the fuck down. I first of all I did not call you a racist, secondly I did not say anything about your child."
Of course you did:
"Erika, you're just mad that you showed your true "colors", but feel free to continue, I'm not about to tell you to shut up. Why should I, I think its great that you let the mask slip here on a public forum."
"Oh fuck yourself Erika, I certainly hope you keep your mask on in front of your biracial child."
The picture was taken a long time ago..
Yes, but it was dredged up & used for this occasion by the WH, NOT by the reporter!
The Prof's reasons for thinking this in bad taste still remain, and I agree with them.
To show my bi-partisanship in my judgements of bad taste, I think that the "hymn" "The Mansions of the Lord." should not have been played at Reagan's funeral. Commander in chief and veteran that he was, I think that song is reserved for those who have either seen battle or preferably for those who have died in it.
Pogo, it's ugly to make an issue out of this photo and few of us are pointing that out. It's been non stop hate and demonization of the Obama presidency from day one, it continues, gets bolder, more ugly daily. Conspiracies, lies and nastiness from the right, really it's become sickening.
You don't see any of that being ugly?
No my dear...that's WHO HE know the one who LET citizens die in Benghazi...the one who could give a rip about the debt...the one you voted to class I go...
Pogo, I recommend Perfect Keyboard (really) for shortcut typing. It's difficult to describe how well it works until you've used it.
Maybe the lefties here can get a group discount.
Reminds me of Obama putting references to himself to all biographies of us presidents on the White House web page. Clearly, affirmative action president had a deep complex of his inferiority and I must add that itis richly deserved.
Comment from the 53 percent.
"You don't see any of that being ugly?"
That is important, but has little to do with you suggesting she's a racist and bringing her kid up like that.
It was a mistake.
Just apologize and move on.
Conspiracies, lies and nastiness from the , really it's become sickening.
You don't see any of that being ugly?
If this were W's presidency, we'd all be saying Welcome to my world.
Inga, but if the shoe fits, then what choice have we got? Obama is what he is, it's not our fault you elected a narcissistic imbecile. Next time you need to be more careful when you choose the president.
Inga said...
You don't see any of that being ugly?
You have a very short memory, Igna. You were cheerleader numero uno for Ritmo who got on here daily to during the election, making up shit about Romney.
Now that the election is over, you expect us to join you in fluffing the President's ego? Is that it, Inga?
Obama always gives the bestest presents.
2009: "Mr. Obama rather unceremoniously handed the Queen a shopping bag from the Duty Free shop at Heathrow airport. It contained a signed paperback copy of Dreams of My Father, purchased at the WH Smith shop at the airport, a bottle of Johnny Walker Scotch (black label), a CD of the Swedish band ABBA’s greatest hits (still in shrink wrap with a 2-for-1 sticker on it) and ten bags of M&Ms with the presidential seal on them."
As a DAR brat, I'm all for that
Pogo, why should I apologize? I have nothing to apologize over, I am concerned for her Biracial child after reading her first two comments and that's the ugly truth.
The picture was taken a long time ago.
That doesn't have much bearing on its being ridiculata.
Chickelit, what is it with you and Ritmo? I don't recall him making up a thing about Romney, nor do I think what he had to say about Romney made Romney lose the election.
Romney and the Republican Party did that all by themselves.
It's not bad PR-wise. You must hit people over the head with your marketing message. Coke is it; Obama is it.
It's only bad if you think historically, ethically, and morally.
Inga, as for the political principles you espouse, I'd suggest that they might compel you to think of any doubt cast against Obama's bus photo as against 'the cause.'
But is your cause that of black folks? Does your life and historical experience reflect that struggle or do you think of yourself in that struggle because of the ideas you hold?
Do all black folks fit into a category about which politics is a vehicle to unite you and other people? Most I know support Obama, but not all.
My concern is that there's a trail of tears, crippled, planned economies, less liberty, less resources, incompetent management and politicized money in a progressive's political philosophy.
You often know you will be in a small minority here, but even if so, why keep debasing yourself with nasty comments and assumptions?
You're not speaking well for 'the cause' and frankly this is the main reason I don't want progressives anywhere near power, aside from the principled objections.
Good grief, you all are going to be offended by this picture?
I'm not offended, I'm amused. This was so obviously staged, the only way it could have been better was if they'd had some skinny pasty-faced Secret Service agent go sit in the seat behind him.
Personally, I'm waiting for him to start posing a la Messr. Bonaparte....
Inga said...
Oh fuck yourself Erika, I certainly hope you keep your mask on in front of your biracial child.
My God you're a real hag tonight, Igna.
Imagine if snl regained their sense of humor and decided to make fun of Obama. The poor shuck makes 10 times more gaffes than bush and yet he is still untouchable. On the positive note, the Russian saying describes this perfectly -don't touch the shit if you don't want it to stink
Bottom line Althouse, your cons already hate/despise Obama. So why are you constantly "attempting" to fan the flames! Rhetorical.
The election's over. Deal w/it as you must to appease your flock ...
Here is another cringe inducing article from Obama and co. Do people who fell for Obama emails and sent money feel good about being taken for suckers? This is really mindboggling that they are talking about how they fooled these people. But it is called political science and how they can trick people to give money and vote. The anlytics people got their money but what did the email recipient or the voter get?
Inga, no, you really do need to apologize.
Does your daughter know about your posts here? And if she does has she let her fellow troops in on her mom's opinions? Or are you the skeleton in her closet?
Ogre is more like it, I think.
Chrisnavin, there is no "cause". Another ridiculous conspiracy theory? Americans voted for the president they thought would represent their interests best and those of the US.
This is sad, really, it just never ends with you folks. It seems that the sour grapes continue to be mashed and mashed and mashed.
It is a bit strange that blacks have so embraced Obama given that he is half-black, raised white for most of his life, and lived out in Hawaii. I remember in the early primaries in 2007/2008 the question was if he was black enough. He certainly hasn't improved black life.
The photo was taken April 18, 2012 on a campaign trip to Dearborn, Michigan by the official White House photographer and published that day by the White House as a "picture of the day."
Obama himself probably didn't decide to reissue the photo yesterday in a White House tweet noting the Rosa Parks anniversary, but he did make the decision to pose in the original "thoughtful reflection" publicity shot.
If you thumb through a few of those "pictures of the day" you can see that they border on the idolatrous and he is no doubt aware of that. I'm pretty sure he likes it that way.
The election's over. Deal w/it as you must to appease your flock ..
But the political struggle for the future of the country isn't. A presidential election is over. Obama won. Is that the end of free speech? Is that the end of politics?
Is the knowledge of Marx so dead on the Left that it no longer realizes that politics are the epiphenomena of larger historical forces?
Bottom line Althouse, your cons already hate/despise Obama. So why are you constantly "attempting" to fan the flames! Rhetorical.
I love a non-sequiter in the evening. Smells like "this dude doesn't have anything but knee-jerk race-baiting in his toolkit."
Shiloh, maybe us libertarians, at least, think Obama would be equally bad at the job if he was as melanin-deficient as you.
Mark, my daughter is an adult and liberal and would most likely say, you go Mom! She would no doubt be as disgusted with the stuff that appears on these comments sections, as a matter of fact in know she is, I've shown her some of the stuff you people say.
President Obama is her CIC, she voted for him twice.
Now it's "ugly" to criticize the president. Wow.
There is nothing racist in Erika's comments. There is some questioning of Obama cynically co-opting the strides black people who showed great courage made at a time when being black was genuinely dangerous.
Erika makes a valid point that many people make and make often. Yes, even black people who are tired of the endless race baiting.
Inga, you are really wrong here, and not just wrong, but vile.
FWIW, I'm concerned about the future of the country, but I'll only get frightened if Obama starts wearing military uniforms and insignia. (Halloween possibly excluded.)
Inga, give it up already. If you need to fight so much, why don't you stick your head up your ass and fight for air?
Not to worry as Althouse keeps going and going and going regardless.
Indeed, it's ok to beat a dead horse as that's what Althouse does daily. To be fair, it's the daily m.o. er meme of most political blogs as critical mass was reached some time ago. In her continuing quest to post anything that "appears" to be negative about Obama. Bless her little heart!
It's how she rolls ...
Lather, rinse, repeat!
No, you folks are never vile, not ever. The hypocrisy is deep.
He's done this several other times. You can look it up. Too late for me. In Obama's mind there's nothing greater than himself. So, what else would you honor something with? To the back of the bus, Rosa.
Narcissism at its best.
Inga, but why would she be disgusted. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. When you attack American dissenters from the Obama regime, you are being very very unpatriotic.
Moments like this say "I'm not really a President, but I play one on TV."
Shiloh, your comment was racist. How dare you compare Obama with a dead horse?
Dissent away, but does dissent encompass lies, conspiracy theories and outright unwarranted hatred? Really?
Mark, I'm with Inga on this. Her daughter serves us all, and Inga's opinions have nothing to do with her daughter.
Don't get me wrong. Stupid is as stupid does. But draw the line for yourself. Nurses and soldiers and the like do good work even when they don't see things the way you do.
Whether or not someone else is vile is not the question. Your attitude is.
Why be vile just because you think someone else is? Do you imagine it makes you smarter or wiser?
Erika is making a valid point and it's made about Obama's use of race, not hers.
Therein lies the rub as a dead horse is never dead at Althouse ...
From PM317's link:
Writers, analysts, and managers routinely bet on which lines would perform best and worst. “We were so bad at predicting what would win that it only reinforced the need to constantly keep testing,” says Showalter. “Every time something really ugly won, it would shock me: giant-size fonts for links, plain-text links vs. pretty ‘Donate’ buttons. Eventually we got to thinking, ‘How could we make things even less attractive?’ That’s how we arrived at the ugly yellow highlighting on the sections we wanted to draw people’s eye to.”
It really doesn't take too much reading between the lines here to come up with the interpretation Even we couldn't believe how stupid our supporters were...
Yep Shiloh, they keep beating it. I'm afraid that if their worst case scenarios don't transpire, they will implode, or is this the beginning of that already?
Bob, true enough. I was trying to make the point to Inga that she'd stepped over a line that I didn't think she would care to have stepped in her direction. Maybe a bad call, but I believe she earned it.
As a white father of hyphenated Americans myself, I'm a little sensitive when people from the Left start flinging "you're either with Obama or you're a Racist" crap.
I'm glad Inga's daughter decided to serve. I'm also glad that Inga herself is retired and I never have to worry about having her as a nurse.
Inga, you're a white woman.
What in the fuck are you doing?
You must have suffered a severe head injury at some point.
You're not black, fool.
Sieg Heil, as they say.
He does look like we're all coming to get him. We are.
Kind of a Twilight Zone look.
shiloh said...
It will be if you keep posting.
Rusty, you'll miss me when I'm gone.
No, but the little weasel will never leave. this is the only place he gets noticed.
The election's over. Deal w/it as you must to appease your flock
Actually, the little weasel doesn't seem to be able to deal with it.
Like maybe we'll find out the truth - that all this new 51% is one big mind fuck and our Little Zero really lost big.
Remember, Saddam got 99% of the vote, too.
PS The trolls act like they get something out of this besides a chance to indulge their hatreds.
They thing they're not going over the fiscal cliff with the rest of us or that IPAB won't give them SRO on the cattle car to Treblinka-on-the-Rappahannock.
Regardless of what I think about Inga/Allie whatever, she does command control of a thread lol. Like Ritmo and a few others.
Interesting most of these tend to be lib or at least anti-con. And Ritmo can be gone for a couple mos. and seamlessly control a thread like he never left.
Again, the yin/yang of libs at a 90/10 con blog.
"Erika makes a valid point that many people make and make often."
Erika was deeply offended that black people tend to like Obama when he neither freed the slaves nor had parents that participated in the bus boycotts. She laments the fact that no one burned a cross in his grandfather's yard as if it were unfortunate...or as if he got away with something.
She doesn't get to decide their opinion of him any more than she gets to decide what others think of her statements.
shiloh, you're making an ass out of yourself... again.
You're white too, aren't you? Another fool.
'Lies, conspiracy theories and hatred' - no Inga, nothing more than telling truth to power. Obama stupidly puts picture in celebration of rosa parks? We ridicule him. Obama stupidly puts references to himself In stories about previous presidents? We mock him again. That's how society puts politicians in the dustbin of history - with laughter.
she does command control of a thread lol
That's one way to put it. The other is to call it what it is; threadjacking and spitballing.
You're right that Progressives do it best.
How many threads does Althouse have to have before people stop arguing with Shiloh? There is NOTHING, repeat NOTHING, that Obama could do that Shiloh or people like him would ever admit was even in poor taste much less wrong. Obamaism is a cult of personality. Thank god Obama is not the worst his critics think of him. If he were, he would have millions of supporters like Shiloh supporting even the worst and most murderous of methods. These people are not rational. I don't know why you argue with them.
As my personal pet trained seal appears. :) The #1 Althouse lapdog will definitely miss me when I'm gone.
And so it goes ...
US electorate 2012: "like a dog returning to it's own vomit"
When the completely empty headed shiloh starts carry on about racism, what is there left?
shiloh isn't just a stupid fool. He's completely empty.
Pontificating about racism by white liberals has become a form of fascism and insanity.
Threadjacking: Changing the subject from something substantive to something inflamatory.
Example: Topic was Obama's sense of self and trouble with optics. Topic became how Conservative = Racist.
Spitballing: Abandoning the topic entirely to engage in innuendo and insults.
Example: You Cons are all Racists!
That's how you "control" a thread in Shiloh's world.
As I said, that's one word for it. And unfortunately, it seems to be how our political class seems to be controlling the terms of debate at the highest levels.
Yes, we are hosed.
Althouse, did I mention it's gonna be a longgg (4) years ... and (7) weeks?
Happy Holidays !!!
Kchiker, it's not my fault that you entirely missed my point and put words in my mouth that weren't there, other than in your imagination.
Hyphenated American and we libs in turn get to mock you and point out your hypocrisy, ah freedom of speech, we libs get to indulge also don't we?
A valid point is valid whether I disagree with it or not. And also whether you disagree with it or not.
There was no racism in Erika's comment. She merely pointed out that Obama did to the history of the race struggle the same thing he did to the space program and presidential biographies and numberless other examples. He put himself center front and co-opted the achievements of others to make himself look better.
shiloh, you continue to be the dumbest, most empty headed fuck on the internet.
Your stupidity is awesome.
Yes, it does command some attention.
Hard to believe that empty headed stupidity of your sort exists. What's even harder to believe is that you take some sort of pride in it.
Now, please entertain us with your canned verbal tics.
Inga, you stupid fuck, you're white!
Go look in the mirror, idiot!
YoungHegelian said...
Yeah, we have some of those stupid supporters here on this very thread. Not just stupid, I guess they have to lack a certain degree of self respect to accept the strategy behind those Obama emails and still end up voting for him. They played these suckers for nothing and everything.
Yes, Inga, you've been played for a fool.
Wasn't that hard to do.
Inga, I'll defend your right to mock when you quit being a complete mindless progressive robot. Make a valid point without using liberal talking points and vulgarity and then we'll see if you have what it takes.
"Inga, I'll defend your right to mock when you quit being a complete mindless progressive robot"
You're the self appointed censor? Do you want the blog to become an echo chamber?
unwarranted hatred
unwarranted hatred? As a white male living through all the feminist and left wing bullshit over the past 50 years, let me tell you about unwarranted hatred.
I'm sorry you had to endure the personal attacks you've received in this thread.
I thought I understood your original point, but went back to reread your first two comments after Inga told you to reflect upon them. Yep, I didn't misread them and can't see anything in them to justify her "mask slip" snark.
My dear Wyo Sis, it wasn't I who used vulgarity first in my exchange with Erika. I don't blame her for using it , it put some real live emotion in her usually emotionless comments. I actuall respect her for expressing herself truthfully even if it was me she was telling to go get fucked or whatever she said to that effect, lol.
We aren't little shrinking violets here, we women get to use vulgarity when we feel it's appropriate.
Folks, Before being a liberal American, Inga is Hungarian. The Gabor sisters were Hungarian, beautiful but stupid. Inga is 0 for 2.
I'm just sayin'.
I don't currently defend her right to mock, but that doesn't need to stop her, and from the evidence we have so far it won't. But, why should she feel she has complete freedom to say whatever she wants without an answer? She'll get an argument when she's wrong.
I didn't say I don't expect the same treatment. You really don't seem to understand how commenting works.
I've suspected for some time that Inga is a drunk. She may also be senile. Maybe both.
Half the time, she can't even remember what she wrote two comments ago.
But, she is bitter and vicious. She attacks like a wild dog, and then expresses amazement when people respond in kind.
Inga, no one is taking your freedom of speech, even it means you are making a fool of yourself by defending the indefensible. Don't try to pretend that you are a victim.
What's truly amazing about Inga is that she seems to have absorbed the Democratic victimization nonsense and applied it to herself.
She's got a chip on her as if she was forced to ride in the back of the bus.
I see a lot of this bullshit. Sycophants trying to place themselves in the victim role, just like blacks under Jim Crow. How white liberals manage this psychotic act... damned if I know!
"But, why should she feel she has complete freedom to say whatever she wants without an answer? "
I think she's quite obviously expecting an answer.
Shouting Thomas, I'm tring my hardest to ignore you, fool. You are the person who race baited Crack so severly and insulted his father that he no longer comments here.
FYI, I do not drink, except on rare occasions. You have the personality of a dry drunk, abusive. You Shouting Thomas are a REAL racist.
Then what's your problem?
It... is... going... to... be... a... lllloonnnggg four years with this stupe for a president.
Recession in 2010, depression in 2013. Way to go Barry.
Broomhandle said...
I doubt that, in his mind's eye, Obama sees himself as black at all. Certainly not in the way that a Jesse Jackson, Ali, or Tupac would. I guess in that sense he is indeed our first post-racial President. Unfortunately he understands all too well how to use the color of his skin for his own glory. Real people of color however, are just there to be manipulated and treated with benign contempt.
Bob said...
It is a bit strange that blacks have so embraced Obama given that he is half-black, raised white for most of his life, and lived out in Hawaii. I remember in the early primaries in 2007/2008 the question was if he was black enough. He certainly hasn't improved black life.
Remember when Jesse Jackson said this:
"Barack...he's talking down to black people...telling n--s how to behave."
And, as DADvocate points out accurately, hatred of straight white men has been the dominant mantra of the left for 60 years.
We've now arrived at a very dangerous point. The left is exulting in its triumph over the hated enemy, straight white men.
We assumed, most of us I think, way back in the 60s, that blacks and women would embrace the same concepts of fairness and justice that white men created. We may have been wrong.
Of course I expect push back for anything I say here. I'm a tough old lady, I can take abuse and have here many times. I get to push back on occasion too and do.
Inga, you are either drunk or senile.
There's very little else I can think of to explain you incoherence, except perhaps mental illness.
I was trying to convey to Inga that she has people here who would defend her. I'm one of them. I really kind of like Inga. But, she seems to take the slightest provocation to create a flame war.
She made an incorrect assumption and then made it worse by doubling down.
If I'm out of line I apologize, but I don't think I am.
Shouting , stop blabbering at me you old fool, Alzheimer's setting in?
Where did you get that chip on your shoulder, Inga?
You're not black. You're white, fool.
You are not a victim of anything. Quit pretending that you are.
CWJ, thank you for your kind words. Most dumb stuff that people say, especially from internet strangers, is easy to ignore, but those comments were at that intersection of risibly baseless and extremely offensive that I couldn't let them just lie there.
Wyo sis, wish I hadn't dropped those F-bombs; too many years living on a Navy base did that to me : )
Althouse said...
Obviously, somebody advising him thought this was a good idea.
Don't think you can pin this on some schlemiel advisor.
Obama has all the instincts of a tyrant, and this is what they do, they inject themselves into everything with any symbolism.
Plus, remember when he told us he could do the job of everyone around him, only better?
Of course, he could simply be communing with Rosa Parks, the way Hillary did with Eleanor Roosevelt.
Inga is either a drunk or she's senile.
She forgets what she wrote about half the time and reverses positions completely within the space of a few comments.
She's utterly vicious, however. She's seems to picture herself as one of those righteous victims the Democrats are always BSing about.
It is a mystery that Althouse still acts surprised at the stuff done by this unqualified, amateur president and his sycophant staff.
Wyo Sis, I don't need you to defend me, if you feel I've said something wrong , you get to call me on it and vice versa. We aren't here for a popularity contest are we? Aren't we here to discuss, debate and fight like hell for what we believe is truth? I don't think anyone here needs to be coerced into an apology they don't feel sincerely.
I respect Erika too much to be fake with her.
Like Inga says we're tough old birds. I really hate the f word though. I think it's weak and vulgar, but to each his own.
I use the Intermountain West 5. Shit, damn, hell, son of a bitch, and bastard, so it's not like I'm not a hypocrite about swearing.
Pogo, it's ugly to make an issue out of this photo and few of us are pointing that out. It's been non stop hate and demonization of the Obama presidency from day one, it continues, gets bolder, more ugly daily. Conspiracies, lies and nastiness from the right, really it's become sickening.
Perhaps the problem is lack of information. When you don't get it, people tend to invent it. Like in sensory deprivation.
Another problem is called confirmation bias. That is, when you think of nasty things, and then you see them, you are even more strongly certain of your position.
So in the former, there have been a number of instances in which information could be forthcoming, but has not been, despite he and Pelosi promised a transparent government. For instance, Obama promised an open forum for the health care discussions. It didn't happen. He used executive privilege to protect probing into "Fast and Furious." And now it seems he is using the press to stop probes into what happened with Benghazi. Now, perhaps he is allowed all these things on account of the deft way he handled his birth certificate. But I don't see why a small number of people's bad behavior should thwart the right of the American people to understand what its government is doing.
Regarding confirmation bias, some people have seen a kind of power grab from Obama, as he uses executive privilege to get what he wants. They see this in the EPA's ruling that C02 is a pollutant, and to use that to shut down coal as an energy source, as opposed to using congress to set the policy, for instance. Or the recent use of executive privilege to stop the enforcement of law to deport certain illegals, and to stop the enforcement of the work requirement for welfare. Or even his recent grab for power to allow the executive branch to set the debt limit.
These things merely "confirm" what we expect, but perhaps they are not particularly unusual.
However, I think much of this could easily be sorted out. Many people are not convinced that Obama's approaches, which have been tried all over the world, and which seem to have failed time and again, will have a positive effect. We know that he got the numbers wrong last time as a president.
Now he has been running things for four years. All we want is to see the numbers for an overall assessment of health of the US. The traditional numbers are:
Unemployment rate.
Underemployment rate.
Median household income.
Trade imbalance.
There are many others, but these are the important ones to many people. You can complain all you want about people being mad at Obama. But if he isn't going to be held accountable to any metrics, how can you complain? If his actions do not seem reasonable, what can you say?
Inga, you don't respect anybody.
Especially yourself.
Read back through these comments, moron. You've debased and disgraced yourself about as thoroughly as possible.
Go clean the shit out of your diapers and go to bed.
Shouting Thomas is an unashamed race baiter who chased off Crack, who was annoying at times, but at least had principles and stuck by them.
Within the next 4 years, even the most far left librul will admit Obama was an unmitigated failure yet the libruls, after all their policies are proven failures, will still wield the racist charge again and again.
Inga, you idiot, go back and read through your vicious, stupid comments in this thread.
When a person beshits herself this badly, I recommend shutting up.
Inga, I think you really do need me, or someone, to defend you. You want to look a lot tougher than you are. I'll go right on defending you if you need it. And, I'll go right on calling you on your bullshit if you need it.
Rusty, you'll miss me when I'm gone. Indeed,
I don't miss you when you're here.
Thanks for saying what I would love to say if I had the skills. You and bagoh and synova and freeman are particular heroes of mine on this comment board.
And nn and both Chips and so many others who bring reason and good humor.
No really you are too kind Wyo Sis, lol. I'm not here to be loved, I get enough of that offline thanks:). As long as we are real with each other, it's Ok, we can sort out hurt feelings over time.
As for Shitting Thomas, go make some bad music, call up Crack and kiss his ass again, maybe he will forgive you this time.
You're a hideous cunt when you're drunk, Inga.
And, it appears you're drunk just about all the time.
I don't believe I used the word love.
Aren't we here to discuss, debate and fight like hell for what we believe is truth?
There is no way to discuss and debate about beliefs. You should read Gulliver's Travel to understand the truth of this.
In my view, we ought to look to positions, or theories and reasons why those are supported by the facts.
Whatever Shitting Tommy, so if I'm drunk what excuse do you have for your own behavior, borderline personality disorder? Sociopath?
Who's fighting and what for?
Go back and read your hideous, vicious, hysterical and just plain insane comments in this thread, Inga.
When you're drunk, you're a complete fucking asshole.
Go back and read the shit you typed.
I'm not sure Ann.
The picture depicts the courage of Rosa Parks
No it doesn't.
It depicts how far we have come.
The endless self-congratulation on the left ("We elected a black President!") is annoying. And to continue to take pride in it ("We re-elected a black President!"), I don't know what to say. I feel like assigning The Sneetches for homework.
Dante, the problem is that just like the Consitution and the Bible, we interpret and process information fundamentally differently. Therein lies the reason why continue to be divided, hopefully not so badly that if and when the time comes that we need to come together as a nation, we can get beyond these divisions.
It was the dog.
Who's fighting and what for?
Moooooom, Inga called me a racist and suggested I'm racist toward my own bi-racial child. I think you should ground her!
Thanks for saying what I would love to say if I had the skills
Well, I'm not certain how to take this. I personally do not see anything lacking with your expression: it always seems clear to me and worth reading.
Insofar as the company you linked me with, I'm glad I measure up in your mind, though I will say, those people you mentioned are, in my view, far more articulate, clever, and self-assured.
We assumed, most of us I think, way back in the 60s, that blacks and women would embrace the same concepts of fairness and justice that white men created. We may have been wrong.
There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. - Daniel Webster
Of course I expect push back for anything I say here. I'm a tough old lady, I can take abuse and have here many times.
Want some cheese with that whine?
Take it as a complement Dante. That's the way it's intended.
No, Erika, I didn't mean to imply you were racist toward your own biracial child, I am concerned that your dislike of Obama, the first biracial President can negatively affect your child in some ways you aren't aware of. I know you're a great mother and take your role as mother very seriously.
Dante, the problem is that just like the Consitution and the Bible, we interpret and process information fundamentally differently. Therein lies the reason why continue to be divided, hopefully not so badly that if and when the time comes that we need to come together as a nation, we can get beyond these divisions.
That's all fine. Come up with your own objective measures, express them, and let's see how Obama measures up in the next four years.
I hope you agree the man has an important job, and that some objective measure of his success is reasonable. If you don't, then there really isn't any reason to debate about anything.
Take it as a complement Dante. That's the way it's intended.
Thanks, it makes me feel good =)
Funny thing, Inga, I was neutral toward Obama until he showed himself to be deficient in character and ability. I do not feel an obligation to amend my opinion of him based on his skin color. That would be racist, you see.
None of which is any of your business, however; you greatly overestimate your abilities to A. read my mind and heart and B. have any place whatsoever to pronounce what I should think about Obama or teach my son about race. You can take your concern trolling somewhere else because your opinion means nothing to me. I was initially angry at you for the stupid and vile things you said and that you thought you had the right to say them, but now I just think you're ridiculous.
Absolutely Dante, I can agree with that. As I said before, dissent away, but I get to add my voice to the clamor.
"I don't miss you when you're here."
hmm, Shouting T vs. Inga ... at least it's a fair fight lol.
Oh great, I was wondering when we'd have another of these "cavalcade of Althouse's least-interesting commenters" threads!
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